Balcony design interior photo gallery. Decorating the balcony inside: photo gallery, choice of material and original ideas

Having spent time, effort, and money on insulating your balcony, you are unlikely to want to turn it into a faceless storage area again. This means that it is necessary to carefully select finishing materials, furniture, and decor. Being in harmony with each other, they form the style of the room. Don't know what style to decorate your balcony? Then it’s worth getting acquainted with ready-made solutions - from classic to original (loft-style balcony, steampunk, fusion).

When choosing a solution for decorating a balcony, consider:

  • Purpose of the premises. So, Provence is unlikely to be suitable for the workplace. Among the abundance decorative textiles And flower pots I want to relax more than work.
  • Room area. The smaller it is, the less dimensional and pretentious the pieces of furniture, curtains, and decor should be. Stucco elements and a luxurious baroque armchair are inappropriate on small balcony in the Khrushchevka.
  • The degree of isolation of the balcony from the adjacent room. If they are combined, the style should be the same or similar. Otherwise, contrast in design is acceptable, but with a well-smoothed transition.

Design of a balcony combined with a room

The small area of ​​a loggia or balcony imposes a limit on the number of elements of stylistic content. The most characteristic details of the style will help you achieve the desired effect.

Loft style interior

A short excursion into history will help you better understand the loft. This style has undergone virtually no changes over the years of its existence.

Loft interior for a standard loggia

The history of the loft - how it all began

In the first half of the 20th century, New York industrialists, in order not to go completely bankrupt, decided to rent out their warehouses, factories, and factories. The low price, distance from the city center, and uninhabited premises attracted only eternally poor artists and students.

They did not strive for comfort and radical changes around them. Pieces of furniture and decor successfully coexisted with concrete, brick, and uncovered utility lines.

However, after a couple of decades, the unusual solution attracted the attention of wealthy citizens around the world. They began to implement loft design projects in ordinary houses and apartments.

Loft in balcony design

If you are not indifferent to such an original idea, follow the following finishing recommendations when decorating your balcony:

  • Walls: aged concrete covering with small (!) chips and cracks, brick, carelessly applied paint and plaster. Brick wall - business card loft, but should not be abused. Decorate only one wall with it, making an accent. This is where you can put a sofa, hang a shelf made of pipes or a bright poster.
  • Floor: planks or ceramic tiles with an aged effect.
  • Ceiling: plaster, paint. The decor will be metal or wooden beams. They should not be too massive, so as not to visually make the ceiling of the balcony lower.

Characteristic of a loft brick walls and dark window frames

Let the palette be dominated by shades of brown and natural wood, black, gray, terracotta. If the balcony is poorly lit or has a very small area, use white as a basis. It will visually increase the space. Don't forget about 2-3 bright objects as accents.

Note! Maximum openness of space, abundance of light - character traits loft. Shade the room less often, use simple blinds or roller blinds.

For a loft-style balcony, choose only the most necessary pieces of furniture. For a sleeping place, a place to relax - a double leather sofa or a deep chair on wheels, a mattress with a leather hanging headboard. For the office and as storage places - shelving, shelves made of round pipes, a table made of natural wood, painted wooden boxes on wheels.

Loft shelving option

Metal, glass, stone and wood - the best choice for loft interior. Give up chipboard, plastic and other delights of modernity.

Accessories are usually few in number. These are rough “factory” lamps and lamps, posters.

Loft style lamps are amazing

Country styles for a room on the balcony

The style of an Alpine chalet and a Provencal house is often summarized by one term - “country” (“village”). This is not unreasonable, because the principles of decorating living rooms in this case are similar. But there are also a number of fundamental differences.

What characterizes a village? Remoteness from the city and many benefits of civilization, closeness to nature, simplicity of life, where almost everything is done with your own hands. Hence the specific features of country styles with reference to a specific area and culture.

This is the predominance of natural materials. Plastic and chrome are strictly prohibited! If we talk about finishing, then the materials should show handicraft, independence in performing the work, and inexperience. This is expressed in chaotic strokes, uneven seams when laying stone, and unpainted areas.

Don’t be afraid to use design ideas with some adjustments large rooms for balcony

Colors should be natural. These are shades suggested by the nature of the chosen region and the characteristics of its climate.

It is better to choose furniture that is practical, dimensional, and as simple as possible. Clear lines, almost complete absence of decor, deliberate roughness in execution - classic country furniture.

Country furniture

Taking into account the area of ​​the loggia, the choice should fall on the most necessary products that correspond to the purpose of the room.

Even a small country-style balcony always has an abundance of fabrics and decor. In most cases, it is traditional in nature, reflecting national or local affiliation.

Balcony in Provence style - French country

The proximity of Provence to the sea determined the palette of the style of the same name. These are sand, blue, blue, shades of brown, olive, the color of spring grass, milky. It is better to avoid bright accents. In extreme cases, it can be rich blue or green.

Characteristic range

Provence pleases the eye:

  • An abundance of fresh flowers. Pots, handmade cache-pots, and explanatory inscriptions on them are welcome.
  • Symbols in the form of sunflowers, lavender, roosters. They are embroidered and depicted on dishes and cutting boards.
  • An abundance of loose textiles. Fringe, ruffles, and braiding are acceptable.
  • Furniture can be made of solid wood, forged, or wicker. With a claim to elegance.

Recognizable Provence decor

Provencal style is one of the most beloved by designers. It does not require large investments, is suitable even for the smallest balconies, and gives an amazing feeling of comfort and unity with nature.

The charm of Provence lies in its simplicity

Alpine chalet – when you want to go to the mountains

The chalet is associated with mountains, blinding snow-white slopes, endless tall trees. Living even on the first floor, you can bring yourself closer to such an idyllic picture by decorating your balcony accordingly.

Unlike Provence, the colors here are darker, the palette is based on contrast. Start from the many brown shades of natural wood and white snow. Color accents can be made using terracotta and red.

The main materials are plaster, wood, stone. Rough, preferably without additional coating. However, to extend the service life, you can use matte varnish.

Chalet style

Alpine motifs are typical. These are images of snow-capped peaks, mountain landscapes, animals, and vegetation. They are appropriate on fabrics, in the form of paintings in a rough frame, or in carved decor. Animal figurines, simple geometric clay vases, and animal skins as a carpet create coziness.

Scandinavian style – environmental friendliness and cleanliness

Scandinavian style attracts many. But not everyone is able to decorate a balcony properly and support the chosen solution. The reason is the predominance of white in the palette. These are textiles, furniture upholstery, painted or plastered wall surfaces. Keeping it all clean with regularly opened windows on the balcony is not easy.

If this does not scare you, be guided when decorating a balcony in Scandinavian style as follows:

  • Natural materials. Wooden lining, floorboard, paint, plaster. Appropriate white brick, but only for emphasis. From fabrics, choose linen and cotton.
  • Dilute basic white with beige, light brown, gray. For bright splashes, use red, blue, green.
  • Keep the interior light panoramic windows, light, translucent curtains.
  • Choose a compact, practical, functional furniture made of light wood. The ideal option is folding chairs, sun loungers, and a table. Small poufs are appropriate.
  • Will create comfort decorative pillows, blankets, several pots of herbs.

A similar design is appropriate for a glazed room

You should not overuse accessories when decorating a Scandinavian balcony. Maximum open space, free surfaces.

Scandinavian interior on an open balcony

Modern style for decorating a balcony

Modern style - good decision even for small balconies. It is characterized by minimalism, which allows you to visually increase the available space.

An aesthetic balcony in a modern style consists of one base color and one or two companion colors. You can use white, gray, beige and even black as a base. They go well with each other, as well as with turquoise color sea ​​wave, terracotta, blue, yellow.

A characteristic palette in the design of a room

Pay special attention to finishing:

  • The ceiling is suspended from plasterboard or suspended.
  • The floor is perfectly laid parquet, high-quality laminate or ceramic tiles. It is advisable not to lay anything on top of these materials, but a simple carpet is acceptable near a sleeping or resting place.
  • The walls are plain, painted or plastered (composition with a fine fraction). No outstanding texture! One of the walls can be highlighted in a contrasting color.

Furniture should be chosen that is multifunctional, with smooth facades, which may not even have handles. Unlike country music, products made of plastic and chromed metal and an abundance of glass are welcome.

Laconic design of a modern balcony

Comfort on a balcony in a minimalist style is achieved by the harmony of shapes, colors, and the number of items used, but not at the expense of decor. They can serve as an original vase or flower pot with a lonely and no less laconic plant, a poster or photograph by a modern author.

A special place in modern design The balcony is occupied by lighting. Laconic Roman shades or blinds are recommended to be opened more often. But it’s better to make artificial lighting spot (above a picture, desk, sofa). It will allow you to create the desired accents.

High-tech for balconies and loggias

High-tech is similar to minimalism, but it also has its own characteristic features.

  • There is even more glass, chromed metal, and plastic. Even the walls can be finished with metallized stone, plates or glass slabs.
  • Abundance of glossy surfaces. This is even true for the floor if you use ceramic tiles.
  • Lightweight, practical furniture with a touch of futurism and pronounced geometry.
  • Almost complete absence of bright details. Even minimalism in its pure form allows for a greater number of them. The color scheme must be carefully designed.

Furniture in the spirit of hi-tech

Lighting plays a significant role in the design of a high-tech interior

The idea of ​​technology, a certain coldness, and restraint permeates this style, so it is not suitable for everyone. But if you are attracted to it, then you can create an original workplace on the balcony.

Modern – from classic to modern

Art Nouveau has been at the peak of popularity for many years and is considered one of modern styles. In fact, it dates back more than two hundred years.

Art Nouveau is characterized by an almost complete absence of angles, a predominance of smooth lines and rounded shapes. Thanks to them, many familiar elements of the decor look extremely original.

Endless smooth lines and curls immerse you in a magical fairy tale

Note! When arranging objects, the rigor of the composition is important. It is needed in the chaos of forms.

The materials are expensive. This natural wood various types and degrees of processing, stained glass windows. They are decorated mainly with floral ornaments and motifs.

Fabrics are used strictly for their intended purpose - curtains, upholstery, bed covers.

The palette is light colors (linen, sand, peach, milk), against which dark wood stands out.

A semicircular balcony is ideal for Art Nouveau style

Choose furniture from natural wood, in strict accordance with the purpose of the room. Upholstery should be minimal. Wooden elements furniture can be decorated with decorative overlays or carvings.

Original chairs in Art Nouveau style

Classic modernism is not a cheap pleasure, but its modern direction (neo-modern) involves a combination of traditional wood with plastic, expanding the palette to include black, burgundy, blue, and gray.

Far from classic neo-modern

Classic style for a small room

Design a balcony in classic style It’s not easy, that’s why there aren’t that many completed projects. But if you try, the atmosphere of luxury and pomp can be recreated even with the help of a few elements, correctly selected finishing materials.

Note! Classic interiors in different countries and their own movements (Baroque, Empire, Rococo) have their own characteristics. This is especially true color range. So, a balcony in the Baroque style is gilded, diluted with terracotta, rich blue or green, red. But Rococo is more delicate - pastel colors are adjacent to pink, light green, and blue.

Classics in the interior are:

  • Natural wood valuable species. Can even be used for wall cladding.
  • Carved, ornate patterns on furniture.
  • Abundance of gilding. Right down to the pattern on the walls.
  • Luxurious fabrics - brocade, satin, velvet.
  • Molded elements.
  • Symmetry of all items used.
  • Decor in the form of tassels and fringes decorating textiles, gilded watches and candlesticks, paintings in textured frames and lamps with fabric lampshades, mirrors.

Interior with all the attributes of classicism

You can decorate the walls with wallpaper or artistic painting. Parquet or ceramic tiles are laid on the floor. You won't be able to save money.

For the balcony, select one or two pieces of furniture (table and chair, bed, armchair and chest of drawers) and build a composition around them.

Even on a spacious loggia it is difficult to place more than two pieces of baroque furniture

Expensive and heavy curtains and appropriate accessories are required. Stucco elements create a special atmosphere. They can be used to decorate an opening (necessarily with a wooden window-door unit!) or a niche at the end of the room.

Main directions of oriental style

Oriental style in the interior is represented by two main directions - Arabic and Japanese. They have serious differences.

Arabic motifs

Eastern Arabic style is characterized by:

  • The variety and brightness of colors: burgundy, emerald, yellow, turquoise, dark brown, red. The basis of the interior is most often a light tone - white, milky, ivory. There is almost always gilding present.
  • A large amount of textiles with oriental motifs and ornaments (usually floral). These are curtains, wall drapery, canopy, decorative pillows, carpets. Fabrics are characterized by multi-layering.
  • An abundance of decor in the form of aroma lamps, figurines of animals and birds, figured candles, fringe, tassels, cords.
  • Variety of lamps. Forged, fabric, decorated with beads or beads - choose what you like.
  • Low but reliable furniture made of natural wood. A sleeping place can be organized by laying a mattress on the floor and complementing it with an abundance of oriental pillows.

lamp for eastern interior

On such a balcony you can spend many pleasant minutes with friends

Note! To prevent a small balcony from turning into a warehouse for Arabian-style items, do not overdo it when selecting accessories.

Japanese aesthetics

The Japanese East is more laconic, even minimalistic. In a restrained palette, the contrast of light walls and dark wood furniture and window frames attracts attention. They are diluted with bright red accents (the famous paper lanterns) and green ones - personifying closeness to nature.

Simple bamboo curtains

Laconic Japanese interior

The furniture is no frills, strict geometry and very low. The sleeping place replaces the mattress. The cabinet and shelving are difficult to distinguish from the wall at first glance. They have smooth and laconic facades.

Stones, small vases, bonsai, a painting with a Japanese plot or motif, lanterns are allowed as decoration.

Pay special attention to the design of the walls, floor and ceiling. Wallpaper that imitates bamboo fiber or rice paper is suitable for walls. It is better to cover the floor with laminate and decorate it with a mat. For the ceiling it is better to use matte white paint.

A characteristic element of Japanese interior decorating the walls and ceiling is the Kumiko wooden lattice.

One of Kumiko's ornaments

Marine interior for romantics and travelers

Design a balcony in nautical style easily. You don't need much for this:

  • Marine palette. The blue of the sky and the sea, the whiteness of the sea foam, the color of the sand and the greenery of the coastal areas. Accents are bright port colors: red, rich yellow, brown.
  • Use marine decor in the form of a steering wheel, thematic images and figurines, shells, ropes and cords, and a compass. Even a decorative porthole will come in handy.
  • Use natural materials for finishing. For walls it is wood, for floors it is either wood or ceramic tiles.
  • Simple, squat furniture made of wood, decorated with pillows and decorative upholstery.
  • For windows, you can use laconic fabric or roller blinds, wooden blinds.

Small balcony in a marine style

You can’t do without marine-style textiles on the balcony

Marine interior palette

Note! A “clean” marine interior is a recreation of the decoration of a ship’s cabin.

Mediterranean style in the design of balconies

How is it different from the sea? The Mediterranean interior is a solution specifically for residential premises in the coastal zone. Here wood gives way to stone and plaster.

The amount of typical ship decor is reduced. Its place is taken by accessories reflecting the culture of the Mediterranean countries. Due to the national color, the palette is expanding. Cute homemade ruffles, embroidery, and flowers in pots appear.

There are many styles for decorating a balcony. You can add something of your own to ready-made solutions and combine them (within reason). However, it is important to be guided by the basic principles of developing a particular style.

Photo and video ideas for inspiration

Photo selections of options for lovers of non-trivial design (not only loft)

Narrow balcony in Scandinavian style:

Designing a small balcony is not an easy task, but if you have the proper knowledge, everything can work out. Since the area of ​​this object is only 3 meters, you will have to work hard to turn the balcony space into a comfortable and functional corner. The most important task is to make a small corner a useful area with a special purpose. This article contains the most interesting ideas with a selection of photos of successful design solutions. If desired, even a small Khrushchev building can become a cozy nest.

How to use the Khrushchev balcony to your advantage

At first glance, it seems that it is simply impossible to create something useful in a modest area. Of course, if there is no desire, then nothing will work out. There are several ways available to everyone to radically change the purpose of a given area:

  1. Pantry. Of course, this option has long since become obsolete. Some practical and rational people are happy to equip a balcony for storing homemade supplies for the winter and other useful things that have no place in the interior. But for creative people with an enviable imagination, such a space will be a real salvation: this is where you can make a corner for yourself.
  2. Office or recreation area. To make your dreams come true, you should first glaze and properly insulate your balcony. Only in this case can you get the ideal space for a comfortable time alone with your favorite book or watching a movie.
  3. Combining the balcony space with the adjacent room. In this case, you can achieve a noticeable increase in space, which can be used at your discretion. In this case, you will have to take into account the additional costs and time it will take to redevelop the premises. Very often, this option is used in the kitchen areas of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings in order to at least slightly increase the available space.

With the right approach, even a small balcony area can become a stylish, beautiful and functional place

The nuances of creating an ideal design solution on the balcony of a Khrushchev building

Naturally, when creating the design of a Khrushchev building, you can’t really go wild: you have to keep your ideas and options within strict limits. There are certain recommendations from interior designers that will help you use the available balcony space wisely:

  1. The lightest and most transparent colors should be used for finishing. This simple technique will help to visually expand the walls and make the balcony much wider.
  2. The floor can be finished with either noble wood or covered with linoleum. These simple materials don't need special care, and they will last quite a long time.
  3. It is important to think carefully about lighting. It is advisable to give preference to spot or street lighting. They will not clutter up the space, but on the contrary, will make it more comfortable.
  4. The furnishings for the balcony should be unobtrusive, compact and simple. It is also important not to overdo it with its quantity.
  5. An important attribute of every balcony are plants. Beautiful flower arrangements will help make your balcony cozier and more peaceful.

One of the popular design moves for small spaces is the use of light colors in the interior: they will help visually expand the room

Choosing a style direction

In order to get an ideal balcony room after renovation, you should develop a unified concept in decoration, furnishings and decor. It is desirable that the style of the balcony echoes the interior design. There are several most suitable styles that will help you competently design the interior of your balcony:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Eco style;
  • Classic;
  • Eclecticism;
  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;

Advice. To create a harmonious and simple interior in country style, you should focus on naturalness. Natural wood as wall decoration, simple furniture, a large number of fresh flowers - all this will help achieve maximum comfort in the interior. The final chord of the entire composition will be checkered curtains and textile elements.

The most important thing is to grasp the characteristic features of a particular style and choose the most suitable and noticeable ones, which can competently decorate the entire interior. There is no need to overload it, but on the contrary, you should make it airy and relaxed.

When decorating a balcony, you should take into account the general stylistic features of the adjacent room

How to choose a shade

How much can be corrected using just one color. When choosing the main color to decorate your balcony space, you should consider some tips and constant rules.

Advice. Do not forget about the location of the balcony: it is important to consider which direction the windows are directed. If it is the south side, then you should give preference to light, cold tones; if, on the contrary, it is the north side, then the best solution would be a light, warm and cozy shade.

There are several unconditional leading shades that are perfect for a small Khrushchev loggia: coffee, light green, blue, pink, yellow-beige, light tangerine and pale gray. Still, it is better to take into account the color scheme of the neighboring room so that the interior looks most harmonious.

Owners of small Khrushchev apartments should not be upset. With a strong desire, even such a similar apartment can be made ideal and cozy. The most important thing is to arm yourself with everything necessary knowledge and begin to radically change the boring and uninteresting space of the balcony.

Video: Balcony design 3 meters

Photo: Balcony design 3 meters

In most apartments, loggias have a very limited area, so many do not even think about converting this area to suit their needs for which there is not enough space in the apartment. In general, the design of a loggia is subject to the same rules and laws as any other residential space.

Loggia design: where to start

Despite the persistent tendency to convert loggias into offices, recreation areas, or combine them with living space, many continue to use them as a storage room, drying room, and storage of necessary and unnecessary rubbish. This is everyone’s personal choice, but before starting renovations, you should finally decide what kind of loggia should be: warm, cold or permanent?

  • Cold - in this case, the functionality of the loggia will be very limited; the room remains a place for storing things that are not afraid of seasonal temperature changes. Repair involves minimal insulation. Any windows with single glass, metal or aluminum profiles are suitable for glazing. The main condition for a cold loggia is complete sealing, the choice of frost-resistant materials with good resistance to high humidity.
  • Warm is the result of high-quality insulation, hydro- and vapor barriers, as well as the installation of windows with suitable energy-saving properties. Heating is provided by underfloor heating, a radiator or the installation of a portable heater. There are no very high requirements for the choice of finishing materials.
  • A capital loggia can be called a loggia if it is combined with a living space. In this case, heat, steam, and waterproofing must be of very high quality. Any materials intended for residential premises can be used for the arrangement.

Size matters

Small loggia (2-3 sq.m.)

Even in such a miniature area, you can create a cozy corner with space for relaxation and storage. You can install a small corner chair with bedside tables under the seats, and attach a wall-mounted folding table. Ceiling shelves or mezzanines are suitable for storing small items.

The finishing should take up a minimum of free space. For example, on a small loggia from frame installation It is better to avoid clapboards; the walls can be plastered and then painted.

Medium loggia (4-6 sq.m.)

This area is spacious enough to implement most ideas. Here, as in the previous version, the basic rule is not to overload the space with details, strive for minimalism. On narrow loggias, offset glazing will allow you to increase the space a little more.

Design of a large loggia (more than 7 square meters)

Such a loggia can already be called an almost full-fledged room, in which you can equip not one, but two or three zones. A small sofa, a work desk, and a mini fountain between them, surrounded by fresh flowers, will fit here.

Glazing: overview of options

To choose the best option, you first need to understand what should happen in the end. There is no point in overpaying for triple glazed windows if the loggia is not insulated, but on the other hand, perhaps in the future there will be heated floors and a private office. There are several types of glazing, differing in material, thermal conductivity, sound insulation and appearance.

  • Plastic is the most popular option, quite practical and affordable compared to other types.
  • Wooden frames, so “fashionable” in the old days, are becoming less and less common today, mainly because of their high cost. Considering that wood can be combined with modern double-glazed windows and fittings, the quality characteristics of this option are not inferior to others.
  • Aluminum is superior to previous materials in reliability and durability. In addition, the glazing can have a sliding type of opening, which will significantly save space and look very aesthetically pleasing.

Glazing plays a huge role in the design of loggias. Glass can be transparent or colored. Tinting can be used without restrictions, but it is simply necessary for windows that face south or east; in addition, color shading will create a certain mood or emphasize the style of the interior.

  • Frameless glazing provides an original, modern appearance and increases the degree of light transmission. Unfortunately, it is only suitable for cold loggias. There will be no opportunity to install mosquito nets, and sound insulation and tightness leave much to be desired.
  • Panoramic, also known as French glazing, is an alternative to the frameless option. The wall is made transparent from floor to ceiling. Any profile is suitable to implement the idea. Exterior decoration the balcony will not be required, the interior will be reduced to a minimum, the area and illumination will visually increase.
  • Removable balconies - allow you to slightly increase the area due to the external removal of glass and the installation of a window sill 25-30 cm wide.

Options for arranging a loggia

When refurbishment, the design of the loggia may be subject to some restrictions, but most often they relate to footage, heating issues, choice of finishes and are almost always resolved.

  • Study. A small computer table and chair will not take up much space, but will allow you to retire and work in a comfortable, calm environment at any time, especially if there are small children in the house.
  • A creative workshop is simply necessary for people with a favorite hobby, and even more so for those for whom this hobby becomes a job or part-time job. A small wardrobe, a bedside table and a table. Perhaps a sewing machine or easel will be placed on any loggia, turning it into a creative studio.
  • You can equip a mini greenhouse on the loggia. You will have to take the issue of lighting and heating seriously, but in the end you will be able to enjoy the harvest all year round.
  • A loggia can become a mini-gym, but not always and not every one. Especially if we are not talking about installing one exercise machine, but about the space needed for gymnastics or yoga.
  • On the balcony you can make a separate playroom for your child.
  • It is not a new idea to convert a loggia into winter Garden. It is worth considering that a large number of flowers will create a shadow and reduce the illumination of the combined living room.
  • If the loggia is combined with a kitchen, you can convert the former pantry into a dining room. A table, a couple of chairs or a long tabletop along the window will allow you to eat while admiring the picturesque views, or in the fresh air in the summer, without leaving the apartment.
  • If the balcony is next to the bedroom, it can become a cozy, bright boudoir or relaxation area.
  • And finally, a very extraordinary option is to arrange a sauna on the loggia. Of course, we are not talking about a full-fledged Russian bath, but only about installing a mini-sauna and a cabin with dry heat.

How to combine business with pleasure

The idea of ​​refurbishing a loggia does not mean that you need to completely give up the opportunity to store a certain number of things here. But you will need to competently approach the issue of planning and choosing furniture. Perhaps you can attach a wardrobe with mirrored walls or a pattern to one of the walls, and transformable furniture with niches inside will be an excellent addition.

Connection of the loggia with the living space

This refurbishment option can perhaps be called the most complex and time-consuming, but at the same time it allows you to add originality to the apartment, increase illumination, and expand the living space.

It is important to understand that annexation is a redevelopment and requires homeowners to comply with legal standards established by the state, as well as time and regular visits to various authorities. Removing the radiator onto the loggia is a different story in terms of paperwork, so many here limit themselves to convectors.

Styling of the loggia

Let's consider the most popular loggia design options in a certain style, which are easiest to implement.


A corner of the French province looks impressive and colorful on the balcony. The style is simple and light in color. The furniture is not bulky, wicker or antique wood. The emphasis is on the details: small pots with flowers, an antique iron watering can, a small forged chandelier and several small hand-made pillows will complement the interior.

Modern style

Very diverse in its manifestation. You can use frameless furniture, but wicker chairs also work well. Colored blinds, bright small curtains, and paintings are used as accessories. The color scheme suggests brown, mint, and blue shades.

Japanese style

Great option for connoisseurs oriental culture. The style itself is minimalism in all respects, and therefore is perfect for decorating even a small loggia. The palette is mostly brown with red and black accents. Bamboo blinds, fans, themed panels or paintings are appropriate.

High tech

The design project of a high-tech loggia suggests that there will be a minimum of everything. The colors are predominantly black, gray, silver. Materials: plastic, metal, glass. The furniture and furnishings are simple, without frills. A couple of plants and a bright picture will help make the interior more alive.


This style looks very interesting on the loggia, but not everyone will like it. Industrial interior features and brickwork are an integral feature of the loft, as is the combination of old and new. Bright details and non-standard accessories stand out against the background of simple decoration.

Loggia lighting

Lighting of loggias or balconies, as a rule, is not provided for in the construction of apartment buildings, therefore, at the beginning of the renovation, electrical wiring should be carried out and the installation points of lighting fixtures, sockets, and switches should be determined.

  • Direct light lamps are suitable for a loggia with a low ceiling. They help to focus the beam on a specific object or highlight a local area, making it more comfortable.
  • Ambient light fixtures are usually located on the ceiling, so it is better to choose models with flat shades. The power and spectrum of the lamp can be any, depending on the volume of the room, wishes, shade color palette used in design
  • Reflective light lamps do not dazzle the eyes and have a spectrum that is comfortable for humans. A very interesting and original modern solution.
  • LED strip is used as additional lighting, to create a special mood, or just for beauty. Most often they are laid under the window sill or along the perimeter of the ceiling

Not worth it large area use bulky ones lighting, chandeliers, floor lamps, etc. If you want to give up spotlights, then it is better to replace them with flat ceiling or compact sconces.

A little imagination, work, financial investments and the loggia from a storage room will turn into a cozy and functional room. A place where it will be pleasant to spend time, work or relax. Of course, a lot depends on the size, but the competent design of balconies and loggias allows you to re-equip the room to suit your needs and desires almost always.

A modern balcony is more than just a couple of square meters outside the room. It has long ceased to be a place for storing unnecessary things, where it is difficult to turn around due to cramped conditions and the fear of breaking something.

Today, even a super-small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, made into a mini-office, boudoir, relaxation area and even a winter garden. It can become a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, practical and functional part of the apartment.

Even a small balcony can be very functional

Where does the arrangement of a balcony begin?

Typically, a small balcony area is the lot of old houses in which the residents have lived for decades. Architects now give these premises 5 or more square meters, but previously they were generous with only two or three, or at most four. Therefore, the arrangement of the balcony must begin with the removal of rubbish from it.. It varies from apartment to apartment - bicycles, old books and cans, baby strollers and building materials left over from more than one renovation. Something that is unlikely to be useful, but it would be a shame to throw it away.

Cozy sofa and folding table

Balcony destination ideas

Having freed up the space, you can already think about what to use it for. – then its continuation would be justified: a couple of wall cabinets and a small wall table They will make the balcony convenient for storing kitchen utensils and homemade preserves, as well as a place where you can not only drink a cup of coffee, but even have lunch with a small group.

Workplace on the balcony

If the balcony is in a children's room, then with proper insulation it will turn into a play or study corner. A desk and computer will not require a large area, but will save space in the room. It will be much more convenient for a child to solve problems and write essays on the balcony - there will be enough daylight and nothing can distract the young prodigy from studying.

Breakfast place on a small balcony

The balcony in the bedroom is suitable for a small boudoir– here you can fit several small lockers for clothes. Or turn it into a relaxation room by placing one or two chairs and a small table. And if you want to always be in sports shape, set up a mini-gym by installing treadmill or a bicycle. The balcony in the hall is the most the best place for creative fantasies - here you can arrange a place of rest, a winter garden or a library.

A place to relax - the entire balcony is occupied by a soft mattress

Insulate and glaze

Before turning a balcony into a functional room, it must be well insulated. If this is a loggia, you will need less work, if a hanging balcony is a hassle, building materials and more costs will be required. For insulation, you need to choose hygroscopic materials that can withstand rain, frost and summer heat. And at the same time the room will be comfortable.

Walls are usually insulated with sandwich panels. . After insulation, you need to decide whether the balcony will be open or closed: whether to glaze it or not. The second option is rarely chosen, since extra meters of space are needed in winter.

Selection of materials

Various finishing materials are used for balcony design:

  • lining – wooden and plastic;
  • tile;
  • frost-resistant plastic panels;
  • siding;
  • plaster and paint;
  • wallpaper;
  • MDF and chipboard;
  • bamboo and cork cladding;
  • drywall.

High-quality finishing of the balcony with wooden paneling

If the balcony is well insulated and glazed, any finishing materials for interior work will be suitable. If in winter the indoor temperature drops below zero, it is better to think about materials for exterior finishing.

Advice. When using wood, do not forget to impregnate it with moisture-repellent and fire-resistant materials, as well as antiseptics. Otherwise, it will be dangerous to leave the windows on the balcony open when the owners are not at home: there is a possibility of rain or a neighbor’s cigarette butt getting in.

How to choose a color

On the market today big choice colors and quality of finishing materials. But not everyone is suitable for a small balcony. It is better to choose a light color - in a small room it will look more natural, visually increasing the area. More often, designers give preference to warm pastel colors - if the balcony is on the shady side, and cool light shades - if it is on the sunny side.

Decorating the walls of the balcony in the color of the room

Beige, light green, blue, pink, yellowish and light metallic on small balconies they look harmonious. Especially if the shade matches the main color of the next room. This way the room will look like one, with a functional division into zones.

Advice. Materials for finishing the balcony should be selected taking into account the size of the space.

A tree, which gives coziness to a room, is not always justified in a very small area, since it will visually reduce it. But if, nevertheless, the choice fell on it, then it is better to choose a light color. Amber shades look good. But it is worth remembering that after a few years the wooden lining will darken slightly.

Decorating the balcony with decorative stone

The same applies to the choice of stone or decorative plaster - they should not be dark and too textured so as not to “eat up” even a couple of centimeters of the scarce area. The combination of these materials on the balcony looks very effective.

How to “enlarge” a balcony

There are several secret design techniques that help visually enlarge small balcony meters:

  • Making an accent on more than one wall will create an optical expansion of the area. To do this, you can use a different color or finishing material from the general one. This technique is especially suitable for narrow balconies.
  • On a narrow balcony, one of the end walls can be decorated with a panel with flowers - many small bright flowerpots will add harmony to the area.
  • Wall decoration with a panel with flowers

  • An end cabinet or cabinet is also suitable for a narrow room, especially if it is finished with bamboo or gloss.
  • Use glossy and mirror surfaces. To visually increase the width, you can decorate the end wall glossy PVC, or even easier - hang a mirror.
  • To increase the height of the balcony, using vertical lines is suitable - you can choose striped tiles or wallpaper.
  • So that the irregular shape of the room does not visually reduce it, it can be “leveled” with the right finishing materials. The corners on the balcony in the shape of an iron or a boat can be decorated with stone.
  • Sofa for relaxing on the balcony

  • In the corners of the balconies irregular shape you can focus on some piece of furniture - hang a cabinet there or put a large flowerpot: this way the area won’t seem ridiculous.
  • Photo wallpapers, artistic paintings, frescoes and 3D decoration, which is fashionable today, visually enlarge a small space. Modern technologies allow you to realize any design pattern: the walls can be painted by hand or covered with a canvas with a pattern. The result will be a cozy and slightly virtual design shade.
  • In the case of a hanging balcony, you should think about moving the windows outside the perimeter of the walls in order to gain a few tens of square centimeters. But the design will require additional insulation.
  • Which style to choose for the balcony

    The interior of the balcony should be a continuation of the room, so the style in its design must also be taken into account. Any room needs not only a good renovation, but also proper design, because being in it should be pleasant and comfortable.

    European style balcony design

    The choice of style depends only on the preferences of the owners. But if they love classicism, then on a small balcony it is better to abandon it - massiveness, gilding and silk will look ridiculous here. But rococo or baroque are very suitable - due to their lightness and airiness. The main color is always light.

    Provence and Mediterranean style

    On a small balcony, Provence or Mediterranean style looks harmonious. They are suitable for relaxing - with a cup of coffee and reading an interesting book in a rocking chair. The main colors for them are blue, light turquoise, sand, and cream. For furniture, tables and chairs made of wicker or rattan are suitable, but all wicker must be moisture-resistant.

    Wicker furniture on the balcony in Provence style

    A balcony in Provence style can be successfully decorated textured plaster or light stone, even bricks of not too bright shades will do. For furniture, it is better to give preference to forged shelving and cabinets. If space does not allow, simply place a beautiful flower stand. One or two sconce lanterns will fit well into the interior, especially if they have an elaborate metal finish. Roller blinds in pastel colors are suitable for curtaining windows.

    White main background with bright objects

    Provence and Mediterranean style necessarily involve a lot indoor plantslight color walls can be combined with bright flowerpots of the same color scheme: blue flowerpots are suitable for blue walls, chocolate flowerpots for beige walls, and the color of bright lemon will look great on light yellow ones. If the balcony area is only a couple of meters, you can avoid cluttering it with furniture at all and arrange a small winter garden or greenhouse here. Or even a greenhouse - there is always enough space for a couple of tomato bushes, cucumbers and herbs even on a very small balcony.

    Country and oriental style

    This country style Perfect for a balcony, especially a kitchen one. Country is the most versatile style; it is suitable for both economical design budgets and quite generous ones. Pastel shades are also chosen for the walls, but for bright “spots”, crimson, terracotta and deep blue are suitable. Such bright points can be small light bulbs, flowerpots, photographs.

    Finishing the walls with dark lining and the floor with decking boards

    Furniture should only be wooden - this is a country feature. If the space allows, then you can hang one or two cabinets or install a cabinet. If there is a shortage of meters, come up with a folding table and a couple of beautiful stools or chairs. The table can even be made hanging and attached to the wall, and unfolded only when necessary. If the balcony square shape, along one of the walls you can install a wooden bench and even put a rustic chest. It can be used for storing fruits and vegetables and for sitting.

    Country style on a small balcony

    Ideally, window frames should also be wooden; country furniture will not accept modern plastic. But if you still have to install it, it is better to choose the color of wood and with a wide window sill, on which you can place a lot of cozy “country” things - ceramic pots, wicker baskets and bright flowerpots with flowers.

    Balcony interior with oriental motifs

    Textiles must match the style: for country, it will be chintz or linen curtains in a checkered or floral pattern. The tablecloth on the table and a couple of pillows on the bench should be the same. Modern options plastic blinds would be inappropriate for such a balcony. Woven multi-colored rugs will look good on the floor - just like in grandma’s village.

    Decoration in oriental style

    The oriental style is not often chosen: it is justified for a balcony in the bedroom of a teenage girl or a married couple. In this case, the walls should be painted with intricate patterns, a trestle bed or lounger should be placed, and covered with an oriental blanket. Bright decorative pillows will also fit well into the interior. And light curtains with oriental patterns.

Do you still use your balcony to store old sleds, skis and other junk that perhaps no one will ever use? Given the constant rise in real estate prices, such use of the square meters you own can hardly be called rational. How about getting rid of everything unnecessary and turning a balcony used as a smoking room or a place for drying clothes into a potential new space for an office, a home workshop, a place for short meals or even a summer bedroom? No matter how large our homes are, there is always not enough space. We bring to your attention a selection of interesting design projects for arranging balconies and loggias with a wide variety of functional purposes.

Where to begin?

Before you turn precious 2-5 square meters into a cozy corner that will become your source of pride, you need to develop detailed plan actions. First of all, you need to decide whether your work on improving the balcony or loggia will be decorative (the structure remains open and only the facade is sheathed with finishing material) or constructive (the balcony must be glazed and insulated). The choice will depend on your personal preferences and expectations. Someone lives in the south of our country and has a magnificent view of the sea, opening directly from the balcony. It is enough to refine such a structure and create a place for dining with a gorgeous view of the seascape. And someone will have a non-glazed balcony most filled with snow during the year and its improvement will require a considerable amount of action taken. But first things first.

We design an open balcony

Having the opportunity to be in the fresh air without leaving your own home - great idea for those who live in the southern part of our country. From the point of view of façade design open balcony, the owners don’t have many options. In addition to the traditional cladding of the fence, you can decorate the structure with original forging and living plants. It all depends on how the facade of your apartment building and whether you want to join the existing options for designing your own parapet or stand out from the general background.

In modern apartment buildings can most often be found as a durable fence metal carcass with inserts made of transparent, translucent or molded plastic in various colors (as a rule, the tone is selected for a harmonious combination with the color of the building facade). To create an original image of an open balcony, you can use a forged frame created using individual order. In any case, before planning to reconstruct the appearance of an open balcony, find out whether the building has historical value and whether residents are allowed to design parapets at their own discretion.

An excellent way to decorate a balcony in the case of an open structure can be the use of living plantings. In order to preserve as much as possible all the available internal space of the balcony for placing furniture, use the following devices for placing plants:

  • flowers are located along the side of the railing;
  • living decor is located at the base of the fence;
  • at the end of the balcony you can use a cascade or stepped arrangement;
  • for climbing plants, the ideal option would be trellises that are attached to the walls on either side of the doors.

It's obvious that decorative approach decorating a balcony is a seasonal event, designed for warm, dry weather. Therefore, all elements of the furniture should be mobile, light and preferably foldable. Choose compact garden furniture, which is not afraid of various types of influences - from moisture to sunburn. And be prepared for the fact that in case of strong wind and rain you will need to bring textile elements (pillows, removable seats, blankets, etc.) inside your home. In the design of the balcony closed type there are many more variations in design and functional content - we will dwell on them in more detail.

General list of works for a closed balcony

So, if you have decided to convert the external part of your home into additional living space and have already decided on its functional purpose, then you are expected the following types works:

  • mandatory assessment of the condition of the balcony - slabs and fences;
  • glazing of the structure;
  • insulation, waterproofing with preliminary elimination of all cracks;
  • in some cases, this is followed by dismantling the balcony block (depending on the reconstruction option);
  • work on laying electrical systems;
  • leveling (filling) of walls and floors (may be absent - it all depends on the types of finishing work);
  • finishing;
  • arrangement of furniture and accessories;
  • decorating a new room.

Balcony glazing

There are two types of glazing: “cold and warm”. The so-called “cold” glazing is used if a balcony or loggia simply needs to be protected from moisture and dust, but there is no provision for organizing an additional room there to perform any functions. With this type of glazing, one of the following options for constructing transparent structures is usually used:

  • “frameless” method - the barrier looks like a solid glass sheet. In fact, parts of the transparent wall can move along horizontal tracks to open and close windows;
  • wooden swing doors;
  • sliding or tilt-and-turn structures with a metal-plastic profile.

If you need to carry out “warm” glazing, then the option of using plastic double-glazed windows is the best way to create high-quality heat and sound insulation. Very often in such cases, the technique of moving the frames 15-25 cm beyond the plane of the facade is used to slightly expand the area of ​​​​the balcony. The feeling of spaciousness and a fairly wide window sill, which can be used as a work surface, is a great bonus for the owners.

From the point of view of decor and adding originality to the design of the balcony due to the glazing stage, you can use tinted glass, stained glass, products with laser engraving or photo printing. Depending on the design decisions, such decor can be used either fragmentarily or for the entire surface of the protective glass barrier. Modern double-glazed windows can be made with any color scheme of frames and imitate any type of wood. The original appearance of the glazing is the key to creating a non-trivial image of a balcony or loggia.

Installation of insulation and waterproofing

This stage of work must be approached with full responsibility - do not skimp on materials or specialist fees. Poor-quality installation of thermal and waterproofing can subsequently negate all finishing work, lead to damage to the furniture and ultimately return you to the starting position with the need to redo the repair. Minor savings at this stage of work can result in significant reconstruction costs and loss of time.

Polystyrene foam is most often used as insulation for floors; polystyrene foam or technoplex is used for walls and ceilings. Any insulation is installed only after all cracks have been eliminated and processed. To create a vapor barrier, recently foamed polyethylene is most often used, which is laid with the shiny side inward. Next, it will be possible to install lathing on the surface to create a surface finish.

Most effective method insulation of the loggia - installation of the so-called “warm floor”. One of the most affordable ways to install the system is infrared film flooring. In such a room it will be really warm and comfortable at any time of the year. Temperature control modes will allow you to independently set the microclimate of the additional room.

Electric installation work

The scope of wiring work will depend on the expected number of lighting sources and household appliances used on the balcony, the presence of “warm floors” and whether the loggia is being renovated in conjunction with the main renovation of the apartment or not. If the reconstruction affected only the balcony, then you can not complicate the process and limit yourself to a regular extension cord, having previously calculated the required cross-section taking into account the maximum load.

The number of light sources will directly depend on what you expect from the balcony or loggia. If this is a place for breakfasts and rare evening romantic dinners overlooking the city landscape, then one lamp or built-in lighting will be enough. If the additional room will be used as an office, workshop or children's room game Zone, then one light source is not enough. The number of lamps is also influenced by the size of the balcony and its location relative to the cardinal directions.

Finishing work

The choice of finishing materials directly depends on the general idea of ​​​​using the auxiliary room. But, regardless of how you will use the balcony or loggia (create a winter garden or install exercise equipment), there is a list of the most popular finishing options suitable for the special microclimate of the additional space:

  • MDF panels;
  • PVC finishing panels;
  • Moisture-resistant plasterboard is perfect for eliminating unevenness and creating sheathing, niches and other structures;
  • cork covering (creates excellent heat and sound insulation);
  • decorative plaster;
  • fake diamond;
  • painting;
  • combination various materials to create an original and durable coating.

The choice of material for creation flooring is influenced by the presence of a “warm floor” system, but in general, any modern raw material can be used:

  • ceramic or stone tiles;
  • floor board (parquet);
  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet

If we talk about choosing a color palette, it is obvious that in a modest-sized room, light shades will look much more organic, allowing you to visually expand the space. But, on the other hand, if all your furniture and decor of the balcony (loggia) are made in light colors, then you can choose more colorful colors for the background.

Examples of using a balcony for various premises

Only at first glance it may seem that the limited space of the balcony significantly reduces the list of possible options for using this additional space. The modern owner has not used this utilitarian room as a storage room for a long time, but arranges there an office, a workshop, a greenhouse, a children's area, a playroom for adults with billiards, a gym, a hookah lounge, a place for meals and even a bedroom.

In order to place a complete and functional environment on several square meters with a specific geometry, it is necessary to resort to various options for design techniques. This involves not only the visual expansion of space through the use of light finishes, mirror, glossy and glass surfaces, but also the installation of compact furniture (often custom-made according to custom sizes), maximum floor clearance - folding furniture, shelving and consoles that are attached to the walls.

A place for dining is one of the most popular options for using a balcony or loggia. If your balcony offers an excellent view of the city skyline or, better yet, you can see the sunrise or sunset from the windows, it would be unforgivable not to take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity. The width of some loggias allows you to install a compact dining table, while in others you have to be content with a bar counter or a narrow console (most often an extension of the window sill). Also effective method may be the installation of a compact round (oval) table or folding panel.

Another popular solution is to organize a corner for reading and relaxation on a balcony or loggia. It’s logical to install shelving for your home library and create a comfortable place to read books in a light-filled room. Even if the balcony glazing is framed, there will still be enough natural light for comfortable seating. In this case, in addition to shelves with books, you will need to install a pair of comfortable armchairs or a compact sofa or ottoman.

In order to organize a modern office, you need very little usable space. It is precisely these modest dimensions that a balcony or loggia has. A small console can be used as a work surface (modern laptops or computer screens take up little space), a comfortable adjustable chair and a pair of hanging shelves for storing documents and office supplies.

One of the most popular options for organizing storage systems in balcony spaces is the installation of shelving. Even a shallow shelving unit, mounted from floor to ceiling, allows you to arrange a huge number of household items. At the same time, the structure does not look massive due to the absence of facades.

Built-in wardrobes are no less popular. But considering that in a small area it is necessary to install a storage system from floor to ceiling, it is better to give preference to light wood species. It would not be amiss to use glass and mirror surfaces - they will help lighten the image of the cabinet.

Even small space under the balcony window sill can be used rationally. Shallow shelves hidden behind sliding doors can accommodate a large number of necessary small items.

It is effective to use corner sofas as seating areas, under the seats of which there are spacious storage systems. For small-width balconies, you can use similar, but only linear models.

Balcony - perfect place for using household items made with your own hands. For example, from construction pallets you can construct benches and sofas, tables and stands, shelving and other storage systems, even beds. Thus, you can not only save significantly, but also create a truly unique image of an additional room.

But they are found in modern design projects and are completely unusual options use of available square meters. Gym, or rather a mini-room, laundry room, Finnish sauna or a Russian steam room - far from it full list creative ideas. But it is important to understand that in order to organize many such original projects Not only will large resources be required, but also appropriate permits.

https://www..jpg 1084 800 Dix https://www..pngDix 2016-11-30 10:25:16 2018-11-30 11:16:15 Design and renovation of a balcony or loggia - 100 current ideas