How to write a complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer? Rules for filing and a sample of a collective complaint to the labor inspectorate.

Labour Inspectorate- one of the state inspectorates that checks compliance with workers' rights. Her range of responsibilities is wide. However, it can be described very briefly - it eliminates violations of employee rights and monitors their subsequent compliance.

Thus, the labor inspectorate can be called a kind of “protector” from unscrupulous employers. It eliminates most violations without involving the prosecutor's office or court.

Carries out two types of inspections: scheduled and unscheduled.

Scheduled inspections by the labor inspectorate:

Scheduled inspections are mostly carried out in agreement with the prosecutor's office. They are distinguished by the fact that the plan for such inspections is already known in advance and determined for a year in advance - it can be found on the websites of the Prosecutor General’s Office or the labor inspectorate itself. They also begin only if a certain number of complaints are collected to the inspectorate against a certain employer.

Unscheduled checks:

They are carried out only upon contacting the labor inspectorate. At the same time, complaints must expose serious violations of labor or other standards. The list of reasons can be found in Article No. 360 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The main reasons for an unscheduled inspection are:

  • Expiration of the period for eliminating violations identified by the previous inspection;
  • Complaints to the labor inspectorate regarding violation of working conditions;
  • Complaints to the labor inspectorate about;
  • Special order from the head of the Inspectorate.

Thus, an unscheduled check can be caused by the most ordinary employee who wrote. But you shouldn’t think that with the first complaint against an employer, an inspectorate will immediately go to him for an inspection. First of all, we will consider:

  • and contracts;
  • Account books;
  • Internal rules of the organization;
  • Schedules (vacations, days off, overtime, etc.);
  • Orders concerning labor activity;
  • Personal files of employees.

These and many others are less important papers will be considered first. Only if violations are found in them can an inspection be expected at the enterprise itself.

The State Inspectorate is authorized to:

  • Require the employer to comply with working conditions standards
  • Eliminate employees who lack skills or education
  • and hold them accountable.
  • Check the circumstances
  • Temporarily stop the work of institutions.
  • Initiate legal proceedings in cases of serious violations of the law.

The employee makes a complaint in the form of an application. It has a strict form and necessarily includes the following:

In the title:

  • Name of the inspection body: full name, address;
  • Full name of the person filing the complaint, address;
  • Contact information to respond to a complaint.

In the information part:

  • The time that the employee worked in the organization, the date of hire;
  • Reason for complaint: what exactly are your rights being violated;
  • Your actions taken to restore your labor rights;
  • Requirements;
  • Justification of requirements.

Final part:

  • List of additional attached documents;
  • Date of filing the complaint;
  • Signature.

What should be a correctly written complaint against an employer?

  • Accurate. All facts, dates and circumstances must be described without error. All documents serving as evidence must be complete and reliable. Before filing a complaint against the employer with the labor inspectorate, do not be lazy to check it and the accompanying papers for any inaccuracies;
  • Brief. Don't go into detailed description everything that preceded the violation or occurred only after it. Describe only the minimum volume required;
  • Correct., containing any insults or emotional and incorrect additions will not be considered;
  • Competent. Try not to make mistakes, avoid typos and blots;
  • Full. Be sure to include everything that is required. If there are no facts, the complaint will not be accepted for consideration. Also, do not forget to indicate all data, including your own.

Is it possible to file an anonymous complaint?

An anonymous complaint will not be considered in the normal course. The fact is that according to the laws Russian Federation An application to the labor inspectorate must contain information about the person filing the complaint. In the case of an anonymous complaint, the application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. However, a complaint can be filed online. Another form of application provides some anonymity.

It is also worth noting that the complaining employee may request a confidential review. However, in practice such a request is not very effective.

How to complain to the labor inspectorate online

What else is important to know about complaints to the labor inspectorate?

  • Consideration of a complaint is not a quick process. Only its initial consideration may take a month, but no more;
  • Your complaint may not be considered. Most often this is due to the employee’s desire to write an anonymous complaint. Labor control inspectorates do not consider anonymous complaints;
  • The labor inspectorate is not the most effective authority in resolving conflicts with employers. You can also contact the prosecutor's office or court;
  • Before filing a complaint, first contact your supervisor with your complaint. Sometimes mentioning a complaint to the inspectorate is enough to resolve minor disputes;
  • You can always demand from the inspectorate a justification for its decision.

Where to go if a complaint to the labor safety inspectorate does not help?

  1. . It is designed to protect any rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, including labor rights. Appealing to the prosecutor's office is very similar to a complaint to the inspectorate: you need to write a statement of complaint in the same order, indicate the circumstances of the case in it, explain the requirements and justify them, and provide evidence in the attached documents. At the same time, a complaint to the prosecutor’s office will be much more effective if, when your rights were violated, the laws of the Russian Federation were also violated.
  2. . It is quite possible to sue the employer. In this case, authorized judicial representatives will be involved in reviewing the circumstances of the case and checking compliance with labor standards. To do this, you need to file a claim in the usual manner. This process is most effective when illegal dismissal. The only negative is that cases take quite a long time to be processed.

According to statistics, in violation of norms Labor Code Every fifth citizen of Russia faces discrimination in the field of labor law. The law provides that citizens have the right to report non-compliance with labor laws to the Federal Labor Inspectorate.

The possibility of filing a complaint with government authorities is carried out both individually and collectively. Let's look at the cases in which it is permissible to file a claim and what a sample collective complaint to the labor inspectorate looks like.

You should contact the FIT if a citizen has witnessed violations by an employer, or experiences discrimination personally. The main cases in which you should file a complaint with the Federal Labor Inspectorate:

Additional Information

The time to process the application and report the results is thirty days, regardless of the method of transmission. If the claim does not fall within the competence of the Inspectorate, it will be transferred to another body for consideration. Then, within 7 days after registration, a notice of redirection of the application will be sent. You need to know that the inspectorate may not consider an application if it contains direct threats or insults.

  • During employment, the employer violated the registration procedure. If the employment contract does not reflect information on the salary amount, additional payments and the conditions for receiving them, this will become the basis for contacting the FIT. It is important to note that the employer does not have the right to register probation pregnant women;
  • During work activities, various types of discrimination were applied to citizens:
  1. Refusal to grant leave;
  2. Wages were paid untimely and not in full. There are debts to pay;
  3. Compensations provided for by the Labor Code (vacation pay, sick leave) were not paid;
  4. The employee is forced to work overtime on weekends or is transferred to workplace which does not meet established standards.
  • The following violations were committed during dismissal:
    1. The citizen was not notified of the dismissal or reduction in a timely manner;
    2. After termination employment contract all payments due have not been made;
    3. The last time the employee worked, he did not receive a work book.

    Reporting violations is allowed not only while working in the organization, but also after dismissal. If a citizen is denied employment on illegal grounds, then he should also contact the FIT authorities.

    The possibility of contacting the labor inspectorate is limited to 3 months starting from the day the employee learned of the violation. For disputes regarding dismissal, the period is 1 month from the date of receipt of the documents.

    If you are late to go to court (the deadline is 1 month), the employee can safely write a statement to the labor inspectorate against the employer about the legal violation that has occurred. Even if there are legal proceedings in the case, the State Tax Inspectorate can also conduct an investigation.

    You can file a complaint in the following ways:

    • Visit FIT in person and submit your claim to specialists. It is important to first prepare an application in two copies. The complaint can be accompanied by documents proving the fact of an offense on the part of the employer (copy of the employment contract, reports);
    • Use the services of Russian Post. It is important to send a letter with a notification and an attachment with an inventory. Then FIT specialists will check the availability of documents with the inventory and confirm receipt;
    • Visit the official FIT website and fill out the electronic form.

    Employees of the Labor Inspectorate process the application within 30 days and upon completion of the inspection notify about the results. If the complaint does not fall within the competence of the FIT, it will be transferred to another competent authority for consideration within seven days after registration. Citizens receive a notification that the application has been forwarded. It is important to note that FIT specialists will not review a claim that contains threats or insults.

    The video talks about what the state labor inspectorate can do

    Advantages and features of filing a collective complaint

    Important advantages of a collective complaint against an employer are:

    • The weight of the claim, due to the greater objectivity of the team in comparison with the subjective point of view of one employee;
    • The mass nature of the complaint, which can attract the media or lead to social consequences if the problems identified in the complaint are not resolved;
    • Absence of contradictions in the assessment of the current problem.

    According to Federal Law No. 59, there are no serious requirements for filing a collective complaint. When writing a complaint, it is important to adhere to the following principles:

    • All applicants must agree with the content of the collective complaint;
    • The personal details of all applicants must be indicated in the upper right corner. Information about date of birth, position, email address is optional;
    • The first part of the complaint must contain specific facts indicating massive violations of labor rights. Additionally, the reasons why the applicants consider their rights to be violated should be indicated;
    • The second part of the complaint must contain a list of demands made by the applicants;
    • At the end of the document, it is necessary to affix the signatures of all applicants along with a transcript;
    • The document must reflect the contact person authorized by complainants to file a complaint.

    The claim must include the following information:

    • The document header contains:
    1. The name of the organization to which the complaint is being filed;
    2. Position and full name of the head of this organization;
    3. Full name of the person representing the interests of the team.
  • The word “Complaint” is written in the center of the sheet;
  • The “body” of the document contains:
  • Name of the employer with clarification of the organizational and legal form;
  • The reason for petition. It is important to explain how the manager violated the rights of the organization’s employees;
  • Dates of these violations;
  • Applicants' requirements;
  • Documents that can confirm the stated claims;
  • Date of application;
  • Signatures of all applicants.
  • Attention: If the sender’s coordinates (address, last name) are not included in the complaint, then it will not be considered.

    If, as a result of the inspection, FIT employees discover violations, the employer will be issued an order to eliminate the violations as soon as possible. If the manager does not take appropriate action or the violations are serious, then a lawsuit will be filed against the employer.

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    Today I decided to consider a topical issue for many - how and where to complain about an employer. After reading this article, you will find out what it is Labour Inspectorate, in what cases you can complain about an employer, how to correctly draw up a complaint, how to file it, and what results this can lead to, and also where else you can file a complaint if the labor inspectorate does not help you. Take note and save the link to the article just in case.

    Current realities are such that conflicts between employees and employers are not uncommon, but rather a pattern. Moreover, very often employers to one degree or another (including very grossly) violate labor laws. Most often, their employees simply resign themselves to this, clinging with all their might to work as the only possible source of income (which is already wrong), and allow them to do whatever they want to themselves, ready to endure any inconvenience and hardship, just so as not to be fired. In my opinion, this is a completely wrong position.

    Every employee should be at least a little familiar with the current labor legislation of his country, and know that he has not only responsibilities to the employer, but also rights. And he must be able to competently protect and defend his rights if they are not respected, especially if they are not respected rudely. In particular, he should know how and where to complain against an employer if he seriously violates his rights, and not be afraid to do so. Because employers will treat employees the way they themselves allow.

    What is labor inspection?

    Where to complain about an employer? To monitor compliance with workers’ rights, there is a special government agency– labor inspection (in different countries It may be called differently, but the essence is the same).

    Labor inspection is state organization, designed to monitor compliance with labor laws, resolve labor disputes between employees and employers out of court, and has the power to impose sanctions on employers who violate the law.

    For example, the labor inspectorate in Russia is official name federal Service for labor and employment or Rostrud. In Ukraine, this is the State Labor Inspectorate of Ukraine.

    The Labor Inspectorate is subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and social protection population. In addition to considering employee complaints, this structure also performs many other functions, but now we will only be interested in how to complain about an employer to the labor inspectorate.

    When can you complain about your employer?

    Let's start by considering situations in which you can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. In short, these can be any violations of labor legislation, including violations of employee rights defined in the Labor Code. Here are the most common examples.

    1. Unreasonable refusal to hire. Few people know, but the Labor Code clearly defines the reasons why a person may be denied a job. It often happens that they refuse without reason or on false grounds.
    2. Violations in payment of wages. For example, payment of wages in a smaller amount than provided for in the employment contract, delays in the payment of wages, unjustified deprivation of part of the salary that does not comply with the employment contract, etc.
    3. Forcing to work overtime without pay and providing additional days off. In this case, it also makes sense to complain to the labor inspectorate, especially if it is systematic.
    4. Failure to provide required leave. This is also a fairly common violation of labor laws, and the labor inspectorate can help solve this problem.
    5. Prohibition of going on sick leave. Sound familiar? It is too gross violation labor legislation that will apply to you as long as you allow it.
    6. Forcing to perform work not provided for in the employment contract and job description. If you are often forced to do someone else's work in addition to your own, this is also a violation of the Labor Code, which can be appealed by filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate.
    7. Violation of the dismissal procedure. If the employer is unreasonably forcing dismissal, threatening to fire “under the article” without good reason, or has already fired with any violations of the law (for example, without prior notice and without working the allotted time), it also makes sense to complain to the labor inspectorate.

    How to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate?

    Now let's look at how to complain about an employer to the labor inspectorate, and what is necessary for this. There are four ways to file a complaint:

    Method 1. Submit a complaint to the labor inspectorate by mail. This is the longest, most expensive, but also the most effective method complain about the employer. Because an official letter is a document that cannot be ignored: in any case, you will be required to provide the same official response to it.

    Method 2. Submit a complaint to the labor inspectorate online. This is the simplest option, but not always effective, because your electronic appeal may simply get “lost”, remain unconsidered, and you will not necessarily receive an official response to it. You can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate online in Russia through the website onlineinspection.rf.

    Method 3. File a complaint with the labor inspectorate via the hotline. About the same as the second method, only in this case the complaint will need to be stated orally, over the phone, it will be recorded from your words. Getting an answer here also cannot be guaranteed - it all depends on whether it is considered justified and requires consideration.

    Method 4. Come to a personal appointment at the labor inspectorate. This is very a good option, in order to receive professional advice on an issue that interests you. They will immediately tell you how justified your complaint is from the point of view of labor legislation, and will tell you how to correctly draw up a complaint, after which you will file it with in writing and register locally, or send by letter.

    How to properly file a complaint against an employer?

    Before complaining to the labor inspectorate, you still need to try to resolve the issue you are interested in with the employer “peacefully” - through negotiations. Because filing a complaint is a serious matter and can entail serious consequences for the employer (I’ll tell you which ones a little later). So, if there is an opportunity to resolve the issue “amicably” - use it, and only when this does not work - proceed to filing a complaint.

    Step #1. Compose the text of the complaint. There are no strict forms for filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate. The complaint must be written in a business style in free form, and must contain:

    • To: name and full name of the head of the territorial labor inspectorate;
    • From whom: full name and passport details of the applicant, registration address and address for receiving a response;
    • The name and legal address of the employer to whom the complaint is being filed, your position at this enterprise, the full name of the manager, the full name and position of the person about whom you are complaining;
    • The essence of the complaint: what exactly the employer is violating, preferably with references to articles of the Labor Code and/or clauses of the employment contract;
    • Requests or suggestions: what exactly do you ask or propose to do to the labor inspectorate (for example, conduct an inspection at the enterprise, hold the manager accountable, advise you, etc.)

    If you file a complaint online, the site will have all the required fields to fill out.

    People often ask: is it possible to send a complaint to the labor inspectorate anonymously? No, you cannot, such a complaint will not be considered.

    Step #2. Support the complaint with documents if necessary. The complaint will have much more weight if it is supported by documentary evidence. For example, if you refer to your employment contract, attach a copy of it. If you are complaining that you are not being paid (or are not being paid as much as you should), please attach a statement from your bank account. Etc.

    Step #3. Submit your complaint and wait for review. If you send a complaint by mail, it is advisable to do this with a return receipt - this way you will know for sure that the letter has been delivered to the addressee and count down the response time. Consideration of a complaint can take from several days to a month, and in rare cases, up to two months (if, for example, an inspector is required to travel to another region). Everything depends on the nature of the complaint and the method of filing it. Each complaint is submitted to a specific inspector, who studies it, makes a decision, agrees with management and gives a response.

    Step #4. Get a response to your complaint. Once your complaint has been reviewed, you will receive a response. If it requires an inspection at the enterprise, the response will most likely indicate that an inspection has been ordered, and you will be notified additionally based on its results.

    Please note that if it suddenly turns out that during the consideration of the complaint your issue has already been resolved, then you have the right to withdraw your complaint. True, if it indicates serious violations, an inspection at the enterprise may still be ordered, they just will not notify you about the consideration of the issue.

    What answer will the labor inspectorate give?

    Now let's look at what results and actions your complaint against your employer to the labor inspectorate can lead to. There may be several options.

    1. Appointment of an on-site inspection at the enterprise in order to identify violations.
    2. An order to eliminate violations to the head of the enterprise and a deadline for its implementation. As a rule, this is 1 month. Within this period, he is obliged to eliminate the violations and report this to the labor inspectorate. Otherwise, more serious measures will be taken against him.
    3. Bringing the manager to administrative liability - a fine for violating labor laws. This fine can be quite substantial (depending on the type of violation).
    4. Removal of a manager (or culprit) official) from a position on a temporary or permanent basis.
    5. In some cases, a temporary cessation of the enterprise’s activities until the violations are eliminated.
    6. In some cases, bringing the manager to criminal liability.

    When can a complaint to the labor inspectorate be rejected?

    Let's look at the most common reasons why a complaint to the labor inspectorate may be rejected:

    1. You have not provided all your personal information.
    2. You have entered your employer information incorrectly or incompletely.
    3. Subjective point of view (your complaint is written emotionally, but does not contain compelling arguments, is not supported by documents, and does not indicate what exactly the employer is violating).
    4. Illiteracy. If the complaint contains a large number of errors, is composed incoherently, illiterately, contains profanity, it will also be left without consideration.
    5. The complaint did not reach the addressee (for example, when sending online there was some kind of system failure, the letter did not arrive, it was simply lost due to human factor etc.). In this case, it makes sense to send a repeated complaint, indicating that it is repeated.

    What to do if the complaint was rejected or you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review?

    If the labor inspectorate rejected the complaint or gave an answer that does not suit you, but you are sure that the employer is violating the norms of the Labor Code, there are several options for further action:

    1. Appeal the response of the inspector who reviewed your complaint with his immediate supervisor.
    2. Contact professional lawyers in the field of labor law who will help you draw up a complaint more professionally and will accompany its consideration.
    3. Complain about the labor inspectorate to a higher organization. For example, you filed a complaint with the regional labor inspectorate, it was unreasonably rejected - you complain to the central or higher organization - the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
    4. Complain about the employer to the tax authorities if we are talking about tax evasion (black or gray wages).
    5. File a claim against the employer in court.

    Now you know how and where to complain about an employer, how the labor inspectorate works, what nuances of filing complaints and appeals need to be taken into account. I hope this information was helpful to you.

    Do not be afraid to defend and defend your rights if they are actually violated. Employers will always treat you the way you allow. See you again at !


    According to Article 356 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to restore and prove violated rights, an employee has the right to apply to a complaint, letter or statement, which are written in free form.

    The employer must know that not only the employee who is in a relationship with him labor relations, has the right to contact the labor inspectorate, but also any other person, in the event of, for example, an illegal refusal of employment.

    It is necessary to attach everything that confirms the fact of violation on the part of the employer. These may be copies of orders, acts, internal rules labor regulations And so on. If it is impossible to provide copies of documents, the applicant must indicate this in his complaint.

    Since the labor inspectorate does not make anonymous complaints, the employee must indicate all his data (full name, address, telephone) in the complaint. But, if the applicant nevertheless insists on confidentiality, then, according to Part II of Article 358 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, inspectors are obliged to keep the applicant’s name secret. This must also be stated in the complaint.

    According to Article 386 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the period during which an employee can apply to the labor inspectorate is 3 months from the date of violation of his rights.

    If inspectors identify obvious norms of labor legislation, the employer will be provided with instructions that he will be obliged to fulfill, for example, reinstate the employee in his previous position.

    The employer, having received a mandatory order from the labor inspectorate, can either comply with it in specified deadlines, or refuse and appeal it in court within 10 days from the date of receipt.

    Based on an employee’s complaint, the labor inspectorate has the right to conduct an unscheduled inspection of the organization.


    • how to contact an employer

    Almost everyone knows that the employee is less protected than the employer. Who among us has not heard from our bosses that we have no irreplaceable people? It is often really easier for an employer to find a new employee than for an employee - new job with good salary and team. And even if the rights of workers are openly violated, employers do not receive a worthy rebuff. Requests and demands of employees are ignored, and defending rights in court is expensive. All that remains is to write an application to the labor inspectorate.

    You will need

    • Labor Code
    • Documents confirming violation of rights


    In what cases should you contact the labor inspectorate? If you feel that your employer has violated your rights, look through or consult with a lawyer (consultations are usually free). It often happens that the employer, already at work, for example, does not conclude an employment contract, or does fixed-term contract with an open date. Or, having concluded a contract to work in one position, you are surprised to find that you have to do the work “for yourself, and for that person.” It also happens that the employer decides not to pay you the money due under the contract at all, for example. Or the workplace and working conditions are not just far from ideal, but very far. Another common violation is unpaid overtime work. Or working without vacation beyond the statutory time. And, of course, unfair dismissal, for example. This list of violations of labor laws by employers is not exhaustive, and if your rights are infringed, file a complaint with the labor inspectorate in order to protect them.

    There are labor inspectorates in almost every city to monitor compliance with labor laws. You need to find out your address and telephone number in any available directory. By driving up or calling there, you can get contact information for the inspector who supervises your organization.

    Now you need to formulate a complaint to the labor inspectorate. It should reflect the essence of your complaint and proposals for eliminating the violation. The complaint must be accompanied by documents confirming that the employer is actually violating your rights. However, if you do not have such documents, for example, because the employer simply did not provide them, do not worry. Violations will be identified during the inspection.

    The application to the labor inspectorate must be completed properly. In the upper right corner write the name of the institution (labor inspectorate), position, surname and initials of the addressee, just below - your surname and full name, as well as address and contact phone number. In the text you should write the name and address of the organization that violated your rights, as well as contact numbers, first and last names general director, and the chief accountant, and also, after an indentation, state the essence of the complaint and a list of attached documents. You should leave a signature and transcript at the bottom of the page.

    Today, there are unscrupulous managers who neglect labor laws and violate the rights of citizens. Regulatory acts provide for the opportunity for workers to protect their rights by contacting the labor inspectorate. Let's take a closer look at a sample complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer and the process for filing it.

    When can you file a complaint?

    What to do to a simple worker, whose labor rights were violated by an unscrupulous employer? He has the right to write a complaint to the labor inspectorate. This can be done if the employee witnessed the boss’s abuse of official position, or if he himself became a victim of discrimination. Let us turn to those actions that can be considered illegal on the part of the employer:

    • When hiring, the head of the organization violated the registration algorithm: the employment contract did not indicate the salary, information about incentives, bonuses and other payments; forced a pregnant employee to undergo a probationary period; there was no familiarization with internal documentation and orders, and later penalties were applied for ignorance.
    • The employer clearly discriminated against the employee: refusal to provide the required leave; payment of wages is delayed or incomplete; compensations provided for were not paid labor legislation; Instead of paying sick leave, the boss forces you to go on vacation at your own expense; The employee is forced to work overtime.
    • Violations during dismissal: there was no notice of dismissal or reduction; upon dismissal, the dues were not paid cash; All cash payments were committed after the day of dismissal; a work book was not issued.

    In all of the above cases, the employee has the right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate against his manager. In addition, a complaint can be filed by an entire team of employees.

    Sample complaint

    There are no specific forms of the complaint itself by law. You can write a letter to the labor inspectorate in free form. It is important that the complaint contains basic information:

    • information about the victim (full details, actual address and telephone number);
    • information about the organization;
    • the essence of the appeal and complaint;
    • signature and date of preparation.

    The employer’s offenses must be clearly described, adhering to business ethics. All information must be truthful and easily verifiable, and also objectively reflect the state of affairs. The complaint must not contain a personal relationship with the accused person. It is best if the complaint describes sequential events. The letter itself can be drawn up in accordance with the labor inspectorate for the employer, presented below.

    Complaint Process

    After the letter has been compiled, you can proceed as follows:

    1. Personally visit the labor inspection department and submit the complaint to an authorized person. To do this, the document is drawn up in several copies, on one of which the inspector must affix a visa. You can attach to the letter Required documents, confirming what was written.
    2. A sample complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer can be sent by registered mail.
    3. Send an email to e-mail, using the online labor inspection service. On the site you must fill out all the fields provided and indicate your data. You can also choose convenient option response from the inspector. IN in electronic format You can also send a sample of a collective complaint.

    The Labor Inspectorate has a month to respond to a citizen’s letter and notify further actions. If the claim does not fall within the competence of this body, service employees will forward the appeal to the competent body within a week. Also, the labor inspectorate reserves the right not to consider a complaint if it contains direct threats.


    A sample complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer must necessarily contain information about the applicant. Otherwise, the service does not consider anonymous letters. But the applicant has the right to ask the inspector not to disclose personal data to the employer, that is, to demand confidentiality.

    This fact must be indicated when filing a complaint.

    Collective complaint

    A sample collective complaint is useful if the application is submitted on behalf of an entire group of employees whose rights were violated or discrimination occurred on the part of management. The team can also write a letter regarding the infringement of the rights of one of the employees. In any case, in such an appeal it is necessary to indicate the details of the employee representative on whose behalf the complaint is being filed.


    If the letter to the inspection was drawn up correctly, then after a month the applicant will receive a notification about the upcoming inspection. An inspection of a complaint carried out by the labor inspectorate may include:

    • control of working conditions;
    • survey of all employees of the organization;
    • request necessary documentation for analysis, etc.

    After the inspection, the inspector must draw up a report recording all violations. Based on the violations found, the following measures may be applied to the manager:

    • issuing an order to eliminate all violations;
    • imposition of administrative sanctions.

    In the latter case, the amount is set individually, depending on the severity of the violation.

    If the inspector reveals fairly serious violations, the results may be sent to court to initiate criminal proceedings. This can happen if:

    • safety regulations were violated, resulting in the death or injury of an employee;
    • termination of an employment contract with a pregnant woman or the mother of a child under three years old;
    • systematic non-payment of wages for more than three months.