Needles: use for baths and in folk medicine. Preparing pine baths for babies

The fact that pine needles are beneficial for human health has been known for a long time. Traditional medicine actively uses it. Pine needles are included in medicinal decoctions; magnificent, healing, health baths. The needles of evergreen trees contain great amount useful substances. For example, it is rich in vitamins C, K, R, B1, B2. There are mineral salts, phytoncides, tannins, essential oils. Right now, in winter, pine needles are most useful.

Now, after New Year's holidays, many people still have live Christmas trees at home. It's a shame to throw away a tree. Especially if you took good care of the tree, carefully watered it with water, and added water to the roots. Live Christmas tree It will still be very useful, so don’t rush to throw it away. Let's find out how needles can be used, use for baths and in folk medicine spruce (pine, fir) branches.

To begin, collect coniferous tree needles, shoots and small twigs. They can be used fresh or dried. It is convenient to store dried raw materials in linen bags. It’s even better to freeze fresh pine needles on the balcony or freezer.

Application for baths

Pine baths extremely useful. They soothe, relax, and tone the skin. With their help, blood circulation is activated. Doctors recommend taking baths from pine needles for diseases of the respiratory system, skin diseases, nervous fatigue, and inflammation of the joints. The procedures help cleanse the body of toxins and waste. With their help you can remove nervous tension, eliminate insomnia, reduce joint inflammation. The skin acquires firmness and elasticity.

How to prepare a pine bath:

For one bath you will need 1 kg of pine needles and finely chopped twigs. In the morning, put it all in a large saucepan, pour cold water, boil. Reduce the temperature, cook at a barely noticeable boil for half an hour. After this, remove it from the stove, wrap it in something warm, and leave it all day until you can take a bath in the evening. Before going to bed, take a shower. Then fill the bath moderately hot water, pour in the strained broth. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.

The duration of the procedure is 10-12 minutes. Then pat your skin dry with a soft towel and lie down to rest. The course of health procedures should be 8-10 baths. The procedures are very useful for radiculitis. Only in this case add sea salt to the water.

For arthritis, arthrosis of small joints of the hands, painful “bones” in the legs, you can prepare mini-baths. To do this, pour 1-1.5 liters of pine needles with finely chopped branches (1 glass). boiling water Boil, cook for 15 minutes, let cool. Then strain and heat to an acceptable temperature. Pour the broth into a bowl and place your sore hands or feet in it. Take a mini-bath for 20 minutes 4-5 times a week.

Use in folk medicine

For skin rashes, colds, respiratory diseases, prepare a decoction: Pour 30 g of fresh pine needles into a saucepan, add 1 liter there. fresh hot milk. Boil, cook for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth cool and strain. The entire amount of decoction should be drunk during the day.

You can also use pine needles to cleanse the blood. To do this, pour 5 tbsp into an enamel pan. l., add half a liter of quality drinking water. Boil, reduce heat, cook at the lowest temperature for 15 minutes. After this, wrap it well and leave it overnight. Strain in the morning, drink a quarter glass three times a day, before meals. Course - 2 weeks.

For flu, colds, and sore throats, inhalation and rinsing with a decoction of pine needles and finely chopped branches will help. Prepare the decoction as described above. Hot - use for inhalation, warm - for rinsing. Place a live spruce, pine or fir branch in water at home. Live needles are a source of phytoncides, which are necessary to fight microbes, especially during influenza epidemics.

If you have vitamin deficiency, you can prepare an excellent vitamin drink. To do this, pour fresh pine needles and finely chopped twigs into an enamel pan. Fill with cool boiled water at the rate of ¾ cup per glass of raw materials. Add the juice of half a lemon to it. Close the pan tightly and leave for 2-3 days. Shake the pan twice a day. After this, strain the contents of the pan and pour into a jar. Add honey to taste and stir. Drink half a glass once a day, preferably in the morning.

The use of pine needles in cosmetics

Needles, young shoots, finely chopped twigs can be used both to improve the health of the body and to improve the condition of the hair. For example, pine decoction is an excellent remedy to make them healthy, shiny, beautiful. To do this, prepare the following remedy: Grind 1/3 cup of fresh pine needles using a mortar and pour into a small saucepan. Pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and wait for the broth to cool. Strain and rub this product into the roots of your hair after washing your hair. The procedure must be repeated 2-4 times a week.

You and I now know how to use needles from a Christmas tree, pine or fir. And if your New Year's beauty remains in excellent condition, has not dried out, the needles do not fall off it, it can be used for preparing baths and decoctions. So don’t rush to throw away a tree that’s still alive, use the tree to improve the health of your family.

Many people know, in addition, this is one of the popular procedures in beauty salons for Lately. After all, they are useful and effective for many people. Coniferous trees are used for various purposes: rejuvenation, healing, health promotion, and both cones and resin, and tree branches can be used.

Bath with pine extract

Modern life of any person is in a hurry, and therefore people do not have time to take care of their health. But, using pine extract for a bath, you can improve your health and lift your mood.

Taking a bath as one of the methods therapeutic medicine has found its application not only in cosmetology. Not a single dispensary or sanatorium can do without such a procedure. The most popular and effective baths are conifers, on the basis of which medicinal procedures are carried out. These baths are very useful, since the plant contains essential oils that have a mass beneficial properties.

Needles in cosmetology

As mentioned above, conifers trees have found their application in cosmetology. All this is because the composition of the needles is rich in active substances that have positive impact per person. These include the following:

  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamins different groups, which are more abundant in pine trees.
  • Microelements.
  • Phytoncides that have a calming effect.
  • Carotene.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Phytohormones that fight skin sagging.

All these beneficial properties have only a positive effect on a person - on his appearance, the body as a whole. In order to achieve greater effect from the procedures, you can also take pearl baths.

Useful properties and contraindications

Speaking about beneficial properties, you can list them endlessly. So, pine bath extract is used for the following purposes:

  • To get rid of insomnia.
  • To enhance immunity.
  • When overworked and tired.
  • For diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous system, joints.
  • For metabolic disorders.
  • For osteochondrosis and other diseases

If we talk about cosmetology, pine baths are used in the following cases:

  • For weight loss.
  • To increase the stress resistance of the skin.
  • For figure correction.
  • To cleanse the body.

But despite the fact that pine extract for bathing is very useful, it may also have a number of contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for people who:

  • with chronic diseases;
  • with oncological diseases of any nature;
  • with cardiovascular diseases.

Despite the fact that there are few contraindications to the use of baths, you should consult a doctor before such procedures.

for children

Not only adults, but also children can take pine baths. But it is worth noting that babies, and especially infants, need to take baths with caution and reduce the amount by half. necessary ingredients. Coniferous bath extract for children is useful in the following cases:

  • With rickets.
  • For hyperactivity.
  • For sleep disorders.
  • As a preventive measure.
  • For colds.
  • With malnutrition.

When using a bath, a baby needs to consult a doctor, as the procedure may have contraindications. When giving baths to young children, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the child knows how to sit, then it is better to put him on a high chair.
  2. The child does not need to be fed half an hour before and after the procedure.
  3. Pine needle extract should only be purchased at a pharmacy.
  4. After taking a bath, you need to rinse your child in the shower.
  5. The water level should not be higher than the baby's waist level.
  6. It is necessary to check whether the drug has expired.
  7. The duration of the bath should not exceed 7 minutes.
  8. There is no need to allow the child to play - he should be calm.
  9. The water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.
  10. If the child shows restlessness, then you need to stop taking the bath.

It is not necessary to carry out the procedures under the supervision of a doctor; they can be done at home. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to take baths for children under six months old. But sometimes the doctor may prescribe such procedures.

Bath with pine extract: instructions

How to properly use pine extract for baths? Instructions for use are very simple. To do this, you need to take a bath with water at a temperature of up to 37 degrees. After this, you need to dissolve the pine extract in it; you can use a store-bought one or a decoction prepared at home. When everything is ready, you need to lie down in the bath so that the area of ​​your heart remains above the surface of the water. First, you need to put a towel on the side of the bath, where you need to put your head. After twenty minutes, it is recommended to finish taking the bath, relax and lie down to rest for half an hour. At this time, you just need to relax and not be distracted by extraneous noises and activities.

It is necessary to carry out a course of procedures of 12 baths, which should be taken every other day. Then you need to take a break for six months. You can take baths in different time, but the best way to do this is:

  • an hour before or an hour after eating;
  • 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Bath with sea salt and pine needles

You can also use not only pine needles for bathing, but also sea salt, which has many beneficial properties. A bath with sea salt and pine extract helps in the following cases:

  • With rickets.
  • Under stress.
  • For eczema.
  • For joint diseases.
  • For diseases of the human nervous system.

In order to prepare a pine-salt bath, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Sea salt.
  2. The dry part of the pine tree - you can boil the branches.
  3. Pine extract - can be bought at a pharmacy or store.
  4. Liquid extract.

Pine extract: reviews

There are a lot of baths for adults with a variety of salts and extracts. But a lot of positive reviews can be seen specifically about pine extract. Many people say that pine needles help cope with poor immunity, especially after winter. In addition, it gives strength and vigor, which a person often lacks.

Many women claim that in order to get rid of constant nervousness and stress, they need to take pine baths. Also, a bath with pine extract helps you relax after a hard day at work.

How to take a pine bath correctly

It is important to know how to use pine extract for a bath. The use of the product is usually prescribed in the instructions. The volume of water should not exceed two hundred liters. It is worth noting that taking medicinal bath You need a clean body; you should take a shower before the procedure. On average, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, but according to the doctor’s indications, the time can be changed. It is recommended to take baths before bed; after the procedure, a person will quickly fall asleep.

In order to take a bath, you can buy pine extract at the pharmacy in different forms: tablets, powder, salt, balm, liquid. You can also make your own decoction of pine needles, and it will be healthier than the one you buy in a pharmacy or store.

Try to use the gifts of nature with maximum benefit and be healthy!

A pine-salt bath has a calming effect and improves skin condition.

It is often prescribed for:

  • dermatological diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.)
  • allergies (including diathesis in infants)
  • sleep problems
  • depression
  • neuroses
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • respiratory diseases

In addition, sea salt and pine needles used to prepare the bath contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

That is why a pine-salt bath will be useful as a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent.

Preparation of pine-salt bath

  • sea ​​salt

The latter is sold in pharmacies both in liquid form and in briquettes. As an alternative to pine extract, you can use natural pine needles or sea bath salts, to which pine needle extract has already been added at the factory.

If you prefer to use natural pine needles, it is better to use pine needles. They contain a lot essential oils which have a beneficial effect on the skin and nervous system. You can also use pine branches or pine cones

We use sea salt for baths with benefit and without harm

  • More details

If a pine-salt bath is prescribed for a baby, you need to ensure that the concentration of salt and pine extract is not too high. For a 30-liter baby bath you will need 2 tablespoons of salt and 5–10 g of pine extract or a glass pine infusion(you can prepare it by pouring boiling water over 4 tablespoons of pine needles, branches and cones, leaving for two hours and straining). It is good to take such a bath before bed for 10–15 days. It normalizes the tone in the baby’s legs and arms, improves sleep and skin condition.

It is better to make a bath for an adult from sea salt and liquid pine extract. A large bowl of water (200 liters) will require 100 g of salt and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid extract. You should not add them directly to the bath; it is better to first dilute them with a small amount of water in a separate ladle.

The optimal duration of taking a pine-salt bath is 10–15 minutes. The water temperature should be no more than 37–38°C.

How is pine extract useful for children, how to prepare it at home, when to use it and who should avoid it? We'll talk about this further.

Pine baths - beneficial properties

The essential oils contained in pine needles are very beneficial for the human body. They have a positive effect on many organs, but above all on the central nervous system.

Thanks to the particularly soft sedative effect pine needle esters can quickly calm a person, suppress excessive aggressiveness, improve mood, and give a charge of vigor.

The child’s body is also susceptible to stress: the influence of negative external factors, illnesses, conflicts in the family, increased mental stress, hard work at school and much more.

It is quite clear that the younger generation, regardless of age, can also benefit from bathing in pine baths. True, in very infancy one should pay attention Special attention extract concentration.

Coniferous extracts are a storehouse of phytoncides. This is true. Under the influence of these biologically active substances, regeneration processes are stimulated, the growth and development of pathogenic microflora is suppressed, and the bacterial composition of the skin is normalized.

IN childhood, especially in infancy, pine extract for a bath will bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, the baby’s skin does not yet have the ability to effectively resist the onslaught of bacteria and viruses and it would not be amiss to help the child’s body.

When inhaling coniferous phytoncides, the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is normalized, which reduces the likelihood of developing colds. Such procedures are very effective, especially in combination with measures of nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Another important characteristic is the presence of high concentrations of antioxidants - substances that can inactivate the ability of some highly active particles to damage biological membranes.

Under the influence of antioxidants, factors that contribute to the development of very serious diseases, including cancer, disappear. Maximum effectiveness from such procedures is expected when combined with general strengthening measures.

Indications for pine baths

Coniferous extract is very useful for infants, as for many of us, but the maximum therapeutic and preventive effect can be expected in the following cases:

Sleep disorders;
Frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
Allergic diseases;
Treatment of consequences sunburn;
Recovery after illnesses.

In addition, carrying out general tonic activities.

Contraindications for use

There are no special contraindications to taking pine baths. However, in case of individual intolerance, as well as in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin, it is better to refrain from such procedures.

How to make pine extract at home?

Of course, you can buy pine extract for bathing babies at a pharmacy or store, but such a drug must be purchased. We will not waste money on this. It’s much more fun to cook everything ourselves, especially since we don’t need something exotic or incredibly complicated for this.

The first step in the preparation of this drug is the collection of raw materials. Not all spruce branches are suitable for making extract. They should be collected exclusively away from busy highways, populated areas or industrial zones.

It is better not to break off light green branches, let the tree grow further. In addition, the content of biologically active substances in such needles is lower, therefore, they are less useful.

In addition to pine needles, you can collect cones, twigs, and pieces of bark. Besides this, you shouldn’t get stuck on this. The raw materials of pine, fir, cedar, as well as all other coniferous species are ideal.

The collected raw materials must be chopped using a knife or large scissors, placed on the bottom of a large pan and filled with boiling water. The pan should be closed with a lid and preferably wrapped in a blanket (to save heat). You need to infuse the twigs in this container for at least ten hours. As a matter of fact, the healing potion is ready.

Half a liter of pine extract is enough to take a bath. Of course, the water will not become intensely colored. green color, as when using an industrial concentrate. By the way, this coloring does not come from spruce extract, but is created by dyes.

Nevertheless, the intense spruce smell will be present, and this is exactly what we need. Time to take a bath.

Pine tincture

The word tincture eloquently hints at the presence alcohol base. This is true. To prepare this drug you will need about 2 liters of strong alcohol, preferably vodka.

The procurement of raw materials is carried out using the previously announced method. Twigs, cones and bark are crushed and placed inside a three-liter jar. Next, this container must be filled to the brim with alcohol and left for at least 3 days. Optimally - a week.

Using this tincture is very simple. Half a glass of the drug will be enough for a bath.


When bathing your baby in pine baths, especially at first, attention should be paid to the condition of the child’s skin. If rashes, redness or peeling occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Many, while relaxing in the resort area, noticed the beneficial effects of salt air among conifers on the body.

But how do these components affect when taking baths?

Such physiotherapeutic water procedures using pine needles and salt not only help you relax and gain strength, but are also very beneficial for the skin and health of the body.

Impact on the body

The effect on the body is determined by water pressure, temperature, composition of water and concentration of substances in it. When immersed in water, the influence of gravity on a person decreases.

This allows you to maximally relieve bones and muscles, relieving tension. The baths are divided into very low concentration, low, medium and high concentration.

Salt and pine needles have their own positive sides and many elements that will benefit the body.


Taking a bath with salt has a positive effect on the body:

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  2. Activates metabolism;
  3. Improves the activity of the excretory system;
  4. Strengthens protective functions body;
  5. Salt draws excess moisture from the body;
  6. The function of the digestive system is restored;
  7. Hormonal processes are regulated;
  8. Relieves inflammation;
  9. Has a beneficial effect on the skin and gives it firmness and elasticity;
  10. Restore the nail plate.


The needles are a storehouse of many minerals and essential for humans.

The effect of pine needles on the human body:

  • Essential oils calm the nervous system, including having an immunostimulating effect;
  • Eliminates fatigue;
  • Pine needles contain many disinfectants and antibacterial substances;
  • Increases tone;
  • Since needles contain an analogue female hormone– phytoestrogen, then it stabilizes hormonal background women and has a good effect on the reproductive system;
  • The presence of carotene, folic acid, as well as vitamins K, E and B, accelerate the metabolic process, which removes waste, poisons and toxins from the body. They also rejuvenate the body, activating regeneration processes, and improve functioning circulatory system and hearts;
  • Getting into the mucous membranes, Airways, needles have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The needles contain many trace elements - copper, iron, cobalt, etc. They improve the condition of the skin, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system;
  • Antioxidants perfectly bind various pathogenic substances and free radicals.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

The procedure can be carried out both in specialized conditions and at home. First you need to figure out what the ratio of medicinal substances and water should be.

If you prepare a bath using only pine needles, you can use:

  1. pine extracts (liquid, dry). In this case, the substance is dissolved in water, 100 ml of liquid or 70 g of dry extract is taken per volume of 200 l;
  2. pre-prepared needles (pine, spruce, cedar or fir). A decoction is made with 500 g of dry or 700 g of fresh twigs. Pour in 5 liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil and hold for another 5-10 minutes. Strain the warm brown broth and pour it into the bathroom.

To carry out a salt bath, it would be good to use sea salt, but you can also use regular table salt (not “Extra”). In this case, the packaging contains instructions on how to use it.

The percentage of concentration is determined by what problem a person is struggling with and what his individual characteristics are.

To prepare a salt-pine bath, you need to take 100 ml of pine needle extract or 100 g of dry concentrate and 300-500 g of salt. If you use fresh branches, then take more than 500 g of them, brew, boil and infuse.

For infants, take 2 tbsp per 30 liters of water. tablespoons of salt and 5-10 g of pine extract, and if you use an infusion, then 1 glass.

Eat certain rules, for a bath procedure. The head, neck and heart area should be above the water. Such baths should not be taken on a full stomach, and you should not eat too much after the procedure.

Since baths relax the body, it is good to take them 40 minutes before bedtime. Both one-time therapy and a course will have a positive effect.

Duration of procedure, water temperature

The time of taking a pine-salt bath should be regulated by your well-being and should not exceed 20 minutes. It is very important that the water is not very hot, its temperature is optimal - 36-37º C.

If a child is taking a bath, then the procedure should be carried out for no more than 10 minutes, at a water temperature of no more than 35º C.

After taking a bath, it is better to rinse for 10-20 seconds and lie down.

Pine-salt baths are very useful for skin diseases, rickets in children, nervous disorders, joint diseases and neurodermatitis. But such baths should be prescribed or supervised by a doctor to exclude contraindications.