Grout color for floor tiles. How to choose grout for tiles: comparing cement and epoxy options

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Well, it would seem that everything is already behind this epic with repairs in the bathroom. In the past, the choice of ceramic tiles, color, installation method. The labor-intensive process of wall cladding, bathroom flooring has passed, everything is done correctly and beautifully. You can take a breath. But no, it’s too early to relax, you need to choose the right jointing mixture, the tone of which would suit both general interior rooms, and to the tone of the laid ceramic tiles.

Among all grouts, two main types can be distinguished: cement and epoxy

And if you did not use the first grout that came across, but thought about how to make the right selection so that the seam looks beautiful, emphasizing the style and dignity of the tile, you are on the right track. And to understand all the subtleties and nuances, in fact, a difficult event for a non-professional, and choose suitable material this article will help.

Purpose of grout

Before starting the selection of grout for ceramic tiles, let's figure out what kind of composition it is, its properties, and purpose. So, grout, or as it is also called a fugue, is used for tiling a bathroom or any room with tiles. During the installation of ceramics, a seam is formed between the individual fragments, and so the above-mentioned fugue is used for sealing. At the same time, it performs a number of functions:

  • prevents the ingress of water, in conditions of high humidity of the bathroom or kitchen, under the elements of ceramics, thereby protecting the room from the occurrence of fungus and mold;
  • allows you to give the laid tile a finished look;
  • skillfully using the grout mixture, you can mask small chips and tile defects, if you choose a fugue to match the color of the ceramics, this will correct the uneven seam;
  • competent selection of the tone of the jointing mixture makes it possible to combine furniture and decor elements that have a different color with laid ceramics.

Cement grout is considered the most common and universal material

Selection options and types of grouts

In order to choose the right seam sealer, we are guided by the following factors:

  • functional features of the premises, as well as its purpose;
  • degree of humidity and operating temperature of the room;
  • the magnitude and intensity of mechanical loads on the tiled surface.

Grout diluted with a liquid latex additive is much better than conventional cement

One of the most important criteria for choosing the most suitable grout for the bathroom, kitchen or corridor is the selection of the color of the fugue. After all, by manipulating a combination of different shades of grout and tiled surface, you can achieve amazing results in visually changing the volume of the room in the direction we need.

If you professionally choose the color of the grout mixture, you can achieve original style premises without using other design solutions.

In order to choose the right fugue, you also need to know what types of grouts are, their properties and scope. Let's review the main types:

  • Cement. It consists of Portland cement and various fillers and additives that determine the main characteristics of the mixture.
  • Latex. In fact, the same cement grout for tiles, but with the addition of a latex plasticizer, which significantly improves the water-repellent properties, which is especially important in the conditions of use in the bathroom.
  • Silicone. White or transparent sealant, it is recommended to choose this composition in especially wet places.
  • Epoxy. Two or more components based on epoxy resin. Most suitable for use as a composition for the processing of ceramic tile joints in the bathroom.
  • Furan. Black compound with high strength and chemical resistance. Applies exclusively to industrial premises.

Let us dwell in more detail on the answer to the question of how to choose a grout for ceramic tiles by tone.

Silicone grout is highly elastic

Color selection options

Ways to pick up suitable color There are several fugues for tiles:

  • the tone of the joint mixture corresponds to the tone of the tile;
  • the seam has a color that contrasts with the tone of the ceramic;
  • the color of the grout composition corresponds to the color of the furniture or the interior of the room;
  • colorless stitch.

To create the impression of a continuous surface, the fugue must be chosen strictly in the color of the tile. In addition, this method allows, if necessary, to hide small chips of ceramics or mask a poorly made seam. When emphasizing some elements, as well as creating the volume of the room, the tone of the grout should be only slightly different from the color of the ceramics. If you would like to receive bright accents, use completely different colors of the fugue and tiles.

The most win-win option, especially for use in the bathroom, the seam is treated with a white mixture, which will be successfully combined in tone with the equipment and plumbing of the room.

Epoxy grout is completely waterproof and stain resistant.

Also universal way selection is the use of jointing mixtures of achromatic colors, namely beige, light gray and the already mentioned white shades. The main advantage of using these mixtures is the ability to use them with ceramics of any color.

Fugues of white and others light colors, it is undesirable to use in rooms where rapid contamination of the seams is possible, especially when processing the floor.

If monochromatic ceramics were used for cladding, the color of the grout mixture can be selected a few shades darker or lighter. When using tiles in a neutral color, contrasting fugues will look advantageous. But if the lining, or individual fragments of ceramics, have a pattern or ornament, then the grout can be chosen for any of the colors present.

AT recent times new types of jointing compositions are gaining popularity, having interesting properties. These are various transparent and translucent fugues with sparkles and mother-of-pearl and even glowing in the dark.

Just do not forget that when using transparent or translucent compounds, tile must be laid on adhesive solutions of white color.

Carrying out repairs in the apartment, each owner hopes that in this form the dwelling will stand for a very long time and you will not have to repeat all the work done in the near future. In order for these hopes to come true, it is necessary to approach the issue of repair responsibly, carefully selecting Construction Materials. At the same time, not only the quality of the materials, but also the right colors play a significant role.

Nowadays, few renovations are complete without tiling. Many refer to the choice of grout color rather superficially - they just buy the first one that comes across. Therefore, it often happens that an expensive tile completely loses its attractiveness from a combination with a poorly matched grout. So when creating individual design it is very important to pay due attention to this material.

Choice of grout color for tiles

The classic option is the selection of a color that is 1-2 tones different from the color of the tile. This jointing will provide maximum harmony. In order for future repairs to please the eye, you need to decide on your own color preferences.

Scheme: calculation of grout consumption and primary colors

The choice may also be influenced by the pattern on the tile and its structure. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is best to take a tile or part of it with you to the store and apply it to all grout samples.

Advice. Apply to all colors, not just to similar shades. Quite unexpectedly, you can find an interesting combination.

Not so long ago, a contrasting grout color has become popular. This method allows you to shade and emphasize the color and structure of the tile. The most common combinations are:

  • black - pearl;
  • beige - cocoa;
  • olive - graphite;
  • gray - mahogany.

Glitter grout

The contrasting combination looks bold and spectacular, but there is a rather thin line in the selection, crossing which you can get ridiculous and disharmonious combinations.

Standard grout colors

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a grout. White color will suit to any color of the tile in the event that it is wall tiles. It is always appropriate for light tones, and with dark ones it will create a good contrast. However, for grouting floor tiles, a white fugue will not work in any way, because after a while the color will turn into a dirty gray. And here is the gray grout fit for the floor, no matter what shade of tiles you plan to put there.

Example: the same tile with different colors grout

Types of grout by composition

But choosing the right color is not always enough. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition and properties of the grout, because in different rooms there are various conditions. On the this moment There are three main types of fugue:

The most common at the moment are cement grouts. They have slight differences in composition, and depending on this, they are used for tiles of various colors and qualities. These grouts have a small color scheme and they don't tolerate water very well.

cement grout

Cement grout for tiles

For different widths seams it is necessary to apply different grout. So, the cement fugue for wide joints contains sand in its composition, which does not allow the cement to crack after drying, and retains its shape.

You can buy such a fugue ready-made in buckets or in the form of a dry powder.

Fugue from plastic buckets can be used immediately, however, despite the ease of use, this also has its drawbacks: the mass dries out quickly enough, therefore it is necessary to use it all at once.

Grout in powder form must first be mixed with water or latex. The advantage of such a fugue is that you yourself determine the volume you need, and you do not have to worry that the contents will dry out.

Applying cement grout

To virtues such a grout can be attributed:

  • low price;
  • ease of use;
  • universality;
  • strength.


Epoxy grout

Grouts using epoxy resins contain a hardener in their composition. This allows her long time keep color and not wash out with water. However, experience is required to apply such a grout, therefore, with ordinary apartment renovations they are not often used with their own hands.

Epoxy tile grout

Epoxy grout can be used in baths, swimming pools, as well as in places where tiles are often exposed to household chemicals: kitchen walls, countertops, laboratory rooms.

Such a fugue is sold in the form of two separately contained components:

  • epoxy resin filled with quartz sand;
  • hardener.

To work, you need to mix two components. At the output, we will get a viscous mixture, which is difficult to work with even for experienced craftsmen. However, the result will not upset you - epoxy grout can retain its appearance for several decades. It will not change color, brightness or structure.

Applying epoxy grout

Advantages such a fugue:

  • resistance to chemicals;
  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • invariance of a decorative look;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • resistance to fungus and mold.


  • laboriousness;
  • high price.

Silicone grout

Silicone grout

Silicone sealants have a huge variety of colors and you can choose such a grout for any type of tile, regardless of color and texture. In addition, this type of grout has an antifungal composition and increased resistance to water, which makes it possible to widely use it in rooms with high humidity such as kitchen, toilet, bathroom.

If the desired color is not available

Sometimes it happens that the store does not have the required color in stock, or you simply do not like the colors that exist in the standard offers of manufacturers. In this case, you can create a suitable shade yourself. This can be done in two ways: by mixing white grout with grout of a different color until the desired shade is obtained, or by using color.

Using toner to create desired shade grout

Colors are sold at any building materials store. You can experiment with shades by adding various colors in white grout until you achieve the desired result. The saturation of the color depends on the amount of color, and the shades are only on your imagination.

Primers and additives

Various primers and additives will become good help. There are additives that make the grout from ordinary moisture or frost resistant, or give it anti-deformation and antifungal properties. In general, it adds to it the characteristics that you need.

Consider what properties the grout should have

If for some reason it is not possible to purchase a fugue with desired properties, you can get them using special additives. For example, you need a tile putty suitable for underfloor heating, but the desired color with such properties is not available. This is where building chemicals come in handy.

Advice. It is worth remembering that when using a dry mix, after you fill it with water, it may seem to you that the color does not match the one you chose. Do not worry, after the grout dries - the desired color will return.

Experienced designers advise not to overdo it with the number of colors and adhere to the principle of "three-color". You can choose the grout to match the tile or the pattern applied to it, as well as to match the plumbing or furniture elements. But you should not use more than three colors in one room.

The choice of color depends entirely on your capabilities and preferences. We hope this article has helped you figure out how to choose the right color and what to look for when choosing a putty for tiles.

Do-it-yourself grouting: video

Grouting between tiles: photo

Even a flawless tile installation will not look perfect if not enough attention is paid at the final stage of finishing. tile seams. The voids between the joints should not remain in their original form, so they are filled with a special material - grout (fugue). This does not allow moisture, debris and dust to get under the tile, which means that the durability of the lined surface increases significantly. In addition, if you know how to choose the right grout for tiles and use this knowledge in practice, you can easily mask laying defects and, in general, strengthen aesthetic effect from the coated surface. And in order to choose any product of the construction market, you need to learn more about it. Let's start with this.

Depending on the composition, grouts can be cement and epoxy.

Among the variety of grouts for tiles, there are two main types: cement and epoxy.

Silicone sealant is sometimes used as a grout, which is sold in special tubes or cartridges. However, the fugu should not be replaced by them in any case! This is a tool with a slightly different effect. It is used to isolate the cladding from other materials, for example, at joints tile cladding and bathroom (sink, toilet, etc.). Completely fill silicone sealant inter-tile seams are impractical.

Cement grouts - a classic of the genre

The simplest grouts, which, even without special experience from the tiler, practically guarantee excellent result These are cement-based mixtures. In their composition: finely ground cement, plasticizers, various additives and pigments. When mixing with water or latex (on water based), these components turn into a plastic material similar to putty.

The consistency of cement grout is similar to elastic putty, so it is very easy to work with it.

According to the composition and purpose, cement grouts are:

  • for narrow seams (up to 5 mm);
  • for wide seams (more than 5 mm).

Grouts designed for joints up to 5 mm have a standard composition (indicated above). For wider joints, cement grouts are used with an obligatory additional component - sand. The aggregate will prevent the cement composition from cracking, will "keep" it in a given shape. Moreover, the wider the seam, the larger the grains of sand should be and vice versa.

Cement grouts can be purchased in the form of:

  • finished composition (in plastic buckets);
  • dry powder (in paper bags or bags).

Ready formulations can be used immediately after purchase, without any preparatory phase. On the one hand, it is convenient, on the other hand, it is not very practical: after opening the container, the elastic mass does not “live” for long and will soon dry out, that is, it is advisable to use the entire volume at a time.

Ready-made cement grouts are sold in plastic buckets of various sizes.

Are you looking for bathroom tiles but can't decide? We will help you with advice and tell you about design features in the article: .

Another, more popular view cement grout, has the appearance of a dry powder. Before starting work, the required amount should be mixed with water or latex to the required consistency. Dry mixes are convenient to buy with a small amount of work, since you can take the amount of powder you need from the bag, and remove the rest until better times. Even up to next year, the main thing is to store in a dry place, since cement grout is afraid of moisture.

Advantages of cement grouts:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • universality;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • good strength;
  • small price.


  • resistance to pollution;
  • destruction under the action of household chemicals.

We would like to offer you a master class on fugue grouting from our German friends for viewing:

Epoxy grouts - durability "for centuries"

Cement grout can be chosen for almost any occasion. However, some conditions can be a severe test for cement compositions, significantly reducing their service life. Therefore, when laying tiles in swimming pools, baths, laboratories, kitchen aprons, countertops, that is, where the cladding is exposed to constant moisture, acids, household chemicals, it is best to use epoxy grout.

Epoxy grout for tiles is characterized by a viscous consistency. To fill the tile joints with it requires accuracy and a professional approach.

It will become easier to choose tiles for the kitchen by reading our practical advice in special material: .

The composition of any epoxy grout includes two components:

  • epoxy resin with modifying additives and filler (quartz sand of various fractions);
  • hardener.

In order to obtain a working mixture, it is necessary to mix these two components (they are contained separately in the purchased container). After thorough mixing, a fairly dense, but elastic mass is obtained. It is difficult to work with it because of the increased viscosity, therefore, even for professionals, filling the joints with “epoxy” is a long and tedious task. However, upon its completion, you will receive a “bonus”: the quality of the resulting seams (strength, bright color, frost resistance, etc.) will remain at the original level for 40-50 years. That is why many tilers believe that "epoxy" -.

Shiny ingredients can be added to epoxy grout that enhance decorative effect from facing

Advantages of epoxy grouts:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to pollution, fungal infections, mold;
  • impact resistance chemicals and cleaning products;
  • water resistance;
  • high decorative properties.


  • high price;
  • difficulty at work.

We invite you to watch a video with an example of work with such a grout:

The tile is very durable, but if you do not take care of it, then all its beauty will fade. You will learn how to properly wash and clean the tiles in the bathroom on our website:.

Choose by "clothing" - color schemes

The choice of a particular grout most often (especially if the buyer is not a specialist) is not due physical characteristics, but in appearance. And, first of all, color. Therefore, at this stage of the selection, you should dwell in more detail.

The composition of cement grout initially provides for the presence of pigments that color the fugue in any color: from white to black. Although this does not always help to choose a shade that blends perfectly with the tile. In this case, it is advisable to use dyes. To create a unique color, it will be enough to add a little color (gouache) to the white grout mixture.

The colors of the epoxy grout are set initially, thanks to the colored filler ( quartz sand). "Epoxy" can even be transparent, which is especially appreciated when creating glass mosaic panels. A particularly interesting effect can be obtained when filling tile joints with grout with shiny components (gold, silver, bronze).

A rich palette of shades of epoxy grout makes it possible to choose the color that is most suitable for the surface of the tiled cladding or mosaic

Thinking about how to choose a grout for tiles by color, you should be guided by your own taste. If you are unlucky with this, and you can’t decide in any way, then choose a white fugue - this is the most win-win option. Unfortunately, it is only suitable for walls; on the floor, flawless white touches will become dirty in a couple of days. For clearance floor cladding it is recommended to use a gray (“cement”) grout or any dark color that is in harmony with the shade of the tile.

Everyone who has ever dealt with tiles knows that the final stage of its processing is grouting.

Grout for joints is needed and its necessity is beyond doubt, but what it should be, how to choose the color of grout for tiles, how often it will have to be updated - all these questions do not have unambiguous answers.

To understand, let's turn to professionals and start with the most important thing - specifications, grouting functions and its main types.

Grout - a colored or colorless mixture based on polymer materials, cement, additives, which is used at the final stage of processing the tiled coating to fill the joints.

It is impossible to overestimate the value of grout for a tile.

In addition to the aesthetic load and decorative function, grout plays a huge role in ensuring the strength of the facing coating, protecting the surface from dirt, microbes, moisture, preventing the appearance of mold and fungus and ensuring tightness.

It also hides minor flaws in the tile itself or the work of the master. However, it is not worth hoping that after grouting the curved wall will become even.

Grouting in the bathroom prevents the appearance of fungus and mold

This video will tell you what grout is, what it is for, where it is applied, how it is selected, how the grout mixture is prepared.

Types of grout mixtures

There are several types of grouts:

  • cement (for narrow joints);
  • cement-sand (for wide joints);
  • resin-based (epoxy and furan);
  • latex;
  • silicone.

Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Cement grouts

The most popular among consumers, home craftsmen and professional builders, the type of grout is cement with and without sand.

The technology for using this type of grout is simple, the cost is low, and the scope is the widest.

Cement grouts are quite homogeneous, are easily distributed over the surface, completely filling the seams, and are used for any tile.

The addition of sand to the mixture makes it possible to use such a grout for wider joints, but limits the scope, since the delicate coating of some types of tiles can be deformed (for example, enameled lining).

Resin grouts: epoxy and furan

The application of resin grouts requires experience and some skill from the performer and therefore they are used only by professionals. They have a lot of pluses and very few minuses, except for the complexity of application and cost.

Epoxy-based grouts are durable, moisture resistant, have high performance and a wide range of colors and shades.

Most often used for facing surfaces in swimming pools, garages and saunas.

Furan resin grout without adding water is highly effective, resistant to external influences and chemicals, but is used mainly for large industrial facilities, since the application technology is too complicated, requires skills, additional equipment and special treatment of tiles before and after work.

Silicone grouts

An excellent option for grouting can be silicone grout.

Its antiseptic properties and ease of use captivate consumers, and its variety color palette allows you to embody the most daring and original ideas.

The most modern type of grout is latex. It is super resistant to moisture and has the widest palette of colors. It can be used for underfloor heating, and for balconies and loggias, as it is not afraid of either high or low temperatures.

The cost of such a grout will be higher than that of a conventional cement grout, but to save money, you can use a latex additive rather than a latex grout.

In this case, the properties of cement grout and its performance will improve significantly.

Latex grout - worthy alternative cement, and high performance characteristics allow you to use it in any conditions

To choose a grout color for a tile, you need to know which design tricks exist. There are two main options: play in contrast or match the grout exactly to the color of the tile, but there are many more intermediate options to choose from.

From whether you want to turn Special attention for tiles or for you furniture is more important and decorative elements in the room, the choice of grout color depends.

If the tile is not the main thing that you want to emphasize in the interior, match the grout tone-on-tone to the color of the tile or choose a colorless option.

If your goal is to play in contrast, shade the tile, beat some object in the room, take a bright contrasting grout.

A specialist should deal with the selection of contrasting grouts, since there are a lot of pitfalls here.

If you are used to trusting only your taste, use our tips:

  • In no case do not rush to buy. think it all over possible options and imagine the finished interior.
  • Take a sample of the tile you are grouting with to ensure the perfect match.
  • Remember about fashion trends but follow your own taste. Fashion passes, but style remains.
  • It is worth buying several grouts in a small volume in order to experiment what color you get after complete drying.
  • Small rooms are not intended for color experiments and are too dark colors tiles and grouts.

When choosing multiple grouts for multicolored tiles, remember that not all colors work equally well. There are win-win color combinations that will look harmonious in the interior.

But by combining several incompatible shades, you can spoil the overall impression of the design of the room, even if everything else is done flawlessly.

The combination of red tiles and white grout looks very harmonious if the tile is perfectly even.

Consult with professionals before combining several grouts of different colors. Remember that contrast grout is used only for rooms with perfect styling tiles.

The slightest flaws will become apparent if you use a contrasting grout color.

When choosing between light and dark grout, give preference to a lighter option. This choice will make the room visually more spacious and harmonious.

Bright colored tiles and white grout look stylish in spacious rooms

White grout will freshen up any color of tile, but is not recommended for flooring.

Black tiles should be used very carefully, in small rooms it is not at all appropriate, but white grout will give the visit lightness and airiness

Such aggressively stylish combinations of grout and tiles give the room extravagance.

White tiles and grout yellow color- a surprisingly organic and win-win combination that makes the room feel like home

Designers believe successful combinations beige and chocolate colors, olive and graphite, pearl, pink and red with gray. The room looks very fresh with white tiles and yellow grout. In such a bathroom it is always sunny and light!

If you are a conservative person and experimenting is not in your rules, try to choose a grout as close as possible to the color of the tile.

If the grout will be used for the floor, feel free to take a darker version, about one or two tones, and if for walls - one or two tones lighter.

Professionals advise:

  • Buy grout along with tiles to find a beautiful combination.
  • Try applying some grout to the tile and let it dry - that's what the final shade of the grout will be.
  • For multi-colored tiles, choose either a universal colorless grout, or the color of the grout that prevails in the tile.
  • To a plain tile, you can choose a contrasting grout color or tone-on-tone.
  • For a bright mosaic tile, you can choose a colorless option so as not to oversaturate the tiled canvas with colors, and for a plain one - a contrasting shade to make the main tone more bright.
  • Remember - a light grout collects the tiled canvas together, and a dark grout divides it into separate fragments.
  • For small rooms, light colors are preferable, for large ones, dark ones.
  • Light gray and light beige grouts are suitable for almost any color of tile.
  • Do not use white or black grout on the floor. Both types of grout get dirty too quickly.

The choice of grout should be conscious.

Don't take what you don't like, even if you don't have time to carefully select, because the right shade of grout will improve the overall perception of the room, and the wrong color will give the interior a feeling of slovenliness and chaos.

If you doubt your taste, find a collection of tiles with already ready-made options grout or contact a sales consultant for help.

Almost every hardware store has layouts with examples of grouts that can be combined with ceramic tiles any color

If you do not assign an aesthetic function to the grout, but use it exclusively to fill tile joints and prevent fungus and mold, take a universal colorless grout.

The basis for the manufacture of this grouting material is epoxy. Glass, which is also included in its composition, provides a light-absorbing effect of "invisibility".

Thanks to unique technical properties adapt to any color and type of tile, it is absolutely not noticeable. The cost of such a grout is slightly higher than usual, but the performance characteristics are pleasantly surprising.

Chameleon grout, as it is also called, is easy to use, resistant to mechanical damage and chemical attack, has an antimicrobial effect and can be used even for fragile, non-standard types of tiles.

It is ideally combined with mosaic tiles and a variety of tiled panels.

Colorless grout is an ideal choice for multi-colored tile sheets

Colorless grout blends wonderfully with colored and plain mosaic tiles

Let's summarize the information received by watching a thematic video, where a specialist will tell you how to choose the color of the grout. Masters do not recommend choosing a grout for a tile floor in the kitchen to match the color of the wallpaper in the hallway.

The right decision is to choose the color of the grout under the main color of the material where the grout is made.

Choose a manufacturer

Having decided on the required grout color, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the grout mixture is primarily the protection of the room from moisture, and the tile joints from the appearance of bacteria and mold.

Almost all manufacturers promise us such protection, but should they be trusted?

Ceresit and Atlas are considered the main and most popular manufacturers of grout mixtures. Each of these brands has its own advantages and disadvantages.

German Ceresit tile grout is used for interior and exterior work, for any tile sheets and is characterized as moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical damage, adverse environmental influences.

They are easy to use and harden quickly during use.

Grout mixtures of the Polish company Atlas can also be used for both outdoor and internal works and have a very wide range of applications.

They are simple and easy to apply, have a plastic homogeneous structure, do not scratch the tiled canvas during operation, are resistant to mechanical damage and can be used for joints up to 0.6 cm.

If your tile joints are larger than 0.6 cm, take Kesto cement-based Finnish grouts. For reliable protection facing coating from moisture, Italian grouts from the Mapei company with polymers are ideal.

In this video, experts will show you how to use Mapei Kerapoxy grout.

So, you have chosen a manufacturer, what else to look for when buying a grout?

  • for color;
  • for the expiration date;
  • on consumer reviews;
  • on the complexity of use;
  • resistance to moisture, mechanical stress;
  • on the cost.

Grout update

No matter how sad it may sound, but from time to time the grout will have to be updated. From moisture, fumes, dust and frequent washing, the color of the grout mixture fades, is washed out and needs to be updated.

You can change the grout yourself or by inviting a good specialist who will do everything professionally.

The renovation begins with cleaning the seams and removing the old grout. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the tiled canvas.

White grout can be updated with a special pencil, just clean the seam and run it several times.

Updating white grout with a pencil can be done independently

Updating colored grout is a more time-consuming process, especially if you made the grout yourself, and did not buy it ready-made in the store.

It is good that today there are ready-made colored joint paints for colored grout, and if you do not find exactly the same grout as you used, you can pick up a very similar one.

Moreover, after the qualitative removal of the old grout, its color will not be visible. Experts categorically do not advise applying a new grout to the old one, since the seam will turn out to be sloppy, and the color will be heterogeneous.

To choose the right grout for tiles, you need to take into account several factors: who will perform the work on applying it, in what room, on what type of tile, what width and depth of joints.

For narrow joints and tiles in classic shades perfect option– cement grouts, for wider joints and creative ideas a latex or silicone grout would be preferable.

If you take into account all the selection criteria, the result will exceed all your expectations. And remember that operating conditions have greater value than the cost of the material.

It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a grout for a tile, but no - there are a lot of pitfalls here, but, knowing all the subtleties, do right choice will be easy! We hope that our article will be useful to you!