Additional crew skills and abilities. Which perk is better - “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye”? Description, features and recommendations What perks should you download?


The official World of Tanks website, although it contains comprehensive information about the skills that each member of the crew of a combat vehicle can acquire, but, firstly, few people would smile at re-reading several pages of technical text, and secondly, the official information is dry and streamlined . They will never tell you in plain text that this skill is nonsense, but this one is not bad. Therefore, tankers will have to go to forums, where they will need to sift through many topics of several dozen or even hundreds of pages in order to find out the necessary information for themselves. The purpose of this material is to describe in detail and at the same time briefly, intelligibly and simply, each of the skills for each of the crew members, without hiding absolutely nothing.

Skills in World of Tanks are not an empty phrase, but an excellent prospect for repeatedly improving the characteristics of your combat vehicle. The importance of skills is often underestimated, but in vain. So, let's go.


In the humble opinion of the author, as well as many experienced tankers, this is the least useful skill, which is easier to replace with a regular fire extinguisher. And to statements like what will happen if you are set on fire a second time, you can answer that such a probability is extremely low. In general, Firefighting is a skill with frankly weak utility. As an alternative, you can take the “Cleanliness and Order” skill, which reduces the likelihood of an engine fire.


This skill is being learned en masse, especially by beginners who believe that now their tank will be inconspicuous and they can have a lot of fun playing in sniper mode. This is wrong. The fact is that not all tanks in the game are capable of camouflage. Some do it better, some worse, and some, huge, high-profile machines, do not know how to camouflage themselves at all. For example, a T-62 with camouflage upgraded to 100% can remain invisible when stationary up to almost 300 meters, while the same E-100 can hide under similar conditions only at a distance of a little more than 400 meters. As an alternative, it is better to purchase camouflage for the tank, and also hide in the bushes more often. In general, camouflage is a more or less useful skill, but not for all tanks.


The most universal skill in its usefulness. Repairs can and should be carried out. As an alternative or as a supplement, a tool box, as well as a large or small repair kit, are excellent. Each tank must have a tanker trained in repairs.

The Brotherhood of War.

Another universal, team skill that gives a 5% increase in points for all skills for the entire crew. As an alternative, you can purchase ventilation, however, the effect of these two components is summed up, so it is better to study the military brotherhood and install ventilation. If you add cola, chocolate or coffee to everything else, your skills can increase up to 120%. A good skill that is especially good for artillerymen.

Now let's move on to the personal skills of each crew member.


The skill of a mentor allows the commander to train his charges faster. The greatest effect is achieved when studied at the very beginning of development. However, this skill only provides accelerated leveling of other skills, and, in fact, does not bring any benefit. In general, this skill is quite suitable for the most impatient.

Not a bad skill. It allows you to see removed or damaged components in enemy vehicles on tanks, but Expert only works with 100% pumping, and also if you can hold the enemy vehicle in sight for about 5 seconds, which is not always acceptable in random battles. Bottom line: this skill is more suitable for duels. It provides more informational assistance, which may not always be useful in battle, where you often shoot where you can, or even at random. A skill of questionable usefulness.

One of the most important skills in the game, if not the most important. The famous “light bulb” is vital in every battle. The skill signals the fact that your equipment has been exposed. If the light comes on, it means the tank has been found. It is a must to study, and the sooner the better.

This skill allows the commander to replace an incapacitated crew member. Most often, instead of this skill, players prefer to purchase first aid kits to treat victims. Not the most useful option.

A fully upgraded Eagle Eye allows you to increase the maximum visibility of the tank by 2%. The use of this skill is for experienced players. This skill is unlikely to be useful for beginners, however, if you fight on a Bat Chat, Patton or other vehicle with a good vision function, then you can and even need to take Eagle Eye. Bottom line: this skill will be useful if you know and like to use camouflage and know how to calculate the detection range. As an alternative, as well as an addition, you can take radio interception, coated optics, a stereo tube or an additional vent with ventilation.

The sniper skill will increase the chance of dealing critical damage. Quite a useful profession. This will be especially visible after comparing the results of battles on vehicles where the gunner is trained in sniper shooting and where he is not. The difference will be noticeable. A tank with this skill will inflict much more crits, including such useful ones as fire or ammunition explosion. Does not work with cumulative projectiles. A very worthy choice, practically obligatory to study.

This skill allows you to see a disappearing enemy in your sights for two additional seconds. It only works if you personally spotted this enemy. In other words, artillery operators who are eager to upgrade this skill should know that it will not be useful, since for artillery, the enemy is illuminated by other tanks, and not by the artillery itself. Bottom line: an almost useless skill that is better not to upgrade.

Everything is clear here: in sniper mode it will be easier to aim when turning the turret, if there is one. Don't upgrade your skill if your tower doesn't rotate. An alternative is to install a stabilizer. However, the benefits add up. To be brief, this skill is one of the most useless. You don't have to study, you'll lose a little.

It's all in the title. After 100% upgrade, the gunner can with a high degree of probability predict what type of projectile will be needed in the future. The skill is interesting and even funny, but almost useless. Instead, study better repairs or the same disguise.

A very important skill, since damage to the ammunition rack immediately turns your tank into a pile of scrap metal, and learning this skill allows you to reduce the chance of an ammunition explosion by 13%. It’s a fairly useful specialty, although many people prefer to study something else. Bottom line: be sure to learn it if you plan to fight on tanks with traditionally poorly protected ammunition.

Quite an original thing. Its essence boils down to the fact that as soon as a vehicle has less than 10% health left, the loader begins to shoot 10% faster. A rammer is an excellent addition or alternative. It is better to level up this skill on a tank with a lot of health. Bottom line: a useful, albeit specific, skill for the loader.

Radio operator.

This skill increases the radio communication range. Almost useless specialty. In general, it is worth noting that the special skills of the radio operator are famous for being the most useless among the rest of the team. It is better to train a radio operator in general rather than specialized skills.

Another useless skill that increases the communication distance with all allied vehicles. You can try to teach, but only if you play artillery.

This skill increases visibility. At full 100% study, it adds +3% to range. Conclusion: more or less useful, although not a vital skill. You can learn it if you really want to.

A specific skill responsible for sending information about the location of enemies a few seconds after the destruction of equipment. A vengeful skill that makes sense to learn only on fireflies - reconnaissance tanks.

Driver mechanic.

This skill will be most useful for controlling a tank with poor dynamics. When fully learned, it gives a 5% increase in turning speed. Not the most useful skill, which can only show its usefulness when your combat tactics require private turns and similar maneuvers.

Thanks to this skill, the driver will be able to add a little more maneuverability to your tank on heavy surfaces such as swamps and other off-road conditions. A practically useless skill that few people learn.

This skill allows you to reduce spread when shooting on the move. A modest 4 percent of the scope's diameter is removed. It makes sense to study only on light or medium tanks. The slower the tank, the less point there is in learning this skill. Not a very useful purchase, which can be replaced with a smooth ride stabilizer.

An excellent skill that allows you to increase damage by up to 15 percent when performing a ramming technique. It is an excellent addition for heavy and fast equipment. Armed with the ramming skill, regular medium or even light tanks can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy. Highly recommended for study.

This skill reduces the chance of fire by 25%. Not a bad skill, especially if you don't plan to use fire extinguishers. If you always have a fire extinguisher in stock, then there is no point in downloading Cleanliness and Order. In addition, it can be perfectly replaced with the same general firefighting skill, although this is not the same thing at all. The Cyclone filter is also suitable as an alternative or addition.

From tank levels 6-7, pumping up equipment begins to require a huge amount of experience. It is from this moment that it becomes important to choose the right direction of development for the crew. After all, you will not only have time to increase his experience to 100%, but also upgrade additional skills. Today we will look at perks such as Radio Interception and Eagle Eye, as well as their synergies.

Skill system

Before deciding which perk is better - "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Interception", you need to carefully study the game. The fact is that according to the skill system in WoT, the crew can learn absolutely all skills. Thus, there is no point in choosing "Radio Interception" or "Eagle Eye". You just need to decide which skill you need first. It is worth considering that for each subsequent skill you need twice as much experience. Therefore, determining the priority order is very important.

You also need to understand that these skills are not mutually exclusive and their bonuses are cumulative. Moreover, skills begin to work after their first percentage of learning. So you don't need to push them forward by playing top tanks. By taking these skills last, even despite the high experience costs to learn, you will get a good advantage over disguised opponents.

An eagle eye

Let's see how "Eagle Eye" differs from "Radio Interception". To do this, just read the descriptions of both perks. "Eye" is a skill that can only be mastered by the crew commander. Grants a 0.02% increase in vision for each percentage of the skill learned, and a total of 2% when fully learned.

Its main advantage is the increase in the detection range of the enemy when surveillance devices are damaged. Up to 20% at maximum pumping. Here a dilemma arises regarding the effectiveness of using this perk on different types of machines. But we'll talk about this a little further.

Radio interception

We looked at the Eagle Eye perk. "Radio interception" is similar in principle, but does not provide any additional advantages. Only a radio operator can learn this skill. This, by the way, is another reason why you shouldn’t choose between the skills given to us. If necessary, you can study them both first.

In total, “Radio Interception” gives up to 3% to the viewing range at maximum level of the skill. Interestingly, this skill is practically the only useful one for a radio operator, so you will most likely learn it first in any case. Also, the radio operator is one of the best crew members for leveling up secondary skills. Having learned, for example, “Repair” from him, you will receive a 25% bonus to the speed of equipment restoration on vehicles with 4 people. So you'll probably have to choose between secondary skills and Interception rather than Eagle Eye.

Light tanks

The main task of light tanks in the game is reconnaissance. Obtaining early information about the enemy is very important both for the survival of the LT itself and for the team as a whole. To improve the ability to illuminate the enemy, those playing this type of vehicle do not need to choose what to take - “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye”. Fortunately, these two skills stack effects and work simultaneously.

The only downside is that the additional “Eye” effect, which works after damage to devices, is useless on light tanks. You are either immediately destroyed when hit, or you remain an invisible shadow and dodge enemy projectiles. But when learning both skills, you will receive a 5% bonus to your viewing range or to enemy detection, if your visibility is already maximum and equal to 445 meters.

Medium tanks

With these machines it’s a little more complicated. You can participate in positional firefights. Your equipment already has more durability, and you can withstand critical hits. Elements of positional warfare and slow front pushing appear.

When playing on a medium tank, everything will depend on the model. For fast and maneuverable cars, it is better, first of all, to study both skills that we are considering. On slower ones, it would be better to take the “Sixth Sense” from the commander first. In general, enemy detection is not the main task of medium tanks. However, due to the “great Belarusian randomness”, there may be no LTs in the team, and then you will have to take on their role. In such cases, it would be better to use “Radio Interception”.

Heavy tanks

Slow and vulnerable, oddly enough. When driving a TT, be prepared for the fact that you will have to hide behind covers and make short dashes. It is with them that you will have to choose what to download first - “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye”. Which is better to choose?

On the one hand, you have a commander. You will need the Sixth Sense and Combat Brotherhood skills. He also needs "Repair". However, the "Eagle Eye" will be a salvation in case of damage to surveillance devices, which TT break down quite often. On the other hand, there is a radio operator. “General” skills are also important to him - “Repair” and “Combat Brotherhood”, but there are practically no useful special skills.

So, "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Interception" - which is better? After leveling up all the general skills, it would be better to take “Sixth Sense” from the commander, and “Radio Interception” from the radio operator. However, immediately after this you can download the “Eye”.

Tank destroyer

The situation is similar with this type of technology. Disguise is also added to general skills only. "Radio Interception" is also learned one rank earlier. On the other hand, many PTs prefer to play “sniper”, hiding in one place. Therefore, the ability to detect the enemy at distant approaches is very important to them.

You can learn both skills in question first and won't lose anything by doing so. They will immediately add 5% of your visibility, and with additional equipment like the “Stereo Tube” you will be able to detect even the most camouflaged opponents.

self-propelled guns

With this type of equipment you don’t have to decide what to take - “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye”. For self-propelled guns, the range of its own vision is not important. She uses data given to her by other participants in the battle. Therefore, there is no point in downloading “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye” for her.

If we assume a theoretical model in which self-propelled guns fight in urban environments and play the role of a kind of tank tank, then the maximum that the owner of an unlucky vehicle can afford is “Radio Interception”. It gives a larger bonus, while the "Eye" is only effective when damaging modules on vehicles.


Based on the foregoing, several conclusions can be drawn regarding what is better to use - “Radio Interception” or “Eagle Eye”. Regardless of what machine you play on and what style of battles you prefer, it is more profitable to take “Radio Interception”. First of all, only because he does not have a worthy alternative among other radio operator skills.

"Eagle Eye", "Radio Interception" how many characteristics do they give? The first guarantees a bonus of 2% when pumping and 20% when broken. The second is 3%. Considering that a good tanker rarely receives critical damage, the bonus from the first skill is very doubtful, and here again Interception wins.

The same applies to the speed of receipt. “Interception” is pumped up much faster, again due to the fact that the commander has more really useful and effective skills that are worth leveling up earlier.

So let's summarize. "Eagle Eye" or "Radio Interception"? What's better? Definitely - “Radio interception”. If you have a dilemma about what to download, choose it, you definitely won’t go wrong.

Dear tankers, today I want to talk about the commander skill - “Mentor”. This skill provides additional experience to all crew members except the commander. The amount of experience increases by 0.1% for each percentage of skill. Maximum value: +10% to experience gained.

As I understand it, the concept of a skill involves abandoning a certain commander’s skill that is useful in battle (“Sixth Sense”, “Repair”, etc.) in favor of something that is useless in battle, but gives an advantage in the speed of leveling up the rest of the crew. It is not explicitly assumed that, initially lagging behind in the number of skills learned that are useful in battle, over a long distance your crew will overtake in this parameter crews in which the commander did not spend experience on the “Mentor” skill. That is, after x battles, the number of skills of the crew whose commander has learned the “Mentor” skill will become greater than that of the crew whose commander has not learned this skill.

Actually, I was interested in the question: “After how many battles will this happen?”

Obviously, this Mentor skill needs to be learned as early as possible in order to gain more additional experience. However, the commander has a very important skill, Sixth Sense, which, in my opinion, should be learned first. However, for the purity of the experiment, in my model I decided to study the “Mentor” first.

It is also obvious that the “Mentor” skill is most useful for tanks with a large crew. Especially if the second skill is “Combat Brotherhood” for the entire crew. Since the “Combat Brotherhood” skill improves the level of proficiency in all skills, this also applies to the “Mentor” skill, and accordingly, also gives an increase in the speed of pumping the crew. Therefore, the second skill for the entire crew is to upgrade “Combat Brotherhood”.

For a crew member to learn the first additional skill, 210,060 experience is required. Each subsequent skill is twice as expensive. It seems that having spent 210K experience on the “Mentor” skill, even when a crew of six tankers learns the second skill: 420K * 10% * 5 = 210K we will recoup the cost of it. We will even win something, since the mentor skill works as we learn it, and we will receive additional experience when leveling up the first skill. In fact, we missed an important detail - we deprived our crew of one skill, because Mentor does not give us an advantage in battle. And it is correct to count the number of useful skills of the crew at a given time.

I took Japanese cords as an object for research. From O-I to Type 5 Heavy, the crew composition in this branch does not change, and the O-I Exp has a radio operator instead of one loader. It is very convenient to upgrade your crew in this branch; up to level 10 you can do this very thoroughly. It was thinking about leveling up this branch that prompted me to ask about using the “Mentor” skill.

To begin with, I compiled the target composition of the crew skills:

The remaining skills are practically useless, therefore, further leveling does not provide an advantage. Disguise for Japanese heavyweights is useless; skills like “Intuition” or “Repeater” I don’t even understand why the developer implemented them. "Sniper" does not work with landmines. It can be seen that in reality, after learning the 4th skill, the benefit of the “Mentor” skill sharply decreases, since half of the crew simply has nothing to learn.

I assume that I will study skills, that is, those perks that begin to work as you study them. Having studied a skill to 100%, I will reset the skill for gold and exchange it for a skill, since it only works after 100% training. This way, the experience gained will be immediately beneficial. I will also retrain the crew for a new tank for gold. I will assume that I will play 10,000 battles on Japanese heavyweights, gaining 1000 experience per battle.

I will give the “Mentor” a bonus - I will include accelerated crew training for these 10,000 battles, since in the case of accelerated crew training, the increase in this accelerated training is also increased by the “Mentor”. However, it should be understood that the more experience all tankers, except the commander, gain (due to the “Mentor” skill), the more often accelerated training “falls” on the commander himself. Because of this, real growth is slightly reduced. I will generously assume that the Mentor skill will work 2/3 of the time.

I implemented the model described above in Excel and received a table in which for each battle from 1 to 10,000 for each crew member I calculated the number of studied percentage points of useful skills. That is, if a crew member has learned repair by 75% with his first skill, then he has 75 percentage points, if this is his second skill, then - 175. However, if the first skill is “Mentor,” then he has only 75 percentage points of useful skills , since “Mentor” is useless in battle.

Blue in the table represents the crew whose commander did not study the “Mentor” skill, pink, respectively, indicates the crew whose commander decided to follow the path of Master Yoda. As you can see, after the first battle, the mentor’s crew begins to lag behind, and the lag grows with each battle.

The diagram created on the basis of the presented table shows that, in fact, our assumption that over time the crew with a mentor will overtake the self-taught ones is confirmed. However, there is a small nuance - during most battles (X-axis), the “self-taught” crew has, on average, a greater number of useful skills (Y-axis). Only in a small area, around the moments of learning the 2nd and 3rd skills, does the crew with a mentor have an advantage, which they are rapidly losing. And after learning the 3rd skill by the “self-taught”, the crew with a mentor will be behind until the end of training.

This is even more noticeable in the diagram based on the difference in average crew skill levels.

In the blue area, the average number of skills of a crew without a mentor is greater than that of a crew with a mentor. In pink it’s the opposite. And although the lag is small, no more than 0.15 levels, it is a lag. We expected benefits from the “Mentor” skill.

Conclusion: The concept of the “Mentor” skill is not supported by calculations. By choosing this skill for a commander, you are not only giving up a skill that is useful in combat, but you are also dooming your crew to a permanent learning curve. The skill is not only not useful, but even harmful.

I have a question. Is this skill a stupid mistake by the developer or something else?

As we know, when mastering the main specialty to 100%, our crew opens a menu of skills

As we know, when mastering the main specialty to 100%, our crew opens a menu of skills and abilities (click on +), however, many inexperienced players do not quite understand what to choose and therefore, this article will help you in choosing the right skills and abilities, so Let’s consider the most optimal assembly options for various types of equipment.

Let's start with a general description of what each skill and ability is and its need to be studied.

● Commander. The commander has some of the most useful sets of perks and skills, so choose them wisely.

1. The sixth sense, or in common parlance “light bulb”.

Allows the commander to detect whether our tank is illuminated, but it is worth remembering that the light appears after 3 seconds of being illuminated by the enemy. One of the most useful perks, we definitely download it to the commander first.

2.Jack of all trades.

This skill allows the commander to master the specialty of an incapacitated crew member. With 100% study - 50% of the skill of the shell-shocked crew member. Useless perk, download at the very end.


Gives additional experience to all crew members except the commander.
With 100% study gives 10% to experience. Also not a very useful skill, we’ll leave it for the end.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Eagle Eye

An extremely useful perk for big-eyed STs and LTs to make their review even better. With 100% study it gives 2% to our review, +20% for damaged observation devices. It also gives an additional effect if you have optics, a stereo tube and radio interception skills.
Skill. Works as you learn.


Allows you, when aiming a sight (even an artillery one), to see which modules are damaged by the enemy and to see the shell-shocked crew. It is worth remembering that it starts working when you hold the enemy in sight for 4 seconds. A very ambiguous perk, it’s not for everyone; if you upgrade it, it’s definitely at the end.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

● Gunner. A set of stupid perks, except for the smooth rotation of the tower.

1. Grudge

Allows us to additionally see the enemy for 2 seconds in a sector of 10 degrees. Not a very useful perk, suitable only for passive light, so that your team can hit the enemy more in extra time.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

2. Master gunsmith

Allows you to reduce the spread of a damaged weapon. At 100% study it gives -20% to the dispersion of a damaged weapon. It is enhanced by the presence of a vertical stabilizer. An almost stupid perk, we’ll leave it for last.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3.Smooth rotation of the tower

Reduces spread when turning the turret by 7.5%. Extremely useful for ST, LT and TT. With a vertical stabilizer installed, the effect is enhanced.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Sniper.

Increases the chance of causing damage to the crew or module by 3% at 100% research. Does not work for high explosive shells Useless perk
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

● Driver. A set of perks, as a rule, to improve the driving performance of the tank and improve shooting on the move. Extremely useful for LT and ST.

1. Virtuoso

A useful perk for tanks with a low turning speed. With 100% study it gives +5% to the tank's turning speed. It is strengthened with additional lugs, Lend-Lease oil, 100 and 105 octane gasoline and a tightened speed controller.
Skill. Works as you learn.

2. King of off-road

Reduces soil resistance when moving. A useful skill for ST and LT, as well as for tanks with very poor maneuverability. It slightly enhances the dynamics of the tank as a whole. Strengthens with additional lugs. Gives us +10% to cross-country ability on soft ground and +2.5% on medium ground with 100% study.

3. Ram Master

A wonderful perk for tanks such as the E50M, KV-4.5, etc., which allows you to reduce damage to your tank and increase damage to the enemy tank when ramming. With 100% study, it gives +15% damage to the enemy tank by ramming and reduces damage to our tank by -15%
Skill. Valid as you learn

4.Smooth running

This perk reduces the spread when shooting on the move. It is enhanced by the presence of a vertical stabilizer. Suitable for all types of equipment. At 100% study it gives -4% to movement dispersion.
Skill. Valid as you learn

5. Cleanliness and order

Reduces the likelihood of engine fire (does not affect tanks!) by 25%. Useful for tanks with a high percentage of engine fire. (the likelihood of a fire can be seen by examining the engine in detail in the hangar). Intensified by the presence of an automatic fire extinguisher.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

● Radio operator. One of the least useful skills, it is extremely easy to make a choice.

1. With all my might

Allows our radio operator, who was not disabled when the tank was destroyed, to report the location of enemy tanks for another 2 seconds. Useless perk.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

2. Inventor

Increases communication range. With 100% study it gives +20% to radio communication range. An extremely stupid perk. Into the furnace.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3. Radio interception

A useful perk that increases the visibility of our tank by 3% with 100% research. It is enhanced by the “eagle eye” perk and in the presence of optics, a stereo tube. We highly recommend it for sharp-eyed STs and LTs.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Repeater

Increases the communication range of allies within the radius. With 100% study, it gives +10% to the communication range of allies. Again, an extremely useless perk.
Skill. Works as you learn.

● Loader. The loader has the smallest set of perks; you don’t even have to choose much.

1. Non-contact ammunition rack.

Increases ammo rack durability by 12.5%. A necessary skill for tanks with weak ammunition (for example, Soviet ST T-44 and T-54). Strengthens when there is a wet ammo rack
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

2. Intuition

Gives a 17% chance to instantly change the projectile (for example, from an armor-piercing to a high explosive) from the moment the projectile begins to reload. Useful for tanks where we often change the type of shells, such as E100, ob.261, etc.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

3. Desperate

Reduces gun reload by 9.1% when the durability of our tank is less than 10%. A controversial skill, not for everyone. Strengthens with the presence of a gun rammer.
Skill. Valid with 100% study.

P.s. All these perks DO NOT stack if multiple crew members have them! (for example, desperately pumped up for 2 loaders does not stack, so don’t forget this and take more useful perks).

Now let's look at the skills and abilities available to all crew members. It is worth knowing that the effectiveness of these skills is taken into account from the average indicator of the crew that owns this skill (for example, if you have upgraded repairs for 2 out of 4 crew members, then the increase in repair speed will be 50% and not 100%).

1. Repair

Probably the most useful perk for any type of vehicle, with the exception of art. Increases the speed of repairing damaged tank modules. Strengthens with a large repair kit or tool box. With 100% study it gives +100% to the repair speed. First of all, upgrade for almost any vehicle.
Skill. Works as you learn.

2. Camouflage.

Reduces the visibility of our tank. It is enhanced by the presence of a camouflage network. An extremely useful perk for stealth tanks, tanks, and artillery. With 100% study it gives +100% to the tank's stealth.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3. Fire fighting

Increases the speed of extinguishing a fire during a fire by 100% with 100% pumping for the entire crew. It will be necessary for fire-hazardous tanks or if you like not to carry a fire extinguisher with you. We upgrade only on tanks that are burning like a Christmas tree or as a last resort.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Combat brotherhood

Beginners often get confused with this perk, because... REQUIRES UP TO 100% STUDY OF ALL CREW MEMBERS FOR ITS OPERATION. Increases in the presence of improved ventilation, chocolate, pudding with tea, extra ration, a box of cola, strong tea, an improved diet and onigiri (for each nation, respectively). When fully studied, it gives +5% to all basic skills, additional skills and abilities.

Heavy tanks (TT)

Commander: Sixth sense, bb, repair, eagle eye.
Gunner: Repair, bb, smooth rotation of the turret, camouflage.
Loader: Repair, bb, camouflage, desperate.
Driver: Repair, bb, king of off-road, master of ramming.

(bb-combat brotherhood, at the personal discretion of each).

Medium tanks (ST)

Commander: Sixth sense, bb, eagle eye, disguise
Gunner: repair, BB, camouflage, smooth turret rotation
Loader: repair, bb, camouflage, desperate
Driver mechanic: repair, bb, off-road king, smooth ride or disguise
Radio operator: repair, bb, radio interception, camouflage.

(For the last perks it is strictly your choice, depending on your technique).

Light tanks (LT)

Commander: Sixth sense, camouflage, eagle eye, repairs, BB.
Gunner: Camouflage, repairs, smooth rotation of the turret, BB.
Loader: Camouflage, repair, desperate, bb.
Driver: Camouflage, repair, off-road king, bb.
Radio operator: Camouflage, repairs, radio interception, BB.

(Combat brotherhood is at the personal discretion of each person).
(For the last perks it is strictly your choice, depending on your technique).

Tank destroyer

Commander: Sixth sense, camouflage, BB, repair.
Gunner: Camouflage, repairs, bb, fire extinguishing.
Loader: Camouflage, repair, bb, desperate.
Driver: Disguise, repair, bb virtuoso.
Radio operator: Camouflage, repair, bb, radio interception.

(If the PT is huge, the first perk instead of camouflage is upgraded to repair).
(For the last perks it is strictly your choice, depending on your technique).


Commander: Sixth sense, bb, camouflage, repairs.
Gunner: Camouflage, bb, vindictive, repair.
Loader: Camouflage, bb, intuition, repair.
Driver: Disguise, bb, virtuoso, king of off-road.
Radio operator: Masking, BB, repair, radio interception.

(For the last perks it is strictly your choice, depending on your technique).

All skills and abilities go sequentially for leveling up, however, you can change their places if you consider it necessary or if they suit your specific technique, because... It is impossible to choose the same perks for all tanks. It is also worth remembering that each next skill requires 2 times more experience than the previous one, we treat this wisely.

Additional skills and abilities available for study by a crew member after mastering the main specialty 100%. When this mark is reached, a “plus sign” will appear in the menu, by clicking on which you can select the first additional skill or ability. After studying it, you are given the opportunity to learn the second, third and other skills. Theoretically, a tanker can learn all the additional skills and abilities available to him. But to learn each subsequent skill, you need twice as much experience as the previous one, so the average crew usually has no more than 3 skills and abilities. For this reason, the question of which perks to download on a tank should be approached wisely.


The skill begins to operate from the very beginning of training. The effect of its action gradually increases from minimal to maximum.


Description: Speeds up the repair of damaged modules. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Tool Box equipment.

Digital Action: Maximum value: +100% repair speed

Limitation: -

Summary: Repair is necessary primarily for heavy and medium tanks operating under enemy fire, as well as heavy tanks with high visibility (Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, T28, T95). For them, the ability to quickly repair themselves under enemy fire is very critical. Secondly, almost any vehicle in the game needs repairs, with the possible exception of artillery.


Description: Reduces the overall visibility of the tank. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Camouflage Network equipment.

Digital Action: Maximum value: +100% to the initial camouflage value.

Limitation: -

Summary: This skill is absolutely necessary for light tanks due to the class bonus (visibility while moving is equal to visibility while standing), as well as for most tanks and self-propelled guns, with the exception of the most cumbersome ones (for example, SU-14-2). Therefore, the answer to the question of what perks to download on a tank destroyer is quite obvious.

See more details. Overview and camouflage


Description: Speeds up fire extinguishing. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: Maximum value: +80% to fire extinguishing speed.

Limitation: -

Summary: The skill has lost its importance - a fire extinguisher can cope with one fire, and two fires in one battle rarely happen.

See more details. Fire and firefighting

Repair, camouflage and firefighting are most effective when all crew members have 100% leveling, so it's best to level up one of these skills for all crew members at the same time.

For example, with four crew members, of which only two have learned camouflage, the tank receives only 50% camouflage (that is, the average value for the crew is taken).


Description: Allows the commander to master all specialties and replace incapacitated crew members. Only the main specialties are replaced. The effectiveness of replacement decreases when another crew member is disabled.

Digital Action: The level of proficiency in the main specialty of a shell-shocked crew member increases by 50% of the percentage of proficiency in the main specialty lost as a result of the shell shock (in case of concussion, proficiency in the main specialty is reduced by 50% of the initial level). In other words, if the “Jack of All Trades” skill is pumped up to 100%, then if a crew member with a main specialty leveled up to 100% is concussed, proficiency in it will drop to 75% (50% + (100% - 50%)/2) .

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A useful skill for frequent crits of the crew, it will be useful for some heavy and medium tanks, as well as French tanks with an automatic loader. The skill is useless if the commander himself is incapacitated.


Description: Provides additional experience to all crew members except the commander. The amount of experience increases as the skill improves.

Digital Action: Coefficient of 0.1 for each percentage of skill. Maximum value: +10% to experience gained.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: The increase in experience is not great, but the skill can be used to boost the crew level. Later it makes sense to replace the skill with another one.

See more details. Training and retraining

An eagle eye

Description: Increases maximum viewing range. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If the observation devices are faulty, the effectiveness of the skill is higher. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Radio Interception” skill, the “Coated Optics” and “Stereo Tube” equipment.

Digital Action: The coefficient is 0.02 for working devices and 0.2 for broken ones for each percent. Maximum value: 2% for working ones and 20% for broken ones.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A useful skill for tanks with good visibility - this is especially true for light tanks, for which it is critical to spot the enemy at maximum distance.

See more details. Overview and camouflage

Master Weaponsmith

Description: Reduces the spread of a damaged weapon. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If a skill is acquired by two gunners, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.2 for each percent. Maximum value: −20% to the dispersion of a damaged weapon.


Summary: It makes sense to take guns only with frequent crits (typical for tanks that rely on turret armor). In other cases, it is better to take something else.

Smooth rotation of the tower

Description: Reduces spread when turning the turret. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If a skill is acquired by two gunners, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: The coefficient is 0.075 for each percent. Maximum value: -7.5% to the dispersion when turning the turret.

Limitation: Gunner (including part-time worker, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: A good choice for almost any tank, except for those whose complete aiming takes less than 2 seconds. It can also be useful for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers, especially with a large horizontal aiming angle (for example G.W. Panther).


Description: Increases the tank's turning speed. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Additional lugs” equipment, the “Lend-Lease oil” equipment, “Twisted engine speed controller” and “100-, 105-octane gasoline”. Increases gun spread when turning.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.05 for each percent. Maximum value: +5% to turning speed.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An important skill for those who are forced to actively act in maneuverable combat - primarily light and medium tanks, although all other classes can also use it.

King of off-road

Description: Reduces the resistance of weak and medium soils when the tank is moving. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The skill increases the maneuverability of the tank and reduces the time it takes to reach maximum speed. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Additional lugs” equipment.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.1 on soft soil or 0.025 on average for each percent. Maximum value: +10% to cross-country ability on soft and +2.5% on medium soil.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: The choice for fast vehicles or tanks with difficult maneuverability, for example Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) .

Smooth ride

Description: Reduces gun spread on the move. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The skill does not affect spread when turning or standing still. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: The coefficient is 0.04 for each percent. Maximum value: −4% to spread when firing on the move.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, the skill is useful not only for vehicles that actively fire on the move. “Smooth running” reduces the convergence circle and, as a result, after a stop it takes a little less time for complete convergence, which is useful for almost all cars.

Ram master

Description: When ramming, it reduces damage to your own tank and increases it to the enemy. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. The skill only affects moving tanks and is not taken into account in collisions with allied tanks.

Digital Action: The coefficient is 0.15 for each percent. Maximum value: +15% ram damage for enemy and -15% ram damage for player.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An excellent option for heavy but mobile vehicles (IS-7, T14, E 50, E 50 Ausf. M, KV-5, AMX 50 B, AMX 50 120, FCM 50 t).


Description: Increases the communication range of the radio station. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.2 for each percent. Maximum value: +20% to communication range.


Summary: This skill makes sense either for tanks with a weak radio, and even then, mainly at low levels, or for light tanks that go far behind enemy lines.

Radio interception

Description: Increases viewing range. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Eagle Eye skill.

Digital Action: The coefficient is 0.03 for each percent. Maximum value: +3% to viewing range.

Limitation: Radio operator (including part-time operator, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: The only truly useful radio operator skill is useful on almost any tank.

See more details. Overview and camouflage


Description: Increases the communication range of allied tanks within the player's radio range. The effectiveness of the skill increases as it is learned. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.1 for each percent. Maximum value: +10% to the communication range of allied tanks.

Limitation: Radio operator (including part-time operator, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: It makes sense to learn this skill only when playing at low levels.


Skills begin to work only when they are studied 100%.

The Brotherhood of War

Tankman! Learn this skill for all crew members at the same time. Studying the "Combat Brotherhood" for not all crew members does not make sense. The military brotherhood works regardless of the gender of the crew.

Description: Improves the level of proficiency in the main specialty and all skills of all crew members. Begins to take effect when all crew members improve to 100%. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Improved Ventilation” equipment, “Additional” equipment. Ration", "Chocolate", "Crate of Cola", "Strong Coffee", "Improved Ration", "Tea Pudding" and "Onigiri".

Digital Action: All crew members receive +5% to their main skill and all additional skills. The skill is not lost when crew members are concussed.

Limitation: Works only when leveling up all crew members.

Summary: Quite a useful skill, but it has too many contraindications for its use. Best used in conjunction with Improved ventilation and in combination with skills aimed at strengthening a specific parameter of the tank.

Sixth Sense

Description: Allows the commander to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Begins to act when improved to 100%. When the commander is concussed, it stops working.

Digital Action: Information about the detection of a tank appears with a delay of three seconds.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: An excellent choice for any tank, since knowing that the enemy has revealed the player's location is very important in any situation. Knowing this, you can evade artillery strikes and ambush snipers with relative ease.


Description: Allows the commander to determine critical damage to tanks in the sight by own light. Begins to act when improved to 100%.

Digital Action: Starts working 4 seconds after continuously aiming at an enemy tank.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A good choice for long-range combat or coordinated platoon/company play. In other cases, realizing the advantage is difficult. A useless skill for self-propelled guns. You can learn more about this perk by watching a video about the “Expert” skill in WoT on the Internet.


Description: Increases the likelihood of causing damage to enemy tank modules and crew. Begins to act when improved to 100%. Only for armor-piercing, sub-caliber and cumulative shells.

Digital Action: Bonus of 3%.

Limitation: Gunner (including part-time worker, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: One of the most useful gunner skills, especially good for rapid-fire guns, guns with an automatic loader and guns with a relatively small caliber for their level and class (AMX 50 B, T110E5, Object 263).


Description: Allows you to see the enemy tank in a small sector relative to the gun two seconds longer after it leaves the “light.” If the skill is acquired by two gunners, the effect does not stack. It works if the player sees the enemy himself, and not by someone else’s “light.” That is, it will be practically useless on self-propelled guns.

Digital Action: Effect duration: 2 seconds in a 10 degree sector.

Limitation: Gunner (including part-time worker, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: It makes sense to learn the skill for ambush tank destroyers, or for ranged vehicles in combination with the skill Expert. Moderately useful for light tanks using passive flare tactics. Completely useless for artillery, since it almost never fires at its own light.

Note: can be used by active scouts, for this purpose the most important targets are taken into auto-aim, after which the driver’s attention is concentrated on the road.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Description: Reduces the likelihood of engine fire by preventing oil and fuel leaks in the engine compartment. Begins to act when improved to 100%. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Automatic Fire Extinguisher equipment.

Digital Action:−25% to the chance of a tank engine catching fire. For example, for an engine with an initial fire probability of 40%, the final chance will be 30%, for 20% - 15%, for 15% - 11.25%, for 12% - 9%, for 10% - 7.5%.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: A good choice for tanks with a very high engine fire hazard and a short hull.

"Non-contact" ammunition rack

Description: Increases the strength of the ammunition rack: the shells are stacked in such an order that they do not touch each other. Begins to act when improved to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, the effect does not stack. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Wet Ammunition Storage” equipment.

Digital Action:+12.5% ​​to ammo rack strength.


Summary: For vehicles with a risk of frequent crits of the ammunition storage, i.e. To detonate an intact ammunition rack from the first shot, a weapon with high module damage is required.


Description: Creates the possibility that when changing the type of shells, the desired one is already loaded. Begins to act when improved to 100%. To use the skill again, you must fully reload the weapon. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, then the probability of operation will double and be 34%, and if by three (French crews), it will triple and be 51%.

Digital Action: The probability is 17%.

Limitation: Loader (including part-time worker, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: It can be useful for tanks with frequent changes of shell type (E 100 for example), for players who rationally use their ammunition in battle.


Description: Speeds up gun reloading if the tank has less than 10% health remaining. Begins to act when improved to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, the effect does not stack. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Gun Rammer equipment. For drum vehicles, it speeds up the reloading of the entire drum, but not the shells inside it.

Digital Action: If the tank's durability is less than 10%, reloading takes 90.9% of the original time.

Limitation: Loader (including part-time worker, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: It makes sense to upgrade for vehicles with very strong armor and a large supply of hit points (Maus, E 100). Will give a noticeable effect on drum technology.

With all my might

Description: Allows the radio operator, who was not disabled at the time of the destruction of the tank, to transmit the positions of enemy tanks for another two seconds. Begins to act when improved to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the effect does not stack.

Digital Action: Additional 2 seconds of “light exposure”.

Limitation: Radio operator (including part-time operator, for whom this role is secondary).

Summary: A very useful skill for light tanks - “fireflies”.
