Cold asphalt concrete mixtures for pothole repair. Requirements for pothole repair of roads

Roads and streets, by general rule, are perceived as transport arteries, routes of communication. But it often happens that they turn into a kind of construction site, where work is carried out on fragmentary replacement of asphalt concrete pavement - pothole repair.

Causes of asphalt destruction. The need for patching asphalt occurs when it is partially destroyed. The reasons can be very different:
- intensive or long-term use of the road surface;
- mismatch between loads and coating composition;
- mechanical damage;
- excavations made by utility services during the repair of underground communications;
- roots of nearby trees;
- regular contact with fuel and lubricants on the asphalt.

The fragility of asphalt can be caused by violations in the technology of its production (insufficient bitumen content) or violations in the technology of its laying (insufficient compaction, working with a cooled asphalt concrete mixture, poor-quality base). Whatever the specific reasons that prompt you to carry out pothole repair of an asphalt concrete pavement, doing it is just as necessary as going to the dentist when caries appears: if you miss something small, you can lose something big.

Pothole repair technology not very "sophisticated". In any case, you need to start by marking the damaged areas, for which you draw a patching map, taking into rectangles all the sections of the canvas that need to be replaced. Damaged sections of asphalt are cut down to a depth of 5-15 cm (depending on the size of the hole, crack, etc.): the contour is cut through with a seam cutter, and the middle is dismantled using jackhammers. In cases where asphalt replacement needs to be done at sufficiently large area, and it is difficult to do this manually - special equipment is used.

It is necessary to check the quality of the base under the removed fragments of asphalt: perhaps this is precisely why the need for repair arose. It’s one thing if the “root of evil” is in a thin or poorly compacted foundation, then it will be enough to add crushed stone and compact it thoroughly. Another case is when there is simply no foundation under the asphalt. Instead there are pieces of clay, soil, or even just dirt. Here you will have to work more carefully, making a full-fledged crushed stone base according to all the rules.

Immediately before laying the asphalt patch, the edges of the hole are treated with bitumen: bottling is carried out binding materials, providing better adhesion and adhesion of the new layer to the old one.

Let us separately focus on the asphalt paving process. In cases where the asphalt thickness is more than 6-7 cm, laying is carried out in 2 layers. One layer of asphalt - according to general practice - should be 4-6 cm. The asphalt is poured out, leveled (planed), then rolled (compacted). At this stage, the professionalism of asphalt workers is very important. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of uncompacted asphalt concrete mixture so that after its compaction the level of the restored pavement coincides with the level in the adjacent areas. During compaction, the asphalt “squats” approximately 1.5 times.

Equipment and tools for pothole repair. The destruction and removal of old asphalt and underlying layers is carried out using seam cutters, jackhammers, and even excavators. If it is necessary to dismantle old asphalt over large areas, special machines are used - road milling machines. Sometimes, on the contrary, small amounts of work associated with various kinds constrained, forced to use manual labor.

Laying out the asphalt concrete mixture during pothole repair is done exclusively manually - using rakes (they look like mops). To compact the base and asphalt concrete mixture in small areas, vibratory plates, vibratory rammers, and small hand rollers are used. Manual vibrating rollers weighing about half a ton are very convenient for performing pothole repairs.

Cast asphalt: pros and cons. The technology of pothole repair using cast (liquid) asphalt has become quite widespread. This technology is regulated by GOST R 54401-2011. This asphalt concrete mixture is characterized by a high bitumen content. It is transported to the place of installation in special vehicles with a closed body that provide heating and mixing. The main advantage of cast asphalt technology is that cast asphalt does not require compaction. It is distributed into the gaps to be repaired using rakes, after which it spreads and hardens. This is naturally easier and faster. True, this technology also has disadvantages. Firstly, the higher cost, and secondly, the fact that in summer, in conditions high temperatures The cast asphalt coating melts, spreads, and is pressed through.

Cost of pothole repair. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete road surfaces and sidewalks is not at all the same as simple asphalt laying. And the volume of such work is small, and the space in which it is performed is much smaller. But the share of manual labor is much higher. These circumstances make pothole repair a rather expensive position: its cost is 30-50% higher than conventional asphalting.

Smooth, high-quality road surfaces that provide full adhesion of vehicle wheels to the road surface are the key to a safe and quiet traffic. Due to active use, roads are constantly in need of repair and renewal.

Currently the most popular view road surface repair is pothole repair. This method is used more often than others, because it is much more profitable, economical and faster. However, there are many complaints about it from car drivers who swear about the quality of road surfaces and the rapid destruction of patches after repairs. But here the reason may not lie in the technology itself, but in those who use it. The quality of such repairs depends on compliance with the pothole repair technology. Quite often, careless workers do not even pay attention to the conditions and requirements that must be observed in the process of road repairs, so unscrupulous and careless attitude towards work often becomes the cause of destruction of road surfaces.


Road patching does not imply any work to restore communications or improve areas: asphalt is laid only in areas that need urgent repairs. In addition, it should be noted that similar works must be carried out in strict compliance with all points technological process. This guarantees cost savings, durability and maximum quality. Pothole repair allows you to restore the continuity, strength, evenness, adhesion and water resistance of coatings. In addition, it ensures the standard service life of the sections.

Pothole repair has been relevant for decades. There are dozens of technologies for carrying out such repairs of road surfaces, while the best way is selected based on weather conditions, the condition of the canvas, the possibilities of full use of special equipment and the specifics of the materials used. Pothole repair of road surfaces has several undeniable advantages:

  • there is no need to completely block traffic on the motorway/highway;
  • prompt implementation of all necessary work(small areas are restored within 24 hours);
  • no need to use heavy special equipment;
  • pothole repair asphalt pavement does not require huge financial costs (compared to major repairs).

Recipe for success

Usually unscrupulous workers only repair upper layer damaged areas. However, in fact, the pothole repair technology involves the restoration of the underlying layer.

Before starting work, the boundaries of damage are determined, existing defects are identified, potential defects are determined, the scale of work and indicators of reliability, uniformity, strength and roughness of coatings are calculated.

Asphalt rolling

Many domestic enterprises that carry out road repairs and construction have rollers weighing from 8 tons. Such road equipment is justified for full-scale work, but it is not practical to use it for pothole repair. To compact several tens of meters of road, it is better to use the “trampling” method, which is implemented using manual vibrating plates. Asphalt patching is also carried out using small sidewalk or vibrating rollers.

Traditional method

With this repair method, the damaged area is first separated from the coating, this is done using a road milling machine. Then the edges of the potholes are cut off to give them a rectangular shape. Then the defective sector is cleaned from dust and crumbs; its edges and bottom are treated with liquid bitumen emulsion or heated bitumen, after which the asphalt concrete mixture is poured.

Pothole repair of road surfaces, the technology of which is traditional, allows you to obtain high-quality work results, but it requires a significant number of operations. It is used in the repair process various types coatings made of bitumen-mineral and asphalt concrete materials.

Repair with heating of coatings and reuse of its material

Such road pothole repair is based on the use of special equipment for heating the surfaces - an asphalt heater. This method allows you to obtain high-quality results, save on materials, and facilitate the technology of performing work. But at the same time, pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavement has significant limitations due to weather conditions (air temperature and wind). This method is used in the repair process different types coatings made from bitumen-mineral and asphalt concrete mixtures.

Repair without cutting down or heating the old coating

Destructions and deformations of road surfaces are filled with cold polymer-asphalt concrete mixture, wet organomineral mixture, cold asphalt concrete, etc. The method allows work to be carried out in cold weather with wet and damp surfaces, is simple to implement, but is not capable of ensuring high quality and durability of coatings. This method is used in the process of repairing road surfaces with low traffic intensity, temporary, and also as an emergency measure on roads with increased intensity.

Cold methods of pothole repair

This is a pothole repair of the road surface, the technology of which is based on the use of cold asphalt concrete or bitumen-mineral mixtures as repair material. These methods are used mainly in the process of repairing cold asphalt concrete and on low-category roads and when it is necessary to temporarily or urgently repair potholes.

Work begins in the spring at an air temperature of at least +10 degrees. At the repair site, the coating is formed under the influence of moving transport for 20-40 days, and its quality depends on the properties of the bitumen emulsion or liquid bitumen, the composition and intensity of traffic, and the weather.

Repairs can also be carried out with low temperatures, while repair materials are prepared in advance. The cost of repairs using this technology is less than with the hot method. The main disadvantage is the short service life of coatings on roads with buses and heavy trucks.

Hot ways

They are based on the use of hot asphalt concrete mixtures as materials: cast asphalt concrete, coarse- and fine-grained, sand, etc.

The methods are used when repairing roads with asphalt concrete surfaces. It is possible to perform work at air temperatures of at least +10 degrees with a dry coating and a thawed base. When using a heater, repairs are allowed at a temperature of at least +5 degrees.

Hot methods provide higher quality and long term coating services.

Preparatory operations

Before carrying out work, the following preparatory operations are performed:

  1. Fencing of places is installed, road signs and lighting devices when carrying out work in dark time days.
  2. Repair locations (maps) are marked using chalk or a stretched cord. The repair map is drawn with straight lines perpendicular and parallel to the axis of the road, giving the correct shape to the contour and capturing the undamaged surface.
  3. Damaged coatings are cut down, broken or milled, and the removed material is removed. It is carried out to the thickness of the destroyed coating layer, but not less than 4 centimeters along the entire length of the repair. When a pothole affects the bottom layer, it is loosened and removed to its full thickness.
  4. Potholes are cleared of material residues, dirt and dust.
  5. The walls and bottom are dried when performing repairs using the hot method.
  6. The walls and bottom are treated with bitumen or bitumen emulsion.

Basic Operations

Only after preparation can potholes be filled with repair material. The installation technique and sequence of procedures depend on the volume and method of work, and the type of repair material.

For small volumes and the absence of mechanized means, laying can be done manually. The mixture is laid into the card in 1 layer when cutting to a depth of up to 50 millimeters and in 2 layers when cutting to a depth of more than 50 millimeters. In this case, a coarse-grained mixture of crushed stone can be laid in the bottom layer, and a fine-grained mixture in the top layer.

With mechanized laying, the mixture is supplied from a thermos hopper.

When sealing cards 10-20 sq. m asphalt concrete mixtures laid with an asphalt paver. In this case, the installation is carried out in a pothole, and the mixture is evenly leveled over the entire area.

Compaction in the lower layer of the coating is carried out using pneumatic rammers, manual vibratory rollers or electric rammers in the direction from the edges to the middle.

The mixture laid in the top layer and the mixture laid in 1 layer at a depth of up to 50 millimeters is compacted with self-propelled vibratory rollers or smooth static rollers light type, and then with heavy rollers.

For low-gravel and sandy soils it should be no less than 0.98, for high- and medium-gravel soils - 0.99.

Hot mixtures are compacted when maximum temperatures, in which deformation during rolling is impossible.

Joints that protrude above the surface of the coating are removed using grinding or milling machines.

Final operations

Final operations involve measures to make the road surface ready for movement. Vehicle. Workers remove the remaining waste and garbage and load it into dump trucks. Also at this stage, road signs and fences are removed, and the marking line in the patching area is restored.

Important Requirements

The quality and service life of repaired coatings primarily depend on compliance with the following requirements:

  • pothole repair is carried out at air temperatures no less than permissible for a specific repair material on a clean and dry surface;
  • in the process of cutting down the old coating, weakened material is removed from all areas of the pothole where there are breaks, cracks and spalling;
  • it is necessary to clean and dry the repair card;
  • must be done correct forms maps, sheer walls, flat bottom;
  • All surfaces of the pothole must be treated with a binder;
  • laying of repair material is carried out when optimal temperature for this type of mixture;
  • the layer should have a thickness slightly greater than the depth of the pothole, taking into account the margin for compaction coefficient;
  • the formation of a layer of new materials on old coatings at the edge of the map is unacceptable in order to avoid shocks when vehicles collide and rapid destruction of areas;
  • the repair material is well leveled and compacted flush with the road surface.

Quality control

Polymerization of asphalt concrete occurs at temperatures above 100 degrees and under high pressure. Once the mixture is compacted, the asphalt is not afraid of water. On the contrary, it is advisable to water the restored road surfaces with water to quickly cool and restore traffic flow.

It should be noted that if the technology is not fully compliant and certain rules are violated, the asphalt concrete patches made can last at least 2 years. With strict adherence to repair techniques - at least 5 years.

The carriageway of the road must comply (after patching has been carried out) with GOST R 50597-93 - “Motor roads and streets”.

Low price for asphalting roads!
from 400 rubles per sq. meter

Asphalt pothole repair

Pothole restoration of the road allows you to carry out repairs with minimum cost resources. Pothole repair is used if the damage to the asphalt surface is less than 15%, and the diameter of the holes does not exceed 25 square meters. The depth of filling the hole with asphalt emulsion is 5 cm and is sufficient for Moscow roads.

The cost of road repairs in Moscow starts from 570 rubles.

For road repairs, the price is calculated during the marking process. Identification of holes and calculation of the dimensions of rectangular cards for dismantling and applying patches allow you to accurately determine the square footage and announce the price.

The cost of pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavement is 570 rubles. per m2. At the same time, everything Consumables included in the price, layer thickness 5 cm.

You can also order a free specialist visit to the site for advice on road repair and construction. The price of asphalt pothole repair is fixed and depends solely on the scale of the work.

Pithole restoration allows you to save money by partially replacing damaged areas. Experience, equipment and in-house production of secondary materials allows Undorstroy LLC to install one of the most favorable prices in Moscow and the region for road repairs.

our clients

We have been cooperating with Moscow urban planning and regional transport authorities for 15 years. Our company is chosen due to quality guarantees and good recommendations from 10 Moscow districts.

Our clients have already become:

  • administrations of districts and prefectures of Moscow;
  • municipal authorities of the Tula region;
  • state organizations HOA;
  • private transport companies.

The management of all the listed structures responded positively to our company, remaining completely satisfied with the work of Undorstroy LLC.

Timing for asphalt patching repairs

One of the advantages of pothole restoration is the ability to quickly restore the coating. Repairs do not require adjusting large equipment and blocking traffic. The scope of work during restoration is minimal and consists of only three main stages - preparation, dismantling and asphalting.

To restore the road surface as quickly as possible, the Undorstroy company works:

  • around the clock;
  • no days off;
  • on holidays.

Carrying out pothole repairs of roads in Moscow and the region in most cases does not require blocking the route. We level the surface one at a time on different lanes. Partial overlap allows you to avoid creating obstacles to the movement of cars during the work.

The only limitation is that road repairs carried out only at above-zero temperatures and dry weather. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee the durability of the patches and high performance.

Why is it worth ordering road repairs from Undorstroy?

You can order the services of the Undorstroy company by contacting us by phone and arranging a meeting with a consultant, or by leaving a request on the website. At our disposal:

All our employees are regularly certified for their ability to perform road repair work. Our fleet has our own equipment of any size, from vibrating plates and compactors, to asphalt pavers and 10-ton rollers.

The Undorstroy company independently produces recycled crushed stone and processes asphalt to reduce the price for customers. We started our work in 2001, and maintain a reputation as a reliable partner for the construction and repair of roads in Moscow.

Technology for pothole repair of asphalt pavement

After agreement with the customer, we send necessary equipment and certified specialists at the site of road surface repair. Upon arrival at the site for pothole repair in Moscow, our specialists block one of the traffic lanes.

After installing fences, signs and organizing detours, qualified workers immediately begin repairing the road. Removing potholes includes several stages:

  1. Marking
  2. Sawing cards
  3. Dismantling the coating
  4. Cleaning the base
  5. Asphalting
  6. Cleaning the area

Markings are applied to determine the scope of work, calculate the cost and mark damaged areas. By ready-made markup a cold asphalt mill passes, cutting smooth rectangular cards for patches, around the hole.

Cutting is necessary because microcracks in the canvas occupy a larger area than visible damage. The contour of the dismantling card is usually 20 cm wider than the excavation area. Cutting with a milling cutter does not exceed the width of the traffic lane, even with large cracks, so as not to create obstacles to traffic.

After passing the contours of the rectangle for the patch, the recess is cleared of the resulting crumbs, usually manually, using a jackhammer in the center of the map. The Undorstroy company removes and accepts asphalt chips from the site free of charge. With us you can reduce the cost of road repairs during dismantling.

Cleared of chips, dust and debris, the rectangular excavation is prepared by the Undorstroy company using secondary crushed stone to create a load-bearing layer own production. Additionally, treatment with hot bitumen emulsion is possible to strengthen the base and form a layer.

The prepared area is covered with asphalt by road workers with the necessary qualifications. The patch is applied using hand shovels, using special equipment - kochers, which do not allow the finished asphalt to harden.

An asphalt smooth drum roller may pass behind the workers. For small volumes of work, road builders use mobile vibrating plates for local pothole repair of the road surface.

Compacted asphalt pavement does not require waiting to harden. After completion of the work, construction equipment and debris are removed, and fences are removed. The traffic flow along the strip can be restored, and the workers move on to the next part or hand over the object to the customer.

The article describes the technology of jet-injection repair of asphalt concrete road surfaces.

What is the jet injection method, its advantages and disadvantages. When is it advisable to carry out pothole repair using jet-injection technology?

Jet-injection technology (SIT) is used for small pothole repairs, filling shallow cracks and potholes, which allows you to level the surface of the roadway. The crack or hole is cleaned, if necessary, washed with a stream of water, followed by mandatory drying. Then they are treated with water-bitumen emulsion (WBE), covered with fine black crushed stone and impregnated with WBE, if necessary, treating the surface of the patch with fine white crushed stone.

Jet-injection technology for small pothole repairs, filling shallow cracks and potholes.

Repair using SIT is used at air temperatures from + 40 to - 15 degrees. This allows repairs to be carried out at any time of the year. The coating repaired using this technology can withstand an average flow of passenger cars (no more than a thousand cars per hour). Not suitable for roads common use, because the pressure of the truck wheels will quickly push through the patch. SIT is used to repair sidewalks, pedestrian paths, and parking lots in front of small shops.

The advantage of the technology is the low cost of repairs compared to traditional and injection molding methods. After all this technology does not require cutting cards, does not require mixture preparation and allows for very quick repairs.

Security measures

Safety measures when carrying out repairs using SIT are standard. Coordination with the traffic police of the temporary traffic pattern, installation of temporary signs, fencing the work site with barriers. Daily medical examination of all workers, operators and drivers and inspection of equipment are mandatory. It is necessary to ensure that a standard first aid kit is available at the work site.

Coordination with OATI is not required because the road surface is not subject to mechanical treatment or excavation.

Coating preparation

To prepare the coating for repair, holes and cracks are blown out with manual or mechanized blowers. After cleaning, it is necessary to treat the work site with EBE. This will improve the adhesion of the patch to the base layer. It is optimal to use repair machines. In this case, there is no need for additional equipment. The repairman provides enough air flow to clean even dried dirt. Then, with the help of a repairman, the repair site is treated with EBE, covered with crushed stone, and treated with EBE.

Cleaning and treating a hole or crack before repair.

Laying crushed stone

For SIT, purified crushed stone of hard rocks, with a fraction of 5-10 mm, is used. The quality of crushed stone must comply with GOST and SNiP. Using larger crushed stone will result in a lower density and lower strength of the repaired area. Before laying, crushed stone is treated with VBE, after which it is poured and leveled. You can use black crushed stone prepared at an asphalt concrete plant. When using a repairer, the crushed stone is treated with EBE during delivery to the repair site.

Emulsion treatment

The laid and compacted black crushed stone is carefully poured with EBE. It is necessary that the emulsion completely saturates the crushed stone at the repair site. In this case, the repaired coating will last for many years. In some cases - sharp turns, descents, ascents, it is necessary, after treatment with the emulsion, to sprinkle the repair area with fine white crushed stone, with a fraction of 5-10 mm. This improves the adhesion of the patch to car wheels and pedestrian shoes and is especially important in winter.


Despite the fact that most repair organizations do not use crushed stone compaction, the use of hand rollers and especially vibrating plates can improve the strength and reliability of the patch by 10-15%.

The use of hand rollers and vibrating plates for compacting crushed stone.

The most popular machines for PIT (pothole repairers)

  • BETSEMA 24-3. Provides the supply of two types of crushed stone, heating of the EBE and supplying it under pressure, supplying air under pressure to clean the repair site. It has the ability to process VBE crushed stone inside. The crushed stone is supplied by a blower with an MMZ engine. Ideal for small repairs.
  • HYDROG PATCHER PA-5000. A more powerful repairer that feeds crushed stone using a screw drive. It has two bunkers for crushed stone of various fractions, a bunker for VBE, an autonomous diesel engine, and a diesel burner for heating the VBE. Can be used as a trailer or mounted on a truck bed.
  • MADROG MADPATCHER MPA. Provides processing of crushed stone and its pneumatic supply. It has an autonomous engine and burner for heating the VBE. The price of a new unit starts from sixty thousand euros.

All SIT repair machines perform the same functions, differing only in price and design.

The use of jet-injection technology will reduce the cost of scheduled repairs by two to three times.