Forsythia intermedia golden time. Forsythia intermedia Golden TimeForsythia Golden Time

Forsythia medium/intermediate "Golden Times"

(Forsythia x intermedia "Golden Times")

General characteristics

It is valued for its very early and abundant flowering, which occurs before the leaves bloom in late April-early May. Earliest flowering in middle lane bush. Small spreading deciduous shrub with slightly drooping branches up to 2m high. The growth rate is average. The leaves are serrated along the edges, variegated, from dark green to light green with a golden-yellow edge, with reverse side light.

Timing of flowering and fruit ripening

It blooms profusely, completely covering the shoots with small, rich golden-yellow flowers. The fruits are highly lignified, oblong capsules.

Optimal conditions growing

A sun-loving plant, prefers moderately moist, fertile soils. Enough winter-hardy variety, may freeze in severe winters, but quickly recovers and blooms in the spring.

Reproduction methods and planting rules

Forsythia takes well from cuttings and can also be propagated by layering. Green cuttings are harvested in June and rooted in boxes under film in the sand. The process can be accelerated by treating the cuttings with root formers. When propagated by lignified cuttings, they are harvested in October. Cut thick annual shoots into cuttings of 15 cm each, stick them into loose soil so that two or three buds remain on the surface, and cover with dry leaves. When you remove the leaves in the spring, many of the cuttings will begin to grow and become seedlings by fall. When propagating by layering in summer or autumn, bend the lower young branch to the ground, secure with pins and sprinkle with fertile soil - roots will quickly form on the branch. Before bending a branch, you can cut the bark on it - then the roots will appear faster. In spring, cut a branch from a bush and transplant it to permanent place. And already in next year Flowers will appear on the new plant.


Used in single and group plantings, decorative compositions and in mixed hedges.

Forsythia intermedia "Golden Times"

Forsythia intermedia "Golden Times"

An interesting deciduous shrub that is attractive not only during the flowering period. The earliest flowering shrub in our climate zone, it is very decorative due to its variegated foliage, oblong dark green leaves with bright yellow edges in summer and yellow-lilac in autumn. It has a wide spreading crown and arched thin branches. The height is usually up to 2 m. It is valued for its early and abundant flowering, which occurs before the leaves bloom in late April - early May. The flowers are small, bright yellow, bell-shaped, completely covering the shoots. For 3-4 weeks, forsythia retains its golden-sunny attire, especially attractive and solemn against the backdrop of the black earth and the garden that is just beginning to turn green. Forsythia leaves appear after flowering.

Forsythia love places protected from the wind and light, but can also grow in partial shade. In places protected from the wind it blooms earlier. Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Young plants that have not yet entered the flowering period are not pruned for the first few years - the shoots are allowed to grow. In the future, every spring, dry and old branches are removed from the stump. The shoots on which flowering occurred are cut off from a third to half the length. Forsythia pruning must be approached with caution. If the bush is pruned very heavily every year, it will grow quickly, but will hardly bloom. Be sure to cover it for the winter.

Before the onset of frost, it is advisable to loosen the soil around the bush and then hill it up, pouring a mound about 20 cm high in the center. It is better to bring soil for this purpose from the garden, and additionally mulch the tree trunk circles with peat or well-decomposed compost. An air-dry shelter is suitable: a frame is installed above the bush, which is wrapped around it with covering material. The voids are filled with spruce branches or dry leaves. You can use another option - tie the branches so that they do not break under the weight of snow, and bend them to the ground, having previously laid burlap, leaves or other insulating material under them. In this position, the shoots are secured with metal staples, and then the entire structure is covered with a layer of insulation. All work to prepare for winter is carried out in dry weather, when negative temperature air, and the soil will freeze slightly. Under no circumstances should covering materials be placed on damp ground - this will lead to the plants becoming wet and damp. There is no need to rush to insulate the weigela; a light frost will only benefit it. And only with the onset of stable cold weather, when the plant has finished its growing season, can you begin to cover it. A plant overwintering under snow is not afraid of frost. If all steps to prepare for winter are carried out correctly, wintering will go well, and in the spring there will be abundant and lush flowering.

Thanks to their early and long flowering, they look good not only in single and group plantings on lawns, but also as a component of complex compositions. When in bloom, they are especially impressive against the backdrop of dark greenery. coniferous species. In addition, forsythia bushes planted in tubs in advance can serve for winter forcing, and branches cut in January-February and placed in water will give you in 8-10 days delicate bouquet bright golden flowers that can decorate any interior. Recommended for use in single and group plantings and decorative compositions.

When it’s still cool outside, and the trees are gloomy and without leaves, forsythia bushes flare up like a bright yellow flame. Unpretentious plant- This is a true primrose among tree species. The modern variety of forms and varieties allows its use even in regions with cold winters.

Forsythia: a brief description

The genus of plants received its name in honor of W. Forsyth (Scottish botanist), who held the position of chief gardener in He brought it to Europe from China. The second name of the genus is Forsythia; it unites 14 species of shrubs and small trees belonging to the Olive family. All of them are highly decorative and have lush flowering, which is why they are actively used in plots and parks.

The height of the bush is on average 1-3 m, less often it reaches 6 m. The bushes are spreading, wide, the diameter reaches 2 meters. Forsythia intermediate, European and other species have bright yellow bell-shaped flowers.

The natural habitat is broken, which indicates the antiquity of the entire plant genus. Forsythia europaea is found in Albania and in former Yugoslavia. And all other varieties grow in countries East Asia(Korea, Japan, China).

Use of forsythia in gardening

The plant is very popular in Europe, where it can be found in many parks and gardens. Forsythia is valued for its high decorative properties. Lush flowering the bushes begin in early spring as soon as the snow melts. The bare branches are covered with a thick sheath of small flowers, and only after they begin to wither do the leaves appear. It looks especially impressive in the company of conifers and shrubs. Widespread use is also due to the shrub's undemanding nature in terms of soil; the most important thing is that it is well-drained. Forsythia intermedia can grow in both sun and partial shade.

Shrubs are practically not susceptible to diseases and various pests, and this also sets them apart from the rest. Some species are quite cold-resistant and, if covered for the winter, can easily grow in the conditions of central Russia.

Forsythia intermediate: photo and description

Sometimes it is also called Forsythia average. This garden hybrid, obtained by crossing green forsythia and drooping forsythia. The deciduous shrub is of considerable size and grows up to 2-3 meters in height. It has a spreading crown. The shoots are combined, some of them are erect, while others are drooping (arched). The bark is light golden yellow, young branches have a greenish tint. The leaves are large, from 5 to 12 cm in length, lanceolate-ovate, the part near the petiole is entire, and the edges are serrated-toothed. Forsythia intermedia becomes covered with leaves only after the flowering period, and then retains its lush greenery for a long time. In autumn, the bushes become crimson, yellow or even large and are collected in several pieces (up to 6) in each bud on last year's shoots.

Flowering period is April-May. The hybrid is quite frost-resistant and can withstand air temperatures down to -29°C. In the middle zone you will need shelter for winter time. This forsythia has been introduced into culture since 1880. On modern stage has a lot of high decorative varieties with large flowers, which have become widespread compared to the original species.

Tall shrub (2-3 m in height) with a spreading crown. It is light-loving and has flowers. The variety has average frost resistance (up to -26°C). Large flowers cover the bare branches for two weeks in May, followed by leaves that turn yellow and purple in the fall. Before winter, the shrub needs to be covered and the branches pinned to the ground. Forsythia intermedia Linwood gold, which is extremely easy to care for, is very often used in urban landscaping of parks, as it is resistant to polluted air.

Forsythia Vic End

The deciduous shrub blooms earlier than all other varieties of intermediate forsythia. The height of the plant is from one and a half to two meters, and as the shoots grow, they bend toward the ground and spread out to the sides. The flowers resemble the Linwood variety and bloom in large numbers, giving the appearance of a large yellow flame in the garden. Forsythia intermediate Vic End lends itself well to pruning and bush formation, therefore it is widely used landscape designers both in group and single plantings. Grows in almost any soil that has enough moisture, from alkaline to acidic.

The variety has average resistance to cold (up to -26°C). It does not tolerate summer drought, so regular watering is required.

Forsythia Goldzauber

A very popular and sought-after variety of German selection, it has perhaps the highest resistance to cold and winter frosts. Therefore, it certainly deserves attention. Flowering continues for three weeks (from mid-April). It reaches a height of 2 meters, and the formation of the bush and crown ends only in the eighth year after planting. Long, drooping branches create a simply charming picture. The flowers are large, golden yellow with a thin pleasant aroma. Forsythia intermedia Goldzauber prefers sunny, well-moistened places and the crown can be exposed to decorative pruning, the plant tolerates it well. In hot seasons it needs additional watering. The bright emerald foliage turns golden red in the fall.

Planting forsythia

You can plant and replant shrubs in the fall, but so that the plants have time to get stronger before the first frost. Forsythia prefers areas protected from the wind, sunny or in light partial shade of the garden. It is undemanding to soil, but will grow better in slightly alkaline soils. Therefore, when preparing the soil, add a little wood ash. Leave the distance between bushes at 1.5 meters.

The planting hole for the plant should be 50*50*50 in size. Be sure to pour expanded clay, broken brick or crushed stone at the bottom in a layer 15-20 cm thick, and then a layer of sand. Good drainage will be useful. After planting, the soil around the bush must be compacted and watered abundantly.

Forsythia intermediate (Linwood, Goldzauber, etc.), planted in the spring, will subsequently require usual care. But autumn shrubs will need more attention. Firstly, it is necessary to mulch the area around the trunk. For the winter, the plant must be covered; choose a material with good breathability, so that during possible thaws flower buds they weren’t banned from escaping.

Caring for forsythia: basic rules

Growing forsythia is a fairly simple task and is not much different from caring for other shrubs in the garden.

  • Watering is required only in dry summers, its frequency is 1-2 times a month, 10-12 liters for each bush.
  • Loosening the soil - to the depth of a spade and weeding after watering, followed by mulching with dry soil or compost.
  • Fertilizer application three times a season. In early spring, humus is laid out near the trunk and then watered abundantly; in April, complex mineral fertilizer is applied (at 1 square meter 60-70 g), then after flowering it is recommended to water it with a solution of Kemira-universal.
  • Young forsythia intermediate, like all other species, is subjected only to sanitary pruning. Adult bushes are improved in the summer, after flowering. Old and dried branches are cut off, leaving stumps of 4-6 cm. This stimulates the formation of young shoots. If there is a need to rejuvenate old bush, then cut off all branches by at least 2/3 of the entire length. But such a measure can be applied no more than once every 3-4 years.

Outside the window - early spring, everything is still gray and unsightly, the buds of most trees are just beginning to burst, the swallows have not yet arrived... But the delightful forsythia is already gushing with yellow splashes of curving shoots. Growing this plant is valuable because it gives confidence that warm days are just around the corner.

Planting and caring for forsythia not at all complicated, but for beautiful formation the bush will require a little effort. But believe me, it’s worth it, because forsythia has several varieties. For every taste and color, for every friend. Perhaps with varieties of forsythia and let’s begin our acquaintance with this ornamental shrub.

Forsythia: types

This shrub attracts our attention with its abundant, very bright flowering of large bells, and also very early. When does forsythia bloom? In the southern regions this is February-March, in the middle zone - April-May. Flowering lasts 3-4 weeks.

Forsythia ovate

This is the most early flowering variety of forsythia , and it is the one that is most suitable for cold climates. The most popular varieties of forsythia ovate are:

-Tetragold - a shrub with dark yellow flowers, up to one meter high. This forsythia variety needs a sunny, open location.

Forsythia Tetragold

- Weekend sapphire - a spreading plant up to one and a half meters high, with bending shoots that give forsythia a picturesque “weeping” appearance. It blooms a little later than its relatives - in May, but also blooms a little longer. The leaves of this variety of forsythia are also good - pointed, bright green in summer, and purple in autumn.

- Goldzauber - Another one popular variety forsythia ovate. It is distinguished by powerful branches and large golden flowers.

Forsythia Goldzauber

Forsythia intermedia

This variety of forsythia does not grow higher than one and a half to two meters. It has a spreading crown and bright yellow large flowers. Forsythia intermediate, being a mixture of drooping and green forsythia, managed to take the best decorative qualities from its parents:

- Vitelina - is distinguished by large, bright, bell-shaped flowers, and in the fall its leaves turn purple.

Forsythia Vitelina

-Maluch - a low-growing bush that tolerates cold winters well, with a very beautiful flowers. Compact, perfect option for small gardens.

Forsythia Maluch

-Meadow Lark – medium-sized bush, with a huge amount lemon flowers

Forsythia greenest

The greenest forsythia has beautiful not only flowers, but also leaves - dark green, with golden-yellow or silver veins. This variety of forsythia may freeze, but it will not turn into a disaster - the plant quickly recovers and looks elegant until the fall.

-Northern gold - a fairly cold-resistant variety of green forsythia, capable of withstanding the return of spring colds. It is a medium-sized bush with drooping or erect shoots and large golden flowers.

Forsythia Northern Gold

-Golden Times stands out incredibly abundant flowering– the branches literally bend to the ground under the weight of color! The leaves of the Golden Times forsythia variety are also incredibly beautiful - dark green, decorated with an irregular cream border.

Forsythia Golden Times

Growing Forsythia

Planting forsythia

Plant forsythia possible both in autumn and spring. The place for planting forsythia should be sunny, or at least in partial shade, and protected from cold winds. These plants are drought-resistant, unpretentious, prefer not very acidified soils (read how to deoxidize the soil), fertile, light ones. The best soil mixture for forsythia is: one part at a time leaf soil and humus, two parts of river sand.

The optimal size of the planting pit for forsythia is 60x60 cm, depth is 70 cm, minimum distance between plants - one and a half, and if the terrain allows - three meters. If the soil in your garden is heavy, it is better to make drainage from broken bricks or expanded clay. After planting, forsythia is watered and mulched.

Forsythia care

Preparing young forsythia seedlings for winter consists of bending them to the ground, fixing them with staples and covering them with coniferous “paws” or foliage.

Feeding forsythia consists of adding a generous layer of compost or humus in the spring. In June - early July, forsythia is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers at a dose of 50% of the recommendations on the package.

Forsythia propagation

The easiest way propagate forsythia from cuttings. For cuttings of forsythia, you can take winter, semi-lignified or green cuttings or layering.

Green forsythia cuttings are cut in June, semi-lignified ones - in mid-July. Cuttings that remain from cut shoots after spring pruning are also suitable for rooting. They should be planted in moist soil in a shaded place, preferably in buried containers, and covered with film.

Layers can be added in both autumn and spring.

What will especially please gardeners is that forsythia is not prone to diseases, and it is not particularly susceptible to insect lovers.

Formation of forsythia

Growing forsythia in open ground can be carried out both in a group of other shrubs (euonymus, spirea, etc.), and with a tapeworm on the lawn. Forsythia is also good as a hedge, and “weeping” forms can be tied to trellises.

Growing forsythia in standard form Suitable for residents of more southern regions, since in the middle zone, young growth and flower buds can easily freeze in cold and snowy winters.

At formation of forsythia it must be taken into account that this is extremely fast-growing shrub that blooms on last year's shoots . Thus, the formation of forsythia will consist of shortening young growth and removing old branches.

Pruning forsythia carried out in early spring - dry shoots are shortened to healthy wood, and after the bush fades, all faded shoots are shortened by a third.

If necessary, radical pruning is carried out in order to rejuvenate the forsythia - the entire bush is cut to a stump, and then damaged and weak shoots are removed.

A solar fountain that breathes life into city and country landscapes still dormant after winter; pliable clay in the hands of a master gardener, which can become a “tree”, a mini-bush, or a luxurious weeping shrub - that’s what forsythia is. Planting and caring for, propagating and wintering this plant is tough even for a novice gardener. Therefore, we hurry to the neighbors for cuttings, or to the stores for seedlings, so that very soon your garden will be illuminated lemon color beautiful forsythia.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

At the beginning of spring, suburban areas look deserted, since not a single plant has yet moved away. cold winter. However, among the bare bushes you can see a bright spot. This is forsythia blooming. This plant is very unusual. The fact is that flowers appear on it even before leaves begin to form on the trunk. Beautiful yellow flowers become a real decoration for anyone suburban area.


Forsythia combines several types of low trees and shrubs. Moreover, there are more than a hundred varieties of this plant. People often call this flower golden lilac. It's all about early flowering.

In its natural environment, golden lilac grows on almost all continents. Therefore, we can conclude that the plant appeared in nature hundreds of years ago.

Externally, forsythia resembles a low-growing tree on which drooping branches grow. The leaves of the plant are oval-shaped. The flowers look like yellow bells. However, depending on the species, they can have a wide variety of shapes. On some plants, the flowers have longer columns and stamens, while others have a smaller pedicel.

Types and varieties

If we talk about the varieties of forsythia, then the entire huge variety of plant varieties can be divided into two groups: non-frost-resistant and frost-resistant. Representatives of the first category are suitable for cultivation exclusively in the southern regions. Frost-resistant flowers grow well in central Russia. Their most striking representative is forsythia intermedia (medium). This flower was bred artificially, so, in fact, it is a hybrid. A plant of this species is a shrub that can reach a height of 3 m. The leaves of Forsythia intermedia are slightly elongated and have oval shape. The flowers are bright yellow. This hybrid was specially bred for cultivation in regions where temperate climate. This is why the plant tolerates dry weather and frost well.

It is worth considering a description of intermediate forsythia, or rather, the best varieties of this hybrid for growing:

  • Densifloria. Forsythia "densifloria" is distinguished by spreading branches. The flowers of this plant are pale yellow in color and grow in dense groups.
  • Pomulina. This plant begins to bloom very early. Forsythia leaves are wavy. At the same time, they begin to grow right at the base of the shoots.
  • Spectabilis. Forsythia intermedia "spectabilis" is considered the most beautiful representative of its genus. It is distinguished by lush yellow branches on which very large golden-hued flowers grow. In this case, the size of one bud can reach up to 5 cm.

The most common varieties in Europe

In European cities, the following varieties of intermediate forsythia are very popular:

  • Spring Gloria. Huge clusters grow on bushes up to 3 meters high yellow flowers extraordinary beauty. It is not surprising that the plant is called spring beauty.
  • Lynwood Variety. Forsythia intermedia "Linwood" is considered one of the most frost-resistant plants. The main advantage of this flower is that it grows very quickly.
  • Feista. This variety will appeal to those who prefer to grow more compact plants in their suburban areas. However, despite the size of forsythia, very beautiful large flowers appear on it.
  • Week-End. Forsythia intermediate "weekend" is distinguished by straight branches that reach almost to the ground.
  • Primulina. This variety is also different small in size. The branches of the flower are light yellow, so they look harmonious with the bright inflorescences.

In addition, in Europe they really like to plant forsythia intermediate “Golden Time”, “Giant Arnold”, “Parkdecor” and some other varieties in suburban areas.


Many gardeners believe that growing this plant very difficult. In fact, care and planting of forsythia in open ground do not require special effort. This hybrid does not require a special lighting mode. At the same time, it calmly tolerates heat and rare watering. You can feed the plant with almost any component. But even without fertilizers the plant will feel great.

However, this does not mean that forsythia does not need attention at all. In order for the plant to bloom well, you should pay attention to some recommendations.


Everyone knows that flower buds begin to re-form immediately after the plants bloom. This means that the tiny embryos continue to develop during the winter. If the bushes are not covered during the period of frost, then only the lower buds may bloom in the spring.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take this nuance into account when caring for and planting forsythia in open ground. To protect the hybrid shrub in winter, you can use pine spruce branches, fallen leaves or mowed grass. Also worth purchasing nonwovens, which can be easily found in specialized gardening stores.


This procedure must be carried out in order for forsythia intermediate to bloom luxuriantly.

It is not recommended to prune too early. In this case, new kidneys will develop worse. Therefore, it is worth pruning the plant before the growing season begins. It is best to carry out work in the spring, after the plant has flowered. Once every 3-4 years you need to remove old or affected shoots.


Forsythia intermedia grows well in shaded areas, but blooms better in good light conditions. It is much more important to protect the shrub from the wind, so you should choose a fairly sheltered place for it.

When planting several plants of this species at once, it is worth considering their dimensions. It is best to have at least 1.5-2 meters between plants. Golden lilacs should be planted in holes at least 0.5 m deep. The width of the planting hole should also be approximately 0.5 m.

If the soil on the site is acidic, then it is enough to add slaked lime or wood ash (200-300 g per hole).

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

If there are no flowers on the bush or there are very few of them, this may indicate a lack of nutrition. To solve this problem, it is enough to start feeding the plant, especially you need to pay attention to fertilizing before the beginning of autumn.

It is best to fertilize the hybrid for the first time immediately after the snow melts. To do this, you need to add manure to the tree trunk area and thoroughly loosen it. It is recommended to fertilize the plant a second time in April, before flowering begins. In this case, mineral complexes must be added to the soil. The third time feeding is done after the end of flowering. During this period, it is necessary to provide the bush with a complex composition of fertilizers.

If you feed forsythia in a timely manner, it will constantly delight you with fluffy and abundant flowering.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes forsythia suffers from monoliosis. This disease manifests itself in the form of brown, dry spots on the foliage and shoots of shrubs. It appears that the plant has received severe burns. For treatment, it is also necessary to start using fungicides as soon as possible.

Much less often, shrubs are attacked by lacewing or cutworm larvae. If their nests have formed on the plant, then they need to be removed and burned as quickly as possible so that they cannot spread throughout the entire suburban area.

Other pests and diseases do not affect this plant.

Growing unusual plant doesn't bring large quantity hassle. Forsythia feels great even without any care, however, in order for it to delight with abundant flowering, it is worth periodically applying fertilizers and protecting the shrub from hypothermia. This plant will be an excellent decoration for a suburban area. It can be used for landscape design.