Izospan a is an under-roof wind and moisture protective membrane. Izospan A membrane as a means of reliable protection of insulation from moisture Izospan A technical specifications GOST

Izospan is a film coating used for insulation purposes. It is necessary so that the thermal insulation retains all its key parameters throughout the service life. Thermal insulation materials actually create protection for the home, retain heat in inclement weather and provide comfort in summer heat. It is one hundred percent polypropylene.

Even at the construction stages, you can form a barrier, designed to ensure heat conservation, using Izospan in the construction of vapor barrier. There are several types of this material. The film is presented in large assortment and differs in its purpose. Vapor barrier films and membranes are capable of completely or partially allowing moisture and air to pass through on one side. Some modifications are used to enhance the characteristics of basic materials.

What characteristics does Izospan have:

For Izospan it is provided different sphere applications. The main area remains the construction area. The material has:

Manufacturers use letter designations for various modifications of Izospan. Sometimes these indices are combined in a number of models, thereby creating diversity in terms of installation and scope of application of Izospan.

Model A

Izospan, A has the following technical characteristics.

Firstly, by analogy with check valve, the membrane easily passes water vapor that comes from the thermal insulation. This ensures natural ventilation. On the other hand, Izospan of this type is able to block the penetration of moisture from the outside and prevents condensation from forming. The structure of the insulation remains unchanged, even if there is strong wind outside.

WITH outside Izospan is equipped with a layer of waterproof material. For this reason, it is often used when arranging roofing structures. It is also used as protection for walls and ventilated facades. Due to the waterproofing properties that Izospan is characterized by, its membranes increase the service life of thermal insulation. Even the most best insulation sooner or later it collapses due to exposure to wind. Izospan, A is ideal for external protection dwellings.

The membrane must be laid with outside, on top of the insulation. That is, its smooth side should look out onto the street, which can be quite easily identified by touch. The roll is divided into wide strips of suitable size. Following this, it is carefully spread overlapping with the next layer over the entire area.

Roof vapor barrier

The installation of hydro- and vapor barrier of the roof begins from the bottom. Laying out membrane material, do not allow contact with thermal insulation. This will reduce the ability to withstand moisture. To understand what we are talking about, it is enough to imagine the following situation. Let's say a person goes on a hike. He took with him a canvas tent, which was used back in Soviet times. If you run your finger along the roof while it’s inside while it’s raining, then after a few minutes it will start to drip from that area. Izospan works in a similar way. It is always equipped with double lathing.

Izospan is installed outside, laid on a sheathing of slats. The membrane structure increases the degree of insulation. At the same time, it contributes to an increased service life of the structure as a whole. It is very important to prevent all kinds of swelling and sagging during the operation of the roof. Otherwise, you will have to listen to the sounds of the wind with characteristic sounds when the membrane knocks on the roof. The use of thin slats is enough to secure Izospan, leaving 3 cm to the insulation.

Thus, the previous type of Izospan is able to protect from the wind. In addition, it acts as a reliable water barrier for the insulating material. But it does not solve the problem of condensation. It must be prevented from passing through the membrane as vapor. If the thermal insulation is saturated with moisture by at least 5%, the thermal insulation performance of such a roof will drop by 2 times. In the future, condensation will fall on the metal tiles. The roof will turn into a kind of colander.

Technical characteristics of Izospan B have the following:

  • ability to resist condensation;
  • excellent waterproofing properties;
  • vapor barrier effect.

Carrying out installation various materials when arranging the roof, you must understand that even the most high-quality insulation for the roof, at a certain point it is saturated with water vapor.

Izospan B forms a barrier to internal steam. Its structure consists of two layers:

  • the first one has smooth surface and is adjacent to the insulation during installation;
  • the second, fleecy to the touch, absorbs condensation.

The covering is installed in all cases with the fleecy side down. There must be a gap between Izospan and the finishing materials so that air can circulate freely in the space. It also prevents moisture accumulation. Izospan B is laid with an overlap. At the same time, maintain a minimum grip of 10 cm from the insulation side. Secure it with a construction stapler.

Izospan C

Its structure contains two layers: smooth and fleecy. The latter is responsible for retaining condensate. Later it disappears. Modification A forms a vapor barrier for the insulation, preventing the evaporation of water particles formed in the room from being absorbed. The material is used for:

  • construction of walls;
  • installation of sloping and insulated roofs;
  • arrangement of interfloor ceilings.

Vapor and waterproofing is installed in various cement screeds, and Izospan C is also used for laying flat roofs. Thus, in terms of characteristics and structure, this material is in many ways similar to Izospan D. At the same time, it has an increased safety margin. Accordingly, thanks to it, you can get a very dense panel with increased reliability indicators . At the same time, Izospan C is approximately 60% more expensive in price.


  • withstands temperature range from - 60 to + 80 degrees Celsius;
  • impenetrable to steam;
  • has the ability to withstand water. This figure is 1 thousand mm of water column.

Izospan C is sometimes used for constructing concrete floors. It is laid with the smooth side down. It finds application for styling wooden floors horizontal type and similar structures in the attic. In the latter case, the vapor barrier is spread over the insulation.

On sloping roofs, the canvas is laid in the direction from bottom to top. The material is overlapped by 15 cm. To avoid depressurization, the joints are glued with adhesive tape on both sides, similar to double-sided tape. To secure the structures, slats with a diameter of 5 cm are used. The gap between the vapor barrier and the tiled roof should be at least 5 cm.

Izospan is spread over the insulation. It is necessary to provide a special gap of 50 mm in diameter to ensure ventilation. We are talking about the distance between the thermal insulation and the panel. When installing a concrete floor, Izospan C is laid out overlapping. After this, apply to the canvas cement screed. Only after this the flooring is installed.

Izospan D

Suitable for construction various types designs. Able to withstand moderate mechanical loads well. At the same time, it demonstrates good tear resistance and withstands the effects of wind. IN winter period can cope with loads in the form of snow accumulated on the roof. It is considered one of the most reliable and durable options.

Its characteristics:

  • completely impermeable to water;
  • has high strength;
  • has a laminated one-sided polypropylene-based coating.

Can be used for any type of roof, as it forms a barrier to condensation. It is used for various buildings and structures to form hydro- and vapor barriers. Able to largely withstand adverse weather conditions. It is often used on construction sites for temporary roofing. It can play the role of a protective wall in objects under construction. This type of roofing can last up to 4 months. Izospan D is popular when installing concrete floors that require a waterproofing layer, protecting against moisture from the ground.

Thus, it is used:

  • for guard wooden structures if an uninsulated roof was used;
  • as protection against condensation forming under the roof;
  • when arranging the basement;
  • during installation of concrete floors;
  • for protection from adverse weather conditions.

If it is necessary to protect the internal parts of the house from the effects of vapors resulting from vital activity and to extend the life of the insulation, then it is better to use Izospan D. It can be spread directly on the rafters, having previously insulated the surface pitched roof. The layers of material in this case are the same, and therefore there is no need to figure out which side to lay Izospan to the insulation.

Installation is carried out in horizontal orientation , overlap. The material is cut into sheets required size. Work starts from the bottom. During the installation process, the bayonets are glued together with tape. Surfaces that have adhesive ability on both sides connect two sheets of hydro- and vapor barrier. Izospan is fixed to the rafters with brackets construction stapler or wooden slats.

The pace and technology of modern construction imply the use of innovative solutions at all stages, including the improvement of buildings. The key is to insulate the premises from moisture and cold. For this purpose, insulating films are used, available on the market from several brands.

The optimal price-quality ratio is the Izospan vapor barrier. This material is easy to install, has high technical characteristics and attracts buyers. affordable price. Let's look at the features of Izospan class B film.

Types of Izospan products

Vapor barriers are represented on the construction market in a wide range model range. Each type has its own technical characteristics, which determine the scope of the material. The total number of insulating membranes of this brand is about 14 varieties. Let's consider 4 main categories. In particular:

    Group A

    The film is intended for thermal insulation of premises and protection wall structures from moisture and condensation. The material is made in the form of a double-sided membrane, one side of which serves as insulation from wind and moisture, the other removes evaporation.

    In order for the film to cope with its function, it is mounted on the outside of the insulation.

    Group B

    One of the most popular and frequently used categories is “Izospan”. A special feature of this category of material is its absolute vapor permeability. Such characteristics are due to the structure of the insulating membrane.

    One side of the film is smooth, the other has pronounced surface roughness. Smooth structure protects interior spaces from the wind, and the villi help remove moisture.

    Group C

    This product performs identical functions to Group B Izospan, but is more expensive. The material is based on ultra-dense polypropylene fabric, which reliably protects structural elements from any external influences.

    The film is suitable for use in regions with cold climates and provides insulation of rooms even in the case of a loose fit wall panels or roofing elements.

    Group D

    This is a universal film that is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The key feature of the material is its high resistance to mechanical damage and neutrality to direct ultraviolet rays.

It is worth noting that there are “A” class films on the market. M" "A. S" "A. Q Proff.” Unlike basic prototypes, these films have a denser membrane structure (often three-layer) and are more tear-resistant. Of course, improved technical characteristics proportionally increase the cost of the material.

Characteristics of "Izospan B"

If speak about technical parameters, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

Suitable for temperature ranges from -60 to +80 degrees Celsius.

Considering these features, store the material under open air not recommended to maintain performance properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of this hydro-vapor barrier

Izospan insulation belongs to the category of building materials, therefore it has advantages and disadvantages. This feature is typical for any product, however, in the case of the vapor barrier of this brand, there are noticeably more advantages than disadvantages. Let's consider strengths material.

The undeniable advantages include the following characteristics:

    High water repellency.

    Resistant to any external factors and mechanical damage.

    Absolute inertness to the development of pathogenic microflora (wall mold, fungus).

    Environmental Safety.

    Ease of installation.

    Long-term operation - at least 50 years.

Disadvantages include the high cost of some model groups and the lack of fire resistance.

Where is the material used?

This group “B” (B) is considered universal, therefore it has a rather multifaceted scope of application. The only installation limitation is internal installation. Izospan B is not suitable for external insulation; there are other groups for this. At internal insulation, the material is used to insulate the following surfaces:

    Wall structures.

    Internal partitions.

    Interfloor ceilings.

    Floors in rooms with high humidity.

    Underlay for parquet or laminate.

    Roof insulation.

This demand is due to the fact that the thermal insulation pie will not cope with its functions without a vapor barrier film.

Which side should I lay towards the insulation?

According to the official instructions:

    For the roof. Smooth side to insulation.

    For walls. Smooth side to insulation.

    Attic floors. The film is placed between finishing material ceiling of the living room and the rough ceiling (smooth side to the rough ceiling).

    Basement ceiling. The rough side is towards the insulation.

Instructions for use of insulating material

Despite the multifaceted application building material, the manufacturer imposes a number of installation requirements that must be met regardless of the scope of the material. In particular:

    For vertical and inclined surfaces (roofing, walls), installation is carried out from top to bottom with horizontal stripes.

    The strips are laid overlapping with an overlap of at least 15 centimeters.

    The joints are additionally insulated with adhesive tape.

    The smooth side is always adjacent to the insulation, the rough side faces the inside of the room.

If we talk about specifics, depending on the place of application, Izospan is installed according to the following schemes.


The vapor barrier is laid directly on the rafters, between which a layer of insulation is laid. The film is fixed with clamping strips, a sheathing goes on top and roofing material. “Izospan” is secured with a stapler so that the insulation does not fall inward, from the side attic space the wire is stretched or additional lathing is installed.

    Roof covering

    Izospan AQ proff, AM, AS



    Izospan RS, B


    Interior decoration


Internal partitions

Interior partitions using insulation are assembled according to the following scheme:

  1. Control rod.

    Vapor barrier layer.

    A layer of soundproofing material.

Fix the vapor barrier to outer skin can be a galvanized profile.


Vapor barrier for floor coverings is installed according to the following scheme: between the joists there is waterproofing and insulation boards. On top there are vapor barrier strips, which are fixed to the joists with bars to provide a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation cake and floor covering. At the final stage, the floorboards are installed.

Floors on concrete bases


    Cement strainer

    Steam-waterproofing series D, RM

    Floor slab

Laminate and parquet floors

    Reflective heat-steam-waterproofing of the FX series

    Cement strainer

    Floor slab

Warm floor


    Cement strainer

    Warm floor system

    Reflective vapor-waterproofing class FD, FS, FX

The name of the material comes from the name of the company that produces it. It means several completely different in properties and purpose polymer films. All products of this brand are usually divided into three main groups:

  • Izospan A membranes protecting from water and wind. They are widely used in roofing, as well as facade works as protection of roof structural elements, as well as the interior from precipitation. In this case, the film is able to pass steam through itself, bringing it out. This property of such membranes prevents moisture from forming condensation on the insulation or parts rafter system roofs. Some varieties have fire retardant treatment. The average vapor permeability is determined to be around 3500 g/m² per day. It must be said right away that the material cannot be used on a roof with a slope angle of less than 35ºC. Mandatory requirement- installation should only be carried out in normal weather;

  • films that do not allow water and steam to pass through belong to the Izospan V line. Unlike its brother, it is mounted indoors. After all, its task is to prevent steam from penetrating from the room into the thermal insulation layer and forming condensation there. Insulation boards covered with such a membrane always remain dry, which protects them from the formation of mold and fungal colonies. Instructions for use of Izospan B will be described in more detail;
  • Izospan S is designed not only to protect the insulation layer from the wind, high humidity and steam, but also create an additional insulating effect due to a special coating that can reflect infrared rays. This greatly reduces the energy consumption of the home, creating good savings on heating costs. It has a structure consisting of two layers. One layer is always smooth, and the other is rough, which better holds condensation. The material is very waterproof, more than 1000 mm. water Art. Its resistance to steam penetration is 7.0 Pa/mg.

Technical characteristics of Izospan films:

Vapor-permeable membranes ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² Compound Vapor permeability, g/m²/day, not less
A 110 100% pp 177/129 1000 250
AM 90 110/90 850 880
AS 115 165/120 1000 1000
Steam-waterproofing ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² Compound Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
B 70 100% pp 128/104 7 1000
C 90 197/119
D 105 1068/890
DM 105 560/510
Reflective vapor-waterproofing ISOSPAN
Brand Density, g/m² K thermal reflection, % Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Vapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not less Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
FB 132 90 330/310 vapor-tight waterproof
FD 800/700
D.S. 92 120/80
Brand Thickness, mm K thermal reflection, % Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cm Vapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not less Water resistance, mm.water column, not less
FX 2-5 90 176/207 vapor-tight waterproof

Helpful advice! The instructions for use of Izospan B suggest that if the film breaks on any sharp objects, it can and should be repaired. To do this, the damaged area is glued with a special adhesive film.

All of the listed varieties, despite their differences, have a number of positive qualities common to them:

  • they are easy to install and are supplied in roll form;
  • are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • their cost is quite suitable for anyone who is engaged in construction or insulation of their home.

Next, we will consider in detail the instructions for use of Izospan B and its technical and quality characteristics, since it is this type of membrane that is in greatest demand, thanks to the very good combination consumer properties and prices.

Technical characteristics of vapor barrier Izospan B

TO this species include two-layer vapor barrier membranes, capable of not only retaining moisture, but also preventing steam from penetrating through them. They are 100% polypropylene. These films are produced in rolls with a width of 160 cm. One roll can cover a surface of 70 m². The film density is 70 g/m². These membranes are quite strong, since their tensile load along the fibers is 128 N/cm, and across the fibers is 104 N/cm.

Vapor permeability rates are very low and are around 22.4 g/m²/day. Water resistance - 1000 mm. water Art., which is enough. Resistant to ultraviolet rays observed within 4 months of continuous exposure. The technical characteristics of the Izospan B vapor barrier allow it to be used in a wide temperature range, which ranges from -60 to 80ºС.

Instructions for use of Izospan B

Before using this material for vapor barrier purposes, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the requirements for its installation:

  • when covering insulation mounted on vertical or inclined surfaces, work must be carried out from top to bottom. The strips of material are fastened horizontally with an overlap of 15 cm. A special adhesive film allows you to isolate the joints;
  • Not everyone knows which side to put Izospan B insulation on. Meanwhile, this is very critical, since improper installation completely eliminates the effect of using this material. It is necessary to remember that smooth side always placed on the insulation, and the rough one is directed into the room;

Scheme correct application films for vapor barrier in the process using expanded clay

  • attach the membrane to the protected surface using wooden blocks, clamping strips and a construction stapler.

Since this vapor barrier material has a wide range of applications, we will consider the features of installation on several types of surfaces. When creating a vapor barrier layer in the attic, the membrane can be attached to the rafters in two ways.

Vapor barrier is used to protect various structures from moisture and condensation, as well as steam. Thanks to the use of appropriate materials, it will be possible to extend the durability of the structure and prevent the formation of fungus and mold. Many manufacturers produce special membrane films for this purpose. Thus, isospan vapor barrier is quite popular.

Technical characteristics and types

Vapor barrier isospan is highly waterproof membrane, installation of which can be carried out in any weather conditions. After vapor barrier, the building structure will last several times longer. At the same time, a comfortable microclimate will remain in the room.

In fact, isospan is not only a vapor barrier, but also a waterproofing agent. Accordingly, the material must be laid on roofs and in saunas. In other words, we are talking about those cases when the room requires increased temperature and high level humidity. Although such a membrane will be quite expensive, it will become a truly indispensable element.

There are many types of vapor barriers on sale, which have their own advantages and features.

  • Izospan A – vapor-permeable membrane, protecting walls, roofs, facades and ceilings from condensation. At the same time, evaporation occurs inside the “pie”, so that the water does not damage the structure itself.
  • Izospan B is a two-layer universal vapor barrier , which is usually used only indoors. Using this material you can protect the roof, basement and attic walls. Izospan B can be used as insulation. This is explained by the fact that the material has a higher density.
  • Izospan S is a two-layer membrane with water vapor barrier characteristics. This material is used in attics and on uninsulated roofs.
  • Izospan D is a membrane that provides reliable vapor barrier any building structures. Material used in the construction process concrete foundations, plinths and interfloor ceilings.
  • Izospan AM is a high-strength material made of membrane film. Its special feature is protection against mechanical damage. It is customary to lay the material directly on the heat insulator, which will protect it from steam and condensation.

Other varieties

Less common types of vapor barriers can be found on sale.

Instructions for use of isospan

When using this material, specific modification must be taken into account. If we talk about isospan B, then it is used to insulate walls, roofs and ceilings. As a rule, the film is laid on top of the insulation. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence:

Thanks to this vapor barrier, you will be able to avoid the penetration of moisture or insulation particles into the room.

Izospan S differs significantly from other vapor barrier materials Possibility of use in the construction of roofs with a slope of less than 35˚. Thanks to such vapor barrier in unheated attics, optimal microclimate. On walls and ceilings ground floors there is no condensation, which means there is no mold or unpleasant odor.

This modification is laid out as follows:

If the roof slope is small, the modification is laid on a plank flooring fixed to the rafters.

General instructions for installing vapor barrier yourself

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Modern construction requires innovative integrated approaches at all stages, including when installing wind and vapor barriers. Reliable protection of a structure from wind and moisture is impossible without materials belonging to well-known brands in the construction world. Izospan is one of the new generation building materials used at construction sites throughout the country.

What is Izospan?

When a person first encounters the construction of any structure, he begins to analyze the building materials on the market. Questions also arise about Izospan: what is it, why is it needed, what are its features?

Vapor barrier Izospan on this moment represented by a fairly wide range of films and membranes. They are designed to increase the service life of thermal insulation in buildings various types. At the moment there are more than 14 of them. All brands can be divided into 4 large groups: A, B, C, D. They contain many varieties, each of which has its own characteristics.

Areas of application

All varieties of this building material designed to insulate structural elements from moisture, wind or steam. It is used to protect all structural elements: roofs and facades, walls and floors, ceilings. The properties of Izospan allow it to be used both in small-scale construction and on large construction sites. The specific scope of application depends on the variety.

Application Izospana A makes it possible to protect the internal parts of structures and thermal insulation from moisture, eliminating the accumulation of condensation. On one side, these membranes are impenetrable to moisture and wind, and the other side allows the removal of water vapor. It is mounted on the outside of the insulating elements. You can see how this is done in the photo and video.

main feature Izospana B- vapor tightness. The structure of the coating varies depending on its purpose. The side that will be mounted to inside thermal insulation - smooth. And the part that will be facing the room has the smallest fibers. These villi will retain moisture. It is used for protection interior walls, insulated roofs, floors, interfloor or attic floors.

Reviews indicate that Izospan S is in many ways similar to the previous version, but is more reliable. Therefore it has a higher price. It is based on a super-dense polypropylene sheet that can effectively protect structural elements from capillary moisture, steam, and condensation. This type of product is used to protect “cold” type roofs, frame walls, floors in wet areas. This material capable of isolating building construction from negative impact atmosphere, even from snow in places where roofing elements are not tightly joined.

Specifications Izospana D allow us to classify it as a universal variety, capable of protecting both from internal and external influences. It is used in the construction of flat and pitched non-insulated roofs, floors, foundations, and basement floors. It is particularly durable and UV resistant.

Technical characteristics of Izospan

Vapor permeable waterproof and windproof membranes Izospan:

Vapor-permeable waterproof and windproof Izospan membranes with fire protection:

Vapor barrier waterproofing films Izospan:

Vapor-tight reflective thermal insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier materials Izospan:

Reflective insulation Izospan on gas-foamed polyethylene foam NPE:

Technical characteristics of Izospan mounting tapes:

Features of new varieties

Relatively new developments are varieties such as R.S. And R.M.. The difference between these films is that they are reinforced with polypropylene mesh. This makes it possible not only to serve as protection against steam and moisture, but also to withstand tensile stress.

Stamp materials FS, FD, FB And FX supplemented by the ability to use infrared radiation to enhance thermal insulation. This great opportunity for the development of energy saving. But they have drawbacks. These varieties do not allow for the passage of steam, so they can only be installed in rooms with mechanical ventilation.