Blooming beautiful indoor flowers (with photo). Indoor plants with long leaves (descriptions, names and photos)

If you live in a house with windows facing west, north or east, you should select flowering plants especially carefully. Most flowers love light, but this is not a reason to abandon your home flower garden.

Photos of shade-loving blooming indoor flowers

Caring for all types flowering plants consists of timely watering and removing faded flowers. In addition, flowering flowerpots should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. During the cold season, do not leave them on windowsills. If there is not enough light in the apartment, choose those plants that tolerate dark rooms and do not like direct light. sunlight. Here is the list in alphabetical order:

Abutilon (flowering maple)

Photos of unpretentious indoor climbing indoor flowers

Various kinds Climbing plants enjoy great success because they are easy to care for and produce abundant greenery. Both local ivies and exotic vines grow quite quickly, and some even enjoy rare but beautiful periods of flowering. All these plants need is regular, but not frequent watering and timely transplantation. However, they are replanted no more than once a year, or even twice.

Photo of beautiful indoor flowers with red leaves

This amazingly beautiful plant has many names: beautiful euphorbia, poinsettia. But in everyday life it is most often called the Christmas star or simply the Christmas star. It owes its name to the fact that on winter days it serves as an invariable decoration of any interior, thanks to the bright red color of the leaves.

In the USA, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, about 40-50 million poinsettia flowerpots are purchased. But for all its beauty, the plant is not too whimsical: good lighting, a temperature not lower than 14-16°C and moderate watering - that’s all that is required for the normal development of the plant.

Photo of large non-blooming indoor flowers

Non-flowering houseplants unpretentious and perfect for those who suffer from pollen allergies. They require basic care and create a good microclimate in the room.

Photos of the most beautiful exotic flowers

The more flowers appear in stores and markets, the more we want to acquire something original and exotic. But exotics do not always require special care; often such flowers and plants are imported from places with a rather harsh climate and they grow well in apartments and houses.

Vriesia is a showy plant that requires regular moisture and does not like extreme cold.

Stapelia variegated - succulent with a very unusual flower

Koleria fluffy-flowered - a beautiful and unpretentious flower

Photos of hanging flowers

Ampelous plants are distinguished by long, flexible shoots that creep along the ground. As a rule, they have flowing shoots, which is why they are mainly planted in flowerpots, where they look especially impressive. Annual fast-growing hanging flowers are extremely popular and are used for landscaping balconies and terraces.

Among the hanging plants there are different types of plants: flowering, decorative deciduous, semi-shrub forms, succulents and herbaceous species. There are hundreds of types of hanging flowers, to which more than one catalog is dedicated, but we have chosen the most affordable and spectacular ones.

Alsobia is a ground cover plant with delicate white flowers.

Yellow home flowers perfectly lift your spirits and give you vigor. It is believed that the sunny color brings health, financial well-being and joy to the home.

Yellow indoor flowers for beginner gardeners

Abutilone (domestic maple) with proper care can flourish all year round in addition to the winter season.

He loves regular watering, fertilizing and loose soil at the roots. It is good to place it on a balcony or loggia when it gets warm with early spring until late autumn.

Balsam It is unpretentious to grow and can bloom all year round.

It is necessary to water abundantly in summer, less in winter. In addition to New Guinea balsam, other varieties should be protected from direct sun rays.

is an evergreen shrub with magnificent buds.

Pruning is necessary only at the end of winter - beginning of spring to increase branching. In spring and summer, you need abundant watering, and in autumn and winter, moderate watering, maximum 2 times a week.

It can delight with yellow flowers in spring and summer.

It has very unusual trifoliate leaves. It can withstand high temperatures, but prefers to live in a cool place. Watering it once a week is enough.

It has spherical inflorescences, which can be from May to October. It should be watered every 3 days and left alone in a cool, bright place during the winter months.

Homemade yellow flowers for experienced gardeners

It blooms in the autumn season for two months.

It has not only beautiful bright yellow flowers, but also variegated leaves. True, such beauty requires special attention. She loves a well-lit, warm room without drafts or direct sunlight.

Bauhinia (orchid tree)) has flowers similar to orchids and butterfly-shaped leaves.

She prefers to live on sunny windowsills, but after wintering it is better to “accustom” to the bright spring sun gradually.

Almost everyone likes it for its large flowers on thick stems. However, it does not tolerate high temperatures and direct sunlight, and in summer it needs abundant watering and weekly fertilization. Once the flowers appear, it is better to place it in a cool place to prolong the flowering period.

It has a long stem, densely covered with fragrant flowers.

It requires very bright light, moderate temperatures in summer and coolness in autumn and winter.

It has large bracts that can bloom from February to October. It grows well at a temperature of 16-22 degrees. When growing it, you should avoid drying out the soil and water it more often in warm seasons.

Yellow flowers- these are “sunny bunnies”, stars and golden sparkles that warm the heart, relieve bad moods and symbolize summer, sun, warmth and comfort.

Sunny flowers They can not only fill your home with joy, but also become a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Indoor plants with yellow flowers

Pachistachis yellow or in Latin Pachystachys lutea
This unusual plant attracts attention with its spike-shaped flower stalks of bright yellow bracts. White flowers bloom from the axils of the peduncles, which fall off after a couple of days, and yellow candles decorate the pachystachys all season. Due to its unusual shape, pachistachis acquired two more names - “golden shrimp” and “golden candle”. The plant is not very demanding to care for.

Begonia terry yellow or in Latin Begonia Double Yellow
It is impossible to take your eyes off the double flowers of the beautiful begonia. A luxurious lemon-yellow bouquet blooms from May to November and exudes a delicate, pleasant aroma. Breeders have developed a whole variety of begonia varieties with flowers of various shades of yellow.

or in Latin Aphelandra
The exotic aphelandra stands out among indoor plants with its variegated leaves of rare beauty and bright yellow inflorescences against their background. This variegated yellow bouquet is surprisingly harmonious. Aphelandra is fastidious in care and requires a lot of attention. The lifespan of the plant is only about three years, but it reproduces well from leaves or cuttings.

Glottiphyllum tongue-shaped or in Latin Glottiphyllum linguiforme
This dwarf plant is a succulent and grows to a height of only 6 cm. Despite its small growth, glottiphyllum blooms twice a year - in spring and autumn. Its golden-yellow flowers open on sunny days and close at night. This is an extremely unpretentious plant.

or in Latin Calceolaria
This beauty can be recognized by the unusual structure of bright yellow flowers, similar to “wallets” or “shoes” - the name of the plant can be translated as “shoe-like flower.” Calceolaria is famous for its abundant flowering. On its bush you can sometimes count up to 50 golden flowers. Often the “shoes” of calceolaria are decorated with contrasting dots and spots, which adds even more individuality to it.

, aka Shadow Justice or in Latin Justicia umbrosa
A spectacular plant that produces inflorescences that look like a fountain of yellow spray. In indoor conditions, justice blooms all year round. Very easy to care for. A sunny windowsill, warm days and cool nights - everything this exquisite beauty needs for flowering and well-being.

or in Latin Titanopsis
An amazing miniature succulent titanopsis grows up to 3 cm in height and gives gardeners a scattering of yellow daisies the size of a cherry. Flowers open only in bright sunlight, and in the mornings, evenings and in cloudy weather they hide in the plant and cannot be seen. This tiny plant is not very demanding and can bring a lot of joy to the gardener.

Primula vulgare or in Latin Primula "Lime Green"
The charming primrose is the herald of spring and begins to bloom delicate inflorescences when all the plants are still “sleeping”. Because of her early awakening, she is called the “primrose.” The flower has many flower colors in its arsenal, but the yellow primrose is a little piece of sunshine after a long winter.

Primula cue or in Latin Primula kewensis
Another representative of indoor flowers with bright yellow flowers. It differs from its relative in the shape of the flowers. The plant, like all primroses, is easy to grow and is much loved by gardeners.

Zantedeschia, aka Elliott's calla or in Latin Calla elliottiana.
Elegant calla lily Elliot produces unusually beautiful sunny flowers. Although in fact it is nothing more than a yellow blanket in which is wrapped a small inflorescence-cob, consisting of small inconspicuous flowers. In addition to its beauty, calla lilies exude a pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. To grow a beautiful flower, you should know some of the subtleties of its contents.

Eriocactus parody goldenspinum or in Latin Parodia aureispina
Among the large family of cacti, there are specimens with incredibly bright yellow flowers. Parody goldenspinum begins to bloom at the age of three, after which it pleases the gardener with sunny inflorescences every year. You should know that flowering of a cactus can only be achieved with proper care.

Narcissus or in Latin Narcissus
It's hard to believe, but yellow daffodils can be grown at home. The flower does not require any care at all. The main difficulty in cultivating it at home is properly preparing the daffodil for flowering. The flower blooms on the windowsill only once, after which the faded bulb is planted in the garden.

or in Latin Jasminum nudiflorum
Although jasmine is most often seen in the garden, some species grow well indoors. Jasmine holoflora is called “winter jasmine” by flower growers. When maintained at the correct temperature, the plant produces many delicate, bright yellow flowers from December to March. Jasmine is a shrub and grows up to 1 m in height.

Gerber Jameson or in Latin Gerbera jamesonii
Yellow gerbera is its own “sun” on your window. Gerbera Jameson is grown indoors. There are many bright colors of gerbera, among which there are varieties for lovers of yellow flowers. Gerbera requires a lot of attention. However, the beauty of the plant will pay off all the work.

Read about it with us.

If the hippeastrum flower is your next choice, check out these simple guidelines for caring for the royal plant.

Clivia at home with these tips will reward its care with lush flowers.

As you can see, there are a lot of plants with yellow flowers. Each of them is like a little sun that can add bright colors to your life.

All these plants are very different, but it’s worth giving any of them a little attention and care - and wonderful yellow flowers will appear on your windowsill.

The most unpretentious plants

If you don't have flowers in your home because you don't have the time or experience to care for them, choose low-maintenance plants to suit your tastes; Believe me, there are more than enough of them.


Heart-shaped philodendron is a robust ornamental plant that has been the most popular in indoor gardening for many years. It has heart-shaped leaves and adapts well to low light. Philodendron grows very beautifully along the edges of bookshelves or other furniture.
Pros: When tied to a moss tube or root plate, the philodendron takes on the shape of a green tower.
Name: Philodendron hederaceum oxycardium
Size: 2-3 m length of a creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of this plant are highly poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.

Mother-in-law's tongue

This unpretentious flower does not require special care. It is ideal for novice gardeners who have only dealt with artificial plants made of plastic. All varieties of mother-in-law's tongue tolerate a lack of light well, but still prefer bright lighting. Do not water this plant too much or root rot may occur.
Pros: The plant is very unpretentious and has beautiful, sword-shaped leaves.
Name: Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentia"
Growing conditions: Low or bright light; temperature 15-26 C; let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: up to 1.2 m in length and width
Important: May cause irritation on sensitive skin.

corn palm

Do not confuse it with a vegetable with a similar name. This beautiful plant has bright, straight leaves that seem to stretch out into a palm tree. Plant several corn palms in one large container for a dramatic indoor display.
Pros: Colorful yellow-green striped leaves on a straight trunk.
Name: Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana"

Important: Poisonous to dogs.

English ivy

In most cases, English ivy is known as a trailing plant. For a decorative effect, place a pot of ivy on the edge of a fireplace or on a bookshelf with the stems hanging down. Try pruning the plant to give it shape. English ivy is very easy to propagate: just cut off a 10-centimeter piece of the stem, tear off the leaves from below and plant in moist soil. If you don’t forget to water the seedling, it will take root within a few weeks.
A little tip: The plant is often damaged by red mite. To repel it, rinse the ivy periodically in the shower or in a room temperature bath.
Pros: This is a hardy climbing plant with dark green variegated leaves.
Name: Hedera helix
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 12-23 C, even watering.
Size: 1.8 m length of creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of English ivy are poisonous, so make sure children and animals do not chew it.


Peperomia are a group of diverse small houseplants with waxy leaves. Red-edged peperomia has broad, cream-colored leaves. Well known are wavy peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby doll peperomia and silver leaf peperomia.
Pros: Peperomia's waxy, colorful leaves fill the room with color, and the plant itself doesn't take up much space.
Name: Peperomia spp.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 30 cm in height and width.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs and cats.

This plant, like its name, is very impressive. It has tufts of long, narrow, dark green leaves and red-edged, woody gray stems. The Tricolor variety is distinguished by pinkish-cream edges on the leaves, which is why it is also called the rainbow plant.
Pros: Herbaceous leaves on tall stems give dracaena a festive look.
Name: Dracaena marginata.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 18-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 3 m long and 0.6 m wide.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs.

Ficus (rubber tree)

The old-fashioned classic plant gets its second name from the sticky, milky sap that exudes when cut. It grows quite tall, but by cutting long stems you can control its growth and even turn the rubber tree into a bush.
Pros: The large, dark green leaves of ficus are very pretty. The older the ficus, the larger its leaves. This creates a wonderful decorative effect.
Name: Ficus elastica
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-26 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.2 m wide.
Important: Ficus sap may cause irritation on sensitive skin.

This bush tolerates semi-darkness, but its leaves acquire the brightest color in good light. They shine in shades of gold, pink and orange in the sun. Rinse croton leaves occasionally to maintain their shiny appearance.
Pros: Sturdy leaves in beautiful colors.
Name: Codiaeum variegatum pictum.
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: This plant is poisonous and therefore dangerous for children and animals.


One of the most common and unpretentious indoor plants, syngonium has arrow-shaped leaves of a pronounced shape (hence another of its names - arrow-shaped syngonium). Unlike many other plants, Syngonium has many species and varieties. Most of them are distinguished by bright leaves. Depending on the species, the leaves may be green with white markings or bronze-green with a pink tint. Young plants begin to curl over time, so take care of an artificial trunk or hanging planter for them.
Pros: The colorful leaves allow you to brightly decorate every corner of your home.
Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Growing conditions: Low or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, even watering.

jade tree

If you always forget to water your plants, the jade tree is made for you. It goes well with cacti. During the growing season, the jade tree prefers room temperature, but it will grow better if you keep it in a cool place and give it enough moisture to prevent the leaves from drying out in winter.
Pros: An unpretentious tree plant with interesting twisted branches and fleshy leaves.
Name: Crassula ovata.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 18-23 C (12 C in winter), keep the soil dry
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.6 m wide

Goya, or wax tree, is distinguished by waxy leaves and pink, waxy-scented flowers. Golden Goya has cream-colored leaves. Goya can curl, form a topiary, or simply look good in a flowerpot.
Pros: Goya has beautiful flowers (often with a strong scent). This is not a very water-loving plant, so don't be upset if you suddenly forget to water it.
Name: Hoya carnosa
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 12-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: Can curl up to 1.2 m in length.

Norfolk pine

The secret to the health of Norfolk pine is rich light and humidity. In low light, the lower tiers of leaves may turn yellow and fall off. When the room is dry, the plant becomes a tasty morsel for red mites.
Pros: Ideal tree for Christmas or other holidays. In addition, it brings a unique cozy atmosphere to the house.
Name: Araucaria heterophylla.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 1.5 m wide


Also known as pothos or devil's ivy, this hardy climbing plant is often confused with heartleaf philodendron. Like philadendron, pothos has heart-shaped leaves and can be grown in a pot on the table, in a hanging basket or tied to an artificial trunk. This plant does not require a lot of light, but the more light there is, the more colorful the leaves will be.
Pros: Devil's ivy is one of the most practical house plants. It looks great in a hanging basket.
Name: Epipremnum aureum "Marble Queen"
Growing conditions: Away from direct sunlight; temperature 18-23 C; the soil is relatively dry.
Size: creeping plant 2-3 meters long.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if children or animals chew the leaves.

Boston fern

The lacy, arrow-shaped leaves of the Boston fern make it an ideal plant for planting in a pot or planter. However, don't let this delicate-looking plant fool you: it can grow for decades if you remember to water it and keep it in a moderately lit room with moderate humidity. The Dallas variety is more unpretentious to dry air.
Pros: Boston fern creates a classic look in any space. It goes well with country or country style.
Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height (length).

Green dracaena

Some varieties of green dracaena, such as 'Janet Craig', have strong green leaves. Others have white, cream, gold, or yellowish-green stripes on the leaves. All varieties have rosettes at the beginning of growth, but then become upright green plants. They tolerate low light well, but the leaves become more saturated in color in medium to bright light.
Pros: Long-lasting, unpretentious plant with beautiful leaves.
Name: Dracaena deremensis.
Size: Up to 3 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: This plant is poisonous to dogs.


Surely you remember how your grandmother grew this plant; Chlorophytums were and remain very popular. Just look at the number of varieties - from those with simple green leaves to those decorated with cream or white stripes.
Pros: Growing chlorophytum does not require much trouble.
Name: Chlorophytum comosum
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 15-23 C, even watering.
Size: Up to 30 cm in length and 60 cm in width.


It is also called an everlasting plant because Zamioculcas is durable and does not require much light or care. The petioles of the leaves of this plant are so thick that they can be mistaken for plastic. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so buy it already large. Trimmed stems remain green and healthy-looking for several weeks, even without water.
Pros: This plant is so unpretentious that you still have to try to get rid of it.
Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Growing conditions: Low to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Size: 0.6-0.9 m in length and width.
Important: This plant is poisonous, so make sure that children and animals do not chew it.

grape ivy

"Ellen Danica" - a variety of grape ivy - is also called oakleaf because its leaves are more prominent than those of other varieties of this plant. Vine ivy is a climbing plant whose shoots readily take over a trellis or pole.
Pros: This is a great plant for neat hanging baskets.
Name: Cissus rhombifolia
Growing conditions: Average lighting, temperature 15-26 C, even watering.
Size: Up to 1.8 m long climbing plant.

Aspidistra (cast iron plant)

One of the most unpretentious plants, aspidistra can withstand lack of care, light, humidity and a wide range of temperatures. It grows slowly, so buy a plant that is already large enough.
Pros: This plant truly lives up to its name. It is very durable.
Name: Aspidistra elatior.
Growing conditions: Little light, temperature 7-29 C, moisten the soil well during active growth, lightly moisten the soil in autumn and winter.
Size: Up to 60 cm in length and width.

Also known as the "umbrella tree," this plant has glossy green leaves that spread out in different directions to resemble the spokes of an umbrella. A close relative of the shefflera, the dwarf shefflera, has shorter and smaller leaves. Both plants are sometimes classified as Brassaia species.
Pros: Schefflera's bright green leaves instantly create a tropical feel.
Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, moisten the soil evenly.
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.8 m wide.

Chinese evergreen aglaonema

A plant with beautiful leaves in shades of silver, gray and green that will perfectly brighten dark areas in your home. Use aglaonema as a neighbor to upright tree-like houseplants or place a pot with it separately.
Pros: Very unpretentious plant.
Name: Aglaonema commutatum.
Growing conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-23 C, keep the soil evenly moist.
Size: Up to 0.9 m in length and width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.

Ficus lyreformes

Ficus lyreata is a wonderful tree that gets its name from its dark green lyre-shaped leaves. It tolerates poor lighting well, although this may cause the lower leaves to fall off. If your Ficus lyreata is too tall, don't be afraid to trim it back to the desired height or remove shoots and plant them separately.
Name: Ficus lyrata
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 18-23 C, allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 4.5 m in height and 1.5 m in width.


There are several varieties of Dieffenbachia. All of them are upright plants with white-green leaves. Grow one Dieffenbachia as a tree, or grow several plants together to form a bush. One of the names of Dieffenbachia, “silent rods,” comes from the toxic sap of the plant, which seems to numb the mouth and throat.
Pros: Dieffenbachia's large white-green leaves create a tropical look in any space. It is great for decorating balconies and loggias in the summer.
Name: Dieffenbachia spp.
Growing conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-26 C, keep the soil evenly moistened
Size: Up to 1.8 m in height and 0.9 m in width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue, or throat if the leaves are chewed by children or animals.
Plants for forgetful gardeners who forget to water.

Dracaena. Dracaena deremensis ‘Lemon Lime’

Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Prefers bright light.

Haworthia fasciata

Palm Ponytail. Beaucarnea recurvata

Bunny ears cactus. Opuntia microdasys. Prefers bright light

Zamioculcas. Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Panda plant. Kalanchoe tomentosa. Prefers bright light

Euphorbia Milia, Beautiful Euphorbia (lat. Euphorbia milii)

Donkey tail. Morgan's sedum (Sedum morganianum) Prefers bright light, native to Mexico

Crassula atropurpurea

Beef tongue. Gasteria bicolor. Prefers bright light

golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). Prefers bright light

Peperomia Peperomia griseoargentea

Sago Palm. Cycas, cycad (Cycas revoluta)