Physical culture program author Matveev. Matveev A.P.

Explanatory note

The work program of the subject “Physical Culture” is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, the author’s program of primary general education in physical culture for educational institutions and the program of general educational institutions by the author A.P. Matveeva “Physical culture. grades 1-4" (educational and methodological set "School of Russia").

Physical education in primary school is a basic subject. When creating the program, we took into account the needs of modern Russian society for a physically strong and capable younger generation, capable of actively participating in various forms of a healthy lifestyle and using the values ​​of physical culture
for self-education, self-development and self-realization.

Purpose The physical education curriculum is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in primary school students, develop interest and creative independence in conducting various forms of physical education.

The implementation of the goal of the curriculum correlates with the solution of the following educational tasks:

Strengthening the health of schoolchildren through the development of physical qualities and increasing the functionality of the life-supporting systems of the body;

Improving vital skills and abilities through teaching outdoor games, physical exercises and technical actions from basic sports;

Formation of general ideas about physical culture, its importance in human life, its role in promoting health, physical development and physical fitness;

Developing interest in independent physical exercise, outdoor games, forms of active recreation and leisure;

Training in the simplest ways of monitoring physical activity, individual indicators of physical development and physical fitness.

The basic result of education in the field of physical education in primary school is that students master the basics of physical education activities with a general developmental focus. Mastering the subject of this activity contributes not only to the active development of the physical nature of those involved, but also to the formation of their mental and social personality traits, which largely determine the formation and subsequent formation of a person’s universal abilities (competencies). The universality of competencies is determined primarily by their widespread demand for each person, the objective need for performing various types of activities that go beyond the scope of physical education.

The number of universal competencies that are formed in primary school in the process of students mastering the subject of physical education with a general developmental focus includes:

The ability to organize one’s own activities, choose and use means to achieve its goals;

The ability to actively participate in collective activities, interact with peers in achieving common goals;

The ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of communication and interaction with peers and adults.


regulating the activities of primary school teachers

The work program for physical culture is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education of the second generation (order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 363 of October 6, 2009, registered by the Ministry of Justice No. 17785 of December 22, 2009); - Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen. A.Ya.Danilyuk, A.M.Kondakov – M: Education, 2009;

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 253 of March 31, 2014 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation;

Letter from the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region dated April 16, 2014 No. YuT-1064 “On the approximate curriculum of educational organizations of the Lipetsk region implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of primary general education programs, Federal State Educational Standards of basic general education for the 2014-2015 academic year”

Planned results of primary general education. L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova - M: Education, 2009;

An approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [compiled by E. S. Savinov]. - 4th ed., revised. - M.: Education, 2013.

Curriculum of MBOU secondary school p. Nikolskoye for the 2014-2015 academic year;

Calendar educational schedule of the MBOU secondary school p. Nikolskoye for the 2014-2015 school year. G.

Provisions of MBOU OOSH p. Nikolskoe “On the structure, procedure for developing and approving work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) according to the Federal State Educational Standard.”

General characteristics of the educational subject, course.

The proposed program is characterized by the following directions:

To implement the principle of variability, which justifies the planning of educational material in accordance with the age and gender characteristics of students, the material and technical equipment of the process (gym, school sports grounds, stadium), regional climatic conditions and the type of educational institution (urban, small and rural schools);

To implement the principle of sufficiency and appropriateness associated with the distribution of educational material, ensuring the development of cognitive and subject activity of students;

To comply with the didactic rules “from the known to the unknown” and “from simple to complex”, which guide the selection and planning of educational content in the logic of its gradual development, the translation of educational knowledge into practical skills and abilities, including in independent activity;

To achieve interdisciplinary connections that focus the planning of educational material on the holistic formation of students’ worldview in the field of physical education, a comprehensive disclosure of the relationship and interdependence of the phenomena and processes being studied;

to enhance the health-improving effect of the educational process, achieved through the active use by schoolchildren of acquired knowledge, skills and physical exercises in physical education and health activities during the day, independent physical exercises.

The program consists of three sections: “Knowledge about physical culture” (informational component), “Methods of physical activity” (operational component) and “Physical improvement” (motivational component).

The section “Methods of physical education activity” correlates with ideas about independent physical exercise, methods of organizing performance and monitoring the physical development and physical preparedness of students.

The content of the “Physical Improvement” section is focused on harmonious physical development, comprehensive physical training and strengthening the health of schoolchildren. This section includes the development of vital skills and abilities, outdoor games and motor actions from program sports, as well as general developmental exercises with various functional orientations.

to develop a work program

The choice of this program is due to the fact that the course was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, corresponds to the current state of science and advanced pedagogical practice, is distinguished by novelty and originality, is aimed at developing the student’s individual abilities, his intellectual and emotional sphere, communication abilities and social adaptation, meets requirements for consistency, continuity and continuity of education.

To implement the goals and objectives of teaching physical culture according to this program, the teaching materials of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" are used:

Matveev A.P. Physical Culture. 3-4 grades. Textbook for general education. institutions. – M.: Education, 2012

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum.

A.P. Matveev for grades 1-4" contains 3 hours per week.

The mandatory part of the physical education curriculum contains 3 hours.

In accordance with the school's Educational Program, the work program is designed for 35 hours per year with 3 hours per week (35 weeks).

Three hours are spent studying the topic “Outdoor Games”.

1. Knowledge about physical culture (4 hours)

The emergence of the first sports competitions. The appearance of the ball, exercises and ball games. The history of the origins of the ancient Olympic Games. Physical exercises, their difference from natural movements. Basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, balance. Hardening the body (rubbing).

2. Methods of physical activity (6 hours)

Doing morning exercises and gymnastics to music; carrying out hardening procedures; performing exercises that develop speed and balance, improving the accuracy of throwing a small ball. Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking. Measuring body length and weight.

3. Physical improvement (95h)

Gymnastics with basic acrobatics (15 hours)

Organizing commands and techniques: turns in a circle with separation according to the command “Circle! One-two"; formation of two in a line and column; moving in a column at different distances and tempos, “diagonally” and “counter-moving”.

Acrobatic exercises from a supine position, shoulder blade stand (legs bent and straightened); tuck forward somersault; from a shoulder stand, a half-flip back to a kneeling stand.

Gymnastic exercises of an applied nature: dance exercises, exercises on a low bar - hanging on bent arms, hanging while standing in front, behind, hanging with one or two legs.

Athletics (30 hours)

Running: steady running followed by acceleration, shuttle running 3 x 10 m, running with changing step frequency.

Throwing a large ball from below from a standing and sitting position from behind the head.

Throwing a small ball over a distance from behind the head.

Jumping: on the spot and with a turn of 90° and 100°, according to markings, over obstacles; in height from a straight run; with a skipping rope.

Ski training (20 h)

Movement on skis: alternating two-step stroke.

Descents in the main stance.

Climbing with a “ladder”.

Plow braking.

Outdoor games (15h)

Based on the material from the section “Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics”: “Wave”, “Inconvenient throw”, “Equestrian athletes”, “Moveable fishing rod”, “Roll the ball faster”, relay races such as: “Relay race with elements of gymnastics”, “Relay race with hoops” "

Based on the material from the “Athletics” section: “Exactly on target”, “Calling numbers”, “Illegal movement”, “Tag - various options”, “Two Frosts”, “Empty space”, “Ball race”, “Cosmonauts”, "Jumping sparrows."

Based on the material from the section “Skiing”: “Fast skier”, “Bolder down the hill”, “Descent with a turn”, “Who is the fastest?”, “Who will slide further down the hill” (on skis).

Sports games (15h)

Basketball. Exercises without a ball: basic stance, moving with side steps and changing the direction of movement. Exercises with the ball: catching and passing the ball with both hands from the chest from a place, with a step, with a change of place after the pass; throwing the ball into the basket with both hands from the chest from a place.
General physical training exercises.
Football: stopping a rolling ball; dribbling the ball with the inner and outer part of the lift in a straight line, in an arc, with stops at a signal, between the posts, with a stroke around the posts; stopping a rolling ball with the inside of the foot; outdoor games: “Ball Race”, “Aim at the Target”, “Ball Slalom”, “Capture the Fortress”, “Kick Throw”.

Volleyball: lead-in exercises for teaching straight bottom and side serves; special movements - throwing the ball to a given height and distance from the body; outdoor games: “Take the ball away”, “Inconvenient throw”, “Passed - sit down”.

General developmental physical exercises to develop basic physical qualities.

Educational and thematic plan

Number of hours

Knowledge about physical culture

Methods of physical activity

Physical improvement

Gymnastics with basics of acrobatics


Ski training

Outdoor games

Sport games


105 hours

Description of the value guidelines of the subject, course.

The content of the educational subject “Physical Culture” is aimed at educating highly moral, creative, competent and successful citizens of Russia, capable of active self-realization in social and professional activities, skillfully using the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and long-term preservation of their own health, optimize work activity and organize a healthy image life.

The value of life– recognition of human life as the greatest value, which is realized in a careful attitude towards other people and nature.

The value of nature is based on the universal human value of life, on the awareness of oneself as part of the natural world - part of living and inanimate nature. Love for nature is a caring attitude towards it as an environment for human habitation and survival, as well as experiencing a sense of beauty, harmony, its perfection, preserving and increasing its wealth.

The value of a person as a rational being striving for goodness and self-improvement, the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental and socio-moral health.

The value of good– a person’s focus on the development and preservation of life, through compassion and mercy as a manifestation of the highest human ability - love.

The value of truth– this is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of humanity, reason, understanding of the essence of being, the universe.

The value of family as the first and most significant social and educational environment for the development of a child, ensuring the continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and thereby the viability of Russian society.

The value of work and creativity as a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence.

The value of freedom as the freedom of a person to choose his thoughts and actions of his way of life, but freedom naturally limited by the norms, rules, laws of society, of which a person is always a member in his entire social essence.

The value of social solidarity as recognition of human rights and freedoms, possession of feelings of justice, mercy, honor, dignity in relation to oneself and to other people.

The Value of Citizenship– a person’s awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of a country and state.

The value of patriotism- one of the manifestations of a person’s spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, the small homeland, in the conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of humanity- a person’s awareness of himself as part of the world community, the existence and progress of which requires peace, cooperation of peoples and respect for the diversity of their cultures.

Requirements for the level of training of students

At the end of primary school, students should be able to:

Plan physical exercises during the day, use physical education means in spending your rest and leisure time;

State the facts of the history of the development of physical culture, characterize its role and significance in human life;

Use physical education as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical fitness of a person;

Measure (know) individual indicators of physical development (length and weight of the body) and the development of basic physical qualities;

Provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers when completing educational tasks, show a friendly and respectful attitude when explaining errors and how to eliminate them;

Organize and conduct outdoor games and elementary competitions with peers, carry out their objective judging;

Comply with safety requirements for places where physical education classes are held;

Organize and conduct physical education classes with different target orientations, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage;

Characterize physical activity by heart rate;

Perform simple acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level;

Perform technical actions from basic sports, apply them in gaming and competitive activities;

Perform vital motor skills and abilities in a variety of ways, under a variety of conditions.

Planned results of mastering a subject or course.

Personal results include the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, value and semantic attitudes and reflect:

Formation of a sense of pride in one’s homeland, formation of the values ​​of a multinational Russian society;

Formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

Development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

Development of ethical qualities, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers, the ability to avoid creating conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

Formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle.

Meta-subject results include universal learning activities mastered by schoolchildren (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), which ensure mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, interdisciplinary concepts and reflect:

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Determining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

Willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

Mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject results include the experience of activities acquired by schoolchildren in the process of studying this subject in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation, application and reflect:

Formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and psychological), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful study and socialization;

Mastering the skills to organize health-saving life activities (daily routine, morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.);

Formation of the skill of systematic monitoring of one’s physical condition, the amount of physical activity, health monitoring data (body length and weight, etc.), indicators of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility);

Interaction with peers according to the rules of outdoor games and competitions;

Performing simple acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level; characteristics of technical performance characteristics;

Performing technical actions from basic sports; their use in gaming and competitive activities.

Formed UUD


Students will learn:

Understand the importance of physical education for improving human health;

Motivate to perform hardening procedures.

Cognitive motivation for the history of physical culture;

Positive motivation to study various techniques and methods;

Respect for physical culture as an important part of general culture.


Students will learn:

Understand the purpose of the actions being performed;

Carry out actions based on the teacher’s instructions;

Adequately assess the correctness of the task; use technical techniques when performing physical exercises;

Analyze the results of completed tasks according to specified criteria (under the guidance of a teacher);

Make adjustments to your work.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

Think over the sequence of exercises, compose sets of exercises for morning exercises, for the prevention of posture disorders, physical education sessions;

Explain what technical techniques were used to complete the task;

Independently perform sets of exercises aimed at developing physical qualities;

Coordinate interaction with partners in the game;

Organize and conduct outdoor games during walks and vacations.


Students will learn:

Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments using textbook reference materials;

Distinguish and group outdoor and sports games;

Describe the basic physical qualities;

Group games by sport;

Identify the reasons that lead to poor posture.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

Search for necessary information using various reference materials;

Freely navigate the book using information from the endpapers, table of contents, and reference desk;

Compare and classify sports of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games;

Establish a relationship between physical education and character development


Students will learn:

Talk about the history of the Olympic Games and sports competitions, about the prevention of posture disorders;

Express your own opinion about the influence of physical education on developing a person’s character;

Negotiate and come to a common decision, working in pairs, as a team.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

Express your own emotional attitude to different sports;

Ask clarifying questions about performing physical exercises;

Understand your partner’s actions in a gaming situation.

Forms of control and standards for assessing the level of students' achievements.

To determine the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren, exercise tests are used (each age group has its own standards).

Monitoring of students’ physical fitness is carried out three times a school year: in September, December and May using tests:

running 30 m, shuttle run 3 * 10 m, standing long jump, 6-minute run (1000 m run), flexibility (bending forward while sitting on the floor), pull-ups on the high bar.

Each quarter has control exercises (60 m running, throwing a ball at a distance, running high jump, running long jump, cross-country, cross-country skiing, etc.) which are scored on a five-point system.

Characteristics of digital assessment (marks)

Students are also assessed for their ability to perform drill and gymnastic exercises, elements of ski training, applied actions with a ball, and for the technique and tactics of outdoor and sports games:

rating "5"»

The motor action is performed correctly, precisely at the proper pace, easily and clearly;

No technical errors or minor deviations in the preparatory or final phases;

rating "4"

The motor action is performed correctly, but not easily and clearly enough, there is some stiffness in the actions;

Minor errors in the main and significant in the preparatory or final phases;

rating "3"

The motor action was performed mostly correctly, but one gross or several minor errors were made, leading to uncertain or tense execution;

Significant errors in the main phase and gross errors in the preparatory and final phases;

rating "2"

Gross errors in the main phase of the action or a number of significant errors in various parts of the action, distorting its structure;

The student is repeatedly unprepared for the lesson;

rating "1" - failure to perform an action.

CONTROL STANDARDS: standards are checked during the school year in order to control the level of physical fitness of students at different stages of education.

Standards; tests.

Run 30 m (sec.)

Running 1000 m (min, sec.)

Shuttle run 3x10 m (sec.)

Standing long jump (cm)

High jump, "Stepping over" method (cm)

Jumping rope (number of times/min.)

Run 60 m (sec.).

Pull-ups (number of times)

Throwing t/m (m)

Raising the body from a supine position (number of times/min)

Squats (number of times/min)

Multi-jump - 8 m jumps.

Pistols, supported on one hand, on the right and left leg (number of times).

TEST STANDARDS: carried out at the beginning and end of the school year as part of a lesson in order to identify the dynamics of the physical development of students and in order to more correctly distribute the load in the lessons (see table)

Educational and methodological support

1.Library fund:

Matveev A.P. Physical Culture. 3-4 grade. Textbook for general education. institutions. – M.: Education, 2012

Matveev A.P. Physical Culture. Work programs. 1-4 grades. M.: Education, 2011

2. Demonstration materials:

Tables of physical development and physical fitness standards;

Portraits and photographs of outstanding athletes, figures of physical culture, sports and the Olympic movement.

3. Technical means:

Interactive board,


4. Educational-practical and educational-laboratory equipment:

Sports mats - 13

Football gates with net - 2

Tennis table - 2

Sports goat - 1

Crossbar - 1

Gymnastic bridge - 2

Gymnastic bench - 3

Gymnastic wall - 5

Stick - 15

Skates - 10

Ski set - 30

Basketball ball - 5

Volleyball - 2

Soccer ball - 15

Medicine ball - 6

Medicine ball - 5

Gymnastic ball - 5

Jump rope - 30

Bodybar- 5

Dumbbells - 8

Balancing disk - 8

Gymnastic mat - 10

Gymnastic stick - 18

Step platform - 10

Tunnel with hoop - 3

Marking flags - 20

Flag ribbon - 4

Relay baton - 6

Flip board - 1


Stopwatch - 2

Electronic manuals

Study tables for main sections


Didactic material

Internet resources to help physical education teachers: The methodological repository is intended for remote support of the educational process. A site dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, health-improving, adaptive physical education. Review of sports schools and sports societies. Sports news, event coverage Thematic catalog for various sports. The portal is dedicated to the problems of maintaining health, proper nutrition, diets, physical education, exercises, phototherapy, treating diseases with natural remedies, and a healthy lifestyle. Information technologies of education in teaching physical education. Russian educational portal. festival of research and creative work of students in physical education and sports.

M.: 1991. - 543 p.

General methods and means of developing physical qualities, teaching new motor actions, features of planning and control of physical education and sports training, aspects of professional applied physical training are outlined. The textbook is written in accordance with the current official program of the general discipline of the curriculum for higher educational institutions of physical education - the theory of physical culture and sports. The textbook contains material on two main sections of this discipline: the first introduces the integrative theory of physical culture, and the second reveals the general conceptual and scientific-applied foundations of physical education as the main process of pedagogically oriented functioning of physical culture in society. The textbook is designed for bachelor's level of education, but can also be used to deepen knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the next level of higher education.

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Preface 3
Part one
Section I. General characteristics of physical education: focus, means, methods, principles
Chapter I. Purposefulness of physical education 7
1. Pedagogical nature and specific focus of the physical education process
2. The essence of the tasks solved in physical education and the forms of their specific formulation 11
2.1. Purpose and main objectives in physical education
2.1.1. Social origins of the goals pursued in physical education -
2.1.2. Main tasks: 14
2.2. Aspects and forms of specification of tasks solved in the process of physical education 21
Chapter II. Means and methods in physical education 28
1. Specific means and methods, -
1.1. Physical exercises as a means of physical education. -
1.1.1. Original definition; content and form of physical exercise
1.1.2. Exercise technique 33 General concept of the technique of motor actions. - Some characteristics and rules of technical performance of physical exercises 35
1.1.3. Effects of Exercise 44
1.1.4. Classification of physical exercises 48
1.2. Load and rest as interrelated components of the exercise process. 50
1.2.1. Load during exercise
1.2.2. The role and types of rest intervals during exercise. 58
1.3. Specific methods of physical education 63
1.3.1. Strictly regulated exercise methods
1.3.2. Game and competitive methods 73
2. General pedagogical and other means and methods in physical education 77
2.1. Methods of verbal (speech) influence 78
2.2. Methods of ideomotor and psychoregulatory exercises... 79
2.3. Means and methods for ensuring visibility of language
2.4. Hardware and methodological support 81
2.5. The role of natural environmental and hygienic factors in physical education 83
Chapter III. Principles governing physical education activities 85
1. The importance of general principles in orienting the practice of physical education 85
2. Basic requirements for the implementation of general methodological principles in physical education 86
3. Principles expressing specific patterns of constructing physical education 96
3.1. Continuity of the process of physical education and systematic alternation of loads and rest in it
3.2. Gradual increase in developmental training influences and adaptive balancing of their dynamics 101
3.3. Cyclic construction of a system of classes 105
3.4. Age adequacy of physical education directions U9
Section II. Main aspects of the content and methodology of physical education
Chapter IV. Basics of learning motor actions 114
1. Direction and structure of the learning process in physical education -
1.1. Motor skills and abilities as a result of learning; patterns of their formation -
1.2. Target settings in teaching motor actions.... 123
1.3. Prerequisites and general order of constructing the learning process. 126
2. Features of training stages: 130
2.1. The first stage (initial learning of the action) -
2.1.1. Problems to be solved -
2.1.2. Typical tools and methods -
2.1.3. Defining features of the technique 132
2.2. Second stage (in-depth learning of the action) " 139
2.2.1. Problems to be solved -
2.2.2. Typical means and methods 140
2.2.3. Defining features of the technique 142
2.3. Third stage (resulting development of the action): 146
2.3.1. Problems to be solved -
2.3.2. Typical tools and methods 147
2.3.3. Defining features of the technique, 148
2.4. The problem of restructuring a motor skill 156
Chapter V. Education of motor coordination abilities 158
1. Object and tasks -
1.1. The complex nature of the abilities that determine the quality of coordination of movements -
1.2. Problems solved in the process of educating motor-coordinating and some related abilities 163
2. Means and distinctive features of the technique 165
2.1. Means and fundamentals of methods for developing motor-coordinating abilities -
2.2. Some sections of the methodology for developing coordination and related abilities 170
2.2.1. Ways to develop the ability to maintain balance. . -
2.2.2. Ways to cultivate the ability for rational muscle relaxation 173
2.2.3. Ways to develop the ability to accurately observe and regulate the spatial parameters of movements 177
Chapter VI. Developing strength and speed abilities 181
1. Developing strength abilities -
1.1. Strength abilities and tasks in their education. -
1.1.1. About the indicators and essence of strength abilities -
1.1.2. Problems solved in the process of developing strength abilities 185
1.2. Means and defining features of the technique 190
1.2.1. Means and fundamentals of methods for developing one’s own strength abilities - Means 190 Basics of the technique 196
1.2.2. Features of means and methods of training speed-strength abilities 206
1.3. To the general characteristics of the process 211
2. Developing speed abilities 213
2.1. Speed ​​abilities and tasks for their education -
2.2. Means and defining features of the technique. 219
2.2.1. Features of means and methods of training speed as the ability for emergency motor reactions. ... -
2.2.2. Features of means and methods of training speed, which determines the speed characteristics of movements. . 223
2.3. To the general characteristics of the process 229
Chapter VII. Endurance training 230
1. Endurance and tasks for its education -
1.1. Essence, indicators and types of endurance -
1.2. Problems solved in the process of training endurance.... 236
2. Means and distinctive features of the technique 242
2.1. Means and methods of developing general endurance -
2.1.1. Facilities -
2.1.2. Methods 246
2.2. Features of means and methods of training specific endurance 252
2.2.1. Features of the funds -
2.2.2. Features of the technique 253
2.3. A combination of various aspects of endurance training; lesson system 260
Chapter VIII. Directed influence in the process of physical education on posture, flexibility and some properties (components) of the physique. 262
1. Education of posture -
1.1. Object and tasks -
1.2. Means and features of the technique 268
2. Targeted impact on body flexibility 273
2.1. Object and tasks -
2.2. Means and features of the technique 279
3. Some aspects of regulation of muscle and “passive” body weight 283
3.1. Objectives and criteria." -
3.2. Preferred means and methods 287
3.2.1. Features of exercises that stimulate muscle growth; typical features of the technique. . " -
3.2.2. Preferred types and modes of using exercises to eliminate excess body weight 293
Chapter IX. The connection between various types of education in the process of physical education 298
1. Decisive factors in the directional formation of personality -
1.1. The general orientation and complexity of educational influences -
1.2. The leading role of the educator and the activity of the educated.... 300
1.3. The educational role of the physical education team 302
2. General lines of education and their specification in the process of physical education 303
2.1. Moral, ideological, political and labor education... -
2.2. Intellectual and aesthetic education 311
2.3. Education of will and self-education in physical education. . 315
Section III. Forms of lesson structure, planning and control in physical education
Chapter X. Forms of lesson construction 322
1. Diversity and common features of forms of constructing classes -
2. Lesson forms of classes 327
2.1. The primary importance of lesson forms in the pedagogically oriented organization of classes 327
2.2. Logic and methodology for constructing a lesson 329
2.3. Lesson Analysis 343
3. Features of individual (non-school) forms of classes in physical education practice. . 347
3.1. Small forms 348
3.2. Large forms of amateur training and physical education-recreational activities 353
3.3. Competitive forms of organizing classes in physical education 356
Chapter XI. Planning and control in physical education 359
1. Planning and control as tools for optimal construction of the physical education process -
2. Planning 361
2.1. Prerequisites for planning
2.2. Scope and subject aspects of planning 363
2.3. Features of forms and methods of long-term, stage-by-stage and short-term planning 370
2.3.1. Forms and methods of long-term planning
2.3.2. Stage planning 379
2.3.3. Short-term (operational-current) planning 390
3. Control 396
3.1. General features of control in the process of physical education... -
3.2. Features of operational-current, cyclic and stage control 411
Part two
Section I. Sports, sports training
Chapter XII. Sport in the system of social phenomena 425
1. Specification of concepts related to sports
2. Variety of sports 427
3. Factors and trends in the development of sports achievements 429
V4. Social functions of sport and the main directions of the sports movement 433
to 4.1. The essence of the functions of sports, their ambiguity and dependence on operating conditions -
4.2. Unity and features of various directions (sections) of the sports movement 439
Chapter XIII. Sports training 442
1. The specific focus of sports training and its place in the system of physical education -
2. Means, methods and main sections of the content of sports training 446
2.1. Means and methods
2.2. The main sections of the athlete’s preparation during the training process 450
3. Specifics of the laws of sports training 455
4. Construction of sports training (structure of the training process) 464
4.1. Structure of small training cycles (microcycles) .... 465
4.2. Structure of average training cycles (mesocycles) 469
4.3. Structure of multi-month training cycles 474
4.3.1. Basics of periodization of sports training
4.3.2. Features of training at different periods of the macrocycle 477
4.4. Sports training as a long-term process 487
Section II. Professionally applied forms of physical culture
Chapter XIV. Vocational applied physical training (PPPP); 492
1. The need for professionally applied physical training; problems solved in it 493
2. Tools and methodological foundations for constructing PPP 501
2.1. Features of the composition of PPFP products -
2.2. The main features of the methodology and form of constructing classes in PPPP 504
Chapter XV. Physical culture in the system of rational labor organization 509
1. Social significance and objectives of the targeted use of physical culture in the system of scientific organization of labor (SLO) -
2. Place and features of various forms of physical culture in the NOT 512 system
2.1. Physical culture within the framework of the labor process 514
2.2. Physical culture in production outside the labor process 520
2.3. Connections between industrial and related forms of physical culture. . 522
Application. . . 524
Subject index 532





by decision of the pedagogical council

Chairman _______ T.V. Legostaeva


By physical culture

Education level (grade) primary general education (grades 1-4)

Number of hours 405

Teacher Ryabukhina Svetlana Vasilievna

The program is developed based on: author's program: Physical culture. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks by A.P. Matveeva. 1-4 grades. Manual for teachers of general education organizations, 3rd edition, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 2014. Approved by the pedagogical council, protocol No. 1 of 08/31/2015.


This work program was developed on the basis of the author’s program for educational institutions by A.P. Matveev “Physical education: program for grades 1 – 4.” – M.: Education, 2014, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, an approximate program of primary general education; main educational program of primary general education MBOU Secondary School No. 47.

In the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” of December 4, 2007. No. 329-F3 noted that the organization of physical education and education in educational institutions includes the conduct of compulsory physical education classes within the framework of basic educational programs to the extent established by state educational standards, as well as additional (optional) physical exercise and sports classes within additional educational programs.

Physical education is a compulsory course in general education institutions. The subject “Physical Education” is the basis of physical education of schoolchildren. In combination with other forms of education - physical education and health activities during the school day and the second half of the day (gymnastics before classes, physical education minutes, physical exercises and games during extended breaks and in extended day groups), extracurricular work in physical education (general physical training groups , sports sections), physical culture and sports events (days of health and sports, outdoor games and competitions, sports festivals, sports competitions, tourist rallies and hikes) - the formation of the physical culture of the individual is achieved. It includes motivation and the need for systematic physical education and sports, mastery of the main types of physical education and sports activities, and versatile physical fitness.

In the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” of December 4, 2007. No. 329-F3 it is noted that the organization of physical education and education in educational institutions includes the conduct of compulsory physical education classes within the framework of basic educational programs to the extent established by state educational standards, as well as additional (optional) physical exercise and sports classes within additional educational programs.

This program was created taking into account the fact that the physical education system, combining classroom and extracurricular forms of physical exercise and sports, should create the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only the physical, but also the spiritual abilities of the child, his self-determination.

The goal of school physical education is the formation of a well-rounded physically developed personality who is able to actively use the values ​​of physical education to strengthen and long-term preserve one’s own health, optimize work activity and organize active recreation.

The implementation of the goals of the curriculum correlates with the solution of the following educational tasks:

    promoting health, improving posture, preventing flat feet, promoting harmonious physical, moral and social development, successful learning;

    formation of initial self-regulation skills through physical education;

    mastering the school of movements;

    development of coordination (accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, balance, rhythm, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, orientation in space) and conditioning (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility) abilities;

    formation of basic knowledge about personal hygiene, daily routine, the effect of physical exercise on health, performance and the development of physical (coordination and conditioning) abilities;

    developing ideas about the main sports, equipment and equipment, and compliance with safety rules during classes;

    formation of an attitude towards maintaining and strengthening health, healthy and safe lifestyle skills;

    introduction to independent physical exercises, outdoor games, using them in free time based on the formation of interests in certain types of physical activity and identifying a predisposition to certain sports;

    nurturing discipline, a friendly attitude towards comrades, honesty, responsiveness, courage during physical exercises, promoting the development of mental processes (idea, memory, thinking, etc.) during motor activity.

Taking into account the above-mentioned objectives of educating primary school students in the field of physical education, the main principles, ideas and approaches in the formation of this program were the following: democratization and humanization of the pedagogical process, pedagogy of cooperation, activity approach, intensification and optimization, expansion of interdisciplinary connections.

The principle of democratization in the pedagogical process is expressed in providing each and every student with equal access to the basics of physical education, maximizing the development of children’s abilities, building teaching based on the use of broad and flexible methods and means of teaching for the development of children with different levels of their motor and mental abilities, changing the essence of pedagogical relationships, the transition from subordination to cooperation.

The principle of humanizing the pedagogical process is to take into account the individual abilities of each child and teacher. It is built in accordance with the personal experience and level of achievement of schoolchildren, their interests and inclinations. Teachers are required to provide children with program material of different levels in complexity and subjective difficulty of mastering.

The implementation of the principles of democratization and humanization in the pedagogical process is possible on the basis of cooperation pedagogy - the idea of ​​​​joint developmental activities of children and adults, during which they are connected by mutual understanding and penetration into each other’s spiritual world, by a joint desire to analyze the progress and results of this activity.

The activity-based approach is to focus the student not only on mastering ready-made knowledge and skills, but also on mastering the methods of physical education, health and sports activities, and on developing the child’s cognitive powers and creative potential. This is a departure from verbal methods and forms of transmitting ready-made information, students’ passivity in the classroom to the active acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities implemented in various types of physical education, health and sports activities.

Intensification and optimization consists of increasing the focus of training and strengthening the motivation for physical education and sports, the use of active and creative methods and forms of training (problem-based, research, associated development of conditioning and coordination abilities, accentuated and comprehensive development of coordination abilities, software-algorithmic methods, group and individual forms of training, circuit training, etc.); in the development of educational work skills; widespread use of computers and other new technical means.

The teacher implements the task of forming a holistic worldview of students, comprehensively revealing the relationship and interdependence of the studied phenomena and processes in the field of physical education on the basis of expanding interdisciplinary connections from the field of different subjects: literature, history, mathematics, anatomy, physiology, psychology, etc.


The subject of teaching physical education in primary school is human motor activity with a general developmental focus. In the process of mastering this activity, health is strengthened, physical qualities are improved, certain motor actions are mastered, thinking, creativity and independence are actively developed.

The most important requirement for conducting a modern lesson in physical education is to ensure a differentiated and individual approach to students, taking into account the state of health, gender, physical development, motor readiness, characteristics of the development of mental properties and qualities, and compliance with hygiene standards.


The course “Physical Education” is studied from grades 1 to 4 at the rate of 3 hours per week (405 hours in total): in grade 1 - 99 hours, in grade 2 - 102 hours, in grade 3 - 102 hours, in grade 4 - 102 hours. The third hour for teaching the subject “Physical Education” was introduced by order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 30, 2010. No. 889. The order stated: “The third hour of the academic subject “Physical Education” should be used to increase motor activity and develop the physical qualities of students, to introduce modern systems of physical education.” The work program is designed for 405 hours for four years of study (3 hours per week).



The value of life - recognition of human life as the greatest value, which is realized through careful treatment of other people and nature.

The value of nature is based on the universal human value of life, on the awareness of oneself as part of the natural world - part of living and inanimate nature. Love for nature is a caring attitude towards it as a human habitat and survival, as well as experiencing a sense of beauty, harmony, its perfection, preserving and increasing its wealth.

The value of a person as a rational being striving for goodness and self-improvement, the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental and social-moral health.

The value of good– a person’s focus on developing and preserving life, through compassion and mercy as a manifestation of the highest human ability – love.

The value of truth– this is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of humanity, reason, understanding of the essence of being, the universe.

The value of family as the first and most significant social and educational environment for the development of a child, ensuring the continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and thereby the viability of Russian society.

The value of labor and creativity as a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence.

The value of freedom as the freedom of a person to choose his thoughts and actions, but freedom naturally limited by the norms, rules, laws of society, of which a person is always a member in his entire social essence.

Social value solidarity as recognition of human rights and freedoms, possessing feelings of justice, mercy, honor, dignity in relation to oneself and to other people.

The Value of Citizenship– a person’s awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of a country and state.

The value of patriotism- one of the manifestations of a person’s spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, the small homeland, in the conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of humanity– a person’s awareness of himself as part of a world society, the existence and progress of which requires peace, cooperation of peoples and respect for the diversity of their cultures.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

In accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education of the Federal State Educational Standard, this work program for grades 1-4 is aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results in physical education by students.

Personal results

    developing a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality;

    developing a respectful attitude towards the culture of other peoples;

    development of motives for educational activities and the personal meaning of learning, acceptance and mastery of the social role of the teacher;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

    developing skills of cooperation with peers and adults in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

    development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

    formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

    formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle.

Meta-subject results

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

    developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    mastering basic information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality in accordance with the content of a specific educational subject;

    mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject results

Formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and mental), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful study and socialization;

    mastering the skills to organize health-saving activities (daily routine, morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.);

    developing the skill of systematically monitoring one’s physical condition, the amount of physical activity, health monitoring data (height, body weight, etc.), indicators of the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility).

Knowledge about physical culture

    Physical Culture. Physical culture as a system of various forms of physical exercise to improve human health. Walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, skiing, swimming are vital methods of human movement.

    Rules for preventing injuries during physical exercise: organization of training places, selection of clothing, shoes and equipment.

    From the history of physical culture. History of the development of physical culture and the first competitions. The connection between physical culture and labor and military activities.

    Physical exercise. Physical exercises, their influence on physical development and the development of physical qualities. Physical training and its connection with the development of basic physical qualities. Characteristics of basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and balance.

    Physical activity and its effect on increasing heart rate.

    Independent studies. Creating a daily routine. Performing the simplest hardening procedures, sets of exercises for the formation of correct posture and development of the trunk muscles, development of basic physical qualities; conducting health-improving activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education sessions).

    Independent observations of physical development and physical fitness. Measuring body length and weight, posture and physical qualities. Measuring heart rate during exercise.

    Independent games and entertainment. Organization and conduct of outdoor games (on sports grounds and in gyms).

Physical improvement

    Physical education and health activities

    Complexes of physical exercises for morning exercises, physical education sessions, classes for the prevention and correction of postural disorders.

    Sets of exercises for the development of physical qualities.

    Sets of breathing exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Sports and recreational activities

    Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics. Organizing teams and techniques. Combat actions in ranks and columns; execution of drill commands.

    Acrobatic exercises . Stops; gray hairs; group exercises; riffles; shoulder blade stand; somersaults forward and backward; gymnastic bridge.

    Acrobatic combinations. For example: 1) bridge from a supine position, lower to the starting position, flip to a prone position, jump with support on your hands in a crouching position; 2) forward somersault at point-blank crouching, somersault back at point-blank crouching, from point-blank crouching, somersault back to point-blank on the knees with support on the hands, jumping to point-blank crouching, somersault forward.

    Exercises on a low gymnastic bar: hangs, swings.

    Gymnastic combination. For example, from a hanging while standing, squatting with a push with both legs, swinging over, bending your legs, into a hanging from behind, bent, lowering back into a hanging while standing and the reverse movement through a hanging from behind, bending with your legs moving forward.

    Vault: running jump over a gymnastics goat.

    Applied gymnastic exercises. Jumping rope. Moving along a gymnastic wall. Overcoming an obstacle course with elements of climbing and climbing, crawling, moving along an inclined gymnastic bench.

    Athletics exercises. Running exercises: with high hip lifts, jumping and acceleration, with changing direction of movement, from different starting positions; shuttle run; high start followed by acceleration.

    Jumping exercises: on one leg and two legs in place and with advancement; in length and height; jumping and jumping;

    Throws: a large ball (1 kg) at a distance in different ways.

    Throwing: a small ball at a vertical target and at a distance.

    Cross training. Long running at a steady pace, cross-country running, steeplechase running.

    Outdoor games. Based on the material of gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics: game tasks using drill exercises, exercises for attention, strength, dexterity and coordination.

    Based on athletics: jumping, running, throwing and throwing; Exercises for coordination, endurance and speed.

    Based on ski training: relay races in skiing, endurance and coordination exercises.

    Based on sports games.

    Football: kicking a stationary and rolling ball; stopping the ball; dribbling; outdoor games based on football.

    Basketball: special movements without the ball; dribbling; throwing the ball into the basket; outdoor games based on basketball.

    Volleyball: tossing the ball; ball delivery; receiving and passing the ball; outdoor games based on volleyball material.


The total number of hours for studying sections of the program is distributed as follows:

Type of software


Number of hours

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade


Knowledge about physical culture

During the lesson


Methods of physical activity

During the lesson


Physical improvement

Athletics exercises

Gymnastics with basics of acrobatics

Outdoor games

Sport games

Cross training

General developmental exercises

During the lesson









Name of objects and means of material and technical equipment

Required amount


Library collection (printed products)

Federal State Standard of Primary General Education in Physical Culture

The physical education standard, sample programs, and original work programs are included in the mandatory software and methodological support for the physical education classroom (gym)

Author's program: Physical culture. Work programs subject line of textbooks A.P. Matveeva. 1-4 grades. Manual for teachers of general education organizations, 3rd edition, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 2014

Work programs for physical culture

Physical Culture. 1st grade: textbook for general education institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Education, 2011

Physical Culture. 2nd grade: textbook for educational institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Education, 2014

Physical Culture. Grades 3-4: textbook for educational institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Education, 2011

Educational, scientific, popular science literature on physical culture, sports, Olympic movement

As part of the library collection

Methodological publications on physical education for teachers


Methodological manuals and recommendations, magazine “Physical Education at School”

Screen and sound aids

Audio recordings

For conducting gymnastics complexes, teaching dance movements; holding sports competitions and physical education festivals

Technical training aids

Laser printer

Copy machine

May be included in the material and technical equipment of an educational institution

Educational-practical and educational-laboratory equipment

Gymnastic wall

Gymnastic floor balance beam

Gymnastics beam high

Gymnastic goat

Gymnastic horse

Gymnastic crossbar

Climbing rope with fastening mechanism

Gymnastic swing bridge

Rigid gymnastic bench


Gymnastic mats

Medicine ball (1 kg, 2 kg)

Small ball (tennis)

Gymnastic jump rope

Gymnastic hoop


High jump bar

High jump rack


Outdoor and sports games

Set of basketball backboards with rings and net

Basketball backboards with rings and net

Net for carrying and storing balls

Universal volleyball stands

Volleyball net


Flip board

Mini-football goal

Mini football goal net

Soccer balls

Hand ball gate

Hand balls

Tourist tents (triple)

Tourist backpacks

Tourist bivouac set

First aid supplies

Medical kit

Additional inventory

Classroom board with magnetic surface

Mobile board

Gyms (offices)

Sports hall

With changing rooms for boys and girls (lockers, soft gymnastic benches, mats), showers for boys and girls, toilets for boys and girls

Recreation areas

To carry out dynamic breaks (changes)

Teacher's office

Includes desk, chairs, safe, bookcases (shelves), wardrobe

Utility room for storing inventory and equipment

Includes shelving, containers

School stadium (ground)

Athletics track

Long jump sector

High jump sector

Playing field for football (mini-football)

Gymnastics town

Obstacle course


At the end of primary school, students should be able to:

Plan physical exercises during the day, use physical education means in spending your rest and leisure time;

State the facts of the history of the development of physical culture, characterize its role and significance in human life;

Use physical activity as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical fitness of a person;

Measure (know) individual indicators of physical development (length of body weight) and the development of basic physical qualities;

Provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers when completing educational tasks, show a friendly attitude when explaining errors and how to eliminate them;

Organize and conduct outdoor games and elementary competitions with peers. Carry out their objective judging;

Comply with safety requirements for places where physical education classes are held;

Organize and conduct physical education classes with different target orientations, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage;

Characterize physical activity by heart rate;

Perform simple acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level;

Perform technical actions from basic sports. Apply them in gaming and competitive activities;

Perform vital motor skills and abilities in a variety of ways, under a variety of conditions.


Minutes of the meeting Deputy Director for HR

methodological association ____________ I.V. Salnikova

S.V. Ryabukhin

Physical education lessons. 5-7 grades. Guidelines. Matveev A.P.

2nd ed. - M.: 2017. - 151 p.

This manual was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the manual “Physical Culture. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks by A.P. Matveev. grades 5–9.” The purpose of the manual is to provide information and methodological assistance to primary school physical education teachers to facilitate preparation for lessons, as well as to determine ways to successfully solve learning problems. The manual will help teachers conduct physical education lessons in an interesting and meaningful way.

Format: pdf

Size: 583 KB


1.1. Structure and content of the work program “Physical culture. Grades 5-9" A. P. Matveeva 6
1.2. Age characteristics of the body of students in grades 5-7 9
1.2.1. Age-related features of teaching motor actions to students in grades 5-7 10
1.2.2. Age-related features of the development of physical qualities of students in grades 5-7 12
1.3. Forms of organization of the educational process 15
1.4. Checking and assessing the performance of students in grades 5-7 in physical education lessons 19
1.5. Assessing the performance of students in grades 5-7 in the subject “Physical Education” using planned results 27
2.1. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering an academic subject 36
2.2. Contents of the subject 40
2.3. Example work program 43
3.1. Lesson planning of educational material for 5th grade students 109
3.2. Lesson planning of educational material for 6th grade students 121
3.3. Lesson planning of educational material for 7th grade students 135

This manual was created to help physical education teachers working on the subject line of A.P. Matveev’s textbooks. In its subject content, this manual maintains continuity with the manual “Lessons of Physical Culture. Guidelines. 1-4 grades."
The basis of this manual is made up of methodological recommendations for working with A.P. Matveev’s program “Physical Culture. grades 5-9”, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for basic general education and focusing on the implementation of its targets and fundamental requirements.
The manual consists of two sections. The first section provides content of a scientific and organizational nature, introducing teachers to modern ideas about the development of the fundamentals of school physical education, new data on the age characteristics of students, methodological approaches and educational technologies that provide a noticeable improvement in the quality of teaching the subject “Physical Education”. This manual is addressed to physical education teachers who are ready to actively participate in the implementation of modern ideas and approaches in organizing their own educational process, and to consciously develop original programs and methodological recommendations for working with them.