What princely dynasty did Peter 1 come from? The Romanovs

Russian history is stable with a succession of ruling dynasties. In the entire history of the development of the state, only two dynasties have replaced the throne: and the Romanovs. And it is the Romanov dynasty that is connected with the largest historical events shaped the appearance modern state. The chronology of their presence in power goes back about 300 years.

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Where did the Romanov family tree begin?

Russian history is bizarre. In theory, it is known quite well, but if you delve into ancient periods, it turns out to be quite contradictory and confusing. The history of the Romanov family can be considered one of the confirmations of this opinion. Let's start with the fact that even the exact data from where he came to Moscow, so that later on take the throne for three centuries, not known for certain:

  • According to representatives of the dynasty itself, the origins of the family lie in Prussia, from where the founder of the family arrived in Rus' in the 14th century.
  • Professional historians, including academician and archaeographer Stepan Borisovich Veselovsky, are confident that the origins royal family are located in Veliky Novgorod.

Chronicles and ancient manuscripts name the first reliable name of the founder of the dynasty. He became boyar Andrei Kobyla.

He belonged to the retinue of the Moscow prince Simeon the Proud (1317-1353). The boyar gave rise to the Koshkin surname, the first representative of which was Andrei Kobyla’s son Fyodor Koshka.

The zigzags of history led the Zakharyins during their reign to the very foundation of the royal throne. The legendary last representative of the Rurikovich family was the husband of Anastasia Zakharyina. Ivan the Terrible left no male heirs, and his wife’s nephews became real contenders for a place on the throne.

And it was occupied by a representative of the new ruling family - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. He was the grandson of Ivan the Terrible’s wife’s brother, Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina, and the son of her nephew Fyodor Nikitovich. Later, having converted to monasticism, he took the name Patriarch Filaret. By the way, it was he turned the Zakharyins' surname into the Romanovs, taking as his surname the name of his grandfather, boyar Roman Zakharyin.

Important! The most surprising thing is that, in fact, such a surname for the royal family did not officially exist at all until 1917. Representatives of the royal dynasty bore the names: Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich, Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich. The royal family had to adopt the surname officially after the decree of the Provisional Government in 1917.

Reasons for inviting the Romanovs to the throne

By the time of the death of Ivan Rurikovich the Terrible, the Rurikovich family had ceased. At that moment Russia Once again was going through a difficult period, which was called the “Time of Troubles.” During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the state went through a series of lost wars, mass executions, . This weakened the state, and famine reigned in many areas. The population was exhausted by the ever-increasing tax burden.

During this period, serfdom of peasants began. Foreign representatives began to lay claim to the empty throne of the weakened country. Among them is the English king James the First.

Against this background, the Great Russian Cossacks decided to intervene in the distribution of space on the throne of the sovereign. Patriarch Filaret, with his help, elevated his 16-year-old son Mikhail to the throne.

This event marked the coming to power of the dynasty. To this day, most historians are confident that Filaret was the real ruler of the state. Moreover, Mikhail was in poor health and died at the age of only 49 years. But the Romanov family had already ascended to the throne. It is not difficult to trace how many years the legendary dynasty then ruled.

When the first representative of the dynasty died, he was replaced by Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov, who bore the nickname “The Quietest.” In the first years of his reign, the tsar was strongly influenced by the boyar Boris Morozov. Moreover, as a result of intrigues, the head of the Russian state became the husband of Boris Morozov’s protege, Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya. Boyar Morozov became the husband of the Empress’s sister, Anna Ilyinichna.

Then Patriarch Nikon began to exert significant influence on the sovereign. The head of the church authority became so influential that after the convocation Church Cathedral invite the king to share power. The years of Nikon's rise ended with the gathering of the Great Moscow Cathedral in 1666. It was after the year-long Council and the removal of the disgraced patriarch that Orthodox Church divided, the Old Believers emerged from it.

Important! Despite the nickname, the years of Alexei Mikhailovich’s reign can hardly be called calm. Except church schism, it was during the reign of this representative of the clan that the military reform, the result of which was the creation of foreign regiments in Russia. After the Zemsky Sobor, the Zaporozhye centurion Bogdan Khmelnitsky transferred to Russian citizenship, and Stepan Razin rebelled.

A significant moment in the reign of the Quiet Tsar was the implementation of the Monetary Reform, which gave rise to the circulation of the ruble in Rus'. He's the one became the initiator of the development of the Council Code, which became the code of laws of the country. Historians recognize that an enlightened and intelligent sovereign, prone to contemplation and reflection, was able to lead the state out of a severe economic crisis. Historians rarely give such reviews about the Romanov family.

Alexei Mikhailovich was replaced on the throne after his death brother Feodor II Alekseevich, whose reign was at 1676-1682. Apart from poor health, this representative of the Romanov family was not remembered for major deeds. Instead, various boyar families tried to rule the state, with varying degrees of success. Fyodor Alekseevich did not leave a decree on succession to the throne after his death. The throne passed to the first eldest son of Alexei Mikhailovich, Ivan I, whose sister, Princess Sophia, became regent, and his younger brother became co-ruler.

The transition from king to sovereign

During these years of the reign of the Romanov family, the royal dynasty was finally formed Russian state.

Ivan Alekseevich was another of its representatives, who was distinguished by poor health. He died when he was only 30 years old. The throne passed to his co-ruler and brother, whom history today calls Peter the Great.

Peter Alekseevich assumed the rank of sovereign. At the same time, he became the last official Tsar of Rus'.

This is where the rulers of the Romanov Tsars ended. They were replaced by a dynasty of sovereigns.

Dynasty of the Romanov sovereigns

Complicated story ruling house the name change did not end. On the contrary, she went to new round. Indeed, in fact, Emperor Peter the Great became the only representative of the clan in this status. His male line on him ceased. Pyotr Alekseevich was married twice. The first wife of the ruler was Evdokia Lopukhina. The same one who gave birth to the head of state’s son Alexei, who was killed by his father. Alexei had a son, Peter II. He even managed to visit the throne in 1727. The boy was only 11 years old. Three years later, the last representative of the family in the male line died of smallpox.

This would be the end of the clan's reign. But at a new stage in history, women began to rule the state. Moreover, to manage successfully, giving rise to the real Golden Age of state development. The first of them, but far from the most glorious, was the daughter of Ivan V Alekseevich, Anna Ioanovna, who was quickly elevated to the throne.

These years became the period of reign of the empress's favorite E.I. Birona. According to the will, the grandson of Ivan V, Ivan VI, ascended to the throne after the death of Anna Ioanovna, but he short reign ended tragically. The infant sovereign was quickly overthrown And most his short life further spent in prison. Historical tradition attributes his death to Catherine I.

The first of the beautiful rulers was the second wife of Peter the Great, Martha Skavronskaya, who took the name Catherine I during her reign. The legendary rulers of Russia in the 18th century also included Catherine’s daughter Elizaveta Petrovna and the wife of her grandson, who at birth bore the name Sophia Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst. For just a year, the grandson of Catherine I from her daughter Anna, Peter III, “wedged itself” into the list of beautiful rulers. The dates of his reign are 1761 - 1762.

Quiet 19th century for the Romanov dynasty

The period of female rule, which became an enlightened century in the development of the country, ended with accession to the throne in 1796, the son of Catherine II, Paul I. His reign was short.

As a result palace coup Catherine the Great's least favorite grandson was overthrown. There is a legend in history that his own son Alexander could have been directly involved in his death. The same one who became Alexander I after the murder of his father in his sleep in his own bed.

Then, with various upheavals, but not as global as in past centuries, rulers with the names Nicholas and Alexander replaced the throne. Under Nicholas the First, the Decembrist uprising was suppressed in 1825. Under Alexander II it was abolished serfdom. The death of this representative of the Romanov family came as a shock to the country. He died from his wounds after an assassination attempt by Narodnaya Volya member Ignatius Grinevitsky, who threw a bomb at the ruler’s feet.

At the same time, the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th outwardly seemed quite calm for the ruling Romanov dynasty. Until the pattern of generations of rulers was stopped during two revolutions at once in 1917. After the coup of 1917, the history of the dynasty ceased. Nicholas II, who ruled during the coup, officially abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail. This last of the Romanovs also renounced his rights to rule. The history of this royal dynasty of Europe came to a tragic end. Nikolay Romanov was executed along with his entire family. His brother, Mikhail Romanov, abdication did not help. He was killed in the forest near Perm on the night of June 12-13, 1918.

Brief chronology of the reign of Russian dynasties

Chart of government of the House of Romanov


They say that upon the accession of the first Romanov to the throne, the royal family was cursed, and had to begin with Mikhail and end with Mikhail. In theory, at the moment, representatives of a dynasty coming to power is possible. On this planet in different countries There are many distant relatives of the dynasty that has ruled for three centuries, but their rights are for the most part rather dubious.

Russian tsars. Romanov Dynasty

Russian tsars. Romanov dynasty.

Romanov dynasty and their family

Reading history great Russia, we cannot help but remember the proud Romanov dynasty. They were the ones who were remembered for their constant patriotism and many unexpected events. Each sovereign went through difficult times, raising the country from poverty as a result of constant wars. It is no secret that the history of the Romanov dynasty is thoroughly saturated with secrets and bloody events. Almost every representative of this family respected the interests of the people, but at the same time they were distinguished by cruelty.

On the pages of our resource you can find sections “the first Romanovs” or “history of the Romanov dynasty”. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what role this long family played in the history of the Russian state. Their accession took place under strange circumstances, which constantly carried the mystery of death. A lot of historical figures who were directly related to the Romanovs were remembered for their controversial actions. You can also read about the influence of some of them here, from Patriarch Filaret to Rasputin. Naturally, the Romanov dynasty itself keeps many secrets, which may not be entirely positive. Their pedigree is not known for certain; there are several versions of who was the ancestor of the great kings.

It is no secret that the Romanov dynasty was able to survive both the Time of Troubles and the reign of the two False Dmitrys. But their strength did not wane; they replaced one another without thinking about their predecessors. Some ruled wisely, some made many mistakes, but all of them did not have the right to make mistakes. If the sovereign stumbled, the country suffered great losses. With our help, you can restore the path of this family, get acquainted with the last of the Romanovs and their secrets. The brightest personalities from this ancient family will no longer be phantoms for you, you will experience their losses and rejoice at their victories.

In February 1613, amid the dirt and debris left by foreign invaders in the Great Kremlin Palace, the hiding and persecuted sixteen-year-old Prince Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was proclaimed Tsar of All Rus'. It is with him that the history of the Romanov dynasty begins, which determined the fate of Russia for three millennia. The line of dynastic rulers had peak points - ruler Alexei, who raised Russia to positions with important in countries of Eastern Europe; Peter the Great - who created an invincible army and new capital, St. Petersburg, and forcibly raised Rus' from the Middle Ages to modernity, and three empresses of the 18th century, Anna, Elizabeth and Catherine the Great, who interrupted the tradition of male rule. Catherine in particular brought the ideas of the Enlightenment to Russia and became famous for decorating the palace. However, the history of the Romanov dynasty also had its dark notes.

The Moscow boyar, from whom the Romanov dynasty traces its origin, was named Roman. There is information that he died in 1543. The history of the Romanov dynasty included two children from the Romanov family: Anastasia, who successfully married Ivan IV the Terrible, and her brother Nikita, who faithfully served his reigning son-in-law, nevertheless, remaining uninvolved in his atrocities.

The Romanov family, in particular Nikita, could boast of a large offspring, including among them Fyodor Romanov, who in his declining years became the Patriarch of All Rus' and accepted church name Filaret. He, in turn, had a son, Mikhail. In the 17th century, when Russia was tormented by the war with Sweden and ongoing internecine wars, the state did not have a legal ruler. Thanks to the reputation of Nikita and Anastasia, the Romanov family was in good standing, and that is why in February 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich, the sixteen-year-old son of Patriarch Filaret, marked the accession of the Romanovs to the Moscow throne.

Michael secured the throne for a full thirty-two years. In 1645, he was replaced by his son Alexei, who also ruled for quite a long time, more than thirty years. After the reign of Alexei, the line of succession to the throne was fraught with some difficulties. From 1676, Alexei's son Fedor ruled Russia for six years. After his death, in 1682, the rule of the Romanov dynasty was continued by his brothers Peter I and Ivan V, who exercised the so-called dual power for fourteen years.

In fact, the country was governed by their power-hungry sister Sophia. For these purposes, there was a double throne with a hole through which Sophia gave instructions to the brothers in a whisper.

At the age of seventeen, Peter I got bored with this, he seized power and old tradition The Romanov family did not fail to hide Sophia in a monastery. One of the most famous rulers of the Romanov dynasty, the strongman Peter, better known as the legendary "Peter the Great", the first All-Russian Emperor. He was a heartless ruler who set himself the goal of reorganizing his underdeveloped country in a Western manner. Despite his progressive initiatives, he was a wayward tyrant, comparable to his predecessor, the husband of the first Romanova in power, Anastasia - Ivan the Terrible. Some researchers reject the significance of Peter's perestroikas and, in general, the policies of the Romanovs during this period. He was in such a hurry to achieve his goals in the shortest possible way and used such clumsy methods that after his untimely death, the empire very quickly returned to the state from which Peter I Romanov tried to bring it out. It turned out that it was impossible to completely change the people in one fell swoop, even by building a new capital, shaving their beards and ordering them to gather for political rallies. More important is the policy of the Romanovs; in particular, those introduced by Peter administrative reforms- but they did not transform as much as we usually think.

The reign of the Romanov Dynasty, starting with Catherine I, acquired completely new facets. In it Time of Troubles The country's destiny was ruled by military dictatorships, which placed women on the throne - hoping that they would be easier to govern. Peter the Great reigned on the throne for forty-three years. This is more than anyone from the Romanov dynasty. Following him, it became simply dangerous for a man to be the head of the Russian throne.

Starting from the first Romanovs, the history of the royal family is full of murders, deaths, bloodshed and intra-family feuds. It was not for nothing that the last of the Romanovs, the great Emperor Nicholas II, was nicknamed the Bloody, although the monarch himself was not distinguished by a cruel disposition.

Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland Nicholas II of the Romanov dynasty ascended the throne in 1894.

The reign of Nicholas II was marked by a rapid economic leap in Russia, at the same time by the simultaneous growth of various social and political contradictions within the country, the emergence of a revolutionary movement, which ultimately led to the revolutionary uprising of 1905-1907 and February revolution 1917.

Nicholas II is described as a gentle, highly educated and sincerely devoted person to the ideals of the country, but at the same time extremely stubborn. Hence the persistence in rejecting the opinions of experienced dignitaries in governing the country, which led to the fatal mistakes of the Romanovs’ policies. The emperor's devoted love for his own wife, who in some historical sources She became known as a somewhat mentally unbalanced person and gave rise to discrediting the royal family as the only true government. This was explained by the fact that the wife of the great emperor had a strong say in the management of the state and did not miss the opportunity to use it - this did not suit many high-ranking officials. Many considered the last of the Romanov family to be a fatalist, while others were of the opinion that the emperor was simply indifferent to the suffering of the people.

The bloody revolution of 1917 was the result of the shaky power of the autocrat during the First World War and the ineffective policies of the Romanovs during this difficult period for the empire. Antagonists of the royal family argued that during this period Nicholas II was unable to implement the necessary political and social reorganizations in a timely manner.

The February Revolution of 1917 forced the last Romanov abdicate the throne. As a result, Nicholas II, together with the royal family, found himself under house arrest in the palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Romanov dynasty ruled more than one-sixth of the Earth's surface. It was practically a whole world, self-sufficient, independent and absolute, concentrating in itself the greatest wealth in Europe. The culture of Rus', rich and vibrant, continued to shine for decades after the death of its great benefactor. This was the world that ended after the execution of the royal family, the last of the Romanovs: Nicholas II and Alexandra, and their five children, in the basement of the Ipatiev House in the Ural city of Yekaterinburg on the night of July 16/17, 1918.

Royal Russia is a historically established entity, one of the most influential moments of which is the Romanov dynasty. Therefore, we must, as their descendants, remember the great monarchs who wisely and fairly (even if not always) ruled a huge country. Our website was created to provide those interested with the necessary information about the members of this large family.

The first known ancestor of the Romanovs was Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla. Until the beginning of the 16th century, the Romanovs were called Koshkins, then Zakharyins-Koshkins and Zakharyins-Yuryevs.

Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva was the first wife of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. The ancestor of the family is the boyar Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin-Yuryev. From the house of Romanov, Alexei Mikhailovich and Fyodor Alekseevich reigned; During the childhood of Tsars Ivan V and Peter I, their sister Sofya Alekseevna was the ruler. In 1721, Peter I was proclaimed emperor, and his wife Catherine I became the first Russian empress.

With the death of Peter II, the Romanov dynasty ended in direct male generation. With the death of Elizaveta Petrovna, the Romanov dynasty came to an end female line. However, the surname Romanov was borne by Peter III and his wife Catherine II, their son Paul I and his descendants.

In 1918, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov and members of his family were shot in Yekaterinburg, other Romanovs were killed in 1918-1919, some emigrated.


It just so happens that our Motherland has an unusually rich and varied history, a huge milestone in which we can confidently consider the dynasty of Russian emperors who bore the name Romanov. This rather ancient boyar family actually left a significant mark, because it was the Romanovs who ruled the country for three hundred years, until the Great October Revolution of 1917, after which their family was practically interrupted. The Romanov dynasty, whose family tree we will definitely consider in detail and closely, has become iconic, reflected in the cultural as well as economic aspect of the life of Russians.

The first Romanovs: family tree with years of reign

According to a well-known legend in the Romanov family, their ancestors came to Russia around the beginning of the fourteenth century from Prussia, but these are only rumors. One of the famous historians of the twentieth century, academician and archaeographer Stepan Borisovich Veselovsky, believes that this family traces its roots to Novgorod, but this information is also quite unreliable.

The first known ancestor of the Romanov dynasty, the family tree with photos is worth considering in detail and thoroughly, was a boyar named Andrei Kobyla, who “went under” the prince of Moscow Simeon the Proud. His son, Fyodor Koshka, gave the family the surname Koshkin, and his grandchildren received a double surname - Zakharyin-Koshkin.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, it happened that the Zakharyin family rose significantly and began to claim its rights to the Russian throne. The fact is that the notorious Ivan the Terrible married Anastasia Zakharyina, and when the Rurik family was finally left without offspring, their children began to be aspired to the throne, and not in vain. However family tree The Romanovs as Russian rulers began a little later, when Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected to the throne, perhaps this is where we need to start our rather lengthy story.

Magnificent Romanovs: the tree of the royal dynasty began with disgrace

The first tsar of the Romanov dynasty was born in 1596 into the family of a noble and rather wealthy boyar Fyodor Nikitich, who later took the rank and began to be called Patriarch Filaret. His wife was born Shestakova, named Ksenia. The boy grew up strong, savvy, grasped everything on the fly, and on top of everything else, he was also practically a direct cousin of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, which made him the first contender for the throne when the Rurik family, due to degeneration, simply died out. This is precisely where the Romanov dynasty begins, whose tree we view through the prism of the past tense.

Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Tsar and Grand Duke all Rus'(ruled from 1613 to 1645) was not elected by chance. The time was troubled, there was talk of an invitation to the nobility, boyars and kingdom of the English king James the First, but the Great Russian Cossacks became enraged, fearing a lack of grain allowance, which is what they received. At the age of sixteen, Michael ascended the throne, but gradually his health deteriorated, he was constantly “mournful on his feet,” and died of natural causes at the age of forty-nine.

Following his father, his heir, the first and eldest son, ascended the throne Alexey Mikhailovich, by nickname The quietest(1645-1676), continuing the Romanov family, whose tree turned out to be branched and impressive. Two years before his father’s death, he was “presented” to the people as an heir, and two years later, when he died, Mikhail took the scepter in his hands. During his reign, a lot happened, but the main achievements are considered to be reunification with Ukraine, the return of Smolensk and Northern Land to the state, as well as the final formation of the institution of serfdom. It is also worth mentioning that it was under Alexei that the famous peasant revolt of Stenka Razin took place.

After Alexey the Quiet, a man by nature of weak health, fell ill and died, his blood brother took his placeFedor III Alekseevich(ruled from 1676 to 1682), who from early childhood showed signs of scurvy, or as the Scorbuta said then, either from a lack of vitamins, or from wrong image life. In fact, the country was ruled by various families at that time, and nothing good came of the tsar’s three marriages; he died at the age of twenty, without leaving a will regarding the succession to the throne.

After the death of Fedor, strife began, and the throne was given to the first oldest brother Ivan V(1682-1696), who had just turned fifteen years old. However, he was simply not capable of ruling such a huge power, so many believed that his ten-year-old brother Peter should take the throne. Therefore, both were appointed kings, and for the sake of order, their sister Sophia, who was smarter and more experienced, was assigned to them as regent. By the age of thirty, Ivan died, leaving his brother as the legal heir to the throne.

Thus, the Romanov family tree gave history exactly five kings, after which the anemone Clio took a new turn, and a fresh turn brought a new product, the kings began to be called emperors, and one of the greatest people in world history.

Imperial tree of the Romanovs with years of reign: diagram of the post-Petrine period

He became the first All-Russian Emperor and Autocrat in the history of the state, and in fact, its last tsar.Peter I Alekseevich, who received his great merits and honorable deeds, the Great (years of reign from 1672 until 1725). The boy received a rather weak education, which is why he had great respect for the sciences and learned people, hence the passion for the foreign lifestyle. He ascended the throne at the age of ten, but actually began to rule the country only after the death of his brother, as well as the imprisonment of his sister in the Novodevichy Convent.

Peter’s services to the state and people are countless, and even a cursory review of them would take at least three pages of dense typewritten text, so it’s worth doing it yourself. In terms of our interests, the Romanov family, whose tree with portraits is definitely worth studying in more detail, continued, and the state became an Empire, strengthening all positions on the world stage by two hundred percent, if not more. However, a banal urolithiasis felled the emperor who seemed so indestructible.

After the death of Peter, power was taken by force by his second legal wife,Ekaterina I Alekseevna, whose real name is Marta Skavronskaya, and her years of reign stretched from 1684 to 1727. In fact, the real power at that time was held by the notorious Count Menshikov, as well as the Supreme Privy Council, created by the empress.

Catherine’s wild and unhealthy life bore its terrible fruits, and after her, Peter’s grandson, born in his first marriage, was elevated to the throne.Peter II. He began to reign in the year 27 of the eighteenth century, when he was barely ten, and by the age of fourteen he was struck down by smallpox. The Privy Council continued to rule the country, and after it fell, the boyars Dolgorukovs continued to rule.

After the untimely death of the young king, something had to be decided and she ascended the throneAnna Ivanovna(reign years from 1693 to 1740), disgraced daughter of Ivan V Alekseevich, Duchess of Courland, widowed at the age of seventeen. The huge country was then ruled by her lover E.I. Biron.

Before her death, Anna Ionovna managed to write a will, according to it, the grandson of Ivan the Fifth, an infant, ascended the throneIvan VI, or simply Ivan Antonovich, who managed to be emperor from 1740 to 1741. First state affairs The same Biron took care of it for him, then his mother Anna Leopoldovna took over the initiative. Deprived of power, he spent his entire life in prison, where he would later be killed on the secret orders of Catherine II.

Then the illegitimate daughter of Peter the Great came to power, Elizaveta Petrovna(reigned 1742-1762), who ascended the throne literally on the shoulders of the brave warriors of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. After her accession, the entire Brunswick family was arrested, and the favorites of the former empress were executed.

The last empress was completely barren, so she left no heirs, and transferred her power to the son of her sister Anna Petrovna. That is, we can say that at that time it again turned out that there were only five emperors, of whom only three had the opportunity to be called Romanovs by blood and origin. After the death of Elizabeth, there were absolutely no male followers left, and the direct male line, one might say, was completely cut off.

The permanent Romanovs: the tree of the dynasty was reborn from the ashes

After Anna Petrovna married Karl Friedrich of Holstein-Gottorp, the Romanov family had to end. However, he was saved by a dynastic treaty, according to which the son from this unionPeter III(1762), and the clan itself now became known as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovsky. He managed to sit on the throne for only 186 days and died under completely mysterious and unclear circumstances to this day, and even then without a coronation, and he was crowned after his death by Paul, as they now say, retroactively. It is remarkable that this unfortunate emperor left behind a whole heap of “False Peters”, which appeared here and there, like mushrooms after rain.

After short reign previous sovereign, the real German princess Sophia Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst, better known as the empress, made her way to power through an armed coupCatherine II, the Great (from 1762 until 1796), the wife of that very unpopular and stupid Peter the Third. During her reign, Russia became much more powerful, influencing global community strengthened significantly, and she did a lot of work within the country, reuniting the lands and so on. It was during her reign that the peasant war of Emelka Pugachev broke out and was suppressed with noticeable effort.

Emperor Paul I, Catherine’s unloved son from a hated man, ascended the throne after the death of his mother in the cold autumn of 1796, and reigned for exactly five years, minus several months. He carried out many reforms useful for the country and the people, as if in spite of his mother, and also interrupted the series of palace coups, abolishing the female inheritance of the throne, which from now on could be passed exclusively from father to son. He was killed in March 1801 by an officer in his own bedroom, without even having time to really wake up.

After his father's death, his eldest son ascended the throneAlexander I(1801-1825), liberal and lover of the silence and charm of rural life, and also intended to give the people a constitution, so that he could rest on his laurels until the end of his days. At the age of forty-seven years, all he received in life in general was an epitaph from the great Pushkin himself: “I spent my whole life on the road, caught a cold and died in Taganrog.” It is remarkable that the first memorial museum in Russia was created in his honor, which existed for more than a hundred years, after which it was liquidated by the Bolsheviks. After his death, brother Constantine was appointed to the throne, but he immediately refused, not “wanting to take part in this pandemonium of ugliness and murder.”

Thus, Paul's third son ascended the throne -Nicholas I(reign from 1825 to 1855), direct grandson of Catherine, who was born during her lifetime and memory. It was under him that the Decembrist uprising was suppressed, the Code of Laws of the Empire was finalized, new censorship laws were introduced, and many very serious military campaigns were won. It is calculated according to official version that he died of pneumonia, but it was rumored that the king committed suicide.

A leader of large-scale reforms and a great asceticAlexander II Nikolaevich, nicknamed the Liberator, came to power in 1855. In March 1881, Narodnaya Volya member Ignatius Grinevitsky threw a bomb at the feet of the sovereign. Soon after this, he died from his injuries, which turned out to be incompatible with life.

After the death of his predecessor, his own younger brother was anointed to the throneAlexander III Alexandrovich(from 1845 to 1894). During his time on the throne, the country did not enter into a single war, thanks to a uniquely faithful policy, for which he received the legitimate nickname Tsar-Peacemaker.

The most honest and responsible of the Russian emperors died after the crash of the royal train, when for several hours he held in his hands a roof that threatened to collapse on his family and friends.

An hour and a half after the death of his father, right in the Livadia Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, without waiting for a memorial service, the last emperor of the Russian Empire was anointed on the throne,Nicholas II Alexandrovich(1894-1917).

After the coup in the country, he abdicated the throne, handing it over to his half-brother Mikhail, as his mother had wished, but nothing could be corrected, and both were executed by the Revolution, along with their descendants.

On given time there are quite a lot of descendants of the imperial Romanov dynasty who could lay claim to the throne. It’s clear that there is no longer any smell of the purity of the family there, because the “wonderful new world“Dictates its own rules. However, the fact remains that if necessary, a new tsar can be found quite easily, and the Romanov tree in the scheme today looks quite branched.

The Romanovs are a large family of rulers and kings of Russia, an ancient boyar family. The family tree of the Romanov dynasty goes back to the 16th century. Numerous descendants of this famous family live today and continue the ancient family.

House of Romanov 4th century

At the beginning of the 17th century, there was a celebration dedicated to the accession to the throne of Moscow by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. The crowning ceremony, which took place in the Kremlin in 1613, marked the beginning of a new dynasty of kings.

The Romanov family tree gave Russia many great rulers. The family chronicle dates back to 1596.

Origin of the surname

The Romanovs are an inaccurate historical surname. The first known representative of the family was the boyar Andrei Kobyla back in the days ruling prince Ivan Kalita. The descendants of Mare were called Koshkins, then Zakharyins. It was Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin who was officially recognized as the founder of the dynasty. His daughter Anastasia married Tsar Ivan the Terrible, they had a son, Fyodor, who, in honor of his grandfather, took the surname Romanov and began to call himself Fyodor Romanov. This is how the famous surname was born.

The family tree of the Romanovs grows from the Zakharyins’ family, but from what places they came to Muscovy is unknown to historians. Some experts believe that the family were natives of Novgorod, others claim that the family came from Prussia.

Their descendants became the most famous royal dynasty in the world. The large family is called the “House of Romanov”. The family tree is extensive and huge, with branches in almost all the kingdoms of the world.

In 1856 they acquired an official coat of arms. The sign of the Romanovs depicts a vulture holding a fairytale blade and tarch in its paws; the edges were decorated with the severed heads of lions.

Ascension to the throne

In the 16th century, the boyars of Zakharyin acquired a new position by becoming related to Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Now all relatives could hope for the throne. The chance to seize the throne came quite soon. After the interruption of the Rurik dynasty, the decision to take the throne was taken up by the Zakharyins.

Fyodor Ioannovich, who, as mentioned earlier, took the surname Romanov in honor of his grandfather, was the most likely contender for the throne. However, Boris Godunov prevented him from ascending the throne, forcing him to take monastic vows. But this did not stop the smart and enterprising Fyodor Romanov. He accepted the rank of patriarch (called Filaret) and, through intrigue, elevated his son Mikhail Fedorovich to the throne. The 400-year era of the Romanovs began.

Chronology of the reign of direct representatives of the clan

  • 1613-1645 - years of reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov;
  • 1645-1676 - reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov;
  • 1676-1682 - autocracy of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov;
  • 1682-1696 - Ivan Alekseevich was formally in power, was co-ruler of his younger brother Peter Alekseevich (Peter I), but did not play any political role,
  • 1682-1725 - the family tree of the Romanovs was continued by the great and authoritarian ruler Peter Alekseevich, better known in history as Peter I. In 1721 he established the title of emperor, from then on Russia began to be called Russian Empire.

In 1725, Empress Catherine I ascended the throne as the wife of Peter I. After her death, a direct descendant of the Romanov dynasty, Peter Alekseevich Romanov, the grandson of Peter I (1727-1730), came to power again.

  • 1730-1740 - The Russian Empire was ruled by Anna Ioannovna Romanova, niece of Peter I;
  • 1740-1741 - formally Ivan Antonovich Romanov, the great-grandson of Ivan Alekseevich Romanov, was in power;
  • 1741-1762 - as a result of a palace coup, Elizaveta Petrovna Romanova, daughter of Peter I, came to power;
  • 1762 - Peter Fedorovich Romanov (Peter III), nephew of Empress Elizabeth, grandson of Peter I, reigns for six months.

Further history

  1. 1762-1796 - after the overthrow of her husband Peter III Empire ruled by Catherine II
  2. 1796-1801 - Pavel Petrovich Romanov, son of Peter I and Catherine II, came to power. Officially, Paul I belongs to the Romanov family, but historians are still fiercely debating his origins. Many consider him an illegitimate son. If we assume this, then in fact the family tree of the Romanov dynasty ended with Peter III. Subsequent rulers may not have been blood descendants of the dynasty.

After the death of Peter I, the Russian throne was often occupied by women representing the House of Romanov. The family tree became more branchy, as descendants of kings from other states were chosen as husbands. Paul I already established a law according to which only a male blood successor has the right to become king. And from that time on, women were not married to the kingdom.

  • 1801-1825 - reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich Romanov (Alexander I);
  • 1825-1855 - reign of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich Romanov (Nicholas I);
  • 1855-1881 - Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov (Alexander II) reigns;
  • 1881-1894 - the years of the reign of Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov (Alexander III);
  • 1894-1917 - autocracy of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov (Nicholas II), he and his family were shot by the Bolsheviks. The imperial family tree of the Romanovs was destroyed, and with it the monarchy in Rus' collapsed.

How the reign of the dynasty was interrupted

In July 1917, the entire royal family, including children, Nicholas, and his wife, were executed. The only successor, Nikolai's heir, was also shot. All relatives hiding in different places were identified and exterminated. Only those Romanovs who were outside Russia were saved.

Nicholas II, who acquired the name “Bloody” because of the thousands killed during the revolutions, became last emperor, which represented the House of Romanov. The family tree of the descendants of Peter I was interrupted. Descendants of the Romanovs from other branches continue to live outside Russia.

Results of the board

During the 3 centuries of the dynasty, many bloodsheds and uprisings took place. However, the Romanov family, whose family tree covered half of Europe in shadow, brought benefits to Russia:

  • complete separation from feudalism;
  • the family increased the financial, political, and military power of the Russian Empire;
  • the country was transformed into a large and powerful State, which became on an equal footing with developed European countries.

We invite you to remember the history of the Romanov dynasty with the help of a chronological selection of important or interesting events.

On February 21, 1613, Romanov was elected tsar

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected Tsar at the age of 16 Zemsky Sobor. The choice fell on the young prince because he was a descendant of the Rurikovichs, the first dynasty of Russian tsars. The death of the last representative of their line, Fyodor I (he was childless), in 1598 marked the beginning of a turbulent period in Russian history. The ascension to the throne of the founder of the Romanov dynasty marked the end of the “Time of Troubles.” Michael I pacified and restored the country. He made peace with the Poles and Swedes, took care of the finances of the kingdom, reorganized the army, and created industry. He had ten children from his second wife Evdokia Streshneva. Five survived, including Tsarevich Alexei (1629-1675), who, like his father, ascended the throne at age 16.

May 7, 1682: murder of the first Romanov?

20 years. This is exactly how old Tsar Feodor III was at the time of his death on May 7, 1682. The eldest son of Alexei I and his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya was distinguished by very poor health. So, in 1676, the coronation ceremony (it usually lasts three hours) was shortened to the maximum so that the weak monarch could defend it to the end. Be that as it may, in reality he turned out to be a reformer and innovator. He reorganized the civil service, modernized the army, banned private tutors and the study foreign languages without the supervision of official teachers.

Be that as it may, his death seems suspicious to some experts: there are theories that his sister Sophia poisoned him. Perhaps he became the first in a long list of Romanovs who died at the hands of close relatives?

Two kings on the throne

After the death of Fedor III, he was to be replaced by Ivan V, the second son of Alexei I from his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. Nevertheless, he was a man of small minds, unfit to rule. As a result, he shared the throne with his half-brother Peter (10 years old), the son of Natalia Naryshkina. He spent more than 13 years on the throne without really ruling the country. In the early years, Ivan V's elder sister Sophia was in charge. In 1689, Peter I removed her from power after a failed plot to kill his brother: as a result, she was forced to take monastic vows. After the death of Ivan V on February 8, 1696, Peter became a full-fledged Russian monarch.

1721: Tsar becomes emperor

Peter I, monarch, autocrat, reformer, conqueror and conqueror of the Swedes (after more than 20 years of war, the Peace of Nystad was signed on August 30, 1721), received from the Senate (which was created by the tsar in 1711, and its members were appointed by him) the titles “Great ", "Father of the Fatherland" and "All-Russian Emperor". Thus, he became the first Emperor of Russia, and from then on this designation of monarch finally replaced the tsar.

Four Empresses

When Peter the Great died without designating an heir, his second wife Catherine was proclaimed empress in January 1725. This allowed the Romanovs to remain on the throne. Catherine I continued her husband's work until her death in 1727.

The second Empress Anna I was the daughter of Ivan V and the niece of Peter I. She sat on the throne from January 1730 to October 1740, but was not interested in state affairs, actually transferring the leadership of the country to her lover Ernst Johann Biron.


How the kings returned to Russian history

Atlantico 08/19/2015

The Romanov dynasty - despots and warriors?

Daily Mail 02/02/2016

Was Moscow ruled by “Russian” tsars?

Observer 04/08/2016

Tsar Peter the First was not Russian

Observer 02/05/2016 The third empress was Elizaveta Petrovna, the second daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine. At first she was not allowed to ascend the throne because she was born before her parents’ marriage, but then she nevertheless stood at the head of the country after the bloodless coup d’etat of 1741, removing the regent Anna Leopoldovna (the granddaughter of Ivan V and the mother of Tsar Ivan VI, appointed by Anna I). After her coronation in 1742, Elizabeth I continued her father's conquests. The Empress restored and decorated St. Petersburg, which had been abandoned for the sake of Moscow. She died in 1761, leaving no descendants, but appointing her nephew Peter III as successor.

The last in the line of Russian empresses was Catherine II the Great, born in Prussia under the name Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst. She took power by overthrowing her husband Peter III in 1762, just months after his coronation. Her long reign (34 years is a record among the Romanov dynasty) was also one of the most outstanding. Being an enlightened despot, she expanded the territory of the country, strengthened the central government, developed industry and trade, improved Agriculture and continued the development of St. Petersburg. She became famous as a philanthropist, was a friend of philosophers and scientists, and left a rich legacy after her death in November 1796.

March 11-12, 1801: conspiracy against Paul I

That night, Catherine II's son Paul I was killed in Mikhailovsky Castle after refusing to abdicate the throne. A conspiracy against the emperor, considered by many to be crazy (he carried out a very extravagant internal and foreign policy), was arranged by the Governor of St. Petersburg Pyotr Alekseevich Palen. Among the conspirators was the eldest son of the deceased, Alexander I, who was convinced that they only wanted to overthrow and not kill the king. According to the official version, the emperor died of apoplexy.

45 thousand dead and wounded

These are the losses of the Russian army in the Battle of Borodino (124 kilometers from Moscow). There Napoleon's Grand Army clashed with the troops of Alexander I on September 7, 1812. As night fell Russian army retreated. Napoleon could march on Moscow. This was a humiliation for the king and fueled his hatred of Napoleon: now his goal was to continue the war until the power of the French emperor in Europe fell. To do this, he entered into an alliance with Prussia. On March 31, 1814, Alexander I entered Paris in triumph. On April 9, Napoleon abdicated.

7 assassination attempts on Alexander II

Emperor Alexander II seemed too much of a liberal for the aristocracy, but this was clearly not enough for the oppositionists who sought to eliminate him. The first attempt took place on April 16, 1866 in summer garden in St. Petersburg: the terrorist’s bullet only grazed him. On next year they tried to kill him during the World Exhibition in Paris. In 1879 there were as many as three assassination attempts. In February 1880, an explosion occurred in the dining room of the Winter Palace. The king then gave a dinner in honor of his wife's brother. By luck, he was not in the room at that moment, because he was still receiving guests.

The sixth attempt occurred on March 13, 1881 on the embankment of the Catherine Canal in St. Petersburg: an explosion claimed the lives of three people. The uninjured Alexander approached the neutralized terrorist. At that moment, Narodnaya Volya member Ignatius Grinevitsky threw a bomb at him. The seventh attempt was successful...

Emperor Nicholas II was crowned with his wife Alexandra (Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt) on May 26, 1896 in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. On festive dinner 7 thousand guests were present. However, the events were overshadowed by tragedy: on Khodynka Field, several thousand people died in a stampede during the distribution of gifts and food. The tsar, despite what had happened, did not change the program and went to a reception with the French ambassador. This aroused the anger of the people and exacerbated hostility between the monarch and his subjects.

304 years reign

That is how many years the Romanov dynasty was in power in Russia. The descendants of Michael I ruled until the February Revolution of 1917. In March 1917, Nicholas II abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, but he did not accept the throne, which marked the end of the monarchy.
In August 1917, Nicholas II and his family were sent into exile to Tobolsk, and then to Yekaterinburg. On the night of July 16-17, 1918, he was shot along with his wife and five children by order of the Bolsheviks.