Why do you dream about a big clean wave? Why do you dream about waves at sea?

The sea is a place where you can truly relax. How pleasant it is to lie on the warm white sand and listen to the waves, softly foaming, rush onto the shore. You can walk along deserted beaches and watch the waves crashing against the rocks.

There is nothing more soothing than the sound of water. But water, in addition to its creative power, also carries destructive power. The waves can rise so high during this time that they even cover the sky. To find out what waves mean in dreams, it is important to understand the meaning of this symbol. Sea waves combine two of the most powerful forces of the universe - destruction and creation. If you look at the Slavic dream book, waves are a symbol of change, renewal and wandering.

The interpretation of the dream will depend on what kind of waves you dreamed about, as well as on the plot and details. Pay attention to every nuance, because it can become key in the interpretation.

  • Whether the wave was small or huge.
  • River or ocean.
  • Purity.
  • Destruction or tranquility.
  • Your condition.

Small or huge

So, first of all, you should pay attention to the size of the wave. A small surf, barely touching your feet in a dream, speaks of an imminent journey. Or you will visit unexpected corners of your hometown and visit places hitherto unknown to you.

If you dreamed of a noisy wave covering your head, it means that a lot of things await you. You have to think about everything at once. Try not to worry, but simply consistently solve all problems that arise.

Many people are interested in what dreams of a big wave mean. Such a dream promises unexpected events. You will be surprised by the most close person: He will do something you never expected. Also, according to the Meridian dream book, a big wave is a symbol of big changes that are happening inside you.

Huge, high pillars of water falling down noisily are dreamed of as a warning. Soon everything in your life will begin to change at incredible speed. Try to remain calm and sane, and then you will be able to understand the deep essence of these changes.

If you dreamed of a tsunami, it means that you will need to make a fateful decision. Not only your future, but also that of many people close to you will depend on this decision. Waves the size he says Islamic dream book, is a symbol of strong emotional experiences.

Observe slight excitement towards the guests. Your family and friends will visit you and spend several pleasant hours with you. As the small Velesov’s dream book says, a river wave is a harbinger of a meeting with someone from your past. In a dream, sea waves are seen as harbingers of an imminent vacation, and also as a symbol of changes in life. Apparently, very soon you will change something in yourself and your environment.

Seeing a real ocean and its beautiful and strong excitement in a dream means that something will appear in your life. influential person. This person will become your companion on long years. Also, the ocean in a dream is a symbol of your inner world, its depth and breadth.

If you see clear, literally crystal water agitated in the sea, it means that the thoughts of the people around you, as well as your thoughts, are pure. You have chosen the right path, and everything along this path will work out for you.. If the water is cloudy, it means you are deceiving yourself in some way. Try to understand when you turned off the right path and followed the desires of other people. Return to that point and start your own path. See muddy waves, as the Vedic dream book notes, means that ill-wishers are plotting against you.

Huge dirty waves in a dream, with garbage and mud, covering you headlong, are harbingers of internal experiences. You feel like you are living someone else's life. Try to figure out what you want your life to be like and start making it a reality.

Destruction or tranquility

Seeing calm and smooth waves in a dream means that everything in your life will flow calmly. All future transformations will be as soft and comfortable as possible.

Seeing the waves of a slightly raging sea in a dream means small quarrels and conflicts at work. Don't take it to heart: how sea ​​waves, all conflicts will calm down and be resolved over time, everything will be as before.

Seeing a tsunami covering a city means major changes. Many people believe that in the interpretation it matters what object the wave covers, but in fact, if you look at it, the answer to the question of why you dream of a wave, whether it covers your house or the whole city, is the same. In any case, this is a harbinger of serious changes in both your personal and professional life.

In a dream, it means that it is high time for you to start solving the problems you have accumulated. Their number has already exceeded all limits, and if you don’t start doing this today, then tomorrow they will cover you completely. Also, according to Miller’s dream book, a flood is a symbol of your experiences that do not allow you to exist in peace.

  • Being terrified and frightened by a tsunami means facing your childhood fears. In fact, there is no need to be afraid, you can handle everything with ease.
  • Rejoicing when you see a flood means an inadequate assessment of the situation. You need to approach all issues with a cool head. A wave that causes joy, according to Miller’s dream book, symbolizes an excess of feelings.
  • Feeling sad while looking at huge waves moving in the distance leads to a feeling of inner emptiness. It's time for you to unwind and do something really interesting.

Water is a real miracle, and what makes it even more fantastic is the ability to worry. Like a person, she worries, gets angry or calms down. Whether you dream of the sea or the ocean - it doesn’t matter, such dreams always give you the opportunity to learn something new about yourself.

Do you sleep and see huge waves? Then get ready for the fact that in reality it will be difficult to keep up with the kaleidoscope of events, adapt, and get used to new realities and circumstances. In most dream books, giant foaming cascades of water prophesy difficulties and trials. But there are other, more optimistic predictions.

Go for it, everything will work out!

Did you dream about huge ones? This means that you need to learn to keep your emotions under control and not show your true feelings to colleagues, partners, and even more so, enemies, the dream book teaches. Self-control and the ability to “keep a face” will help you realize your ideas and achieve your goals.

If in night dream you are surprised and delighted by the violence of the water element, swelling with ridges, then know: your energy and confidence in own strength will help you achieve a lot in life.

There are tests ahead

Why do you dream of raging, huge waves crashing against rocks? If the dreamer sees that he is on top of a cliff, then the dream book promises obstacles and difficulties in reality.

If in your night dreams you watch large waves from afar, then get ready for trials. Try to go through them steadfastly, with the thought that fate, thus, bestows invaluable experience and makes you wiser and stronger.

Find yourself in ? Brace yourself, difficult times ahead at work, and problems at home are likely. The best thing to think about in advance is: how will you act in a difficult situation?

Once in the water

Did you dream that you were in the thick of furious waves? This means that you need, like the brave frog from the famous fairy tale, not to give up, but to fight to the last, even if it seems that the situation is hopeless. And the larger the waves, the more obstacles will arise in reality.

Insurmountable obstacles, that’s why I dreamed that a whirlpool of waves was dragging me to the bottom. Unfortunately, this picture predicts the collapse of many endeavors.

Not everything is so sad

When in a dream a huge wave covers your head, but you continue, then this is an excellent omen, promising a new love, and most likely, mutual. In any case, this novel will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

If a huge wave has covered you, but then this dream predicts good luck and success for you, so feel free to take on any ambitious project.

Promises active social life and strong emotions, shocks. However, this vision means a leap in a man’s career, but a woman should be wary, since according to the dream book this is a warning - the husband may become carried away by another lady.

On the crest of success

You admire with delight in a dream wonderful picture: huge waves foaming azure ocean waters? Then brace yourself, you are about to win a victory over your enemies.

If a water shaft carries a wave, then such a sleepy plot marks global changes in fate. And most likely they will please the dreamer. And if he also swims, without fear of being far from the shore, then, according to the dream book, this means the complete defeat of the enemy’s plans.

Are you rushing towards the shore on the crest of a wave in a dream? This plot precedes triumph, prosperity in reality.
If in your midnight slumber you are frightened by a mass of water rushing straight at you, then brace yourself, you will have to deal with some troubles upon awakening. The main thing is not to panic, stay calm, the dream book instructs.

Important details

Couldn't remember the whole dream? It doesn’t matter, you can interpret the vision based on the remembered details. So, if you were standing on the shore during this time, you should know that some event is coming up, which, however, will not affect your interests. Swimming in huge waves in a dream means a series of adversities in reality.

Do you see the ninth wave coming? Be more careful, be careful. It is possible that all plans will collapse overnight and end in failure. If in your dreams you were able to escape from the pursuing tsunami, then upon awakening you will have to put in a lot of effort in order to avoid trouble. It’s bad if in a dream a wave covers you completely; in this case, troubles and annoying misunderstandings in reality, alas, cannot be avoided.

However, in a number of dream books this vision is interpreted a little differently: fate has prepared changes, many of which will benefit you, make you happy, and open up tempting prospects.

Word to Miller

Finally, let’s turn to Gustav Miller, who became famous thanks to the dream book he compiled. So, from the point of view of this eminent American, huge waves of clear water are a wonderful sign, suggesting that the sleeper will make a leap forward: in his career, studies, science.

If you see a big wave in a dream, it means that in reality you will make the right decisive action in life, provided that the wave was clean, but if the wave was dirty, then you will make a huge mistake.

Vanga's Dream Book

what does it mean if there is a huge wave in a dream

Dreaming of big waves warns you about possible harm V real life, which will affect what is happening around you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

dream interpretation huge wave

If you dreamed of a big wave - a warning about an unexpected and long journey, about worries.

Freud's Dream Book

dreamed of a huge wave

A huge wave in a dream foreshadows in reality changes in the relationship between partners for the worse or even a breakup.

Loff's Dream Book

dream interpretation huge wave

If you dream of a big wave, this means trouble, which will push the dreamer to start life from scratch.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

dreamed of a huge wave

If you see a big wave in a dream, it means a trip and relaxation. If you dream of a dirty foamy wave, then this means a serious and protracted illness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a huge wave?

A big wave in a dream means a quarrel or a serious illness.


A wave in a dream is a symbol of creative and spiritual uplift, energy and inspiration. To explain in more detail what a big wave means in a dream, you need to take into account what the water was like, whether you swam in it or just watched. It is generally accepted that river water is the personification of current life, and ocean water is the personification of the subconscious and unconscious desires.

Why dream of looking at the waves

If a big wave covers something, then this can promise failure and failure in business. Also this unfavorable dream sometimes it is a harbinger of protracted illnesses. The dirtier the water in your dream, the more serious consequences await you. Quarrels await those who saw dark water in a dream.

If you watched with interest how the waves crashed, then this means that soon you will be decisively flirting with someone. A dream in which you saw clear blue waves on a nice sunny day prophesies a fateful meeting with your other half.

Seeing the rolling waves moving away from you symbolizes communication with bad people, which cannot be avoided. Care must be taken not to be harmed by them.

Rolling waves dirty water in a dream they warn that the dreamer may make a big mistake in real life.

If you looked at the waves in a lake or river, then this promises you difficulties in business. Everything will not work out exactly as you planned; there will be many obstacles along the way.

Big waves in the open sea indicate that you can achieve significant things. Storm waves foreshadow problems and obstacles.

If the waves carried debris with them or had destructive consequences, then this dream prophesies an important event, which will negatively affect your entire future life.

A gift of fate awaits those to whom the wave brought something valuable. It is also very good if the waves were clean, permeated sun rays. A dream in which a big wave appears in a pool warns of small problems and troubles that will affect only one area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

Why do you dream of swimming in the waves?

If you quickly swam through strong waves, this means that you will be able to overcome your enemies and even subjugate them. A dream in which you drowned in the waves but did not die suggests that you are able to overcome all dangers.

If it was extremely difficult for you to resist them, then be prepared for difficult times.

A very strong blast wave that throws you straight into the air indicates that one of your friends or relatives is abusing your trust. Try to take a closer look at them and don’t allow yourself to be used.

If you've been swimming among dirty, foamy waves, there's a good chance you've for a long time you will experience health problems. This dream can also have another interpretation, according to which the dreamer will face a protracted feud with someone close to him.

Seeing yourself on the crest of a wave that carries the dreamer to the shore is an extremely good sign. This dream promises brilliant success and prosperity. If the water was dark and dirty, and you felt horror, then you should prepare for the most unexpected difficulties. You may not be able to cope with them alone, and you will need the help of friends.

Running away from the waves is a sign that someone is preparing a trap for you. Beware of enemies and competitors who want to harm you.

Not being afraid of a huge wave and experiencing pleasure from what you see promises young people a quick marriage. It is also worth noting that he will be very happy and long.

Why do you dream of a big wave according to psychology?

Rolling waves testify to spiritual harmony and joy. A clean big wave is seen in a dream on the eve of a responsible decision and important actions.

Waves in the sea or ocean indicate the dreamer’s desire to develop spiritually and gain new knowledge.

If the waves frightened you in a dream, then this dream should be taken as a warning that you need to be more restrained and more carefully control your emotions. Otherwise, your emotionality can lead to sad consequences.

The beautiful waves you admired are a sign of the dreamer's strong energy. If you channel it in the right direction, you can achieve great heights.

For family man a dream in which large waves appear is a signal that you need to save your relationship with your other half. If you really value this person, then be more attentive to him.

A storm of emotions awaits someone who is completely covered by a huge wave. Soon you will have an overabundance of feelings that will remain in your memory for a single day. The quality of your experience directly depends on what the water was like and what you experienced in your dream. The dreamer’s inability to control his emotions and everything that happens to him is evidenced by a dream in which terrible waves carried him into the open sea.


The wave is a hypostasis of the water element, which is associated with intuition, the subconscious and the emotional sphere of a person, therefore the interpretation of a dream about waves is influenced by:

  • Water purity.
  • Character and height of waves.
  • The impression that the waves made on the dreamer.
  • Details of the dream accompanying the appearance of waves.

Miller's Interpreter

The dream book compiled by psychologist Miller interprets waves as a warning, so in reality it is important to make a decision taking into account the content of the dream.

1. If the rolling sea is transparent, you will make the right decision (especially if it concerns education). The choice you make will bring you recognition or financial success over time.

2. A storm that lifts all the turbidity from the sea or ocean bottom and crashes large, muddy green waves onto the shore, warns of the possibility of making a fatal mistake. Therefore, in reality, the dreamer must either take into account all the circumstances, or postpone making a decision until a better moment.

3. If populated areas are covered in a dream by a seething but clear wave, this promises finding peace and prosperity after a fight with fate. And the tsunami promises serious changes in life (a possible change of job, etc.). If huge ridges of water do not cause harm in a dream, in reality the dreamer will overcome all the trials and tribulations prepared by fate.

Tsvetkov's interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the sea and waves are a sign of strong emotions and feelings. Wherein:

  • Watching the rolling waves means an unexpected journey or a sudden trip.
  • Seeing a storm and watching how large muddy waves wash over the shore is a sign of a stormy showdown. This dream also requires you to take care of your health.
  • Seeing foamy surf and waves rushing onto the shore means a quick solution to business issues.

A huge wave that covers the sleeping person’s head speaks of the possibility of finding himself in a strange place or in an absurd position in reality. If a tsunami catches you, but the water around you is clean, financial well-being awaits you.

According to Freud

Freud believed that water represents the relationship between a man and a woman, and the circles on the water and the waves that cover the ocean or sea are a change in these relationships.

Huge waves of water or a tsunami portend a radical change in the relationship between partners, so in reality it is recommended to pay attention to your behavior and adjust your relationship with a person dear to you. In addition, if:

  • Waves on the water surface arose as a result of a flood, and a woman had a dream - in the near future she or her relatives will become pregnant.
  • A man dreamed of a flood, and in his dream he swam on the rushing waves - he has a craving for pregnant women.
  • Watching a rushing stream of water means you feel the need to have offspring.

National dream books

The Jewish dream book, in which the wave is considered as a harbinger of a large amount of work, echoes Solomon’s interpretation of this dream (according to his dream book, this dream promises a struggle for success and advancement in business matters).

According to the Ukrainian Dream Book, a storm and large waves of water symbolize deep feelings. And the ocean or sea with small lambs symbolizes an unexpected short road.

The Russian dream book indicates that:

  • Dark, seething water or a storm promise an emotional showdown.
  • Watch the transparent blue waves cover the pier or coastal zone, – you will soon meet your destiny.
  • Watching the ocean or sea space sway and shimmer in the wind brings spiritual delight.
  • Seeing waves rolling into the distance indicates the need to be careful when communicating with strangers.

In the Small Veles Dream Book, a shaft of water beating against the shore promises a solution to pressing issues in the near future. And the storm, the flood and the floods muddy water They actually require you to pay attention to health and communication with loved ones.

A tsunami, according to this dream book, is a warning: you should be careful with fire. A light splash of water symbolizes minor obstacles or a nearby road.

Vanga associated the dreamed tsunami with strong unrest and anxiety, but at the same time noted that if you see the surf line covered in large waves in a dream, all existing problems in reality will disappear.

Details of the dream that influence its meaning

The British believe that the dreamer's profession influences the meaning of the dream. So, good sign for sailors and merchants delivering goods by water, a flood promises a successful voyage and profitable trade.

As the dream book indicates, a wave that covers residential buildings promises entrepreneurs a deal that will bring substantial profits.

Affects the meaning of the dream and the emotional state of the sleeper. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima note that:

  • Walls of water that frighten a person are a sign warning that in reality the dreamer needs to keep his emotions under control, since increased sensitivity and emotionality can cause damage.
  • If the ocean makes a breathtaking impression on you in a dream, and you watch with delight the raging water element, in reality you will be able to achieve a lot thanks to your energy.

D. Loff in his dream book indicates that a high tide is associated with a feeling of loss of control over the situation, so a person who saw this symbol in a dream may feel the need to start all over again.

The interpretation of sleep is influenced by circumstances, as well as the height of the wave. If you dreamed like:

  • The sea hits the rocks - difficulties await you on the way to your goal.
  • Transparent water ridges run onto the surf - all your dreams will come true, and your health will noticeably improve.
  • Foamy crests of water lie at your feet - you are in fact surrounded by secrets and intrigue.

Sailing on a rough sea - to joy and future pleasant events, success in professional field. Swimming in a mild storm means resolving conflicts, problems and a harmonious existence with your other half. But if the water is cold, you need to realize your mistakes.

A flood, during which you are in a shelter surrounded by water, in reality requires adjustments to your life plans. And quickly rising water promises a real struggle for your well-being.

If the water decreases in a dream, try to avoid bad influences in reality. A dream in which water carried you away along with the bed promises good luck or a pleasant find.

It is also worth paying attention to why you dream of a wave splashing noisily at your feet. According to Aesop's interpretation, such a dream promises gossip and conversations behind your back (the quiet rustling of water indicates the opportunity to change your life).

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When our great-grandmothers were young, they did not have dream books, and they solved dreams relying on intuition. If you ask an elderly person why he sees big waves in a dream, the answer in most cases will be the same: “you will worry.”

Available to us now a large number of dream books, they will help you interpret the dream most fully and competently.

Big waves - generally accepted interpretation

It turns out that our grandmothers were right when they claimed that seeing big waves in a dream means worries in reality. Water in a dream symbolizes our feelings and emotions. The larger the dreamed body of water, the stronger the emotions you will experience in real life. It’s not for nothing that there are such expressions as “into the deep end”, “sink into oblivion”, “covered by a wave of feelings”, “a storm in a teacup”. All of them are united by the theme of water and emotions.

Big waves on the sea

If you dream of waves on the sea in good weather, in reality this means good mood, pleasant meetings and events. If the weather is bad, especially with rain and lightning, the dreamer needs to prepare for various kinds of troubles, worries, and turmoil.


If you dream that you sailing on a ship and at this time large waves rise in the sea - you should pay attention to your work or the projects you are involved in, they will be tested for strength. If the ship survives as a result, the situation will be resolved well. If big waves in a dream caused shipwreck, such a dream advises you to put current affairs in order, improve relationships with colleagues and behave more carefully - and troubles will pass by.

On the river

If in a dream you see big waves on the river, in real life you should expect unusual turn some situation. If before this your life was stable and measured, at some moments even boring, expect new emotions and unexpected events.

Perhaps in your life new interesting ones will appear people or unusual offers will follow.

In the ocean

A dream in which you see big waves in the ocean means that soon your life will be filled with various emotions and events. Such a dream is favorable for creative people– they will receive inspiration, their work will be noticed and appreciated. Often such dreams occur before attending events with a large number of people. For business people such a dream means a lot of work.

On the shore

If you dream that you are standing on the shore of a pond and see waves, this means that the situation that worries you will soon be resolved. Information will come that was not enough to make a decision, will meet the right person, or you will suddenly receive help. Often such a dream means receiving long-awaited news. For a woman, such a dream means vain hopes and useless worries. You shouldn’t rely on other people; they can let you down at the last moment.

Waves covering you

If warm water and evokes pleasant sensations, one can only envy the dreamer - pleasant events and uplift await him vitality; perhaps someone will unexpectedly give him a small gift. For a woman, such a dream means a new romantic acquaintance. If you dreamed about how cold waves, with garbage and dirt covering you, you should expect a deterioration in current affairs. Perhaps a test of strength awaits you ahead; mistakes should be avoided.



In nature, a tsunami usually occurs unexpectedly and always leaves destruction, just like in a dream. If you dreamed of a tsunami, things will happen in your life unexpected events that will bring big changes.

Most often, such a dream promises obstacles and troubles, a lot of hassle and unplanned tasks that the dreamer will not have time to complete.

Big waves from the point of view of psychoanalysis

In psychoanalysis, water symbolizes emotional energy, which accumulates in every person and can be found in different states: to be calm, like a forest stream, or to be destructive and look for a way out, like a flood. If a person sees big waves in a dream, this means that in reality he is worried about “tides” emotions, feelings, thoughts or memories. It has great importance whether the dreamer sees the waves from afar, or whether they cover him headlong; pleasant water or cold; what these waves bring. For example, a man dreamed that he was walking along the seashore and was suddenly covered by a cold wave containing garbage and sand. In real life, on the eve of sleep, a person recalled a sudden quarrel with a colleague, which left him negative emotions. Subconscious Thus, it processed the information and, in the form of an image of a wave, once again played out this conflict in a dream. Such a dream means that a quarrel takes too much emotional energy from a person.

Summarizing the information obtained from different dream books, we can distinguish two main meanings for what big waves dream about: either these are feelings and emotions, or upcoming unexpected events. Based on additional details of the dream, you can decipher it in more detail, and our article will help you with this.

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Usually the wave symbolizes a person’s emotions, or events that are coming in the near future. At the same time, the ocean and dark water reflect the subconscious and unconscious desires, and river water personifies the flow of life in general, current affairs.

What if you dream about a huge wave?

If you dream that the river suddenly rose up with a huge wave that swept over the shore, then such a dream foreshadows an important event that is of great importance for the dreamer’s subsequent life. The quality of this event depends on what emotions this wave caused, what kind of water it was, clean or cloudy, dirty.

It is also important what consequences the appearance of this wave caused. If the water was cloudy, carrying debris and dirt, and after it subsided, destruction remained on the shore, the upcoming event will be negative, destructive, and dangerous.

If a wave of clear water permeated with light evoked pleasant emotions, brought with it something valuable that later remained on the shore or in the hands of a person, something incredibly good will happen in the near future. The dreamer will receive a gift from fate.

If a large wave suddenly appeared in a pool or small body of water, then the upcoming event will affect only one area of ​​human activity, without affecting other affairs and feelings. And in this case, it is also important whether the water was clean and whether the wave was frightening.

Starting to figure out why a huge wave is dreaming sea ​​water, you need to remember: the sea and ocean symbolize emotions and feelings in a dream. A large wave overwhelming the dreamer foreshadows a storm of emotions, a surge of some kind of feeling.

Positive or negative meaning sleep is determined, as in other cases, by the qualities of water and the emotions experienced in a dream. If the dreamer sees clean, transparent, pleasant water, if he likes what is happening to him, then the dream foreshadows wonderful experiences.

They can be associated either with love or with creativity. If you dreamed of a huge wave of dark, muddy water, bringing horror and destruction, threatening to destroy not only a person, but everything else, you should be wary of a catastrophic event, a surge of negative feelings (hatred, anger, aggression).

What does it portend?

A huge wave of dark sea water, overwhelming the dreamer, threatening to drown him, not allowing him to breathe or float to the surface - a difficult time awaits a person, when it will be difficult to take control of dark instincts and base feelings.

This may mean a surge of lust, and in a perverted form, the excitement of a gambler, binge drinking or drug addiction. Another interpretation: a person can fall under the influence of a manipulator who uses him for his own dark purposes.

If the dreamer sees himself on the crest of a clean, warm wave, carrying him to a beautiful shore, a period of brilliant success, triumphant victories, and long-term prosperity awaits him. If you dream that a huge wave carries a person into the open sea, but he cannot cope with it, perhaps in the near future events will get out of control.

In dreams in which water appears, the most important thing is always whether it is clean or dirty. Pure water means success, health, luck, and dirty and muddy means illness, failure, adversity. It is also important to pay attention to what feelings water evokes in the person who saw this dream.

A huge wave in a dream promises great experiences, a surge of emotions. It’s good if it’s a wave of clean and pleasant water, promising delightful love experiences or creative inspiration. If you dreamed of muddy, unpleasant water, then you should stock up on a “life preserver” in advance - a readiness to withstand any adversity.

Large waves of the ocean or waves on the surface of the sea can bring various events to the sleeper. Let's consider the most known interpretations dreams about waves from leading esotericists in order to understand what to expect after such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book - Why do you dream about big waves?

According to this interpretation, it is worth first of all paying attention to the purity of the waters in the waves. If the huge wave is transparent and clean, then this is a good omen, your current work will turn into a very great achievement, or you will gain great knowledge. However, seeing a muddy and dirty wave covering you means that the path you are currently following is wrong.

Freud's dream book - big waves

I dreamed of a wave - an alarming signal for relationships. If one of the partners had such a dream, then it is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening connections at all levels. A dream signifying a warning can occur repeatedly over a period of time; this is a signal to think about changing your partner.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream about a big wave?

I dreamed that you saw giant waves, according to this dream book - to a long journey. If you saw huge black waves approaching during a storm, beware of prolonged illness and trials. If you dream that waves break on the shore easily, almost without touching it, or receding waves, then small life problems will resolve themselves.

Loff's dream book - big waves

Large waves rolling in in a dream are a sign of misfortune that will happen to the person who saw it due to the fact that he has lost control over life. Such a dream always means that a person needs to change and rethink something. If in a dream you see huge waves and a storm, it’s time to cleanse yourself of something; there is a great sin on your conscience, which is dreamed of in such an image.

Why do you dream about a big wave?

A dream where a huge wave slowly rolls in and becomes very large is interpreted by the dream book as follows: a person will experience a huge uplift in all areas of life. This means overflowing with emotions, good spirits, and growth in physical strength and capabilities. This symbol, clearly seen in a dream, has for the one who sees good value, but you need to understand that it can be difficult to cope with such a volume of events. In addition, during this period of strong spiritual elation, you become very attractive to friends and people of the opposite sex, which can create some small problems. At the right approach it is not difficult to cope with a positive wave in life, and the fruits that it brings to the beholder can be reaped for a long time.

A dream in which you dream that large waves continually roll onto the shore has a completely different meaning, especially if they cause you fear. If you dreamed about something like this, then conflicts are coming in life, and without outside help you're unlikely to make it. If in this dream there is a person running or who has already escaped from the waves, then he will help you escape.

If you dream of yourself running away from big waves, then in real life your enemies are digging a hole for you, be careful and prudent, you need a certain strength.

Admiring the waves of the sea in beautiful weather is a dream, which means that a bright streak is coming in life, and those enjoying the landscape will soon meet their soulmate.

Getting caught in waves at sea (many, but small) means business difficulties, travel.

If unmarried girl sees a dream as it rolls high wave and she likes this landscape, then esotericists predict her imminent marriage.

On the contrary, if married woman dreams of one or several large waves - troubles and a difficult period will begin on the family front, but if she escaped from it in a dream, she will be able to protect her family hearth.

A huge wave catching up with you in a dream has a distinct foam - your expectations and dreams, as the dream book says, unfortunately, are not destined to come true. Killer whale in a big wave - a new unexpected acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - a huge wave

If you dream of a wave that covers a person (or an entire city) in a dream, this indicates a huge problem that will arise on the horizon. If you are the one who hid and remain alive, then you will cope with it, but if you go to the bottom, then you will not be able to solve it alone.

Taking a running jump straight into the wave means a desire to have children. A dream where you see yourself riding on the crest of a wave means that any ideas now will be easily achievable.

Find out why you dream of huge waves in a video dream book

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