How to remove a blockage in the bathroom. How to clear a clog in the bathroom yourself using affordable means? Plumbing cable - a more serious method of cleaning

Before starting cleaning work sewer system, you need to figure out what exactly led to the creation of the blockage. There are a sufficient number of reasons that provoke its appearance:

  • a design error is a problem independent of the actions of the bathtub owner. It is due to the fact that even at the construction stage the pipe laying was not carried out in accordance with technical requirements. As a rule, this is an insufficient drain slope. It can be cleaned, but after a while the problem will reappear. To eliminate it, you will have to redo the entire system, from the bathroom to the main riser;
  • pipe material - if they are made of cast iron or steel, dirt accumulation will occur more often. This is due to the fact that plaque is deposited on their walls in large quantities. Plastic pipes are not so susceptible to this negative point, but they still cannot completely get rid of the problem;
  • foreign objects - before looking for the answer to the question of how to clear a blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to determine whether any large debris has gotten into the drain. It means food, construction and other waste that belongs in trash can, not in the sewer. So-called human factor in this case plays a significant role;
  • end of service life - all materials have their own limitations regarding the time of their use. We should not exclude the possibility that the pipes have simply become unusable due to long use. Over time, they become loose, deformed, and growths appear inside. All this leads to the fact that the risk of blockages increases significantly;
  • improper care - regardless of whether the pipe in the bathroom is clogged or not, it should be cleaned regularly. It is enough to carry out this event several times a year, and the appearance of blockages can be avoided;
  • fat – its deposits provoke a decrease in bandwidth pipes, due to the fact that their diameter becomes smaller. Grease is a very dangerous enemy of bathroom drains because it can contaminate the entire pipe. Outwardly, the drain may look completely clean, but the water flow will be weak.

Mechanical cleaning

How to clear a clog in a bathroom at home if it is located in close proximity to the drain? The best option Here we see a mechanical method. It should be understood that this means the use of special tools, and not improvised means that can be used to poke into the drain hole in the hope that in this way it will be possible to clean it.

Today, as many years ago, the most effective tool is a plunger. This is a rather primitive, but very effective device, which consists of a stick and a rubber hemisphere at its end.

Breaking through a blockage with a plunger has an important drawback - it is a rather difficult task, from a physics point of view.

The principle of clearing a clog using a plunger:

  • The lower edge of the rubber part is first lubricated with Vaseline or any other lubricant. This is necessary in order to ensure the most airtight connection with the surface of the bathtub;
  • the working part of the plunger is placed directly above the drain;
  • Then, with rhythmic movements, the plunger is compressed and straightened. This creates pressure on the obstacle inside the pipe. The longer you work with the plunger, the faster it will collapse and be pulled upward;
  • If the contamination cannot be removed, you can try to break it with water. To do this, hot water is drawn into the bathtub, after which it is pumped into the pipe using a plunger. The acceleration imparted to it by the tools will allow the cork to erode.

Breaking through a blockage with a plunger has an important drawback - it is a rather complex task, from a physics point of view. Therefore, it is recommended for men to perform it.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger. Externally, it looks like a thick twisted wire, which is twisted into a kind of spiral. At the end of the wire there is a handle for convenient control of the cable inside the pipe.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe. The flexible body of the device allows you to reach the most secluded corners of the drain in the bathroom.


  • the end of the cable is carefully inserted into the drain hole;
  • the cable is slowly pushed forward while the handle is rotated at the same time. Thus, something similar to drilling is obtained. Due to the complexity of the procedure, it is advisable to perform it together;
  • as the cable is twisted, deposits inside the pipe are subjected to strong mechanical stress and, accordingly, are destroyed;
  • when the resistance to the wire becomes minimal, it jerks sharply back and forth;
  • the cable is unscrewed back and thoroughly washed to remove debris adhering to it;
  • Water is released into the pipe, which should wash out the destroyed blockage.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe.

If necessary, this procedure can be repeated. In any case, it will be much easier from a physical point of view.

Siphon is a part of plumbing fittings located with outside bathtubs, that is, under the drain, being its continuation and a kind of entrance to the pipe. Characteristic feature siphon is that it usually has a sharp bend. It is because of this most of clogging is deposited here. Timely cleaning of the device reduces the risk of severe blockage.

Timely cleaning of the device reduces the risk of severe blockage.

Work order:

  • on the floor, directly under the siphon, you should lay out a rag or place some kind of container. This will help prevent dirty and even smelly water from getting on the floor;
  • the nut is unscrewed, after which the bulb is removed;
  • after all the water has flowed out, the siphon is thoroughly washed clean water, any deposits on its walls are removed mechanically. The same applies to foreign particles.

The disadvantage of this method is that in the case of a bathtub it is quite difficult to get to the siphon. This also determines the fact that you will have to work in an uncomfortable position. Knowing how to clean a bathroom drain by washing the siphon, you can effectively avoid the appearance of any foreign deposits inside the drain pipe.

Folk remedies

Naturally, there are also methods that have already been invented by the people. Most of them actually help solve the pressing issue of how to unclog a bathtub. Despite the fact that such methods are used relatively infrequently today, some of them still deserve to be discussed in detail.

Perhaps one of the most universal remedies present in the kitchen. Natural or table vinegar, as well as vinegar essence, can clean, dissolve, whiten, eliminate odors and perform many other functions that they like food products, should not be peculiar. It should be noted that vinegar alone will not be able to break through the blockage inside the pipe. To do this, you can mix it with soda. This is done like this: four tablespoons are poured into the drain hole. baking soda, after which half a glass of vinegar is added. To chemical reaction leaked with a limited amount of oxygen, the hole is closed with something sealed. After about half an hour, you can turn on high pressure hot water which will remove any remaining debris.

You can also use pure soda. You will need about half a pack. There should be no water in the drain. Five minutes after adding soda, turn on the hot water.

You already know how to remove a blockage in the bathroom at home using the above remedies. But you also need to understand that such substances can have an extremely negative effect on the technical and operational condition of pipes, especially if they are steel. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to using soda and vinegar no more than once a year.

Preventive measures

By using modern means, mechanical adjustments and, ultimately, changing the design of the bathroom drain, any blockage can be eliminated. But its removal is associated with such negative aspects, such as physical effort, financial costs, spoiled mood, loss of time, etc.

Consequently, it is much easier to avoid the appearance of a traffic jam than to deal with it later.

  • use caution. In order not to solve the question of how to get rid of a blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to ensure that no third-party things get into the drain during bathing, washing and other activities in the bathroom;
  • installation of protection - just put a fine mesh in the drain to protect it from various small objects, as well as hair and wool;
  • regular care. Modern chemicals allow for quick and effective preventative cleaning. They will help not only prevent the formation of plaque, but also reduce the risk of corrosion. The same goes for the plunger. If you clean your bathtub with it once every few months, it will be virtually impossible for clogs to form.

Preventive measures are quite simple, and therefore their compliance will in no way complicate people’s lives.

The causes of blockages are divided into two categories - technical and operational. The first ones are formed at the stage of construction or reconstruction. This is an incorrect laying of communications, when the angles of inclination of sewer pipes do not ensure water flow, or docking - at the points of contact, debris clings to uneven surfaces and a plug grows. In such cases, cleaning has a short-term effect. To solve the issue radically, you will have to perform a reinstallation.

As you use the drain, the cross-section of the system gradually narrows due to the build-up of fat and soap deposits on the walls; food particles, hair, and pet hairs stick to them. This happens regardless of the resident’s neatness. The only difference is how long it takes for the blockage to occur. An unpleasant event is accompanied bad smell, therefore, you should not take the situation to extremes, but carry out preventive cleaning if drainage difficulties are detected.

Methods for restoring tube patency

If a blockage has already occurred in the bathroom, you need to decide on the territory of responsibility: the riser falls under the responsibility of management company. It's easy to check - you just need to turn on the toilet flush and it will be clear where the plug is. If the apartment pipe is clogged, then use it at home following methods troubleshooting:

  1. 1. Mechanical - with a plunger, a vacuum cleaner, a plumbing cable, improvised means: a rigid hose, hot water pressure. In the same group, cleaning the siphon.
  2. 2. Chemical method using household special means from blockages.
  3. 3. Folk techniques for eliminating traffic jams.

It will not be difficult to eliminate the trouble that has arisen yourself by reading the description of each method. Which one to use depends on what is at hand, since the proposed choice of means is quite wide.

How to wash potassium permanganate from the bath, hands and clothes

Mechanical methods

The easiest way to clear a clog in the bathroom is with a plunger, but if for some reason you don’t have one in your apartment, you can make a homemade one using a vacuum cleaner and a ball:

  1. 1. Cut a rubber ball with a diameter larger than the drain hole in half in unequal proportions and insert the parts one into the other - when inserting the sides of the halves should align. Make a hole in the center the size of the pneumatic apparatus pipe.
  2. 2. Insert a pipe with a hose from a vacuum cleaner into the dome and secure with tape. The result was a plunger with a pneumatic drive.
  3. 3. Turn on the product by applying it to the drain - a powerful air flow can break through the heaviest blockage even without a plunger.

Another replacement is to use a rigid rubber hose. You need to connect it to hot water and secure it. Insert the free end into the drain hole as far as possible and add boiling water. The high-temperature flow, combined with the forward movement of the hose, can remove blockages of any complexity.

If there is nothing at hand, fill the bath to the brim hot water, and then suddenly open the drain point. Due to pressure and heat, the plug will disappear.

The first waste storage device at the entrance of used water into the sewerage system is the siphon; blockages often occur in it. Cleaning the device is easy: place a basin under the device to collect liquid and unscrew the bottom cap. They wait until everything drains and remove the hydraulic lock. Clean the sump and parts from debris and dirt, and install them in their original place. If there are no leaks after supplying water, you can remove the container from under the siphon. The procedure is also performed for preventive purposes and in preparation for clearing the blockage using a plumbing cable.

Procedure for working with a cable

This method is used when the drain is completely clogged and no other methods have helped. The essence of the procedure is to hook the plug like a fishhook and pull it out, or push it further along the pipe, where it expands. Cleaning the drain is done as follows:

  • wear protective gloves;
  • disassemble the siphon;
  • straighten the end of the cable and insert it into the drain hole;
  • rotate and push the tool until you feel a catch, then pull it out and free it from dirt;
  • repeat until the blockage is completely removed;
  • After making sure it is clean, remove the cable, install the siphon and run hot water.

You can use a flexible wire as a tool: bend the hook at one end and make something like a handle for rotation on the other side. The plumbing cable has the same equipment - a device for turning and a hook. Before cleaning, the product is inspected for the integrity and reliability of the handle. The average length of the instrument is 3 meters.

Application of chemical solvents

You can clear a clog in the bathroom without mechanics, but with the use of modern cleaning products. The range of gels, liquids and powders is large. Among them there are those that can also cope with fatty deposits in pipes: they contain acids or alkalis. The choice of drugs must be approached with caution, chemical reagents You can dissolve not only substances from the blockage, but also the pipes themselves, if they are made of plastic. To remove fat from the walls, the following means are often used:

  • Mister Muscle in the form of gel and foam - cleans all types of pipes, kills bacteria and odor;
  • Pothan, an Israeli product - just add 100 g to get rid of a strong blockage, but it has a pungent odor and is very expensive;
  • Mole – effective remedy, but eats plastic pipes;
  • Tiret allows you to quickly remove the plug, there is no ammonia smell.

If the bathtub is clogged, use chemicals strictly according to the instructions: before starting work, put on rubber gloves, safety glasses and special clothing, and ensure the room is ventilated. The procedure for use is to pour (pour) the product into the drain hole, wait for the time specified in the instructions, and then rinse with boiling water. When choosing a reagent, you need to pay attention to the ability to dissolve hair.

Remove fatty deposits from sewer pipes- the problem is not new; it existed during times of general shortage, when there was no abundance of special funds. But you can find vinegar and baking soda in every kitchen. And these days, if there is nothing at hand, but the blockage needs to be cleared, they resort to folk remedies:

  1. 1. Boiling water will not help with severe blockage, but at the stage of plug formation, until the duct is completely blocked, it acts effectively, melting fatty deposits.
  2. 2. With the help of soda and vinegar - the components react to form foam. One glass of each substance is poured into the drain and closed with a stopper. Leave for 3 hours, then rinse with boiling water.
  3. 3. Lemon. If the bath is not very clogged, you can squeeze the juice from one fruit into the receiving hole and wait 2 hours. Clean with hot water.
  4. 4. Soda and salt - mix half a glass each and pour into the clogged pipe. In the morning, pour boiling water and leave until evening.

All of the above recipes work well as preventive measures. To prevent the situation from becoming clogged, a fine mesh is installed on the drain hole to separate debris, and household chemicals are used once a quarter. This allows you to maintain the permeability of the bathroom pipes in proper condition.

A clogged drain is always unpleasant. No water goes down the drain, which makes it simply impossible to use the bathroom, and all this is accompanied by a most unpleasant smell. In general, there is something to be upset about. But we don’t intend to do this; we’d better find out in the bathroom.

In most cases, the sewer becomes clogged due to improper use and to eliminate it? But it’s not always due to inattention, it’s just very difficult to keep track of what exactly goes down the drain. The cause of the blockage can be hair, various debris, pet hair, clothing pellets, etc. All these “joys” accumulate over time in the siphon or pipeline, creating a compacted lump and preventing the movement of water. The result is known - a blockage in the bathroom.

Where to begin?

First, it’s worth finding out whether the trouble you encountered is really a blockage. If just yesterday we saw that the water was draining quite quickly, but after some procedure (for example, cleaning the carpet or bathing a beloved dog), the drain has deteriorated significantly, which means a blockage has formed.

But if there was bad drainage before, you should seek help from a specialist who would check the height of the drain hole.

In general, whatever the cause of the blockage, it must be eliminated in any case. Keep in mind that removing a blockage in the bathroom is much more difficult than that; there is a special opening for draining the water.

Hydraulic cleaning

What if in this case? The resulting blockage is destroyed by the force of water hammer, which is carried out special tool, which can be a simple plunger or an expensive hydrodynamic nozzle (this device is also called a hydraulic plunger). You decide for yourself which one to use.

Note! Using a nozzle is not inferior in labor intensity to a plumbing cable (but at the same time surpasses it in terms of efficiency).

Regarding a regular plunger, it is advisable to use it only in case of minor blockages, and even then in combination with chemical cleaning agents. Cleaning a bathroom using a plunger looks like this:

  1. Pour some water into the bath (to cover the drain hole).
  2. We push the plunger alternately towards ourselves and away from ourselves, thus provoking compression/discharge.
  3. A hydraulic shock is created that will destroy the blockage.

Siphon replacement

In most cases, cleaning the siphon helps eliminate the sewer blockage, but if it does not help, then it is better to replace this element with a new one. Of course, it’s better for a specialist to do this, but if you want to do it yourself, it’s worth a try. To work you will need the following tools:

  • old rag (to wipe up water);
  • basin for dirty water;
  • screwdriver for unscrewing the bolt;
  • new siphon.

The procedure is approximately the same as for cleaning, but there are some nuances.

  1. Place a basin under the siphon.
  2. Unscrew the cap at the bottom of the siphon, holding the device itself so that it does not dangle. Do this slowly so that the water gets into the basin and not onto the floor.
  3. Drain off all the water.
  4. Unscrew the bolt.
  5. Disconnect the siphon from the sewer hole.
  6. Install new device, following the instructions for it.

Note! If you cannot unscrew the bolt on the siphon, then you should definitely contact a specialist.

We have already talked about . All points regarding the selection of a bath siphon are completely identical.

Removing hairballs from drains

When hair gets into the bathroom drain, it does not disappear anywhere, but forms a dense lump and settles in the pipeline. To remove hair, you need to use acid-based cleansers, which do an excellent job not only of hair, but also of soap residue.

This remedy can be the same “Mole”, which acts throughout the entire length of the pipes and eliminates such complex blockages as hair and paper. Another good drug– Deboucher, which penetrates into the very depths of the sewer even when completely clogged. If you use "Brawler" according to the instructions, the seals and pipes will not be damaged.

Also, many people say that it does an excellent job with hair in the sewer. depilatory gel. A tube of such gel is poured into the drain hole, and after 10 minutes it needs to be washed off. Hair clogged in the pipe will be completely dissolved.

Video - Removing a blockage in the bathroom using a spoon and shower

Cleaning the sewer pipe in the bathroom with “kitchen chemicals”

If for one reason or another it is impossible to use the drug, then it can be completely replaced with a product prepared at home, which will require the following ingredients:

  • a glass of salt;
  • the same amount of baking soda;
  • ¼ cup cream of tartar (crystallized sediment formed during wine production).

Mix all this and put the jar in the cleaner, tightly closing it with a lid. If necessary, take ¼ of the contents of the jar, pour it into the drain hole and pour 300 ml of boiling water. After about a minute, turn on cold water and rinse off any remaining product. The procedure should be performed weekly.

Measures to prevent blockages in the bathtub

As we can see, you can deal with the blockage on your own. But preventive measures will be more effective, using which you can avoid such problems. Among these measures, the main ones can be identified.

If you follow all preventive measures, your bath will always be completely clean.

What is the best way to clear a clogged pipe? This is not an easy matter, so many owners call a specialist whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don’t have to waste time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why do pipes get clogged, how to clear a clogged pipe? The main cause of a traffic jam is debris accumulated over time, soap residue, dirt, hair, etc. A clog means that water is not draining well or is not flowing down the drain at all. If you do not clean the pipes in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the bathtub being damaged, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you should first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Simple ways to clear clogs

If you are faced with a clog problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you begin cleaning, you will need to remove visible reasons clogs (residues from washing dishes, hair and other debris). Then you will need the easiest to use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device is already for a long time helps the owners both clear the blockage in the bathroom and eliminate it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of whether the sink or bathtub is clogged, you need to fill everything with water and plug the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger when sewer pipes are clogged, the pressure created by water does not decrease.
  • You need to install the plunger over the hole for the stack, pressing on the handle to create pressure in the pipes. You should pump the water several times, then quickly remove the plunger. The clog should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure several times with a plunger.

If it doesn’t help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be broken down by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean bathroom drains using improvised means. It is useful to know them, since such a problem most often takes you by surprise. To take advantage folk remedies cleaning, you will need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to place a container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it to see if it is clogged with debris, and if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, you should insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to build up, it means that the drain is completely clogged and the pipes need to be cleaned.
  • You need to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable in the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, this will be overcoming the first bend. And the very next clearing jerk will remove the blockage. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not go through, there is no need to push it there by force. It can break and remain there, leaving the bathroom pipes unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself; there is a good and simple way. To do this, you need to wrap a bottle (2 liters) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to outline it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the outlined design, starting from the top. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then we make notches, the so-called teeth, along the entire spiral on both sides. A homemade plumbing cable has formed, which you can use to try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaning products

Today on store shelves you can find many chemical products that will help with the question of how to remove a blockage in the bathroom or sink. But a small difficulty arises, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals what will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not clog in the near future.

Before using chemicals, it is still recommended to try to clean the pipes mechanical method(cable, plunger). Any procedures for clearing clogs with chemicals cause harm to the material, which is especially true for plastic pipes.

Several simple ways and available tools that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemicals

There are many household chemicals, which can be found in any supermarket. For example:

  • Mole for clearing clogged pipes;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Pothan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such products are poured into the sink or bathtub and left for half an hour. More details can be found in the instructions included with the pipe blockage products. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period so that it not only removes the blockage, but also clears out all the dirt that caused the pipe to become clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not become clogged over time. It would seem that new pipes are the way out of the situation, because old ones, in addition to user garbage, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal peeling, etc.

It is precisely for new plastic pipes that there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, chemical cleaners can cause damage to the material, especially PVC. Therefore, there is no need to rush to “save” the pipes using this method. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

From now on, you should try to prevent food debris, hair and other things from getting in, which could clog the drain in the sink or any other plumbing fixture. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not become clogged.

Video instruction

A clogged drainage system entails a lot of inconvenience: reduced efficiency of the sewer system, danger of flooding, and much more. We will tell you what to do if your bathtub is clogged, what to do if thick blockages of hair and scale form, and also how to clean the pipes using home remedies.

Traditional methods of cleaning a bathtub

The easiest thing you can do if your bathtub is clogged is to pour vinegar and baking soda down the drain. IN best case scenario, this method will help dissolve part of the blockage, at worst, nothing will change. To prepare the solution you need to take equal amount vinegar and soda (for example, a glass) and boil water. Then proceed according to the instructions:

  1. You need to turn off the water and remove the siphon. Clean it with a cloth or detergent;
  2. Soda is poured into the pipe, after which vinegar is poured into it. For maximum reaction efficiency, add vinegar in a thin stream. As soon as you hear hissing, set the timer for 30 minutes. On average, the reaction takes exactly half an hour;
  3. After the boiling in the pipe has completely stopped, it needs to be poured with boiling water. It is also important to pour it in a thin stream, without much pressure. After completing all the steps, install the siphon and turn on the water. If the flow goes through the drain normally, then the blockage has been removed.

There are more effective method, albeit longer. You need to turn off the water at night and fill the pipe with salt and soda, taken in equal proportions. Immediately after this, pour at least 2 liters of boiling water into the drain. After 8 hours you can check whether the blockage has been removed or not. If you don’t want to wait a long time and measure the proportions of kitchen products, then you can simply buy chemical agent for cleaning pipes. They are capable of dissolving not only soap scum and scale, but also hair and even polyethylene.

This option is good if the outlets are clogged due to soap residue or grease. If a small blockage of another kind has formed in the bathroom, then you can easily get rid of it with a simple plunger.

This special device with handle and rubber cap. If you place a plunger over the drain hole, a vacuum will form inside the rubber cap. Due to changes in pressure inside the pipe, the blockage changes its position. In this case, there is a high probability that the debris will go into a large pipe.

How to clean a bathroom pipe with a plunger:

  1. The overflow hole must be closed, otherwise the pressure drop will be insufficient;
  2. The handle should be perpendicular to the bottom of the bathtub, and the rubber cap should be located above the drain hole;
  3. It is important that the center of the plunger is above the center of the drain - this will allow better pumping of the drains;
  4. You need to slowly press down on the handle several times, as a result of which the rubber tip will “fall” into the drain. These movements will help move the blockage.

But the plunger only copes with minor blockages. If the bathtub is clogged with hair or other problematic waste, it will not help. In this case, it is more advisable to use a plumbing cable. With its help, you can clean your pipes from almost any blockage with your own hands.

Exist different types cables:

  1. Cable cars. Made from zinc alloyed steel. Excellent resistance to corrosion and capable of accurately cleaning pipes without large diameter(the cross-section of such a “rope” is only 6 mm). The tip is flat, without branches or hooks. Due to the fact that it is thin and does not have any fastenings at the end, it cannot be used to clear complex blockages;

  2. Spring-wound ones are more rigid than rope ones. Due to this, they have a wider range of uses. They are a metal device with a rigid base along which a thinner wire is wound in a spiral. The diameter of such a cable is rarely less than 9 mm, so they are considered semi-professional. At the end of such a cord there is a small tip, which helps not only to push the litter further into the sewer riser, but also pull it out of the pipe;

  3. Spring. Of course, every owner can have it at home, but such cables are considered professional. They are used to clear complex blockages in sewer pipes. They are rarely used in apartment or home environments due to their large diameter (up to 15 mm).

To clear a clog in the bathroom using a cable, you will need to prepare. First of all, the siphon is removed. Firstly, when cleaning it can be damaged (especially plastic models), secondly, without removing it completely it will not be possible to clean the pipe.

Step-by-step instructions on how to unclog a bathroom using a cable:

  1. The rope has two ends. One of them is clamped in the hand, and the second (with a blunt end or a hook, depending on the type) is inserted into the pipe. To avoid damaging the walls of the sewer outlets, the cable must be turned with a handle;
  2. As soon as the cable encounters a blockage, turning will become more difficult; here you need to apply more effort. But you cannot put pressure on the cable, otherwise there is a chance of piercing the walls. In addition, it is advisable to make sure that you hit the debris and not the pipeline bend;
  3. If the cable has a hook at the end, then you need to turn it several times in one direction, then in the other, and remove it from the pipe with slow rotational movements. At correct actions, there should be debris left on the hook that caught the device. It is recommended to repeat this action several times;
  4. After rotational and translational movements, the remaining debris is pushed into the sewer.

To consolidate the result, the pipes are additionally washed with hot water. First you need to release a small stream into the outlet, then increase the pressure. This will help remove any remaining debris on the side walls.

Professional ways

Sometimes it happens that none of the home methods are suitable or there is simply no desire to clear the blockage in the bathroom yourself. Then you can resort to the services of professionals. The most common plumbing service is hydrodynamic flushing. It's running special device, which removes almost any blockages with high water pressure.

Advantages of hydrodynamic cleaning:

  1. Speed. You will be able to use the bath immediately after the procedure is completed. For example, after dry cleaning must be kept for 2 to 8 hours (remember the salt method);
  2. Safety. Even the largest flow of water will not damage the internal parts of the pipes. Moreover, the liquid will neatly fill all knees and transitions. If the cable is rotated incorrectly or with excessive force, even brass bends can be damaged;
  3. Versatility. In this way you can get rid of hairballs, soap and fat build-ups, and scale. It’s just that different techniques are used depending on the type of blockage.

Pipes can be spilled hot and cold water. Hot is most often used for metal taps (removing soap build-up, minerals, etc.). Cold is used in most cases for plastic outlets and pushing hair and other solid waste into a wider hole sewer network.

Of course, professional companies also widely use mechanical cleaning with cables. These can be either mechanical or automatic devices. In them, the pressure force is regulated (unlike non-professional hand ropes). This allows you to be safe from cracks in pipes and ensure operational efficiency.