Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Storyline - Defenders of Justice (Path of the Templars). The Descent Will burn in your hearts...

The victorious march of the Inquisition across the lands of Denerim and Orlais in Dragon Age: Inquisition will begin with a small detachment. The power of the order will grow gradually, over time it will enlist the support of the nobility, apostates (magicians or templars), Gray Wardens and other allies, but before this happens, many problems will have to be solved that will fall on the head of the main character along with the demons from the hole in the sky . Responsibilities in the Inquisition are strictly divided between advisors: Josephine responsible for diplomacy Lelliana- reconnaissance, Cullen- troops. The order is managed from the command headquarters, where all important requests are received and key events are marked on the map. Each of the advisors has their own approach to solving assigned problems. The outcome of the assigned task and the time spent depend on the choice: you can act with words, cunning or brute force (there are no absolutely losing decisions).

Agents who can be recruited in all corners of Thedas help speed up the process of completing tasks; they are also able to open new specializations without spending points. Agent Recruitment in Dragon Age: Inquisition it usually begins with communication with a potential candidate, but not everyone agrees to join the Inquisition right away, everyone has their own reasons: some are busy, some don’t trust, some are waiting, some are simply afraid of the consequences of their choice. In such cases they come to the rescue satellites, which are able to convince the intractable (additional lines appear in the dialogue). If the companions' attempts are unsuccessful, the only way to recruit an agent is completing a small loyalty task. It is important not to miss the right moment for recruitment, otherwise the agent may disappear as the plot develops. Recruited agents are added to the advisors tab in the specialization selection window.

Agent locations for the Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  1. Clemens pacified(task “In Secret”) - awaits a meeting with the Inquisitor in the Redcliffe tavern in the Hinterlands. To recruit, just talk to him. Access to the village opens according to the plot, when you need to make a choice between magicians and templars. Helps Cullen with his work.
  2. Vail Volunteers- for recruitment, it is necessary to complete, at the request of Corporal Veil, from the Crossroads in the Hinterlands, several tasks for refugees: mark 5 hiding places of renegades at the request of recruit Vitl, who stands near the cave in the western part of the settlement, in the task “At the Power of the Elements”; get 10 pieces of lamb at the request of a refugee hunter in the task “Pangs of Hunger” (sheep are found in the forest); persuade the healer from Redcliffe to move to the Crossroads in the task “The Healing Hand” (you need to be an elf or have Solas in your party); deal with renegade magicians and templars in the missions “Renegades in the Witchwood” and “Templars in the West.” Moving to Skyhold will automatically block access to quests. Returning to Corporal Veil, we ask him to “Hire the most skilled.” Companions will have a positive attitude towards accepting volunteers into the ranks of the Inquisition.
  3. Alexius(task “Tempting Whispers”) - to recruit you need to take the side of the magicians and save the life of the master in order to decide his fate at the trial in Skyhold. Before the process, you need to learn “Secret Knowledge” on the command table (the “Secrets” tab), which will expand your knowledge of magic and add a new item to the dialogues. In the future, Alexius will issue tasks to strengthen the influence of the Inquisition and will stop acting in favor of Corypheus. Helps Lelliana with her work.
  4. Blades of Hessarian(task “Placing Order”) - at the order table on the Stormy Coast, you need to make the “Coat of Arms of Mercy” amulet from the skin of a deep hunter (found in the caves opposite “Morrin’s Heights”) and two serpentines (hanging on the rocks along the shore), then put it on through the inventory and come to the Hessarian camp in the eastern part of the location, where you fight the leader. The blades help Cullen in his work.
  5. Laurenil(task “The Condescension of the Dalish”) - lives in the Dalish camp in the Emerald Graves, in the southwestern part of the location. Upon meeting, the elf will be asked to join the Inquisition, but without the permission of the guardian he will not be able to leave the clan and carry out his plans. Quests given by Loranil's tribesmen will help you gain the trust of the Dalish. After the introduction, he begins to help Callen.
  6. Frederic de Cero(quest "The Deep High Dragon") - The scientist is busy searching for information for his new work on dragons in the Western Reach, south of the southern camp of the Inquisition. After completing several of his orders and killing the deep high dragon, he will agree to join the Inquisition, where he will help Lelliana.
  7. Smuggler Tanner(task “Business Relations”) - in the Hinterlands south of the Crossroads, where refugees have taken refuge, there is an oval wooden house on a hill, inside on the bulkhead there is a note activating the task “Blood Brothers”. We reach the marker from the task (northwest of the Inquisition camp near Sunset in the eastern part of the location), clear the camp from bandits, the bodies of two templars lie around the house, from the first we select a sword, from the second a letter that activates the task “Business Relations”. We are waiting for the moment when the plot opens access to the village of Redcliffe, we find Tanner in the camp in front of the entrance to the church. To recruit an agent, we use Cassandra, Varrick or the knowledge of the underworld, available for study for Inquisition points at the command table in the Vault or the castle in Skyhold in the Troops section, after which Tanner will begin to help Lelliana.
  8. Fairbanks(task “Nobility in heart and deeds”) - we find the rebel camp in the southern part of the Emerald Graves, talk to Fairbanks, carry out all his tasks to clear the area from templar robbers and free citizens. The new agent speeds up Lelliana's work.
  9. Lord Berand(task “Love Can Wait”) - we find the body of a woman in the gorge southeast of the Inquisition camp in the Suburbs, from where the exploration of the territory of the Inner Lands begins (we run past the astrarium and always stick to the rocks on the left side). We select the letter from the body and deliver it to Lord Berand at the sectarian fortress, which is indicated by the marker on the map. While he is stunned by the news of his beloved’s death, we invite him to join the Inquisition.
  10. Michel de Chevin(task “Call me Imshel”) - at the exit from the destroyed village, which is under the protection of the Inquisition in Emprise du Lyon, we find the former knight of Empress Selina, accused of treason and demoted. In the conversation, he will talk about his desire to defeat the demon Imshel, who has settled in the Suledin fortress. We do all the dirty work for him, after which the Inquisition will be replenished with a new agent who will help Cullen.
  11. Ser Barris(task “Defenders of Justice”) - you need to side with the templars, refusing the support of the magicians. When searching for veterans and lyrium while defending the hall, we try to prevent the new ally’s health level from falling below 30%, otherwise he will die. After improving Skyhold, it will be possible to appoint Barris as a knight commander who will help Cullen.
  12. Jenna- on the way from the Inquisition camp to Crestwood, we help the Gray Guardians deal with the revived corpses, we save the elf, who can later be found in one of the village houses. In the conversation, she will mention her desire to join the ranks of the Gray Guardians; if Solas or a nobleman Inquisitor is in the squad, then Jana can be recruited into the Inquisition. If you send her to the Gray Wardens, she will be sacrificed during the assault on Adamant.
  13. Looking up to the sky(task “Cracks in the Mire”) - in the swamps of the Brown Mire on the way to the Avvar fortress we find a giant in a bear’s skin, open and close the Crack before his eyes. After defeating the Hand of Kort in the Avvar fortress and freeing the Inquisition soldiers from captivity (languishing in a side room in the fortress), Skygazer will wish to join the Inquisition, where he will help Josephine. The liberation mission disappears after the headquarters moves to Skyhold.
  14. Leader of the Avvars(task “The Trial”) - having returned from the Brown Mire after the victory over the Hand of Kort and the release of the Inquisition soldiers from captivity, in the throne room of Skyhold the trial of the Avvar leader Movran the Poddatiy will take place, who will be recruited as an agent when sent to Tevinter.
  15. Preacher Anais(task “Glory to the messenger Andraste”) - in the Hinterlands we find a sectarian castle, located on a hill south of the Inquisition camp on the Dwarf Pass, in the southeastern part of the location. We ask you to let us in, close the gap in the Veil in the courtyard and talk to the preacher Anais, if you ask her to listen to what people say, then the help of the new agent will be sent to Lelliana, if you ask her to spread the news about the Inquisition, then to Josephine.
  16. Enchantress Ellandra(task “Amulet of the Beloved”) - on the right side of the entrance to the fortress of the sectarians, led by the preacher Anais in the Inner Lands, on the hillside lies the corpse of a templar with a phylactery, which must be taken to Ellendra from the Crossroads, where the refugees have taken refuge. After delivering the amulet, Vivienne will help convince the sorceress to choose in favor of the Inquisition; you can also use the knowledge of magic, unlocked for Inquisition points on the command table in Skyhold in the “Secrets” section.
  17. Tricky Ritts(task “An Unusual Duo”) - north of the Inquisition camp on the Dwarven Pass, in the southeastern part of the Inner Lands, we find an excited scout at the crossroads. We receive a task to search for the missing Ritts, we reach the marker at the fortress of the sectarians, led by the preacher Anais, we help the scout fight off the templars, we explore the place of the attack with the [V] key, we find the body of the dead magician, we talk to her again. Varric will help convince her to join the Inquisition, and this can also be done without anyone's help if the Inquisitor is a gnome.
  18. Bugman Dennett(task “Horses for the Inquisition”) - we get to the Inquisition camp near the Redcliffe farms in the northwestern part of the Interior, we find Dennett in the village, and complete several tasks for the farmers. Vivienne or Cassandra will help you recruit a new agent to the Inquisition; you can also use the knowledge of the underworld, unlocked for Inquisition points on the command table in Skyhold in the “Troops” section, in the conversation.
  19. Duchess Florianne(task “Trial”) - after visiting the Halamshiral Palace in the task “Evil Eyes, Evil Hearts”, the Duchess will be taken alive or dead to Skyhold, where a trial will take place, following which she can be recruited as a new agent of the Inquisition, which will affect the speed of work Josephine.
  20. Nobleman, captain of Gaspard's mercenaries(task “Evil eyes, evil hearts”) - while completing the task in Halamshiral, we eavesdrop several times on the conversation of two nobles in the courtyard with a grate on the wall leading to the library on the second floor of the palace. It is important to stand on the balcony exactly above the targets; when they start talking about templars and magicians, we go down to them and start a conversation; if you support one of the nobles, he will become an agent. Knowledge of the underworld, available in the “Troops” section on the command table in Skyhold for Inquisition points, will help you recruit the mercenary captain Gaspard.
  21. Belle(task “The danger has not passed”) - after clarifying the relationship between the templars and the church servants, in the main square of Val Royeaux we find the trader Belle, who wants to join the Inquisition. It is important not to leave the city, otherwise Belle will disappear and Josephine will lose her assistant.
  22. Samson(task “Judgment”) - to recruit a red templar, you need to support the magicians in Redcliffe in the task “Defenders of Justice”, defeat Samson in the Mythal temple and bring him to trial in Skyhold, where, as punishment, give him for study to Cullen, under whose command he and will fight on the side of the Inquisition against Corypheus.

The addition is activated by performing a reconnaissance operation on the command headquarters table “Misfortune on the Deep Paths” for 16 influence points. After opening a new territory, you can hit the road. Before we had time to move away from the battle with the enraged Avvar god and to heal our wounds from frostbite, a new attack befell us. We quickly grab our emergency suitcase and rush headlong to help, in search of new adventures and troubles, on the hunt for ancient mysteries and secrets, forgotten and hidden for centuries.

Mugs from the Deep Paths

  • Part 2 – 5:09
  • Part 6 – 5:12
  • Part 7 – 4:25
  • Part 8 – 9:20
  • Part 9 – 20:08 (after the completion of Operation “Bridge at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)
  • Part 10 – 16:37
  • Part 13 – 5:45 (after the completion of the operation “Excavation at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)
  • Part 13 – 9:10 (after the completion of Operation “Bridge in the Underground Sea”)
  • Part 15 - 21:35, 21:55

Gears in the Deep Roads

For ease of reference, part of the video walkthrough and approximate time are indicated:

Habitats of the creatures of darkness - 8 pieces

  • Part 2 – 16:56, 17:09, 17:23, 17:33
  • Part 3 – 2:27, 14:01
  • Part 6 – 20:50 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Upper Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”), 23:25 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Upper Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”)

Ruins of the Heydrun teig - 22 pieces(some gears are buggy, there are more of them in the location than necessary, but the “extra” ones are not counted)

  • Part 3 – 16:50, 17:37, 19:06, 21:15, 21:24, 22:02
  • Part 4 – 00:09, 7:35, 10:45, 13:29, 14:35, 14:42, 14:50
  • Part 6 – 1:10, 4:55, 5:12, 7:32, 7:50
  • Part 7 – 9:00 (4 pieces), 15:20 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Central Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”), 19:00 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Lower Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”)
  • Part 9 – 11:14, 13:10, 16:09

Forgotten caves - 12 pieces

  • Part 8 – 23:45
  • Part 9 – 1:40, 5:14, 5:25, 5:45, 6:15, 6:30, 6:40
  • Part 10 – 1:00, 1:30, 17:10, 17:19

Bastion of the Unsullied - 12 pieces

  • Part 10 – 7:30, 15:25, 16:07
  • Part 11 – 11:10, 18:25, 23:45, 24:35
  • Part 12 – 3:35, 13:10
  • Part 13 – 4:15 (after completing Operation Unsullied Bastion Bridge), 4:30 (after completing Operation Immaculate Bastion Bridge), 7:30 (after completing Operation Unsullied Bastion Excavation)

Chronicles of Forgotten Wars

For ease of reference, part of the video walkthrough and approximate time are indicated:

  • Part 8 – 24:15
  • Part 10 – 1:18
  • Part 10 - 16:22
  • Part 11 - 17:49
  • Part 13 – 5:53 (after the completion of the operation “Excavation at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)


The quest is activated automatically upon arrival at the rift on the Storm Coast. And as usual, scout Harding meets us there, we listen to her report, learn the details and begin the long descent into the fault on the built lift. The chronicler Valta is waiting for us below, we get to know each other and have a nice conversation about pressing problems. During the conversation, we find out that besides us, simply no one is able to help Orzammar with a disaster of this magnitude, and it turns out that this is also vital for us ourselves. There is nothing to do, we follow Valta to the camp of the Legion of the Dead, located next to the seal split by the earthquake, which once locked the creatures of darkness on the deep paths. Having reached the camp, we find that the Legion is besieged and with difficulty holding back the onslaught of pestilent creatures. Headlong, we recklessly rush into the thick of the battle and help the soldiers of the Legion of the Dead repel the attack, then at the entrance to the tunnel we activate lyrium charges and rush as fast as we can for cover so that the blown up tunnel does not collapse on our heads.

And now, with a sense of accomplishment, you can set up camp, set up tents, light a fire and, by the fire, over a glass of tea in a casual conversation, get to know new comrades who will accompany us on our further journey to the deep paths. After an entertaining conversation about unknown wonders and secrets, having quickly cleaned ourselves up and patched up our armor, we gather our team and, grabbing a couple of miner’s flashlights and self-rescuers, we head towards the lift to descend even deeper into the stone abyss. After descending on the dwarven elevator through the darkness of the stone bag, having slightly restored our mental balance and calmed our stomachs, we set off in search of the next troubles on our bad head in the form of creatures of darkness and their habitats. Moving forward along the paths, we come across a sealed gate. That's bad luck, now you still need to contrive to open them. (Quest "The Gates of Segrummar").

And now the gates are finally open, and we, pleased with ourselves and guided by the heightened sense of the Stone of the Chronicler Valta, joyfully rush forward to the place of origin of earthquakes through the dwellings of the creatures of darkness, while deftly dodging and fighting off their fangs and claws. Having cleared the next lair and discovered the desecrated bodies of warriors of the Legion of the Dead in its center, we show them our final honors. After this, with slight sadness and thoughts about the frailty of this world, we hurry further to another lift to go down to the ruins of the Heydrun teig. Moving through the majestic ruins of this long-abandoned taiga, we come to the central nest of pestilent creatures. (Quest "The Second Sealed Gate"). However, we will be able to continue our journey further only after carrying out a general cleaning, started in order to sweep away all this dirt and evil spirits. Burning with righteous anger and headlong, we rush into battle for the possession of these territories.

After a rather grueling battle, fairly rumpled and grimy, we make a fire and set up our camp in order to take a breath, get ourselves in order and rest a little before further descent into the abyss, and also while away the evening by the fire with a glass of strong ale and relaxed social life chatter. But the holiday is coming to an end, but the problem of earthquakes has not gone away and we need to move on. We gather our squad, fill our backpack to the brim with medicines and various supplies and head towards the ancient lift with the thoughts: “What awaits us there?” Having completed the next descent, we find ourselves in the Forgotten Caves in complete darkness and uncertainty. Carefully moving forward, we come across yet another trouble in the form of an unknown silent enemy. We try our best to save our skin and get out of trouble with minimal injuries. After the brawl, we pay our last respects to the dead and hobble further through unknown caves.

Having passed the bridge and a network of caves, we come to another bridge over the gorge. But bad luck - some people who like to play with explosive materials are bringing it down right in front of our very noses. You will have to look for a workaround around the gorge and at the same time try not to fall off the narrow path into the abyss. After a short ordeal, our path leads us to the bastion of the Unsullied, only to again get into another brawl, and then be surprised to discover that some bad representatives of intelligent life here have built an unknown barrier with one sole purpose - not to let us in further. All that remains is to pause and look around to find a way to destroy this barrier. Literally two steps away we find a very interesting object, with the help of which we smash the obstacle into small pieces. We continue our way forward, simultaneously fighting off the attacks of the silent enemy and picking up strange artifacts that destroy barriers on our already difficult path.

The closer we get to the goal of our expedition, the more furious the enemy attacks become, and now we can see the last barrier blocking our path, to destroy which we must first break through the crowd of defenders, and then, seizing the moment, use five earthquakes. Finally, the path is clear, behind the opened gates we have the last opportunity to rest by the fire before the final leap to our soul-stirring secret. What awaits us next, what ancient secrets will we discover, will we find answers to our questions or will there be even more of these questions? So, having collected the last supplies and had a quick snack, we set off into the unknown. And now an incredible picture opens up to our eyes, and in the center we see the goal of our entire long descent into these uncharted depths. But we still have to fight our way to this “Something” through the ranks of fanatical Sha-Britols. The last push and the goal is close. The heart of it all, the Sanctuary, is here. However, that was not the case, this place is guarded and secure. There is no turning back, there is only one thing left - to fight for your life, and after a mortal duel, find out everything that is possible. During the battle, we try not to get hit by stone shoots from both below and above, and also avoid lyrium mines, which will be periodically placed by the guard.

Warm welcome

Just when we decide to politely knock on the door and ask permission to enter the Deep Roads, the crazy rug with the inscription "Welcome" turns into a horned Ogre. In order to move forward, we need to somehow calm him down and put him in his place, and then, after wiping our shoes on him, we need to move further in the given direction.

Exploring the Deep Paths

Activates automatically immediately after establishing the Legion of the Dead base camp in the Deep Roads. To complete this quest, it is necessary to carry out a special strategic operation at the expedition table in the camp - an expedition to improve the base camp. After improvement, it will have additional features.

Gate of Segrummar

Activates automatically when a locked gate is detected. Some joker took some spare parts from the lock on the door, probably sold them for scrap metal. You'll have to run around and look for the missing parts to open the sealed gate and move forward. After finding the missing parts, we return back to the door and install the gears in place. Now we can look behind the door: what interesting things await us in Papa Carlo’s closet?

Builder Towers

The quest is activated automatically when reading a book in one of the surveyed rooms. The book contains hints for solving the puzzle. After we have completed this task, we can, with a clear conscience, take the reward from the nearby chest and proudly move on. (For those who don’t want to strain their brains, the solution to the riddle can be seen at about 11 minutes).

Kill me Softly

The quest is activated automatically when you find a page from the diary of a distraught gnome who loves experimenting with raw, unprocessed lyrium. To complete this quest, you simply need to collect the remaining pages of the diary, which are scattered throughout the dwellings of the creatures of darkness and the ruins of the Heydrun teig.

Segrummar's Sacrificial Gate

The quest is activated automatically when a locked gate is detected. Although, as Valta says, we don’t need to go there, curiosity killed the cat. And we are very curious by nature and love to climb into all unfamiliar doors. But again, some crazy mechanic dismantled the locking mechanism and scattered the gears wherever possible. And if we want to satisfy our idle curiosity, then we will have to run around a lot to collect the missing parts. So, we arm ourselves with a metal detector, take a powerful magnet with us and go ahead to search and collect scrap metal. By the way, don’t forget to take a cart as well, because there will be a lot of doors, and even more gears. You can’t carry them all the way. After opening the last door the quest will be completed.

On broken legs

The quest activates itself the moment we discover the diary of the female Guardian Ailsa on the deep paths. On her last trip, she scouted the area and drew a map. Once this location is found, the quest will be completed. (Searched as treasure using the letter V).

Second sealed gate

In the ruins of the Heydrun teig, our only path to the goal is blocked by a second sealed gate with a dismantled locking mechanism. The task is clear - collect the missing gears, repair the mechanism and open these gates. The quest will be completed automatically.

Chronicles of Forgotten Wars

The quest is activated automatically when you find the first ancient battle report. To complete the quest, you simply need to collect all the reports scattered throughout this section of the Deep Roads.

Video walkthrough

The Titans have always used their agents throughout the series to manipulate the player (Guardian, Hawke, and Inquisitor) in order to rid the Titans of the Blight. Once the Titans are freed from the Blight, they will return and turn everything upside down.

Mythal, Valta, Sandal and, depending on your decisions, Leliana are all tools of the Titans.

Thanks to Valta from the Descent DLC and a brief conversation with Dagna in the main game, we've learned the basic characteristics of a character under the influence of a Titan. The song more effectively affects the gnomes, but is not limited to them.

Adopted by the Titans, gnomes have abilities that would seem impossible to ordinary members of their race.

In The Descent, Valta uses powers similar to magic, which according to the chronicles is impossible for a dwarf.

Sandal is able to modify the stone and use the “paralysis” ability. He is excellent at combining lyrium with armor and weapons, he has even used red lyrium without much trouble. Moreover, he paralyzed or froze an ogre in Dragon Age 2, commenting: "Not sorcery!"

Dwarves are able to survive the influence of Titan. Dwarves who fall under their influence have no physical consequences.

Valta is able to live without food and water. Her diaries also say that she doesn't need sleep. Sandal was left alone on the Deep Roads, but was able to survive before Bodan found him.

Mythal continues to exist regardless of whether you killed Flemeth in Origins or not. Her death at the hands of Evanuris put an end to her original plans, and it seems to me that she was given a chance to continue her existence and fulfill her destiny. However, instead of using a lyrium body - more on that later - she connects with Flemeth of Highever. Of course, Flemeth's body will decompose, because she is only human, albeit a magician, so she and Mythal used her daughters to survive all these years.

Leliana can also die at the hands of the Guardian and be resurrected. If she was killed in Origins, she disappears at the end of the Outsider DLC. Those who investigated found that both the Vault and Lellian's chambers were empty, except for one curious message: “Lyrium sang his song into “it.” Time has outlived its usefulness, and the melody is now played in other places. Until I’m needed again, I’m free.” Leliana used the lyrium body to continue her work, which was not completed due to the Guardian's actions in Origins. We'll talk about this later in the video, but for now just remember this.

The Guardians feel neither time nor danger due to their connection to the Titan.

Valta has the largest number of notes on this matter that can be found throughout the Descent DLC. “I don’t sleep anymore, but sometimes I stop to listen. Yesterday... or was it an hour ago? the next entry says “Tomorrow - no, that was just a couple of minutes ago.”

Her letters were also found throughout Skyhold. Valta alone proves that the Titan's Song is limitless - it can be everywhere and nowhere in the cracks of time.

As for Sandal, based on his diary in the Outsider DLC, he spent the better part of a year on some sort of Enchantment. Thanks to Briala's discovery of part of the labyrinth and Sandal's special role under Empress Selene, he is able to use the Eluvians, something that has never been discussed since Dragon Age 2. It is suspected that he may be half-elf, with an Aedukan father and a human or elf mother. due to his ability to survive in the deep trails, and he is most likely half elf. In any case, Sandal has powers unknown to us, and he continues to study them without worrying about his own safety. The dead Qunari at his camp seem to hint that he is very powerful.

Characters associated with the Song can see into the past, present, and future. The future cannot be predicted accurately, but it has certain outlines.

Valta has only recently become involved with the Titan, but she is aware of the empty periods in history that have expanded since the time of the first Blight, before the Elven pantheon, and before the war of the Elves against the Titans. Even though it was the past, her mind and body seemed to be freed from shackles. It is as if she is incorporeal and her presence is unnoticeable, as can be understood from the records found in Skyhold and the disappearance of the Titan from the Deep Roads.

Sandal knew Solas before we met him. “One day, the magic will return. All. Everyone will be the same as they were. The shadows will disperse and the skies will open wide. When he rises, everyone will see it.”

Flemeth lined up and directed everyone along her own path. In The Stolen Throne, she knew about Loghain and King Maric's true intentions. To Loghain - “There is much anger within you, turned into a blade of fine steel. Whose heart will you plunge this blade into one day?” And later, to Maric - “You will hurt those you love most, and you will turn into the thing you hate most to save those you love.” She directed the Guardian to confront Urthemiel in hopes of saving the soul of the Old God, and even saved Hawke, who would later become a key figure in the conflict between the templars and the mages.

How Titan agents - Mythal, Valta, Sandal and Leliana - guided the player in the shadows to get rid of the Blight.

Through knowledge and strength. Some of these agents were more willing to help than others.

We'll talk about each of them in turn.

Before Valta appeared, we knew practically nothing about the Titans. She acted as an intermediary for the player to learn who the Titans were in a more positive, yet terrifying way. She fought alongside us against the creatures of darkness. When the knowledge was discovered that lyrium is the blood of the Titans. While going through the Inquisition, we learned that red lyrium carried Pestilence. Now that we know this, we also know that the Blight affects the Titans themselves.

Leliana is the most obvious and straightforward of them all. The pestilence affects her as someone living in a world stricken by disease, and thanks to her faith, she thinks she can do a good deed by helping the Guardian. We know this. There was no influence of the Titans on her at that moment, unless we talk about her relationship with Tug from the DLC “Liliana's Song”, who had interesting connections with the Primordial Dwarves.

The most interesting thing is that if the Guardian kills her in the Temple of Sacred Ash, she returns as the Secret Chancellor of the Inquisition. She is determined to help Thedas stabilize, especially after the death of her friend, High Priestess Justinia. She has always been against red lyrium, has always turned a blind eye to the Guardians and fully supports them, and also always advocates for the liberation of magicians.

I don't think the Titans influenced Leliana's character in any way - she's always been that way. She supported magicians and Gray Wardens, as well as those who sacrifice themselves to fulfill their duty. However, it seems to me that the Titans gave her the opportunity to fulfill her destiny - to help eradicate the Blight. Roughly speaking, they involved someone who had similar goals, especially if she took part in the battle in Denerim against the Ancient God Urthemiel. They allowed her to keep her body to pursue her destiny, and at the end of the Inquisition, they took it away.

Sandalwood. Sandal has always been like this. We can say that he is just a comedic character and just a merchant for the player to sell his junk to, but everything about this gnome seems suspiciously profitable. He destroyed the creatures of darkness and managed to sit in front of the main door that led to the Archdemon in Dragon Age: Origins. He destroyed the darkspawn and paralyzed the ogre in the Deep Roads when Hawk found him. He uses red lyrium to create a rune for Hawke if he forced Varrick to get rid of him. He stands in a room full of dead demons with a cheerful smile and equipment before fighting Meredith, who has overdosed on red lyrium (however, he is not around before fighting Orsino). He went through Pestilence, darkspawn and red lyrium. He also prophesied the return of Solas and the shattering of the Veil. I'm sure Sandal knows what he's doing. He has monstrous strength and the know-how to get to the point where the player needs him at the right moment.

Even though Sandal didn't appear in Inquisition, the Outsider DLC showed us that his role isn't finished. He is in the middle of a study that has taken more than a year. He is inexplicably powerful and conducts his business in various parts of the world - which ones we will find out in the future.

Mythal was the calmest of all the Evanuris. When her companions fought for power and control, she judged fairly. While the elves waged war against the Titans, she sought to destroy them. In an instant, she was successful, and the lands captured by the Titans were freed for her people. Despite her murder, she continued to exist. Rather than unleash her vengeance on those who killed her, she worked for many years with Flemeth of Highever. Together they pulled the threads that wove Thedas as we see it today, to preserve what was lost and fight the Blight.

As Flemeth, she warned Maric of the coming Blight in Ferelden. She saved the Guardian and Alistair in Ostagar and protected them in her hut with the help of her magic from the creatures of darkness. She placed the Guardian under the command of Morrigan, who knew how to cleanse the soul of the Ancient God from the Pestilence. She saved Hawke from the darkspawn when they attacked his family, providing safe passage from Ferelden to the Free Marches, once again hiding their presence from the darkspawn. She trusted her daughter Yavana to use Maric's blood to revive the Great Dragons - untouched by the Blight and more powerful than the high dragon. Even though she deliberately gave her powers to Solas, she made Morrigan her heir - the one who would continue her work.

Flemeth always said that darkspawn disease was evil. People were blinded by their worldly affairs and did not see the real threat that hung over the world. She fought the creatures of darkness in her own way - by guiding others, but at the same time she noticed one peculiarity.

Everything Mythal had done so far had indirectly contributed to the end of the Blight. If this disease affects the Titans themselves, what will happen if the Blight no longer occurs?

The Titans will return. In your full power. Everything up to now indicated that Mital did not want this.

In the beginning, Mythal and the other elves fought against the Titans because they not only threatened their Temples and buildings with earthquakes, they acted as a hive mind. The Arbor Wilderness codex entry reads: “Their workers are scurrying, they are mad, they are soulless. This death will be mercy. The earth flourished after their disappearance."

This is akin to Solas' dislike of the Qun, from Iron Bull's personal quest to his stated disgust at what the Qunari are up to in the Outsider DLC. Those who belonged to the Kun did not have their own identity. They didn't have "themselves". Children of the Titans had no purpose other than to serve the Titans. Serve the Stone. Mythal is somewhat similar to them: despite the fact that she was against the blind faith of the Song and practically resurrected the Titans affected by corruption, she, most likely, was also influenced by them.

Others fought for Mythal: Maric, the Hero of Ferelden and Hawk, but she realized that she had no control over the body in which she was. She agrees that the darkspawn corruption will destroy absolutely everything, and she fights to both cleanse it and restore what was lost because of her and Evanuris.

Why stop the song?

  1. To stop the addiction to lyrium and its side effects, which were intensified by the rift in the Veil. To enter the Shadow, a huge amount of lyrium is needed in order to perform the necessary magical ritual, maintain it and reflect magic. All who live with or resist magic depend on the use of lyrium. His song can drive anyone crazy or bring them to death. Everyone who depends on lyrium also depends on the song.
  2. Maintaining choice and identity. The Titans and all their minions are part of the collective mind - that’s the only way they exist. Everything related to personality and self-identification is a constant stone of ancestry in the Dragon Age universe. Religious affiliation and the idea of ​​belief in either one God, one Creator, or a pantheon of Gods. Sexuality, especially in places like Tevinter, where bloodline or lineage influences the continuation of the Dreamer community, and duty and responsibilities take precedence over love and sex. Even the “ego” itself and purpose is the idea that you exist for the sake of another. Kuhn is the most important counterweight, since his very ideology is to erase any mention of individuality in order to gain freedom. Those like Solas condemn those who join the Qun because they have abandoned their own thoughts. At the same time, they ignore those they oppress because they see no other way. However, those like Leliana know that there are those who can choose other paths and more difficult battles. Despite all this, the very principle of song suspension is maintaining a unified whole against just one. However, I think that the Titans only wanted to help the player out of selfishness and self-preservation.
  3. The pestilence had to be destroyed. The red lyrium sings in anger, and the Pestilence itself surely comes from Titan. The creatures of darkness are unstoppable, and only a few were able to escape the call. The corruption will not disappear after killing seven Archdemons. These Archdemons are merely an extension of the will of the Blight-stricken Titan. Clear everything of the Blight and cure the Titan. All this, of course, is true - provided that the Blight did not affect more than one Titan. However, get rid of the Pestilence - and you will remain the only one affected by the disease.

Flemeth taught Morrigan how to get rid of the Blight using a ritual with the child of the Old God. Valta helped the Inquisitor, the player, understand what was behind the lyrium. Sandal helped the Guardian fight the Archdemon and assisted Hawk in the battle against Meredith, who had become addicted to red lyrium. He even helped with the safe transformation of red lyrium if Varrick needed it. Leliana helped the Inquisition as Secret Chancellor, expanding her influence throughout Thedas.

The Titans used us to free themselves. We have to stop the Song and hope we don't go crazy in the process.

Some agents will hold onto the physical world more strongly than other spirits. When they are called and when they are needed, they will always be there. Destruction and death are just obstacles in their path. They continue to serve, without any time restrictions. What will happen when the Titans are freed? There will be no more agents. Nothing will happen. They have been isolated for too long. They will make everything one. You and all of Thedas.

Completion of the story in DLC The Descent For "Inquisition" is a relatively difficult battle against The Guardian- a creature in whose veins poisonous blue lyrium flows. So the question arises, how to Dragon Age Inquisition kill Defender?

The player, accustomed to the simple and quick destruction of surrounding mobs, turns out to be completely unprepared for combat, which requires the use of certain skills and planning of tactical actions of the entire squad. Therefore, after a dozen deaths, you should retreat back to the nearest camp (which takes a few minutes to reach), regroup and choose suitable partners.

So, how do you kill the Defender in the Descent DLC in Dragon Age Inquisition? There are several tactics:

  1. We forget about physical attacks, using only weapons with high electrical damage. You can first enchant it and improve it by visiting the basement in Skyhold. We take with us at least 1 magician, and preferably 2. The ability is essential "Barrier", effectively doubling your health bar. Until it is knocked down, the main HP of the characters will remain in place. Switch regularly to tactical turn-based mode, issuing the necessary orders and making sure that the stupid companion AI does not change the target. Try to destroy the stone scourge and then the lyrium vein behind it;
  2. Playing as an archer, make circular movements around the monster, constantly damaging it with the help of special abilities. Maneuver between blows with a whip, while deftly moving away from under the thorns. Getting too close to Defender should not, because in close combat he is capable of instantly destroying the hero. The main disadvantage in this case is that the battle time increases significantly (up to 1-2 hours of real time!), but at high difficulty levels this approach can become acceptable.

If you are completely tired of the battle, switch to "Easy" a mode in which health is restored faster and damage from The Guardian’s attacks is reduced. If an ally falls, wait for the monster to hit the ground again, and only then bring him to his senses.

Defenders of Justice in Dragon Age: Inquisition is nothing more than the first fork in the quests after the conversation in Val Royeaux. You have to choose. If you choose the templars and this task, then the magicians will come under the control of the Venatori.

How to get a?

Reach negotiations between the templars and magicians in Val Royeaux, and also have influence of at least 15 units, and the hero level is at least 4. We accept the task from the informant Cullen and try to attract the attention of the order to the Inquisition.


Before moving to the location, change the damage of the magicians to anything other than electric. In addition, take a thief into your group to pick locks. On the way to Ternifal, Esmeral Abernash will intercept you with the message that some Orlesian houses are already supporting you.

Upon arrival, we communicate with those around us, collect items and only then go to Barris. You either accept the offer of competition and gain entry to the courtyard with a small amount of loot, or refuse and thereby potentially save Abernash.

Flags- Here you need to use levers to place them as needed. Keep in mind that your favorability points depend on the first flag, as well as the answer to your motivation.

Whether you passed the test or not, Denam will come to the meeting instead of Lord Seeker Lucius. No matter what options you choose, the infected templars end up attacking. Next we move through the casemates and go out into the courtyard, simultaneously killing defiled enemies. It’s worth looking around here, as there’s a chance you’ll find a decent amount of useful things.

Once on the upper level, do not rush to meet Lucius - find Denam’s chambers and search them to get a letter incriminating the knight of his crimes, and only after that we go further, watch the appeal of the false Lucius and enter the battle.

  • Magic Vision

In fact, the lord's place was taken by a demon who takes over your mind and places you in the shadows. Here you will have to communicate with the Demon of Envy, who wants to take the place of the Messenger. We go through the level and when we come across statues with fire, we go to the left - here a locked door awaits the player, inside which you need to pick up the dogma of envy. Now we go to the room opposite and communicate with Cole, after which we go out into the corridor and learn how to pass through fire barriers.

  • Dungeon

We follow Cole further into the dungeon, talk to him again and go further until we see a torch with a curtain fire - we take it, return to pick up the key in the dark room. Now we light the braziers in the chambers and when the latter is activated, a secret passage will open. We open the door on the right with the key and light the brazier there again. Then we return, light the last of them, take another dogma and leave through Josephine’s cell.

  • Liberation

Now you are out in the forest and the places are already more familiar - you should ignore everything and everyone, avoid the peaks and just move to the place where you were grabbed - as soon as you get to the door, you will be freed from the spell, and the demon will hide behind the magical barrier. Now all you have to do is go after the veteran templars, since it is impossible to break the barrier in the usual way.

  • Holding the hall

Here you will need to find veterans in two small locations and at the same time do not forget about retention. Do not let the scale drop to 75% and return to the hall more often to kill enemies and prevent Barris from being wounded, otherwise the latter will die and you will no longer be able to recruit him. Explore everything slowly and methodically, over several times, do not forget about the free path for veterans and the search of the Lord Commander's quarters.

  • Removing the barrier

Once everything is done and collected, talk to Barris, after which the bridges will be raised and all the doors to the branches of the hall will be closed. Now you just have to wait for the barrier to be removed, and while this happens the player will be occupied by the red templars. As soon as the removal is over, all the enemies will die at once, so it makes sense to lead them a little by the nose and use this to your advantage.

  • Fighting a demon

Having collected supplies, we move on and enter into a full-fledged battle with the demon of Envy, who cannot be removed from the battle by skills, attacks with spirit magic and can hit several people at once. After a third of his health is removed, Cole will appear on the battlefield, and after another third, the demon will change his appearance and launch a wave of templars, closing himself with a barrier, which will then disappear. We finish him off and receive a reward in the form of essences.

  • Final stage

Going out into the hall, you decide the fate of Abernasha (if he survived) and come to an agreement with Barris (or Fletcher, if the first one died). You have the opportunity to either voluntarily bring the templars into service or dissolve the order and call everyone into the ranks of the Inquisition.

Also, upon returning to the Vault, a conversation will be raised about a solution in which you can choose the option about lyrium in order to open a new operation at the command headquarters and strengthen the templars.

After this, Cole will appear in front of you, who talks about his motives and desire to join. The player can accept Cole, or banish him and forget about him.

Mission reward

  • 3k experience in general for the task itself;
  • 1850 influence (given that Barris is alive and an agent of the Inquisition);
  • +3 to the strength of the Inquisition;
  • Templars in the service of the Inquisition.