Runs a balcony how to waterproof. Protecting the loggia from moisture: how and with what is waterproofing a balcony done? Basic thermal insulation schemes

If previously almost all citizens used the balcony to store old and unnecessary things, now the situation has changed. Apartment owners are trying to get additional living space, so they are converting the balcony space. Some residents install a roof, others install glazing, others insulate the space, etc. However, this is not enough to obtain a full-fledged living space. Balcony waterproofing is required.

Why do you need waterproofing for a balcony?

The balcony is more susceptible to the negative influence of weather conditions than other areas of the apartment. Waterproofing will protect the space from unpleasant humidity, fungus and dampness. If you use high-quality waterproofing materials and carry out the work correctly, you can ensure the walls, ceiling and roof of your balcony reliable protection.

In the vast majority of cases (95%), a concrete slab serves as the balcony base. High-quality waterproofing of an open balcony makes it possible to increase the service life of a structure exposed to an aggressive environment by one and a half times. If this is not done, you may incur financial losses in the future.

Because reinforced concrete has a porous structure, and inside it there is an embedded metal element. At sub-zero temperatures, water enters these pores and begins to break off metal microparticles. Corrosion occurs and the metal is destroyed. Waterproofing prevents destructive processes.

It is performed for floor slabs (processed from below and above), parapet (at the same time vapor insulation is done), and roof (the rafter system is processed).

If you understand the importance of this operation, let's move on and see how to waterproof a balcony in accordance with existing technology.

Materials for waterproofing balconies

First, let's look at the necessary materials.

It all depends on the finish balcony design. If the surface of the balcony is made of concrete/wood, penetrating compounds are used. If polyurethane/stone/tiles are present, a coating material is used.

The types of waterproofing materials are as follows:

  • Cast insulation;
  • Pasted insulation;
  • Paint insulation;
  • Impregnation.

Any of these materials will perfectly protect the balcony space from negative influence water/moisture.

Cast insulation has a water-repellent composition. When choosing it, a heated polymer is used. It is used to treat the floor of the balcony. It can quickly become damaged and lose its integrity.

By adhesive insulation we mean material in the form of a roll. It is overlapped over the entire balcony surface. Joints are treated with special mastic. To give waterproofing strength and effectiveness, it is laid in several layers.

Paint insulation is characterized by ease of use. Another plus is the low cost of the material. However, we do not recommend using it for wooden surface. At sub-zero temperatures it may crack and the waterproofing layer will have to be renewed.

An excellent material for waterproofing wood/concrete surfaces is impregnation. It penetrates inside and ensures the safety of the structure. However, when treating a wooden surface, warm and dry weather is required. The applied impregnation should dry well.

Preparatory work for waterproofing a balcony

Having chosen the material, we get to work. You can entrust it to a specialist, but waterproofing a balcony does not require special qualifications; you can do it yourself and reduce the repair budget.

Except preparatory stage, there are three more: treatment of the floor, the interior surface of the room, the canopy/roof/gutters.

Preparation includes the following types works:

  • We dismantle the old covering;
  • Analyzing the state concrete base, identifying areas of unsuitability;
  • We remove them with a punch;
  • We clean the surface of debris with a stiff brush and remove any remaining cement/old glue;
  • We treat cracks with a grinder. This is necessary so that the new screed fills all kinds of voids. A small crack we expand, large ones - we trim;
  • We clean the exposed reinforcement rust with chemical compounds and remove concrete residues;
  • We coat the fittings with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • We prime the floor surface;
  • Fill the holes with cement-sand mortar;
  • We inspect the roof of the balcony and determine possible places of water penetration;
  • Clean the surface of the ceiling/walls;
  • We apply a primer with a waterproofing material.

Waterproofing the floor on the balcony

Waterproofing the floor prevents moisture from penetrating from below. This is especially important for owners of apartments located on the first floors of buildings. The moisture may come from the basement/ground. We clear the floor of debris/dust and create concrete screed. If the balcony is open, its slope must be 2% so that water flows freely from the surface. Metal mesh we reinforce the screed.

All seams that appear during the work process are filled with mastic 50% to seal. We clean the screed from debris/dust and apply WB primer to it to ensure good adhesion. We cover the moistened concrete with several layers of polyurethane mastic.

We wait for the insulation to dry and lay it overlapping vapor barrier material made from foil. This way we prevent the formation of condensation. We put a wooden frame on top. It is attached to it with self-tapping screws OSB board. Finishing work– installation of finishing material on the balcony floor.

The thickness of the waterproofing should not be less than 20 mm and must extend up to 200 mm onto the walls.

Waterproofing the wall on the balcony

Before carrying out waterproofing work, use a grinder to select U-shaped grooves in interpanel seams and seal them with Hermoplast. This way we eliminate leakage through microcracks. Then we attach the decorative coverings.

Then we glue the foil-coated polystyrene foam tightly to the wall. Second option - regular foam, which we cover with a layer vapor barrier film. Joints form between sheets of foam. We seal them. To reliably protect against moisture, apply 2 layers of mastic.


It is possible that there are additional partitions/other structures on your balcony. Then they should also be waterproofed. The operating principle is similar.

Waterproofing the ceiling on the balcony

We clean the ceiling slab and treat it with an antiseptic to protect the structure from the formation of fungal mold. Then the surface is treated with a coating/penetrating insulating compound. We seal all the cracks and cracks in the ceiling with silicone.

We fill the joints of the wall with the floor slabs with sealant. When finishing the roof with tiles/metal tiles, each joint is additionally treated with polyurethane mastic. It has good adhesion and is easy to apply to damp skin. ceiling surface. We recommend two layers of mastic. The second layer should be perpendicular to the first. After the first layer, the waterproofing layer is reinforced with mesh. We give the mastic 3 days so that it dries well and hardens. This will create a durable crystalline protective layer.

For residents of the top floors, we recommend laying a layer of roofing material on top of the balcony roof or covering it with roofing mastic. We recommend calling specialists to waterproof your roof. We do not recommend doing this work yourself. This is life-threatening.

Waterproofing a wooden balcony

Waterproofing wooden balcony involves treating the boards with a special antiseptic to prevent excessive moisture and the appearance of fungus on the surface. It is allowed to cover the floor with a wall liquid rubber onto the base followed by processing with finishing material.

Waterproofing helps prevent the development of mold and reduce the decorative value of the tree. The material will begin to lose strength and attractiveness. The coating will become deformed and it will be impossible to return it to its original state. appearance. Waterproofing a wooden balcony will prevent swelling and prevent cracks from appearing, which will lead to the destruction of the structure.

The technology of work depends on functional purpose balcony and its view.

In this article we looked at the process of self-waterproofing a balcony. We hope that you will be able to use the specified technology.

Regardless of what material the balcony is made of (reinforced concrete, wood or others), it is exposed to moisture, which, penetrating into the structure of the material, and then expanding when freezing or heating, destroys it. Balcony waterproofing is needed for every owner, private or apartment building. This measure helps to avoid premature destruction of the structure, and, consequently, delay the timing of major repairs.

Moreover, the fact whether the balcony is closed does not matter at all. The only difference is that the waterproofing of an open balcony must be more thorough due to the high level of load.

It is quite possible to waterproof balcony surfaces (loggias, terraces, etc.) with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the technology and use materials according to the requirements.

Types of waterproofing

The different structure and degree of load of the balcony (loggia, bay window, terraces, etc.) determines the division of waterproofing into types. The classification includes the following types:

  1. Molded type of insulation.
  2. Pasting type.
  3. Painting type.
  4. Impregnation type.

The cast type of waterproofing, as a rule, is used only for treating the floor of balconies (loggias, terraces). This is due to the difficulty of applying the composition to vertical surfaces. Besides this deficiency, we can also highlight low level strength, which suggests that this type of insulation can be used for rooms with a low level of load (closed balcony with hard flooring).

Advice! Can be used combined type waterproofing: cast material for floors and any other type for walls and ceilings.

Pasted waterproofing is characterized by the use of rolled material to protect all surfaces of the balcony from the negative effects of moisture. It is one of the most common and sought after types. However, it requires careful installation and an absolutely flat surface. Otherwise, the material may be damaged, which will affect the waterproofing of the entire balcony (loggia, terraces).

Painting type of moisture insulation is one of the most budget-friendly. However, it has its own characteristics. So, its use on the balcony in wooden house Requires regular reapplications. And under the influence low temperatures the material may crack, which will damage the waterproofing layer.

The impregnating type of waterproofing has high penetrating ability. This allows you to insulate the surface of the balcony (loggias, terraces) not only from the outside, but also at the structural level. Suitable for all surfaces, the only feature is the requirement: work on a balcony in a wooden house, carry out in dry and warm weather so that the impregnation is completely dry.

Materials for waterproofing a balcony

For each type of insulation of balcony surfaces (loggia, bay window, terraces) from moisture there is optimal material, widely used in practice. Having chosen one of them, you can begin to directly provide protection from dampness with your own hands.

So, for the cast type of waterproofing, heated polymer is used. Having chosen it, it is worth remembering that it will not be possible to apply this type of insulation to walls.

Pasted waterproofing is usually carried out using polyethylene, which provides both reliable protection from moisture and a long service life of the surface. Waterproof paints are used for paint protection against moisture. paints and varnishes for internal or external works, depending on whether the loggia is waterproofed from the inside or outside. The same applies to the impregnating type of insulating materials.

As for the requirements for waterproofing materials, in this case, in addition to resisting moisture penetration, service life and resistance to other influences play an important role. external factors. The optimal waterproofing layer should be resistant to changes in air temperature and withstand the effects of ultraviolet rays and mechanical factors.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a balcony

Do-it-yourself balcony waterproofing is a voluminous and painstaking process, which, at the same time, does not require special skills in construction. When it comes to providing protection from moisture to all surfaces of the balcony (loggia, terraces), the procedure will include the following steps:

  • Waterproofing the floor.
  • Waterproofing of ceilings and walls.
  • Waterproofing of balcony canopy and roof.

All of these processes are preceded by preparatory work. Before proceeding with direct waterproofing of the room, it must be completely cleared of furniture. Then, the sheathing is removed from the walls, ceiling and floor, and all surfaces are leveled. If any defects are found, they must be eliminated using cement mortar (for floors and significant damage to walls) and putty (for walls and ceilings). The last step in the preparatory stage is to treat all surfaces with a primer to ensure better adhesion to the waterproofing material.

Important! Surfaces are treated with a primer for all types of waterproofing, except for adhesive. In this case, adhesion does not play any role.

Waterproofing balcony floors (loggias, terraces)

After all the preparatory manipulations have been carried out, you can begin to waterproof the floor. Depending on the selected material, the type and sequence of work will differ slightly. The general requirement remains for the absolute elimination of cracks and masking of all seams between the slabs and at the joints.

Then, waterproofing is applied to the balcony, cleared of dust and debris. When using rolled polyethylene, the material is overlapped on the walls (15 cm), then pressed against a wooden frame, into which insulation is optionally placed. All joints between pieces of material are treated with glue-sealant. A floor covering (laminate, tile, etc.) is placed on top of the formed waterproofing layer.

When forming moisture insulation from other types of materials, a hot polymer, selected paint material or impregnation is evenly applied to the cleaned concrete layer. As for deep impregnation or paint waterproofing, it may be necessary to make several applications, especially if we are talking about a balcony in a wooden house.

Waterproofing ceilings and walls

For ceilings and walls, it is best to use an impregnated type of insulation. This is due to the fact that this material has all the advantages for this type of work. Namely:

  • Provides reliable protection against moisture at the structural level.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Insensitive to ultraviolet rays.
  • Not damaged by mechanical impact.
  • Easy to apply.

Impregnation is applied to the cleaned and primed surface of the walls and ceiling. After it has completely dried, finishing work is carried out.

Waterproofing of walls is carried out by applying special impregnating compounds

When using paint-based waterproofing, paint and varnish materials, as well as impregnation, are applied to the prepared surface in one or two layers. Finishing work may not be carried out if colored paint is chosen as protection against moisture.

If the choice fell on rolled polyethylene, its sections are attached along the perimeter of the ceiling and walls wooden planks, and the joints and fastenings are treated with sealant. The final stage is also finishing work.

Waterproofing of canopy and roof

If the apartment whose balcony is waterproofed is located on the top floor multi-storey building, or we are talking about the terrace of a private house, additional care must be taken to protect the canopy or roof from moisture penetration. To do this, all joints and connections of the canopy or roof are treated with sealant. Then, hot roofing felt or roofing mastic, so that, under the influence of precipitation, the roof does not leak.

By spending time on ensuring high-quality waterproofing of the balcony, the owner of the home not only provides guaranteed dry room under any weather conditions, but also maintaining the condition of the finish. The right protection from moisture will postpone the date of the next cosmetic and major repairs for a long time.

The condition of the balcony or loggia must be carefully monitored. It is the balcony structures that are most susceptible to negative atmospheric phenomena, moisture and sudden temperature changes. In this case, the balcony room can be used effectively. It is turned into a mini-warehouse for storing things, freeing up useful space inside the apartment. Some equip there small room, relaxing on the balcony in the evenings, like in an attic: the air there is always fresh. Of course, only reliable waterproofing will provide truly safe and comfortable conditions on the balcony or terrace.

Many people are sure that concrete walls are reliably protected from water by facing tiles. This is not true - moisture easily penetrates the wall under the cladding.

Take care of waterproofing your balcony in advance, without waiting for cold weather or the onset of rainy season. A well-equipped balcony will serve you for a long time. For example, by carefully insulating it, you can arrange a real winter Garden. It's beautiful, cozy and healthy.

The importance of waterproofing a balcony

Now the majority of residents multi-storey buildings started more attention pay attention to the condition of the balconies. This is quite natural. Insufficient control of balcony insulation from moisture leads to negative consequences:

  • loss of the balcony’s original aesthetic appearance, peeling of panels and decorative elements;
  • corrosion metal parts, fastenings;
  • the formation of mold and mildew, accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

You must admit that going out onto such a balcony is no longer so pleasant, and sometimes even dangerous.

The result of the destructive effect of moisture on a balcony in the absence of waterproofing can be the complete loss of the structure’s load-bearing functions. Balconies sometimes collapse! Where there is no necessary waterproofing, it becomes dangerous for owners and others!

The process of preparing a balcony or loggia for waterproofing

The first stage is preparation for isolation. Work carefully and carefully.

  1. Carefully and accurately, without violating the integrity, dismantle flooring balcony
  2. Carefully inspect the concrete slab. Identify all areas where pieces of concrete have already become unusable, have begun to peel off and crumble.
  3. Remove all loose areas of concrete with a hammer drill.
  4. Use a brush with stiff bristles to clean the concrete from any accumulations of dirt and dust to a solid and clean base.
  5. Carefully get rid of any remaining cement and glue.
  6. You can expand it a little with a grinder small cracks to allow the solution of the future screed to penetrate normally into the depth. We smooth out large cracks to a U-shaped groove. All formed grooves must be thoroughly cleaned of debris.
  7. Remove concrete fragments from exposed reinforcement.
  8. Clean the fittings from any rust accumulations. This can be done mechanically, but it is better to use chemical composition. The metal should become clean.
  9. Coat the fittings with an anti-corrosion compound.
  10. Restore carefully concrete covering: both special compositions and ordinary cement are suitable.
  11. Inspect the balcony roof and identify any problem areas where moisture penetrates.
  12. Clean the roof and partitions from debris and dust, moisten them. Remove all remaining paint and glue.

Only after full preparation to waterproofing, you can begin to cover the balcony or terrace with insulating compounds.

Materials used

During the work you can use following materials, tools and compositions:

  • measuring containers;
  • bucket or basin;
  • brush with hard synthetic bristles;
  • perforator;
  • jackhammer;
  • composition of "Skrepa M500";
  • "Penecritus";
  • "Penetron";
  • foil polystyrene foam;
  • sealant;
  • polyurethane foam (without toluene);
  • "KT throne";
  • respirator;
  • thick rubber gloves;
  • protective glasses.

Materials can be selected according to the space you are insulating and your personal preferences. KT throne can be coating or penetrating. Penetrating compounds are only suitable for concrete. When treating a brick or wooden balcony, coating compounds must be used.
Nowadays they also use roll materials based on polyethylene, which are used to cover surfaces. Penofol is in demand.
The balcony floor can be well insulated additionally if you use modern foil insulation. Balcony lintels made of concrete or bricks are perfectly waterproofed by polystyrene foam. Sometimes slabs from mineral wool, but they are not suitable for insulating a balcony, since they are susceptible to moisture condensation.

Estimated prices for materials for waterproofing balconies

Name Weight, kg price, rub.
Penecrit 1 220
5 1200-1650
10 2407
25 5750-5770
Penetron 1 250
5 1350-1720
10 2703
25 6520
Skrepa M500 25 1000-1500

Glazing of an open balcony

Of course, to ensure high-quality waterproofing of the balcony you will need to glaze it. Please note that simply installing double-glazed windows is not enough. It is important to properly equip the outer cornice, as well as carefully seal all seams. For this you can use polyurethane foam, various sealants. Pay attention to the instructions and keep in mind that your sealant will be exposed to temperature changes.

Waterproofing a balcony with penetrating compounds

Penetrating compounds are suitable for concrete surfaces.

  1. First you need to moisten the concrete;
  2. Apply the first layer of a compound (for example, Penetron) to wet concrete using a synthetic bristle brush;
  3. Wait until the first layer sets a little, but does not have time to dry completely;
  4. Lightly wet the surface and apply a second layer of composition. It is recommended to apply the composition in perpendicular directions;
  5. Monitor the condition of the surfaces for three days. They must be protected from temperature changes and any mechanical impact;

The composition should not peel off or crack.

Cover the surface with film. Lightly wet the surface by gently spraying water.

How to waterproof a balcony using coating compounds

When the surface is brick, polyurethane or stone, the penetrating compound will not work. You need to use a coating mixture.

  1. Moisten the partition, the floor of the balcony;
  2. Apply the first coating layer;
  3. Use the brush in one direction, making sure the layer is even;
  4. The second layer should be applied after five hours. Observe the direction: it must be perpendicular to the first;
  5. Reinforcing mesh is used in places where tile seams pass. The cells should be five millimeters. Embed the mesh in a layer of waterproofing;

Also see step by step video for waterproofing a balcony using mastic:

Coating mixtures form a high-quality elastic coating and reliably eliminate cracks.

Waterproofing the ceiling and roof of the balcony

Be sure to pay attention to waterproofing the balcony roof.

  1. Treat the slab with compounds (penetrating or coating);
  2. Eliminate all cracks and cracks. Use sealant;
  3. Additional insulation made of penofol or expanded polystyrene can be attached;

If the balcony is on the top floor, additional work is required:

  • the reinforced concrete roof is covered with roofing mastic;
  • when the roof is tiled or made of metal, mastic is applied to the joints of the materials;
  • the seams between the panels are sealed at the level of the technical floor.
  • The roof of the upper floor is successfully complemented by skylights.

Waterproofing of balcony partitions

Partitions are treated in the same way as the floor. Choose which products are right for you: coating or penetrating. The best option for insulation of the partition - foil polystyrene foam. It is simply carefully glued to the partitions.

Carry out all work on waterproofing your balcony carefully and carefully. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them. Then an excellent result is guaranteed: you will enjoy the comfort of your balcony and be able to use it effectively.

Waterproofing a balcony: secrets, effective methods and useful tips , 2.9 out of 5 based on 19 ratings

IN modern apartment a balcony or loggia often serves as a room suitable for a comfortable stay for residents at any time of the year. To do this, a balcony frame with multi-chamber double-glazed windows is installed in the room, a roof is installed, which is then insulated along with the floor and walls.

To give an aesthetic appearance, the inner surface of the balcony is trimmed or sheathed with building materials, while many of them lose their quality and appearance when exposed to water or in conditions of high humidity.

Therefore, when carrying out exterior finishing loggias and balconies, increased attention should be paid to protection from moisture - waterproofing, violation of which can lead to damage finishing materials and, as a result, financial losses.

Rice. 1 Options interior decoration balconies and loggias

When answering the question of why and why moisture protection is needed on loggias and balconies, it is necessary to take into account that damaged waterproofing of loggias and balconies can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Loss of quality of finishing materials due to constant exposure to liquid - warping and twisting of the finished materials wooden frames for fastening PVC panels, cracking of plaster, peeling of tiles, swelling of the laminate, leaking hatch on the balcony.
  • The formation of fungus and mold, damaging the finish and worsening the appearance of the room.
  • Accelerated corrosion of steel finishing parts and internal load-bearing reinforcement of concrete slabs located in a closed, humid environment without access to air.

Rice. 2 Waterproofing the loggia from the inside during insulation

Main types of waterproofing materials for household use

Waterproofing of balconies or loggias is carried out using materials that differ from each other in their chemical and physical parameters, application methods and cost; depending on the application technology, they can be divided into several groups.


This type of waterproofing is mainly used when carrying out construction work V basements to isolate the floor from soil moisture. On the balcony, it is better to place loose waterproofing in special formwork guides and cover it after application cement-sand screed for fixation. Betonite clay is used as an insulating material. perlite sand, crushed polystyrene foam, glass wool, industrial waste in the form of ash and slag (expanded clay).

Painting (coating)

TO this species include varnishes and paints for wooden floor, epoxy, polymer and bitumen mastics of hot and cold application for sealing wood and coating concrete surfaces. Usually applied with a brush or roller, after hardening they form a sealed and elastic water-repellent film; an example of a material of this type is Technikol mastic.

Rice. 3 Waterproofing a wooden floor in a country house with varnish


Substances deep penetration are absorbed deep into the surface up to several tens of centimeters and form crystals there that repel moisture and allow air to pass through. Hydrophobic liquids resist capillary penetration and can be applied by spray, brush or roller methods, one example being well known in construction industry Penetron, as well as Monolit-20M, Granit-28, Aqua-Top and others.


This type includes rolled materials - roofing felt, roofing felt, polymer-bitumen sheets and tapes (Titan, Nicoband). The material is laid out overlapping on the surface, the seams are sealed with glue or heated bitumen. Insulation is difficult to apply - it requires a burner to heat the joints and skills in working with rolled bitumen materials.

Rice. 4 Waterproofing a balcony in a wooden house using insulation


They are polymer resins that are poured onto concrete surface in a heated or normal state, these include ordinary resin and modern materials(Drizoro Maxelastic Pur). Polyurethane resins cover the surface without seams and are effective in waterproofing not only concrete, but also metal surfaces.

Dry mixes

The most popular class of waterproofing materials, widely used in the construction industry and allowing for good insulation. Dry mixtures are supplied in paper bags and before use are mixed with water using a construction mixer, just like regular mortars for plaster and screeds. Applied to the surface using a spatula, brush or roller, after hardening they form a durable water-repellent film. The most famous dry waterproofing mixtures are Ceresit, Knauf, NTs.

Rice. 5 Waterproofing the balcony canopy with sealing materials

Waterproofing balcony floor

When choosing waterproofing for a balcony under tiles, if you apply it yourself, you should take into account many factors - the cost of the material, the complexity of applying the coating, the need for special tools, the degree of protection from moisture penetration from below the slab. If an open balcony is waterproofed, the operating temperature range of the material is taken into account. For household use, dry mixtures that meet the specified requirements are best suited, and unlike common bitumen resins, after drying, you can walk on the insulation without consequences.

The only problem during application is the need to thoroughly mix the dry mixture with water, which cannot be achieved without a construction mixer. The way out may be to use a household drill or hammer drill and an inexpensive commercial whisk for mixing. The process of waterproofing a balcony floor consists of the following work:

To perform the work efficiently, you should use only clean containers, otherwise individual fragments of frozen building materials will compromise the integrity of the insulation. All dry mixtures are mixed twice with a break of up to 10 minutes to activate the binding components. The time for using the finished solution is limited and usually does not exceed one hour until completely dry.

After preparing the mixture, part of it is poured onto the floor and spread over the surface with a flat spatula 200 - 300 mm wide, the procedure is repeated until the surface to be treated is completely covered. When applying, you must ensure that there are no gaps on the floor.

Usually waterproofing coating applied in one layer; to improve its quality and density, you can use a thicker consistency of the solution within acceptable deviations. The areas where the waterproofing tape meets the floor are especially carefully coated - all cracks must be closed.

Coating the floor with waterproofing mastic

Mastics are the most budget view insulating floor covering, the material is supplied ready-made, work is carried out at a temperature environment more than 15 C and humidity from 60%. For normal polymerization, these climatic conditions must be maintained for 12 hours after work.

After preparing and priming the surface, mastic is applied to it using a wide brush; if the solution thickens, you can use a spatula. The hardening time depends on the thickness of the applied layer and is usually at least 2 days from the moment of application.

Rice. 8 Applying mastic to the floor

Waterproofing walls

To protect walls from moisture, methods similar to concrete floor– after cleaning and priming the surfaces, they can be coated with mastics or hardening mixtures. A good way to seal a wall is to waterproof balcony slabs when insulating a loggia or balcony with a sticker of foiled polystyrene foam (Isolon), which is also a sound insulator. Before installing it, it is better to impregnate the concrete slab hydrophobic composition(Litsil, AVIS, Litos, Aquabarrier).

Rice. 9 DIY waterproofing on a balcony in a wooden house

Moisture protection for balcony ceilings

Ceilings on balconies can be ready-made in the form of concrete floor slabs or installed during glazing by specialists in the installation of balcony frames. To protect the moisture of a plastic or wooden balcony, depending on the type of roof, different methods are used.

  • When insulating a concrete ceiling slab, exterior coating methods outside the balcony are mainly used. For these purposes, it is more practical to use adhesive sheet or roll materials based on bitumen, which are laid on the surface ceiling slab overlap and are connected to each other by heating the seams gas burner or powerful construction hairdryer. To increase the tightness of the coating, the joints are additionally filled with liquid bitumen.
  • If a light roof made of profile sheets, metal tiles or plastic is insulated from moisture on the balcony, when carrying out external work outside the balcony room, methods similar to protection from moisture are used concrete ceiling. Waterproofing a balcony ceiling from the inside or from neighbors above includes coating it with bitumen mastic or gluing it with Vibroplast strips.

Rice. 10 Waterproofing the balcony roof from the outside during insulation

Do-it-yourself internal waterproofing of a balcony is quite simple - it does not require the use of special tools or professional construction skills. To protect floors from moisture on an insulated or open balcony, it is more practical and easier to use dry mixtures; walls can be treated or coated with any water-repellent compounds and materials (mastics, impregnations, synthetic films). It is best to protect the balcony ceiling from moisture with mastics or rolls. self-adhesive materials bitumen-based, sealant can be used to seal cracks.

Waterproofing a balcony allows you to increase the service life of power structures used in aggressive environments by one and a half times. In 95% of cases, the base of this room is a concrete slab. On the middle floors, each owner adds another slab of the same material as a ceiling.

Waterproofing a balcony with your own hands ensures a reduction in the repair budget. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, you can avoid mistakes, ensure high quality of the insulating layer, and increase the comfort of your stay.

Why do you need waterproofing of a balcony?

The porous structure of reinforced concrete in combination with metal embedded elements and reinforced belts inside the structure contribute to a reduction in service life. Water trapped in pores negative temperatures expands, breaking off pieces, creating microcracks. Metal elements begin to deteriorate from corrosion.

Therefore, high-quality waterproofing of a balcony is a technology for the complex creation of a continuous layer across all structural elements.

Protection is necessary for each of them:

  • slabs - double-sided processing of upper/lower slab
  • parapet - a combination of hydro and vapor barriers
  • visor or roof - protection rafter system special compounds

Waterproofing the loggia from the inside allows you to protect the power structures from the moisture contained in the air of the apartment/cottage. It solves exactly half the problem, leaving the outer part of the slabs and parapets open to precipitation. Primers for deep penetration internal application cannot penetrate the entire thickness of reinforced concrete.

View short video will allow us to clarify important points, avoid serious mistakes. The work is quite accessible for a home craftsman; the specialist consultations given below will allow you to plan efficiently, reduce the repair budget, and save time.

Materials used

The loggia is waterproofed special materials- deep penetration primers. They are usually produced in the form of dry or ready-to-use mixtures that reliably clog the pores of structural materials, eliminating capillary suction of moisture from the air and aggressive environments in which operation occurs. The leading products in the ranking of waterproofing materials are the products of the domestic manufacturer Penetron:

  • Penecrit mixture - processing of joints, crevices, cracks
  • Penetron material- application of a continuous layer after pre-treatment of critical areas with the previous solution
  • butyl tape - self-adhesive modification of Keramix for processing the perimeter of the loggia

The first material improves the characteristics of critical areas, seals joints and abutments. The second mixture is applied to the slabs and the vertical surfaces are treated. Waterproofing a balcony in a wooden house, according to metal structures can be produced with the same compositions.

When insulating a loggia, waterproofing should be used in conjunction with a vapor barrier. The first layer is necessary to remove moisture condensed on the surface of the waterproofing. The second layer prevents the saturation of basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam with water vapor contained in the room air.

Preparation for waterproofing

Before improving the characteristics of the load-bearing structures of the loggia/balcony, they must be prepared. For this purpose it is produced visual inspection, which makes it possible to identify loose, weak foundations and the degree of resource depletion of structural materials.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of an open balcony begins with removing dirt, greasy stains, dust removal. After which, the perimeter is covered with butyl tape, half of the width of which is applied to vertical structures (parapet, side walls, panoramic glazing frames).

Further waterproofing of the floor on the balcony occurs in stages:

  • moistening - the slab is treated with a damp brush or roller
  • reinforcement of corners - in places where the slab meets vertical structures They are treated with a deep penetration primer and re-glued with Keramix tape.

The main task that waterproofing solves when insulating a balcony is to prevent moisture from penetrating into the heat insulation layer. When wet, some of them sharply increase thermal conductivity, negating the cost of insulation. For example, with an increase in humidity for every 2% basalt wool loses up to 10% of thermal resistance.

Loggia waterproofing technology

Surface treatment with insulating materials is carried out in the following sequence:

Waterproofing an open balcony allows you to extend the life of the flooring (usually porcelain stoneware or decking boards). Integrated glazing of all balconies of the building significantly increases the service life of the slabs, which receive reliable protection from precipitation. In this case, even without bottom coating bitumen mastics, primers, the slabs last longer, there is no cracking, corrosion of the reinforcing belt, embedded elements.

Waterproofing a wooden balcony is relevant in log, panel, panel, and half-timbered cottages. Most often, transparent compounds are used to preserve the unique texture of wood or wood-containing boards (OSB, chipboard).

When applying any waterproofing material to wooden structures, it is necessary to take into account that this reduces the vapor permeability of the building. Accordingly, the environmental friendliness of the home will be lower, however, it is sacrificed to increase the service life.

Structural differences between balconies/loggias

Despite the external similarity of the loggia and balcony, the design is sharply different in both cases:

  • The loggia slabs rest on the side walls, due to which their resource increases, it is possible to place a certain amount of furniture, attach the structure to interior spaces, high-quality insulation
  • balcony slab- this is a console pinched at one end in brickwork outer wall, heavy parapets and glazing are inappropriate here triple glazed windows, economically ineffective insulation

Enormous heat losses are created through the lower and upper plates; when insulated, the owner receives a room the size of a shoebox worth the cost of a used car. The budget is wasted, the thickness of the floor, ceiling, parapet is increased, and strength is reduced power frame building.

Waterproofing the loggia floor is necessary in any case - both when choosing insulation and in its absence. Moreover, one balcony slab in multi-storey buildings operated by two neighbors:

  • for the lower owner it serves as a ceiling
  • the upper owner has sex

High-quality protection of reinforced concrete structures is only possible with double-sided treatment with a deep penetration primer or covering with a membrane, roll material. In practice, floors are usually waterproofed with membranes, ceilings are impregnated liquid formulations. Waterproofing of balconies and loggias is carried out regardless of the floor and ceiling coverings used. Vapor barrier should be used only if there is a thermal insulation layer.

On open balconies waterproofing is a vital necessity, since the amount of precipitation in contact with the materials of power structures increases sharply.

Waterproofing the balcony canopy helps prevent moisture from penetrating the glazing elements. It is especially important to coat the top seam when choosing wooden frames, for which professional builders The following materials are recommended:

  • impregnation - transparent modifications that preserve the texture of wood, emphasizing the pattern favorably
  • paint - oil or enamel
  • varnish - applied to previously treated with drying oil wooden elements after complete drying

Treatment wooden structures flame retardants, antiseptics, combined compounds (for example, Fire and Bioprotection) dramatically increase the service life of structures. Waterproofing the balcony from the inside must be combined with external protection parapet, slabs, canopy. Only in this case the service life will be maximum and there will be no need for operating costs or periodic repairs.