Guide to Sylvanas Windrunner from Heroes of the Storm. Guide to Sylvanas Hots: description of skills and features Team battles and use of abilities

In this guide we will tell you about a hero in HotS like Sylvanas. Sylvanas is a specialist who excels in pushing, helps the team well, and can produce very high damage.

Advantages and disadvantages of the hero


  • A lot of escapes
  • High damage
  • Excellent pushing potential
  • Neutralizing enemy buildings
  • Ability to capture a siege camp without taking damage


  • Low damage from auto attacks
  • Low health
  • Non-directional damage, which requires very good positioning
  • The cast can only be interrupted by one of the heroic abilities

Skill build

Read the description of Sylvanas' abilities on the official website of the game.

A description and talent calculator can be found.

The main talents of the build will be colored

Full-fledged alternatives to the main talent are highlighted in blue. That is, the choice between him and the main talent lies only with you

Situational talents that can be safely used in games are highlighted in green.

Orange highlights very situational talents that are entirely dependent on the compositions and skills of both teams. Not recommended for use by beginners

Talents that require additional explanation are highlighted in grey. The explanations themselves will be in the build description

Sylvanas the Assassin:

This build is based on the ability Deadly bombardment and talent Pathfinder Ambush.

The build allows you to use Deadly bombardment 15 times in a row. Not bad at all, don't you think?

In addition, we have good mobility.

At least talent Windrunner and is one of the main talents of this build, but practice shows that it is not always possible to play well using it. It forces you to constantly move in battle, and poor player skills or certain team compositions can lead to death. If you are not sure that you can effectively use Sylvanas with 2 teleportations in a row in a team fight, it is better to take another talent. The loss in damage from a taken talent “not from the build” will be much lower than from your death.

Silvana Specialist:

Obsession turned out to be very situational. It is only suitable for well-coordinated teams that can compensate for Sylvanas' lack of control with their skills.

Sylvanas Support:

A slightly non-standard build for Sylvanas, the main point of which is not to deal damage, but to help your team by weakening opponents. But even despite this, Sylvanas’ features will not allow us to fall to the very bottom of the damage table.

  • Lost souls And Cold hugs, when used skillfully, give the team a 25% increase in damage for 2 seconds every 8 seconds, and also prevent characters with invisibility from hiding.
  • Paralysis And Overwhelming Sorrow slow down enemy characters, which gives the team an advantage.
  • Wailing Arrow can interrupt the casting of spells, cause good damage and generally change the outcome of the battle in your favor.

Game process

Line selection:

Sylvanas does not have much health, and our only escape can go nowhere with timely control. At the beginning of the game, it is better to avoid direct PvP altogether, which makes the central line less of a priority than the top and bottom, because enemy heroes from all lanes can quickly converge on it to gank.

The presence of a siege camp will also be an important factor, because Sylvanas can capture it without losing health. Even if you are playing Sylvanas the Assassin, capturing the jungle camps gives the team an advantage.

Note: Of course, these tips do not apply Blackheart Bays And Ghost copies. The Bay is a PvP map, so go with your team and hunt for doubloons. In the Haunted Mines we use standard tactics for a specialist - we push the line where our golem will go and be sure to participate in the event.

Allies and opponents in the lane:

Silvana feels great alone in the lane. Moreover, she can easily stand against two enemy heroes. But Kerrigan, visiting our lane for ganks from time to time will come in handy. Why Kerrigan? Because she has quite a lot of control, and we have a lot of damage. And if alone we can miss an enemy with a small amount of health, then we can no longer escape from two.

Also, when paired with Silvana, other specialists except Abathur perform well, because you can push the line with impunity from the very beginning of the game.

And now about the opponents. The worst thing for us is 2 specialists on the line, or even 3-5 enemy heroes. We can’t handle this on our own, we’re calling for help.

Also worth mentioning are Sonya and Sledgehammer. Sonya is the destroyer of Sylvanas' hopes at the beginning of the game. There's just nothing we can do for her. It heals all damage received without leaving the line and simultaneously destroying waves of our creeps. The sledgehammer in Siege Mode hits very hard. We can't do anything to her.

About push:

Silvana remains a specialist in all circumstances and should never forget about pushing.

We have wonderful Black Arrows And Deadly bombardment, which allow you to completely neutralize enemy towers and a siege camp. And this is done like this: We approach the tower/giant so that it stands out in the sight of our fire. Now all we need to do is use Deadly bombardment once per second, and hit the second tower/giant with an auto-attack. That's it, they are now completely defenseless in front of you.

A little more about the giants: When the shelling charges run out, you can simply use an auto-attack on both giants in turn. The speed of auto-attacks will not allow them to do anything, but we will also deal less damage, so do not forget about shelling. This tactic does not work on towers.

A little more about towers and forts: Sylvanas' damage output is quite low, so almost all the damage when pushing comes from allied creeps. And here we have 2 problems: shelling charges are consumed faster than enemy creeps are gained, which prevent ours from pushing. It's funny, but these 2 problems can be solved in one way - using Shadow Dagger. It not only helps our creeps in battle, but also infects towers with the effect Black arrows, which gives us a break of 3 seconds of using shelling.

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Black Arrows


Sylvanas' basic attacks and abilities stun enemy units, mercenaries, and towers for 1 second.

Sylvanas' ability allows her to stun buildings, warriors, and mercenaries when using basic attacks and abilities. Stunned warriors and mercenaries cannot move or attack. Stunned buildings cannot attack. Golems cannot be stunned.

Black Arrows are one of the most powerful features in the game. With its help, Sylvanas gains enormous opportunities for pushing through lines. She can single-handedly besiege towers, forts and fortresses, stunning them and saving the lives of allied warriors and mercenaries. By stunning both outer towers at the same time, Sylvanas gives her allies the opportunity to destroy the buildings unhindered. As a result, the enemy team will have to sacrifice buildings or allocate at least one player to protect them.

As siege power increases, Black Arrows gain additional importance. It will be much more difficult for opponents to kill you, your teammates, warriors or mercenaries if their fort or fortress is inactive. This move is especially effective if you're trying to push with a Golem (Haunted Mines), Weavers (Tomb of the Spider Queen), Dragon Knight (Dragon's End), or a Merc Boss. Thus, on some maps Sylvanas has a huge advantage over other heroes.

Black Arrows will help you and your teammates besiege and destroy buildings that would otherwise be considered indestructible.

3. Sylvanas Builds

Level 1

  • Sister of the wind. Increases the range of Withering Fire by 25%.
  • Lost souls . Reduces the cooldown of Shadow Dagger by 2 sec.
  • Serrated Arrows. Withering Barrage deals 200% more damage to Warriors and Mercenaries.
  • Damage. Basic attacks directed against buildings destroy 2 units. ammunition.

In most games, Jagged Arrows should be your tier 1 talent. Sister of the Wind will come in handy in games against aggressive teams, where you need to keep your distance from heroes like Diablo, E.T.S. or Kerrigan.

Serrated Arrows are very effective at early levels (1 to 6). Once you have access to Unstable Poison (level 7), you can instantly clear waves of any size. At the early stage of the game, Sylvanas will need any boost, because... at this time she is inferior to other heroes. Serrated arrows greatly increase the effectiveness of clearing camps and allow you to clear ogres camps alone. Jagged Arrows also help you achieve objectives in maps like Haunted Mines, Garden of Terror, and Tomb of the Spider Queen.

Serrated Arrows has less impact on combat effectiveness than Windsister, but the benefits of this talent outweigh its drawbacks.


Sister of the Wind increases the range of Destructive Barrage. While the 25% boost may not seem like much, Sylvanas is designed for ranged combat, out of range of abilities like Shadow Rush, Cone of Cold, etc. Extended Withering Barrage helps put more pressure on opponents, especially in the lane phase. Once you reach level 13, you will be able to take Covert Retreat or Shards of Darkness. Either way, increased range will help you get the most out of these talents. However, Wind Sister is more of a luxury than a necessity since you will still have to get within basic attack range of your opponent.

Other talents:

Lost Souls is a good talent because... it significantly reduces the cooldown of Shadow Dagger. However, with Lost Souls you don't gain any benefits until the cooldown of this ability resets, while Windsister gives a permanent bonus to Withering Barrage. In addition, a shortened cooldown is not always needed. During wave clears, you are unlikely to use Shadow Dagger more than once every 10 seconds, and the reduced cooldown will not make any difference. In a team fight, you're unlikely to be able to use Shadow Dagger more than twice, so the increased raid range of Withering Barrage will give you more of an advantage than the shorter cooldown.

Corruption is an upgraded version of Zagara's Demoman. It destroys twice as much ammunition, but does not increase the damage done to buildings. Both talents are bad because they really only work in the first 5 minutes. battle, after which they lose their potential. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, throughout the game, buildings have the same strength, while heroes, warriors and buildings become stronger. As a result, attacks on towers, forts and fortresses weaken over time. Secondly, you will be able to destroy buildings with impunity only in the lines phase. The rest of the time, opponents will actively interfere with you, not allowing you to use basic attacks on buildings.

Additionally, the Black Arrows trait stuns buildings, making them unable to attack while this effect is active, which is the same as buildings without ammo. Using basic attacks and abilities, you can stun buildings indefinitely until they are destroyed. If a building is stunned, the amount of ammunition it contains does not matter.

Level 4

  • Paralysis. Increases the duration of the Black Arrows effect by 100%.
  • Overflowing quiver. Whenever Sylvanas has maximum stacks of Withering Barrage and gains another charge when an enemy Unit or Hero dies, this ability triggers automatically.
  • Pathfinder Ambush. Teleporting with Haunting Spirits instantly restores all charges of Withering Barrage.
  • Poisoning. Poisons an enemy hero and deals heavy damage to them over 5 seconds.

Poison allows you to deal a large amount of damage, which is quite consistent with Sylvanas' nature. Poison can be used starting from level 4, it helps to effectively deal with opponents. In addition, the other talents of this tier are not of particular value to Sylvanas.

Other talents:

Paralysis is a frankly weak talent that does not bring any benefit. You either attack the building or leave it alone, there is no third option. If you attack her, the effect of Black Arrows will be applied automatically. If you stop attacking her, the Paralysis talent will give you only 1 second. additional time. If you are attacking other targets, the talent is useless.

Overflowing Quiver is another useless talent. When used correctly, Withering Barrage will never waste charges. Additionally, you will be using barrage to clear waves, so you will never be able to accumulate 5 charges.

Ranger's Ambush increases the attack of a spell that is used for completely different purposes. By using Haunting Spirits to replenish your Blight Barrage charges, you increase the chance that they will be unavailable when you need to quickly retreat or catch up to an enemy hero. Poison deals 80% more damage than 5 stacks of Withering Barrage. In addition, it is applied to a specific target and does not depend on Wandering Spirits. The cooldown of Poison is longer than the cooldown of Haunting Spirits, but you are unlikely to be able to use them twice in a fight.

Level 7

  • Unstable poison. Warriors and mercenaries under the effect of Black Arrows explode when killed and deal damage to nearby enemies.
  • Stealing life. Dagger of Shadows restores Sylvanas' health each time its effect spreads to a new target.
  • Completion. After using any ability, your hero's next basic attack will deal 25% additional damage. General talents - such as Poison and Blood for Blood - do not trigger Completion. If you are already under the Finish effect by the time of your next Basic Attack, subsequent use of abilities will refresh that effect.
  • Mercenary Lord. Siege giants and fighters located near the hero deal 50% more damage.
  • Shape of the shadow. When using Haunting Spirits, Sylvanas gains a disguise for 3 seconds. Teleportation using Haunting Spirits does not break disguise, unlike other abilities and basic attacks.

Unstable Poison provides huge potential for wave clearing. Once you use the Shadow Blade, you can kill all the warriors, regardless of the size of the wave (with the help of Withering Barrage and basic attacks, of course). As a result, you will spend very little time on the lane, having the opportunity to freely move around the map and capture targets.

Unstable Poison is considered a PvE talent, but it can also be used in PvP. If the enemy team is surrounded by their own warriors, you can kill the warriors with Shadow Blade or Wailing Arrow to deal massive damage to the opponents. Knowing this, opponents will be wary of approaching their warriors during a siege.

Other talents:

Drain Life is a situational talent. He replenishes very little health during team fights, because... There are very few targets for the Shadow Blade, but it provides significant healing in battle with waves of warriors. If you use Shadow Blade on warriors, you are likely safe and can drink from the well or wait for an allied healer to heal you.

Completion increases the damage of basic attacks. However, Sylvanas' fast basic attacks do very little damage, which is very disadvantageous for Finishing. Of course, with proper use of Withering Barrage, you can maintain this effect on yourself for every basic attack, but this is very difficult and impractical. In most cases, the charges stack up to deal quick, heavy damage rather than last for a long fight. In addition, Completion forces you to fight at basic attack range, which is not always safe. Overall, we feel that Unstable Poison provides much more benefits to the hero and team than Completion.

Mercenary Master is an impractical talent that is only useful for attacking and besieging an enemy base. Knights (fighters) fight at close range and die very quickly. Their main task is to absorb the linings of towers, forts and fortresses, and not cause damage to them. In addition, enemies usually do not pay attention to mercenaries unless they are accompanied by heroes. Your presence will attract enemies and the mercenaries will die much faster. Thus, you will only be able to accompany them if your team already has a significant advantage.

Shadow Form is another talent that is designed for winners. If you're using Wandering Spirits to catch up with your opponent, you don't need a disguise. If you were under threat, you would be less likely to chase someone who was threatening you. If you use Wandering Spirits to retreat, teleportation will be enough to get out of the fight, and camouflage will be unnecessary. In addition, enemies can see your banshees and can predict where you will teleport.

Level 10

  • . Sylvanas fires an arrow in the indicated direction. Upon reaching the target or using the ability again, the arrow explodes, deals damage in a small radius of the target and silences them for 2.5 seconds.
  • Obsession. Sylvanas forces an enemy warrior to fight on the side of her team, while the target's damage and health increases by 20%. When using an ability on a catapult, its cooldown increases by 20 seconds.

As mentioned in the Abilities section, Wailing Arrow deals significant damage over a wide area and, more importantly, silences enemies hit.

Other talents:

Possession is the worst heroic ability in Heroes of the Storm. She is absolutely useless. By pushing through lines with Sylvanas, you can clear waves almost instantly. You simply won't be able to convert every warrior using an ability with a 4 second cooldown. If you turn a warrior, he will instantly die under the onslaught of 5-10 former allies. If other warriors are distracted by another target at this moment, most likely they will attack your warriors or buildings. In this case, there will be no time left to use Possession, and it will be easier to kill the attackers.

The ability to quickly clear waves is one of Sylvanas' strongest points. If you don't use it by timing your Obsession, the advantage will be lost, not to mention the fact that it will require you to be separated from the team you're supposed to be helping. Additionally, using Obsession costs mana. 20 units - this is quite a bit, but if you want to turn a whole wave, you will have to spend 100-140 units.

Level 13

  • Overwhelming Sorrow. Black Arrows apply a stacking slow to enemies hit. Each time Sylvanas' abilities (excluding general talents - such as Poison and Blood for Blood) deal damage, the target receives 1 effect (stacking up to 5 times). The slow lasts 1 second, but the effect refreshes when damage is dealt again. Overwhelming Sorrow gains a bonus from the Paralysis talent.
  • Undercover retreat. Each time Withering Barrage hits a target, Sylvanas's movement speed is increased by 10%, up to 30%. The effect lasts 2 seconds, and when damage is dealt again, it is updated. Works with any purpose, including buildings.
  • Shards of Darkness. Withering Barrage hits an additional target within range and deals 75% damage. The second attack selects targets in the same way as the first. Shadow Shards receive a bonus from the Jagged Arrows talent.
  • Spell Shield. After receiving damage from abilities, a shield is placed on the hero, reducing damage received from abilities by 50% for 2 sec. Can trigger no more than once every 30 seconds.

Undercover Retreat and Shadowshards are very strong talents that benefit from Setra's Sister, but the former is used the most. Shadowshards find use in fights where enemies are focused on someone other than you, or allies can provide you with increased survivability (i.e. when you have multiple healers, tanks, or supports).

When used properly, Withdrawal Barrage provides a near-constant 30% speed boost. With its help, you can run away from any opponents and catch up with them. The only thing that can interfere with your plans is tight control (for example, stunning). Going undercover always brings benefits, regardless of the situation. Sister of the Wind gives this talent additional benefits because... you can use Withering Barrage from a greater distance. During battle, always hold onto the last charge so as not to lose the bonus to movement speed, because 10% effects tend to accumulate.

Shards of Darkness significantly increase damage dealt in team fights and help clear waves quickly. It should be noted that Shards of Darkness allow you to deal effective AoE damage, but do not increase damage to a single target. However, if you choose Shards of Darkness, you will lose the movement speed bonus from Covert Retreat. Choose Shadowshards only if your team includes strong healers and tanks, and there are weak or no assassins. In most cases, going undercover will benefit you much more.

Other talents:

Overwhelming Sorrow allows you to slow down enemies (up to 25%). The slowdown effect itself is very strong. It can be easily applied to entire teams using the Shadow Blade, because... it deals damage 5 times over 2 seconds. As a result, the slowdown will last 3 seconds. (due to the 1 second duration of Black Arrows) However, it will be difficult for you to maintain Overwhelming Sorrow on two or more targets because Using the Shadow Blade is the only way to apply multiple stacks to a group of enemies at once (Stunning Arrow only gives one stack). Thus, Covert Withdrawal brings much more benefits and provides high mobility.

The Paralyze talent increases the duration of Overwhelming Sorrow, but this absolutely does not justify the abandonment of Poison.

Spell Shield significantly reduces damage taken, but it often absorbs minor effects such as Entangling Roots or Chain Lightning, and enemies can deal devastating damage to you while Spell Shield is not active.

Level 16

  • Windrunner. After teleporting with Haunting Spirits, this ability can be cast again without costing any mana for 2 seconds.
  • Cold hugs. Enemies affected by Shadow Dagger take 25% more damage, but the range of this ability is reduced by 25%. Works for any purpose, including buildings, warriors, mercenaries, summons and golems.
  • Will of the Forsaken. When used, Sylvanas gains immunity to all forms of control and her movement speed increases by 30%.
  • Blood for Blood is an active ability, thanks to which the hero absorbs 15% of the maximum health of the selected enemy and reduces his movement speed by 30% for 3 sec.

Cold Embrace and Blood for Blood are excellent talents that provide maximum benefit. However, most players choose the first option. Cold Embrace implicitly increases total DPS due to the vulnerability effect. However, Blood for Blood restores a large amount of health to the hero and slows down the target. Blood for Blood should be used when the enemy team has strong melee assassins and tanks, and if the damage coming from your allies is too weak to take full advantage of your opponents' vulnerability.

Cold Embrace is one of Sylvanas' best talents. It greatly increases the damage dealt by the entire team, especially if you rely on effective combos and land strong hits in a short period of time. Reducing the range should not cause any particular problems, because The Shadow Blade will reach opponents from a basic attack distance. If possible, use Shadow Blade before Wailing Arrow to increase the damage they take.

Blood for Blood is a very popular talent that is taken by almost all heroes who have access to it. In duels, Blood for Blood does slightly more damage than Cold Embrace. In addition, it works instantly, replenishes health and slows down the enemy. If you're constantly being chased by enemy assassins or tanks that you can't escape from, Blood for Blood is a great choice. In other cases, you should stop at Cold Embraces, because... they benefit the entire team. Lastly, Blood for Blood has a 60 second cooldown, while Cold Embrace procs every time you use Shadow Dagger.

Other talents:

Windrunner gives excess mobility. Using Wandering Spirits once will get you to the desired location without the need to teleport again. There are situations in which Windrunner allows you to avoid certain death or with a guarantee of finishing off the enemy, but they are extremely rare.

The Will of the Forsaken is a kind of Purification that can be used on yourself. The difference is that Purification can be used from level 7, and Will of the Forsaken - from 16. Will of the Forsaken is a good talent, but other talents in the tier (in particular, Cold Embrace and Blood for Blood) are significantly superior to it. His choice is justified in some games where opponents use control too often, but even then Cold Embrace and Blood for Blood are much more useful. Sylvanas is a mobile hero designed to fight from a safe distance. Thus, she is controlled less often than her teammates.

Level 20

  • Deafening explosion. Enemies caught in the blast of Wailing Arrow take 50% more damage and are silenced for twice as long. Targets outside the epicenter take normal damage and are silenced for 2.5 seconds.
  • Call of the Dark Lady. Increases the increase in damage from basic attacks and health reserves from Possession to 30%, allows you to use the ability on enemy mercenaries by increasing its recovery time to 20 sec.
  • Wrath of the Storm. The hero's next basic attack deals an additional 200 damage. target damage and 500 units. damage to all enemy warriors and mercenaries nearby. Fires once every 5 seconds.
  • Storm charge. When activated, the hero teleports a short distance. With its help you can jump over walls and dispel the fog of war. The charge cannot be used while under the influence of control (slow, polymorph, stun or silence).

Storm Charge is one of the best talents in the game and is usually used to avoid death. Thanks to Storm Charge, Sylvanas, who is already quite mobile, is almost impossible to kill. Although she can use Wandering Spirits to quickly move, Banshees move very slowly, giving opponents the opportunity to orient themselves and move behind them. The storm charge has a large radius of action and instantly teleports to a safe place.

In addition, Storm Charge can also be used to attack - for example, go through a wall to catch up with a fleeing enemy.

Other talents:

The deafening explosion provides the longest silence effect in the game (5 seconds) and deals significant damage (of course, if you manage to aim so that enemies are in the very center of the Wailing Arrow's area of ​​effect). As a rule, silence rarely spreads to three or more targets. However, Concussion Blast is considered to be an unreliable talent, especially since it has to compete with Storm Charge.

Call of the Dark Lady is not used if you have Wailing Arrow as your heroic ability.

Storm's Wrath increases the potential for wave clearing, which is already quite large. The additional damage from basic attacks received every 5 seconds does not matter much, and therefore the effectiveness of Storm's Wrath does not exceed the effectiveness of Storm Charge.

4. General strategy for playing Sylvanas

Sylvanas is a very strong specialist, but from levels 1 to 3 she is inferior to other heroes. Up to level 4, she lacks damage, but this deficiency is compensated by the Poison talent. Thus, at the first levels you should carefully clear lanes with Withering Barrage and Shadow Daggers, avoiding team fights. If there is an enemy hero on the opposite end of your lane, try to hit him with basic attacks and a few stacks of Withering Barrage.

At level 7, you gain access to Unstable Poison, allowing you to clear waves almost instantly. After taking the talent, cast Black Arrows on the entire wave using the Shadow Dagger, and then finish off the warrior with minimal health with a basic attack and Withering Barrage. Remember that at low levels, a wave with full health may not have enough damage from Unstable Poison, and you will not have time to kill all the warriors while Black Arrows are active. In this case, let the enemy wave engage your warriors so that they deal a little damage to them, after which you can kill them without unnecessary difficulties. Move between the lines, clearing all the waves you see. While you gain experience, your allies will be able to wander around the map, organizing surprise attacks on enemies, working together to push through one line, and capture camps or objectives.

5. What to do outside of team battles

Team combat is the most important and challenging aspect of playing Heroes of the Storm. It is he who determines which side will emerge victorious from the battle. Team battles usually last only a short time, and the rest of the time players perform other tasks. In this section we will look at all the possible options from Sylvanas's point of view. Team battles will be described below.

So, the list of priorities is:

  • fulfillment of map objectives;
  • holding or clearing a line if your allies are not on it; pushing through the line with the help of Black Arrows if there is no enemy at the other end;
  • capturing mercenary camps on your side of the map (ogre camps - alone);
  • assistance in pushing lines.

Map objectives play a significant role in any match. If you ignore them, your opponents will gain an advantage. On some maps (for example, Sky Temple or Dragon's Edge), achieving objectives always involves team fights, while on others (for example, Garden of Horrors), team fights are not necessary at all. Sometimes the goal involves capturing a camp with a boss. However, sometimes it can be beneficial to abandon the goal and focus on pushing the line, but only if you definitely cannot compete with the enemy in the battle for the goal.

In team competitions, the goal of each side is to gain the maximum advantage. In Heroes of the Storm, advantage is expressed in the amount of experience gained from killing warriors. If there are no “hot spots” on the map where team fights take place, the lines should not be empty! As Sylvanas, you'll be able to put a ton of pressure on the lane thanks to Black Arrows. This feature will allow you to stun towers, forts and fortresses so that they do not kill your warriors and receive as much damage as possible.

If your allies have successfully occupied all the lines, go capture the mercenary camps. As a result, you will gain some experience and new allies that will help you apply pressure in the lanes. You shouldn't risk trying to get into a camp located on someone else's half of the map. However, there are exceptional situations - for example, if you know that the enemy will not be able to resist you. Sylvanas is great for capturing mercenary camps because... she can hit creatures, stunning them with Black Arrows and not taking any damage. However, she kills mercenaries quite slowly, so she will need a partner.

If you have already completed all objectives and captured all camps, most likely all allies are on the approach to the enemy Nexus. Take advantage of the situation. Go to the most crushed line and help destroy someone else's base.

6. Team fights and using abilities

Sylvanas's main advantage is the special reliability of her abilities. Sylvanas deals high constant damage, but is very difficult to kill due to her long range. Stand behind your allies and hit targets that you can reach. Use the Shadow Blade to hit multiple enemies at once. Use Withering Barrage as needed, leaving at least one charge if you have the Covert Retreat talent. If you took Shadow Shards, use shelling on cooldown. Don't let your opponents get too close. Remember to keep moving to maintain your distance. If you see a target with low health, finish it off with Poison, but be aware of the short range of this ability.

Wailing Arrow is used primarily to finish off an enemy, silence an enemy healer, or prevent one of the heroes (for example, Illidan or Chen) from using key abilities. You should not start the battle with the Arrow yourself, because... this role is usually assigned to the tank. Likewise, Wandering Spirits are used solely to increase mobility in order to catch up with or escape an enemy. Sylvanas' role in team combat is to survive and deal as much damage as possible to enemies. That is why she should not lean out to the front line in order to reach targets hidden behind the backs of enemy tanks. Hit the targets that are available at the moment.

    • When clearing waves with Unstable Poison, use Shadow Blade only after enemy units have taken damage. Otherwise, the technique may not work.
    • You can cast Black Arrows on both outer towers, or on both ogres, by standing next to the first target and using basic attacks on the second, as well as casting Ruinous Barrage at certain intervals.
    • If your team has strong tanks and support heroes, take the Shards of Darkness talent to slightly increase your damage output. Otherwise, use Covert Retreat.
    • The Blood for Blood talent is useful if you are constantly being pursued by enemy assassins and tanks, and you need to inflict additional damage on them, restoring your health. Otherwise, use Cold Embrace.
    • Once you have access to Unstable Poison, move from line to line, killing as many warriors as possible.
    • Don't use Haunting Spirits to deal damage. Remember that this ability is primarily intended to increase mobility when attacking or retreating.
    • Try to use Wailing Arrow to finish off a target, silence an enemy healer, or prevent a hero (like Illidan or Chen) from casting a key ability.
    • Use Wandering Spirits before entering a potentially dangerous fight, as... The banshee takes some time to move to the desired point.
    • You can confuse your pursuers by sending the wave in one direction and the hero in the other. If the enemy comes after you, teleport to the banshee. If the enemy chases the banshee, continue moving in the chosen direction.
    • Try to participate in capturing map targets, because... You can bring significant benefits to the team by stunning buildings with Black Arrows. Examples: pushing through lines with a golem in the Haunted Mines or escorting the Weavers in Tomb of the Spider Queen.
    • If enemy heroes are hiding behind their warriors, you can use Shadow Blade to apply Cold Embrace to all targets, then use Wailing Arrow to blast the warriors with Unstable Poison.
    • The Shadow Blade spreads out in a small radius from the center and applies to all enemy targets, including buildings. This means that when using the Blade on a fort or fortress, the effect will only spread to those standing right next to the walls. Thus, the Shadow Blade is best used on warriors or heroes.
    • By teleporting to the Wandering Spirits, you can overcome obstacles if by that time the banshees have managed to overcome a distance equal to half the width of the obstacle or more.

8. Best allies

In this section, we'll look at heroes that give Sylvanas additional benefits.


A very powerful ally, capable of providing significant support in team fights. She is capable of slowing down all opponents and inflicting huge damage on them in a short period of time. The slow allows Sylvanas to attack enemies from a safe distance, and the total damage helps finish them off. Combinations of Sylvanas and Jaina's abilities (including heroic ones) crush enemies and apply crowd control effects (silence, slow, and root) to them.


Can stun opponents with Hammer of Justice and Divine Storm, allowing Sylvanas to deal more damage to them. In addition, Uther will be able to protect you with Holy Light, Holy Radiance, Divine Shield, and Purify if you are targeted by enemy assassins. Uther is a very flexible ally, able to adapt to almost any situation.


Much like Sylvanas. She is mobile, capable of quickly clearing waves and dealing strong AoE damage. Together, Sylvanas and Valla can deal devastating damage to their opponents from a safe distance. In addition, Valla can slow enemies with Frost Shot, allowing Sylvanas to chase or run away from opponents.

9. Worst Enemies

In this section, we will look at heroes who can effectively counter Sylvanas.


Sylvanas is unable to kill in a duel. Its natural strength, combined with the Fortifying Brew, does not even allow it to penetrate shields, let alone deal direct damage. Additionally, with the help of the Stray Barrel, Chen can change Sylvanas's location, pushing her towards her allies.

How to resist Chen?

You can only deal with Chen with the help of strong allies. If they heal you and control Chen, he won't be able to harm you. Don't use Wailing Arrow to knock down the Brew if the blow can't finish Chen off. When you see a Wandering Barrel, use Wandering Spirits to teleport to your team. While in the barrel, Chen still takes damage, but he is immune to CC.


A very cunning opponent who should not be underestimated. The combination of Shadow Rush + Super Strength allows him to easily pull the target out of cover, which for Jaina means certain death.

How to resist Diablo?

First of all, Shadow Onslaught should be avoided because... the only thing that can save you from the Overpower is outside help, Storm Charge or Haunting Spirits if you manage to use them in advance. Don't approach Diablo until he uses Shadow Rush or Overpower on someone else.


Deals massive damage, but you can locate her location using Wandering Spirits. Nova can quickly kill Sylvanas on her own, so you'll need to keep an eye on her movements.

How to counter Nova?

Nova can take down most of Sylvanas health in a few seconds, but it takes her more than one cycle to do so (assuming you managed to avoid Precision Strike or Triple Shot). After this, you will have to leave the battle for a while if there is no healer on the team who can restore your health. When playing against Nova, always watch out for the ripples from Permanent Disguise. And yet, Nova has very low mobility. If you manage to detect her presence, chances are your allies will make quick work of her.


Like Nova, she is capable of killing Sylvanas almost instantly. Even if you manage to survive her combo, Ice Arrows and Water Elemental will constantly slow you down, preventing you from escaping your opponents.

How to resist Jaina?

Jaina's main weakness is that her abilities have a short range, and the sorceress herself is not mobile enough. Thus, she is forced to constantly put herself at risk in order to cause damage. However, she usually approaches her victim from the side, trying to catch her by surprise. Follow Jaina's movements. Be especially careful if there are bushes, unexplored areas or narrow passages nearby. Keep as much distance from Jaina as possible to avoid being affected by the Cone of Cold key ability, which is the basis for particularly powerful combos.

10.1. Blackheart Bay

Very large map, long matches. It has many mercenary and pirate camps, as well as large open areas.

Sylvanas is a good solo lane pusher, but you should move between the top and mid lanes to effectively use Unstable Poison. The top two lanes are located close to each other, so you can gain double experience while allowing your allies to turn their attention to the map's objectives.

Use Withering Barrage and Shadow Blade to quickly destroy the coin chests that periodically appear on the map.

10.2. Damn Hollow

Very large map, medium length matches. There are a lot of narrow paths, natural barriers and bushes.

If the first gifts appear very far away, you can continue to push the lines, not paying attention to them, while your allies try to interfere with the enemy team. This way you will gain a significant advantage in experience and will be able to win the fight for subsequent gifts.

10.3. Dragon's Land

– simple medium map, long matches.

Go to the bottom lane with two allies and try to push it as hard as possible. Few heroes can counter Sylvanas in lanes, so you'll likely be able to do significant damage by destroying the enemy tower, forcing opponents to pay special attention to the bottom lane. During this time, your allies will be able to capture map objectives.

10.4. Garden of Horrors

Medium map, very long matches. It contains the largest number of mercenary camps, not counting pirates and bosses.

Push your line as hard as possible, help your allies collect seeds. Once you have access to Unstable Poison, do not use Shadow Dagger in small camps, as... you can deal enough damage without it.

10.5. Phantom Mines

Small map with two lines instead of three, short matches. In the Haunted Mines, heroes who gain strength in the early turns and are able to push through lines are especially valued.

Thus, Sylvanas has a special advantage thanks to Black Arrows. Together with three allies, go to the line along which your golem will go. In this case, one ally who can effectively clear waves must go to another lane. If the enemy cannot answer you, you will destroy the entire enemy fort before the first mines open.

In the mines, use the Shadow Dagger on the large group of undead in the center. For small groups, using the Dagger is overkill, so it should be reserved for team fights.

Remember that you should only support your golem if its strength is 20 or more skulls. Otherwise, you risk losing your fortress. While supporting the golem, kill enemy warriors, stun towers, forts and fortresses with Black Arrows so that they cannot damage the golem.

10.6. Heavenly Temple

Heavenly Temple - large map, short matches. Team battles begin from the very first levels, but unlike the Phantom Mines, the Sky Temple has an additional line and mercenary camps.

As on other maps, actively push your line, especially at an early stage, because you need to reach level 4 as quickly as possible. If there is a weak hero standing alone in the bottom lane, you can go there. Otherwise, it will be better to stay close to your allies.

10.7. Tomb of the Spider Queen

Tomb of the Spider Queen - small map, long matches. In the tomb, killing heroes is more important than completing objectives. There are very few camps here.

The most important task is collecting crystals from spiders. Don't kill the warriors too quickly so you don't have to take risks collecting crystals. Surprise attacks are very common on this map, so move between lines with extreme care.

Once the Weavers appear, support them in every way possible. Use Black Arrows to stun towers, forts and fortresses, keeping the Weavers alive. If your opponents managed to summon their weavers, try to kill the warriors first so that Unstable Poison will help you clear the line of enemy presence.

If you liked our guide to Silvana, then you can rate it or repost it on social media. networks. See you in the game!

Deadly bombardment

Initially, the ability has only one charge, but over time it can accumulate up to 5 charges. This allows you to deal quite a lot of damage in a short period of time.

Shadow Dagger

Deals small instant damage and good periodic damage. All nearby enemies near the target receive the same damage, which allows you to deal with creeps and mercenaries very quickly.

Wandering Spirits

The ability allows you to deal damage and quickly change position. Excellent for both attack and retreat. To teleport to the spirits, you must press the skill key again.

Black Arrows

An excellent passive that makes Sylvanas an indispensable pusher or jungler. Any ability or just a basic attack will stun creeps, mercenaries, and even buildings. Unfortunately, the ability does not apply to enemy heroes.

Sylvanas' Heroic Abilities in HotS

Wailing Arrow

An ultimate that can incapacitate the entire enemy team for 2.5 seconds. Sylvanas fires an arrow that explodes at the end point or when the ability is pressed again. In this case, the targets take damage and cannot cast their spells. The skill interrupts opponents' ultimates.


The ability can only be applied to enemy creeps or catapults. In this case, the target of the spell permanently switches to Sylvanas's side. The ability has only a 4-second cooldown, which allows you to very well protect your own structures and destroy enemy ones.

Build for Sylvanas in HotS

1st level

Sister of the Wind

The talent increases the range of destructive fire by 25%, which increases the chances of catching up with the enemy.

4th level

Pathfinder Ambush

Instantly restores all charges of the Withering Barrage ability. It is not difficult to guess that this immediately makes it possible to deal 2 times more damage.

Level 7

Shadow shape

The Wandering Shadows ability is, of course, an excellent escape, but first you need to wait until the spirits move a decent distance away, and then teleport to them. This talent grants Sylvanas a short-term invisibility, which allows her to safely wait out an enemy attack and then move to her banshees.

Level 10

Wailing Arrow

There is never enough control, so it is better to take this ultimate and make enemies silent for 2.5 seconds. In mass battles, this time will seem like an eternity for the opponents. Also great for interrupting many spells.

Level 13

Undercover retreat

Although the name of the talent implies escaping from the enemy, it can also be used to catch up with the enemy. To increase speed by 30%, you need to hit with Withering Shot 3 times.

Level 16


If you look at Sylvanas's profile, you can see that she was classified as a specialist, but after receiving this talent, she will become a real killer. Gets a 5-shot combo of Withering Barrage, then banshee teleports, 5 shots again, teleports again, and 5 shots again. Just tons of damage to enemies.

Level 20

Deafening explosion

Accuracy always pays off. If you manage to accurately hit an enemy with a Wailing Arrow, the enemy will receive one and a half times more damage and a 5-second ban on casting spells.

Tactics for playing Sylvanas in Heroes of the Storm

Many people forget that Sylvanas is not a killer and from the very beginning of the game they try to get involved in some kind of fights. Of course, they won’t succeed and the hero will simply be killed. Your best bet is to head into the forest and quickly capture a few mercenary camps. This will allow you to push and pull enemy heroes from other lanes, which will give your team more space.

Remember that you need to push whenever possible. If the event starts, then drop everything and help your team, because no one deals with monsters better than Sylvanas. After level 10, you may not be so afraid of your opponents. In some cases, they will die from your cast.

The constant need to push does not allow Sylvanas to run with the team for long, so keep your teleporter always ready to escape.


  • Zeratul
  • Illidan
  • Thrall


  • Arthas
  • Svetik
  • Valla

Conclusion of the guide about Sylvanas in HotS

Sylvanas is a very interesting hero who requires a lot of concentration and attention, because having an escape will not always save you from an enemy gank. This hero can be upgraded equally well into a specialist pusher or an assassin. Although the hero costs 10,000 gold, we strongly recommend collecting this amount and purchasing it, so that you can always play as the Banshee Queen.

The first acquaintance of players with Sylvanas took place in the third Warcraft. She was the leader of the Silvermoon Rangers and bravely fought the undead hordes of Arthas, who, in turn, swept away everything in his path to the Sunwell. Sylvanas managed to greatly annoy Arthas, but was still defeated. An angry Arthas subjugated Sylvanas's soul, turning her into a Banshee, and forced her to kill her own people.

In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul begins to weaken, losing control of Sylvanas and some of the undead. Sylvanas leads this horde of the dead and together they proclaim themselves “The Forsaken.” With this army of Forsaken, Sylvanas captures the destroyed Lordaeron.

In Sylvanas, along with the Forsaken, joins the Horde.

As already mentioned, Sylvanas is the hero of the World of Warcraft universe. By class, he is a ranged combat specialist with huge pushing potential and good escape. Like most specialists in, she is a very subtle hero. But killing her is not as easy as it might seem, due to the “Wandering Spirits” ability. The official difficulty of the hero is low and I would argue with this statement, because this is one of those heroes that you need to get used to. For example, in order to competently use the same “Wandering Spirits” and teleport to the maximum distance, you will have to remember the approximate timing of the ability.


The hero's first ability is “Destructive Barrage”. She fires dark arrows at the nearest enemy and deals damage. Heroes are a priority for this ability. That is, if both heroes and enemy warriors are within the radius of this ability, then the ability attacks the hero. The ability has 5 charges. Each one recovers within 2 seconds. You can also restore 1 charge for each killed warrior and 3 charges for an enemy hero. This ability only works if there are saving stats nearby. To use it continuously, you can hold down the “Q” key. Doesn't require mana.

Sylvanas' second ability is Shadow Dagger. Deals instant damage to enemies, and also deals four times more damage within 2 seconds. For example, if you cast it on an enemy hero, it will instantly deal 10 units of damage and take away another 40 units of health within 2 seconds. This ability spreads like a plague to nearby enemies, be they heroes, warriors, or structures. It shows itself very well when pushing or capturing mercenary camps, as it hits the entire pack of mobs.

"Wandering Spirits" With this ability, Sylvanas can release a wave of spirits moving in a specified direction. At any time during the effect of the ability, the hero can teleport to these spirits. If enemy heroes or warriors get in the way, they will receive damage. This ability makes Sylvanas a very mobile hero with the ability to quickly escape. Wandering spirits can overcome any obstacle.

Sylvanas also has a passive ability - Black Arrows. Its meaning is that Sylvanas' basic attacks and abilities stun enemy warriors, mercenaries and towers. This ability also affects forts. For example, if you cast “Shadow Dagger” on an enemy tower, then this ability will deprive the tower of the ability to attack for some time, spread to the second tower through the gate and also disable it.

Wailing Arrow is Sylvanas' ultimate ability. The character fires an arrow that explodes in the target area, deals damage and silences all enemy heroes within its range. This ability has a very long range of action. Wailing Arrow can be manually detonated by pressing "R" again. The ability is very versatile and shows itself very well, both in mass battles and against single targets. Thanks to the long range of Wailing Arrow, it can be used as a finishing ability.

Possession is Sylvanas' other ultimate ability. With its help, she can capture and strengthen enemy warriors by 20%. This ability affects enemy warriors and catapults, as well as mercenaries, provided that you upgraded it at level 20.


The first build is exclusively for PVP:

The second one is designed for aggressive split-pushing:

The third is balanced:

Overall, I had only positive impressions of playing as Sylvanas. This is a serious opponent and a very dangerous split-pusher who should not be ignored. He is also one of the few heroes that allows your team to brazenly push or even fight under enemy towers and forts. I think she will become one of my permanent heroes.

In today's article we will talk about the character Sylvan and a guide that will help during Heroes of the Storm matches. The hero does an excellent job of pushing, is a good helper for the team and, as a rule, deals a lot of damage to the enemy.

Character history

Sylvanas Windrunner, leader of the rangers, followed her sacred duty - to protect her home of Quel Thalas at all costs. This is a character that combines the skills of a talented commander and a keen archer. But even with such abilities, she was unable to stop the Scourge. Silvana died, but even in the next world she had no peace. Through the powers of the Death Knight Arthas, she rose from the dead and took on the form of a banshee. Over time, Sylvanas, freed from control, managed to turn into a powerful ruler of the Forsaken.

The heroine prefers ranged combat to melee combat and actively uses dark magic, weakening and torturing the enemy. Even more information about the character can be found in our guide to Sylvanas.

Tangible strengths and weaknesses

This character has the following strengths:

  • a large number of escapes;
  • high damage caused;
  • presence of good potential for pushing;
  • the ability to neutralize enemy buildings;
  • invulnerable capture of a siege camp.

With all its advantages, Sylvanas also has several disadvantages. You can find out about them below:

  • small damage from auto attacks;
  • a small amount of HP;
  • non-directed attack (requires good positioning);
  • The cast is only interrupted by the use of some heroic ability.

Build Sylvan Assassin and Specialist

Built on the ability to use "Destructive Barrage" and "Pathfinder Ambush". With this build you can activate "GO" up to fifteen times, which is very good. In addition, the character gains mobility.

Despite the fact that using Windrunner in this build is considered the main talent, it requires a lot of skill to play it. If the player is not entirely confident in his abilities, then we recommend choosing a different skill.

As for the Specialist Sylvanas, the Obsession skill plays an important role here, but it is chosen depending on the situation. We take it if we play in a team of proven teammates who can make up for Sylvanas’ control.

Build guide "HOTS" for Silvana support

Quite an unusual build for the heroine. This build is not so often found in Heroes of the Storm guides for Sylvanas, but it deserves our attention no less. The point of the build does not revolve around dealing damage, but around support for the team. Sylvanas uses her skills to weaken enemies, while still not being inferior to her teammates in terms of damage.

  • "Lost Soul" and "Cold Embrace" - if used correctly, you can get a good increase in damage. Invisible enemies lose the ability to hide from attack.
  • Using Paralysis and Overwhelming Sorrow slows down enemies' movement speed, giving the player's team a big advantage.
  • With the help of "Wailing Arrow" you can interrupt the cast of almost any spell. At the same time, the target receives an additional hit.

Selecting a line

We continue the guide to Sylvanas and move on to reviewing the gameplay. The character does not have a large supply of HP, and the possibility of a single escape can be wasted under the influence of control. At the start of the passage, it is recommended to stay away from PvP, so we choose the top or bottom line.

Don't forget about the siege camp - its capture can happen quickly and without loss of HP. Attacking forest camps as Sylvanas the Assassin also gives you a nice advantage.

Matches on Blackheart Bay and Ghost Spears require a slightly different approach. The first map is a field for “PvP” battles, so Sylvanas should stay close to the team on it, knocking out doubloons along the way. "Ghost Copies" are completed using the standard tactics applicable to a specialist - pushing the line along which the golem will pass. Don't forget about participating in events!

About allies and opponents

Sylvanas can be played well alone. She is also able to repel two opponents at the same time. Despite this, it never hurts to have some support nearby. We recommend taking a closer look at Kerigan with her large amount of control. Such a combo, together with Sylvanas’ damage, can easily deal with opponents who have practically no HP left.

Windrunner also works well with other specialists, with everyone except Abathur. Thus, pushing the line becomes possible already at the start.

As for opponents, the most dangerous is a combo of two specialists on the same lane. Enemies of three to five people can also put us in a not very advantageous position. In this case, you will either have to seek help from your teammates or flee, because the chances of winning are practically zero.

Sonya and Kuvalda deserve special attention. We can't handle the first one - she can easily deal with a group of creeps and heal all the damage done, without even leaving the lane. Sledgehammer delivers some serious blows, especially in Siege Mode. Here again we are powerless.

Regarding pushing

Sylvanas has the amazing skills “Black Arrow” and “Destructive Barrage”, which help neutralize enemy siege camps and towers. How does this happen, and what does the guide to Sylvanas advise? First, we need to bring the hero towards the tower/giant - we do this until the selected target is highlighted by our sight. Immediately after this, you need to use the “Destructive Barrage”, while not forgetting to attack the second enemy using basic attacks.

As for the giants: if everything is bad with the shelling charges and they are coming to an end, then you can replace them with auto attacks. Thus, we hit two targets at once, each in turn. Due to their speed, the giants will not be able to attack us back, but the damage they deal will be small. Therefore, do not forget about timely shelling from the side. This tactic cannot be used while attacking enemy towers.