Proper arrangement of the greenhouse inside means comfortable work and a rich harvest. How to Equip Greenhouses Inside: Detailed Instructions for Equipping a Greenhouse

One of the priorities of summer residents is growing vegetable, berry and flower crops in greenhouse conditions. Having a special-purpose building with a good foundation, a strong frame and windproof cladding is half the battle. Obtaining constant yields in large volumes is facilitated by the correct arrangement of the greenhouse inside. It is important to carry out technical measures that will become prerequisites for a stable harvest, regardless of the time of year.

Convenient greenhouse management is ensured by the presence of a central path. This element is missed by gardeners, creating many problems and inconveniences in the future. A well-kept path gives an insight into the owner of the greenhouse and his gardening skills.

Layout of beds

How many tracks do you need?

For greenhouse models intended for private use, it is rational to make one path. The path should run strictly in the center through the entire structure. The optimal blade width is 500 mm. The selected size will allow you to comfortably walk with gardening tools without accidentally cutting off the branches of planted bushes. In addition, it will be convenient to process, fertilize and water the planted crops.

For modifications of hangar-type greenhouses intended for professional activities, it is advisable to arrange two or three paths. Such greenhouse structures have impressive dimensions, so several paths will practically break up the area of ​​the building.

Greenhouse option with two tracks

What to make paths from

You can organize a path in the following ways:

  • filling with a mixture of sand and gravel;
  • concreting;
  • laying paving stones;
  • production of wooden flooring.

The latter option does not have a long service life due to wood rotting. For this reason, when choosing a flooring, it is necessary to saturate all structural elements with a special anti-fungal water-repellent liquid.

When arranging a path inside the greenhouse, you should remember that it is necessary to make a flange - the boundary between the soil and the filling material. The height of the sides is maintained within 200-300 mm, so that when digging the soil, the soil does not spill onto the canvas, thereby polluting it.

Beading is a necessary element when creating a track

The flange should also be coated with a water-repellent agent. It is not allowed to use waste oil and drying oil, since these liquids contain toxic substances that negatively affect the soil and planted crops. Instead of wood, you can use sheet steel with a thickness of 3-5 mm. The optimal width of the material will be in the range of 300-400 mm in order to drive the steel sheets into the ground to a depth of 100 mm for their stable placement.

A little secret from the pros

Whatever surface option is chosen, the next season or another the grass will be able to break through the layer of track material. This fact is due to the high concentration of moisture and heat, promoting the active growth of weed grass. To avoid additional backfilling, polyethylene must be used before making the path. The covering material is spread over the entire width of the future path with an obligatory allowance for the sides. This helps suppress the grass, and the path will remain well-groomed and level.

Greenhouse zoning is an important step

For large greenhouse structures, care should be taken to provide special compartments designed for household needs. In addition, by organizing such premises, these zones will act as a buffer between the street and the interior of the greenhouse, preventing the penetration of cold air masses that can inhibit the growth of bushes and be destructive for some crops.

Arrangement of a quarantine room and vestibule

The relevance of the quarantine zone is of particular importance for those gardeners involved in growing seedlings or potted flowers. It is not uncommon for a newly purchased batch of plants to be placed in the main part of the greenhouse, after which all the varieties of flowers or berry bushes being grown die. The quarantine room is precisely designed to adapt to the greenhouse microclimate and identify sick “units” before planting (planting) in the common ground.

A help for convenient gardening is the arrangement of a special room inside the greenhouse - a vestibule for placing garden tools and accessories. Here it will be convenient for the gardener to change into work clothes, equipping the vestibule with shelves and a small closet. The installation of a vestibule zone inside the greenhouse makes it possible to store chemicals against pests and organic fertilizers in one place, preventing them from accidentally falling into the hands of children or poisoning pets.

Greenhouse with vestibule

Cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

All grown vegetables are picky in their own way to the greenhouse microclimate. In this regard, summer residents have a reasonable question: how to arrange a greenhouse inside if they want to plant tomatoes and cucumbers.

It is known that tomato bushes prefer humidity around 45%. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is vital for tomatoes. In turn, cucumbers need high humidity up to 90% and nitrogen fertilizers. Combining these vegetable crops in one greenhouse space without strict zoning will lead to a meager harvest.

There is a solution to the problem. The area of ​​the building for cucumbers and tomatoes should be divided into two compartments. To differentiate, it is enough to use a double polyethylene sheet. In order to freely pass from the cucumber area to the tomato bushes, you need to make a vertical central cut on the plastic curtain.

Cucumbers and tomatoes do not tolerate proximity

Ideally, the dividing barrier will have an overlapping cut, preventing mutual changes in the microclimate of the cucumber and tomato sides. The soil is divided using dug wooden or tin sides.

Construction of a greenhouse for seedlings

Greenhouse buildings that specialize in growing seedlings are certainly equipped with shelving. The use of such equipment makes the space more practical, allowing you to compactly place a large number of pots, containers and boxes with seedlings.

When setting up greenhouses with a width of up to 2 m, it is better to place the racks on the sides along the walls. In greenhouses more than 2 meters wide, the racks are arranged in three rows, divided by two longitudinal paths.

There are two types of greenhouse shelving, based on the material used in their manufacture:

  • wooden;
  • metal.

The main advantage of the racks is their multi-tiered nature. The presence of several tiers makes the internal area of ​​the greenhouse as ergonomic as possible.

Racks for seedlings made of wood

For the manufacture of racks, bars are used that go to vertical posts and supporting horizontal elements. The thickness of the bars should be approximately 50 mm at the crossbar to support the total weight of the boxes filled with soil.

Homemade design

Due to the width of the bars, wooden shelving takes up some space, which is especially noticeable in greenhouses with limited space. All wooden elements must be treated with a liquid against rotting and pests, thereby extending their service life.

Metal racks for greenhouses

This option is the most optimal, since metal shelves have the following advantages:

  • high strength qualities, due to the manufacture of structural elements from steel with an anti-corrosion enamel coating;
  • minimizing loss of usable area, since the body elements have a thickness of within 5 mm;
  • ease of assembly and dismantling when it is necessary to renovate the greenhouse (applies to aluminum modifications).

In addition, the shelves of metal racks transmit more light to the lower tiers because they are made of reinforcing mesh.

Practical metal shelving

Dimensions of racks for seedlings

The width of the racks does not have strict limits and varies from 500 to 1000 mm. The specified size allows you to easily work with seedlings (watering, processing, etc.). The height between tiers is selected based on the expected height of the plants.

There is no point in lifting the last (upper) tier too high, since it will be very inconvenient to get to the plants. The optimal height of the upper tier is selected to suit the gardener’s eye level, allowing him to freely reach the seedling boxes and watch the growth process.

Greenhouse irrigation systems

A prerequisite for arranging a greenhouse inside is the creation of a normal microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the yield in the greenhouse - it is important to provide the plants with a sufficient amount of water. For private country greenhouses with a small area, watering is organized manually, using watering cans or a watering hose and a pump connected to a water container. A number of watering methods operating in automatic and semi-automatic modes can make the work of a gardener who has an impressively sized greenhouse at his disposal easier.

A simple irrigation solution - sprinkling

This method involves creating an artificial watering effect. To implement the method, it is necessary to install pipes in the upper part of the greenhouse. Pipes are selected with perforated walls or numerous holes are made manually using an electric drill and drill. The installation of spraying devices mounted along the entire length of each pipe helps to make sprinkling more uniform over the entire soil area.

Example of a sprinkler system

To create normal pressure in pipes, you should choose a pump model with a power capable of creating a pressure of at least 2.5 kgf/cm2.

Subsoil irrigation method

In cases where plants that cannot tolerate high humidity are placed in the greenhouse, watering is carried out using the subsoil method. The method solves the problem of necessary saturation of the root system of plants without water getting on the leaves. By using subsurface irrigation, it is possible to use water economically, since the bushes are moistened exactly under the root system.

The subsurface irrigation scheme consists of constructing a pipe system buried in the ground to the required depth of a water container and a pressure pump. If the container is raised to a sufficiently high height, there is no need for a pump.

The principle of subsurface irrigation

For pipe communications, it is preferable to choose plastic pipes that are not afraid of corrosion. Holes are made in the pipes with a pitch of 400 to 500 mm, through which the soil layer is directly irrigated.

In order for the system to work efficiently, a layer of polyethylene is laid in the dug trenches before laying the pipes. The material prevents some of the water from escaping into the deeper layers of the soil, bypassing the root system of the shrubs.

Drip irrigation – more free time

The choice in favor of the drip irrigation method is obvious - there is no need to walk through the beds with a watering can. The watering system is equipped with a water tank (installed at a height of 1 to 1.5 m), a pipe manifold and flexible hoses with holes. Economical water consumption is achieved thanks to the precise delivery of moisture to each plant.

Economical water consumption by drip irrigation

A throttle valve is installed on the pipe connecting the collector to the tank, which allows you to stop watering the soil. The method is relevant for growing cucumbers and other vegetable crops that cannot tolerate high humidity in the atmosphere.

Equipment for year-round use

In order for work to continue after the summer months and throughout all seasons, it is necessary to take care of the heating and lighting of the greenhouse.

High-quality lighting – stable vegetative process

As daylight hours decrease, plant growth gradually begins to slow down, which ultimately affects the harvest. Installing artificial lighting solves the problem of light shortage. The following types of lamps are popular as lighting devices:

  • ordinary incandescent lamps;
  • luminescent;
  • halogen;
  • LED

The most successful lighting option is LED lamps. Depending on the modification, the lamps provide a blue and red spectrum of light that is vital for plant development.

LED lighting in the greenhouse

In addition, the use of LED “dots” provides savings on electricity up to 40%. Lamps of this type are durable and therefore do not require frequent replacement.

Lighting system placement standards

The number of lamps is selected based on their power and the area of ​​the greenhouse. For low-power lamps, the distance to the seedlings should be within 0.5-1 m. The placement of lamps is organized in such a way that the system covers the entire surface of the soil, creating uniform lighting.

When installing lighting in a greenhouse, you should remember safety measures, since frequent watering results in constant high humidity. The electric cable connecting all the lamps is encased in dialectical armor. In this form, electrical wiring can be run both in the soil layer and along the top of the greenhouse. For the aerial method of laying wiring, you must first tension the support rope, which will reliably hold all the electrical wiring.

Warm all year round

Along with lighting, heating is the “cornerstone” for stable maintenance of the microclimate. It is necessary to equip the heating system inside the greenhouse in the summer, without postponing the process to the last minute.

Economical infrared heaters

The following types of greenhouse heating are common:

  • electrical;
  • water;
  • gas.

The electric heating method is the most expensive due to inflated tariffs. The best choice in this case is infrared heaters. Gas heating involves burning gas directly in the internal space of the greenhouse, which leads to a sharp decrease in oxygen. In this case, you will have to fork out for a ventilation system. It is most optimal to use water heating.

Approximate water heating system for a greenhouse

Regardless of the type of heating, heat exchange elements should be located in the lower part of the greenhouse. Thus, the entire space will be heated most efficiently.

With pipe water heating, communications are located along the entire perimeter of the building, excluding any micro-ingress of cold air into the greenhouse. The thermal power of heating devices must be proportional to the total area.

Technically, it is not always possible for a gardener to fulfill all the conditions for arranging a greenhouse inside on his own, so it is better to entrust the most complex work to professionals who will carry out the necessary calculations and competent installation of equipment.

Successful ripening of the crop and its quantity obtained in greenhouse conditions depends not only on the materials used for construction, but also on its layout. The arrangement of its internal space will depend on how vegetables will be grown in it: on racks or beds. But how to make beds in a greenhouse from polycarbonate and how effective such material is is outlined

Layout for soil cultivation

Initially, you need to decide on the number of beds, their size and location, as well as what will be grown on them. It is possible that for climbing plants it will be necessary to install additional supports along the ridges.

Making beds

The soil inside the greenhouse can be divided into two or three beds, and their maximum width should not exceed 1.2 meters. With this size it will be convenient to care for planted garden crops; if its dimensions are large, the outer plants cannot be processed properly. Those beds that are located at the edge of the greenhouse wall are up to 1 meter.

In small structures, it is allowed to make two beds and leave a path in the middle of the structure. It will be convenient to use if the width of the path is from 50 to 70 cm, but if you make them narrower, then you will not be able to drive along them with a wheelbarrow. To make it easier to process the beds, it is allowed to make transverse passages on them, for example, you can put bricks or unnecessary boards. You may also be interested in information on how to grow correctly

The video shows the layout of the greenhouse:

The paths between the beds can be covered with different materials, the main thing is that their surface is non-slip. It is convenient to lay them out with pieces of cinder block or bricks. Experienced gardeners, knowing beans and other vegetables, recommend not leaving the paths between the beds simply earthen, since water will not only stagnate on them, but also weeds will grow vigorously.

Many people know firsthand the benefits of raised beds, which include:

  • ease of processing planted plants;
  • saving space in the greenhouse;
  • higher and earlier harvests.

There are several options for creating such beds:

You will also be interested in learning about which ones exist and how to use them correctly.

Soil preparation

First of all, it must be fertile. After the delivery of black soil, it must be fed annually with manure or humus, but it must be rotted.

As additional additives, you can use dolomite flour, bone meal, wood ash or peat. The latter provides the soil for the greenhouse with the necessary porosity, which is why the soil retains moisture well and contains a minimal amount of weed rhizomes. But how to get rid of the weed and what drugs should be used is outlined

The video shows soil preparation for the greenhouse:

Special requirements for soil include the following:

  • it should be sufficiently saturated with mineral fertilizers and beneficial microorganisms;
  • the composition of soil mixtures must be selected depending on the crops being planted;
  • soil acidity should be maintained within the range of 6.5 to 7 pH;
  • the soil should retain moisture well and allow air to pass through.

The height of the highest shelf should not exceed the distance from the floor to slightly outstretched arms. It is necessary to provide a shelf at arm's length on which all transplanting, diving and other operations necessary for the normal development of plants will be performed. In another position, you will need to constantly bend or stretch, and no one needs such constant physical activity.

But how you can organize heating for a polycarbonate greenhouse is described in detail

The video shows the layout when using shelving:

One or two passes are made between the racks; their width will depend on whether it will be necessary to roll a wheelbarrow along them or whether everything will be done manually. To roll a wheelbarrow, you need to equip a half-meter path, but for walking between the racks, 40 cm will be enough.

The place for seed germination must be equipped separately and equipped with lighting.

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Place for quarantine of seedlings

For this type of greenhouse, a department for plant quarantine is required. If suddenly the owner of the greenhouse notices unpleasant signs of disease or the presence of foreign insects, then the pot with the seedling should be immediately isolated from the rest of the seedlings.

Plants in quarantine should be separated from the rest by glass; you can use a 100-liter aquarium for this purpose. It must be placed in a dark place so that the plants underneath are not burned by the sun's rays.

Also, don’t forget about ventilation, but here’s how to use it:

It would be advisable to supplement both types of greenhouses with a vestibule, which can become an air gap between the heat in the greenhouse and the cold outside. In this room you can also put a cabinet for storing various equipment, fertilizers, poisons and pots. If there is no separate room, then it is worth considering the option of arranging cabinets under shelving that replace the closet.

Let's imagine that you poured an excellent concrete foundation, built an arched frame from galvanized metal profiles according to all the rules, installed polycarbonate on the structure, and as a result you got the best greenhouse in the world. But it's outside. What about the filling?

The equipment of the greenhouse from the inside also determines the quality and quantity of the future harvest, therefore, this event should be treated with due attention.

The arrangement of the greenhouse inside can be done in two options. Let's consider each of them separately.

Ground-type construction

First of all, the data regarding the number of beds on which, in fact, your vegetables will grow is clarified. This decision is made not only on the basis of the owner’s wishes, but also in accordance with the dimensions of the greenhouse itself.

If you are going to arrange a room with two rows of plants, then the width of these beds should not exceed one meter so that the work is not only profitable, but also convenient. However, if there are three beds, the width of the central one can be increased to one and a half meters. This is due to the fact that access to it will be free on both sides.

As for the passages between the beds, it is better to make them fifty centimeters wide so that a wheelbarrow with fertilizers or work equipment can move freely.

It is important to choose the right building material for finishing the paths mentioned above. The best option would be wood or brick. These materials prevent slipping during irrigation when water enters the passage.

In order for the greenhouse to please with the harvest, the beds inside the structure must be made high. Let's find out what causes this:

  1. The higher the bed, the more fertile soil it can accept. However, don't overdo it. The maximum height of these elements should be sixty centimeters.
  2. If you equip the greenhouse with high beds, this will make it possible not to scatter fertile soil throughout the greenhouse.
  3. Working in such beds is physically easier.

High beds require a border. It can be built from boards, which are fixed using special pegs. What it looks like is shown in the photo.

It should be noted that creating just such beds has a significant advantage. The polycarbonate with which the greenhouse is sheathed transmits light very well and all of it will fall on the beds that are not shaded by various objects.

Arrangement according to rack type

The photo shows just such a greenhouse.

It happens that a greenhouse serves as a storage facility for seedlings. In this case, you can arrange it using shelving. This solution is also good for growing plants in pots. Thus, you will save space indoors, because the racks can be built in several tiers.

The height of these elements depends on your height. In this case, there is no need to worry about the sun - you already know what polycarbonate is capable of. As for the width of the shelves, you should not make it larger than ninety centimeters. If the rack is located between the paths, you can make it one and a half meters. As for the track coverage, everything is the same as in the previous case.

It is important to know that such a greenhouse needs a separately equipped quarantine room. Plants that need to be checked for the presence of any diseases are placed there. The area inside the greenhouse used for these purposes can be separated from the main area using the same polycarbonate. However, this is not entirely profitable, since polycarbonate is included in the greenhouse kit and its quantity is limited, which means you will have to purchase additional material. Therefore, it is better to replace it with glass. Nobody canceled the sealing of this room.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the greenhouse can be arranged in different ways. And fertile soil, timely watering and transparent polycarbonate will help you reap a wonderful harvest.

Good luck to you in this not simple, but pleasant and profitable business!

In order for the vegetable harvest to justify the efforts expended, the arrangement of the polycarbonate greenhouse inside must be of no less quality than the main structure. Plants need comfortable conditions for better growth; a certain humidity and air temperature must be constantly maintained in the greenhouse. Polycarbonate is one of the modern materials that can protect vegetable crops from the influence of extreme temperature values ​​(overheating and severe cooling). If the greenhouse is built according to all the rules, drafts will not affect the plants inside the structure.

The combination of advantages of polycarbonate greenhouses explains the high popularity of buildings made from this material. During construction, special attention should be paid to the internal geometry of the space, since for gardeners the structure should not only be warm, but also as comfortable as possible for work. Experts recommend creating racks for storing tools with your own hands, organizing shelves above the beds, using the space rationally and paying special attention to the size of the beds in the greenhouse and their location.

Determination of sizes and shapes

In order for the arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse inside to be convenient, you should correctly determine the size of the structure and its optimal shape. First, you need to understand for what purposes the future structure is being created, then take into account the features of the area and evaluate the dimensions of the gardeners who will care for vegetable crops in the greenhouse.

Attention! Some gardeners build a greenhouse, attaching it to the main house from the south. This construction option reduces the consumption of materials; the greenhouse and house structures become an additional source of heating for each other.

Sometimes the walls inside a polycarbonate structure are insulated, the surface is covered with a layer of foil, or they are painted with white paint on their own. There is an economic sense in the opacity of the walls -.

Advice! The most practical and simple frame of the building is a greenhouse with straight walls and a roof in the shape of a triangle.

The arrangement of straight walls allows you to place massive plants next to them, so the space can be used to the maximum. In addition, straight walls in a greenhouse are a good basis for installing shelving. In this case, the shelves can be arranged to any height with your own hands. Such a frame also provides for the installation of window openings, which are necessary for ventilating the polycarbonate greenhouse.

  • You can place two beds in the greenhouse space, dividing them with a path. The second most popular option is the formation of three beds and 2 paths. In this case, the central bed should be made wider than the rest, because it is accessible from both sides. The width of the path should provide for the convenience of maintenance work, as well as the dimensions of the cart;
  • It is advisable, when creating beds with your own hands, to maintain a certain height level. It is best to arrange beds in a greenhouse at a level of 300-600 mm. Fulfillment of this condition contributes to good ventilation of vegetable crops and heating by the sun's rays. Attention! Beds organized at the recommended level allow plants to develop more intensively and bear fruit earlier than those crops that are located at a standard height;
  • A high level of planting saturates the plant with useful substances in a larger volume due to the thickness of the soil, so the rate of development increases. The arrangement of such beds allows you to organize the care of crops with your own hands as conveniently as possible;
  • Beds with increased height can serve as a load-bearing base for a greenhouse. The walls can be built on your own from concrete or brick;
  • The path must be 500 mm or more in width. The main properties of the coating material are convenience and stability during operation. The path can be made of tiles, but its surface must be rough. The tiles are installed with a slight slope so that the trapped moisture does not remain on the surface, but flows onto the ground in the polycarbonate greenhouse;
  • Organize protective borders between the beds in the greenhouse and the paths with your own hands. This way, the track surface will not become too dirty. Such fencing can be boards, stones for edge decoration, or vertically laid tiles;
  • Detailed planning of the greenhouse space on the eve of installation will allow you to use the territory wisely, using the maximum usable area of ​​soil for planting;
  • If you arrange shelving in the greenhouse, then the upper shelves can be used for plants, and the lower ones can be used for various equipment for caring for vegetables;
  • Optimal materials for shelves inside a polycarbonate greenhouse: metal or wood. The surface of the material is treated with paint for moisture protection.

The basis for success in growing vegetables

One of the most important factors that affects the harvest result is the quality of the soil in the greenhouse. The soil inside the polycarbonate structure must be saturated with disinfectant compounds before the plants are in the ground. The main requirements for the properties and composition of the soil:

  • The level of air permeability must be sufficient for the intensive development of vegetable crops;
  • It is desirable that the soil moisture is in the average range;
  • It is necessary to carry out preliminary measures to clean the soil - treat it from pests and remove weeds;
  • It is better to add fertilizers to the soil immediately after cleaning it;
  • The arrangement of prepared soil must be done taking into account shrinkage;
  • Earth saturated with essential minerals can be purchased at the store.
Advice! The southern side of the soil greenhouse should be painted in a dark color, thanks to which the sun's rays will be more actively attracted into the polycarbonate space.

Additional heating

Experts and experienced gardeners advise maintaining the air temperature inside the greenhouse space from +18 degrees and above. Insulation measures inside and outside the polycarbonate structure will help preserve the microclimate. However, if you plan to use the structure for cultivating vegetable crops in early spring or in winter, an additional heating system inside the greenhouse is required. Also, additional heat is required during the period of night frosts on the soil.

The characteristics of the devices and the number of heating sources are selected based on the dimensions of the internal space, as well as financial capabilities.

Among the methods that allow you to preserve heat with your own hands, you can note the placement of a greenhouse in the garden. A well-lit place with no drafts is ideal for arranging an area for a polycarbonate greenhouse. An additional way to maintain a comfortable temperature for plants will also be to build high beds inside the space.

Let's consider the main types of heating:

  • Gas heating of the greenhouse. This type of heat conservation inside the structure is rational if heating is carried out through a central gas boiler or burner. To implement such a system, the greenhouse should be located as close as possible to the main building;
  • Electric heating polycarbonate structure. The method of preserving heat in the ground using an electric cable is the most innovative. During the heating process, up to 120 W/sq.m. is released. energy. The cable is mounted in sand, over heat-insulating material with moisture-proof properties (polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam). After a layer of sand, a chain-link mesh is installed, and the installation process is completed with a fertile layer of soil (up to 350 mm). In another way, this method of space heating is referred to as a heated floor system. A particular advantage is that the heat sources do not occupy the usable area of ​​the greenhouse;
  • Heating using infrared heating sources. This type of electrical influence not only maintains the required temperature in the greenhouse space, these heaters are also a source of additional light inside the structure. Thanks to this property of infrared sources, it is possible to create areas within a space with different temperature conditions, creating optimal conditions for growth and reducing electricity consumption;
  • Radiators. Heating from water supply is able to retain and distribute heat evenly inside the greenhouse;
  • Solid fuel heating of a polycarbonate greenhouse. This method is based on heating a special stove using wood. Solid fuel heating is rational for private use. Such a system is more economical than others, but control during the heating process of the greenhouse is considered more complex.
Attention! Polycarbonate must be of high quality, otherwise the degree of heat loss will be quite high.

High-quality modern material helps save money when installing a heating system in a greenhouse. .

A high-quality frame and covering material are, of course, the basis of a greenhouse. But what's inside is just as important. To get the expected result from the plants, you need to take care of the arrangement of the greenhouse: prepare the soil, correctly arrange the beds and paths, etc. This largely depends on what and how you are going to grow under the protective layer.

When the greenhouse frame is assembled and fixed to the ground, film, glass or polycarbonate is formed into an airtight coating, ventilation is thought out and implemented, you can begin arranging the greenhouse. The task of a plant grower is to create a favorable and stable atmosphere for crops. The key nuances of this process include:

  • support for optimal thermal conditions;
  • laying out beds;
  • layout, choice of covering and placement of paths in the greenhouse;
  • creation of a fertile soil layer with specifications for different crops;
  • construction of shelving (if necessary);
  • preparation of devices for shading the south wall.

Advice. The equipment of the space inside the building is based on your needs. If you want to grow vegetables, create beds; if you want to grow seedlings and potted flowers, install a shelving structure. The principles for arranging different types of greenhouses differ.

Heating and heat saving in a greenhouse

The main thing in a greenhouse is warmth. Plants may well have enough energy from the sun's rays. The alternative is artificial. Experts recommend arranging greenhouses simultaneously with several types of heating:

  • gas;
  • wood, peat or coal using a stove;
  • electric convectors (an additional fan is required to distribute heated air);
  • water system (boiler heated by any type of fuel);
  • using a solar collector (a box with a coil covered with glass and a radiator system inside the greenhouse);
  • biofuel - burned manure, sawdust, compost.

Attention! In the latter case, the mixture must be burned in a special oven. If there is none, remove the top layer of soil and burn it directly in the garden bed and level the ground. Planting crops will have to wait 4-5 days.

Preserving thermal energy in a greenhouse is no less important than obtaining it. The main part of the work is carried out at the stage of designing and building a greenhouse, installing windows and doors. Some can be set aside while the greenhouse is being built. The simplest examples of natural heat accumulators:

  1. Water. In metal or plastic containers it will accumulate and slow down the heat transfer. For greater efficiency, paint barrels or cans dark.
  2. Stone. Cobblestones laid out on a bed at the edge of the greenhouse will heat up intensely on a sunny day, and at night they will release energy to the air. You can additionally install fan heaters to heat the stones.
  3. The soil. Heating the soil in a greenhouse artificially will increase the overall air temperature in the greenhouse.

How to mark beds and paths inside a greenhouse

In small or medium-sized greenhouses, the ground is divided into 2-3 beds along the long side. The width of one should not exceed 1.5 m for the central one or 1 m for those located near the walls. You should be able to comfortably reach the edge with the hoe without stepping on the ground. It is not advisable to trample the soil - it becomes compacted.

Placement of beds

Also consider the width of the tracks themselves. They shouldn't be too narrow. You may have to carry water in buckets, remove weeds and crops in a wheelbarrow. In this case, you cannot cling to plants. The optimal size of the passage is about 50-70 cm. There is no need to make it wider - you will lose useful space.

Advice. A trick from gardeners: one path can be made wider for the described needs, and the second can be left for movement without loads.

On the central bed you can make 1-2 transverse transitions. Just lay a few bricks or a board directly on the ground. When installing passages, take into account the increased humidity level in the greenhouse. Choose non-slip material.

If you plan to grow plants in pots, install shelving with a height of 95 to 150 cm. It is advisable to make the side low, because such crops will most likely require drip irrigation. The rack may have several floors, but the worker should be at a comfortable height for you. Also reserve an area for a glass enclosed area. A large aquarium is suitable for this. Newly purchased plants should be quarantined in it (in case their soil is contaminated).

How to create a fertile layer

As a rule, delicate and capricious crops are grown in a greenhouse. The composition of the soil is very important for them. This is confirmed by video advice from plant growers. First of all, take care of the safety of the plants.
It is advisable to make the beds raised above the soil level by about 20 cm. To do this, they are framed with a border made of boards:

  • select material 25 cm wide;
  • place it edgewise;
  • drive in supporting pegs from the side of the passage;
  • additionally fix the boards in a vertical position: nail them to a support or make another row of stakes from inside the bed;
  • Cover the ridge with a 25 cm layer of soil.

It is best to use store-bought substrate as soil. It can be selected for a specific crop that you are going to plant in the greenhouse. Otherwise, the ground should be clear of weed seeds. In addition, it must be disinfected. For example, steam:

  • take the iron bucket;
  • place an inverted flat plastic container with a large number of holes in the bottom on the bottom;
  • pour 2 liters of water;
  • fill the bucket with completely prepared substrate;
  • put it all on the fire for 1.5 hours.

Advice. It is better to prepare the soil in advance, since the disinfection procedure takes a lot of time.

Homemade soil is also different for each crop. It is prepared based on the individual characteristics of the plants. Due to differences in the growing season, vegetables of different families cannot be planted in a greenhouse. But if this cannot be avoided, separate them with high partitions.

Greenhouse arrangement: video