Kitchen design with living room together. Combining a small kitchen with a living room

When the time comes to renovate the living room in an apartment, designers suggest thinking about combining it with the kitchen. Then the work wall will become more spacious, a full-fledged dining table will fit, and the living room will remain spacious and cozy.

The combined premises must be in the same style

- This modern reception, which is used not only for standard “Khrushchev” or “Stalin” buildings. , cottages, lofts also use the combination as a functional and design move.

Merger: pros and cons

The advantages are obvious:

  • combining the kitchen and living room provides more light sources, so the rooms look more spacious. In addition, two windows illuminate the room better than one;
  • during events, when the hostess sets the table for guests, the layout of the apartment allows you not to lose the essence of the conversation and serve new snacks without leaving the room;
  • in the kitchen the housewife cooks in private, and the connection between the kitchen and the living room keeps her informed of events;
  • saving on the purchase of a second TV, because while cooking you can watch a large TV panel;
  • In standard Khrushchev apartments, a full-fledged dining table does not fit, but in the adjacent living room there is a place for it.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the hood does not completely eliminate odors during cooking, so they will reach the living room, even if the pool is an opening in a brick wall;
  • the sounds of kitchen appliances can be heard into the living room, which is unpleasant when receiving guests or watching a movie;
  • Unwashed dishes in the sink or even a dirty cup on the table spoil the atmosphere of both rooms, so housewives have to regularly monitor cleanliness.

When combined, you will no longer leave the mountain dirty dishes in the kitchen, since the external background will be spoiled

Zoning options: two-level floor

You can connect the kitchen with the living room by sticking to the same style and color scheme, but raise the height of the kitchen floor by one step. This is how dividing a room gives work area pedestal effect.


The separation of rooms occurs due to the bar counter, dining table or a shaped tabletop, thereby separating the work area into a so-called island. At the same time, connecting the kitchen with the room in this way turns out to be unusually harmonious.


If you need to close it periodically kitchen space, translucent partitions are used in the opening, which, if necessary, are folded like an accordion or pushed behind furniture.

Plants and screens

Another option for combining is to remove the wall between the kitchen and the living room, and as a separator, install an aquarium, climbing plant or decorative screens. If the idea is done correctly, the original partition will fit into the interior of the rooms.

Zoning with a screen is a very extravagant solution and also occurs in modern apartments

Arched doorway

If you do not want to completely remove the walls, you can design a kitchen combined with the living room through an arch. This option is suitable if there is a load-bearing wall between the rooms that cannot be demolished.

An arched opening in the wall is used as regular door, but visually unites the rooms. In addition, it is not necessarily performed in the shape of an arch.

Lighting selection

A kitchen combined with a living room looks lighter and more spacious if the lighting is chosen correctly. We offer 5 design advice for successful solutions:

  • the light in the hall becomes soft, but brighter than in the kitchen;
  • spotlights are well suited for combined rooms;
  • for the bar counter, which is located on the border of two rooms, separate lighting is needed;
  • Place the work surface near the window, but in the evening it will require its own lighting;
  • do not forget that the stove, sink, countertop and dining table should be illuminated brighter.

Take care of the lighting in the common area

Choice of colors

Choosing an interior new room, keep in mind that the kitchen connected to the hall requires the selection of colors according to the following rules:

  1. For the kitchen, warm colors increase appetite, while cold colors help reduce it. So owners choose according to their preference.
  2. The kitchen connected to the room should be combined color scheme, for simplicity, you can safely select shades of the same color.
  3. If the room has a good balance of lighting, decorate the rooms with neutral shades of gray and brown.
  4. Use the rules of saturated shades: if the object is small, then the color is chosen brighter, so the walls, ceiling and curtains are usually done in light colors.

Stages of work

When it is decided to combine the kitchen and room, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • create a planning project and approve it;
  • demolish a wall or part of it to create an opening or arch in the apartment;
  • execute renovation work for ceiling decoration;
  • veneer walls;
  • complete the repair by laying flooring material;
  • place furniture and decorations.

Accessories and various bells and whistles can now be shared throughout the territory

Planning project and its approval

Coordination when combining the kitchen and living room is an optional process, but if the owner sells the home in the future, you need to create a redevelopment plan and submit it to the authorities local government before the start of work. Moving a wall between the kitchen and the room or punching openings in brick walls is also considered a change in the design plan.

If the owner does not part with the apartment, the opening in the brick load-bearing wall is made without approval, but do not forget that a change in integrity load-bearing wall can lead to devastating consequences.

Demolishing a wall or creating an opening

You can connect the kitchen with the living room without removing the walls. Some design solutions include reinforcing the brick walls and further cutting out the opening.

If you plan to dismantle brick wall, it is not customary to do such work independently due to the difficulties and danger of destruction ceilings. For demolition, they order professionals who have experience.

Ceiling decoration

Ceilings of different levels are used to separate rooms. Can be done in both rooms suspended ceiling in light colors, but use spotlights for the kitchen, and a decorative chandelier for the living room.

Two-level stretch ceilings in the kitchen and three-level ones in the hall look good. So, the room will seem solid, but have noticeable differences.

Two-level ceiling popular in new apartments

Wall decoration

The finishing material is chosen at the request of the owner. The only thing that is taken into account is the combination of the design of the two rooms. If the kitchen and living room are made of various materials, bring insertions from the hall to the work area and vice versa.

The design of the arch in the kitchen is done in the style of one of the rooms, or as a decorative transition.

Flooring installation

If you make a two-level floor, where the living room is one step lower, then the pipes and communications are hidden under the kitchen floor.

You need to order furniture for combined rooms from one manufacturer. The kitchen set does not have to be the same style as the living room furniture, but be complemented by a common element: handles, cabinet sizes, colors, identical glass inserts.

Glossy and mirrored furniture makes a room appear larger, as do other shiny elements.

The arrangement of furniture should be harmonious

    1. Place the TV in the living room at such an angle that it is convenient to watch from the kitchen. This will unite not only the rooms, but also the people in them.
    2. A ceiling in pastel colors will make the room brighter and higher.
    3. If the layout of the apartment does not allow demolishing the entire wall, cut a decorative opening between the kitchen and living room in the form of a window.
    4. Bright details help connect the style of rooms, like pink pillows on the sofa and pink decorative pots for flowers, will make the space of the rooms a single whole. Additionally, bright hues add a dynamic look.
    5. Glass and mirror inserts on the ceiling or facades of the set make the room more spacious and brighter.
    6. When connecting rooms, maintain a “seamless” transition. Can be shades and decorative elements highlight the boundaries, but you must not overdo it.
    7. It is recommended to use a kitchen island in the form of a bar counter or dining table. This will add seating, and will become a viewing point for both rooms.
    8. Separate rooms with lighting. If spotlights are used in the work area, then hang a chandelier with dim light in the hall.
    9. Separate the kitchen and the living room with a rug, plants, a difference in floor height or translucent panels to separate the coziness and comfort of the living room from the concentration of the kitchen area.
    10. Combine rooms with different styles It's better to trust the designers. A classic living room and a high-tech kitchen set are also combined, but with careful selection of interior items and design.


Happy renovation!

Combining two rooms in one interior will not surprise anyone. This technique is used everywhere, since its use makes it possible to win in many ways.

A living room combined with a kitchen is quite reasonable and stylish solution. Proper zoning of the room and carefully selected interior will make it simply ideal.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Advantages and disadvantages of combination

The most obvious advantage of kitchen-living room design is, of course, space saving. Undoubtedly, the absence of a wall between combined rooms significantly expands the area of ​​the room. The won square meters will be used to place furniture, household appliances, or simply become additional free space. You can also read more on the website

In addition, you will not be isolated from family communication. Now you can cook and at the same time communicate with your household, or watch TV.

In a combined kitchen-living room, it is customary to separate the dining area from the kitchen, where meals take place. Meals in such an environment take place in a more solemn and pleasant atmosphere.

Let's not hide the disadvantages of the combination.

  1. The spread of odors into the living room. Sometimes, of course, it smells delicious, but it’s better to install good hood and ventilation system.
  2. Noises from household appliances. It is unlikely that a vacationer will like the sound of a blender rattling under his ear. That's why Appliances you will need to choose with special care, giving preference to silent models.
  3. Difficulties in conservation functional purpose combined rooms. To prevent everything from getting mixed up in your home, like the Oblonskys, be sure to use room zoning.

Where is it appropriate to combine

There are several types of apartments into which the design of a combined kitchen will “fit” especially well.

Large apartments

In small apartments, people sometimes need privacy, and they are forced to choose a living room or kitchen for this. If these two premises are combined, then they will lose this opportunity.

If each family member has his own room, a kitchen combined with a living room will not be a problem for anyone.

Studio apartments

In such an apartment, a combined kitchen is not just one of the design options, but an absolute necessity. In addition, a bedroom is usually placed here, using a sofa or built-in folding beds as a sleeping place.

Apartments with a small living room

A combined living room in them will redistribute the space of the room, making the apartment more comfortable for its inhabitants.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Zoning the space

There are many zoning methods. You need to proceed from the size of the apartment, the purpose of creating zones and financial capabilities.

  1. Using color.
    Properly placed color accents work wonders. This design option is the most budget-friendly and is perfect for a small living room. Refrain from making drastic decisions. There is absolutely no point in painting one wall pink and the other green. It is enough to choose shades that differ by several tones.
  2. With finishing.
    Everything here is extremely simple: in the kitchen - tiles or laminate, in the living room - carpet or parquet, or in the kitchen - plastic panels, in the hall - wallpaper or decorative plaster. This will not only visually delimit the space, but will also be quite practical, since the finishing materials of the kitchen are constantly exposed to moisture, grease and detergents.
  3. With the help of furniture.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Furniture options can be completely different.

  • Kitchen island. It is rarely used in Russian apartments, as it requires sufficient space. It is a small area occupied by a cutting surface and located in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Dinner table. By dividing the kitchen and living room in this way, you create additional dining area. It looks quite advantageous. To emphasize the division, a row of lamps is sometimes hung above the table.
  • Sofa. When choosing upholstered furniture installed between the kitchen and living room, do not forget to take into account that it will get dirty more than usual. Give preference to materials that are easy to clean. It is not recommended to place kitchen appliances or a dining table behind the back of the sofa. It is better to install a shelving unit or cabinet there, thus completely separating the living room area.
  1. Cabinet or rack.
    It is not necessary to choose full-size models. Open shelves and the shelves will look much more appropriate. You can place books, photo frames, dishes or other decorative elements in them, but not kitchen utensils.
  2. Bar counter.
    Stylish and functional element. The remnant of the “past” wall is usually taken as the basis. You can emphasize the division of rooms with a row of wine glasses hanging above the bar counter or built-in lighting.
  3. Fireplace.
    Island fireplaces are widely used in zoning. This element of interior design not only looks luxurious, but also additionally heats the room.
  4. Using part of a wall or arch.
    This technique unites the rooms without mixing them, because the zoning will be obvious. When demolishing a wall, it is not necessary to remove it completely. Leave a narrow area between rooms, several columns, or build an arch. Additional contrast in the design of the zones will be created by the lighting built into the arch.
  5. With the help of the podium.
    This technique is only appropriate in apartments where the ceiling is high enough. Creating a multi-level floor in the kitchen-living room is an aesthetic and pragmatic solution. Numerous communications can be hidden under the raised kitchen floor. With the help of a slight elevation, you can separate the dining area.
  6. Using the ceiling.
    Ceiling beams, multi-level structures, or ceilings are used different colors and textures.
  7. With the help of lighting.
    IN in capable hands lighting works real miracles. Proper combination of bright and dim light, use various types lamps and rotating spotlights can clearly divide the room into several functional zones. For example, a row of lamps above the dining table can highlight the dining area, and lighting built into the bar counter will separate the kitchen.
  8. Using folding screens and partitions.
    A neat translucent partition will not only stylish element design of the room, but will also allow you to separate the kitchen from the living room as you wish.
  9. With the help of a hedge.
    No, it is not necessary to plant shrubs in the middle of the living room. It will be enough to use ordinary pots with plants. Another idea is to put up an aquarium. This division will fit perfectly into an eco-style interior.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Features of design choice

A kitchen combined with a living room is a statement of style and originality. In order not to lose face, when designing an interior you need to carefully consider many details:

  • the general style in which the combined rooms will be designed;
  • presence of bright accents;
  • furnishings;
  • use of decorative items.

The choice of design for a kitchen combined with a living room has virtually no restrictions. The only exception will be the Provence style. The fact is that an interior in this style involves decorating the apartment with tableware on display. Therefore, by decorating the living room next to the kitchen in this way, you risk feeling like a guest in a china shop.

Classic is a universal solution that is appropriate in any apartment. Sharp lines, expensive furniture, monotony and lack of frills, by definition, cannot spoil any interior.

A high-tech interior will also look great. Glossy materials, hidden kitchen appliances, compact and ergonomic furniture visually increase the free space of the kitchen, look stylish and modern.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

IN Lately The popularity of the loft style is gaining rapid momentum. It is used everywhere: in the interiors of bedrooms, hallways, kitchen and living room designs. This style appeared in America during the era of industrialization, when empty warehouses and industrial premises people began to move in and convert them into apartments. Such style will suit for the interior of the kitchen-living room with high ceilings. Despite the deliberate roughness of the finish and seemingly ordinary “factory” elements, you will have to tinker with the design of a loft-style living room. Pay special attention to finishing. It is not necessary to pick apart the walls to get to the treasured brick. Brickwork can be replaced with wallpaper with its imitation, decorative plaster, or just leave concrete wall. It is customary to choose a floor based on wood. Usually this is laminate or parquet, preferably glossy. A loft is a game of contrasts, so try to combine modern furniture with antique ones, and neat models with rough ones. Curtains are not a mandatory element; a loft-style living room can easily do without them. If bare windows don’t suit you, buy Roman blinds or floor-length curtains.

Lamps should be either absolutely simple, or, conversely, deliberately modern.

Don't forget about the characteristic color scheme. Use muted shades of red, green and blue, white, gray and black in the interior.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen

Choosing furniture and appliances for the kitchen-living room

When choosing furniture for a kitchen combined with a living room, first of all take care of its practicality and harmony. Since these two zones are located in the same room, they should be made in the same or similar styles.

Select furniture for the kitchen and living room so that it matches each other. May occur bright accents, but in general the colors of the kitchen and living room should overlap.

To make your living room look warmer and more comfortable, give preference to natural materials.

Remember that visually expanding the space will help light shades. However, approach the choice of color solutions thoughtfully: due to its proximity to the kitchen, the furniture in the living room will get more dirty, since it will be constantly exposed to smoke, steam and soot.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

For the same reason, the best materials for such a living room are non-staining and moisture-resistant.

To avoid cluttering your apartment, buy only what you really need. Give preference to compact models. In the kitchen, built-in appliances will look most aesthetically pleasing.

Try not to take entire sets of equipment. By purchasing them separately, you will have the opportunity to buy what you need and not acquire unnecessary things.

It is very important to choose the right hood. Choose models with standard ductwork. The recirculation mode, in which filtered air is returned to the kitchen, is not necessary in this case. It is better to hide the bulky air duct. If the living room is decorated in a loft style, then, on the contrary, it will complement its interior.

When choosing household appliances, pay attention to their noiselessness. The humming of the refrigerator and the rattling of the hood can spoil the beauty of being in the living room. Carefully study the characteristics of the equipment and choose the quietest models.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Living room combined with kitchen

Choose multifunctional designs. Let one and the same object perform several functions at once. A great example is the bar counter. It can replace both a dining table and a cutting surface. In addition, the bar counter serves as a great place to sit and divides the space into zones.

The environment in the kitchen is of great importance. IN small apartments It is better to install it in an L-shape or in one row. If there is plenty of free space, you can afford a U-shaped placement, arrangement in two rows, or creating a kitchen island.

Properly dividing a narrow room

Combination in narrow room kitchen and living room - not just reasonable, but also the most profitable solution. These two zones divide the length of the room in half, as a result of which it no longer seems elongated at all.

Try not to place all the furniture in parallel long wall. Thus, visually you stretch it out even more.

To expand the space, use light colors. The furniture can be dark. This contrast enlivens the room and looks very interesting.

Choose your lighting wisely. The more light, the wider the kitchen appears. Use glossy surfaces and mirrors to play with light. They will also become your assistants in expanding a narrow space.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

Don't clutter the room with decorative elements. A couple of paintings on the walls will be enough to decorate the design of a kitchen combined with a living room.

Combining a kitchen and a living room in one interior means choosing ergonomics, style and practicality. This bold decision will save space in the house, add originality to the design of both rooms, and allow you to profitably use each square meter premises.

Decorating a kitchen-living room with taste is quite simple if you know what you want to get in the end. To do this, you need to approach the process creatively and responsibly, and, of course, not neglect the advice of professionals.

Video: Kitchen combined with living room

50 photos of the interior design of a living room combined with a kitchen:

Small kitchens are the scourge of our time. IN small kitchens It’s more difficult to cook, it’s difficult to have dinner with the whole family, and even more so, you can’t hold any feast in such a kitchen. Now it has become fashionable to remodel apartments in order to increase square area kitchens. Let's look at how you can combine the kitchen with the living room.

Before you begin remodeling your apartment, make sure that the wall to be demolished is not load-bearing.

Redevelopment of an apartment requires obtaining permission from special city authorities.

There are two ways to combine the kitchen with the living room: complete or partial demolition of the partition wall. In the first case, the initial entrance to the kitchen is blocked, and a refrigerator or pencil case is placed under the ceiling in the resulting niche in the kitchen.

In the second case, you can make a wide arch between the kitchen and the living room or a regular wide passage with a screen.

If you do not want to completely demolish the wall with the hall, you can demolish it in such a way that one quarter of the wall remains. It can easily be interpreted into a bar counter, which will replace the dining area and will not take up much space.

Pros and cons of combining a small kitchen with a living room

Let's consider positive sides combining the kitchen with the living room:

  • kitchen space is expanding;
  • it becomes possible to fit a dining area into the kitchen;
  • large space for implementing design solutions;
  • no need to purchase a separate TV for the kitchen;
  • the apartment turns into a studio,
  • the housewife, while preparing food, will be able to easily communicate with household members relaxing in the hall.

Disadvantages of combining a kitchen with a living room:

  • spread of odors during cooking: no modern powerful hood can completely absorb all odors that appear during cooking. In addition, odors tend to be absorbed into textiles and clothing;
  • constant cleaning: a working mess in the kitchen will spoil the overall impression of the apartment; you will no longer be able to hide dirty dishes behind the kitchen door;
  • complete lack of sound insulation: cooking is a rather noisy process, and all sounds will fill the hall combined with the kitchen.

How to properly zone a kitchen combined with a living room and finishing materials

The most popular option for zoning a room is to install multi-level suspended ceilings. This makes it possible to visually separate the dining, work and relaxation areas.

Designers advise installing multifocal lenses on each tier. lighting to highlight target areas. There should be bright, locally directed light above the work area, and in the rest area, for example, it should be less intense and more diffuse.

On a par with multi-level ceilings used to delimit target zones flooring. The floor in the kitchen combined with the living room can be laid out in any way you like, using, for example, different colors ceramic tiles or laminate. The line between multi-colored or different-textured flooring materials does not have to be smooth; it can be arched or geometric.

A podium is often used to designate a working or dining area.

There can only be one podium per room. Equip the podium with built-in spotlights so that you can see the step in the dark.

How to properly arrange furniture in a kitchen combined with a living room

When purchasing furniture for a kitchen combined with a living room, remember that the style of the sets should be the same. These may be similar colors, shapes or furniture fittings(handles, locks, glass inserts And so on).

When choosing a kitchen set, give preference to an L-shaped layout (the furniture is located along two adjacent walls). It will be possible to install a bar counter in the kitchen, which will separate the kitchen area from the recreation area.

Before choosing a dining group of furniture (table and chairs), decide what you will allocate more space for, a seating area or a dining area. If the seating area will dominate, install a large couch, and equip the dining area with a bar counter or a small folding table.

If you prefer large dining tables, the seating area will have to be slightly reduced.

If you are not afraid of the spread of kitchen odors, and you constantly suffer, crowded with your whole family in a small kitchen, feel free to start remodeling. Get all the necessary work permits and turn your apartment into a place where you can comfortably cook food, dine with the whole family at the same table and spend every evening together without hiding behind the kitchen walls.

For most people, the kitchen is the most favorite place in the house. There is nothing more pleasant than getting together with the whole family for dinner or sitting with your best friends over a cup of fragrant tea. But few of the inhabitants of city apartments can boast of the large dimensions of their own kitchen. This is especially true for “Khrushchev” and panel houses. In order to increase the area of ​​the room intended for cooking, it is often combined with the living room, thereby creating a spacious room that simultaneously serves as a kitchen, dining room and hall. This kind of redevelopment has many nuances, so before deciding on it, apartment owners need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of such a design solution.

A kitchen combined with a living room visually increases the space of a small apartment.

Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the living room: requirements and methods

Combining the kitchen and living room into one open space requires partial or complete demolition of the wall located between these two rooms. To remove the wall between rooms, the homeowner will need to obtain an official redevelopment permit, which is issued by the local housing inspectorate. During the redevelopment process, it is necessary to comply with a number of important building standards:

The wall that is planned to be demolished should not be load-bearing.

  1. You can only remove those walls that are not load-bearing.
  2. Combining a kitchen with a living room is only possible in apartments where electric stoves are installed (make any changes to the design of the premises with gas stoves it is forbidden).
  3. Having conceived a redevelopment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it will not be possible to carry out a radical rearrangement in a combined room: sink, stove and Dishwasher should remain in the places that were originally allocated to them when designing the building, but kitchen cabinets, a dining table, a bar counter and other pieces of furniture can be arranged at your discretion.

There are two ways to combine the kitchen with the living room.

Complete demolition of the wall between the kitchen and living room will create one large space.

  1. Complete demolition of the wall between the living room and kitchen. This design approach allows you to create one spacious open space from two separate rooms. Since there will be no wall between two rooms, homeowners will need to consider the most convenient option room zoning. Two doors are not needed in such a room, so one of them (usually the one that leads from the hallway to the kitchen) is simply blocked. The niche formed in place of the blocked door will be an ideal place for a refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. You can enter the cooking area through the door leading to the hall. This option of combining a kitchen and living room is suitable for a single person and newlyweds, but for big family with several children it will be inconvenient.
  2. Partial demolition of the wall allows for a clear distinction between the cooking area and the relaxation area. With this type of redevelopment, the kitchen space will be separated from the living room by a wide opening, which, with the help of modern finishing materials You can give it any shape, making it a decoration for the combined living room-kitchen. A clear delineation of zones will allow all family members to spend time in the room at the same time, without interfering with each other.

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Options for zoning space in a combined kitchen-living room

An open kitchen combined with a living room requires a special approach to zoning. In the arsenal modern designers There are many ways to separate the working kitchen area from the relaxation area. You can divide the space using different floor and ceiling levels, lighting, contrasting floor coverings, a bar counter, a ceiling beam, etc.

The kitchen can be separated from the living room using pieces of furniture, such as a bar counter.

  1. The kitchen and the living room can be separated by a podium, slightly raising the floor level in the cooking area. The elevation will perfectly camouflage pipes, floor heating systems and other communications, without which modern house impossible to get by. If desired side surfaces the podium can be decorated with LED spotlights, which will softly illuminate the room in dark time days. The kitchen on the podium looks unusually stylish, but the owner of the house may not like this design approach, because in the process of cooking she will have to repeatedly climb up and down from the dais.
  2. Some apartment owners carry out zoning of combined premises by creating a multi-level ceiling from various materials. The combination is widely popular stretch ceiling with multi-level plasterboard structures.
  3. flooring will help: porcelain stoneware or ceramic tile, which have moisture-resistant properties, and laminate, parquet, linoleum and any other flooring material can be laid in the recreation area.
  4. Zoning the space between the living room and kitchen can be done by installing between them ceiling beam. This design will clearly separate the zones and at the same time will not interfere with the free movement of people around the combined room.
  5. Individual pieces of furniture will help to zone the room. You can separate the kitchen from the living room using a bar counter, a large dining table, a sofa, or a double-sided shelving unit. How larger area room, the more massive the furniture can be, separating one part of it from another. Instead of furniture, you can use sliding, folding or glass partitions, false wall, curtains.
  6. Having decided to combine the kitchen with the living room, you should make sure that each part of the room has its own lighting. Individual groups lamps must be installed in the food preparation area, in the relaxation area and above the table at which they dine.

Today, more than ever, the question of which kitchen design combined with a living room is best to choose is relevant. After all, this kind of association is a fairly common design solution, successfully used not only in Khrushchev, but also in luxury apartments.

The main task of combining the kitchen with the living room is to visual magnification premises.

To achieve the desired result, you need to understand in detail many nuances, which is what we will do now.

Kitchen in Khrushchev and its features

The kitchen area, which was combined with the living room, was loved by many because of:

  • significant expansion of space;
  • convenience of organizing reception of guests, as well as holding various celebrations;
  • obtaining a well-lit and furnished room;
  • the ability to ensure free movement around the room;
  • attractive, innovative interior design;
  • providing the opportunity for a mother, busy cooking in the kitchen, to keep an eye on the kids playing in the middle of the living room.

What should you pay special attention to during planning?

It is worth noting that the process of arranging a large room, where three different functional zones will be combined, is quite complicated. The end result should be a room that will fully cope with its tasks. The room should be convenient, as comfortable as possible, and also distinguished by harmony, uniqueness and balance of interior design.

Zoning methods

To clearly delineate functional zones, various columns, beams, arches, and supports are used, giving a clear understanding of where the boundaries of the zone are located, but in no way hiding it. Overwhelmingly modern houses And in apartments this kind of division is subject to the kitchen.

An excellent solution for separating a kitchen combined with a living room would be to install a screen.

Yes, of course, a screen is a system designed for storing things, but due to this you can differentiate different zones, and acquire practical, spacious cabinets where it is convenient to store many different kitchen utensils.

Variations in the location of the kitchen in the hall

Today, the most common design of a kitchen combined with a hall in Khrushchev is to place the kitchen area near one of the walls of the room. In this case, L-shaped furniture layouts are used or the entire kitchen unit is arranged in one row.

"Kitchen in a closet"

It deserves special attention original way disguising the kitchen segment combined with the hall, which is called the “kitchen in the closet”. This technique involves the location of a relatively compact kitchen set inside a niche, which is closed by a folding door. This kind of design can be conveniently hidden if guests come to you or if you decide to throw a party or celebration. At any other time, the door of the makeshift niche can be opened.

Kaleidoscope of stylistic solutions

For a harmonious and comfortable design of a kitchen combined with a living room in a Khrushchev-era building, it is important to adhere to a specific style in all functional areas or select similar and similar ones in concept. A good solution would be to take one style as a basis and later add some elements from other design solutions to it. But keep in mind that this should be done either as a single accent, or everywhere, without highlighting the features with the help of bright color or method of execution.

Also good design solution There will be a classic design. After all, classics will always enjoy incredible popularity and respect, especially when it comes to a kitchen combined with a living room. Today the snow-white version of its execution is popular. The advantage of the style lies in the simplicity of the combination of decoration and living room furniture.

Richness of colors

In a spacious room where several different functional segments are combined, it is quite easy to get confused and make a mistake with color solutions. To avoid this, it is better to choose one neutral light tone to paint all the walls of the room, and then further dilute the resulting palette, using bright decorative elements and unusual furniture.

A room where color shades overlap in different functional segments will look harmonious and very original. Eg, coffee table, made of unpainted wood and placed in the living room, will perfectly complement the dining group, which was made in a similar style.