Games at home for 4 people without a computer. What you can play with your child - exciting games for children of different ages

Children's party at home: fun and entertaining games for children and adults. Ancient games from the 19th century, long forgotten and now being revived. Interesting ideas for a joyful mood during the holidays.

Soon New Year and Christmas! And of course, these days we meet with friends, family, go to visit, receive guests. Playing games at home is one of the oldest and traditional winter activities for children and adults. What games can you play with your children and friends? What did our great-great-great-grandmothers and great-great-great-grandfathers play in winter? How to give yourself and your children the joy of holiday and fun? Why does a child need fun, and not just “serious” educational games? You will learn about this from this article. And also take a trip to the 19th century by playing ancient pre-revolutionary children's games.

Children's holiday at home: why do children need fun games?

Educational games are something that every family now knows about, what they write about in magazines and books, and what they show in videos and TV shows. But fun games... Do we know funny Games for children? How often do we play them? Do we include them in our family holidays? These fun games For some reason, they are often forgotten for children and are not so often found in modern families. It's a pity. After all, they not only create a special atmosphere family holiday, comfort, warmth, emotional support, interesting communication, but also develop the child no worse than “serious” educational games. And besides, it’s so nice to play with them for both adults and children! It is fun games that develop ingenuity, imagination, speed of reaction, flexibility of behavior, independence, the ability to quickly find a way out of a new situation and give the child a cheerful, cheerful mood - the basis for his successful development.

Why does a child need funny funny games? Why does a child need to play with other children or play in a friendly circle of children and adults? Why doesn’t a child’s “educational game” “alone” (with a computer or with chips and a playing field) replace playing with other people? Let's look into history and find answers to these questions.

This is how Yegor Arsenievich Pokrovsky wrote about children's games in the 19th century in the book “Children's Games, Mostly Russian. In connection with history, ethnography, pedagogy and hygiene" (1887):

“There are also views regarding education that are practiced by a certain part of the public and have a lot of harmful influence on the success of the development of children's games... Due to these views, for example, the fast, impetuous movements of children during play are considered impossibly rude, too provincial, masculine; sincere fun in games, of which only children are capable, about whom there is even a saying “He rejoices like a child,” is considered completely inappropriate, indecent, trivial. Simplicity in dressing as required for the most part for many free children's games, it is also considered impermissible, humiliating the child to the level of a craftsman, etc., and yet it is precisely dressed up children, like dolls, according to a fashionable French magazine... and cannot be sent to the game, because such clothes will interfere and freely run, and fight, etc.

There is obviously no joy in the games of such children... Meanwhile, from absolute abstinence from games, look at what sad consequences can occur: children in this case do not learn, while playing, many techniques that are necessary and useful in life, they do not learn reasonable attitudes towards to their own kind, but in the end they often turn out strange, inept, often arousing only laughter and mockery at themselves. It is true that they say that “he is more likely to be cut with a knife who has not learned to handle it since childhood...” Along with this remark, let us recall the caustic mockery of the ancient Kornsad, who expressed the idea that the sons of rich parents do not know how to do anything except ride a horse, yes and this is because horses do not flatter them, but, on the contrary, immediately throw them off if they do not comprehend the art of riding. Deep meaning this ridicule has been fully preserved to this day

There are relatively few games that are designed for solo play; on the contrary, most games require the participation of more or less other children. In this distribution of games, without a doubt, lies the target, so that with their help, on the one hand, it is better teach children to communicate among themselves, mutual services, mutual preservation of their interests; on the other hand, to accustom one to the excitement of competition, mutual criticism, recognition of merits or shortcomings, encouragement of those who showed greater dexterity, art, dignity in the game, and vice versa, censure of those who somehow blundered in the game.

Often here a well-gifted child leads a less capable child, one helps the other to improve, and in the end everyone helps each other; but at the same time, everyone, in essence, remains in the same rights... In the end, all this leads children to closer mutual communication, unity and friendly work...

No family circle, no school can give anything like this, and yet in games this is achieved so easily and simply.”

Let's play! And let's give each other good mood!

Fun games for children and adults: let's play together.

Children's games at home: ancient Russian games

Game "Twitch"

A “vodir” is chosen (now we call it “driving”, and children even now often speak in the old fashioned way with the emphasis on the first syllable - “voda”). The water guy is blindfolded.

The remaining participants in the game are players. In this game they are called "twitchers".

Rule of the game: Players are not allowed to leave their seats. If this rule is violated, the player becomes a “water man”.

Progress of the game: Vodir stands in the center of the room, blindfolded. Players enter the room and sit near the walls. Vodir begins to walk around the room.

The players attract the waterman’s attention and “tug” him. For example, they say “Turg-twitch” or rustle their feet on the floor or rustle their clothes in turns. Someone pulled the waterman by the hem. And then on the other side they whispered: “Derg-derg,” and after that a new sound - someone slapping their knees. The waterman needs to guess who pulled him (that is, said or slammed or made some kind of sound). If he guessed right, he transfers his role to the puller. Then the twitcher, who has been solved, becomes the waterman in the new game.

The players' task is to confuse the waterman so that he cannot guess who it is. Therefore, they may speak in a voice that is not their own - squeaky or, on the contrary, bass, etc.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff at the Wall"

Very funny and funny game. Such a fun game is very good for the New Year! After all, it is carried out with a candle and in the dark. And carries unforgettable experience, laughter and joy. In addition, children love playing with shadows and coming up with their own options on how to “deceive” the game leader. Whoever they dress up as! And how they laugh when they are confused with... their mom or dad!!!

This is how this ancient game is played. In “blind man’s buff against the wall,” the presenter is not blindfolded; on the contrary, he will need to look very carefully “in both eyes.”

You will need a light wall (this could be a wall in the hallway or in the room). If your walls are dark, you can hang a sheet. A table or chair with a burning candle is placed at a distance from the wall. A chair for the driver is placed between the candle and the wall.

Players will walk past the candle behind the driver so that their shadow appears on the wall. Players take turns walking slowly along the wall, and the driver must guess from the shadow who has passed it.

All players try to confuse the driver. They can wrap themselves in a cloak, put on someone else’s hat, walk crouched to the floor or, on the contrary, walk on tiptoes, stretch their necks or retract them, hunch over, limp, bend over, intertwine their arms or legs, walk in pairs, etc. The player’s task is to figure out how to confuse the driver and how to pass without being recognized.

The driver is forbidden to turn his head back and look at the person and not at the shadow when guessing. If the driver makes a mistake, then he pays a forfeit (fulfills the task - tells a joke, sings a verse of a song, congratulates everyone, etc.). The driver is replaced when he has guessed one of the players or when everyone has passed.

For the game, I advise you to prepare the necessary simple items that you can dress up in - an old sheet to wrap yourself in, a beret or hat, a mask, a scarf, a cardboard box, costume elements such as hare ears, etc. Or you can make it simpler - come up with your own “suit” for the game together and allow everyone to use all the contents of the closet.

Game "Even-odd"

A great game for sharing gifts or little surprises for guests.

Prepare small surprises in advance - candies, stickers, small calendars or pictures, badges or postcards, toys, pencils, cookies, waffles, etc. You can ask all guests to take some surprises with them and use them for a common game.

So, having collected all the surprises you brought and collected, we begin to divide them into piles. The piles will be different - some piles will have an even number of gifts, and some will have an odd number. The piles are covered with opaque scarves on top. This is an old version. And now we can simply put the gifts in opaque bags - and then there is no need for scarves.

We start playing gifts. The first player points to one of the piles and asks: “Even or odd?” The second player answers either “even” or “odd”. Let's count the gifts in this pile. If the second player guessed right, then he takes a bunch of gifts and asks the third player (along the chain): “Even or odd?” The third one answers, etc. In this game, kids will not only receive surprise gifts, but will also be happy to learn how to count gifts :).

Game "Okhlopok"

Very simple game. Everyone stands in a circle and throws a piece of cotton wool up (you need to fluff it up; throwing a roll of cotton wool is useless - it won’t fly:). The goal is to prevent the cotton wool from falling. The player near whom the clapper falls pays a forfeit (sings a song, crows, reads a poem, etc.). Therefore, everyone is trying to quickly blow the cotton away from themselves to their neighbor. The cotton flies either higher or lower, so the players either squat, then stand on tiptoe, or bend over. Usually the result is a very funny picture.

If there are few players, then the game is played at the table. They toss the cotton and keep their hands under the table. Next to whom the cotton “landed”, he pays a fine - a forfeit.

Game "Wing"

The driver is selected. The remaining participants in the game are players.

The players sit at a table and under the table in a circle pass each other an object tied to a thread. At the same time they say:

Oh, little wing, hurry up,

Don't falter and don't lose your temper,

Don't look from under the table

Otherwise there will be trouble.

You need to pass the object on a string in such a way that the driver does not guess who has the “wing.” Therefore, the players, even without a wing, pretend that they are passing it on, wink at each other and try in every possible way to confuse the driver.

At the last word in the text (this is the word “trouble”), the “wing” stops at one of the players. The driver's task is to guess who has the wing and where it stopped.

If he guessed right, then this player with the wing in his hands becomes the driver in the next game. If not, then the driver pays a forfeit. Redemption of a forfeit - a song, dance, riddle, congratulation or trick.

It is important not to break the thread when passing an item on a string. Whoever breaks the thread also pays a forfeit.

Game "Birds Fly"

All players sit in a circle at the table. One hand is on the table. The game leader begins the story:

"I have traveled a lot around different countries. And I came to this wonderful conclusion: all living creatures covered with feathers fly. All birds fly." At the last words, the presenter raises forefinger hands up and everyone repeats after him. The rule of the game is reported: if it is a bird and it flies, then you need to raise your index finger up. Then the presenter continues: “And ducks fly (the driver and players raise a finger up for each correct phrase), and geese fly, and tits fly. And lions fly” Many players will automatically raise their fingers up. And they will be wrong.

The game must be played at a fast pace, alternating birds, animals, fish, insects (they also fly, but they are not birds, and therefore there is no need to raise a finger), flying objects - autumn leaves, arrow (no need to raise your finger, it’s not a bird)

Everyone who made a mistake pays forfeits at the end of the game and completes simple tasks.

Game "Pull and Let"

A very simple and very fun attention game, in which even adults often make mistakes and laugh from it. She is very funny and beautiful. You will need wide satin ribbons about a meter long. How many players are in the game - so many ribbons you need.

The host of the game stands in the center of the room, and the players sit on chairs around him. The chairs are placed in a circle. The driver in the center of the circle holds all the ribbons. He gives the other end of the tape to each player. Ribbons like rays of the sun go from him to the players.

The presenter quickly says either “Pull” or “Let”. What is the highlight of this fun game? The problem is that when you say “pull,” you have to release the tape. But for the word “let” you need to pull the tape, on the contrary! There will be a lot of mistakes!

In this game you can collect forfeits for mistakes. Or you can do the opposite - play for the winner, who will receive a small prize for not making a mistake.

Game "Change Apartments"

Everyone is sitting on chairs. The driver shouts: “Change apartments! Change apartments! At these words, everyone jumps up from their chairs and looks for a new place. And since the driver has already taken one place, there may not be enough space for someone. So everyone is in a hurry, running, in a hurry. Those who did not manage to take a seat pay a forfeit. As soon as the forfeit is paid, immediately (while everyone still has not had time to gather their thoughts) a new command sounds: “Change apartments! Change apartments!” The game is played at a fast pace.

Game "Plate"

Players stand or sit in a circle. Each player names himself after an animal. For example, “I am a hare.” “And I’m a fox,” etc. When everyone has remembered each other's new names, the game begins.

Take a wooden (old-fashioned) or plastic plate or bowl ( modern version) and twist it tightly so that it spins (Instead of a plate, you can use many other modern objects, for example, a roll of stationery tape. The main thing is that the object can be twisted)

As soon as the plate is spun, immediately shout out the name of one of the players. For example: “Hare, catch it!” The hare needs to catch the spinning plate before it falls. Now the hare spins the plate and calls the other player: “Bear, catch it!” etc.

In this game, reaction speed is developed; all players need to be very agile, attentive and tenacious.

Anyone who did not have time to grab the plate pays a forfeit.

Game "Korchaga"

The driver in the game is the potter. It is covered with a scarf on top and planted in the center of the room.

A senior player is selected, who secretly gives names to all the other players. For example, the names of flowers: “You will be a daisy. And you are a rose. And you are a forget-me-not.”

The players stand around the pot. The older player calls them, calling them by the name of the flower. For example: “Chamomile, come here.” Chamomile approaches Korchaga and lightly touches his back with his hand, quickly returns to his place and claps his hands.

The senior player removes the handkerchief from the pot and asks: “Who held it?” If the driver guesses who touched him, then the guessed player becomes the grubber in the next game. If he didn’t guess right, then he’ll have to spend some time in the role of a crook.

Games - riddles, puzzles, charades, puns.

Such games have also been known for a long time and are ancient. They played them for forfeits. If you don’t guess correctly, pay forfeit and have fun with everyone. You can play in another way - for the winner who guessed greatest number puzzles. Here are some tasks from the 19th century:

1.Why is a chicken more likely to eat a portion of oats than a horse? (Because chicken doesn't eat horses)

2. Is it possible for dogs to run into the room and eat up the entire floor? (pun: eaten out = from spruce). Answer: Maybe if the floor is made of spruce.

3. “Young girls are willing to attend the first one; the second is not necessary for girls, but for boys it is necessary for many games. It’s really nice to leave the stuffy room” (Answer to the charade: ball + con = balcony) Other possible charades that you can easily create by analogy yourself: comp + pass = compass. Steam + hell = parade. Deg+us=degree. Dexterity + bone = agility. Air + spirit = air.


And then - a surprise for all readers of the site. And for me too :) I want to introduce you Sorokina Tatyana- a regular reader of "Native Path". Tatyana works as a speech therapist in Krasnodar. She prepared a small surprise gift for all of us - puzzles that can be given as a riddle at children's party and figure it out for yourself. Well, let's try to figure it out?

Puzzles for children and adults from Tatyana Sorokina.

Guess what words are encrypted in these puzzles. Couldn't solve the rebus? Write your question in the comments - Tatyana will tell you what it is. To be honest, I didn’t guess puzzle number 5 right away :). And you?

And finally, a rebus from me: as a gift for Tatyana and for all readers of “Native Path”. A puzzle on the topic of this article. Can you guess it? Answers or questions can be written in the comments.

You will find interesting ideas For New Year's holiday in articles:

Games help diversify the leisure time of two people. It doesn’t matter where you are - on the road, in the hospital, at home with a friend, easy games for two will not let you get bored.

What can you play together with a friend?

  • Lie or truth– tell your friend two true facts about yourself and one false one. She must guess where you lied.
  • Crocodile– it is necessary to show the animal with gestures, famous figure, movie title. The friend must guess.
  • Category– you and your friend must wish each other a letter and write as many names as possible starting with it in certain categories. Categories – cities, flowers, animals, films.

What can you play together with a friend?

What can you play together with a guy?

  • I never– you need to have chips (can be replaced with any items: paper clips, matches). Next, one person says something he has never done. If the second one performed such an action, he gives one chip to the player. The one who collects the most chips wins.
  • Fanta– on small pieces of paper you and the guy write forfeits-wishes. You can just take them out one at a time and do it. Or combine it with a game of cards, where the loser draws a forfeit and gets a wish.
  • Word– write a word on your loved one’s back with your finger, and he tries to guess it, focusing on tactile sensations. Then you change places and the guy says the word.

What can you play together with a girl?

What games can you play together outdoors?

  • Above your feet– reminiscent of the modern challenge “The floor is lava.” While walking or communicating, you need to suddenly shout “Higher than your feet off the ground.” The participant must lift his feet off the ground in any way: sit on a bench, hang on a horizontal bar, climb a tree. The last one to find room to raise his feet and perform the action is considered the loser.
  • Bowling– you will need a ball and plastic bottles that can be filled with a little water for stability. The task is to knock down as many bottles as possible with the ball.
  • Quest- one person hides an object, the second, with the help of notes with puzzles and riddles, looks for it.

What games can you play together in the hospital?

Fun street games for two in winter

  • Darts– a target is drawn on the tree. You need to hit the target with a snowball.
  • find me– a game of hide and seek, where you need to find a partner by following his tracks.
  • Treasure– it is necessary to hide the treasure (pebble or any other object). Have your partner draw clues in the snow or lay them out from branches and stones.

What can you play together on paper?

Card games for playing together at home

When choosing a game, be guided by your partner’s preferences and the place to play. At home it is easier to get props for games (ropes, bottles, cups, ball). On the street you need ingenuity and available materials. Most games do not require additional props and are appropriate almost anywhere.

A game - great way not only keep the child occupied, but also teach him new things in a playful, unobtrusive way, develop his speech, and contribute to the development of logical abilities. But what games can you play at home?

Children's home games "for every day"

"What is missing?"

Material. Crockery, cutlery, vegetables, fruits 3-4 pieces.

Rules. 1. Tell clearly what is missing. 2. Do not peek when the toy is hidden.

Progress of the game. Objects are laid out on the table, the child names them and remembers them. Now he must turn away or leave the room. An adult hides an object. The child returns, examines the objects and reports, for example: “There is not enough fruit, this fruit is an apple” or “There is not enough cutlery, it’s called a “knife.”

"What am I doing?"

Rules. Using gestures, expressively depict your plans.

Progress of the game. The mother or presenter tells the child: “Now I will show that I am doing something, and you must guess what exactly.” Next, mom takes a spoon and pretends to “eat.” The child happily guesses: “I know you’re eating!” Now the child makes a riddle; the adult’s task is to figure out what kind of activity he is representing.

Indoor outdoor games

"Cat and Mouse"

This game is suitable for a large children's company; it can be used as home game for a birthday.

Progress of the game. Children join hands and stand in a circle, and two “cat” (boy) and “mouse” (girl) stand in the middle of the circle. When children raise their hands up, the “mouse” should try to get away from the cat. While saving the mouse, the children give up when the cat runs after it.

"Blind Man's Bluff"

The leader is blindfolded and placed at the threshold, all the other children hide in different parts rooms and try to move silently so that the leader does not guess where they are. The leader begins to catch and the one he catches must become the leader himself.

Home game for girls

"Dressing a doll"

Material. Large dolls and different sets of clothes, some of which can be combined with each other, others not.

Progress of the game. The mother hangs up the dolls' clothes and addresses the child. "Look how many dolls there are beautiful clothes. Let's put them on." When the child agrees, the mother continues: “Let’s put this green skirt on your doll, see, do you think that blue blouse over there will suit her?” The mother’s task is to push the child to choose the right combination.

Home games for boys

"Bottle Skittles"

(The game is suitable for those parents who have realized how much pleasure it gives the boys to hit the target, but who have not yet acquired matching set plastic or wooden pins.)

Material. Plastic bottles, filled with water, and a ball heavy enough to knock over these bottles.

Progress of the game. Place filled with water plastic containers and try to knock down as many homemade pins as possible at once.

"My Fleet"

Material: pieces of foam plastic, paper, cardboard, nut shells, as well as large container filled with water, watering can, cereals.

Progress of the game. The child is asked to transport ships from one shore to another. At the same time, both rain (use a watering can with a nozzle for dispersing water), wind, and hail (grains) can interfere with its purpose.

Home games for teenagers

For teenage children, household items are of greatest interest. Board games. This will require auxiliary material, such as cards, chess, checkers, dice. For family games, you can purchase games played on the field, such as Pandemic, Monopoly, Dixit. Games at home are a good alternative to family time in front of the TV, not only for children, but also for adults.

1) Guests are announced that there is only one roll left toilet paper and they propose to divide it among everyone right now. The roll is passed on to everyone present at the table and everyone unwinds and tears off as much as they want. Surely everyone will try to grab more for themselves. After this, the presenter announces that whoever rewinds how many divisions must tell as many facts about himself, which must be interesting and truthful. After this competition, you will find out...

2) Speed ​​competition- Who can drink a glass of thick tomato juice through a straw the fastest?

3) The presenter stands behind one of the guests, in his hands - a sheet of paper with the name of a particular institution: “Maternity hospital”, “Tavern”, “Sobering-up station” and so on. It is important that the guest does not know what is written there. The host asks him various questions, for example, “Do you often visit this establishment,” “What do you do there,” “Why do you like it there,” and the guest must answer.

4) Truth or Ransom: The host selects any guest and asks “Truth or ransom?” If a person answers “True,” he must honestly answer any question the host asks him. Well, if he answered “Ransom”, it means he must complete some task. After completion, he himself becomes the leader.

5) Nonsense:
Questions are written, the same number for each participant. When the questions are written, then in order to write the answer, a question word is asked, for example, if there is a question - “Which direction does the northeast wind blow?”, then you only need to say “in which direction?”
When the answers are written, the questions are read in full. Sometimes such nonsense comes out that you might fall under a chair!

6) Fortune Pie: cut a circle out of cardboard, paint it on one side so it looks like a pie, and cut it into pieces. Now you need to draw a picture on the back of each piece and put the pie together. At the holiday, each guest must choose and take a piece for themselves. The picture is what promises the future. For example, if you get an image of a heart, it means great love awaits you. The image of a letter - to receive news, a road - to travel, a key - to change your place of residence, a car - to buy a vehicle. A rainbow or sun foretells a good mood. Well and so on)))

7) Contest: 3 women required and main character(man). The women are seated on chairs and the man is blindfolded. You can spin it to distract attention. At this time, 2 women are exchanged for 2 men (men wear tights). The main character is brought to those sitting and he must identify (for example, his wife - she must be from 3 participants). You can touch, only up to the knees and it is better not to make sounds so that the “hero” does not understand that a replacement has occurred.

8) Collect everything on the table: bottles, snacks, in general, all the most expensive things and place them on the grass. The task is to walk blindfolded and not hit anything. They blindfold someone who is not involved, i.e. the audience is distracting - look carefully, otherwise there will be nothing to drink.... the presenter at this time puts everything aside.... it was a spectacle =))) one like the sapper moves his hands across the grass, using a second compass, it won’t be amiss if the audience also shouts: you’re about to step on cucumbers! etc

9) Participants are divided into 2 equal teams, they are given fins and binoculars. It is necessary to run along a given trajectory wearing fins and looking through binoculars, only with reverse side. The team that finishes it faster wins.

10) 2 men, they are given lipstick, they turn away and must paint their lips, put scarves on their heads. They turn to the audience, they are given a mirror and looking into it they must say 5 times without laughing: I AM THE MOST CHARMING AND ATTRACTIVE! The one who doesn't laugh wins.

11) Contest Quite fun, can be carried out in any conditions, but it is very advisable to have a camera and an approximately equal number of girls/boys.
The point is this - 2 sets of names of body parts are written on pieces of paper - well, hand, stomach, forehead.... then 2 sets of names are pulled out in pairs. The task is to touch the indicated parts of the body. and in the turns out simple visual material According to the Kama Sutra, a camera is simply necessary here!!! and the couple who manages to touch wins the largest number points!!! You will really like this competition if it is held in a youth company of close friends.

12) Dancing on a leaf

13) Balls with a secret: You need to prepare tasks in advance, written on pieces of paper, and place them in balloons, which should then be inflated and hung around the room. This way you will decorate the hall, and towards the end of the holiday you will also entertain the guests. Let participants choose one or two balloons, pop them, read them and complete the tasks. Write something simple, for example, “make a toast in honor of all the women gathered,” “sing a song with the words “spring” and “love,” etc. Thus, the good old game of forfeits becomes more interesting and varied.

14) With my eyes closed: Wearing thick mittens, participants must determine by touch what kind of person is in front of them. The game is more interesting when the guys guess the girls, and the girls guess the guys. You can feel the whole person.

(photo from personal archive :)) it was fun :))

15) Fanta- This is a wonderful opportunity to have fun, have fun and make fun of each other. Usually one leader is chosen, who turns his back to everyone else. Behind him, the second presenter takes a phantom (an object that belongs to one of the guests) and asks a trivial question: “What should this phantom do?” And anyone who wants to get their phantom back must fulfill the will of the presenter. But first you need to collect “forfeits” and these games are perfect for this.

Looking for games for fun company? Want to spice up your evening with friends?

Are you waiting to board your flight? Do you spend a lot of time on the subway?

Pass the time in those moments when you don’t know what to do in class, or public transport will help FlightExpress game.

FlightExpress is a fairly simple and unpretentious game. Purpose of the game- build an airliner from a small plane with all sorts of bells and whistles. At the same time, we should not forget about the “happiness” of passengers.

This farming game was created by the developers of the company Flextrela, in this game they came up with various features, achievements, upgrades and tasks to entertain you.

31) Labyrinth
It is necessary that the majority of those gathered have not previously participated in this. In an empty room, a long rope is taken and a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, as he passes, crouches somewhere and steps somewhere. A man is wound up, it is explained to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, he must remember the labyrinth and he will be
suggest. When the blindfold begins, the rope is removed….

32) in my pants
Everyone sits in a circle, and everyone tells their neighbor (clockwise) the name of any movie. He remembers what he was told, but tells his neighbor a different name, etc. (it is desirable that as few people as possible are aware of the matter) When everyone has spoken, the presenter says that it is necessary to say the following phrase: “In my pants ...”, and then - the name of the film that you were told. It’s quite funny if it’s “Battleship Potemkin” or “Pinocchio”.

33) One two Three!
Game, for failure to follow the rules - some kind of fine, for example, a bottle of champagne. The Widdler pronounces the conditions to the Player: The Widdler: “I say one, two, three. You repeat “three” and remain silent for exactly a minute.” After this, as a rule, there follows a question like, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle me, they honestly say “no.” Riddler: “One, two, three”; Player: “Three” Guesser: “Well, you lost, you didn’t have to repeat it.” Player: “You said it yourself (or something like that).” As a result, if the player is not completely slow, the minute of silence is interrupted. The Player is immediately informed about this.

34) Cheerful little tailor
To play the game you need to assemble two teams in which equal amount men and women. They all stand in a line (man - woman - man - woman). Two tailors are chosen. Each of them receives a small wooden stick, into which a long wool thread(it’s better if it’s rolled into a ball). At the leader’s signal, “sewing” begins. The tailor threads the threads through the legs of men's trousers, and through the sleeves of women. The tailor who “sews” his team faster wins.

35) Thick-cheeked lip slap
You need a bag of sucking candies (like “Barberries”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they say loudly and clearly, looking into the opponent’s eyes: “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and says the “magic phrase” at the same time wins. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

36) 2-3 people play. The presenter announces the conditions of the competition:
I'll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases.
As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately.
The following text is read:
One day we caught a pike
gutted, and inside
we saw small fish,
and not just one,
When you want to memorize poems,
they are not crammed until late at night.
Take it and repeat it at night
once - twice, or better... 10.
A seasoned guy dreams
become an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
and wait for the command: one, two, march!
One day the train is at the station
I had to wait 3 hours... (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and finishes)
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,
when there was an opportunity to take it.

37) The presenter distributes paper and pencils to the players (5-8 people) and begins to ask questions, having previously explained that the answer must be detailed in the form of a sentence:
1. What do you associate with the concept of “forest”?
2.What do you associate with the concept of “sea”?
3.What do you associate with the concept of “cats”?
4.What do you associate with the concept of “horse”?
After this, the answers are collected and begin to be read out, indicating the author. The presenter applies the following mappings.
According to American psychologists,
the forest is associated with life, the sea with love, cats with women, horses with men.
Guests' opinions about life, love, men and women are the most amusing!

38) The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be very different - "TOILET, STORE, INSTITUTE, etc." The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as “why do you go there, how often, etc.” The player must, without knowing what is written on the sign hanging on him, answer these questions

39) Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must, as quickly as possible, say into the next ear his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example glass, the last word turns out to be “gangbang” :)

40) Sculpture(it is desirable that there be 50/50 boys and girls)
The host takes the M+F couple into the next room and asks them to pose (the funnier the better). After that, he invites the next person and asks what he would like to change in the couple. After the next participant comes up with a new pose for them, the presenter replaces one of the pair with the one who made the wish. And so on in turn until everyone is finished. This is a very funny game :)

41) Also, if there is an empty room, you can play catching blindfolded :)

42) "Mrs. Mumble"
The exercise is designed to allow participants to relax and laugh.
Time: 10 min.
Assignment: Participants sit in a circle. One of the players should turn to his neighbor on the right and say: “Excuse me, have you seen Mrs. Mumble?” The neighbor on the right responds with the phrase: “No, I didn’t see it. But I can ask my neighbor,” turns to his neighbor on the right and asks established question, and so on in a circle. Moreover, when asking and answering questions, you cannot show your teeth. Since the facial expression and voice are very comical, the one who laughs or shows his teeth during the dialogue is out of the game.

43) "Fulfillment of desires"
One of the group members expresses his desire. The group discusses a way to satisfy this desire here, in this setting, and then implements this method (in imagination, in pantomime, in real actions). Then the other participant's wish is fulfilled.
Questions for feedback: Was it difficult to make a wish? Are you satisfied with how your desire was satisfied?

44) Games to develop team spirit.
Move the balls: The team is given a certain number of balls. She must carry them a certain distance without using her hands. Without using your hands and placing or throwing them on the ground. You can carry them with your backs with your shoulders, legs, etc. You also need to make sure that the balls remain intact.

Variation. The previous task, but the task is to move as many balls as possible as a team at once.

45) Ideas from the game "Fort Bayard"
The team collects as many cones as possible in the forest in one go (those who do not participate are a disadvantage to the team) Move the pan using two sticks 1 or 1.5 or 2 meters long to the maximum distance.

But that is not all!
We have collected

It's no secret that children need attention. Sometimes adults wonder why a healthy, well-fed person just wants to attract attention in this way. As soon as you play with a child, instead of tears, a smile appears, and joyful laughter sounds in the house. Adults also sometimes like to play. It is important to choose the right entertainment program for each age group.

What can you play at home together with a child under 2 years old?

You need to talk a lot with the baby, show him household items, game form tell what it is. Some children are afraid of noisy household appliances and begin to cry when their mother turns on the vacuum cleaner or mixer. Before you start using these home assistants, you need to play sounds with your baby. Tell your child that the vacuum cleaner will now make noise like this: “Rrrrr.” Let your child repeat these sounds with you. Before you start using the mixer, hum along with your favorite child. Such entertaining game The baby will like it and teach him not to be afraid of noisy devices.

What can you play at home together with a child of this age? Children of this age group enjoy assembling and disassembling pyramids. The game performs an important function - it develops motor skills and thinking. Show young children how to put matching shapes into a box with a hole. The baby will certainly be carried away by this.

He won't be able to have fun with one game for a long time. After the calm one, play a noisy and fun game with him. You can rock your child on a home swing or directly on your leg, while reciting familiar poems. If mother needs to do housework, she can put the baby in a high chair and play Magpie-Crow and Ladushki with him. Let him show with his fingers how the magpie cooked porridge, how the little hands flew and sat on their heads. Here's what you can play at home together with your baby.

From 2 to 7

Children of this age need more challenging games. Girls love playing with dolls. Sit down next to your daughter and show her how to feed the dolls from the toy set and put them to bed. Kids this age really like it role-playing games. You can buy your child a play kitchen set. There is a toy refrigerator, a stove and even kitchen utensils. Appliances for children. The baby will repeat everything after her mother and grow up to be a real housewife.

Boys like to play with cars and airplanes. Some already show the makings of real designers from childhood. You can play Lego with such children, showing them how to build this or that structure. Younger children buy large construction kit parts. For a 6-7 year old son, you can purchase smaller parts. He will build a garage complex and bring his vehicles, will put the little men, which are also included in the kit, the way he wants.

Kids also enjoy fun games at home for two. Take turns hiding an object with your child, playing “hot and cold.” Hide and seek will amuse your beloved child. It's amazing how many places there are for this entertainment in the apartment. If it happens in a country house, then there are even more of them in the open air.

From 2 to 7: we continue to have fun and develop

There are also houses. The kids like children's lotto with pictures, mosaics, and threading strings through figures of animals and plants. You can buy your child a whole toy farm and show him how to manage it. It’s interesting for the two of you to make up a story and role-play it using figurines or puppet theater characters.

Children of this age are bought educational computers. It’s also interesting to play with the electronic mind together. He will teach the baby to correctly pronounce letters, write and read. In a playful way, it is easy to learn words not only in Russian, but also in foreign languages.

The child will also enjoy playing with it. And at the same time, the mother can continue to do things, telling the child what word to form, and encouraging him for the correct answer.

From 7 to 12 and older

Now about being at home together at this age. These could be puzzles. When purchasing them, you need to take into account the child’s character. Some people can spend almost hours assembling small parts large paintings. Others quickly get bored with this activity. For the last group of children, it is advisable to purchase a puzzle consisting of several large pieces. Collect the picture together with your child, helping him.

Schoolchildren like games such as Mafia and Monopoly. They can also be played by two people, just like checkers and chess. This activity is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. If two friends don't know what to do, they can compete by playing these mind games.

Such pastime trains memory, teaches logical thinking, like the next game. For it, depending on whether children or adults are participating, 4-7 items are taken. One person remembers their location on the table and turns away, and the second at this time will change the position or swap 2-3 objects. The one who turned away must see and tell about the changes.

Let's play fun and wisely

As children get older, they are increasingly attracted to computers. You can play with this miracle of technology, but try to let your son or daughter spend a little time with it. Play together with your child computer games, designed for two. For example, in The Chronicles of Narnia. Together, you will complete the tours faster and complete the task. After quiet games - active ones.

If there is more than one child in the family, then you can immediately come up with games at home for two children (or more). After being at the computer, let them compete to see who can do 10 push-ups faster or unscrew an old shelf with a screwdriver. This is more suitable for boys. Girls can cook something tasty for dinner. This is how the game will be combined with benefit.

Adults in games also often become children. Some people worry when they lose. Two adults can play card games. There are many of them. Darts will help show the accuracy of the eye. You can practice your dexterity by playing Twister. In this case, the legs and arms are placed on circles of the same color as shown by the tape measure. Dominoes are a great game for two adults. If two girlfriends get together, they can try to sing to each other. First one, then the other will tighten the ditty.

Games for two at home: summing up the above

As you can see, there are games for each age category. Very young children enjoy playing with pyramids and soft toys. You can also offer children musical activities - sing a song or dance with them. Children of the older age group are unlikely to have fun in this way. They enjoy intellectual pursuits. They are attracted to the computer. It is important not to allow your child to sit at the computer for a long time, but to try to distract him with others. You can play cards with him, together make a model of a ship or airplane, and then try them out in action by launching them into the sky or sending them sailing at home in the bathtub. Many people like the sets " Young chemist"(astronomer, botanist). Adults will also find entertainment for themselves. You can start with the active game “Twister”, and end with a calm game - chess or cards.