A bullish heart in a person causes. Causes of a bovine heart in humans, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

A pathologically large heart is otherwise called a bovine heart. In cardiology, the term cardiomegaly is used. In most cases, the disease develops after regular consumption of beer.

A strong increase in the heart muscle occurs in some diseases. In any case, an organ weighing 1 kg cannot cope with the pumping function.

Why is there a greatly enlarged heart

For adequate work, the size of the heart must be within the normal range. Only under this condition, the body fully pumps blood. If its departments are hypertrophied, the functional ability decreases. In cardiology, with a greatly enlarged organ, the term cardiomegaly is used. Doctors call it a bull's heart.

Causes of occurrence:

  • insufficiency of aortic valves;
  • congenital defects;
  • hypertonic disease.

Attention! Cardiomegaly slowly develops with frequent drinking of beer. Therefore, doctors call it a beer heart.

When drinking 3 liters of alcohol per day, the heart muscle is overloaded. The body has to pump much more fluid. And then the compensatory possibilities turn on - the heart is forced to double in size. His chambers are expanding.

Although the size of the organ is increased during illness, the volume of the working mass decreases sharply. Muscle cells, cardiocytes, are replaced by dense connective tissue.

Attention! With a bullish heart, the muscle is not able to stretch. Therefore, she does not have enough power for a full reduction. As a result, the myocardium becomes flabby and wears out. There is a risk of developing heart failure.

At the beginning of the disease, the organ copes with the load, and its owner does not experience difficulties. However, there comes a time when the weakened heart muscle is unable to expel the normal volume of blood for each contraction. This means that the fluid stagnates in the legs, lungs, liver. In medical terms, heart failure begins to develop. Signs are shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). The liver increases in size, there are various violations of the heart rhythm.

Most beer drinkers get fat because the "drink" is high in calories. Obesity additionally overloads the pumping function.

Who else has a heart enlargement

Causes of bovine heart can be physiological and pathological. The dimensions of the organ undergo changes under the influence of physical activity. An increase in myocardium also occurs with heart disease. The heart muscle can stretch for the following reasons:

  • Cardiomegaly is observed in athletes. Their myocardium is enlarged as a result of systematic training. With exercise, blood flow increases, so the muscle mass of the myocardium grows. As long as a person goes in for sports, an increase in the heart muscle is not dangerous. But if the load stops, problems arise. The enlarged organ is forced to work in the same mode, but without load, its blood flow decreases. Hypoxia develops - oxygen starvation of the myocardium, which is expressed by angina pectoris.
  • The organ is also enlarged in size with systemic collagenoses, rheumatic heart disease.
  • The causes of hypertrophy of individual chambers in an elderly person are hypertension, rheumatic disease, emphysema. A sign of hypertension is an increase in the left ventricle of the heart.
  • Foci of chronic infection, such as tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis sooner or later lead to the development of myocarditis. The disease is manifested by an increase in the organ, but not to the same extent as with a bull's heart.
  • Muscle expansion occurs as a result of acute alcohol poisoning.
  • Cardiomegaly develops as a result of taking drugs that are used to treat cancer - Daunorubicin, Procainamide, Methyldopa.

Interesting! More often, a bull's heart develops in cyclists, marathon runners, and skiers. Less common in wrestlers and boxers. In other athletes, only the left ventricle is enlarged to provide cardiac output. In professionals, the heart muscle increases by 20%, and this is considered a variant of the norm.

Signs of cardiomegaly

Symptoms of a bull's heart are no different from diseases accompanied by heart failure. The change in well-being is noteworthy:

  • shortness of breath during physical exertion - lifting to the second floor;
  • palpitations;
  • difficulty breathing when lying down;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased sweating;
  • heaviness over the left hypochondrium;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • swelling of the veins of the neck, legs;
  • arterial hypertension.

A person with cardiomegaly changes as a person for the worse. Addiction to alcohol deprives him of his usual social circle. Next to him are the same dependent people. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, cognitive (cognitive) abilities gradually weaken, memory worsens.

How to recognize cardiomegaly

In young children, the disease is detected in the prenatal period or immediately after birth using ultrasound (ultrasound). In newborn children, ultrasound reveals defects of a genetic or acquired nature.

When adults contact the clinic, the doctor gives a referral for fluorography. Often this method reveals cardiomegaly for the first time. If the x-ray showed that the heart is enlarged, do not worry in advance. You should consult a cardiologist.

Usually, in adults, extended borders of the organ to the left are detected, which is observed with hypertrophy of the left ventricle and / or atrium. The cause may be hypertension, coarctation of the aorta, mitral valve insufficiency, idiopathic cardiomyopathy. In athletes, the left side is enlarged due to an increase in the left ventricle, which is not a pathology.

Reliable information is provided by ultrasound (ultrasound). Cardiologists widely use safe and exact method investigations during the diagnosis period. One of the types of ultrasound is used - transthoracic or transesophageal. The study shows the state of the heart and pericardium with the level of fluid in the heart sac. Echocardiography shows the size of the chambers, wall thickness, evaluate the condition of the valves.

In addition, they conduct a blood test for hormone levels. thyroid gland. In the most difficult cases resort to the method of computed tomography.

Treatment Methods

Treating an enlarged heart is difficult. Usually cardiomegaly is a consequence of a disease, if not developed after drinking alcohol. The main therapy is to slow down the progression. Treatment regimen for cardiomegaly:

  • antihypertensive drugs stabilize blood flow, help reduce the organ;
  • diuretics;
  • anticoagulants that prevent thrombosis;
  • rhythm-regulating beta-blockers.

Surgical methods are used - the establishment of a pacemaker or the implantation of valves. Coronary artery bypass grafting is widely used.

All efforts of doctors will be minimized if the patient does not give up alcohol. In addition, a person must follow a low-fat diet. In complex treatment, physical activity is used to improve blood circulation.

Prognosis in children and adults

Cardiomegaly in a child is rare. As a rule, it is congenital with a disappointing prognosis:

  • 30% of children die before 3 months of age;
  • only 25%% survive with signs of heart failure;
  • 45% of babies recover.

In children, the causes of a large heart are congenital heart anomalies, infections, or intoxication of the mother with alcohol during gestation.

Attention! In adults, alcoholic cardiomegaly is especially dangerous. After the diagnosis is established, only 40% of people live 3 years. Patients die of heart failure, or thromboembolism.

If fluorography reveals an enlarged heart, consult a doctor. According to which department and how much it is enlarged, experts determine the cause of the pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, additional laboratory or instrumental research is required.

There are a lot of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. Therefore, now, in order to gain sustainable popularity among gardeners, any variety must stand out with something extraordinary or have some solid advantages. Perfection, as you know, is unattainable, but the Bull's Heart variety coped with the first task quite well. These tomatoes differ from their "relatives" in their unusual shape, large (sometimes just huge) size and excellent taste. This is not to say that it will be easy to get a crop, because the variety is quite demanding in care. But the unique taste of the fruit will pay for all the trouble.

Description of the tomato variety Bull's heart and its varieties

The tomato variety Bull's Heart was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2003. There are no restrictions regarding the region of cultivation. But in terms of ripening, it belongs to late or medium-late. Accordingly, outdoor cultivation is possible only in warm southern regions. When planting in a garden in a temperate climate, you can simply not wait for the harvest. It takes 120-130 days for the fruit to ripen.

Tomato Bull's heart is loved by gardeners for its yield, large-fruitedness and excellent taste of tomatoes

The bush is slightly leafy, determinant. This property means that its growth is spontaneously limited at the height "given" by the breeders, a fruit brush is formed at the place of the growth point. Nevertheless, the bush, unlike the vast majority of determinant tomatoes, is tall, powerful and sprawling. In open ground, it stretches up to 1.5–1.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 2 m. The plant will definitely need a fairly strong support and regular formation.
Most often, determinant tomatoes are compact, low plants, but the Bull's Heart variety is an exception.

The first inflorescence is formed above the 8th–9th leaf. This is quite low, and the tomatoes are large. A trellis or other support is required, otherwise the bushes will bend under the weight of the crop or simply break. And the fruits lying on the ground are almost inevitably infected with rot.

Fruits with a smooth matte pink-scarlet skin, slightly ribbed. The shape is irregular, they resemble a heart in the anatomical sense of the word - the tomatoes are oval, noticeably flattened. The minimum weight of the fetus is 108–225 g. But the experience of gardeners shows that with proper care, tomatoes ripen much larger, up to 500–800 g. And not individual specimens, but massively. The largest tomatoes ripen on the lower brushes, the higher, the smaller they are. On each bush, 5-7 brushes are formed, almost simultaneously.
The weight of individual fruits of a tomato Bull's heart is approaching a kilogram

The yield is 3–4 kg per bush when cultivated without shelter and 8–12 kg in greenhouses, but here too much depends on agricultural technology. If you follow all the recommendations for care, you can significantly exceed the declared figure.

Bull heart is not a hybrid. Accordingly, seeds from self-grown fruits are quite suitable for planting for the next season. But still periodically planting material needs to be updated. At least once every 4-5 years, you need to purchase new seeds, otherwise the tomatoes become noticeably smaller, lose their unique taste.
For disembarkation, not only purchased ones are suitable, but also independently harvested seeds tomato Bull's heart

And the taste of the fruits of the Bull's Heart is simply excellent - sweet, with a barely perceptible sourness emphasizing this. The pulp without whitish veins, homogeneous, dense, sugary, granular on the cut, resembles a watermelon. The dry matter content is high, so the tomatoes do not differ in juiciness. Seed chambers are few (4–5 pieces), seeds are small.

The pulp of the tomato Bull's heart is very dense, almost without juice

The Bull's Heart variety cannot boast of the presence of "innate" immunity. Nevertheless, his resistance to fungal diseases typical of a culture is quite good, he gets sick relatively rarely. The exception is late blight, the prevention of which will have to be given special attention.

The skin of the fruit is quite thin, but they are distinguished by good transportability. When transported over long distances, no more than 5% of tomatoes spoil. The lightness is also good. In the refrigerator or in another place where a small positive temperature is constantly maintained, they will lie for up to 12-15 days without losing their shape, pulp density and taste.
The experience of gardeners shows that in the tomato variety Bull's Heart, the fruits on the lower brushes are significantly larger than on the upper ones.

The large size of tomatoes seriously limits their use. Bull's heart is consumed mostly fresh. The variety is not suitable for salting and pickling both because of the sweetish taste and because the fruits simply do not fit into jars. But it is a suitable raw material for the preparation of tomato paste, ketchup, sauces.

For whole-fruit canning, Bull's Heart tomatoes are not suitable, but they make very tasty ketchup

Video: what a tomato Bull's heart looks like

Based on the tomato Bull's heart, many hybrids have been bred. Most of them are included in the State Register quite recently, in 2017–2018. They, like the "parent", are suitable for cultivation throughout Russia, wherever gardening is possible.

  • Golden. The bush is indeterminate. The fruits are more regular in shape, round-cone-shaped. Lemon peel. There are many seminal chambers, more than six. The average fruit weight is 240–280 g. The yield when cultivated in a greenhouse is 13.6 kg/m².
  • Compact. Early maturing hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. The fruits are rounded, pointed at the base, the ribs are almost invisible. The skins are rich scarlet. Seed chambers six or more. Tomato weight - 160–200 g. Productivity when planting in closed ground- 6–6.7 kg/m².
  • Cream. In terms of maturation, it belongs to mid-season. The bush is indeterminate. Intermediate inflorescence. The pulp is less dense than other varieties. The ribs are weakly expressed. The skin is an unusual creamy-beige color with a slight yellowish undertone. The average weight of a flattened tomato is 350–400 g. Productivity is 10.6–12.8 kg / m² when planted in greenhouses. It bears fruit until the first frost.
  • Raspberry. Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate, densely leafy. Fruits without ribbing, round shape. The average weight is 350–500 g. The skin is a rich crimson-scarlet color. Seed chambers 4–6, seeds very small. Up to 6 kg of fruits are removed from 1 m².
  • Orange. In terms of maturation, it belongs to mid-season or mid-late. The bush is indeterminate. The leaves are unusually long. Fruits with a pronounced ribbing, the pulp is extremely dense, almost without juice. The skin is a very beautiful saffron shade. The fruits are one-dimensional, weighing 300–350 g. The characteristic taste is somewhat less pronounced than in other varieties. Productivity in the greenhouse - up to 11 kg / m². Compared with "relatives" it has better immunity, is more resistant to drought. Regular pinching is required.
  • Peach. Early ripe, the very first of the entire series ripens. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. The flesh is noticeably watery. The skin is orange-pink. The fruits are noticeably ribbed. Average weight - 200–300 g. Productivity - 7.8–8.5 kg / m².
  • Pink. Hybrid of average term of maturing. The bush is densely leafy, determinate, rarely stretches above one and a half meters. The fruits are pinkish, slightly ribbed. The flesh is not particularly firm. The weight of the tomato is 250–350 g. The yield is 7.5–8 kg / m².
  • Black. early term maturation. The bush is indeterminate. The leaves are elongated. The fruits are slightly ribbed, almost one-dimensional (350–400 g). The skin is a very unusual brownish-purple color with a greenish undertone. But to get this shade, you need good lighting. The pulp is very tender, almost without seeds. The yield for the series is almost a record - 12.9–13 kg / m².
  • Chocolate. Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. The fruits are rounded, practically without ribs. The skin is reddish brown. The average weight of a tomato is 240-280 g. The yield is very high - 12.9-13.1 kg / m².
  • Amber. Hybrid of average term of maturing. The bush is indeterminate. The fruits are rounded, with almost imperceptible ribs. The skin is dark orange or terracotta. The average weight of a tomato is 350–400 g. 10–12 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m² in greenhouses.

Photo gallery: hybrids derived from tomato Bull's heart

Of all the hybrids in the series, the Bull's Heart Golden variety has the highest yield. The fruits of the Bull's Heart compact hybrid are not very large, this also affects the overall yield. almost not felt when eating The taste of the tomato The orange bull's heart is somewhat worse than that of other hybrids, but the variety has better immunity breeders shade the skin of tomatoes The bull's heart acquires black only if the fruits receive enough sunlight. And the hybrid Bull's heart is chocolate to get a characteristic tone of the skin, on the contrary, it needs partial shade Bull's heart amber is one of the newest hybrids, gardeners are still practically unfamiliar with it

Growing seedlings of tomatoes

The seedling method of growing is the only possible one for tomatoes Bull's heart, this is due to the ripening time. When planting seeds in open ground harvest can not wait even in regions with a subtropical climate. Due to the late ripeness of the variety, they are sown early, already in the first days of March.

Planting material undergoes preliminary preparation in several stages. First, the seeds are checked for germination using a solution of ordinary table salt(15–20 g/l). Those in which there is an embryo are noticeably heavier than empty ones, so they go to the bottom, and those unsuitable for landing emerge. 7-10 minutes are enough to reject seeds that will definitely not sprout.
Salt solution helps to immediately reject substandard tomato seeds

Then they are immersed in cold water, preferably melted water, for 12–14 hours. This is useful for activating developmental processes and stimulating growth. Water can be replaced with any biostimulant. Along with purchased drugs (Epin, Emistim-M, potassium humate, Immunocytofit), folk remedies are widely used ( baking soda, aloe juice, tablets succinic acid, potato juice). In the latter case, the processing time is increased to a day.
Treatment with any biostimulant, including aloe juice, helps to “wake up” the seed germ

The final stage of preparation is disinfection. Resistance to pathogenic fungi in the Bull's heart is not bad, but it does not hurt to play it safe. The most common remedy is a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. But copper-containing preparations, preferably of biological origin, are also quite suitable. These are, for example, Tsineb, Strobi, Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M. The time of dressing with fungicides is no more than 15-20 minutes. In potassium permanganate, the seeds are soaked for 5-6 hours. After that, they need to be washed in clean water.
Potassium permanganate is one of the most common disinfectants

Next, the treated seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, gauze, napkin and provide them with warmth for several days. You can, for example, put a saucer on the battery. After 2-4 days they hatch and can be planted.
Seedlings from germinated tomato seeds appear 3-4 days faster

Soil and containers for seedlings are also prepared in advance. Variety Bull's heart is a good fit for a purchased substrate for Nightshade. If the soil mixes on its own, it must be taken into account that at any stage of development, its nutritional value is important for these tomatoes. An obligatory component is humus, to which about half as much peat chips and sand are added for looseness. Plant the seeds of the Bull's heart in common containers or boxes, shallow and wide. Then the seedlings will still need picking, so you can slightly save space on the windowsill. Both soil and containers must be disinfected. The soil is roasted in the oven or microwave oven, frozen, steamed. Containers can be doused with boiling water.
Tomatoes Bull's heart is quite satisfied with purchased store-bought soil for seedlings

Directly growing tomato seedlings Bull's heart is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The containers are filled with soil, creating a layer 4–5 cm thick. The substrate is slightly watered with warm water and the surface is leveled.
    Both purchased and self-mixed substrate must be disinfected before planting tomatoes
  2. Seeds are planted one at a time, with an interval between them of 4–5 cm, and between rows - 8–10 cm. Sprinkle on top thin layer humus (up to 1.5 cm) mixed with fine sand.
    Tomato seeds are planted, trying to observe the recommended interval - so it will be easier to dive
  3. Containers, if possible, are hermetically sealed with polyethylene or glass to create Greenhouse effect. Ungerminated seeds do not need light, but warmth is important. The temperature in the room is maintained at a level of at least 25 ° C, if possible, bottom heating is provided. The shelter is cleaned briefly daily to get rid of accumulated condensate.
    Polyethylene film creates a greenhouse effect, accelerating the emergence of seedlings
  4. As soon as the tomatoes sprout, the "greenhouse" is removed for good. The temperature of the content is lowered to 15–18 ° С. Now the seedlings need to provide daylight hours lasting at least 12-14 hours. In most of the territory of Russia, the sun cannot be dispensed with, so you will have to use artificial light sources - fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps.
    The phytolamp is placed 25–30 cm above the containers with seedlings at a slight angle.
  5. Dive seedlings are carried out in the phase of the second true leaf, approximately 3 weeks after emergence. Unlike the vast majority of horticultural crops, for which the procedure is a great stress, it is even useful for tomatoes, since the root system of plants is noticeably strengthened after it, which further facilitates adaptation to new environmental conditions. Seedlings are watered about half an hour before it, then removed from a common container along with a clod of earth on the roots and planted one by one in plastic or peat cups with a diameter of 8–10 cm, filled with the same substrate.
    For most seedlings grown in horticultural crops, diving is a lot of stress, but tomatoes tolerate the procedure calmly.
  6. 7-10 days after picking, the tomatoes are fed with any complex fertilizer for seedlings. The procedure is repeated after another 2 weeks. Water them moderately, but often, as soon as it dries. upper layer substrate.
    Tomato seedlings are fed, strictly observing the dosage of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer.
  7. Harden seedlings begin 12-15 days before planting on permanent place. First stay on outdoors limited to 2-3 hours, then extended to the whole night. In the last 2-3 days before planting, seedlings can not be brought home at all. Optimum temperature for hardening - 10–14 ° С.
    Hardening has a positive effect on the immunity of plants, facilitates their adaptation to a new place.

Bull's heart seedlings can be transferred to the ground 55-60 days after sowing the seeds. By this time, the seedlings should be at least 25 cm tall and have 5–8 true leaves. AT middle lane In Russia, when grown under cover, they are transplanted in the first decade of May, and transferred to open ground at the junction of spring and summer. If the climate in the region is milder, the dates are shifted 1.5–2 weeks ago. Accordingly, seeds for seedlings should be planted earlier.
It is not worth delaying planting tomato seedlings in the garden, overgrown specimens adapt worse and take longer

Video: planting tomato seeds for seedlings and further care for it

Planting seedlings and preparing for it

The tomato variety Bull's heart is rather capricious. This also applies to the requirements for cultivation conditions. The place for the beds is selected open. The culture does not tolerate a thick shadow, but it does not like direct sunlight either. Therefore, it is advisable to grow these tomatoes under a canopy of any white covering material.
Tomatoes Bull's heart is planted so that each bush is provided with sufficient area for nutrition.

Immediately excluded are areas where groundwater is located a meter or closer below the surface of the earth. In the complete absence of an alternative, high beds (0.5 m or more) will have to be built.

The bushes of this variety are quite large, the root system is developed. Therefore, no more than two plants are placed per 1 m² in the greenhouse and three in the open field. The interval between adjacent bushes is about 1 m, the row spacing is 70–90 cm. You also need to provide a place for a trellis or other support.

Getting a bountiful harvest is impossible in a substrate of inadequate quality. The soil must be highly nutritious, but at the same time quite light, providing the possibility of normal aeration and not allowing moisture to stagnate at the roots. Most suitable substrate- serozem or loam. If its composition is far from optimal, sand is added (for heavy soil) or powdered clay (for light soil).

The quality of the substrate is also affected by the culture previously grown in this place. Bull's heart is never planted after other tomatoes and in general any Solanaceae, if less than three years have passed. good predecessors for culture are green manure, spices, onions, garlic, plants from the Cucurbitaceae, Legumes and Cruciferous families. And the Bull's heart is very beneficial to the neighborhood with garden strawberries. In both crops, the fruits ripen larger, respectively, and the yield increases.

Eggplants, like other plants from the Solanaceae family, are undesirable predecessors for tomatoes.

You need to take care of the preparation of the beds in advance, even last fall. Immediately find out the acid-base balance of the soil. If it differs from neutral, during the digging process, along with the necessary fertilizers, dolomite flour, wood ash or eggshell powder (250–450 g) are added. To increase fertility, manure (necessarily rotted) or compost is distributed over the bed, about 10 liters per linear meter. Of the fertilizers in the fall, potash and phosphorus are needed - 25–30 g and 40–50 g, respectively. Nitrogen (10–15 g) is applied in the spring, simultaneously with loosening the beds, which is carried out about two weeks before the planting of the Bull's heart.
Humus - a natural remedy for increasing soil fertility

Video: soil preparation for tomatoes

A greenhouse for tomatoes has also been prepared since autumn. If possible, it is desirable to completely change the soil. Or at least add 8-10 cm of fresh humus. The soil is dug up, at the same time getting rid of all plant debris, and spilled with boiling water or a rich raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Glasses and in general all surfaces are wiped with a solution of slaked lime for the same purpose. Or you can burn when tight closed doors and windows a small piece of sulfuric checkers.
Ideally, before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to replace the entire soil, if this is not possible, the substrate is at least disinfected

To enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality in the greenhouse in early autumn, you can plant any green manure (mustard, vetch, phacelia). After about two months, the greens are mowed and embedded in the soil.

It is desirable to plant tomatoes in cloudy, not too hot weather. The soil should be warm enough by this time. It is sufficient if during the previous week the daily temperature does not drop below 17°C.

Previously, both seedlings and holes are well shed with warm water. A handful of humus and a little ash are placed at the bottom. Seedlings are planted so that at least 3–4 cm remain from the ground to the bottom pair of leaves. The bushes are watered well again, it is advisable to mulch the bed. The next watering is carried out only when the seedlings take root in a new place and start growing. This usually takes about 10 days. At about the same time, they will need to be tied to a support. After another 1.5 weeks, it is advisable to spud the bushes to stimulate the development of adventitious roots. Tomatoes in the open ground, at least for the first two weeks, are protected from direct sunlight with the help of covering material on the arcs.
Planting tomato seedlings in the ground is practically no different from a similar procedure for other horticultural crops

Video: planting tomato seedlings in a garden

Caring for tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse

The need for regular and thorough care is considered one of the main disadvantages of the Bull's Heart variety. But for the sake of large and remarkably tasty fruits, gardeners are ready to endure even more.


Tomatoes Bull's heart, if the weather is not too hot outside, watered at intervals of 4-5 days. As the bush grows, the rate is gradually increased from 5–7 liters per plant to 10–12 liters by the time of flowering. In the heat, water more abundantly, up to 15 liters. The best time for the procedure is early morning or late evening. Water is used only warm, settled. The leaves of bushes that do not have enough water darken and droop, twisting along the central vein.

The most preferred method for Oxheart is drip irrigation. It allows you to deliver water directly to the roots without washing away the soil. If it is not technically possible to organize such a system, it is watered along the annular grooves around the base of the stem or along the longitudinal grooves between the rows. Irrigation for culture is a completely unsuitable option. Drops of water that fall on the plant provoke a mass fall of buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. The causative agents of many fungal diseases spread through them, and in the greenhouse they can cause sunburn. And if you pour water under the roots from a watering can or hose, the substrate is quickly washed off from them, they are exposed and dry out.
Ideal for any variety of tomatoes - drip irrigation

In the greenhouse, in addition to sufficient soil moisture, you will also have to monitor the level of air humidity. Variety Bull's heart is moisture-loving, but this only applies to the soil, not the atmosphere. For the latter, the optimal indicator is 65–70%. Therefore, every time after watering the greenhouse must be ventilated. A container of water standing in it is covered with a lid. The room temperature is maintained at 22–25°C during the day and 16–20°C at night.
When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, in addition to the level of soil moisture, you will also have to monitor air humidity.

Proper watering is especially important during the formation of fruit ovaries. Moisture deficiency provokes their massive fall. And about a month before harvesting, it is recommended to reduce it to the required minimum. Otherwise, the fruits of the Bull's heart will turn out to be watery, the flesh will not acquire the taste characteristic of the variety.

Irrigation from a watering can, hose, and any other method of watering, in which drops of water fall on a bush, is not categorically suitable for tomatoes

This tomato shows good drought tolerance, but it's still not worth experimenting. If you are unable to permanently reside in garden plot, mulch the soil. It is also extremely harmful to alternate periods of prolonged drought with rare but plentiful watering. This provokes massive cracking of the fruit.


Tomato Bull's heart during the entire growing season needs increased doses of nutrients. The type of fertilizer does not matter, the bushes respond equally well to both organic and mineral supplements. They are applied every 12-15 days.

The first time the bushes are fertilized 2–2.5 weeks after landing in a permanent place. During the first month, Bull's Heart tomatoes need nitrogen. This macronutrient helps the bushes to actively grow green mass. In the future, it must be abandoned completely. An excess of nitrogen in the soil increases the risk of infection with pathogenic fungi, inhibits the process of formation and ripening of fruits, and negatively affects their taste.
Like other nitrogen fertilizers, urea in the right doses is necessary for a tomato bush only on early stages development

During the first month after planting, mainly mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers (carbamide, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) are used, spreading 10-12 g in 10 liters of water. 2-3 liters of solution are spent on a bush.

Then you can alternate complex fertilizers for tomatoes with any organic fertilizers. These are, for example, infusions of nettle and dandelion leaves, banana peel, yeast, black bread, fresh cow dung, bird droppings.
Nettle infusion is prepared for 3-4 days, filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8 before use.

In the last month before fruit ripening, wood ash is very useful. It is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus. And experienced gardeners advise spraying the emerging fruit ovaries with a solution boric acid(2–3 g/l) to make them stronger.

In the greenhouse, the interval between top dressing increases to 15-20 days. There is no rain to wash away nutrients from the soil. And its oversaturation with micro and macro elements is harmful for tomatoes.

Video: the nuances of caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Bush formation

Variety Bull's heart belongs to the category of determinants, however, it needs to be formed. They lead a bush in one, maximum two stems. In the first case, all stepchildren are removed (side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves) and foliage up to the first fruit brush. Above the last ovary, 2-3 leaves are left, no more. In the second, the role of another stem is assigned to the first stepson. The main one is pinched after 2-3 fruit brushes form on it.
In order for the fruits of the Bull's Heart variety tomato to ripen large, all "extra" must be removed from the bush

Stepchildren are carefully broken out or cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the main stem. Bushes of the Bull's Heart do not differ in dense foliage, so there is no need for additional removal of leaves. Stepson of a tomato - a lateral shoot that forms in the leaf axil

As the bush grows, it is tied to a trellis or other support. Most likely, there will be a need to fix the fruit brushes, because they are massive in the Bull's heart. Also, tying will help to avoid their contact with the ground. The simplest trellis is a few supports along the beds and a wire or rope stretched between them in 3-4 rows. In the greenhouse, you can tie the bushes to the ceiling. Its height should be at least 2.5 m so that the Bull's Heart tomatoes feel comfortable.
When growing a tomato Bull's heart, not only stems, but also fruit brushes will have to be tied to the support

The fight against phytophthora

The first symptom of late blight is grayish-brown, rapidly increasing spots on leaves and stems. In conditions of high humidity, the underside of the sheet is covered with a whitish cotton-like coating. Then spots of a brownish tint appear on the fruits. The tissues under them soften, rot. Yield losses can be up to 70%.
Late blight is a real scourge of all plants from the Solanaceae family

To prevent the development of late blight, seeds must be disinfected before planting. Seedlings 2–3 days after planting are sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur, soda ash or kefir diluted with water with the addition of iodine. Further, such treatments are preferably carried out weekly, alternating means. Another folk remedy for prevention is a piece of copper wire tied around the base of the stem. The soil in the garden is periodically sprinkled with sifted wood ash, and a few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water for irrigation.
If nothing is done, late blight will deprive the gardener of a significant part or even the entire tomato crop.

Fungicides are used to control the disease. Most gardeners prefer modern means of biological origin (Ekosil, Bayleton, Baikal-EM), but there are also those who prefer time-tested chemicals (copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate).

If the moment for the fight is missed, and almost all the leaves are already affected, the tomatoes are immediately treated with a salt solution (1 kg per 10 l). This will destroy all the foliage, both infected and healthy, but will not allow the fungus to pass to the fruits, they will have time to ripen.

Video: late blight and methods of dealing with it

Growing tomatoes Bull's heart at home

For growing at home, the Bull's Heart tomato variety and any of the varieties derived from it are not very suitable. The main reason is the size of the plant. For such bushes, there is not enough room even on the balcony, not like on the windowsill. Their root system is powerful, developed, in the cramped volume of the pot, it will not feel too good.

In addition, early-ripening varieties with a ripening period of no more than 90–100 days are most often chosen for planting at home. The bull's heart does not meet this criterion either.
For planting on the windowsill and on the balcony, varieties of tomatoes are chosen, whose appearance is radically different from the exterior of the Bull's Heart

Plants of this variety are difficult to provide nutrients in the right amount. With their deficiency, the fruits simply will not ripen. But raising the dose or reducing the intervals between top dressing is also not an option.

Superdeterminant varieties of tomatoes from the category of ampelous or standard ones are ideal for the window sill, the bush of which does not stretch more than 0.5 m in height. It is also desirable that they be small-fruited - such tomatoes ripen faster. As you can see, Bull's Heart is from a completely different opera.

Summer is the time to enjoy the abundance of fresh vegetables. Tomato Bull's heart, the cultivation of which is very simple and easy, is in special demand among summer residents. These are large, beautiful and very juicy tomatoes. They are able to attract the attention of every gourmet.

Description of tomato Bull's heart

The variety belongs to the group of large-fruited plants. This is a late-ripening species, which is often grown in a greenhouse. But due to its high characteristics, the Bull's Heart tomato develops well in the open field. With proper care, the plant gives a plentiful and high-quality harvest. hallmark species is not only the size of the fruit, but also the stems themselves.

The height of the tomato plant Bull's heart can reach 2 m. Deciduous plates are of medium size. Their upper part is slightly covered with small villi. When deformed, they are able to emit a peculiar smell that belongs only to tomatoes.

A characteristic feature of such tomatoes are fruits, which can have not only different weights, but also shapes. This variety can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. Their average weight reaches 500 grams, but there are times when tomatoes grow about a kilogram. Because of this, they are rarely used for canning as a whole. Oxheart is often used to make ketchup and various sauces. It is also good to use such tomatoes for juice.

The fruits of the Bull's heart are distinguished by excellent nutritional and aesthetic qualities. They are very beneficial for the human body.

Ripe tomatoes are rich in vital trace elements, such as:

  • vitamin C, B, K;
  • pectin;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Also in their pulp there is sugar, folic acid. After many studies, it has been proven that in addition to the above microelements, tomatoes are rich in iron, iodine, silicon, and nicotinic acid. Also Bull's Heart is famous for its content a large number fiber.

At proper cultivation bushes can be collected up to 3.5 kg of ripe fruit. AT greenhouse conditions up to 12 kilograms of tomatoes are formed on one plant. In order for the plant to bear fruit well, one should not only adhere to the correct watering, but also tie up the bushes in time. This is due to the large weight of the fruits, which are able to break branches, thus suspending the proper development of plants.

Varieties of tomatoes for summer cottages

The main varieties of tomatoes Bull's heart:

  1. Honey Spas. This species differs in the color of the fruit. Tomatoes have a rich orange hue. Their shape is often correct. Compared to other varieties, Honey Spas is distinguished by the same size of all the berries on the bush. On one branch, from 5 to 6 vegetables can be formed. Their weight ranges from 300 to 500 g. Tomatoes are distinguished by good fleshiness and a sweetish taste.
  2. Lemon heart. Unripe fruits have a bright yellow hue, but over time they turn pink. This is one of the largest varieties. Tomatoes can grow up to 800 grams. A distinctive feature is their shape, which resembles a triangle. The pulp is very juicy and sweet. Ripe fruits have a slightly fruity flavor. This variety is in high demand due to its high yield. Growing oxheart tomatoes in the open field is very simple and does not require special skills.
  3. Morning dew. This is the earliest variety compared to other species. Fruits of a bright crimson hue, resembling the shape of a heart. They grow to a medium size and weigh about 250g. The hallmark of Morning Dew tomatoes is their rich flavor that is able to linger. long time. With proper planting and care, the bushes produce crops throughout the season. Ripe tomatoes can be observed even before the frosts.
  4. Budenovka. This is a variety, the fruits are round in shape with a pointed nose. They are very meaty and flavorful. Their weight is within 300 grams. Unripe tomatoes are white with a slightly milky tint. But after being removed from the branch, the fruits ripen and acquire a rich red tone. Such tomatoes are preserved at home for a very long time, while they do not change their appearance and taste qualities.

Thanks to the work of world breeders, there are also varieties that produce yellow, black and white fruits. In addition to their color, they differ in taste and ripening period.

Growing tomatoes Bull's heart in the open field

This is a unique plant that, with proper care, can produce a stunning harvest. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to grow a Bull's heart in the open field so that it will please with its fruits. If you follow a number of rules, then delicious and incredibly healthy tomatoes will flaunt on your table throughout the summer season.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Much depends on when the Bull's heart is planted for seedlings, namely the yield. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2 months before planting in open ground. In order for the grains to sprout well, it should be well pickled before putting them in the soil. This will prevent the development of other diseases. You can treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dilute 10 g of the drug in one liter cold water. When stirred, the mixture will turn a rich pink color. Put the bull's heart tomato seeds in the finished liquid and wait about half an hour.

After this time, remove the seed from the water and lay it on a cotton cloth so that it dries well. Then wet a towel and wrap the seeds in it. In this state, keep them until the first sprouts appear. Prepared grains should first be sown in a box. It is necessary to put them at a depth of 2 to 2.5 cm. To make the tomatoes rise faster, it is recommended to cover the container on top with polyethylene or put glass. Put the box in a warm place, periodically opening a mini-greenhouse for watering. As soon as the first shoots are visible, you can feed them with fertilizer. After the appearance of full-fledged three leaves, the seedlings dive.

Picking helps the proper development of the root system. If everything is done correctly, then the plants will fully develop and give a good harvest.

Time of planting seedlings in open ground

In order for young plants to take root well, they should be planted in late May or early June. If the landing will be carried out in a greenhouse, then you can do this earlier. Young plants are very sensitive to excess moisture, so weather conditions should be taken into account during planting. If it is raining outside for a long time, then the procedure is recommended to be postponed for a few days. So that the root system does not start to rot, the soil must dry well.

Since adult bushes are voluminous, you should adhere to the distance between seedlings. Planting seedlings must be carried out according to the scheme. On one square meter, 4 plants are placed at a distance of about 50 centimeters.

It is necessary to deepen the seedlings to the first leaves. This is done so that new roots appear on the stem. Such planting will allow the plant to develop faster and give a good harvest.

A place for tomatoes should be chosen well warmed by the sun. The best option would be a site that is located in the southern part of the yard.

Soil preparation

Growing and caring for bull's heart tomatoes includes not only proper planting, but also the choice of soil. Plants develop well in soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Indicators should not exceed 6.5 pH.

When planting tomatoes, it should be borne in mind that they love soil rich in organic matter. Before placing young plants in open ground, it is necessary to fertilize the ground with humus or compost. To do this, you need to add up to 10 kg and up to 10 grams of a preparation rich in nitrogen per square meter. Also, do not forget about the fertilizers that are placed in the hole. The best option would be a drug called "Urgan". Place half a teaspoon of the mixture into each well. In areas that were fertilized in the fall, the amount of fertilizer applied can be reduced.

Watering plants

Like pink oxheart tomatoes, other varieties need proper irrigation. Abundant watering should be carried out only during the period of active fruit formation. It is necessary to carry out the procedure very carefully, since the ingress of water on the leafy plates can cause a burn. In areas affected by moisture, fungal diseases develop faster.

Water for the procedure should be only warm. it important condition in the care of tomatoes. Cold liquid can lead to rotting of the root system and falling fruits.

Often watering young bushes is not worth it. With excess moisture, the trunk will stretch and begin to deform. Such bushes do not have sufficient density and often break under their own weight. You can determine the wrong watering by leafy plates. With a lack of liquid, their surface becomes fluffy, rich green in color, with an excess, the plates acquire a pale green tint.

top dressing

In order for tomatoes to give a good harvest, you need to fertilize them twice a season. The first procedure should be planned 20 days after planting seedlings in open ground. The second feeding should be carried out a month after the first. It is at this time that fruit formation falls. Fertilize the bushes should only be liquid mixtures. To do this, put 15 grams of potash fertilizer, 25 grams of a nitrogen mixture and about 40 grams of preparations with a maximum percentage of phosphorus in a bucket of water. The resulting mixture should be evenly distributed over 15 bushes. The second top dressing should be carried out in a ratio of 10 liters for every 7 bushes. In order to prevent the appearance of blossom end rot, once every 7 days, plants should be sprayed with calcium nitrate. It is necessary to start carrying out such a procedure during the period of fruit growth. It is also recommended to periodically fertilize tomatoes between rows. To do this, use a mixture of phosphorus and nitrogen preparations.


This is an important procedure, thanks to which you can maintain the desired percentage of moisture inside the soil, get rid of various kinds of weeds and prevent overheating or waterlogging of the root system. Cardboard, film, sawdust, straw or peat are suitable as mulch. The material should be laid after the seedlings are planted in open ground. The mulch should be in good contact with the stem. This is an important condition that will give the desired result. Before mulching, the bushes should be watered and the soil slightly loosened.

Seed collection

In order to grow healthy seedlings, you can use both purchased grains, and collect them yourself. Planting material should be collected only from ripe tomatoes. It is best if the fruits ripen on their own on a twig and detach from the stalk. This will allow the grains not to lose their maternal qualities. Cut ripe tomatoes into several pieces. Put the selected grains in a bowl and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then the seeds are moved to paper towel and place in a dark place to dry. Store such grains until next year in a glass container that will be well closed.

Before you grow bovine heart tomatoes in your area, you need to carefully study the features of this plant. By observing the conditions of planting and care, you can get a crop that will surprise not only you, but all your neighbors.

Bull's heart tomatoes are a unique plant. Proper fit and care which gives abundant results throughout the season. Observe a number simple rules and you will certainly get what you want.

Features of growing tomato Bull's heart - video

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Bull's heart, reviews, photos

Bull’s Heart Tomato is the most famous and common variety among gardeners with large heart-shaped fruits of a classic tomato flavor.

Very popular, mid-late (120-125 days period from germination to the beginning of ripening), medium-sized, high-yielding variety of salad tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground. In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

A bush up to 1.5 meters high in a greenhouse, a little lower in the exhaust gas. Leaf medium size, regular type, green. The inflorescence is simple. The first inflorescence is laid over the 8-9th leaf, then every 1-2 leaves.

The plant needs a garter to a support and pinching. The manufacturer recommends to form a plant in 2 stems when grown in a greenhouse and in 3 stems in open ground. In the first case, you need to leave a stepson under the first flower brush - this will be the second stem. When forming into 3 stems, 1 stepson is left under the first flower brush, and the second immediately above it - in total, together with the main stem, 3 trunks are obtained.

The main qualities of fruits

The fruits are heart-shaped, large, medium density, saturated red color at maturity, weighing 200-400 grams (up to 600 g), fleshy and very tasty. This tomato has exactly the same real tomato taste with a slight sourness, which has been recognized as a “classic” for many years and with which the taste of other heart-shaped tomatoes is compared. These tomatoes are good for fresh consumption, juices, sauces. They are stored poorly, it is advisable to use them immediately after removal.

Tomato yield Bull's heart: 8-12 kg of fruits from 1 square. meters of plantings (subject to agricultural technology, the presence of watering and fertilizing).

If you want to get fruits weighing more than 500 g, form a plant in 1 stem. The harvest in this case will remain the same in terms of mass, but there will be fewer fruits and they will be larger.

Features of growing tomatoes Bull's heart, planting and care

We recommend sowing seeds for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Shoots of tomatoes appear 5-7 days after sowing with dry seeds, when planted with germinated seeds - after 2-4 days. From the moment of germination, plants need a lot of light, so we recommend planting this variety in March, when there is already a lot of spring sun and the seedlings will have enough for full development. Those who sow tomatoes for seedlings in March run the risk of getting elongated plants for planting, and this will complicate their transportation to the planting site and further survival in the ground. Usually, elongated seedlings are planted "lying", placing most stem horizontally underground to a depth of 15-20 cm.

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, for the full development of plants, per 1 sq. meter of the site is recommended to place no more than 3 plants. Landing pattern: 50 x 40 cm.

The variety responds well to top dressing during the growing season. Usually, over the summer, he needs 2-3 top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer.

Care for tomatoes after planting consists in timely watering, pinching, removing weeds, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests. It is advisable to water tomato plants with warm water.

Variety value: large-fruited, excellent taste qualities of fruits.

Tomatoes Bull's heart on video

The tomato variety Bull's Heart is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, home gardens and small farms for growing in open ground and under temporary film shelters.

If you grew Bull's Heart tomatoes, please write what yield and taste of fruits turned out in your climatic conditions? How would you rate this variety's disease resistance? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach to the commentary a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits grown by you. Thank you!

Your reviews about the Bull's Heart tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether to plant it or not.

Best reviews from our readers

    Tatyana Soldatova

    Bull's heart is an old, very popular variety in our area. A favorite is its pink variety. We plant in og, it turns out early, fruitful. The fruits are tender, large hearts, very tasty. The bush is low, about 1 m, strong, there is not much foliage. Seedlings are beautiful, do not outgrow, quickly give buds.

    Planted the first year. Seedling overgrown on the balcony. Late with the construction of greenhouses. As a result, it was hard to take root, I had to water a lot, otherwise the burdocks hung. They already despaired after reading about their capriciousness, but then they parted ways: the latter were already filming forcibly green, because even in the greenhouse it became frosty. And they all bloomed and tied up))) very tasty fleshy. Now they will always be in our greenhouses.


    Landed in a greenhouse and OG. Very productive, the branches could not withstand neither the garters nor the supports did not help (although the summer was very rainy and cloudy), there are a lot of very large fruits in clusters, I like the taste from childhood. I planted it in a greenhouse on February 29, planted it on 4.06 in open ground on 7.06 - gradual ripening from August 10, I picked the last tomatoes from the bush in the greenhouse on October 4.

In order for our body to be healthy, the heart must perform its functions smoothly and be of normal size. A change in the size of the heart can be caused by a disease - a bull's heart.

Today, this problem is very relevant, since the advertising of alcoholic beverages is popular, respectively, beer lovers are only growing every year. Also it can be normal state for everyone involved in professional sports.

This disease can be congenital or acquired and is very dangerous. Even qualified specialists may not determine the cause of the disease the first time. What kind of disease is this, what are the first signs and main methods of treatment, we will tell you all this below.

bull heart

An increase in the size of the heart is called cardiomegaly. The mechanism of enlargement of this organ may be associated with an increase in the ventricles (one or both at once), their expansion (dilation), neoplastic processes and the accumulation of metabolic products in the cavity of the organ.

In this situation, true cardiomegaly develops. Often an enlarged heart develops in healthy person against the background of increased load, when carrying a child. Cardiomegaly is very often detected in athletes. It is possible to accurately determine the cause of a large heart only through special instrumental research methods.

In humans, the size of the heart can vary within small limits. It is known that in men the size of the heart is slightly larger than in women. In men aged 20-30 years, the volume of the heart is about 760 cm³, in women - 580 cm³.

The size of the heart is proportional to the mass of the human body. Of no small importance are the features of the chest. An enlarged heart does not always indicate that a person is sick. A small heart is also not always the norm. Currently, the maximum value of the heart has not been established. It is individual for each person.

The most important organ that ensures the vital activity of the whole organism consists of 4 chambers: two ventricles and two atria. There are two parts of the heart - right and left, each of which includes the atrium and ventricle. Normally, changes in the boundaries of the heart occur throughout life.

In people who play sports, there is an increase in its size, which is considered a completely natural process and does not cause any cause for concern. The weight of the heart of a man is 332 grams, women - 253 grams. An enlarged heart is observed with the growth of the myocardium and (or) expansion of its cavity.

Most often, there is an increase in the organ to the left, which is observed in many diseases: hypertension, stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation, heart defects. It is dangerous to increase all departments of the body. This condition is called "bull heart", and only the use of surgical intervention can improve the quality of a person's life.
The reasons affecting the increase in the body are:

  1. Hypertonic disease. An increase in pressure leads to changes in the cardiovascular system: vascular tone increases, the thickness of the muscle layer increases, and the systemic circulation suffers.
  2. Ischemic heart disease: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Oxygen starvation of the tissues of the organ occurs with the death of their cells and replacement with connective tissue, which leads to an increase in the size of its left section.
  3. Rheumatic heart disease. It is a consequence of tonsillitis (frequent sore throats). Rheumatic disease is manifested by an inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the organ. As a result, valves suffer and defects form.
  4. Myocarditis.
  5. Impaired kidney function.
  6. Alcohol abuse. The most common example is alcoholic cardiomyopathy.
  7. Smoking.
  8. Acute pericarditis (inflammation of the serosa).
  9. Congenital heart defects.

The heart does not enlarge so often due to:

  • Muscular dystrophy. Nerves and muscles are damaged.
  • Tricuspid valve insufficiency. When overloaded with blood volume, the right ventricle and atrium increase. With vicious valves on the left half of the heart, pulmonary hypertension causes a secondary increase in the heart muscle on the right.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The reasons for a slight increase in size lie in the dystrophy of the heart muscles with the presence of asymmetric and disproportionate ventricular hypertrophy. In this case, there is (or does not arise) an obstacle to the withdrawal of blood.
  • Infiltrative-restrictive cardiomyopathy. The heart muscle increases because the filling of both ventricles is disturbed.
  • Cardiocynomatosis. An increase in the heart muscle occurs due to infiltration of the myocardium or pericardium against the background of oncological diseases of the breast or lungs.
  • Radiation myocarditis. There is myocardial fibrosis, dilatation of the heart chambers with episodic irradiation of the sternum.
  • Bacterial endocarditis. A large heart happens if severe insufficiency is manifested: mintral or aortic.
  • Infrequently, the walls of the central organ of blood circulation increase due to tocoplasmosis. This disease is caused by protozoa. Idiopathic cardiomyopathy can be misdiagnosed in this case. And also due to streptococcal infection in acute rheumatism (rheumatic heart disease).
  • Endocrine disorders enlarge the heart. Hyperthyroidism increases heart rate, stroke volume, and output, while hypothyroidism increases bradycardia and pericardial effusion.

Due to rheumatoid arthritis, a disease such as pericarditis occurs and there is an effusion in the pericardium. Against the background of systemic lupus erythematosus, lesions of any cardiac structure are noted, including valves and the pericardium, the conduction system, and coronary arteries.

The presence of pathology in close relatives is considered a risk factor, therefore, under certain conditions, the disease can manifest itself in other family members. A common cause of changes in the heart muscle is an increase in pressure (above 140/90 mm Hg), which adversely affects the state of the cardiovascular system and in some cases leads to an increase in the organ up to the “bull heart”.

Congenital heart disease is of great importance. Today, it is treated in the first years of life, but there are also forms that are found only at an older age. An example is the non-closure of the interventricular septum. The left ventricle contains oxygen-rich blood - arterial, and the right ventricle - carbon dioxide(venous).

Normally, the blood does not mix, but with pathology of the interventricular septum, blood is thrown from the left ventricle to the right. Variations in the size of the defect are different. Improper distribution of blood within the body and leads to its increase.

As mentioned above, beer lovers are susceptible to this disease. But not only these people can stretch the heart muscle.

A certain category of athletes may also suffer from this disease. Various workouts and loads keep the heart in good shape. But if you suddenly stop exercising, then cardiovascular problems can occur. The heart muscle can stretch, and its functions will weaken.

This is due to the fact that when an athlete trains (swims, swings on simulators, etc.), the heart muscle gets used to this pace and begins to work in an enhanced mode, and the heart mass also increases. But if a person abruptly quits training, the heart, accustomed to such a pace, cannot decrease in size on its own.

It works in the same mode, but a person no longer needs this, and blood stasis appears, less oxygen is produced, which leads to oxygen starvation. The result is heart failure. This condition can be observed not only among athletes and beer lovers. People with rheumatism or collagenosis can be affected by this disease.

Even something as innocuous as a strawberry allergy can eventually lead to bull's-heart disease. Antibodies that are produced during allergies provoke a constant sensitization of the body, which can lead to an autoimmune condition. If the disease is congenital, then the prognosis for recovery is poor.

Acquired cardiomegaly occurs with cardiovascular diseases of the heart and other organs. Most often, an increase in the heart can be observed with coronary artery disease, emphysema, hypertension and heart defects. Inflammatory processes in the heart caused by diseases such as tonsillitis, rheumatism, scarlet fever, rheumatic heart disease can contribute to the diagnosis of "bull heart".

Alcohol poisoning can cause an increase in the heart muscle. Excessive or improper use of drugs is a provocateur of cardiomegaly. A disease such as acute pericarditis contributes to an enlarged heart. Fluid builds up in the pericardium, which can cause the heart muscle to enlarge.

Enlarged heart in a child

As a rule, an enlarged heart is determined by chance during a routine examination and chest x-ray. The diagnosis of an enlarged heart, or cardiomegaly, shocks parents. Cardiomegaly can be primary and secondary. Secondary cardiomegaly develop against the background infectious diseases, toxic lesions, as well as respiratory failure.

But the exact causes of primary cardiomegaly remain not fully known. An enlarged heart is quite difficult to determine by a non-specialist, which is why parents are surprised at the diagnosis. And, indeed, the symptoms that accompany the disease are palpitations, rapid breathing, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, swelling, pallor of the skin, lack of appetite.

Such symptoms can accompany various diseases, so many parents do not even think about the presence of an enlarged heart in a child. Children's hearts beat much faster than adults'. If the frequency of strokes exceeds 160 beats per minute, then this is already an alarming sign.

But, if parents cannot measure the heart rate themselves, then they can follow the rhythm of breathing. With cardiomegaly, breathing not only quickens, but the rhythm is also disturbed, it becomes superficial with skipping breaths.

The following pathologies can lead to an increase and expansion of the heart in a child:

  • Congenital heart disease. An enlarged heart is provoked by such defects as an open ductus arteriosus, Ebstein's anomaly, aortic stenosis, Fallot's tetralogy, pulmonary artery stenosis, atrial septal defect, and others.
  • Acquired defect caused by bacterial endocarditis or rheumatism. As a result of inflammation of the inner heart membrane, the valves are damaged, which leads to problems in the work of the heart. The disease is manifested by fever, weakness, abnormal noises and other symptoms.
  • Myocarditis. Such a fairly common disease is an inflammation of the heart muscle caused by viruses, bacteria or other pathogens.
  • Cardiomyopathy. This is a genetically determined lesion of the heart, in which there may be a thickening of its walls (such cardiomyopathy is called hypertrophic) or expansion of cavities with thinning of the walls (this is a manifestation of dilated cardiomyopathy).
  • Heart surgery. In 20-40% of children who have undergone such an intervention, cardiotomy syndrome may develop 2-3 weeks after the operation. Pathology is manifested by severe weakness, fever, chest pain, respiratory failure and heart murmurs.
  • An oncological process in the heart or the development of a benign tumor in the tissues of the heart.
  • Non-cardiac causes, eg sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, hyperthyroidism, lupus, toxoplasmosis, collagenosis, certain medications, fasting.

Weak work of the heart provokes disturbances in the circulatory system, because of this, pallor of the skin and a bluish tint of the lips and nose appear. Edema is also evidence that something in the body is not working as it should.

When the heart fails to do its job, fluid from the blood vessels begins to accumulate in the tissues. Finally, lack of appetite is also an important sign of some disease. Many parents, unfortunately, do not always pay due attention to this symptom, especially when the child is always reluctant to eat.

With such signs, you need not only to see a pediatrician, but also visit a cardiologist for a consultation. Only experienced specialists can suspect heart problems. When listening to the heart and the child has side symptoms, the doctor will send an x-ray, which will show the size of the heart tissue.

In addition, small changes can be detected on the cardiogram. Usually, cardiomegaly is detected if the child is examined when the state of health worsens. If the disease is not detected in time, then it can even lead to sad consequences. That is why you should not neglect the diagnosis of the heart.

If a child is still diagnosed with a pathology of the heart, then do not panic ahead of time. The child needs to do a series of studies, during which it will be collected full information about the state of the heart. Based on the data obtained, the cardiologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes adequate treatment.

It is not necessary to neglect the planned examinations of doctors, since the treatment will be most effective when there are no secondary signs of the disease. And when noticeable symptoms appear, you should not hesitate in any case. Depending on the cause of cardiomegaly, the child may be prescribed antiarrhythmic drugs, antiviral or antimicrobial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, glycosides, and other drugs.

In some cases, such as birth defects, it is recommended surgery. In a serious condition, one has to resort to an organ transplant.

In professional athletes, the left ventricle is often significantly enlarged and dilated. Thus, the heart adapts to increased physical activity and the need to maintain increased blood flow. Most often, "bull's heart" is detected in cyclists, biathletes, skiers, marathon runners, since such sports require more endurance. Less commonly, professional boxers and wrestlers suffer from cardiomegaly.

Under the influence of constant physical exertion, the ventricles and atria expand, but this does not always indicate pathology. In trained people, the myocardium increases by about 15-20%, which is considered a variant of the norm.
To work in enhanced mode, the heart becomes larger in size.

This is due to the expansion of small vessels and the formation of new ones. As a result, the trophism of the organ improves, it more efficiently saturates the blood with oxygen. However, adaptation mechanisms have their limits. With excessive loads, which are usually associated with a violation of the training regimen, the volume of the heart can exceed 1200 cm³.

In this case, pathology is diagnosed. Explicit symptoms of cardiomegaly are often absent or masked as manifestations of other diseases that caused an increase in the heart. Usually, at a doctor's appointment, the patient voices only ordinary heart complaints.


By itself, a large heart is a companion of an already developed disease, and is diagnosed mainly during an x-ray examination. Visible signs of the disease are manifested in the unsatisfactory state of health of the patient.

What symptoms to look out for:

  • Rhythm disturbance.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increasing pressure.
  • Shortness of breath and palpitations during physical exertion.
  • Pain in the sternum.
  • Sweating.

All these symptoms are inherent in other cardiovascular diseases, so a detailed diagnosis requires a serious examination, including ultrasound. The bull's heart is not expressed by any specific symptoms.

All of these signs are also characteristic of other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, so it is very important to undergo high-quality and timely diagnosis. An attentive parent can reveal a bull's heart in his child. The newborn has the following symptoms:

  • pale skin and cyanosis around the eyes and mouth;
  • irregular shallow breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • lethargy, lethargy, lack of appetite;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • increased sweating.

Diagnosis of cardiomegaly begins with a physical examination of the patient. The doctor reveals blanching of the skin, the presence of shortness of breath, swelling. With weakness of the myocardium and impaired general circulation, heart murmurs and congestive rales in the lungs are heard. Then hardware diagnostic methods are used and laboratory tests are carried out.

  • x-ray

Now, a fluorographic image has replaced the survey radiograph. It allows you to see if there is a change in the size of the heart, to calculate the ratio of the width of the heart shadow to the width of the sternum (the norm is up to 50%). The general radiograph shows stagnation in the blood vessels of the lower pulmonary regions, pathology of the aorta and arteries of the lungs.

  • Electrocardiography

ECG serves as an auxiliary method that allows you to get additional information. On the pictures you can see thickening of the ventricular and atrial walls, ischemia, cicatricial changes after heart attacks, thinning of the myocardium, as well as areas affected by cardiosclerosis.

  • echocardiography

An echocardiogram is performed to study the anatomical features of the heart. Also, the method helps to evaluate its functions and clarify the cause of the pathology. On the echocardiogram, the exact dimensions of the chambers, the valvular apparatus, and the movement of the valves are visible.

  • Cardiac catheterization

The method is used in the preparation of the patient for surgery. It allows you to assess hemodynamics, the degree of reverse reflux of blood flow. In parallel, to study the patency of the coronary arteries, their coronary angiography is performed.

  • Laboratory tests

As part of the diagnosis of cardiomegaly, additional tests may also be required:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • lipid analysis;
  • rheumatoid factor analysis;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • bacterial culture (to detect infections).

If the doctor determines that the causes of a large heart are chronic or acute diseases, then these diseases must be treated without fail. If it is started on time, the organ decreases in size.

If the cause is a heart defect, then you need to consult a cardiac surgeon and, if necessary, undergo an operation. This will allow for a long time to maintain the efficiency of the most important organ for life. After the operation, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary to slow down the process of heart enlargement in the patient. If a person moves little, does not follow his diet, has a number of bad habits, he needs to reconsider his lifestyle to solve the problem. This means that you start exercising in a moderate mode, eating foods high in vitamins and minerals.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the consequences can be very serious. That is why you should not neglect the recommendations if the doctor prescribes a diet, sports or surgery.


Since bovine heart is usually a secondary disease, its treatment should be carried out in parallel with the therapy of the underlying disease. In addition, it is worth remembering that cardiomegaly is an irreversible disease, so the goal of therapy is to slow down the deformation of the heart. Among the conservative methods used:

  • antihypertensives, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors;
  • anticoagulants to prevent blood clots;
  • beta-blockers that normalize cardiac activity;
  • diuretics, if excess sodium is found in the body.

In the absence of a result, surgical methods are resorted to, the purpose of which is to maintain or normalize heart function:

  • installation of a pacemaker;
  • valve implantation;
  • implantation of circulatory assist devices: Jarvik 2000, Novacor, HeartMate;
  • coronary bypass.

In addition to treatment, the patient must monitor his lifestyle: give up bad habits, follow a diet low in low-density fats, give the body physical activity. In the fight against cardiomegaly, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that can aggravate its course.

The patient may have problems with blood pressure, which must be controlled. In some cases, the patient is prescribed medications that reduce it. Drugs that normalize the heart rhythm may also be prescribed.
During the examination, you need to find out if the patient has lung diseases, ischemia. If they are present, these ailments must also be treated in parallel.

In the presence of inflammatory processes, the use of antibiotic therapy is mandatory. During the fight against the disease, beer and other alcoholic beverages, as well as drinks containing caffeine, should be excluded. Stop smoking and taking drugs.

To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, you need to arrange a fasting day for yourself weekly - therapeutic fasting, in which you can use only freshly squeezed juices and water. This will cleanse the body. Speaking about how to treat such a disease as a bull's heart, it is worth mentioning the benefits of sports and hardening, which helps to increase immunity.

Proper nutrition is of great importance in the fight against cardiomegaly. The Mediterranean diet is preferred for this. Thanks to him, you can not only saturate the body with useful elements, but also normalize, and if there is no need for this, just maintain a normal body weight.

The use of such a diet is indicated in the treatment and prevention of such an ailment as a bull's heart. Here are the basic principles of such nutrition:

  • For breakfast, you need to eat dishes from cereals, and for dessert you need to eat fruits.
  • The carbohydrates obtained from these products are not converted into excess weight. At the same time, such food allows you to get for the whole day necessary elements for the normal functioning of the body;

  • At lunch, you need to eat meals containing protein, plant foods.
  • As a rule, these are vegetables, fruits, fish, meat dishes, low-fat dairy products, hard cheese. Meat and fish should be dietary.

    The Mediterranean diet in the treatment of such a syndrome as a bull's heart also involves the use of seafood, you should not refuse the first courses;

  • Dinner should be low-calorie foods. As a rule, these are freshly squeezed juices, low-fat yogurt, kefir, vegetables, fruits.

Not prohibited with this diet, used in the treatment of such an ailment as bovine heart syndrome, and snacks, but they can consist of low-fat yogurts, vegetables, fruits.

But from conservation, sugar, fats of animal origin should be abandoned. As fats, you can use sesame, olive, soybean, peanut oil. You need to take food in small portions.

Exists folk treatment enlarged heart. Such therapy helps to strengthen the heart muscle, improves its nutrition and cleanses the blood vessels. For treatment, healing heart herbs and fees are used:

  • Cranberry. AT fresh this berry is very useful for the heart, it saturates the body with essential minerals and vitamins. They eat cranberries grated with sugar. Use 1 tbsp. l. grated berries 3 times a day after meals.
  • Blueberry. In therapy, young shoots of this plant are used. They are crushed and simmered for 10 minutes, then cooled and filtered. For 200 ml of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. shoots. Use 1 tbsp. l. decoction three times a day.
  • Adonis. In 200 ml of boiling water, steam 1 tsp. this herb, insist in a thermos for an hour, then filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. drugs three times a day.
  • Cornflower. In therapy, the flowers of this plant are used. In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. flowers, insist 1 hour, then filter. Consume 1/3 cup three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • St. John's wort. For 1 liter of water, take 50 g of dried herb of this plant. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then insist 1 hour and filter. 100 g of natural honey is dissolved in the infusion. Store the drug in a glass container in the refrigerator. Consume 1/3 cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Lily of the valley. Prepare a tincture of the flowers of this plant. To do this, fresh flowers fall asleep in glassware, without tamping, and pour vodka. Insist in the dark for two weeks, then filter. Take 15 drops of tincture three times a day.
  • Rosemary tincture on wine. In moderation, red wine has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.
  • Make a tincture of the leaves in wine. 100 g of dried leaves are poured into 2 liters of red wine, insisted in a dark cool place in a glass bowl for 30 days, shaken occasionally, then filtered. Take 50 ml of the drug twice a day. Treatment lasts a month and a half, then take a break.

  • Herbal decoction number 1. Mix 1 part of kidney tea, 2 parts of cudweed and wild rosemary and 3 parts of motherwort. In 300 ml of boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. such a collection, insist in a thermos for 4 hours, then filter. Drink ½ cup of infusion 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • Herbal collection No. 2. Mix 20 g of horsetail herb, 30 g of highlander herb and 50 g of hawthorn. In 300 ml of boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. such a collection, insist in a thermos for 1 hour, after which it is filtered. Take 50 ml 6 times a day.

An enlarged heart can entail significant risks for the patient, which depend on the underlying disease that caused the heart enlargement. When the heart becomes too large, some parts of the myocardium are subjected to more pressure and therefore an increased risk of ischemia and dangerous complications such as stroke and heart attack.

However, statisticians note that one can live with pathology without serious consequences, keeping it under control with the help of appropriate treatment. In Russia, in fact, about 9.4 million people have an enlarged heart, especially in the left ventricle.

To reduce the risk of illness, you should follow a few rules.

  • You need to play sports. So that such a problem as an enlarged heart does not touch you, it is not necessary to be a professional athlete - it is enough to lead an active lifestyle, regularly go to the gym;
  • You should refuse or minimize the intake of alcoholic beverages, and especially beer;
  • It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - it should be balanced, saturated with useful elements and poor in fats, canned goods, fried, flour foods.

Knowing what a bull's heart is, how this diagnosis is made, how this disease is treated, with its development you can immediately suspect it, and knowing about preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor at the first sign of illness.