Where to buy mesh for a pompom rug. How to quickly and easily make a beautiful carpet from fluffy pompoms

You can liven up the interior of your home with flowers, homemade crafts and many other ways. But today we invite you to pay attention to such a wonderful and beautiful thing as a decorative rug made of pompoms. Its production is not difficult at all, and its beautiful appearance and unusually soft texture will make it a real replacement for any store-bought carpet made of sheepskin or any other material.

DIY pompom rug


  • several skeins of yarn
  • pompom making tool (optional)
  • scissors
  • non-slip mat backing


Before we begin to describe the method for creating such a rug, it is worth noting that in this master class the author used a special device for creating pom-poms. It can be found in any store selling handmade and craft goods. However, if you don't know what it is or don't know how to use it, you can make pom-poms by hand. For example, like this:

Once you have made the required number of pom poms, proceed to step number 6 and follow all further instructions.

Everyone else who knows what device we are talking about can read the description of the master class from beginning to end:


  1. Wrap the yarn tightly around each half of the device. Finally, make sure they are completely covered with yarn:
  2. Then close the device and cut the threads exactly in the middle (between its two halves):
  3. Cut a long thread from a skein of yarn and place it in the center of the future pompom. To do this, wrap it around the gap between the two halves of the device and tie it in a tight knot. Do not cut off the loose ends of the thread. They will be needed for later attaching the pompom to the carpet backing.
  4. Detach the two parts of the device from each other and release the finished pompom. Straighten it so that it takes on an even shape:
  5. Similarly, make as many pompoms as needed for your rug. In this example, the author needed 12 skeins of yarn to create a small carpet measuring approximately 91*45 cm, from which he made about 120 pom-poms.
  6. Then pass the free ends of the threads protruding from each pom-pom through the holes in the backing and tie it to it with tight knots. Cut off the excess.
  7. Pompoms can be placed in even rows or tied in a chaotic manner. This affects what shape the rug will be. You can also use pom-poms of different shades and tones to create contrast, so the rug will take on an original look and become a bright addition to the interior.
  8. At the end of the work, the excess backing also needs to be cut off.

Use the resulting rug for its intended purpose or exclusively for decorative purposes.

With the help of a pompom rug you can decorate any room in your apartment, making it incredibly cozy, warm and comfortable. This product is a fluffy rug, which is made from threads, yarn or special braid. You can make it yourself at home.

Design options

A pompom rug can come in a variety of designs. The shape of the product can be in the form of a circle, square, rectangle or in the form of other geometric shapes. Often, a pom-pom carpet is made in the form of an animal skin (usually a bear, hare, sheep or fox). These varieties differ in their colors and sizes, which can be absolutely any. You need to choose the appearance of the product based on the interior design of the room in which you plan to use it.

For example, if you want to place such a soft and fluffy rug in a children's room, you can make it bright and colorful, if in an adult bedroom or living room - in delicate light colors.

Features and Benefits

A pompom carpet performs a number of important functions and has many advantages:

  • decorative function– products of this type look original and stylish, while they make the interior as cozy and special as possible;
  • versatility and functionality– pom-pom rugs fit perfectly into any interior style; they can be used in any room (bedroom, living room, hallway, nursery, bathroom, terrace, including as soft covers for stools);
  • reasonable cost– products are made from materials and yarn, the cost of which is low;
  • the opportunity to make a carpet with your own hands– Anyone can cope with this task.


Various raw materials are used to make a pompom carpet.

The most popular types of materials are:

  • Yarn. The thread should not be thin. You can choose synthetics, wool, acrylic or cotton. In order to save money, they often use not purchased yarn, but threads obtained from unraveling old knitted items. A good manufacturing option is a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers.
  • Original products can be made from garbage bags. The main advantages of such products are their low weight, low cost and the simplest possible care - such rugs can be washed by hand using soap or detergents.

Manufacturing stages

The first step is to decide what size the future rug will be and, depending on this, calculate the required amount of materials. It is important that you have scissors, cardboard, a pencil, a crochet hook, and a needle on hand. Next, you need to select the base of the product. This could be a special textile or mosquito net, or a piece of tapestry.

Before you start, you need to prepare a template for making pompoms. It can be made from cardboard (you need to cut out circles with a hole in the center). If you want all the pompoms to be the same size, we make circles of identical diameters; if you want to get pompoms of different sizes, we prepare different templates.

Making a pompom

We take prepared templates (two identical cardboard circles with holes in the center). Then we begin to wind the thread evenly around the template around the entire circle, passing the thread through the central hole. After this, take scissors and carefully cut the threads along the outer edge of the circles, then move the templates a little to the sides and tighten the middle with another thread. The result is a pompom that just needs to be fluffed.

Another method for making pom poms is to wind the thread around your fingers. Depending on the desired size of the pompom, wind the thread around two, three or four fingers (make about fifty turns). Pull the resulting winding in the center with another thread and remove it from your fingers. After this, all that remains is to cut the ends of the winding and straighten the finished pompom. The thread used to tighten the pompom in both methods should not be cut. With its help, the fragments will be attached to the base.

You can liven up the interior of your home with flowers, homemade crafts and many other ways. But today we invite you to pay attention to such a wonderful and beautiful thing as a decorative rug made of pompoms. Its production is not difficult at all, and its beautiful appearance and unusually soft texture will make it a real replacement for any store-bought carpet made of sheepskin or any other material.

DIY pompom rug


  • several skeins of yarn
  • pompom making tool (optional)
  • scissors
  • non-slip mat backing


Before we begin to describe the method for creating such a rug, it is worth noting that in this master class the author used a special device for creating pom-poms. It can be found in any store selling handmade and craft goods. However, if you don't know what it is or don't know how to use it, you can make pom-poms by hand. For example, like this:

Once you have made the required number of pom poms, proceed to step number 6 and follow all further instructions.

Everyone else who knows what device we are talking about can read the description of the master class from beginning to end:


  1. Wrap the yarn tightly around each half of the device. Finally, make sure they are completely covered with yarn:
  2. Then close the device and cut the threads exactly in the middle (between its two halves):
  3. Cut a long thread from a skein of yarn and place it in the center of the future pompom. To do this, wrap it around the gap between the two halves of the device and tie it in a tight knot. Do not cut off the loose ends of the thread. They will be needed for later attaching the pompom to the carpet backing.
  4. Detach the two parts of the device from each other and release the finished pompom. Straighten it so that it takes on an even shape:
  5. Similarly, make as many pompoms as needed for your rug. In this example, the author needed 12 skeins of yarn to create a small carpet measuring approximately 91*45 cm, from which he made about 120 pom-poms.
  6. Then pass the free ends of the threads protruding from each pom-pom through the holes in the backing and tie it to it with tight knots. Cut off the excess.
  7. Pompoms can be placed in even rows or tied in a chaotic manner. This affects what shape the rug will be. You can also use pom-poms of different shades and tones to create contrast, so the rug will take on an original look and become a bright addition to the interior.
  8. At the end of the work, the excess backing also needs to be cut off.

Use the resulting rug for its intended purpose or exclusively for decorative purposes.

See original ideas on how to make a carpet, bedspread, blanket, and pillows out of pompoms.

It is very nice to receive a gift that is made with your own hands. Moreover, such things are always obtained in a single copy and are not very similar to the others. Blankets, rugs, blankets made of pompoms - these products will not only decorate the interior of the room, but will also perform practical tasks and keep you warm, especially in cold weather. To understand how to create such things, see the information below.

How to buy a base and pom-poms for a rug with your own hands in Aliexpress: links to the catalog

If you don’t want to make fluffy pom-poms with your own hands, you can easily buy them on the world famous trading platform Aliexpress. You can order pompoms of different colors, sizes, made from a variety of materials.

Aliexpress - buy pompoms

How to make pompoms with your own hands from yarn: instructions, description, photo

They are made using different methods and from different materials. Let's learn how to make a pompom using two circles of cardboard and colored yarn.


  1. Take ready-made cardboard blanks, as in the image below, and fold them together.
  2. Wrap threads around them. The more thread there is on the cardboard, the more magnificent the pompom will be.
  3. Using small scissors, cut the threads along the side borders.
  4. Pull the cardboard circles apart a little.
  5. Tie the product in the middle.
  6. Remove the circles. Straighten the resulting pompom and give it the perfect shape.

IMPORTANT: Wind the threads evenly onto the cardboard frames, then the pompom will turn out neat.

How to make a carpet from pompoms: instructions, description, photo

There are many options for making carpets, rugs, blankets, and pillows from pompoms. If you want to get a dense product, then it is better to attach the pompons closer to each other on a durable material.

For this:

  • Knock down the "loom". It is enough to take a rectangular box of the required size and nail nails along the edges.
  • Nail the nails at the same distance. Then intertwine the threads to make squares like the one in the image below.

How to weave a rug from pompoms
  • It is advisable to make such weavings from yarn of different colors. The first twenty pieces of the bottom row, for example, are white.
  • The second ones are blue. The bottom white ones will be the base, and the top ones will have to be cut around the perimeter of each square in the middle to make a fluffy pompom.
  • The more threads there are on the “loom”, the fluffier the pompom will turn out.
  • The only thing is that before cutting the threads, you need to tie them manually at the intersections.
  • At the end, when all the pompoms are ready, straighten them. Carefully cut the threads from the carnations so that you get a fringe, as in the image below.

Carpet - chicken

IMPORTANT: To make a rug with a pattern, use yarn of different colors to create compositions.

How to make a blanket from pompoms: ideas, photos

If you want to make a warm blanket. Then you will need a frame of the required size. It is advisable to make a “loom” for weaving with a width of 95 cm and a height of 165 cm. Use 120 mm nails to form a lattice of threads. Moreover, hammer them into the frame a little, the height of the nail for weaving is the most comfortable 7-8 centimeters.

Wind the yarn - don't regret it. You can wind about 50 pieces of thread on each nail.

Do-it-yourself blanket

If you want a colored product, then wind threads of different colors, so the blanket will turn out beautiful, original.

Finally, cut the pompoms as described above in the middle of each side of the resulting squares. This is also not done quickly, but be careful not to cut off excess and the blanket is not left without a base.

How to make a blanket from pompoms: ideas, photos

To make a bedspread, you should first decide on its size and take into account that, due to the volume of the pompoms, it may become slightly smaller in size. Therefore, approximately for the bedspread template, add another five centimeters to shrink it.

Little yellow blanket

You can make a good, warm bedspread that will decorate your bed from ready-made pom-poms and a base (burlap), as in the photo below. From multi-colored material, create an original ornament or pattern on the product. It is enough to sew each pompom to the base and you will get the result.

Pompom base

How to make a blanket from pompoms: ideas, photos

A blanket made with love will keep you and your family warm. It will also fill the house with positive energy. See below for examples of beautiful patterns on a pompom blanket. It's not difficult to make them.

On a special box with nails around the perimeter, stretch multi-colored threads of yarn. Weave a fabric of squares from at least 40-50 threads. Tie the intersections and cut the pompoms without touching the base.

This blanket is made from two white and blue threads.

Blue blanket with white base

How to make a children's rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

A small rug with a cute pattern can be made from threads and a mesh base. What’s good is that when creating a product you can come up with various patterns and even pictures. It can be used as a floor mat or can be hung on the wall.

A delicate pink carpet is suitable for a nursery where a girl lives. It will look very beautiful if it harmoniously matches the overall interior of the room.

A fluffy multi-colored rug is a great product; it will warm your feet and decorate the room.

How to make a bedside rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

Bedside rugs give the interior a special coziness. They can be made in various shapes. To do this, the base should be cut as you need it to make the item.

You can also make smooth transitions from one tone to another.

If you cut out the base in the shape of a heart and sew lush pom-poms on top, you will get such an original carpet.

Rug heart

How to make a bath mat from pompoms: ideas, photos

If you like your feet not to step on a cold floor, then a pom-pom bathroom rug is just the thing for such requirements. It can be made from yarn. Or you can make it from garbage bags. To do this, they are cut into strips and made into pompoms, and then sewn onto a thick base.

It is better to choose colors to match the overall design of the room.

How to make a rug for a chair out of pompoms: ideas, photos

Small square products are suitable for the chair. Moreover, they can be made for one seat, or they can be created in the form of a rectangle so that it covers both the back and the seat at once.

Chair seat

If you add cute threads in pink, white and dark tones, you will get cute pompoms, like in the picture.

How to make a pillow from pompoms: ideas, photos

A dense base should be used for the pillow. Make a pattern in the form of a pillowcase, and then trim the fabric with multi-colored pom-poms. Place padding polyester inside. Sew the sides and front. You will get a soft, bright pillow, as in the photo below.

You can make a decorative pillow in the shape of a flower. To do this, sew the pom-poms in layers, as in the picture.

IMPORTANT: Use pompoms as decorations. You can also sew beautiful appliqués where they are appropriate.

How to make a bear skin rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

There are more interesting ideas for a country house. In particular, you can easily make a bear skin pattern. And then sew dark-colored pom-poms on top and form a bear’s head from them.

Bear fangs can be found in stores that sell gag supplies. Replace the eyes with matching buttons.

DIY bear skin

How to make a bear rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

For such a product you will need to crochet the head, body, ears, and paws of the bear. Cover the abdomen with pompoms. Make a nose out of them and draw eyes. You will get such a funny bear.

Rug - bear

How to make a sheep rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

To begin, use regular knitting needles to knit a dense base of gray threads, as in the photo below. Make pom poms. For this:

  • Wrap beige yarn around two fingers, but do not pull the threads tightly.
  • Spreading your fingers a little, stretch the thread between them and tie the pompom in the middle.
  • Trim the edges of the threads and trim them to make an even ball.

Rug - sheep on the floor

Sew the finished pompoms onto the back of the sheep. Eyes can be made from buttons.

How to make a leopard rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

A leopard rug can be a stylish decoration for your living room. To create it you will need pompoms of different sizes, made from black and white threads. The leopard's head can be made voluminous. To do this, it must be sewn from thick fabric and stuffed with synthetic padding, and then trimmed tightly with small pom-poms.

How to make a crocodile rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

The crocodile will turn out perfect if it is made from green pompoms. You will also need a base to make it. It can be made using the pattern shown below in the image.

After all the preparatory work, all that remains is to sew on the pom-poms and cut details. The product will be interesting if you use pompoms with different shades of green.

How to make a daisy rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

Chamomile is made according to the same pattern as the rest of the floor mats. The only thing that is used for the rug is white pompoms for the petals and yellow ones (as the center of the flower).

Rug - daisies

How to make a butterfly rug from pompoms: ideas, photos

For a butterfly carpet you will need a base in the form of wings and small neat pompoms of different colors. Sew around the base as in the image below and make a mustache on the head. This rug will look great in a child's room.

Bright butterfly - rug

How to make a New Year's wreath from pompoms?

To make such a wreath, you will need a solid base so that the pompoms fit well on it. Cardboard is ideal for this. Take a circle of thick cardboard of the required size. And then glue pompoms of different sizes onto it. Use Christmas tree decorations, ribbons, and bells as decorations.

DIY wreath

The best DIY pompom products: photos

Below are images of products in different designs. Thanks to the photo, you can find an idea for creating a beautiful interior decoration.

Video: Pompom carpet

A DIY pompom rug is a stylish and beautiful thing for your interior. To make a rug from pompoms with your own hands, you do not need any serious expenses or special skills. Every needlewoman can make it. Such a decorative item will become an unusual accessory to any room in the house, a bright accent of the room.

Having chosen the shape you like, you should decide on the thickness of the future work. If the apartment has a cold floor, then it is better to make an insulated version of a soft rug. To do this, a base is made with two layers, a padding polyester is sewn between them, which will protect from the cold. If it is planned as a decorative element, then a single-layer base or a simple mesh will do.

After preparing the base, you can begin to assemble the rug.

Its production consists of several stages:

If the base is not fabric, but a mesh, then the tails of the pompoms are inserted into its cells and the threads from neighboring balls are tightly tied into a knot on the inside. To make the finished work more neat, the reverse side is sewn with fabric so that the knots are invisible.

Knowing how to knit will help you create the base yourself. You will need such a base to sew a custom rug from pompoms with your own hands, the details of which will not only be a large number of “thread hedgehogs”.

DIY pompom rug - teddy bear rug

A cute floor blanket in the shape of a bear will look great in your baby's room.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • 850 grams of yarn of the main shade (preferably with thick threads);
  • 160 grams of thread several shades lighter;
  • 80 grams of pink yarn;
  • hook/knitting needles to tie the head, paws of the bear cub.

A master class on making an unusual carpet should begin with drawing a pattern for the product.

You can focus on the following sizes:

About 32 small pompoms are made from the main yarn, which are sewn in this order: the first row near the bear’s throat - 4 pieces, from the 2nd to 4th row - 6 balls, in the 5th row - 4 pieces.

You definitely need to focus on the proportions of the teddy bear: the number of rows and the total number of pompoms will depend on them.

Using a hook or knitting needles, the head, ears, and paws of the bear are knitted (the color of the threads for these details may be different). The size of the parts depends on the size of the rug you need.

Small pompom balls are made from yarn of a different color (for example, pink) to decorate the bear. Three large pompoms will decorate the face and ears, and 8 small ones will be used to make paw pads.

The final assembly of the bear rug is simple: knitted elements are sewn to the body, and then the finished rug is decorated to your liking.

You can get creative and make not a bear, but, for example, a sheep:

Other products can be made in a similar way, so fluffy rugs are not the only example of this type of needlework. This technique allows you to create various toys, crafts, pillows and other design elements.