Article definition. The definite article in a specific meaning

Hello my wonderful readers!

You can probably guess which word is the most frequently used in English, right? Of course it is article "the". And today we will analyze where its use is in English language appropriate and where not. We will study the rules for its use, look at numerous examples, and analyze a table with set expressions that you can always have at hand. And then you can go to and to consolidate everything you've learned here.

Go ahead, friends!

A little grammar

If the article “a” (more about it!) is used only with nouns that can be counted, then “the” is used with all nouns: and in singular and plural; with both countable and uncountable objects .

By the way, the pronunciation of the article also changes depending on which letter the next word begins with. If the word begins with a consonant, then the article is pronounced as [ðə], for example the banana - banana. But if an object begins with a vowel, it is pronounced like [ði], for example, the apple - apple.

When to use

  • If in speech or writing subject already mentioned, then in the future you can use this article with it.

I received an e-mail from my friends. The letter told me that they would visit me on the weekend.- I received a letter from my friends. The letter said that they would visit me on the weekend.

  • With unique items that are one of a kind, we also use the - the sun, the moon, the Earth.

The moon today is extremely beautiful.- The moon is incredibly beautiful today.

  • The article has a special relationship with geographical names. With names rivers, deserts, oceans, island groups and mountain ranges We can confidently use the article, but we must not forget about exceptions. I talk about them in great detail.

The Atlantic Ocean is the most beautiful ocean on the planet. - Atlantic Ocean- the most beautiful ocean on the planet.

The Comoro Islands attract lots of tourists every year.- The Comoros Islands attract many tourists every year.

  • With titles hotels, cinemas, ships, museums, galleries and newspapers We most often also use the definite article.

The Hilton hotel is about to open in our city.- A Hilton hotel is about to open in our city.

The Louvre is the most attended museum in Europe.- The Louvre is the most visited museum in Europe.

  • With adjectives in highest degree comparisons: the most, the best, the worst.

The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is Japan in spring.- The most a nice place the best I've ever seen is Japan in the spring.

The best books I’ve ever read were about Harry Potter.- The best books I have read are Harry Potter.

  • With musical tools and names dancing.

The violin is my most beloved musical instrument.- The violin is my favorite musical instrument.

The contemporary has become very popular among dancers some years ago.- Contempo became very popular among dancers several years ago.

When not to use

Knowing when the definite article is used is extremely important, but it is also equally important to know when it is used. Not used.

  • With plural nouns that can't be counted when we tell something general.

Trees produce oxygen.- Trees produce oxygen. (Any trees, in general)

  • With names own and before names we never use it.

Jinny is very talented. She can play 3 different musical instruments.- Ginny is very talented. She can play three different instruments.

  • With titles countries, cities, streets, parks, mountains, lakes, bridges and islands we try to avoid it.

Spain is mostly famous for its football club Barcelona. - Spain is mainly known for its football club Barcelona.

I dream of climbing Everest.- I dream of climbing Everest.

  • With names sports, activities, games, colors, days, months, drinks, lunches he's not friendly.

I can speak Turkish a little.- I can speak a little Turkish.

I was born in July. - I was born in July.

My favorite color is green. - Green is my favorite color.

  • If we have pronouns this, that, those- We Not we use "the". In addition, with possessive We also do not use pronouns (and the possessive case in general!).

This the ball was signed by a famous football player.- This ball was signed by a famous football player.

Kathy's dress is ready. I've already cleaned it.- Casey's dress is ready. I cleaned it yesterday.

  • With words school, church, hospital, college, university, court, prison we use it or we don't use it depending on the meaning. Let's see an example:

I go to school from Monday to Friday.- I go to school from Monday to Friday. (as a student)

My mother went to the school for a meeting. - My mother went to school for a meeting. (As a parent, not as a student)

  • With titles diseases we can also use or do not use article.

I've got (the) flu. - I got sick.

Set expressions

Both the and a form set expressions, which cannot be changed in any way. So let's get to know them (By the way, if you need general information about articles in the English language, then you should).

I am sure that now that you have a hint in the form of a table and structured rules in your hands, it will be much easier for you to master the ones that I have prepared for you. And after them you can move on. Practice as much as possible, study, learn new rules and improve your English.

And I’m ready to help you with this. The materials on my blog are constantly updated, and my subscribers receive them even before they appear on the site. I’m waiting for you there to share important materials with the very first.

And for today I say goodbye.

Articles are the main determiners of names nouns. Before using any noun, you need to decide whether it is definite or indefinite, i.e. you need to imagine what kind of subject we are talking about: a specific one or any one.

In English, an article is almost always used before nouns:
  • Articles a And an are called uncertain article (the Indefinite Article)
  • The is called certain the Definite Article

Let's consider three cases: when the indefinite article is used before the noun, when the definite article is used, and when the article is not used before the noun.

Indefinite article

There are two types of indefinite article:

a- used before words beginning with a consonant.
an- used before words starting with a vowel.

A noun with an indefinite article represents the name of an object in general, rather than the name of a specific object. For example, a student evokes the idea of ​​a student in general, that is, of a student of a higher educational institution, but not of a specific person.

The meaning of the indefinite article can be expressed in Russian with words such as one, one of, some, any, some, every, any, each.

The indefinite article is used with singular countable nouns. Not used in the plural, sometimes replaced by indefinite pronouns some (several) any (any, everyone).

Definite article

The definite article has a single form: the. Individualizing article the derived from the demonstrative pronoun that- That.

Absence of article: zero article

No indefinite article

The indefinite article is not used:

  • before plural nouns
    an article - articles
  • abstract nouns
    imagination - imagination
  • nouns we are real, uncountable(nouns that cannot be counted, for example, you cannot say: three waters).
    water (water), salt (salt), tea (tea)

If there is a definition before a noun, then the article is placed before this definition:
a story
an interesting story (interesting story)

Substitution rule

Use of the indefinite article

1. Indefinite article is used before a noun when it only names an object, classifies it as a representative of a certain type of object, but does not specifically highlight it.

  • a table - any table (namely a table, not a chair)
    a chair - chair

2. when mentioning an object or person for the first time

  • That"s a pretty girl. - Beautiful girl

3. in a general sense:
A noun with an indefinite article in this meaning means: any, everyone.

  • A cow gives milk.
    Any cow gives milk.

3. with professions:

  • My Dad is a Doctor. — My dad is a doctor.
    She "s an architect. - She is an architect.

4. with some quantity expressions:

  • a pair - a pair
    a little - a little
    a few - several

5. in exclamatory sentences: before a singular countable noun after the word what.

  • What a beautiful day! - What a wonderful day!
    What a pity! - What a pity!

Use of the definite article

Definite article is posed if the object or person in question is known to both the speaker and the listener (from the context, the environment, or as previously mentioned in this speech).

  • It is a chair
    The chair is at the table - the chair is near the table

Try putting the word this or that in front of the noun. If the meaning of what is being expressed does not change, then the definite article must be placed before the noun, and if it changes, then the indefinite article must be placed before the singular noun (if it is countable), and not at all before the plural noun.

1. Repeatedly mentioned when it is clear from the previous text what it is about:

  • The girl was beautiful. — (This) Girl was beautiful.

2. Clear in the situation, when it is clear what/who is meant:

  • The lesson is over. - The lesson is over.

3. Having an individuating definition, that is, a definition that distinguishes this person or object from a number of similar ones.

  • 3.1. Definition, naming the sign :
    This is the house that Jack built. - This is the house that Jack built
  • 3.2. Definition, expressed as an adjective in the superlative form e
    This is the shortest way to the river - This is the shortest way to the river
  • 3.3. Definition, expressed as an ordinal number
    He missed the first lecture. — He missed the first lecture
  • 3.4. Definition, expressed by proper noun
    the Bristol road - the road to Bristol.
  • 3.5. Definitions, expressed in words:
    The stop next is ours. - The next stop is ours.

4. Before singular nouns:

  • the sun - the sun
    the moon - moon
    the Earth - Earth
    the floor - floor (one in the room)
    the sea - sea (the only one in the area)

5. Before adjectives and participles that have turned into nouns, with a plural meaning:

  • the strong- strong, the old - old men, the young- the youth,

Absence of article (zero article)

1. If there is a pronoun before a noun or nouns in the possessive case.
My room is large - My room is large.

2. A noun is used without an article in the plural in the following cases:

  • 2.1. when in singular in front of him there would be an indefinite article:
    I saw a letter on the table. — I saw a letter on the table.
    I saw letters on the table. — I saw letters on the table.

3. Uncountable real nouns.
water water, milk milk, chalk chalk, sugar sugar, tea tea, snow snow, grass grass, wool wool, meat meat and others.

4. Uncountable abstract nouns (abstract concepts).
weather weather, music music, power strength, knowledge knowledge, art art, history history, mathematics mathematics, light light, love love, life life, time time
I like music - I love music.
But at the same time, some abstract nouns that express a type of quality or state can be used with the indefinite article.
He got a good education. He received a good education.

In English, plural nouns may be preceded by a definite article, the pronoun some (any), or the determiner may be absent.

Rules for using the pronoun some

If one of the words can be placed in front of a Russian noun: several, a certain amount, some, some, the corresponding noun in an English sentence is preceded by the pronoun some (any).
If none of these words can be placed before a Russian noun, then there is no determiner before the corresponding noun in an English sentence.

I bought some apples yesterday - I bought apples yesterday (several, a certain number of apples)

English nouns, which in the singular are used with the definite article, retain it in the plural:

He didn't like the present I bought. He liked the gift I bought. He didn't like the presents I bought. He liked the gifts I bought.

The definite article is also used with plural nouns if all representatives of this group are meant:

The city-dwellers often suffer air pollution. City residents (all city residents) often suffer from air pollution. This candidate is not very popular among city-dwellers. This candidate is not very popular among urban residents (not all, but only some).

In addition, the definite article can be used with combinations of nouns and cardinal numbers if they are already known to the reader:

Steven and Mark dislike each other, the two have a fight almost every day. Steven and Mark don't like each other, and the two fight almost every day.

Definite article with proper names

The definite article is used with the following proper names:

    Astronomical names: the Sun, the North Star

    Place names: the South Pole, the Hague, the Crimea

    Mountain ranges: the Alps, the Urals

    Rivers: the Thames, the Oka

    Seas and oceans: the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean

    Parts of the world: in the North, to the West

    Channels: the Panama Canal, the English Channel

    Names of some countries: the USA, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom

    Nationalities: the Russians, the Americans

    Deserts: the Sahara, the Gobi

    City areas: the Bronx, the City

    Names of establishments, unique buildings: the Kremlin, the White House

    Vessel names: the Queen Elizabeth

    Newspaper names: the Times, the Guardian

    Families: the Ivanovs, the Forsytes, the Simpsons

The definite article can also be used for additional clarification:

You are not the light-minded John I knew. You are no longer the frivolous John I once knew. She married George Brown, but it is not the George Brown who owns the local oil company. She married George Brown, but this is not the George Brown who owns the local oil company.

and before nicknames:

Nicky the Tall is a famous robber in this town. Tall Nicky is a well-known robber in this city.

The indefinite article in English

Indefinite article (a) comes from the numeral one and is used, as a rule, with singular nouns denoting countable objects.

The indefinite article in English can have three meanings: classifying, generalizing and numerical.

Article in classifying (ranking) meaning assigns an item to a specific class or group of items:

There is a ball on the grass. There is a ball on the grass. (not a shuttlecock, not an elephant, not a person) It is a golf ball. This is a golf ball. (not for football or tennis) I smell an omelette. I smell the omelette. (not soup or porridge)

That is, a noun with a classifying article classifies an object into a certain class, but does not directly refer to it.

This meaning also includes the use of the indefinite article in exclamatory sentences with the word what:

What a tall man! What a tall man!

and before singular countable nouns with words rather, quite, such And most(Very):

It's quite a difficult question. This is a rather difficult question.

Article in general meaning means that the noun is a representative of a certain class, and everything that is said about it in the sentence can be attributed to other objects of this class:

A limerick is a short comic universe consisting of five lines. A limerick is a short humorous poem of five lines. A kitten is a young cat. A kitten is a young cat.

Unlike classifying articles, which introduce a new concept or information, that is, the most important part of the sentence, generalizing articles only open the statement.

Numerically, indefinite articles express their original meaning of the number “one”:

We could stay in Prague for only a day. We could only stay in Prague for one day. This task will take me an hour. This task will take me (one) hour.

Also, articles in numerical value can take on the meaning “glass”, “portion”, “variety”, etc.:

I'd like a whiskey. I'd like (one) glass of whiskey. Let's drink a coffee or two? Maybe we can have a cup or two of coffee? a very expensive wine

Definite article - Definite article

Definite article indicates some specific, definite object that has already been mentioned, is known from the context, or is the only one of its kind in general.

The definite article in English has the form the, which is read [ði] before words beginning with a consonant sound and [ð?] - from a vowel.

The definite article is used with singular and plural nouns:

1. When we hear or read about an object not for the first time in a given context, when it is clear what we are talking about in a given setting.
A. From something previously said or read
When I was walking I saw a new store. As I was walking, I saw a new store.
The store was so big. The store was so big.
b. It’s clear what we’re talking about in this situation.
The seminar is over. The seminar is over (address to the participants of the seminar they are currently attending).
2. With nouns that are individualized in some way.
A. The only thing in the situation
Could you show me the way to the sea, please. Could you show me the way to the sea please? (Usually there is only one sea in a city.)
b. Clarification
Lend me the book you read yesterday. Lend me the book you read yesterday.
It is the Michael I dinned yesterday with. This is Michael, who I had lunch with yesterday.
V. Substance in a certain quantity
Pass me the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please (meaning salt shaker).
3. With nouns that are the only ones of their kind in general (names of planets and their satellites, stars; sky, horizon, earth (soil), etc.), or in a certain situation/setting (for example, in an apartment - one gender and the ceiling, in the city there is one central park).
A. The only ones of their kind at all
the Earth Earth (planet)
the Sun
the Moon Moon
the ground
b. In a certain situation/setting
the floor
the selling ceiling
The central park is in 5 minutes walking from here. Central Park is a five minute walk from here.
4. Before nouns that denote a whole class of objects (persons/objects), except for the words man (man), woman (woman), God (God).
The eagle is a hawk. The eagle is a bird of prey.
The young ought to respect the old. Young people should respect old people.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God?
Note: The same point is in the material on the indefinite article. The fact is that before nouns in a general sense, both definite and indefinite articles can be used; in some cases they can be interchanged without distorting the meaning of the sentence, but in others they cannot:
1. The article the is used when the attention in the sentence is focused on the generalization of the entire class of objects.
2. The article a/an reflects the property of an object, and not the class to which it belongs.

5. The noun is preceded by a superlative adjective or an ordinal number.
It is the first vacation for 2 years. This is the first vacation in two years.
This is the best movie I"ve ever seen. This is best movie that I've ever seen.
6. Before nouns that denote parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night).
I usually go to bed at nine in the evening. I usually go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.
7. Before plural surnames, when one specific family is meant.
We are visiting the Volkovs tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to visit the Volkovs.
8. Before grammatical names of categories, forms.
The verb is the biggest grammar category in the English language. Verb - the biggest grammatical category in English.
Note: When using the word English in the meaning of “English language”, the article is not used, and when adding the word language (language), the article the is used: The English language.
9. Before the names of nationalities and peoples.
The Russians are one hundred and twenty seven million of strength. The number of Russians is one hundred and twenty-seven million.
10. Before names:
A. Cardinal directions
the South South
b. Polyusov
the North Pole North Pole
V. Rivers, lakes, canals, seas, straits, oceans
the Red sea
the Far East Far East
d. Group of islands
the Hawaii Hawaii
e. Deserts
the Gobi Gobi desert
and. mountain ranges
the Himalayas
h. Famous structures and buildings (except when the name includes the name of a person or place)
the Tower of Pisa
Buckingham palace Buckingham Palace (the name includes the name of the person in whose honor the palace is named - the Duke of Buckingham)
And. Clubs, theaters, cinemas, music groups
the Bolshoi Theater Bolshoi Theater
j. State organizations and political parties
the Greens "Green" party
l. Most of the newspapers
the Times newspaper "The Times"
m. Galleries, monuments and museums
the Tretyakov art gallery Tretyakov Gallery
n. Ships
the Aurora ship The Aurora ship
O. Other names preceded by the definite article
the Metropol (Hotel) hotel "Metropol"
The Moscow Narodny Bank Moscow Narodny Bank
the Bolshoy Theater Bolshoy Theater
the Moskva (Cinema) Cinema "Moscow"
the Pushkin Museum State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
the ArbatRestaurant Restaurant "Arbat"
the Likhachev Plant Plant named after Likhachev
the Baltic Coast
the Thames (River) River Thames
the Mediterranean (Sea) Mediterranean Sea
the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
the Persian Gulf Persian Gulf
the Suez Canal
the Queen Elizabeth II (the ship) ship of Queen Elizabeth II
the Spartak Stadium Spartak Stadium
the Canaries (the group of islands)
the Amazon Amazon (river)
the Sahara Sahara (desert)
the Black Forest Black Forest (Ukraine)
the Alps (mountain ranges)
the Crimean war Crimean War
the Indians (the ethnic group)
11. In phrases:
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the past
and so on.
on the right
on the whole in general
and so on.
the day before yesterday
the day after tomorrow
and so on.
to go to the gallery
to go to the country
and so on.

In English - unlike Russian - special words - articles - are widely used. The article and the rules for its use in English are presented below in examples to make it easier to understand required material. In English there are two articles: the definite the and uncertain a (an) . The article is generally placed only before nouns. The indefinite article applies exclusively to singular countable nouns, but the definite article can be applied to various singular and plural nouns, whether they are countable or not.

First, let's remember in what cases the article is not used. The article is not used if the noun is preceded by (one, two, six, etc), a possessive or (this, that, my, our etc.), another noun in the possessive case (my father's, Mary's etc.), or the negation “no” (Not not!). Examples:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I don’t have a brother.

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Note: if a noun in the possessive case functions as an adjective, the use of an article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name (male name). Paula is a woman's name (female name). It's a children's bicycle(children bicycle).

The article is not used with uncountable nouns, denoting an indefinite amount of substance or an abstract concept:

  • I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee. — I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee ( Tea coffee- at all)
  • Friendship is one of the most important things in my life. — Friendship is one of the most important things in my life (friendship is an abstract concept)

The article is not used with names of sports:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. — I love football, and my sister prefers badminton.

Also, the article is not used with proper names (except for some geographical names, which will be discussed below).

Indefinite article "a"

The indefinite article is “a” / “an” - this is not an independent article, but a form of the indefinite that is used before nouns that begin with a vowel sound: an apple, an orange.

  • The forms a and an are remnants of the Old English word for "one", so The indefinite article is used only with singular nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • When the item is mentioned for the first time. For example, I live in a house.
  • When designating a profession or occupation. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • After: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • If an adjective characterizing it is used with a noun, in such cases the article is placed before the adjective. Example: This is a flower. This is a red flower.
  • Remember the use of the indefinite article in sentences next type

- What a beautiful color!
- What a tasty cake!
- What a good girl!

The definite article "the"

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • If we are talking about a specific subject that we have already talked about, or we understand from the context what we are talking about. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting.
  • With items that are one of a kind - Thesun, thewind, themoontheearth
  • After . For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C – the smallest – the smallest, the quickest – the fastest
  • C, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (BUT: if the ordinal number indicates a number, the article is not used: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • With cardinal directions: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With the surname - if we are talking about the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovs, the Smiths - Smiths
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema/theatre; to the shop/market; at the cinema/the theater; at the shop/the market

Definite article with geographical names

The definite article must be used with the following geographical names:

  • seas - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • oceans - the Pacific ocean
  • rivers - the Voilga, the Nile
  • channels – the English Channel
  • bays, straits - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • deserts - the Sahara, the Gobi
  • mountain ranges - the Alps
  • countries, if the name contains the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, it is in the plural (t he Netherlands) or abbreviated as (the USA, the UK)

The article is not used with the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, cities, continents, streets, squares, airports. Exceptions:

  • theGambia— Gambia,
  • the Hague - The Hague

The definite article is also used with the names of hotels, cinemas, theaters, newspapers and magazines.

We have reflected the basic rules for using the article. There are many nuances, and the scope of one article does not allow mentioning everything. But we have prepared another video lesson about some difficult cases of using the article:

We hope that the above will help you understand articles in English and use them correctly in your speech, but do not forget that repetition is the mother of learning, do not be lazy to revise the rules as often as possible.