Whose genes? Scientific confirmation of the theory of telegony - af_doc.

The theory of telegony in humans suggests that a woman's first sexual partner influences her future children, even if they are from another man. There are still heated debates about whether the theory of telegony is true or false, the evidence is being refuted and at the same time, a search is underway for ways to cleanse oneself from the influence of the first man. And also women’s minds are troubled by the thought - is it possible to be saved from the effects of telegony if you protect yourself with a condom? Let's look at this issue one by one.

The theory of telegony appeared about 150 years ago. The term “telegony” itself includes two words: “far” and “to generate.” And it means that the seed of the first man can affect the offspring of a woman many years later, even if the children are conceived by another man. Other partners who were between the first sexual intercourse and the father of the children also have an influence. The characteristics of all men are inherited.

At the same time, protection with condoms will not protect against the “first man effect.”

After all, it is believed that it is not the seminal fluid that has the effect, but hyaluronic acid. It is able to dissolve the cell membrane, enter the ovaries and penetrate the woman’s DNA, changing it at the genetic level.

Condoms are made of thin rubber with small spores through which sperm cannot penetrate. But for hyaluronic acid this is not a hindrance at all. It easily overcomes the obstacle, enters the woman’s body, penetrates the cells and “prescribes” the necessary information about heredity.

How to avoid this?

On this moment There is only one way to avoid the influence of men on offspring - to take care of yourself for your husband. Until you find the one and don’t want to have a child, you can’t enter into sexual relations with other men.

If you are no longer a virgin and do not want previous men to influence your child, perform a purification ceremony. It is described a little further.

But before falling into despair or looking for ways to atone for “sins,” it’s worth figuring out whether this theory is true or just fiction. Let's look at the evidence for the existence of telegony.

Telegony: evidence

It is believed that Aristotle was the first to put forward the theory of telegony in humans. And he believed that a person inherits distinctive features not only from dad and mom, but also from all the men with whom the woman had sexual relations. In addition to this authoritative opinion, there is other evidence, but mainly from the animal world.

  1. Lord Morton's mare. This story was described by Charles Darwin, and it happened with a rather thoroughbred horse: 7/8 Arabian blood, 1/8 English. She was mated once with a quagga, and then with a thoroughbred stallion. After this incident, the offspring had a coat, dark stripes and spots typical of a quagga. By all indications, the foals had 1/16 quagga blood, although he was not physically their father. Refutation: later Charles Darwin himself and some scientists came to the conclusion that external signs may be an archaic manifestation. Additionally, many foals may be striped even if the mare was not mated to a zebra or quagga.
  2. Dog breeders and pigeon keepers They have long known about telegony and do not allow their pets to mate with outbred animals. If a dove even once contacts a sizar, she is discarded - there will be no more purebred pigeons from her, and the sign of a sizar will definitely appear (the color of the feathers, the shape of the beak). The same story happens with dogs - the owners zealously make sure that she does not become pregnant from the mongrel. Refutation: in birds, the male’s seminal fluid can be stored for a long time in the female’s genital tract, and therefore, after mating with a purebred pigeon, a half-breed may appear. The same situation happens with other animals, including dogs.
  3. Olympics 80. A few years after the festival of youth and students, black children began to be born into Slavic families. This was explained by the fact that during the 1980 Olympics, many girls entered into sexual relations with visiting guests, including blacks. Disclaimer: there is too little information about these children and there is no 100% confidence in the fidelity of the girls. Apart from this, there is no information about the pedigree of the parents. Therefore, the reliability of this story is very doubtful.
  4. Wave genetics. Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Garyaev tried to prove the theory of telegony in 1985. He mixed DNA in a test tube and analyzed it using a laser beam. At some point, he placed an empty test tube and a laser beam read the previous data. The doctor conducted several more similar experiments and each time the beam read data from the previous experiment from an empty test tube. He suggested that it was a matter of wave genetics and tried to prove his theory, but he was not taken seriously and was fired. Refutation: Peter Garyaev’s research was subject to serious criticism, errors and inaccuracies were identified, as well as outright lies in his reports.
  5. Kabyla Ewarta. The famous breeder K. Ewart mated eight thoroughbred mares with a zebra, and ended up with 13 hybrids. After this experiment, the horses mated with purebred stallions, 18 foals were born and none showed signs of zebroids. So the experiment did not confirm telegony, but refuted it.

This is the most remarkable evidence for the theory of telegony. It is these stories and experiments that are cited as indisputable facts, but they do not stand up to criticism when analyzed in detail.

Is telegony true or false?

As you can see, the evidence for the existence of telegony is rather superficial and not convincing. Now let’s look at the arguments against telegony, or rather well-known facts:

  • The egg and sperm contain certain chromosomes. During fertilization, the child receives half of the chromosomes from the mother and half from the father. No additional inclusions normally occur, because the mammalian egg has several levels of protection.
  • A brown-eyed couple may have a blue-eyed child, and a brunette couple may have a blond child, but this is more likely not the influence of the first man, but genetic inheritance from ancestors or gene mutation. Such situations do occur, and if you study your pedigree, you will be able to find the source of such unexpected signs.
  • Human sperm can remain viable for only 5 days, after which it dies and cannot influence the offspring. In some animals, sperm can be stored in the genital tract for up to 70 days, which is why half-breeds sometimes appear.

Over the years, many scientists have tried to study telegony, but have given up - it doesn't make sense. It contradicts many sciences and the very nature of man, so it remains in the category of “pseudoscience”.

Why is the theory so popular?

It is mainly promoted by adherents of chastity and the church, so that girls preserve themselves for their husbands and lose their virginity on their wedding night. It is they who raise this topic over and over again on women’s and mother’s forums, intimidating young girls with horror stories about the possible consequences.

It is up to the woman to decide whether to preserve herself for her husband or not. In some cases, the lack of sexual experience is detrimental if the husband turns out to be impotent, has sexual deviations, or cannot satisfy his wife. But this is a topic for another article.

But the first step towards popularity was taken by that same doctor of biological sciences, Pyotr Garyaev. After his theory was criticized, accused of lying and kicked out of the institute, he decided to make money on television. After all, people there are much more trusting and are ready to take the word of a scientist. An excerpt from his sensational film can be viewed below.

Whether or not to believe his words is up to you. But scientists unanimously declare: telegony is a lie!

Telegony: how to cleanse yourself

There are still people who believe in telegony, but learned about it too late. It will not be possible to go back in time and preserve your husband’s virginity, so you will have to cleanse yourself of the influence of the first man. Fortunately, there are special rituals for this. It is believed that it is better to spend them with your spouse.

  1. Cleanse the physical body. Make a solution from special cleansing herbs that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Choose those that will help cleanse the intestines, stomach, other organs and even cell membranes. Get an oil massage. You can go to a bathhouse or sauna so that the remnants of the genes of the first man come out along with sweat.
  2. Clear your thoughts. Thoughts have a huge impact on our lives, so it is necessary to clear them of sad memories. Every night, lie down and remember your first night with another man, and instead imagine your spouse, the true father of your children. Repeat this procedure until the creature experiences wishful thinking. At this moment, you will feel relief and realize that the mistake of your youth no longer affects your thoughts.
  3. Sadhana or “spiritual practice” lasts 108 days. It should be started on a favorable day on the waxing moon, preferably in religious holiday. For all 108 days you need to eat vegetarian food, reducing grains to a minimum. Before your meal, read the Lord's Prayer over your food. Read for 15-20 minutes scriptures. Drink a glass of holy water a day and take a bath sun rays. Go to church, listen to prayers, mantras, organ and other sacred music. At the end, take a shower with your husband so that the water flows from him onto the woman, and at this moment you need to mentally become one.

In Vedic there is another ritual that takes three days and it involves the spouses living in a hut under starry sky, fast and wash each other spring water. But in real life this is impossible to do, so there is no point in considering such a process.

Now you know how to cleanse yourself if the evidence about the theory of telegony in people seems convincing to you. True or false - everyone decides for themselves, and in fact, everything depends solely on your thoughts. Maybe one day telegony will cease to be a pseudoscience, but for now it remains at the level of astrology - if you believe it, it works.

I address this article primarily to women. Someone may say: here they are again taking up the old ways, they have already talked so much about this and everything has been said for a long time, that a woman can do whatever she wants (change partners as much as she wants), and chastity is a relic of the past, now we need to live beautifully, It’s fun because you only have one life, but you have to try everything. However, our ancestors knew about telegony much more than many of us, and it was not for nothing that when they came to look at the bride, the first thing they asked was whether she was clean? They were not interested in whether she washed herself in the bathhouse or not.
Term Telegony, appeared in the last century, translated from Greek it means: the transfer of special characteristics of a particular Family from generation to generation. Our Great Ancestors, long before the appearance of the ancient Greeks, knew about this phenomenon and called it RITA laws those. Heavenly Laws on the Purity of Family and Blood.
Phenomenon telegony rediscovered in the 19th century in England by Charles Darwin's friend, Lord Morton, who, influenced by his friend's idea, also decided to study biology. He crossed a purebred English mare with a zebra stallion. There were no offspring; after a while, when he crossed her with an English stallion, the mare gave birth to an “English” foal, with obvious traces of stripes on the rump, like a zebra. Lord Marton called this phenomenon - Telegony.

Telegony through the eyes of scientists

Nowadays we hear a lot that telegony – this is “pseudoscience”; it is beneficial for someone to present it this way. And I will try to prove to you that this is not so.
Genetics and telegony.
DNA is the basis of all life on earth, it plays important role, both in maintaining life and in reproduction. It performs 2 important functions: storing hereditary information and transferring hereditary information from generation to generation. DNA is contained in every cell of our body; its double helix contains the genetic code responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics. This small molecule contains information about ourselves. Why is a man born and not a monkey? Yes, because the information recorded in DNA just says that a person should appear with such and such hair and skin color, such and such height, such and such physique, imposes very small variations external environment. After scientists managed to decipher the human genome, it turned out that only 1-2% of its DNA encodes proteins; the remaining 98-99% of the genome, some scientists call the “junk” part of DNA. It turns out that the protein code is only a small part of the genetic coding, and the rest (98%) receives information from the outside.

Scientists conducted the following experiment: they took sprouted potatoes, then took chicken DNA (animal DNA) and, using wave equipment at a distance of 50 cm, introduced the chicken DNA into the plant DNA and obtained a plant-animal hybrid. Modern genetic engineering can do this (tomatoes have been developed that are cold-resistant and can be stored for a long time), but in this case, people themselves take and add foreign proteins (substance genetics, working with matter), and in wave genetics information is transmitted remotely and using waves. Another experiment was also carried out: they took plant seeds killed (by radiation) and irradiated them with the DNA information of living plants, as a result, all the plants sprouted after planting. These experiments prove the transmission of genetic information by waves. Genetic information can exist in the form electromagnetic field and can be transmitted over a distance from one organism to another. A person also emits waves (biofields). That's why they kept their virginity, because they knew that the child would inherit genetic information transmitted through waves. If a woman had intimacy with other men before the birth of a child, then the child will inherit genetic information from each of them (but more from the first man), despite the fact that conception occurred from the father. A man doesn’t just take a woman’s virginity, he writes down information and puts hereditary characteristics of his kind into her genetic memory. So a woman can collect from men all their hereditary diseases and defects and then cram it all into her child. Can biological fathers consider such children their own???

Why do dog breeders know about telegony and they strictly monitor this, but many men and women don’t even think about it. In elite kennel clubs there is a rule: if a purebred bitch becomes pregnant outside the club, then this ends the pedigree of her puppies.

Telegony and schoolchildren

So think about what the sexual revolution brings to us. The worst thing is that in schools, virgins are perceived as black sheep. The girls discuss how many partners they have changed over the summer, without thinking about future children. The Pepsi generation lives one day at a time and takes everything from life, even a flood after them.

America is a model of how not to live!

CHASTITY stored in the soul of the Russian people is not a sign of backwardness from the “civilized” world, but a sign of true civilization, coming from the depths of centuries.

Telegony in humans

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Sometimes with parents Slavic appearance a child is born with dark skin. It also happens the other way around: dark-haired and brown-eyed parents are perplexed why they have a blue-eyed, red-haired baby. Some try to explain this as a telegony effect in people.

Each person's genetic material is unique. What signs and features of appearance are encrypted in it, sometimes you can’t even guess. Natural migration leads to mixing of races, Negroid and Mongoloid blood flows into Caucasian blood. Children then receive genetic information, which, being recessive, may not manifest itself until a certain moment.

How did the idea of ​​telegony come about?

Aristotle also said that sexual intercourse with a man, after which the woman did not become pregnant, affects the appearance of her future children. It is possible that the same assumption underlies the requirements of many nations for the purity of the bride.

The concept of telegony originated during the formation of the theory of evolution and active selection. Horse breeders tried to cross a purebred horse with a male zebra, but no offspring were produced. After some time, she was crossed with a thoroughbred stallion, but the foal that was born had dark stripes on the rump. Impressed, the scientists continued their research.

A similar phenomenon was observed in the selection of pigeons, dogs, and horses. By analogy with the animal world, a transfer is made to people. Telegony in people - true or false? Genetics are trying to figure this out and just traditional healers and psychics.

What is the essence of the phenomenon of telegony?

The effect of the connection with the first male or the influence of the first man is explained by the fact that after sexual intercourse, sperm remaining in the genital tract penetrate to the ovaries. They act on the epithelium of the follicles and change it with their genetic material and become embedded.

This results in a dormant trait that is revealed after conception. It so happens that dark-skinned parents give birth to blondes, or vice versa.

Why is telegony impossible in humans?

Attempts to experimentally replicate the phenomenon of telegony in animals failed. There is no evidence that this is possible. Although some do not give up trying to attribute the birth of children with opposite signs to this factor.

Elementary knowledge about the mechanism of cell fertilization will not even allow us to assume the possibility of telegony. The genetic material of the mother and father includes 50% of the total chromosome set. The fusion of the egg and sperm leads to the formation of a complete embryo.

The color of eyes, hair, melanin content in the skin, height, shape of the face and its parts are determined genetically. All traits are divided into recessive and dominant. If the quality is dominant (for example, brown eyes), then when receiving such a gene the child will be brown-eyed. If the trait, on the contrary, is recessive (blue eyes), then it will manifest itself only when two such genes are combined.

It should be noted that telegony is attributed when crossing animal breeds. People, unlike animals, do not have breeds. Races and nationalities are completely different.

Some people consider surrogacy as proof of the absence of telegony. Planting an embryo into another mother's body does not produce a child who resembles that woman. He naturally inherits the appearance of his genetic parents. Similar experiments were carried out in animals. A white mouse was inoculated with an embryo with black fur, no changes occurred.

In light of the unscientific nature of such a fact as telegony in people, you shouldn’t even think about how to clear a woman of it. This is an idea that became the basis for the justification of chastity among some religious movements and sects. In the scientific world, it belongs to the section of superstitions and outdated false theories.


In the middle of the last century, scientists made an amazing discovery. It turned out that each sexual partner of a woman leaves her own genetic code in her, that is, a woman can give birth to a child similar not to her husband, but to her first sexual partner, even if her husband is genetically his father. This theory is better known as the telegony effect.

The phenomenon of telegony was known long before its discovery by scientists. Our ancestors knew about this and called for observance of the law “on the purity of the family and blood”... They said: “The first man leaves on a woman the image of the spirit and blood.”


Why does the first man leave an indelible mark on a woman? What does the experiment with Lord Morton's mares teach us? Can a man's children be like his wife's first sexual partner? How is the telegony effect explained from the point of view of linguistic-wave genetics? Can white parents have a black child, even if they have no blacks in their family? Is it possible to get rid of the telegony effect? Is reverse telegony possible - that is, the influence of female genetic material on a man during sexual intercourse? Is there a danger of genetic hybridization during organ transplants or blood transfusions? What changes in a person after a heart transplant? Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Garyaev expresses his point of view on the question of the existence of the telegony effect, gene mutation during organ transplantation and the neutralization of these phenomena.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 16:12 + to quote book
“Telegony” is a proven fact and only fools can deny the facts. A person only needs to choose whether to live in harmony with nature or perish.

The most common argument

Anyone who has ever encountered a discussion of telegony has definitely encountered the opinions of people who, almost foaming at the mouth, prove that this is complete pseudoscientific nonsense. Moreover, in most cases the argument sounds like: “This is nonsense, because... it is nonsense!!!” Well, or they start giving ridiculous and simply disgusting examples for a normal person: “What if a girl lost her virginity with the help of a cucumber, banana, etc. does that mean she will give birth to a cucumber, banana, etc.?”

And what’s most interesting is that many are really convinced by these “arguments.” Those. it turns out that this is such a common occurrence that people do not even have questions about the mental health of the person giving such examples. And it would be really good if such girls, contrary to the laws of nature, gave birth to “cucumber men.” But unfortunately, a creature, an animate and an inanimate object, cannot have offspring.

However, a sane person will be able to discern in these emotional messages the true reasons for denying telegony. Moreover, to understand them you don’t need to be a super psychologist, just a little logical thinking is enough.

Sex is the main argument against telegony

One of the main reasons is the reluctance of people to infringe on themselves in any way. Agree, there are very few people in our time who are able to voluntarily deprive themselves of the joys of life. And if we are talking about a ban on such a source of pleasure as sex, then people will defend and defend it by hook or by crook. And this is quite natural.

Keeping up with the times and adapting to the conditions of the modern world, we have come far from human values and came as close as possible to animal, basic instincts. Nobody needs families, children anymore... sex today is the only joy people have. Therefore, everyone who tries to take away this “source of life” or does not want to be like everyone else automatically ends up on the list of “sectarians.” So it turns out that no one needs telegony with its principles of chastity, fidelity, and morality.

Those who already have a wife or girlfriend;
Those who are not yet married.

Men take topics regarding their lovers' ex-boyfriends very seriously. There is not a single person who would enjoy being reminded of his wife’s past relationships. Now imagine that he read about telegony and understands that his son can carry something in himself from his “first dad.” Now any hint of a difference in the appearance or character of the son with his father’s or mother’s will be a reason for memories of the wife’s previous or previous partners. How does it feel? Of course, no one wants to experience negative emotions and constant worries. Therefore, such men ardently and zealously oppose telegony, citing all sorts of arguments to refute this phenomenon. This is understandable and logical, because having proven its absence, it seems that you can sleep peacefully and continue raising your child without finding fault with all his shortcomings.

The second category of guys who deny telegony are people who are partly dangerous to society. Why? Now let's try to explain. This category includes guys who simply cannot live without sex and, in fact, see the meaning of life in it. It is not so important to them what a girl is like, the main thing is that she looks great and is good in bed. But to understand which is better, they need to be compared.

So they compare them one by one. And they don’t even think about stopping, because then it’s already a game in which the winner is not the one who found the most best girl, and the one who scored the most points.

And the most unpleasant thing about this game is that virgins in it count for 10, or even 100 points. On modern language people who lead such a life are called “pick-up artists.” Pickup (English pick up - colloquial acquaintance) - acquaintance with the purpose of seduction.

Propaganda and development of telegony means the nullification of their activities, or, in extreme cases, reduction, which will entail the loss of meaning in the lives of a huge number of people. The bad thing about these people is that often, not possessing NLP skills, but wanting to achieve a given goal, under the influence of alcohol or sometimes even without it, they resort to rape.

“Flawed” men are also against telegony

Of course, it would be possible to single out several more categories of men who are fighting telegony. For example, frail, wretched, sick or mentally retarded, who, due to their shortcomings and accompanying complexes, cannot hope that a healthy, beautiful girl who observes chastity will pay attention to them.

And they really would not have continued their lineage if girls married only virgins, to worthy husbands. But since chaos and depravity reign in our country, girls who gave birth to a child without a husband, or are simply pretty shabby, are forced to marry these flawed comrades and give birth to them the same “beautiful children.”
Telegony is also denied by women with families

So we get to our lovely girls, who for some reason also deny telegony. They, by analogy with men, can be divided into those who are already married and maybe even have children and those who are just going to become someone’s wife in the near or not so future.

What unites these opponents of “premarital chastity” is that neither one nor the other observed it!!! But none of us likes to admit our mistakes. And if you consider that mistakes that can no longer be corrected can radically change life, and not in better side, then there is a vital need to take urgent measures.

The simplest, but at the same time effective measure is the denial of this mysterious phenomenon. No telegony - no mistakes of the past, which means no problems. No one wants to think about what illnesses, physical or mental disabilities previous partners had. Of course, I don’t really want to tell my healthy husband that a child was born or is growing up sick, because his mother in her youth really wanted to live for herself, to try all the delights of life. At best, this will worsen family relationships, reduce love for your wife and child, and at worst, it will end in divorce. What thinking mother would do that? Naturally, none. Therefore, such women try with all their might to refute this “pseudoscience telegony.”

Female students are also against chastity

Now let's look at the reasons for trampling telegony unmarried girls. We have already named the first one - this is the reluctance to admit one’s mistakes. But this reason alone is not enough to go into strong opposition; there must be more compelling arguments, and they exist. The fact is that the recognition of the phenomenon of telegony by girls who lost their virginity before marriage makes them automatically, how can I put it mildly... “harlots.”

After all, if telegony did not exist, then they would be more in demand, having such extensive sexual experience and many hours of practice. With telegony, values ​​change dramatically and girls with experience begin to be associated with ordinary prostitutes, while virgins evoke respect, admiration and a desire to create families with them.

Thus, all the best guys will now go not to decorated glamorous party girls, but to sweet, modest girls. Even a demotivator has already been invented on this topic: “Normal guys don’t need used ones, a slut won’t make a good wife.”

In general, it will turn out that those “gray mice” who were constantly mocked by their peers because of their “backwardness” and reluctance to engage in early sexual intercourse, in an instant, as if in a fairy tale, will turn into princesses whom those want to marry the very “princes in white Mercedes”.

Do you think 95% of girls who are essentially “harlots” want this turn of events? I think we all understand that they don’t want to and will hinder this in every possible way.

As you can see, we did not give any supernatural or inaccessible reasons. Ordinary observations, simple analysis and simple logical conclusions.
Invisible forces to combat chastity

Although, looking through the pages on the Internet, you can come across descriptions of other forces directed against the phenomenon of telegony. This includes the Americans with their Dulles plan, and the porn industry, and medical corporations, and the Freemasons, and many other forces whose plans do not include the development of a healthy, reasonable, strong, proud society.