Ginkgo biloba – how effective is it? Ginkgo biloba. (Plant description)

Ginkgo biloba is one of the ancient trees on the ground. It appeared about 280 million years ago and is contemporary with dinosaurs, which is why it is also called dinosaurian, as well as “stone”. In those distant times, ginkgo biloba grew on all continents. Scientists have found that there were about 50 species. Only one species has survived to this day. Ginkgo biloba leaves were used for medicinal purposes in China as early as 3000 BC.

Currently, ginkgo biloba and ginseng are the main components in traditional Chinese medicine. Over the past 50 years, it has begun to be grown in many countries around the world for production. medicines.

Ginkgo biloba - health benefits

Leading medicinal plant experts call ginkgo biloba the “tree of youth” because its antioxidant properties effectively slow down the aging of the body.

The healing properties of ginkgo biloba can normalize the activity of any tissue or organ by restoring the circulatory system in them.

Ginkgo biloba preparations help with dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches, and senile memory loss. They prevent the development of Raynaud's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, reduce depression, eliminate anxiety and other ailments that are associated with mental activity.

Ginkgo biloba is a very strong antioxidant. main reason aging is cellular damage caused by free radicals. They are formed in the body as a result of metabolic processes, as well as from exposure to external reasons(smoking, alcohol, radiation, pollution environment etc.).

According to scientists, free radicals cause more than 60 diseases, including atherosclerosis, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Antioxidants help prevent these processes. Ginkgo biloba preparations improve the elasticity of the walls blood vessels brain, help expand them, restore the circulatory system, reduce blood viscosity and dilute blood clots.

Ginkgo biloba - application

Studies have shown that the results from taking ginkgo biloba medications come on the seventh to tenth day of use, and a significant effect is felt with a monthly course.

To get a lasting result, long-term (at least 3 months) treatment is required. Scientists have found that the substances that make up ginkgo do not accumulate in the body and are harmless.

Infusion. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dry leaves of ginkgo biloba, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes. Take 3 times a day, 1/3 cup before meals. The course of treatment is one month, the break is two weeks, after which the course is repeated. It is recommended to carry out 3-4 courses of treatment.

Tincture. Prepare with vodka 1:10. Leave in a cool, dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Don't strain.

You can use ginkgo leaf in powder form by grinding it dry in a coffee grinder. In the morning before meals, 30-40 minutes before eating, you need to chew a coffee spoon of powder without top and wash it down warm water. One dose per day is enough. The course of treatment is a month, after a break of 14 days - repeat. It is recommended to conduct 3 courses per year. With regular use of ginkgo biloba, the beneficial effects remain for a long time.

The use of ginkgo biloba for certain diseases

— To improve potency, treat impotence due to age, to help older people overcome emotional stress, take 15 drops of tincture (prepared above) in half a glass of water 2 times a day before meals. The course is six months.

— For hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, emotional stress, aches and numbness of the extremities caused by poor circulation, and depression — take a coffee spoon of ginkgo biloba leaf powder (described above).

— For older people, to slow down the aging process and strengthen the immune system, take the powder for four to five months, ½ coffee spoon in the morning half an hour before meals, with warm water. Take it for a month, take a break for a month, repeat it.

— To reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, in case of allergies, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of ginkgo biloba powder, simmer for 5-10 minutes in a water bath, strain. Take 3-4 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. boats half an hour before meals.

— To improve brain function, strengthen blood vessels, remove excess water and carbohydrates from the body, prepare a preparation: take 2 handfuls of dried crushed ginkgo biloba leaves. Pour 500 ml of 70% alcohol into a saucepan, put on fire and heat very carefully until steam appears above the liquid.

Pour hot alcohol over crushed ginkgo biloba leaves. Close the drug tightly with a lid and place in a cool, dark place, leave for 8-10 days.

After the time has passed, strain the liquid well and pour into a clean dark glass bottle that closes tightly. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, adding to tea.

By taking ginkgo biloba preparations, you will improve your health and also delay the aging of your body. The results of using the plant will prove the remarkable benefits of ginkgo biloba.

High-quality ginkgo biloba can be purchased in the online store.

Application medical product Ginkgo biloba has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain; patient reviews of this treatment are positive. The effect of the medication is systemic, so the benefits of the dietary supplement are obvious to the whole body. Ginkgo biloba tablets can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, the effectiveness of the drugs plant origin no doubt. Even the use of homeopathy must be additionally coordinated with the attending physician, and self-medication should be avoided.

What is ginkgo biloba

The ginkgo tree, which belongs to the dioecious gymnosperms, class Ginkgoaceae, has beneficial properties and grows in Europe. Ginkgo can live up to 2,000 years, and has a physiological feature - male and female cells of the reproductive system. The former produce pollen, the latter produce seed buds, which are pollinated by air currents. By their nature, they are healthy and have preventive and therapeutic properties. Such medicinal plants can cure a number of diseases and prevent acute attacks of chronic ailments.


Leaf extract is used for treatment and prevention. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, vasodilating, tonic properties. The presence of antioxidant effects in the plant composition makes dietary supplements in demand in all areas of medicine. This natural medicine has a unique herbal composition, among the active components are linalool esters, phenylpropane derivatives, sesquiterpenes, tricyclic diterpenes, ginkgolide. Ginkgo biloba has become the basis of many homeopathy medicines.

Benefits and harms

Possessing antioxidant activity, it unique remedy has found its application not only in modern medicine, but also in cosmetology. Among the beneficial properties of Ginkgo biloba, doctors highlight the following points:

  • cerebral circulation is normalized;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • the elasticity of vascular walls increases;
  • blood sugar levels stabilize;
  • increased swelling disappears;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes.

It is not recommended to use dietary supplements during pregnancy; such medicine can also be harmful during lactation. Alternative treatment for epilepsy is prescribed with caution; in addition, before starting the course, it is important not to forget about the body’s increased sensitivity to the active components of this unique medicinal plant. Otherwise, Ginkgo biloba preparations provide enormous health benefits to patients at any age.


The presence of active additives is appropriate in all areas of medicine. For example, in cardiology, Ginkgo biloba increases the elasticity of blood vessels and is effective prevention atherosclerosis, and in neurology helps combat migraine attacks, increased excitability, and decreased intellectual functions. In modern cosmetology, it is a productive remedy against wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, and in endocrinology - reliable medicine against diabetes.

Ginkgo biloba tea

From this unique tree, or rather its leaves, you can prepare a healthy drink. Ginkgo biloba tea is necessary for impaired blood circulation in the brain; it has an antioxidant and tonic effect, protects cells from free radicals, and helps restore weakened immunity. These types of drinks are used to prevent strokes and prevent relapses of cardio-vascular system. The presence of natural vitamins in the plant composition makes this remedy especially popular among the masses.

Preparations based on Ginkgo biloba

Considering the unique substances in the plant composition, Ginkgo biloba leaves are added to chemical formula many medications, replenish the range of dietary supplements. You can order such medications from a catalog and buy them in an online store, but you must first obtain the support of your doctor. Tablets are prescribed to patients for circulatory disorders and more. Well proven following positions:

  1. Biloba Evalar. Restores blood circulation, increases visual and hearing acuity, relieves dizziness and migraine attacks.
  2. Vertex. The tablets help improve memory, blood microcirculation, have a positive effect on cerebral circulation, and improve vascular elasticity.
  3. Tanakan. The herb in the composition is an effective prevention of thrombosis and sclerosis, and has a sedative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect in the body.
  4. Ginos. It is recommended to use the capsule for dizziness and sleep phase disturbances, and in old age with decreased memory functions.
  5. Memoplant. According to the instructions for use, it is appropriate to use this medication after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or brain surgery.

Ginkgo Biloba from Evalar

This unique plant contains all the power of nature. According to the instructions for use, such products from Evalar are produced in the form of tablets and capsules, packaged in one package of 40 pieces. The active components of the drug improve blood circulation and memory, increase visual and hearing acuity, and with a full course of treatment, remove toxins from the body, stimulate vascular tone, and activate the body's immune response. For this type of treatment of diseases, a three-week course is required, with a correctly selected dosage.

pharmachologic effect

Before taking Ginkgo biloba, you need to study Full description medication, carefully read the attached instructions for use, familiarize yourself with real reviews doctors and patients. In addition to the powerful antioxidant properties, the following pharmacological properties of this unique plant should be noted:

  • removal of free radicals;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • increasing potency;
  • stimulation of systemic circulation;
  • strengthening weakened immunity;
  • removal of intoxication products;
  • increased hearing or visual acuity with long-term use;
  • cleansing the blood of harmful cholesterol;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Release form

Medicines containing relict plants of the specified family have several convenient forms release. These include capsules and tablets, drops, tinctures and powder for preparation. medicinal composition. Medicines are intended for oral administration and effectively penetrate into the systemic circulation, but in their own way pharmacological properties are not toxic or harmful. They are equally active in relation to the source of pathology and provide a stable therapeutic effect with comfortable treatment.

Indications for use

  • encephalopathy;
  • dementia, including Alzheimer's disease;
  • neuropsychic weakness;
  • neurosensory disorders;
  • disturbance of peripheral blood flow and microcirculation.

Instructions for use of Ginkgo Biloba

The drug contains herbal components, so the list of contraindications is minimal, overdose is excluded. The treatment has a stable positive effect, and cannot harm health if you follow the daily doses and basic rules of administration. So, a typical medication is intended for oral use, and the capsules should be swallowed whole and not washed down. The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. The duration of intensive therapy is 3 months. For chronic diseases, you are allowed to drink up to 6 capsules per day.

Side effects and overdose

Tablets or other forms of release of Ginkgo Biloba have antioxidant properties, however, such pharmacological prescription may cause side effects. More often these are pronounced signs of dyspepsia and allergic reactions that are temporary. The medication should not be discontinued, but be sure to consult with your doctor. Cases of overdose have not been reported in extensive therapeutic and folk practice.


This representative of Chinese medicine has a positive effect on all parts of the body. The drug is used strictly according to the instructions, which also informs about existing medical contraindications. You should not violate such restrictions, otherwise the severity side effects is only getting stronger. The following prevents you from taking the drug: clinical pictures:

  • childhood up to 16 years old;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to plant components;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation;
  • with caution: with epilepsy, preparation for surgery.

special instructions

Before using the drug, it is necessary to study the herbal composition and eliminate the risk of developing an acute allergic reaction. Patient reviews should not become a guide to future therapy; consultation is required knowledgeable specialist. Store the natural product in a dark and dry place, always away from children. There are other special instructions.

The most important and unique healing properties of Ginkgo Biloba are the plant’s ability to improve brain activity, treat Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, get rid of depression, improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, improve vision and heart rate, reduce pain, protect nervous system, preventing the occurrence of cancer and slowing down the aging process of the body.

What is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba is the oldest of all ancient plants on the planet. This is the last surviving species of the family Ginkophyta , all others are considered extinct. Already more than 300 million years Ginkgo Biloba is struggling to survive and is now in danger of becoming extinct.

Of great importance for the study of plant evolution, as well as a wide range medicinal properties, served as the reason for the fact that Ginkgo Biloba was taken into custody. The birthplace of the tree is China. Until now, the plant is found there, since transporting tree seedlings is quite difficult. Some trees have more than 2500 years.

Uses of Ginkgo Biloba

The medicinal health benefits of the Ginkgo Biloba plant have been extensively researched and are now widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The plant is considered one of the most popular supplements on the market. Its fruits, which resemble nut kernels, are consumed as a delicacy by some cultures, especially during Chinese New Year.

But the most common way to use Ginkgo is to make herbal supplements from seed and leaf extracts. The seeds of the plant have proven themselves in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac. However, with modern research, these properties of the plant have not been scientifically confirmed.

The extensive list of healthy ingredients includes:

  • phenolic compounds,
  • flavonoids,
  • terpenoids
and many others organic matter, which are found in huge quantities in Ginkgo leaves.

10 Health Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

The plant has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of many diseases. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Treatment of depression

    Ginkgo Biloba is widely used in the treatment of depression and chronic mood swings. Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the plant in the treatment of these diseases. Best results observed in older people, in particular those who suffer from depression resulting from cognitive impairment. Positive dynamics were also observed in young patients.

  2. Improved cognitive abilities

    The effectiveness of Ginkgo Biloba is manifested in the influence of the plant on human consciousness. Studies have shown that the use of the plant can improve memory, increase concentration and stimulate creative thinking. There is often debate as to whether this is a placebo effect. But, nevertheless, millions of people around the world continue to use this plant to improve brain activity.

  3. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

    Medical officials agree that Ginkgo Biloba has a positive effect on patients suffering from cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Improvements in cognitive ability and brain activity have been observed due to the antioxidant compounds, terpenoids and flavonoids contained in the plant. Scientific research confirmed the ability of these compounds to stimulate nervous activity and protect against amyloid plaques.

  4. Improved eye health

    Another reason for using Ginkgo Biloba is its ability to have a powerful effect on vision. Antioxidants contained in the plant help protect the eyes from oxidative stress, thereby preventing the occurrence of degeneration macular spot and cataracts. The use of Ginkgo Biloba has also been shown for people suffering from glaucoma.

  5. Reduced pain

    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Ginkgo Biloba is a mild pain reliever. In other words, as inflammation decreases, the feeling of pain also disappears. All this has led to the fact that the use of the plant has become popular among people recovering from injuries or wounds, as well as among those who suffer from chronic headaches.

  6. Regulating Blood Flow

    Studies have shown that Ginkgo Biloba extract makes it possible to increase the permeability of blood vessels, blood supply to the limbs, skin and other vital organs. By improving oxygen supply, a person begins to feel a surge of strength and energy.

    The condition is also alleviated in patients suffering from lameness, gout or poor circulation. After using Ginkgo Biloba extract, such people gain the ability to travel long distances without excruciating pain.

  7. Maintaining Heart Health

    The use of Ginkgo Biloba extract helps reduce blood pressure and eliminate blood clots. The combination of these two effects leads to restoration of heart health by reducing the load on it. All this significantly reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  8. Preventing Nervous Disorders

    The use of Ginkgo Biloba extract helps prevent nervous disorders. This combination chemical compounds not found in other plants. That's why unique properties Ginkgo Biloba is considered something mysterious and difficult to prove. Improvement in the condition of patients with Parkinson's disease and Raynaud's disease has also been associated with the use of Ginkgo Biloba.

  9. Cancer protection

    The influence of free radicals and dangerous products cellular metabolism leads to the degeneration of healthy cells into cancer cells. The walls of the blood vessels of the heart are also weakened. The large amount of antioxidants contained in Ginkgo Biloba, as well as terpenoids, flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds help eliminate Negative influence free radicals. The whole body is protected from cancer, heart disease and chronic diseases.

  10. Anti-aging properties

    Despite the fact that many consider the positive properties of Ginkgo Biloba to be exaggerated, one of the main reasons for using the extract is its ability to rejuvenate the body. Antioxidants contained in the plant restore skin elasticity and health, slow down the process of wrinkles and age spots, and also accelerate wound healing and smooth out scars.

Caution, contraindications and side effects

    The use of the extract is contraindicated in pregnant women due to the anticoagulant properties of the plant.

It is difficult to even imagine how many years a unique tree called Ginkgo biloba has lived on our planet. Traces of this family have been found in rocks dating back 200 million years. But the uniqueness of Ginkgo biloba is not only its longevity. This amazing giant has beneficial properties for the human body. Even official medicine appreciated these beneficial effects. Instructions for the use of ginkgo biloba in folk and official medicine will allow you to understand what magical tree nature gave to man.

Description of the tree and its properties

The unique tree amazes with its impressive size. The thickness of its trunk can reach 4 m. And the height of Ginkgo biloba is sometimes 45 m. This giant is considered one of the honorary centenarians of the planet, because some trees are more than a thousand years old.

Sometimes the medicinal raw materials of ginkgo biloba are called herbs. And, despite the fact that we are talking about a tree, this formulation is also true. At the same time, it is necessary to understand what the herb Ginkgo biloba is. This is the foliage of a tree.

Botanical characteristics of the giant

The relic, which has survived to this day, is an ancient gymnosperm plant belonging to the dioecious type. It means that unique plant may have both female and male colors. The former produce pollen, and the latter serve as raw material for seeds.

Ginkgo biloba - this is what botanists call the only surviving species of plant that has the following distinctive characteristics.

  • Trunk. Trees growing in Europe rarely exceed a height of 18 m, and specimens living in their homeland (China) can reach 40 meters or more. Ginkgo biloba has a pyramidal shape. The crown of the tree depends on the floor. Thus, gentleman trees are distinguished by their slenderness. And the “ladies” have a spherical crown and look a little squat.
  • Leaves. The branches of the tree do not contain the usual foliage. They grow peculiar growths containing bunches of long-petioled fan-shaped leaves. The leaves have different lobulations.
  • Flowers. Male species are characterized by the presence of yellow-green clusters with many stamens. And female flowers bloom on long “legs” and have branches. A lady flower always contains a seed bud.
  • Fruit. After flowering, which is usually observed in May, the inflorescences are pollinated. Over time, the tree produces yellow fruits that look a little like plums. Inside such a fruit there are two large kernels.

More than 40 components necessary for the human body were found in the chemical composition of the leaves. They have many minerals and vitamins. The leaves are rich in flavone glycosides, alkaloids, amino acids, terpenes, essential oils, organic acids.

Healing Possibilities

Chinese monks associate ginkgo biloba with power, longevity and health. And this is no coincidence. After all, the tree has pronounced healing powers. It has been used for centuries to treat many ailments. This is probably why the benefits and harms of ginkgo biloba have interested scientists. After conducting a lot of research, leading doctors have found that the tree really has healing powers.

The medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba are due to its antioxidant effects and the positive effect of the active components of the plant on vascular tone and blood flow. The plant expands small capillaries and improves blood supply to tissues. This explains the fact that drugs based on it are used to treat diseases such as:

  • chronic cerebral ischemia with memory disorders;
  • circulatory disorders in the extremities due to diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • noise in ears.

Due to its pronounced effect on peripheral blood circulation, ginkgo biloba is even used to improve potency. In addition, the plant stabilizes mood, has a positive effect on pancreatic function and strengthens the immune system. The latter property allows us to consider it as a promising immunomodulator for autoimmune diseases.

But it is important to remember that the use medicines containing ginkgo biloba is considered only as adjunctive therapy. It is not able to replace the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

When not to use

Clinical studies of ginkgo biloba showed good tolerability of this plant patients. Therapy extremely rarely provoked the appearance side effects, which arose in the form of allergies against the background of individual immunity. Sometimes people experience bowel disorders or headaches.

However, ginkgo biloba has some contraindications:

  • pathologies of the stomach (ulcers, gastritis);
  • acute period of stroke;
  • low pressure;
  • preoperative period.

It is not recommended to take medications containing medicinal plants during pregnancy at any stage. Doctors advise to refrain from therapy during lactation and not to use ginkgo biloba to treat children under 12 years of age.

Plant based preparations

On the pharmaceutical market you can find a variety of drugs containing ginkgo biloba. Such medications are intended mainly to treat vascular pathologies and improve brain function. The most common drugs and analogues are:

  • "Ginkgo biloba "Evalar". A common drug that is based on ginkgo biloba extract. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Each pill contains 40 mg of plant material. “Ginkgo biloba “Evalar” helps restore hearing, vision, speech, activates blood circulation, and stimulates brain function. The drug may be included in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. Only the doctor selects the dosage. Sometimes the patient is even recommended to take three or four tablets.
  • “Doppelhertz active ginkgo biloba + B1 + B2 + B6.” This product contains 30 mg of plant materials. The active ingredient is supplemented with B vitamins and flavonoids. The medication is aimed at strengthening memory and improving brain activity. Most often, the drug is prescribed as a dietary supplement to reduce the severity of manifestations of senile dementia, migraines, and dizziness.
  • "Tanakan." A medicinal drug, available in bottles and tablets. Active substance content - 40 mg. The medicine prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces tissue swelling, fights hypoxia and is useful for diabetes mellitus. "Tanakan" is often prescribed for atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, and Alzheimer's. The product also helps with visual impairment.
  • "Ginos". The drug contains 40 mg of the main substance and various auxiliary components. It is produced in the form of tablets. Helps well with reduced concentration.
  • "Ginkum". This medication is produced in capsules. Its use is indicated for sleep disorders, sudden dizziness, and feelings of fear. "Ginkoum" helps with deterioration of attention and memory, normalizes brain function and the thinking process.
  • "Ginkgo Biloba Forte". The amount of ginkgo biloba extract in one capsule has been increased to 80 mg. The drug is prescribed to restore cerebral circulation after strokes and injuries. The medication is recommended for worsening memory, tinnitus, poor concentration, and sleep disturbances. Reviews of Ginkgo Biloba Forte therapy show that the use of the drug really improves memory and enhances brain activity.

Despite such extensive positive impacts, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-treatment with ginkgo biloba preparations. Like any medications, they have contraindications. Therefore, before deciding on therapy with these drugs, be sure to consult your doctor about the choice of medication and its dosage.

Instructions for the use of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine

For preventive purposes, you can purchase ginkgo biloba tea. It is not difficult to prepare a tasty and healthy drink. A tea bag (or one teaspoon) is poured hot water, the temperature of which reached 70-80°C. Do not use boiling water to brew tea. You can enjoy the drink for four weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break of 10-14 days.

But if the purpose of using ginkgo biloba is to treat diseases, then traditional medicine recommends resorting to more effective means. Of course, after consultation with your doctor.

Alcohol tincture for brain activity

Description. To improve cerebral circulation, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to use alcohol tincture. This remedy increases attention and restores memory. It is prescribed to people engaged in mental work. But it is prohibited for children because it contains alcohol.


  • ginkgo biloba leaves - 50 g;
  • vodka - 700 ml.

Cooking process

  1. To prepare an alcohol tincture of ginkgo biloba, you can use both fresh and dry leaves. Plant materials are crushed.
  2. The plant component is poured with vodka. You can take alcohol. But in this case, before use, the alcohol is diluted to 40%.
  3. The container is well sealed and left to infuse for two weeks. To get the medicine faster healing power, it is recommended to shake the bottle daily.
  4. After 14 days, the liquid must be filtered.
  1. For brain disorders, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of tincture.
  2. Before taking the medicine, dilute it in water. Repeat the dose three times a day before meals.
  3. Continue treatment alcohol tincture within 30 days. Then be sure to take a break from therapy for one to two weeks. After such a “rest”, treatment can be repeated again.
  4. To increase potency, men are prescribed 15 drops of the drug twice a day. The tincture is also diluted in water. The duration of treatment is six months.

Decoction for pathologies of the respiratory system

Description. A healing decoction is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. This remedy is recommended for use for tuberculosis. The drug helps with anemia, activates insulin production, and is therefore recommended in the treatment of diabetes.


  • vegetable raw materials - one tablespoon;
  • water - 300 ml.

Preparation and treatment process

  1. You can purchase herbal raw materials at the pharmacy. Usually the packaging contains instructions on how to brew the herb.
  2. For organ treatment respiratory system it is necessary to grind the raw materials.
  3. The herb is placed in a container, filled with water and boiled over low heat for five minutes. The cooled product is filtered.
  4. For infections in the respiratory system, it is recommended to take 50 ml of the decoction three times a day for 10-14 days.
  5. If taking the medicine is dictated by the need to treat tuberculosis, then consume 70-100 ml of the decoction three times a day. The duration of such treatment may be delayed for two months.

Ginkgo honey against stroke

Description. Reviews from neurologists show that the use of ginkgo-based products can prevent the development of stroke, protect the patient from heart attack and resist atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of ginkgo honey normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.


  • leaves - half a kilogram;
  • linden honey - 500 ml.

Preparation and treatment process

  1. Plant materials are placed in the jar.
  2. The leaves are poured with linden honey. Typically, recipes containing ginkgo biloba can include both fresh and dried plant materials. But if the drug is being prepared to prevent stroke or heart attack, then it is advisable to find a fresh leaf of a dinosaur tree.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. The mixture should be infused in the refrigerator for two days.
  5. They use the medicine to combat hypertension, cleanse blood vessels or prevent the development of atherosclerosis and stroke, one teaspoon twice a day.

Leaves for aging, anemia

Description. For some diseases traditional healers It is recommended to use Ginkgo biloba leaves in powder form. This treatment helps slow down the aging process. Dry powder is used for anemia. This therapy is also indicated for aching limbs. The powder is prescribed in case of nervous exhaustion, hypertension, depression, and to improve immunity.

Preparation and treatment process

  1. Dry powder from ginkgo biloba leaves is consumed once a day, a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Chew the mixture thoroughly. Take the “medicine” with a glass of water.
  3. Therapy is continued for one month.
  4. It is allowed to repeat the treatment course after a two-week break.

Using dinosaur wood in cosmetology

Unique raw materials have found application in cosmetology. Experts, for its ability to rejuvenate the body, call “the same age as dinosaurs” as a tree of youth. Ginkgo biloba provides a complex effect:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces swelling;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • strengthens hair;
  • activates the growth of strands.

Ginkgo biloba is actively used in mesotherapy. It is used to improve the condition of mature skin. The drug is in demand in the correction of rosacea and to eliminate swelling.

Analyzing reviews about the ginkgo biloba plant, it should be emphasized that positive opinions about the dinosaur tree are more common. But sometimes therapy is less successful, and most often due to errors in application. To enhance the beneficial effects of ginkgo biloba on the body, some women combine mesotherapy with internal intake of plant materials. This combination can lead to an overdose. As a result, bruises or hemorrhages will appear on the skin.

Reviews: “Ginkgo biloba is necessary for students during the session”

Hard work, stress, an insufficient amount rest, all these factors significantly undermine our health. With age, many people experience memory deterioration, speech impairment, and decreased mental activity, constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness. It turns out that all these problems can be solved with the help of drugs based on Ginkgo Biloba. There are various preparations based on this plant; the pharmacy recommended the drug Ginkgo Biloba produced by Evalar in tablets. From my own experience, I will say that the tablets begin to act on about the 10th day. Brain activity increases greatly and the feeling of drowsiness disappears. I have been using the drug for the second year now.


My dad takes Ginkgo biloba forte along with Trombo ACC, which was prescribed to him in combination - for blood vessels, to reduce the risk of stroke. He says it has a good effect on his well-being. Ginko biloba forte gives tone to blood vessels and strengthens them, so its condition is better.


To treat an asthenic condition after a traumatic brain injury, I was prescribed the drug Ginkgo Biloba. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day, with meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. After treatment with Ginkgo Biloba, my cerebral circulation improved, intracranial pressure, tinnitus, and dizziness disappeared. Sleep also improved, tachycardia and increased nervous tension. I was very swollen due to intracranial pressure. This dietary supplement relieved swelling from the face and legs, thanks to its good diuretic effect. All autonomic disorders disappeared for six months. I didn't notice any side effects. I felt great throughout the entire course of treatment. Unfortunately, asthenic conditions after a head injury are not completely curable. But this drug long time, relieved me of unpleasant symptoms.

(oksy36) Madam,

It was summer. I constantly suffered from absent-mindedness, forgot a lot, and had a headache. And my dear aunt advised me these pills, supposedly they help a lot. I bought it at the pharmacy for a small price. I started taking one tablet a day. A month later I got the first effect:
- headaches gone;
- memory improved;
- mental performance has increased;
- attention has become more concentrated;
- improved cerebral circulation.
I liked it very much. Forgetfulness went away, I began to remember more information. I also learned that it is very useful to use it to prevent stroke.
If you have memory problems, then I recommend this drug to you.

(udacha) Svetlana,

Ginkgo biloba is essential for all students! I am a student, and especially during the session I feel unwell, apathy, increased fatigue, absent-mindedness and irritability, I cannot sleep at night. In the morning you have a headache and you don’t want to do anything, but you have to take exams. I learned about the drug Ginkgo biloba from the Internet, read reviews and decided to try it, because its price is low and side effects almost none, all natural. I took two tablets a day for a month. To be honest, I was amazed by the effect. The first thing I noticed was that my mood improved. Since I slept well, the headaches disappeared. Well, another big plus of this drug is that it has become easier to perceive and remember the material.


The ginkgo biloba tree is one of the ancient plants, preserved on Earth since the Mesozoic era. The relict plant is rightfully considered the same age as dinosaurs. It is known that now in China there is still a representative growing, whose age is estimated to be up to 2000 years, and the height of the tree reaches 45 meters.

The leaf of this tree is a symbol of Japan, because its origins lead precisely to the Land of the Rising Sun. There is an opinion that these plants are descendants of the most ancient gymnosperm ferns.

Today, the genus Ginkgo is represented by only one species - Ginkgo biloba, which is a huge deciduous tree.

The height of the plant reaches 40 meters, the brown-gray trunk has a diameter of 3-4 meters. The average height is 20-30 m. The crown at the beginning has a pyramidal shape, and expands closer to the top. Over time, the crown grows greatly, and the top becomes dull.

Has a powerful root system, that is, it is resistant to wind, snow debris and soil erosion. The bluish-green leaves are stalk-shaped, bilobed, fan-shaped. Leaves grow on long cuttings (about 10 cm), leaf width is 5-8 cm. Young leaves are pubescent.

Hyinkgo biloba, or temple tree, belongs to the category of primitive dioecious gymnosperms. Its reproductive cells are divided into female and male. Individuals of the male type produce pollen, and the female type produces seed buds.

Genus Ginkgo with Japanese language translated as “silver apricot”. The genus received this name due to the similarity of the seeds to apricot fruits with silver pubescence.

Indeed, the seeds are similar to apricots, but unlike the latter, they are characterized by the specific smell of missing oil.

The giant begins to bloom in May. It begins to bloom around the thirtieth year of life, and until then it is impossible to understand which genus the plant belongs to - male or female. Reproduction can take place vegetatively or using seeds.

Medicinal properties

On this moment V medicinal purposes Only leaves are used. The tree has a wide range healing properties and, along with ginseng, is used not only in folk medicine, but already in the traditional one.

All the beneficial qualities of the plant are due to its unique composition. All relic parts contain:

  • organic acids;
  • hexoconazole;
  • sterols;
  • flavonoids;
  • linalool ester;
  • phenylpropane;
  • tricyclic diterpenes;
  • raffinose;
  • flavin glycosides;
  • micro- and macroelements.

Special constituent substances are capable of:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • fight inflammatory processes;
  • exhibit an antioxidant effect;
  • regulate cholesterol levels;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • accelerate nervous processes in the brain.

Based on the whole spectrum positive properties, based on biloba, many medicines have been created that are indispensable for some people. In Europe, these products are among the best-selling products.

Preparations with ginkgo biloba


If you suffer from increased sensitivity to weather changes, headaches and dizziness, then the right solution would be to use Ginkoum, a natural remedy for headaches.

A herbal preparation from the company Evalar is intended to improve cerebral and peripheral circulation and reduce blood viscosity. The product solves the problem of headaches, speeds up mental processes, improves attention and memory. Contains dry extract of Ginkgo biloba.


This is a famous French drug based on medicinal plant. It is considered the most studied medicine with this component substance. The highest quality drug from the Ipsen Pharma brand, but at the same time the most expensive. Claims itself to be an angioprotector, strengthens and protects blood vessels. Contains leaf extract of the above-mentioned flora and additional organic substances.

Bilobil Intense is a herbal preparation based on biloba.

Designed to improve blood properties, cerebral and peripheral circulation, reduce the tendency to tissue swelling, increase the tone of veins, increase the body's resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation), and normalize metabolic processes.

Produced by KRKA d.d. (Slovenia).

Vitrum Memory

Vitrum Memory - combined vitamin complex, containing essential vitamins and extract temple tree. It contains antioxidants, has a pronounced anti-radical effect, improves blood circulation and promotes saturation of tissues with oxygen and glucose.

Ginkgo biloba extract is a neuroprotector in this product and has a vasodilating effect on blood vessels. Produced by Vitrum.


This is a Russian drug with the one we are considering active substance. Moreover, almost all biloba-based medications are available in a dosage of 40 mg. It is considered a more affordable analogue of Tanakan (almost three times cheaper). The indications are identical, as is the rendered healing effect: improved memory, blood circulation, improved vascular function.

Ginkgo biloba leaves

The beautiful curly leaves of this tree contain great amount useful elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • procyanidins;
  • diterpenoids;
  • bilobalide;
  • ginkgolides;
  • lactones;
  • wax;
  • starch;
  • amentoflavone.

It is this rich composition that determines beneficial features leaves. They are harvested in the fall, during the growing season. The leaves have the same effects on the human body (antioxidant, antithrombotic, angioprotective).

However, these parts are used for medicinal purposes. They are used in the form of decoctions, tinctures and extracts.

To prepare such a healing potion you need:

  • 15 g of dried raw leaves;
  • glass of water.

To prepare the decoction, place the crushed dry leaves in an enamel container and pour a glass hot water, boil.

Boil the drug for 15 minutes, and then let it brew for about half an hour. Strain the broth.

Take one tablespoon of this remedy three times a day (half an hour before meals). The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

This decoction is used to treat:

  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • memory impairment;
  • blood clots in blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure.

Ginkgo biloba tincture

The tincture is very easy to prepare. This dosage form is used most often. Tinctures can be either aqueous or alcoholic.


To prepare water infusion, you need to take:

  • thermos;
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials;
  • 300 ml purified water.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the thermos with boiling water;
  • pour a tablespoon of raw materials into a thermos;
  • pour boiling water;
  • close the lid tightly;
  • infuse the drug for an hour.

You should drink this infusion 100 ml three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month.


Alcohol tincture strengthens the walls of blood vessels, tones them, dilates them, and helps normalize blood pressure.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 10 g of crushed raw materials;
  • 100 ml purified alcohol.

To make an infusion, the crushed raw materials must be poured with alcohol and placed in a dark, cool place for two weeks. It is better to use a glass container with a tight lid. The composition should be shaken regularly, but not filtered.

Use this way: 2 times a day, half an hour before meals, 15 drops added to 100 ml of water. You can drink this composition long time(up to six months), although the first positive results make themselves felt after 7-10 days.


The extract of the medicinal plant has a tonic, general strengthening effect on human health, improves memory and thinking.

Favors the relief of bronchial asthma and is used for the prevention of cancer.

The finished extract can be purchased at a pharmacy and is available without a prescription. The drug must be used according to the instructions, without exceeding the permissible limits.

Typically the extract should be diluted with water. By standard scheme Use 20 drops per glass of water. You need to take this remedy 2 times a day for a month and a half.

Use in cosmetology

Ginkgo biloba has gained wide recognition not only in medicine, but also in the beauty industry - in cosmetology. It has earned such popularity due to its content large quantity antioxidants. It is because of the antioxidants that ginkgo biloba is included in the composition. cosmetics anti-aging category.

Active components help neutralize free radicals and also protect the skin from the effects of negative environmental factors ( solar radiation, radiation).

In addition, the extract can have a tonic, anti-edematous effect, eliminate signs of fatigue and saturate tissues with oxygen, which immediately affects the appearance.

Temple tree extracts are added to almost all anti-aging products, but most of them are in cosmetics for the skin of the face and eyelids.


Serious chemical composition relics suggests a list of contraindications for its use. So, here are the cases in which you should not be treated with a temple tree:

  • individual intolerance, hypersensitivity;
  • hemophilia;
  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • acute heart attacks and strokes;
  • taking acetylsalicylic acid, psychotropic substances.

Be sure to be screened for allergies and consult with your doctor before starting treatment.


Ginkgo biloba is a unique tree of its kind. Its spectrum useful actions very extensive. This amazing remedy can solve many health problems and deserves respect.

It has no analogues in its composition, but we can still use products based on it. Be healthy!

We bring to your attention a video that shows how to brew ginkgo biloba: