How long does it take for internal sutures to dissolve after surgery? Surgical sutures: how surgical sutures are applied

In this article I will tell you in detail everything about stitches after childbirth, how to properly care for them, and what to treat them with. I will also tell you about the healing time and consequences. The article will be very useful for mothers of any age.

There are several types of stitches in women who are about to give birth. Let's look at them in more detail.

Stitches in the vagina

Such sutures are applied in case various kinds damage directly in the female vagina itself. When suturing wounds, catgut threads are used. Pain relief will be carried out using novocaine or lidocaine, the second drug is slightly stronger.

Self-absorbing sutures will be used after childbirth; they will not need to be removed, since the threads will come out on their own in a couple of weeks. So if you find a thread, don’t be alarmed, it means the healing process of the sutures is going well, and the threads are gradually starting to come out.

There is one minor drawback: such a seam will hurt for two to three days, this is normal. No maintenance required as it is internal seams after childbirth.

Stitches on the cervix

The cause of sutures on the uterus is most often a large baby. No one will anesthetize this procedure for you, since after childbirth, the cervix, for some time, simply ceases to be sensitive, and you will not feel pain.

Internal stitches after childbirth will not cause you any inconvenience, and there will be no bad sensations at all. No complications are observed either. The sutures are applied with self-absorbable threads; there is no need to remove the sutures.

Stitches on the crotch

Perhaps, if we compare the sensations of pain when using sutures in various places, stitches on the perineum after childbirth will be characterized as those that cause greatest number painful feelings.

External stitches after childbirth bring most of the problems and inconveniences to young mothers. Very often they cause inflammation and suppuration, so such sutures must be carefully cared for.

The cause is a rupture of the perineum during childbirth, or an incision of the perineum by a gynecologist. Anesthesia, in most cases, is performed with lidocaine. If the incision is not deep, then the seam will be made with catgut threads, but if the incision is deep, then nylon or silk threads will be used. Such sutures will need to be removed by a doctor after a certain time, as the wound itself heals.

Suture healing time

It is not possible to say exactly how long it takes for sutures to heal after childbirth. This happens differently for each woman, depending on the complexity and the woman’s body in general.

How long does it take for stitches to dissolve after childbirth?

Seams after catgut threads heal much faster than seams after nylon or silk threads. If in the first case, the threads can come out in five to six days, and the scars themselves will resolve within two weeks, then in the case of other threads, in best case scenario The stitches will be removed in a week and the scar will take a very long time to heal, up to three months.

Even after healing, such a scar in many women becomes sensitive to changes in weather and aches and hurts very much at such times. In order for the scar to heal as quickly as possible, you should be very careful about your hygiene.

Because if dirt gets into the wound, the healing time can increase significantly and the woman will again experience pain and inflammation.

Seam processing

How to treat sutures after childbirth so that they heal as quickly as possible is a question that puzzles every mother who has experienced such a procedure. After all, they all so want to quickly return to a normal lifestyle and quickly get rid of the annoying pain in such a tender place.

This question, of course, should first be asked to your doctor. It is the doctor who will give professional advice and teach you how to avoid all the worst consequences after childbirth.

Of course, after the stitches are applied, you need to try to move less so that there is no pressure or tension on the stitches. This will help them heal faster. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene and treat seams with antiseptic agents.

Below are some tips that will help you a lot when caring for your seams:

  • The outer scar must be washed very thoroughly warm water with soap, twice a day, morning and evening.
  • Washing after every visit to the toilet is a must!
  • Change the gasket every one and a half to two hours so that there is as little moisture accumulation as possible. After all, it is precisely because of the constant humidity that the seams take so long to heal.
  • Linen should only be loose. Nothing squeezing, nothing squeezing.
  • You cannot sit if stitches are placed on the perineum. It is recommended to start sitting down little by little after two weeks. If a woman, contrary to the advice and instructions of the doctor, nevertheless sits down, firstly, it will be extremely painful and unpleasant, and secondly, the seam will simply come apart.
  • You definitely need to purchase remedies for this at the pharmacy, but you need to be very careful if the mother is breastfeeding. In this case the best option will buy candles for constipation. You should not eat foods that can cause constipation. Before each meal, you can drink a teaspoon of ordinary vegetable oil. This will prevent constipation and other unnecessary problems.
  • Under no circumstances should a woman lift weights weighing more than three kilograms. This can also lead to inflammation and suture divergence. Relatives and friends should definitely know about this.

These basic tips will allow mommy to get in shape and feel improvements as quickly as possible.

What should you do if the seam breaks after childbirth?

First of all, you should not solve this problem yourself, at home. Such actions can only make things worse. This will definitely not lead to a positive result. You need to call a doctor immediately.

If the doctor diagnoses suture dehiscence, but the wound has already healed, then re-suturing will not be required. If the wound is still not sutured, then you will have to re-stitch the stitches, and in this case, the doctor may prescribe wound-healing ointments.

Complications when suturing

Even after some time, after suturing, a woman may feel pain and discomfort. Feeling pain after childbirth and stitches are an integral part of a woman’s recovery.

If no complications are identified during a visit to the doctor, then heating of the sutures may be prescribed. This procedure is very effective and quickly helps relieve pain. Ointments for healing sutures will also help relieve pain. You should also consult your gynecologist about the use of such ointments.

How they look on the perineum after childbirth. This is a feeling of painful compaction, something like adhesions. The seam is two to three centimeters long and may seem very large and scary to a woman. Especially if it hurts a lot. The lump may appear thick and ugly. A woman must be ready for this.

What should you pay special attention to?

We talked about seam divergence. But there are still many factors to monitor after suturing. After being discharged home, you may find that the wound is bleeding. This could be due to a seam coming apart.

If the internal seams suddenly begin to hurt, there is a feeling of severe pain in the perineum, blood accumulation, hot skin in the wound area, it rises, immediately consult a doctor, immediately. Usually, this all happens in the maternity hospital in the first three days; after being discharged home, this should not happen, this is no longer normal.

Strange painful sensations can bother you for a very long time, after the stitches have healed. They experience painful sensations during sexual intercourse with a man, because the sutures cause the vagina to narrow, making it painful for the woman in labor. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

Sex after childbirth. Stitches, do they interfere with intimacy?

How many days after giving birth can you have sex? The answer is no! In at least a month, not sooner. Of course, you need to wait until the stitches heal and the bleeding stops.

This necessary rule, it should be adhered to. If you do not follow these recommendations, then having sex can cause inflammation in the uterus in a woman, as well as bleeding. Resuming intimate life earlier than a month later will cause enormous harm to a woman’s health, for example, the body’s recovery process will slow down.

Almost all women have a weak desire for sex. There are reasons for this. Women are afraid to experience pain during sexual intercourse; there is a fear that they consider themselves ugly after childbirth, and their man is with them simply out of pity.

After the birth of a baby, a woman’s maternal instinct appears, as if on a click. During this period, the husband may completely cease to be interested in his wife. In most cases, women's sexual desire disappears for a month or even more.

In this case, the man should only wait until his beloved returns to this desire. You should be gentler and not insist, as the woman may develop a complete aversion to sex.

Maternal instinct completely interrupts the female libido and nothing can be done about it, this is nature. Therefore, if a man is affectionate and courteous, this period will pass faster. Also, a woman’s desire for intimacy is greatly influenced by psychological factors. The fear of experiencing pain again is a woman's greatest fear. It’s as if my head is jammed and sex is banned.

A woman may want sex, but fear will block her desire. This should also be understood and accepted. Often, when a man begins to put pressure and be offended, the woman closes herself off from him even more and the fear becomes stronger. You just have to get through this time, it passes. You just have to take proper care. Help with the baby, support in everything.

Using the example of other women I know, I can say that everything listed in this article is true.

I personally went through two births and had to be stitched up twice. The first time the fetus was very large, and the doctors made an incision. Without pain relief, it is terribly painful. They sewed it up with catgut threads, which came out on their own after a couple of weeks. But after the first birth, I could not sit for about two months, while the doctors said that I would be able to sit in a month.

She didn't sit down. I couldn’t because of the extreme pain. Even when I moved around the house bent over, it was painful to straighten up. Everything happens differently for every woman. For someone full recovery A month is enough, some suffer for quite a long time. For about a year, the stitches hurt every time the weather changed, nothing helped. With the second child everything went much easier.

They didn’t make an incision; it tore itself along the old scar. They stitched it up with novocaine anesthesia. But this anesthesia did not save me at all; I felt all the pain as if it were the first time. But the most remarkable thing is that after giving birth, just a day later I was able to sit up slightly sideways, and two weeks later I was sitting calmly at home, without pain or other unpleasant sensations.

It is best to treat seams at home with brilliant green. It doesn't sting much, of course. But it quickly dries the wound and heals. To avoid constipation, you can use glycerin suppositories.

You can speed up the healing of stitches with a few exercises at home. The most effective is to hold the urine stream, while the vaginal muscles contract.

The tension should be held for about 5-7 seconds, repeated 7 times. You can also relax and tense your pelvic muscles. The exercises are beautiful in their simplicity and effectiveness. They are not difficult and bring the expected effect.

Of course, you should unquestioningly follow the doctors’ instructions.

But it often happens that a woman herself, based on her feelings, understands how and what needs to be done. After all, everyone knows her body better than any doctor. The article contains the most relevant and necessary tips for caring for sutures after childbirth.

But you should not forget about your body. If you are suffering from aching pain, without fever or other other symptoms, do not rush to the doctor. When examining your wound, the doctor himself may move your stitches, thereby causing you pain and discomfort.

You should consult a doctor if the wound has festered, a painful burning sensation appears in the area of ​​the sutures, or a swollen scar is felt. Then don’t delay and seek help from a specialist.

If you take care of your health, your body will thank you. Take care of your stitches after childbirth and practice good personal hygiene. The first time after childbirth is the most difficult for the woman and for all her household members.

A man must understand his woman, understand her postpartum state, accept her as a whole. By following these tips, you will soon be able to start a normal, wonderful life!

In some cases, for example, during surgery or after childbirth, absorbable sutures are required. For this purpose it is used special material. There are many types of absorbable sutures. The healing time of such wounds depends on many factors. So how long do self-dissolving sutures take to dissolve?

Main types of seams

To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify what the main types of seams exist. Typically this is:

  1. Internal. Such sutures are applied to injuries resulting from mechanical impact. Certain types of tissue are used to connect tissue at the site of the tear. Such self-absorbing sutures heal quite quickly. They are often placed on the cervix of women after childbirth. In this case, anesthesia is not required, since this part of the reproductive organ is devoid of sensitivity.
  2. External. They can also be applied using absorbable material. After childbirth, such sutures are made when there is a rupture or dissection of the perineum, as well as after operations. If applicable regular material, then it needs to be removed 5-7 days after surgery.

It is worth considering that self-absorbing sutures can heal after several weeks. It all depends on the type of material and its composition.

What are absorbable sutures

Self-absorbing sutures are almost always applied. It is extremely rare that surgical material that is resistant to hydrolysis is used for wound healing. Sutures that lose their strength after 60 days are considered absorbable. The threads dissolve as a result of exposure to:

  1. Enzymes that are present in tissues human body. In other words, these are proteins that control and accelerate the occurrence of chemical reactions.
  2. Water. This chemical reaction is called hydrolysis. In this case, the threads are destroyed under the influence of water, which is present in the human body.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread "MedPGA"

Analogues of such surgical material are “Safil”, “Polysorb”, “Vicryl”.

Self-absorbing operations or after childbirth can be performed using MedPGA thread. This surgical material is made on the basis of polyhydroxyacetylic acid. These threads are coated with an absorbable polymer. This is required to reduce wicking and capillarity, as well as to reduce the sawing effect that occurs when the material is passed through tissue.

How long does it take for the MedPGA thread to dissolve?

Self-absorbing sutures applied using MedPGA thread undergo hydrolytic disintegration, which is strictly controlled. It is worth noting that this material is quite durable. After 18 days, the threads retain up to 50% of their strength properties.

Complete resorption of the surgical material occurs only after 60-90 days. At the same time, the reaction of body tissues to MedPGA threads is insignificant.

It is worth noting that such surgical material is widely used for suturing all tissues, with the exception of those under tension, as well as long time don't heal. Most often, MedPGA threads are used in thoracic and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology, plastic surgery and orthopedics. However, it is not used on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread "MedPGA-R"

Analogs of such surgical material are Safil Quick and Vicryl Rapid.

"MedPGA-R" is a synthetic thread made on the basis of polygliglactin-910. This surgical material is coated with a special absorbable polymer. This reduces friction as the thread passes through body tissue, and also reduces wicking and capillarity. Thanks to this surgical material, self-absorbing sutures can be applied.

How long does it take for MedPGA-R threads to dissolve?

"MedPGA-R" is a material that is susceptible to hydrolytic decomposition. Such threads are quite strong. After five days, 50% of their strength properties are retained. Complete resorption occurs only on day 40-50. It is worth noting that the tissue reaction to the MedPGA-R surgical material is insignificant. In addition, threads do not cause allergies.

This material is used for suturing mucous membranes, skin, soft fabrics, as well as in situations where short-term wound support is needed. However, there are exceptions. Such threads are not used on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread “MedPGA-910”

Analogs of such surgical material are “Safil”, “Polysorb”, “Vicryl”.

"MedPGA-910" is an absorbable thread made on the basis of polygliglactin-910. The surgical material is also treated with a special coating, which reduces the “sawing” effect as the material passes through tissue, as well as reduces capillarity and wicking.

Resorption time of "MedPGA-910"

So, when do self-absorbing sutures applied using the surgical material “MedPGA-910” dissolve? Such threads have a high strength index. However, they also undergo hydrolytic degradation. After 18 days, the surgical material can retain up to 75% of its strength properties, after 21 days - up to 50%, after 30 days - up to 25%, and after 70 days, complete resorption of the threads occurs.

This product is used for suturing soft tissues that are not under tension, as well as those that heal quickly, in plastic, thoracic and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology and orthopedics. MedPGA-910 should not be used when suturing nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Monofilament "PDO"

There are not many analogues of such surgical material. This is Biosin, as well as PDS II. Such threads are characterized by a high level of biological inertness, are non-wicking and non-capillary, hydrophobic, do not injure tissue when passing through them, are elastic, quite strong, knit well and hold a knot.

How long does it take for monofilaments to dissolve?

PDO monofilaments are hydrolyzable. As a result of this process, dihydroxyethoxyacetic acid is formed, which is completely eliminated from the body. 2 weeks after suturing, the surgical material retains up to 75% strength. Complete dissolution of the threads occurs within 180-210 days.

As for the scope of application, the surgical material “PDO” is used for suturing and connecting soft tissues of any type, including for suturing cardiovascular tissues of the child’s body, which are subject to further growth. However, there are exceptions. Monofilaments are not suitable for suturing tissues that require wound support for up to 6 weeks, as well as those that are subject to heavy loads. Cannot be used when installing implants, artificial heart valves, or synthetic vascular prostheses.

So how long will it take for the stitches to dissolve?

Next, we will consider everything about what self-absorbing sutures are after childbirth: when they dissolve, do they require care. Do not forget that the timing of wound healing and complete disappearance of threads is influenced by many factors. First of all, you need to know what raw materials the surgical material is made from. In most cases, the threads begin to dissolve 7-14 days after suturing. To speed up the process, a healthcare professional may remove the nodules after the wound has healed. To determine the timing of thread resorption, you should check with your doctor:

  1. What stitches were placed?
  2. What material were the threads made from?
  3. Approximate time frame for dissolution of suture material.

In conclusion

Self-absorbing threads are often used when suturing surgical wounds that are located in the deep layers of tissue, as well as on the surface of the skin. For example, during organ transplantation.

The same surgical material is used for ruptures caused during childbirth. At the same time, a lot of research has been carried out. Their results showed that suture material, made from polyglycolic acid, completely disappears only after four months, and material based on polyglactin - after three. In this case, self-absorbing sutures will hold the edges of the wound until it is completely healed, and then gradually begin to collapse. If the threads persist for a long time and cause discomfort, then you should seek help from a surgeon or attending physician.

Childbirth is not an easy task for a woman. Often, during the birth of a baby, a young mother is injured and has to be stitched.

For minor tears or cuts in the perineum, cervix, and vagina, doctors often use self-absorbable sutures. They do not require removal by a professional and disappear on their own over time. But young mothers are very concerned about the question of when the threads will dissolve after childbirth and whether it is possible to somehow influence this process.

When to use self-absorbable sutures

Self-absorbing sutures are a relatively recent invention. They have made the work of surgeons much easier, since they do not require removal. They are especially convenient in gynecology. During childbirth, the tissues of the cervix, perineum and vagina are often torn. The doctor can also cut them to facilitate the passage of the baby and reduce the likelihood of spontaneous rupture, so it is necessary to sew the tissues together.

If the wound is small, it is easier to apply a self-absorbing suture. It is much faster and can often be done without pain relief. Its one advantage is that the woman will not have to visit the hospital again to remove the stitches, and this is not easy to do with an infant. In addition, the withdrawal process itself hard to reach places- a rather complicated and painful procedure. Therefore, it is better to do without it.

When the threads dissolve

The resorption time of the threads depends on the material from which they are made. Some are absorbed by the enzymes of the human body, others disintegrate during the process of hydrolysis. Young mothers do not need such complex information; the main thing is to know that four materials are most often used - catgut, maxon, vicryl and lavsan. They all have their own characteristics:

  • Catgut is a natural protein strand that is produced from the intestines of sheep and large cattle. They dissolve in about a month, but the first signs of thread destruction can be noticed within a week. Thicker threads can last up to four months, but they are not used in gynecology. This is the most popular material for applying both internal and external sutures after childbirth.
  • Vicryl is a synthetic suture material often used in surgical procedures. These threads completely dissolve in about 60-90 days.
  • Maxon is a very durable synthetic thread, which is more often used for suturing tendons, but is also used in gynecology. Complete resorption of the material occurs in 210 days.
  • Lavsan - synthetic threads with the most different terms resorption from 10 to 50 days.

One of the main advantages of self-absorbable suture materials is ease of maintenance. In fact, they do not require any special care measures; it is enough to simply strengthen personal hygiene:

  • Wash after every trip to the toilet boiled water or a decoction of medicinal herbs and dry the perineum with a towel;
  • Change regularly, every 2-3 hours;
  • Treat seams with antiseptics;
  • Wear loose underwear made of breathable fabrics or special postpartum disposable panties.

Increased pain in the suture area, bleeding and fever are serious reasons to immediately consult a doctor.

With some types of stitches on the perineum, a woman is not allowed to sit down, she can only stand or lie down. In such situations, it is also important to limit activity and not resume sexual relations during the first two months after childbirth. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in the seam coming apart.

It is important to remember that thread resorption and wound healing do not necessarily occur simultaneously. Very often, the suture is already weakening, but the tissues have not yet grown together, so there will be discomfort in the wound area, which will weaken and disappear over time.

Very danger sign- the appearance of purulent discharge from the suture. In such a situation, contacting a doctor should be immediate. Wound infection threatens systemic damage to the body.

How long do self-absorbable sutures take to heal?

This depends on many factors - the size of the wounds and their shape, the care of the sutures and, of course, the characteristics of the body. We all have different regeneration processes, so the speed of wound healing is also different. In most cases, it takes about a month for complete healing of wounds on the perineal organs and resorption of the threads.

And sutures after a cesarean section take longer to heal, since they affect not only the skin, but also the deeper tissues and walls of the uterus. The main thing during this period is not to panic, not to rush things, take care of yourself, take care of your stitches and wait for the body to fully recover.

In some cases, for example, during surgery or after childbirth, absorbable sutures are required. For this, special material is used. There are many types of absorbable sutures. The healing time of such wounds depends on many factors. So how long do self-dissolving sutures take to dissolve?

Main types of seams

To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify what the main types of seams exist. Typically this is:

  1. Internal. Such sutures are applied to injuries resulting from mechanical impact. Certain types of tissue are used to connect tissue at the site of the tear. Such self-absorbing sutures heal quite quickly. They are often placed on the cervix of women after childbirth. In this case, anesthesia is not required, since this part of the reproductive organ is devoid of sensitivity.
  2. External. They can also be applied using absorbable material. After childbirth, such sutures are made when there is a rupture or dissection of the perineum, as well as after operations. If regular material is used, it must be removed 5-7 days after surgery.

It is worth considering that self-absorbing sutures can heal after several weeks. It all depends on the type of material and its composition.

What are absorbable sutures

Self-absorbing sutures are almost always applied. It is extremely rare that surgical material that is resistant to hydrolysis is used for wound healing. Sutures that lose their strength after 60 days are considered absorbable. The threads dissolve as a result of exposure to:

  1. Enzymes that are present in the tissues of the human body. In other words, these are proteins that control and accelerate the occurrence of chemical reactions.
  2. Water. This chemical reaction is called hydrolysis. In this case, the threads are destroyed under the influence of water, which is present in the human body.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread "MedPGA"

Analogues of such surgical material are “Safil”, “Polysorb”, “Vicryl”.

Self-absorbing sutures after surgery or after childbirth can be applied using MedPGA thread. This surgical material is made on the basis of polyhydroxyacetylic acid. These threads are coated with an absorbable polymer. This is required to reduce wicking and capillarity, as well as to reduce the sawing effect that occurs when the material is passed through tissue.

How long does it take for the MedPGA thread to dissolve?

Self-absorbing sutures applied using MedPGA thread undergo hydrolytic disintegration, which is strictly controlled. It is worth noting that this material is quite durable. After 18 days, the threads retain up to 50% of their strength properties.

Complete resorption of the surgical material occurs only after 60-90 days. At the same time, the reaction of body tissues to MedPGA threads is insignificant.

It is worth noting that such surgical material is widely used for suturing all tissues, with the exception of those that are under tension and do not heal for a long time. Most often, MedPGA threads are used in thoracic and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology, plastic surgery and orthopedics. However, it is not used on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread "MedPGA-R"

Analogs of such surgical material are Safil Quick and Vicryl Rapid.

"MedPGA-R" is a synthetic thread made on the basis of polygliglactin-910. This surgical material is coated with a special absorbable polymer. This reduces friction as the thread passes through body tissue, and also reduces wicking and capillarity. Thanks to this surgical material, self-absorbing sutures can be applied.

How long does it take for MedPGA-R threads to dissolve?

"MedPGA-R" is a material that is susceptible to hydrolytic decomposition. Such threads are quite strong. After five days, 50% of their strength properties are retained. Complete resorption occurs only on day 40-50. It is worth noting that the tissue reaction to the MedPGA-R surgical material is insignificant. In addition, threads do not cause allergies.

This material is used for suturing mucous membranes, skin, soft tissues, as well as in situations where short-term wound support is necessary. However, there are exceptions. Such threads are not used on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic braided polyglycolide thread “MedPGA-910”

Analogs of such surgical material are “Safil”, “Polysorb”, “Vicryl”.

"MedPGA-910" is an absorbable thread made on the basis of polygliglactin-910. The surgical material is also treated with a special coating, which reduces the “sawing” effect as the material passes through tissue, as well as reduces capillarity and wicking.

Resorption time of "MedPGA-910"

So, when do self-absorbing sutures applied using the surgical material “MedPGA-910” dissolve? Such threads have a high strength index. However, they also undergo hydrolytic degradation. After 18 days, the surgical material can retain up to 75% of its strength properties, after 21 days - up to 50%, after 30 days - up to 25%, and after 70 days, complete resorption of the threads occurs.

This product is used for suturing soft tissues that are not under tension, as well as those that heal quickly, in plastic, thoracic and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology and orthopedics. MedPGA-910 should not be used when suturing nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Monofilament "PDO"

There are not many analogues of such surgical material. This is Biosin, as well as PDS II. Such threads are characterized by a high level of biological inertness, are non-wicking and non-capillary, hydrophobic, do not injure tissue when passing through them, are elastic, quite strong, knit well and hold a knot.

How long does it take for monofilaments to dissolve?

PDO monofilaments are hydrolyzable. As a result of this process, dihydroxyethoxyacetic acid is formed, which is completely eliminated from the body. 2 weeks after suturing, the surgical material retains up to 75% strength. Complete dissolution of the threads occurs within 180-210 days.

As for the scope of application, the surgical material “PDO” is used for suturing and connecting soft tissues of any type, including for suturing cardiovascular tissues of the child’s body, which are subject to further growth. However, there are exceptions. Monofilaments are not suitable for suturing tissues that require wound support for up to 6 weeks, as well as those that are subject to heavy loads. Suture material should not be used when installing implants, artificial heart valves, or synthetic vascular prostheses.

So how long will it take for the stitches to dissolve?

Next, we will consider everything about what self-absorbing sutures are after childbirth: when they dissolve, do they require care. Do not forget that the timing of wound healing and complete disappearance of threads is influenced by many factors. First of all, you need to know what raw materials the surgical material is made from. In most cases, the threads begin to dissolve 7-14 days after suturing. To speed up the process, a healthcare professional may remove the nodules after the wound has healed. To determine the timing of thread resorption, you should check with your doctor:

  1. What stitches were placed?
  2. What material were the threads made from?
  3. Approximate time frame for dissolution of suture material.

In conclusion

Self-absorbing threads are often used when suturing surgical wounds that are located in the deep layers of tissue, as well as on the surface of the skin. For example, during organ transplantation.

The same surgical material is used to stitch up wounds and tears received during childbirth. At the same time, a lot of research has been carried out. Their results showed that suture material made from polyglycolic acid completely disappeared after only four months, and material based on polyglactin after three. In this case, self-absorbing sutures will hold the edges of the wound until it is completely healed, and then gradually begin to collapse. If the threads persist for a long time and cause discomfort, then you should seek help from a surgeon or attending physician.

It depends on what material they are made of. Most absorbable sutures will begin to dissolve within 1-2 weeks. However, it may take several months for complete resorption. After the surgical wound has healed, the nurse may remove the remaining suture ends to speed up the process.

Ask your surgeon or healthcare provider:

  • what stitches did you get;
  • How long will they take to dissolve?

What are dissolvable sutures?

Sutures are considered absorbable if they lose almost all of their strength within 60 days. Suture threads dissolve under the influence of the following factors:

  • enzymes found in body tissue (enzymes are proteins that speed up and control the body's chemical reactions);
  • hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water contained in the body).

What material are absorbable sutures made from?

Absorbable sutures are most often made from the following materials:

  • polyglactin: loses approximately 25% of its strength after two weeks, 50% after three, completely resolves in 3 months;
  • polyglycolic acid: loses approximately 40% of its strength after one week, 95% after four, completely dissolves in 3-4 months.

There are several other types of suture threads. On average, absorbable sutures should begin to disintegrate within four weeks. Some materials completely dissolve after six months.

When are absorbable sutures used?

Absorbable sutures are used for suturing surgical wounds located on the surface of the skin and in deeper layers of tissue. They are usually used to close surgical wounds located deep under the surface of the skin. For example, they can be used during heart surgery or organ transplantation.

Absorbable sutures are also used to close wounds on the surface of the skin. For example, they can be used after childbirth to stitch up a tear in the perineum (the area of ​​skin between the vagina and anus).

According to the results of one study, polyglactin sutures used for perineal rupture dissolved after three months, and polyglycolic acid sutures - after four.

Absorbable sutures will connect the edges of the wound until it is completely healed, and then gradually dissolve.

If they continue to cause you discomfort after the wound has healed, make an appointment with your surgeon. He will carefully remove the remaining seam ends.

What else is used when stitching wounds?

Other methods used when suturing wounds:

  • non-absorbable sutures;
  • clamps;
  • staples.

They should be removed by your healthcare provider once the wound has begun to heal.

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  • Recovery after childbirth
  • Self-absorbing sutures

Self-absorbing threads are often used during surgical interventions, including after childbirth. To apply such sutures, they are used various materials, which dissolve on their own over a certain period of time (catgut, lavsan, vicryl).

When to apply self-absorbable sutures

information Self-absorbing sutures after childbirth are in most cases used for ruptures of the internal genital organs (vagina, cervix), because access to these organs is difficult and will be easier if there is no need to subsequently remove sutures there.

For ruptures and cuts in the perineum, various sutures can be applied: both self-absorbing ones and those requiring the removal of threads.

Suture dissolution time

The resorption time of sutures depends on the threads with which it was made:

  1. Catgut. The resorption time depends on the diameter of the thread and the place of its application and ranges from 30 to 120 days;
  2. Lavsan. There are threads with different terms resorption (from 10-12 days to 40-50 days);
  3. Vicryl(60-90 days).

Complications of postpartum wounds

The main complications of sutures in the postpartum period are failure (divergence) of the sutures and their suppuration (infection).

Seam divergence

Failure of internal sutures (on the cervix and in the vagina) is extremely rare. Basically, the divergence of the external sutures applied to the perineum occurs.

The main reasons for the divergence of the wound on the perineum:

  • Early sitting down;
  • Sudden movements;
  • Sex life;
  • Suture infection.

Signs of seam dehiscence:

  • Pain in the wound area;
  • The appearance of wound bleeding;
  • Painful swelling;
  • Temperature rise(if infected);
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the area of ​​the postoperative wound(indicates an accumulation of blood - a hematoma).

Wound infection

In most cases, wound infection occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and improper care behind the seams.

The main signs of purulent-inflammatory complications of sutures in the perineum are:

  1. Heat;
  2. Hyperemia(redness) of the wound area;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of purulent discharge from the sutures.

At the first sign of complications, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist for help. The doctor will conduct necessary procedures and prescribe treatment.

Caring for stitches after childbirth

remember Sutures placed on the vagina and cervix do not require additional treatment: the woman just has to follow the rules of personal hygiene to prevent the development of purulent-inflammatory complications. Sutures in the perineum, on the contrary, require increased attention and careful adherence by the mother to all recommendations.

Precautionary measures:

  • You should not sit for a week after giving birth(a longer time limit is possible). A woman is only allowed to lie down and stand. Then you can gradually sit down on a soft surface (pillow) with one buttock, and then with the whole one. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for 3 weeks;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use shapewear, pressing on the perineum;
  • On the first day after childbirth, you should try to delay the act of defecation.: a woman should not eat a lot; be sure to avoid products that have a strengthening effect;
  • Refusal to start sexual activity early. You should start having sex no earlier than 2 months after giving birth.

Seam processing technique:

  1. Treatment with antiseptic solution(in most cases brilliant green). In the maternity hospital, the sutures are processed by a midwife 1-2 times a day on a gynecological chair. At home, a woman should deal with the wound area independently with the help of relatives or go to see an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic every day for a week;
  2. Physiotherapy(ultraviolet irradiation of the wound). Continuation of the procedures is possible at home with the help of special lamps.

Maintaining personal hygiene:

  • Change sanitary pads at least every 2 hours;
  • Wear only loose underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties;
  • Carry out genital hygiene with baby soap 2 times a day, after which thoroughly wipe the perineum with a clean towel and treat with an antiseptic solution;
  • Wash with warm water every 2 hours(it is possible to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula);
  • Wash your genitals after every visit to the toilet.

Childbirth does not always go flawlessly; if it is accompanied by ruptures, then stitches are required. This also applies caesarean section, however, you should not worry too much - although the presence of stitches has a certain impact on the quality of life, over time the body recovers. In this situation, how long it takes for the sutures to dissolve after childbirth is directly related to where they are located.

Location of seams

They can be placed either in the vagina, in the perineum or on the cervix.

Absorbable materials are used for this; the operation itself is performed either under intravenous anesthesia, or after treatment with Novocaine or Lidocaine. The choice of pain relief depends on the number of tears and their size. A certain amount of soreness in the suturing area is present, regardless of whether the perineum or vagina is sutured. In this regard, sutures on the cervix cause the least discomfort. Being inside, they are not as painful as external stitches, which are felt with every movement.

Sutures in the perineum can be a consequence of both ruptures and artificial dissection. The latter heal easier. They also differ in severity:

  • Skin tears at the posterior commissure are considered the mildest;
  • moderate severity of rupture of vaginal skin and muscles;
  • the most severe are ruptures accompanied by injury to the walls of the rectum. In this case, it is best to ask your doctor about how long it takes for sutures to heal after childbirth.

How are the stitches sutured?

First, the issue of anesthesia is decided, so you should not be afraid that this will be done “live.” Although often the release of adrenaline into the blood after childbirth is so great that even stitching without anesthesia does not feel as painful as childbirth itself. Sutures are applied to the perineum in layers, first the internal injuries are sutured, then the muscles and lastly the skin. Non-absorbable materials can be used for it. For greater safety, such threads are impregnated with antibiotics so as not to cause an inflammatory process. Removal of superficial sutures is usually carried out before discharge from the maternity ward. The internal sutures dissolve on their own.

Suture after caesarean section

It requires special mention. Depending on what kind of incision is made, longitudinal or transverse, the suture can be intradermal cosmetic or nodal. The latter is applied during transverse dissection, as it is more durable. In this case, the healing of sutures after childbirth takes longer. Both types of suture are quite painful, but the internal subcutaneous one is more aesthetic appearance. Regardless of which suture is applied, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. The scar forms on the skin approximately 7 days after the operation, at the same time the silk external sutures are removed. The internal ones dissolve on their own, 2-3 months after birth, without causing discomfort to the mother in labor. The main problem with sutures after cesarean section is the possibility of formation of adhesions. It is impossible to prevent them with a guarantee, but it is believed that an active lifestyle, naturally within reasonable limits, helps normalize blood circulation and normal restoration of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to get out of bed as early as possible, as soon as the doctor allows it, regardless of pain in the suture area and fears associated with its strength.

Suture dissolution time

The main indicator of what determines how long it takes for sutures to heal after childbirth is the type of thread with which they were made. If the base material for them is catgut, then the duration of the resorption period can vary from a month to four. The location of application and the diameter of the thread also have a significant influence on this. Dacron threads dissolve much faster, from one and a half weeks to two months. Seams with vicryl threads disappear in 2-3 months. Do not confuse the timing of suture resorption with the timing of wound healing. For the latter, one and a half to two weeks is enough, while the sutures dissolve much later. If they are not made of threads, but in the form of metal brackets, then removal is indispensable. Typically, braces are removed 5-7 days after birth. You should not worry about the pain of this process; most often it causes nothing more than discomfort. The place where the stitches are placed can hurt much longer than the actual removal of the stitches after childbirth.

Complications of postpartum wounds

Alas, they also occur and the seam size here is not the most important indicator. The most common complication is suture dehiscence. Most often, this occurs with external seams, and the reasons for this may be the following:

  • sudden movements;
  • squats and premature landings;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • sex life.

If the stitches are placed on the perineum, then you cannot sit down fully in the first days. At best, you can sit on lateral surface thighs, in order to eliminate the load directly on the suture site. Ideally, it is best to either stand or lie down.

It is not difficult to understand that removal of stitches after childbirth will not be necessary, since the latter have come apart. The first sign of this phenomenon is a feeling of inflammation, bleeding or severe discomfort. It is not at all necessary that the seams should “burst”; situations are much more common when, due to the load they experience, they diverge slightly, in this area becomes a gateway for infection, and then events develop more than typical. First, there is a feeling of distension in the area where the suture is applied, then inflammation is felt even on palpation, often painful, this process may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. In particularly aggravated cases, purulent discharge may be present, but for them to appear, you need to significantly improve your health. Therefore, if there are doubts about the quality of the seam, or unpleasant sensations in its area, you should not wait for discharge. A timely visit to a gynecologist will help to avoid many problems in the future, simplify treatment and get as close as possible to answering the question of how long it takes for sutures to dissolve after childbirth.

Caring for seams

In a maternity hospital, it rests entirely with medical workers. The classic scheme is a daily examination, rinsing with antibacterial drugs, and treatment with wound-healing drugs. The most characteristic and frequently used among them is the common brilliant green. Stitches inside the uterus or vagina in special care do not need, but compliance simple rules, relevant after childbirth, are only welcome. Therefore, to avoid infection, you should abstain from sexual activity until the end of the discharge and the resorption of the sutures, and do not expose them to excessive thermal effects, do not soak. Therefore, you can forget about a bath for the next few weeks, just a shower. Special attention attention should be paid to nutrition, since in case of problems with stool, excessive impact on the damaged area is obvious. In order to prevent possible constipation, you need to plan the menu so that it does not contain an excess of flour products. But you should also be more careful with vegetables: an upset stomach in this situation is absolutely unnecessary.

Regardless of how long the sutures dissolve after childbirth, high-quality intimate hygiene is mandatory. It is advisable to wash your genitals after each visit to the toilet. Special requirements there is no information on the treatment of sutures after a cesarean section, since it is assumed that doctors discharge a woman from the maternity hospital only after they are finally convinced of the consistency of the suture and other indicators characterizing the patient’s normal recovery.

When does it stop hurting?

The scar after a cesarean section becomes barely noticeable almost half a year after the suture is applied. Before this, sensations of heaviness, spasms and “whining” in this area are quite possible. Sutures in the perineum do not require such a long recovery time, but here, too, much depends on the woman herself and on how strictly she follows the doctor’s recommendations. There are often situations when, even after the sutures have been absorbed, a certain dryness and tightness of the vagina is felt, which is most pronounced during lovemaking. Fear of pain can be a significant barrier, but two months after suturing, it is not only possible, but necessary to try. And it’s not so important how long the sutures dissolve after childbirth, much more recommendations are more important attending physician and self-confidence. Despite the fact that the mother’s body has undergone significant changes, this is not a reason to deny herself intimate relationships. The use of lubricant and a more careful attitude towards the woman will help smooth out the situation in the first days.