The best way to treat the foundation from moisture. Reliable waterproofing of the foundation with your own hands

When constructing the foundation for wooden house, Special attention It is worth paying attention to its waterproofing. The quality, strength and durability of the foundation will depend on it. Leaks of concrete mixture at the pouring stage and groundwater can cause great damage, from constant dampness in the house to subsidence of the building and cracks in load-bearing walls. Therefore, such a process as waterproofing the foundation with your own hands should be approached correctly and responsibly. After all, this is the basis for insulating the foundation.

General rules

  1. Whatever waterproofing method you choose, you need to take into account several operational points:
  2. Need to determine the level groundwater(the type of waterproofing will directly depend on this).
  3. Take into account the possibility of flooding in the event of heavy rainfall and floods (this is especially true for loose soils).
  4. The force of “swelling” of the soil during frost (water, during the process of freezing/thawing, constantly changes its structure and expands/contracts, leading to both loosening and lifting of the soil, and has a destructive effect on the foundation)
  5. The conditions under which the building will be operated (if this is a future warehouse, then the waterproofing conditions are correspondingly higher).

There are only two types of foundation waterproofing - horizontal and vertical.

Advice: at the foundation construction stage, you should not skimp on the so-called “sand cushion”. It is not only necessary to reduce concrete leakage, but is also protected against erosion of the foundation. Moisture protection is also necessary to protect the floor of the house from moisture.

Horizontal waterproofing

It is carried out at the stage of constructing the foundation for a wooden house and will require Extra time(12-17 days) at the stage preparatory work. The drainage system also applies to horizontal waterproofing and is used at high groundwater levels.

Strip foundation waterproofing scheme

This option is best suited for waterproofing the foundation belt type for a log house and a monolithic slab foundation.

Preparation and styling

Clay is poured into the bottom of the pit dug for the foundation and carefully compacted; the laying layer should be around 20-30 cm (you can use a “sand cushion” instead of clay). A concrete screed of 5-8 cm is made on top of the clay. After the concrete has hardened (10-12 days), it is carefully processed bitumen mastic and lay the first layer of roofing material. Then the process is repeated again, treatment with mastic - laying roofing felt. Another concrete screed (5-8cm) is made on the second layer of roofing felt.

After the concrete has hardened, the main process of constructing the foundation is carried out, which can be additionally insulated in various vertical ways.

Also, do not forget about waterproofing the top of the foundation, because the first crown of the log house will be laid on it wooden house, which can lead to rotting of the base of the log house.

Installation of a drainage system during foundation waterproofing to lower the groundwater level

When performing the procedure as: DIY foundation waterproofing A drainage system may be necessary. It is necessary if the depth of the foundation is lower than or equal to the flow of groundwater or if the permeability of the soil is poor and the water does not go into the soil itself and begins to accumulate.

How does it work

A small trench is dug along the perimeter of the building at a distance of at least 70-100 cm. The depth of the trench should be 20-25 cm below the foundation pouring level, the width should be 20-30 cm. The trench should have a slight slope towards the well collecting water.

The edges of the geotextile are laid on the bottom, which is wrapped on the walls of the trench by 60-70 cm. Next, the trench is filled with a 5cm layer of gravel, on which a special drainage pipe is laid with a slope of 5mm/1m of pipe (Tip: required slope can be achieved by adding gravel). Another 20-25 cm layer of gravel is poured over the pipe and all this is wrapped in the protruding edges of geotextile and sprinkled with earth.

This design allows moisture to reach the drain pipe and prevents it from clogging. The pipes, in turn, drain water into a special water collector (the dimensions of the pit or well are calculated individually depending on the influx of water).

Vertical waterproofing

Vertical waterproofing means treating the walls of the foundation itself directly. It contains many ways to protect the foundation (will be discussed below) and is possible both at the construction stage and after the construction of the building.

Do-it-yourself methods for vertical waterproofing a foundation

One of the simplest and cheapest methods of insulation, and therefore the most common.

The essence is to completely treat the foundation with bitumen (mastic), which, penetrating into cracks and gaps, prevents moisture from entering the building.

The process is very simple, having purchased bitumen in the form of a bar on the market, you need to heat it in a container until it becomes liquid. Next, apply the bitumen in several layers to the foundation (2-4 layers will be enough), remember: do not let the bitumen cool in the container, otherwise when it is reheated to a liquid state, it will lose some of its properties.

Tip: you should add a little oil waste to hot bitumen.

As an option, you can purchase ready-made mastic with increased moisture-resistant qualities. This mastic generally does not need to be heated and the number of applied layers is reduced to two.

strip foundation treated with bitumen

  • Simplicity, easy to do without outside help.
  • Availability.
  • Price.
  • Speed. The need to apply multiple layers is time consuming.
  • Fragility. After 5-10 years (depending on the mastic), re-treatment of the foundation is necessary.
  • Mediocre water resistance. Even high-quality processing will not provide complete protection from moisture.

Waterproofing using roll method (roofing felt)

This method can be used either independently or as additional protection for bitumen insulation.

It is customary to take roofing felt (technoelast and isoelast) as a basis. The process itself is similar to covering a roof. From the beginning, the surface of the foundation is covered with mastic (the continuous application of bitumen is not so important here). Afterwards, the roofing material is heated using a gasoline burner and presses against the bitumen-treated foundation. The joints of the roofing material are overlapped (10-15 cm) on each other and processed with a burner.

Tip: if there is no access to the burner, you can use a special mastic with adhesive capabilities, although this option is less reliable.

Heat treatment of roofing felt

  • Availability.
  • Price.
  • Good durability (up to 50 years).
  • It is impossible to cope with this work alone.
  • When using roofing felt, the most reliable water resistance is achieved. The solution is to use more expensive materials, but this requires additional, more thorough treatment with mastic (this negates the plus in price).

Plaster waterproofing

The method is quite simple and serves both as a waterproofing for the foundation and as a way to level it.

IN plaster mixture Water-resistant components are added and it is applied with a spatula to the foundation. In order for the mixture to stick to the foundation, a putty mesh is attached to it using dowels.

Treatment of concrete with plaster

  • Price of materials.
  • Simplicity and high speed of work.
  • Low hydraulic stability.
  • Possibility of cracks.
  • Short life (up to 15 years).

Liquid rubber is sprayed onto the foundation, providing excellent waterproofing. If you are waterproofing the foundation with your own hands, then the same type of liquid rubber (“Elastomix” and “Elastopaz”) will do.

Before application, the surface of the foundation is treated with a primer. Then you need to decide on the type of tire.

  1. “Elastomix” - applied to the foundation in one layer and hardens within two hours. Once opened, the container containing Elastomix cannot be stored further.
  2. "Elastopaz" - the price is slightly lower than for "Elastomix", but it is applied in two layers. After use, the remaining mixture must be stored.

Rubber is applied using a brush or roller; if possible, use a sprayer, this will significantly speed up the process.

The average consumption of liquid rubber is 3kg/1m2.

Application of liquid rubber

  • Excellent waterproofing.
  • Durability.
  • Does not require special skills.
  • Relatively expensive tires.
  • Without a sprayer the process is quite long.
  • It is not possible to get liquid rubber everywhere.

Penetrating waterproofing

After cleaning it from dust and wetting it with water, a special solution (“Aquatro”, “Penetron”, etc.) is applied to the foundation using a sprayer, which penetrates 10-15 cm into the structure of the foundation. The solution must be applied several times.

Spraying a solution in a protective suit

  • Effective waterproofing.
  • Durability.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Possibility of use in processing from the inside of a building (processing the basement)
  • Price.
  • Low prevalence of the mixture.

Clay castle

Quite simple and reliable way hold back moisture. A trench about 50-60 cm deep is dug around the foundation, the bottom of which is covered with a layer (5 cm) of crushed stone or gravel. Next, the clay is laid and compacted in several stages. Clay serves as a buffer against water and does not allow it to pass under the building.

Almost the only advantage of this foundation is its simplicity. This method can be used for small outbuildings and wells. For a residential building, it can only be used as an addition to the existing waterproofing.

Screen waterproofing

Screen waterproofing option using slabs

One of the new ways to protect the foundation is to nail mats filled with clay to the foundation using dowels or a construction gun. The mats should be laid with an overlap of 10-15cm. Sometimes, instead of mats with clay, you can find clay concrete panels on the market, but their joints will require additional processing. In fact, it is a modern analogue clay castle.

Like the previous type of foundation waterproofing, this method is considered only for non-residential buildings. Or combined with other waterproofing options.

Video waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt:

Which type is better to choose for a particular foundation?

Waterproofing monolithic slab foundation may contain combined system vertical and horizontal protection from moisture. But if at the construction stage the possibility of horizontal insulation was stifled, then roll-bitumen waterproofing or insulation using liquid rubber is best suited. They are more preferable due to good penetration into possible gaps between the foundation slabs.

When waterproofing a strip foundation, preference should be given to bitumen, penetrating or plaster waterproofing.

Waterproofing of pile-screw and columnar foundation may require additional processing in addition to the proposed methods metal parts foundation with anti-corrosion solution. Although each foundation should be approached individually.

  • A combination of different methods can be very useful.
  • You should not skimp on waterproofing material; remember, the stingy pays twice.
  • Before choosing the type of foundation, if you are unsure, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • It is worth thinking about what type of waterproofing method will be used even at the stage of pouring the foundation (this will reduce further costs and simplify the process).
  • When using the bitumen method, you can do without caulking small cracks; the bitumen itself will perfectly penetrate and seal them.
  • If necessary, when roll method You can apply several layers of roofing felt, one on one, and do not forget to make a bitumen layer between them.

Before you run to the store for waterproofing material, you first need to clarify the so-called hydraulic characteristics of the soil on your site - it is this indicator that is decisive when selecting waterproofing for specific type soils.

1. Coating (painting)

This group includes “liquid” materials – bitumen-containing mixtures and solutions, and bitumen itself. Coating bitumen waterproofing of the foundation will “stick” to the surface of the concrete structure for a maximum of 6 years; after this period, the coating will lose its elasticity, crack and become quite brittle (if frost hits, such a coating will not be of much use).

True, bitumen-based includes such components as polymer raw material (polymer mastic), which contains filler with mineral additives.

And the percentage of cement gives liquid composition additional adhesive properties - the solution “grabs” well to the surface of the concrete foundation. Coating waterproofing is also excellent for very hard surfaces subject to vibration and deformation.

This type of waterproofing is used in cases where it is necessary to protect surfaces from flooding with groundwater and for draining soils.

The thickness of the coating insulation layer can be from 1 to 3 mm - and the entire solution “settles” into the micropores of the concrete foundation structure and forms hermetically sealed “plugs” that clog the pores.

When waterproofing the surface of the plinth walls with bitumen mastic, you must comply with all protective measures and make sure that the solution does not get on the skin of your hands and feet, in Airways. Herself liquid waterproofing foundation is applied with a spatula to a previously (and carefully) prepared surface.

In addition to bitumen-containing materials, modern market foundation waterproofing is used liquid glass- this is the same solution, which is based not on bitumen, but on liquid glass.

On to the pros coating waterproofing include:

  • Availability (this is one of the most popular types“liquid” insulation, which can be found on almost any construction market)
  • Low cost compared to other types of materials and compositions for foundations
  • Good application to the surface (for example, waterproofing a foundation with liquid rubber is quite easy)

The disadvantages of this type of material include:

  • Fragility ( maximum term operation – six years)
  • Destruction of insulation in places of deformation seams during shrinkage of a concrete structure
  • Fragility of the covering layer in severe frosts (low tensile strength)
  • Drying time (for this reason, waterproofing with liquid material cannot be used in wet weather)
  • The need for additional protection against the formation of fungi, mold and plant roots

As you can see, the relative cheapness of the coating material turns out to be imaginary.

2. Pasting (roll)

All rolled foundation materials are one of the most inexpensive waterproofing materials.

For example, this is the same roofing felt, roofing felt, film - all of them, of course, are considered good protectors from moisture, but the service life of these materials is even shorter than that of coating materials. So, waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt (without reinforcement, of course) will last no longer than three years.

Today, however, manufacturers are striving to improve (if you can call it that) their products, and therefore they are being replaced by new materials - with increased strength indicators, reinforced with polyester and other polymer additives, increasing the elasticity of the material. These include a variety of rolled materials such as ecoflex, isoelast, fiberglass, etc.

The peculiarity of using such roll waterproofing is that the foundation should be waterproofed twice - in two layers, layer by layer.

Why roll waterproofing also called wrapping? Because many of the modern polymer roll films for waterproofing have an adhesive base on the “inner” side, which is glued to the surface.

However, glued waterproofing of foundations has its drawback - in order to avoid possible damage to the material, it must either be carefully fused or glued very carefully. In the case of surfacing, you will have to work with a construction burner - and this is an expensive pleasure for owners of private houses (you will have to either purchase equipment or rent it).

Another significant factor is the modification of polymer waterproofing. For example, there are membranes based on bitumen and polymer components - and the same product can be either low-modified or highly modified.

The latter leads to an increase in the cost of the material - and this is due to the quality of the product. And yet, one of the cheapest waterproofing in this segment remains the film for waterproofing the foundation - “cheap and cheerful”.

3.1. Penetrating

It is the same liquid mixture as the coating waterproofing solution, but with a slight difference in the principle of action: if the coating waterproofing of the foundation “envelops” the concrete surface, then the penetrating one acts, as the name suggests, by “penetration” - i.e. . , after applying it to the foundation walls, the composition passes into the pores of the structure, solidifying inside.

Today, penetrating foundation waterproofing is one of the new products in its segment. By appearance it looks like a simple primer white or ceramic liquid, but in consistency it is a mixture of acrylic, polymer substances and tiny ceramic particles.

The particles are small vacuum capsules - they help reduce the heat transfer coefficient of a structure coated with a penetrating mixture.

Manufacturers have achieved unique properties– along with good elasticity, the mixture fits perfectly on the surface of foundation walls, while protecting structures from moisture, the formation of fungi, and even corrosion.

Today, penetrating waterproofing is used not only mainly to protect the foundations of buildings, but also for such structures, the location of which does not provide for the arrangement of ventilation systems.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • its economy - a thin layer is enough to protect the surface from moisture,
  • a light weight ( thin layer less than 1 mm will not make it heavier general design foundation, as opposed to lining),
  • drying speed, ease of application, possibility of use both indoors and outdoors, durability.
  • Almost like polymer waterproofing of the foundation, it can last up to 15 years.

However, like any material, penetrating waterproofing has its drawbacks.

One of these is the relative fragility of the material - for example, if the composition is applied to the surface of a concrete structure that has cracked due to the failure to reach the required strength, then the penetrating insulation will simply collapse.

3.2. Injection waterproofing

Injection can be considered a type of penetrating insulation: its method of action is no less effective, and the advantages are obvious:

  • Good service life.
  • Excellent protection against moisture and temperature changes.
  • Good thermal insulation and anti-corrosion properties.

In most cases, injection waterproofing of the foundation is used in conjunction with liquid rubber (or liquid glass). Depending on the type of raw material composition, this type of waterproofing may have increased elastic properties, flexibility, and manufacturability. The injections are environmentally friendly and have excellent adhesive properties.

In addition to its main qualities, injection insulation has become popular due to its maintainability - it can be “repaired” in the event of mechanical or thermal damage.

Application features include only uniform distribution of the layer waterproofing material– if the mixture is applied correctly, then the seams on the walls, small cracks in the plaster and minor irregularities (flaws, defects) will practically not be noticeable.

The disadvantages of this type of waterproofing include relatively short term operation - only five years, after which it is advisable to repeat the injection procedure.

4. Mounted foundation waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is also not quite common, because for it. For example, the most popular clay today is bentonite clay (or rather, mats based on it).

Its design principle is as follows:

  • bentonite mats are laid between cardboard or geotextiles, which after some time decompose directly in the ground.
  • the mats themselves remain, the result is a foundation covered with .

Note that waterproofing the foundation with clay is practically not suitable for application to the walls of the base - that is, where insulating material must be in contact with air. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only as a waterproofing material under the foundation slab.

5. Membrane

The membrane material is made from a special PVC sheet with the addition of plasticizers. Various polymer components increase the service life of the material up to 50 years.

The advantages of membrane waterproofing of the foundation are as follows:

  • Heat resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Resistance to chemically aggressive environments and the effects of various microorganisms.
  • High resistance to increased temperature changes (membrane waterproofing does not change its quality indicators).
  • Does not stick or adhere to concrete surfaces.
  • Elasticity - thanks to this property, it can be used for foundations that have not yet “got through” the shrinkage of the structure.
  • Easy to install - it is laid in almost the same way as built-up foundation waterproofing.

Waterproofing the foundation using membrane sheets is possible using special equipment ( construction hair dryer, which welds sheets).

Well, there is perhaps only one downside to such a waterproofing material - the high cost of both consumables and finished product, and welding works.

6. Cut-off

The very name of this type foundation waterproofing already speaks for itself: cut-off waterproofing of the foundation helps to “cut off” capillary moisture - it should be used in places of contact between the lower parts of the walls and the upper surfaces of the foundation.

In most cases, horizontal cut-off insulation is used - these are roll materials, bitumen mastic, and polymer film.

In addition to horizontal, you can also use vertical cut-off waterproofing - the difference in insulating surfaces will be in the position of the material.

For vertical cut-off waterproofing, you can use insulating PVC tapes - judging by consumer reviews, more than half prefer to use insulation with relief surface(it increases the adhesion forces of the material to the concrete surface).

However, cut-off waterproofing can be not only rolled, but also injection - this is especially required for those houses whose foundations are located in areas with high groundwater levels (or in places of high dampness).

In pre-drilled holes of small diameters, which fills the micropore structure of the foundation and prevents groundwater from entering the structure. Thus, this type of insulation protects the foundation from vertical suction of moisture contained in the soil.

7. Sprayable

This type of waterproofing is classified as “liquid” - it is applied using special spraying equipment. The advantages include:

  • ease of use (a spray bottle is filled with the mixture, which is then sprayed onto the surface of the walls of the plinth and foundation),
  • no need for preparatory work (for example, if coating or adhesive waterproofing should be applied to a previously cleaned and sanded surface for better adhesion, then sprayed foundation waterproofing does not require special “measures”) - the maximum that may be needed is to sweep away construction dust from surfaces.
  • The material for spraying can be ordinary cement mortar with plasticizer additives that have a penetrating effect (quartz, cement and active additives).
  • But the disadvantage is the need to reinforce the sprayed surface in order to secure the material. In addition, spraying will not eliminate or hide even small flaws (defects) in the foundation surface, so the slightest irregularities will still be “visible.” Therefore, there is another disadvantage of using of this type waterproofing – the impossibility of applying complex shapes to buildings (it is also impossible to use adhesive roll insulation for them).

8. Polyurea

This is not a very “tasty” name - not at all what you thought. Polyurea is a polymer substance that basically contains polyester components, which impart good ductility to the material due to its increased viscosity properties.

However, due to the high drying rate, the viscous material becomes plastic-like, turning into a protective plastic film, which is distinguished by its moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical damage and temperature changes.

At its core, foundation waterproofing with polyurea is nothing more than applying a coating layer to the surface of concrete structures. Due to its “solidity”, polyurea leaves absolutely no marks or seams on the surface, and the structure of “continuity” prevents the formation of “cold bridges”, which is why heat losses, nor the penetration of moisture into the structure are not dangerous.

If the question of how to treat the foundation base from moisture is being resolved, consider different types materials for vertical and horizontal protection. They differ in structure and properties. Waterproofing is carried out on the external and internal walls of the base of the house. In each case we use different technologies protection of the structure.

Using moisture-resistant materials, the strength of the foundation of the house increases. To improve the properties of the foundation, it is recommended to coat the internal and external surfaces. The outer walls of the object's base are more susceptible to negative impact precipitation. For this reason, special attention should be paid to these areas of the foundation. Vertical insulation is installed on the outer walls. The base is protected from moisture using different types of materials:

  • coating materials: bitumen mastics, polymer compositions, cement-based mixtures (combined);
  • coloring (waterproofing paints) - applied on top of a plastered wall, which means that other types of insulation must be laid inside the structure (between the foundation and the plaster layer);
  • lining: roofing felt, roofing felt.

Only rolled materials are used as horizontal waterproofing. This is due to the fact that coating analogues are not strong enough. Horizontal moisture resistant coatings are used to protect residential premises from moisture penetrating from below: they are laid on the areas between the foundation and the outer surface of the basement floor. Such work is part of building a facility from scratch. If the building is already ready, it will not be possible to install horizontal insulation.

Installation of moisture-resistant material outside the base of the house in most cases is carried out during the construction stage. However, if such a need arises, you can isolate the foundation according to outside. For this purpose, a layer of plaster is removed, the rough surface is restored and waterproofing is installed, after which fine finishing. At the same time it is being settled drainage system along the perimeter of the foundation.

Internal waterproofing can be performed both at the stage of constructing a facility from scratch, and after completion of construction, during repair work. In this case they use different types materials: roll, coating. Considering that indoors the negative influence of moisture and mechanical load is less intense, it is permissible to use coating insulation.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of composition protects concrete structures from destruction. Applies to different stages construction: during the construction of the foundation, as well as in cases where it is planned to produce renovation work to restore the foundation of the facility. Protection of the walls of the basement of the house is ensured by applying solutions with penetrating ability. At the same time, the process of modifying the properties of the processed material is activated.

Such formulations contain chemical additives. After they are applied to the surface, a moisture-protective layer is formed not outside, but inside the foundation. These solutions are capable of penetrating to a depth of 12 cm relative to the outer surface of the base, where the active substances crystallize, closing the pores. As a result, concrete loses its adsorbing ability and becomes water-repellent.

Penetrating compounds have many positive qualities:

  • the treated surface of the foundation does not lose its ability to “breathe”;
  • increased resistance to low temperatures;
  • it is permissible to apply the solution to a wet structure;
  • there is no need to pre-level the foundation;
  • the foundation of the house is strengthened, since the reinforcing frame inside it is not subject to corrosion.

Concrete acquires the property of water resistance after treating the entire surface or point injection (injection) into cracks or other leaks in the foundation structure. However, penetrating compounds should not be used as the primary measure. They are highly effective only when combined with the use of other types of insulation. Thus, it is permissible to simultaneously use coating and pasting materials.

This type of coverage has limitations. Thus, penetrating compounds cannot be used to treat porous materials (foam and aerated concrete), since they are characterized by more large size time than classic concrete. The considered waterproofing option is not recommended to be applied to brick walls. In this case, it may be ineffective. Penetrating insulation is not used to protect the foundation, which is built from concrete blocks (joints are weak points).

Rolled adhesive waterproofing

Types of materials: bitumen-based, polymer compounds, synthetic coatings. Installation work is carried out according to a similar principle in each case: first, insulation is laid, the strips are laid overlapping, and coating insulation is used to fasten it to the surface. This increases the reliability of the coating.

If it is necessary to protect the foundation from negative influence groundwater, it is recommended to use the option of installing a multilayer coating. First, the concrete is treated with a penetrating compound. After this, liquid insulation is used to attach roll material. The steps are repeated several more times. For a foundation, applying 4-5 layers of waterproofing is considered sufficient. This amount is enough to ensure the strength of the coating.

Coating waterproofing

Cement-polymer, bitumen and polymer-bitumen mixtures are popular. They are used to treat the base of the house inside and out. However, there are some restrictions on use. Thus, on the outside of the foundation, it is preferable to use cement-based compositions with polymer additives. They are durable, moisture resistant, and not susceptible to negative factors.

Bitumen and polymer-bitumen mastics are recommended to be used together with other types of materials if you plan to apply them outside foundation. Such mixtures are inferior to analogues in strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Bituminous mastics are more often used inside. Before applying waterproofing of this type, the surface is prepared, cleaned, and primed.

How to protect a brick plinth from moisture?

If you plan to finish the foundation with brick, you should consider purchasing a more expensive material. Thus, there is a brick with improved characteristics - treated with impregnations that increase its strength and moisture resistance. However, you should be aware that this material requires additional protection in the form waterproofing coating, if the question of how to protect the base from moisture is being resolved.

The surface is cleaned and primed. Then coating insulation (any type of it) is applied. Rolled material is laid on top, roofing felt is often used. Then the actions are repeated 3-4 more times. In total, there should be up to 5 layers of insulation on the surface of the foundation.

From time to time, TV channels tell us how somewhere an entire house or part of it suddenly collapsed. We don’t want to scare you, like idle TV people do. But let’s say that there is no “suddenly” in the case of the destruction of a building. Any structure begins with a foundation and rests on it. If it is not strong enough and moisture-resistant, then the house will not last long. The most common reason foundation destruction - dampness, humidity, loose and water-saturated soil, heterogeneous soil, the beginning of construction of a new house or road nearby. It just seems that the foundation is heavy and will withstand everything. No, this is, first of all, a mobile structure that is sensitive to any loads and changes environment. Polyurethane mastic will help protect the foundation from destruction.

How to understand if your foundation is in danger

There are several signs that will help identify the problem at the first stage. Usually thin cracks, stains, mold on the walls inside the house, distortions of door and window structures appear on the foundation, then the exterior finish begins to deteriorate, the floor is deformed, some parts of the building collapse, and the soil along the structure collapses. If you notice cracks, it is worth checking the stability of the base.

The most common problem in Russian latitudes there is excess moisture. Typically, concrete is used to construct the foundation. It is a porous material that can accept some water. But if there is too much of it, then concrete cannot cope. In addition, moisture can linger inside, freeze and thus destroy the material.

How to save the foundation

The easiest way is to take care of the strength and waterproofing of the foundation, ensure drainage and drainage along the building at the construction stage. The main thing is to ensure that water does not accumulate at the base of the house. If you don’t think about drainage at all, then within a few years the foundation of the house will begin to become covered with cracks. This happens even with the highest quality materials.

Which waterproofing to choose

There are several main types of waterproofing. To choose the best option for you, you need to understand what type of soil you are dealing with, how deep the groundwater runs, at what depth the foundation is placed, what it is made of, and what size the building is.

There is one simple way that will help you check how deep the groundwater goes. In spring or fall, dig small holes in the place where you plan to build a house. And look to what level the water reaches them. This way you can determine how deep the foundation can be installed.

If you notice that there are a lot of marsh plants and sedges near the site, then water is close.

We decided to build a basement or a basement, which means we definitely need waterproofing.

Very often in such cases, vertical insulation is used together with roll materials based on bitumen. Another option is coating insulation. In this case, polymer compounds are applied to the surface of the foundation. Some recommend using both methods for maximum protection.

Polyurethane mastic or bitumen?

There are many types of waterproofing compounds on the market. Thanks to the development of the chemical industry, these products are becoming more and more advanced. If previously you could only rely on bitumen, now there are more durable alternatives.

What is the difference between bitumen and polyurethane mastic? Bitumen is one of the oldest building materials, accessible and cheap. Polyurethane mastics appeared on the market not so long ago, but they are distinguished by their strength and elasticity, which lasts for many years. Bitumen loses these properties very quickly. Its strength lasts for several years, then the physical and chemical properties of the material weaken. Polyurethane mastics can last more than 40 years.

What to choose? If we are talking about large-scale work, then it is cheaper to use bitumen, for example, for the construction and repair of roads. Polyurethane is needed where we are faced with non-trivial tasks. For example, it is necessary to insulate an overpass, foundation, bypass, or roof.

How polyurethane mastic interacts with the surface

Polyurethane mastics are easy to apply - with a roller, brush or spatula. The emulsion enters the pores of concrete, squeezes air out of them and crystallizes. After application, the polymer forms a durable film, which, due to its physical and chemical properties repels moisture.

Polyurethane mastic from Khimtrust

The Himtrust company has developed its own polyurethane mastic, which can be used not only for waterproofing foundations, but also roofs, swimming pools, tanks, basements, terraces, balconies, tunnels, as well as under screed and tiles, for repairing old bitumen insulation.

When you work with polyurethane mastic, follow safety precautions, work in a gas mask or protective mask, and in special clothing that will cover all parts of your body.

After work, rinse all brushes with acetone, and store the mastic in a tightly closed container to prevent polymerization.

Chemtrust specialists are always ready to tell you which polymer is best suited for your purposes. Our warehouses can be found in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Ufa.

Professional builders consider groundwater control to be one of the most difficult engineering challenges. It is not always possible to resolve the issue using passive methods, but there are cases when standard waterproofing measures are sufficient. Below we will talk about materials and design features waterproofing systems.

The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Many factors depend on the climate, soil and the structure of the building itself. It is clear that in areas where a hot climate prevails and precipitation minimal amount precipitation, waterproofing measures are not necessary. But, in fact, this is where the list of conditions when moisture protection of load-bearing structures is irrelevant ends.

It is obvious that developers who are considering how to treat the foundation for waterproofing strive to ensure its safety throughout the entire life of the building. Such events allow you to get rid of such negative phenomena, How:

  1. The appearance of fungi and harmful bacteria that are harmful to health.
  2. Capillary penetration of groundwater into the concrete body with its subsequent destruction.
  3. Penetration of groundwater into the basement or ground floor.

Doesn't matter, for construction - protection is necessary for any load-bearing structures. Otherwise, alternating freeze-thaw cycles will very quickly destroy the base, because the water, expanding, will destroy the structure of the concrete.

Soil features

The bulk of the buried foundations rest on strata that are located below the first impermeable layer of dense clay. As a result, the water flow almost always ends up at the level of the walls. In some places it is lower, in some it is higher, but in one case or another the groundwater is adjacent to the vertical line of concrete.

The waterproof layer is rarely located strictly horizontally; on the contrary, its plane is inclined or curved. Therefore, in the upper part of the slope the flow of moisture is most pronounced, and on the sides and below it is almost absent.

The necessary measures for hydrophobization of the base are determined in accordance with the directions of groundwater flows. Here, a solution is allowed that involves the need for a monolithic connection between the ground floor floor and the walls. This practice is key because a cold joint is a major cause of moisture infiltration. If the foundation cannot be poured in one stage, then the seam must be located above the groundwater level.

Let's discuss how to treat a monolithic foundation for waterproofing: materials and methods

There are two methods to protect reinforced concrete from the harmful effects of moisture:

  • Using special chemical additives to the concrete mixture. Such a base is not subject to destruction under the influence of moisture, but you cannot make a solution yourself - you need a special preparation method. Therefore, we will not consider this option here.
  • Creation of an additional hydrophobic layer for waterproofing a monolithic foundation plane of a residential building using mastics, powders, roll or sheet material.

In construction, there are two types of waterproofing of the base: horizontal and vertical. The first option protects walls and ceilings from capillary penetration of moisture, and the second involves organizing a protective layer throughout vertical plane monolithic slab, or pile base. Typically, both types are combined into one waterproof building system.

Important! A competent builder will provide protection from moisture even at the stage of building the basement. To do this, the formwork is covered with a layer of waterproofing material with an overlap of 3-5 cm and only then it is poured concrete mortar. The joints must be treated with bitumen mastic.

If for some reason it is decided to protect the foundation from moisture after its construction, then you can use the following materials:

  • Coating– polymer and bitumen mastics or emulsions that are applied with a brush, spatula or spray.
  • Pasting– sheet or roll waterproof material, installation of which is carried out using gas burner or without.
  • Plastering– mineral-cement compositions with additives that increase the degree of hydrophobia.

Insulating the horizontal planes of the plinth

One of the main purposes this method– providing walls with protection from moisture. To achieve this goal, dense roll material is usually used. The most budget option roofing material is recognized, which is laid in several layers coated with bitumen.

In modern times, the question of how to treat the foundation of a building for waterproofing is not particularly difficult. Modern insulators, for example, from the Technonikol line, are superior to traditional roofing felt in many respects. In such materials there is no base, and high quality bitumen-polymer mixture increases its flexibility.

Additional measures: installation of a drainage system

If available on site high level groundwater and low soil permeability, there is a need to drain excess moisture into a separate well. The technology for implementing the system is as follows:

  • Along the perimeter of the object, at a distance of 0.7 m from the base, you need to dig a trench 0.3-0.5 m wide. Its depth depends on the groundwater horizon.
  • The slope of the trench is made towards the collecting tank.
  • Lay geotextiles at the bottom of the trench, turning the edges 0.8-0.9 m onto its walls.
  • Fill with crushed stone or gravel in a layer of 5-8 cm over the entire plane of the trench.
  • Lay down drainage pipes with a slope of 5 mm per linear meter.
  • Fill the pipe with gravel in a layer of 20-30 cm, having first washed it out.
  • Wrap the edges of the geotextile and fill the trench with soil.

The drainage system can also be installed after the construction of the building. It is also important competent organization blind areas.

An important question: what is the best way to vertically waterproof the foundation of a building?

This technology is much more diverse in terms of the materials used. Many of them are combined in systems, complementing each other. The options below can be adopted one at a time or several at once - it all depends on the construction conditions.

The most inexpensive method is to coat the base with bitumen resin, which is sold in bars. Those who still don’t know what foundation waterproofing looks like and what’s the best way to do it should take into account important detail. Preparation of the material for use and application technology is as follows:

  • Pour 30% used oil and 70% bitumen into the container.
  • Heat the composition over a fire or stove until liquid.
  • Apply the liquid mixture to the cleaned surface of the base using a brush or roller.
  • Coating in two or three layers begins from the base of the base.

The main disadvantage of this material is its short service life. Bitumen-polymer mastics are more durable. There are both cold and hot applied materials on the construction market:

  • MBPH-100.
  • Technomast from TechnoNIKOL.
  • Elastopaz.
  • Elastomix.

The method of applying the listed materials is different: with a spatula, roller or spray.

Processing of roll material

The option is used both separately and in combination with coating method. Additionally, experts recommend insulating and protecting the “pie” using, for example, or ACL.

The most affordable is roofing felt, but before installation it is treated with bitumen mastic, as in the previous method. Manufacturers also offer more modern products:

  • Glass insulation
  • Technoelast Barrier.
  • Rubitex.
  • Gidrostekloizol.
  • TechnoNIKOL.

Polyester, which is the basis of the listed products, improves wear resistance and elasticity, which qualitatively improves the waterproofing of the monolithic foundation of a residential building or cottage.

Treatment with liquid rubber

An analogue of adhesive waterproofing can be called liquid rubber. It is also durable and has good adhesion. The main advantage of this treatment is the absence of seams on the surface. For independent implementation of a hydrophobic system, one-component mixtures Elastopaz or Elastomix are suitable.

The base must first be cleaned and primed. After the rubber has dried, you may need additional protection from stones and other construction waste, which falls into the trench after it is backfilled. In this case, the base should be covered with DSP or geotextile.

Penetrating waterproofing

This category of water repellents includes compounds that can penetrate a concrete structure to a depth of 10-20 cm and crystallize inside. This prevents capillary penetration of moisture into the concrete. Corrosion foundation is also excluded. Practice has shown the most effective mixtures, which, subject to technology, provide protection for up to 20 years:

  • Penetron.
  • Aquatron-6.
  • Hydrotex.

Screen waterproofing of the base

The method is actually a modern analogue of a clay castle. The main material is bentonite mats based on the same clay. They are mounted with an overlap of 150 mm using dowels. A concrete wall should be installed nearby to prevent the mats from swelling. The most famous products are represented by the following products:

  • Isobent.
  • Bentisol.
  • Rosbent.
  • Bento-Mat.

The option is not used so often because it requires significant financial costs.


The optimal waterproofing system for the basement of a building depends on many external parameters. First of all, you should pay attention to the cost of the material, its effectiveness and durability. In this case, the foundation will last a long time and will not require unplanned repairs.

An important stage in preparation for the construction of a building is the drainage of the site to drain groundwater. If the site is located in an area where the water level is quite low, then you can get by with one blind area that will protect the base from precipitation.