How to learn to make drawings. Fundamentals of Drawing and Layout

Etc.) documents that individually or collectively determine the composition, device of the product, contain the necessary data for its development, manufacture, control, acceptance, operation and repair.

In order to manufacture parts and assemble an assembly unit from them, it is necessary to carefully develop design documentation. It should unambiguously determine what should be manufactured: product name, size, shape, appearance, materials, manufacturing methods, etc. The design documentation should ensure the identity of similar products during their manufacture and, if necessary, their interchangeability.

Drawings, diagrams and other design documents are performed according to uniform rules and regulations established by state standards -. State standards are consolidated into a single system for design documentation (ESKD).

Unified system for design documentation ( ESKD) - a set of state standards that establish interrelated rules and regulations for the development, execution and circulation of design documentation developed and used by organizations, enterprises and educational institutions. ESKD takes into account the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the permanent commission on standardization.

Compliance with state standards is mandatory for all industries, design organizations, scientific institutions, etc. All drawings must be carried out in accordance with ESKD standards, be distinguished by a clear and accurate design.

The standard has an alphabetic and numerical designation.


Drawings are made on sheets of paper of a certain size, called formats.

The dimensions of the format and its designations are established (Fig. 1, 2).

Rice. 1. Vertical formats

Rice. 2. Horizontal formats

The area of ​​the A0 format is approximately equal to 1 m 2. Other basic formats can be obtained by sequentially dividing the A0 format into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side of the corresponding format. In drawing lessons, they use the dimensions of which are 210 x 297 mm.The size of the A4 format (210x297) is taken as the unit of measurement for the rest of the formats.

Table 1 shows the sizes of the formats:

Format designation

Dimensions of the sides of the format, mm


841 × 1189


594 × 841


420 × 594


297 × 420


210 × 297

Formats are drawn up by the inner frame of the drawing, which is applied in accordance with GOST. Draw it with a solid thick main line. Above, to the right and below, the distance between the lines limiting the inner and outer frames is taken equal to - 5 mm. On the left side, a 20 mm wide strip is left for filing and stitching drawings (Fig. 3). This makes them easier to store, creates other conveniences.

Rice. 3. Formatting

Drawing title block

Production drawings, performed on A4 sheets, are placed only vertically, and the title block on them is only along the short side. In drawings of other formats, the title block can be positioned along the long and short sides.

In the lower right corner is the main inscription of the drawing, containing information about the depicted product. As an exception, on educational drawings of A4 format, the main inscription is allowed to be placed both along the long side and along the short one (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The location of the frame and title block in the drawing.

GOST 2.104-68 establishes the shape and size of the main inscription. On educational school drawings, the main inscription is made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 22x145 mm. Each column of the inscription has a certain size. The title block indicates the name of the depicted part, the material from which it is made, the scale, who drew, who checked the drawing, when the work was completed (date), the name of the school, the class and the drawing number.

An example of a completed title block is shown in Figure 5.

Rice. 5. The main inscription of the educational drawing

Each drawing and graphic document must be performed technically competently and graphically clearly. The drawing must comply with the requirements of the standards, and contain all the detailed information necessary for the manufacture of parts.

In Russian schools, drawing is introduced into the course of compulsory study from the 7th grade. In the first lessons, the guys study the basic rules, get acquainted with various graphic methods of transferring an object to the surface of a blank sheet and make simple drawings. This lesson characteristically influences the thinking of a teenager, broadens his horizons and attention. In the future, the basics of drawing will definitely come in handy if you want to become a professional engineer, architect, constructor, builder, designer, or any other technical profession.

Where does drawing begin?

Drawing for beginners is learned from simple materials, which are the basis and give rise to the skill of the ability to produce an accurate drawing, according to the specified parameters. At the first stage, you need to learn how to perform the most elementary tasks related to dividing straight lines into equal parts. Also, this science includes a detailed study of various-scale geometric shapes and patterns of a symmetrical type. To make a drawing perfectly, you need not only knowledge, but also accurate vision, as well as convenient special tools for drawing a drawing.

A more complex level of drafting begins in the second stage of the study of this subject. Its basis is the ability to accurately depict topographic and geographical maps, with the most accurate observance of scale, color conditions and special signs. Such complex drawing, as a rule, is studied in specialized educational institutions, with a chosen specialty that requires skills in this area.

In order to meet the modern requirements of the chosen specialty, which provides for the compulsory knowledge of this science, many young people are interested in the opportunity to study the subject on their own. As a rule, such a problem arises when you want to unlearn a technical profession, where the ability to correctly draw drawings, diagrams and sketches is a must!

The main goal of teaching drawing for beginners is to consolidate or gain knowledge in the field of this subject, which at one time was obtained on drawing.

Drafting skills can be obtained in several ways:

    Paid drawing courses;

    Individual lessons with a professional tutor on the subject;

    Independent study of drawing using computer programs. There are also special sites on the Internet for the initial study of the subject, so every interested user can, without involving a teacher, study drawing for beginners in a comfortable mode.

First Soviet Secondary School

"Entertaining drawing"

Prepared by:

Migitko Galina Valentinovna

teacher of technology, fine arts, drafting, II category, teaching experience 10 years.

Theme: Game lesson "Entertaining drawing".

Target: Developing students' interest in learning drawing.

Tasks : To acquaint with new material, with methods of solving logical problems, crosswords and building drawings.

The development of abstract thinking, the formation of cognitive interest.

Raising attention, the need for knowledge.

Method: conversation, explanations of the work.

Type of combined.

The form: group.

Equipment: lecture, demonstration material, educational literature.


    Org moment

    Representation of teams, jury


During the classes

    Org moment

A) checking the readiness of the class and work

B) attendance in the lesson

2. Introductory conversation

Today we will conduct a game lesson "entertaining drawing".

(The class was preliminarily divided into 2 groups, before each team introduces themselves, the teacher in turn will ask the teams riddles, after which we will find out which of the teams gets its name).


    For me, an elastic band, brothers

Fierce enemy.

I can’t get along

With her in any way.

I made a cat and a cat -

And she went a little

No cat!

She has a good picture

You will not create!

So he scolded the rubber band with all his might. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


    He spins on one leg

Another writes in an arc

Turning, then in a profile, then a vanface

He rounds everything out for you

Having made a full turn,

Will end where it starts.

Approach the starting point

And it will close its line ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


(Each team puts a sign with the name of their team).

And now a representative from each team gives a little information about the tool and accessories - the name of the team.

Let's get down to our game.

Today you must demonstrate the knowledge and skill gained in theory and practice.

Let's start with a warm-up.

The teacher next asks the teams questions, if there is no answer, then the right goes to another team.

    What pencil markings do you know?

Answer : For graphic work you need pencils of the "T" (hard); "M" (soft) and "TM" (hard-soft) or "HB", "ST" (medium hard). The larger the number next to the letter, the harder or softer this pencil.

    What sizes are provided for the execution of the frame?

Answer : on the left side 20 mm on the other sides, i.e. the reference at the top and bottom by 5 mm.

    What are the bodies of revolution?

Answer : ball, cylinder, cone, truncated prism.

    What is called scale ?

Answer scale is the ratio of the length of an object in the drawing to its natural length.

    On the frontal plane there is a view . . . . . .

Answer main view.

    What is the difference between a truncated cone and a cylinder ?

Answer : the fact that the cylinder in the "H" projection is one circle, and in the projection of the truncated cone "H" looks like a circle in a circle.

    What is a sketch?

Answer: image of an object according to the rules of rectangular projection by hand, observing the proportions between the parts of the depicted object by eye.

    Technical drawing?

Answer : This is an image made by hand, according to the rules of axonometry, in compliance with the proportions to the eye.


Answer: smooth transition from one line to another.

    Ellipse ?

Answer : a curve that is a parallel projection of a circle is a closed line - and is called an ellipse.

    What is a pyramid?

Answer: a polyhedron bounded by a polygon, called the base, and triangles, called lateral faces, is called a pyramid.

    What is Giar?

Answer : a body formed by rotating a circle around one of its diameters is called a gyara.

    Truncated pyramid?

Answer: a geometric body obtained by crossing a pyramid with a plane parallel to its axis is called a truncated pyramid.


Answer : a symbolic image used to make the drawing easier to read.

    An image of a figure obtained by the intersection of an object with an imaginary plane.

    Is the incision?

Answer : image of an object obtained by mental dissection by one or more planes.

    Is the specification?

Answer: this is a table containing basic data about the parts included in the product.

    Is construction?

Answer : it is the creation of new products or their improvement.

We remembered the definitions a bit, let's get down to business now.

Our next goal is to solve the krasword, but in order to do this, we first answer the test questions, where the correct answer will be entered in a cell of a certain color.

Test: "Drawing decoration"

    Where is the title block located in the drawing?

(Red cage)

A) In the lower right corner.

B) In the upper left corner.

B) In the lower left corner.

2. What value is taken as the font size? (yellow cell)

D) The height of the spaces between the lines.

E) The height of a lowercase letter.

E) The height of the uppercase letter.

3. What letter is applied in front of the dimension number when specifying the thickness? (Brown cage)


4. Which of the scale designations corresponds to the scale of reduction? (Green cage)

H) M 1: 2

5. What seam of the line are the axial and center lines in the drawings (Blue cage)

O) Solid thin line

P) Dashed line

P) Dash-dotted line

6. What is the outline of the drawing? (Orange cage)

C) Dash

T) Dash-dotted line with two dots

F) Solid thick line

Well, we already have something, let's try to solve the crossword puzzle.

Now, after answering the tests, you should work on the crossword puzzle.

You must answer the questions correctly and then draw up a crossword puzzle (we work in groups).

    One team is working on a crossword puzzle on the compiled questions.

    The second team deals with the questions and does the work on the color crossword puzzle.

    The point from which the projection rays emanate in center projection.

    What is the result of the simulation.

    Face of the cube.

    The image obtained by projection.

    In this axonometric projection, the axes are at an angle of 120.

    In Greek, this word means "double dimension".

    Side view of a person, subject.

    Curve, isometric projection of a circle.

    The image on the profile plane of the projections is a view. ... ... ... ...

    An academic subject, the purpose of which is to teach how to draw up, execute and read drawings.

"4 black, grimy little devils drew a drawing in black ink" . And here's the continuation of this story:

“But something was suddenly not divided and the ink on the line spilled the ABM part of the line and was completely forgotten.”

I give each team a flashcard filled with ink. Transfer to tracing paper and finish the missing lines. At the same time, 1 person per team is working on fishing boats to participate in the "Fast Hand" competition. The tasks of these participants are to depict a fictional animal from geometric shapes.

The task is completed, the jury is evaluating the work. At this time, there is a pause - ditties.

I sharpened my pencil

I suffered, I tried.

Very soon from him

Churochka stayed!

I drew ellipses by hand for so long that the teacher for me

Gave a compass!

I'm a girl anywhere

Just a sight for sore eyes

I just wouldn’t draw

Always not in accordance with GOST!

You will forgive us for everything

These revelations

There is nothing in the world

Better than sketching!

For the next task, we call 1 player from the team to the "Sharp-Sighted Falcon" competition. Your task is to determine the distance, thickness, height. The rest of the team players solve puzzles.

The jury determines the best answers, and we proceed to the captains competition.

Determine and write down which drawing indicated by numbers corresponds to a visual image indicated by letters.

At this time, the rest of the players participate in the game "Through the mouth of a baby". What is this subject?

    It can be medium, shorter and very long. There are colored and ordinary ones. Recently, more often Chinese, but beautiful. There are numbers and dashes on it. With the help of it, straight lines are drawn. (ruler).

    It looks like a ballerina's feet. One is on tiptoe, and the other is spinning. Boys make slingshots from it, and girls draw circles (compasses).

    It's like taking a circle and dividing it in half. There are plastic, wooden, metal. There are many dashes and numbers on it, first in one direction, then in the other. You can take it and build an angle, for example 125 degrees. (protractor).

    It can be smooth, sometimes with ribs. Sometimes it gets hands and paper dirty, sometimes it doesn't. Women of fashion fail their eyes. It can be simple and colorful. They draw and paint. (pencil).

Summing up, announcement of the winners. The winning team receives the Drafting Expert badges.

Closing song (to the tune "Our Neighbor").

A wonderful object appeared in the painting,

Life immediately became wonderful, and there is no more complete dispute.

We go everywhere with drawings to finish them not leisure,

We ask all neighbors tearfully, be they friend or not.

But the neighbor cannot help, he walks with the drawings himself,

In vain we asked our neighbor, we will have to help.

We sat down for the fonts together, got carried away in earnest,

Now we are not afraid of the shallows. We rushed up the course.

Now it is good for a person on earth,

He carries drawings with him everywhere and everywhere.

Turned into a couch potato and do not believe in miracles,

Because he has experienced all the super-secrets of the drawing.

Proudly walk the world, hold your head higher,

After all, there is no gap in life, since I have not made the drawings.

Take care of a modest experience, albeit small, but your own

Ahead of us is a once very difficult coursework.

In order to complete even the simplest drawing on paper, it is extremely important to comply with the established norms and requirements for drawings, to make drawings in the established scales, using a certain drawing font.

The first thing to start with is the design of a special drawing frame. For it, it is worth making indents of 5 millimeters at the top, bottom and right, and 20 millimeters on the left for convenient filing of the finished drawing.

The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the sheet; a special table 55 millimeters high and 185 millimeters wide is drawn for it. The main table must be filled in with the font in accordance with GOST 2.304-81.

Before starting work, you need to prepare tools, including:

9 most creepy tortures of the ancient world

What's a tiny pocket on jeans for?

Pencils of different hardness;
- measuring ruler;
- squares;
- a ready-made room;
- eraser;
- other tools.

The paper is selected of a suitable size, please note that the quality of the drawing applied to it depends on the quality of the paper. You can purchase suitable sheets at any stationery store.

Before you start drawing, you should learn how to write numbers and letters in accordance with GOST. It is advisable to practice on a separate sheet, where you should first draw a special auxiliary grid. Over time, you will develop an eye, and the drawing letters will be the same.

The requirements of GOST indicate that the drawing font, both letters and numbers, must be tilted by 75 degrees.

The most common mistakes when making a drawing font are considered to be:

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The letters do not correspond to the dimensions specified in the GOST;
- all letters are of different sizes and "jump" in the line;
- the letters have a different slope.

To learn how to write a drawing font correctly, at first you can draw two lines along the height of the letters with the help of a compass. This will make the font even and the letters will not have different heights.

Beginners are advised to choose to draw lines with an optimal width of 0.8 to 1 millimeter. Please note that the frame and title block in the drawing should be made with a continuous thick line. A thin solid line will help to make an image of a section of the part, as well as to make extension dimensions.

Other lines are used in the drawing:
- solid uneven line - intended to indicate the demarcation line in the figure. It is often carried out in the case when the part is too voluminous and it makes no sense to place it entirely;
- shading - invisible lines are indicated;
- hatching with a dotted line - designation of the center of a part or an axis.

All the main lines in the figure are up to 0.3 millimeters thick in a format up to A1, while the thickness of the hatching is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the part. When performing the projection drawing procedure, the following errors and inaccuracies are most often made:
- incorrect shading of details;
- in axonometric projections, the image of circular and ellipsoid parts is incorrectly built;
- the sectional area of ​​the part is incorrectly selected, and therefore it is not possible to consider all the features of the part.

The depicted object is positioned in such a way that all its faces correspond to six projection planes. In this case, the front view (frontal plane) is the main image.

It is best to position the part towards the observer in such a way that a complete picture of the size, shape and other characteristics of the depicted product is created.

Usually, in the drawings, the part is schematically cut, this is done in order to understand the structure of the part from the inside. This gives a complete picture of cuts, notches and other features that are not visible on the frontal plane.

It is advisable to initially perform the image with thin lines that will be easy to remove. It is better to circle the drawing with thick lines at the last stage.

The role of the drawing in human life history of the development of the drawing

Graphics is a means of creating material, spiritual, intellectual and artistic values ​​of a person. To build a house, car or plane, make clothes, furniture or a children's toy, you first need to design the product, sketch it and draw it. This is done by engineers, architects, designers and many other professions. All of them speak the same professional language that is common for them - the language of graphics.

It is difficult to say when the first graphic constructions appeared among this or that people. Apparently, the need for their exact or approximate results belongs to the earliest stages of the developed human society. One can doubt that any particular people first invented this or that technique or method of graphic constructions and then, through communication, passed on their invention to other nations. Most likely, everyone independently went through the first stage of the development of graphic culture. It is this stage that is lost in the depths of millennia and must have no less history than the emergence of speech and the improvement of the simplest tools of labor.

Another thing is the development of abstract concepts, the creation of rules and methods of images. Borrowing is inevitable here. And more developed peoples are the source of more qualified knowledge. This is what makes us scrutinize those threads that can serve as pathways for the transmission of intellectual wealth. Naturally, we will have to pay attention to these historical facts in order to know the origins of the emergence of graphic art.

Drawing design

Graphics Drawing tools and accessories

Nowadays, a drawing is a kind of document. It determines the composition and structure of the product, contains the necessary data for its development, manufacture, control, operation and repair. The drawing contains images, dimensions, text. The images can be used to judge the geometric shape of a given part, and by the inscription - about the name, the scale in which the images are made, the material from which the part is made, etc. Dimensional numbers make it possible to judge the size of the part as a whole and its parts. It also contains data on the processing of the part during its manufacture, some other conventional signs and inscriptions. Such a drawing gives a complete picture of the part.

In addition to the drawing of the part, there are assembly drawings, sketches, diagrams, images of sweeps, technical drawings, etc. Such images are called graphic. They consist of lines, strokes, dots and are made with pencil, ink, ink.

Images in drawings are built using drawing tools. The quality of the drawing largely depends on the correct preparation of the workplace.

Hard pencils Soft pencils

Table 1. Parameters of drawing captions

For a frame in any format I remind you again: Set aside 20 to the left, and 5 from the other sides.

When making drawings, lines of different thicknesses and outlines are used in accordance with GOST 2.303-68. Each of them has its own meaning.

Table 2. Drawing lines

Drawings and other design documents of industry and construction are made on sheets of certain sizes. Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame (drawn with a thin line). The designations and dimensions of the sides must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 6.

It is interesting that in the XXIII century, the main lines of the drawing were solid contour and dotted (dashed - with German punkt - point) lines. The latter were used as lines of an invisible contour and clipping lines, and with the appearance of dimensions in drawings - as extension and dimension lines:

With an increase in the requirement for a drawing in terms of its completeness and the possibility of carrying out graphic transformations on it, from the 40s of the XIX century, axial lines began to be used in drawings. They were drawn with solid blue lines.

The desire for greater visibility of the drawing necessitated shading and coloring of the drawings. However, color lines, shading and coloring had to be abandoned due to new methods of reproduction of drawings - photocopying (since 1897) and photographing. The axial lines have become dash-dotted. For the invisible contour, instead of dotted (dotted) lines, dashed lines were used. At the beginning of the XX century, dimensional and then extension lines began to be drawn in thin solid lines, which contributed to the acceleration of work on the execution of originals and originals, and increased the clarity of their copies. Instead of coloring the mentally dissected parts of the parts, they began to apply symbols of materials using hatching of various types.

Drawing fonts

Any technical drawings are usually accompanied by captions. Skillful distribution of them on the drawing, accurate execution will give the drawing rigor and clarity. The size of the font you choose must strictly match the size of the drawing format. For a good reading and perception of the inscriptions, as well as correct and quick execution of them, you need to know the standard font GOST 2.304–81, which is used for drawings and other technical documentation of both industries and construction. The basic sizes of Type B are given below for reference, as it is most commonly used in teaching drawings.

Table 3 Parameters and sizes of the drawing font

Font options Designation Relative size Dimensions, mm
Font size -
height of uppercase letters h (10/10) h 10d 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0 20,0
height of lowercase letters with (7/10) h 7d 1,3 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0
minimum pitch between letters a (2/10) h 2d 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0 2,8 4,0
lines (height of auxiliary b (17/10) h 17d 3,1 4,3 6,0 8,5 12,0 17,0 24,0 34,0
distance between words e (6/10) h 6d 1,1 1,5 2,1 3,0 4,2 6,0 8,4 12,0
font line weight d (1/10) h d 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0

The distance a between letters, the adjacent lines of which are not parallel to each other (for example, GA, AT), can be reduced by half, i.e. by the thickness d of the font line.

The minimum distance between words (e) separated by a punctuation mark is the distance between the punctuation mark and the word following it.

The following font sizes are set: (1.8); 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; ten; fourteen; twenty; 28; 40 (font size 1.8 is not recommended and is allowed only for type B).

The font size (h) is the value determined by the height of capital letters in millimeters (Fig. 15).

How to write letters to make it simple, beautiful and tasteful!

1. Draw vertical and inclined (at an angle of 75 °) elements from top to bottom; horizontal - from left to right.

2. If there are fillets in the letter, then first we perform fillets, and then smoothly connect them with straight lines.

3. The middle additional element of capital letters of the drawing font R, U, H, Y (where the upper part is most developed) is drawn under the middle line of the auxiliary grid, in other cases - above it.

4. For high-quality execution of inscriptions in a drawing font, first mark the letters with thin lines (with a soft pencil).

5. The direction of the stroke is especially important when you are working with a pen or pen (helium, ballpoint, etc.), when stroking with ink, paint, etc.

Did you know that the first standard type was introduced by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. He was called "civilian". With minor changes, this font has survived to this day. You can get acquainted with the typeface of Peter the Great in one of the first printed books "Russian Technique".

However, until the middle of the 19th century, most of the drawings were signed in ordinary handwriting. And the more intricate he was, the better the draftsman's work was appreciated. Only after the 40s of the XIX century, drawings, decorated with artistic fonts, began to be found:

Elizabethan, Small Canon, Rondo and others.

Dimensioning. The scale

Dimensional numbers serve as the basis for judging the size of the object and its elements depicted in the drawing.


Practical and graphic works on drawing

The notebook was developed by the teacher of the highest category of drawing and fine arts Nesterova Anna Aleksandrovna teacher of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 of Lensk"

Introduction to the subject of drawing

The history of the emergence of graphic methods of images and drawing

Drawings in Russia were made by "draftsmen", a mention of which can be found in the "Pushkarsky Prikaz" of Ivan IV.

Other images - drawings-drawings, represented a view of the structure "from a bird's eye view"

At the end of the 12th century. in Russia, large-scale images are introduced and dimensions are affixed. In the 18th century, Russian draftsmen and Tsar Peter I himself made drawings by the method of rectangular projections (the founder of the method is the French mathematician and engineer Gaspard Monge). By order of Peter I, the teaching of drawing was introduced in all technical educational institutions.

    The entire history of the development of the drawing is inextricably linked with technical progress. At present, the drawing has become the main document of business communication in science, technology, production, design, and construction.

    It is impossible to create and check a machine drawing without knowing the basics of the graphic language. Whom you will meet while studying the subject "Drawing"

Varieties of graphic images

Exercise: sign the names of the images.

Materials, accessories, drawing tools.

From the history

An iron compass was found on the territory of France in a Gallic burial mound of the 1st century AD. In the ashes that fell asleep in Pompey nineteen centuries ago, archaeologists also found many bronze compasses.

In Ancient Russia, a circular ornament of small regular circles was widespread. A steel circular cutter was found during excavations in Veliky Novgorod.

Pencil got its name from the merger of two Turkic words:punishment - black and tash - stone. In the 16th century, the British found deposits of graphite. Fragile rods were placed in an elegant frame made of reed or mahogany, and only at the end of the 18th century, the Czech J. Garmut suggested making writing rods from a mixture of crushed graphite and clay. The writing rods were called "kokhinor" - "unmatched."

Protractor - a tool for degree measurement and drawing angles, made of sheet metal or plastic.

Pattern - a thin plate with curved edges, used to draw curved (curved) lines that cannot be drawn with a compass.

Word eraser , it turns out, came from the abbreviated word "gumielastic", which translates asrubber.

Cooking room - a set of drawing tools and accessories, packed in a case.

Securing the material:

On the instructions of the teacher, students in a workbook, using drawing tools, draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines, as well as circles.

The concept of GOSTs. Formats. Frame. Drawing lines.

Notebook, textbook "Drawing", ed. A.D. Botvinnikova, accessories, fA4

Instruments, notebook, textbook, ed. A.D. Botvinnikova, issue a fA4 (no font)

Ideas about GOSTs, ESKD, formats, title block

Determine the thickness, style, line type when performing graphic images, arrange the format.

Exercise 1

Graphic work # 1

“Formats. Frame. Drawing lines "

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova p. 20, accessories, fA4

Instruments, notebook, textbook, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, graph paper.

Drawing design rules, stage-by-stage work on the drawing.

Accurately and efficiently work with drawing tools. Observe the rules for drawing up the drawing, line drawing.

Examples of work execution

Test tasks for graphic work No. 1

Option number 1.

    What designation according to GOST has a format with a size of 210x297:

a) A1; b) A2; c) A4?

2. What is the thickness of the dash-dotted line if the solid main thick line is 0.8 mm in the drawing:

a) 1mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.3 mm?


Option number 2.

    Where is the title block located in the drawing:

a) in the lower left corner; b) in the lower right corner; c) in the upper right corner?

2. By what amount should the axial and center lines protrude beyond the contour of the image:

a) 3 ... 5 mm; b) 5 ... 10 mm4 c) 10 ... 15 mm?

Option number 3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What is the location of the A4 format allowed by GOST:

A) vertical; b) horizontal; c) vertical and horizontal?

2.. What is the thickness of a solid thin line if the solid main thick line is 1 mm in the drawing:

a) 0.3 mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.5 mm?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    At what distance from the edges of the sheet the drawing frame is drawn:

a) left, top, right and bottom - 5 mm each; b) on the left, top and bottom - 10 mm each, on the right - 25 mm; c) left - 20 mm, top, right and bottom - 5 mm each?

2. What type of line are the center and center lines in the drawings:

a) a solid thin line; b) dash-dotted line; c) dashed line?

Option number 5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What dimensions according to GOST has the A4 format:

a) 297x210 mm; b) 297x420 mm; c) 594x841 mm?

2. Depending on which line the thickness of the drawing lines is selected:

a) dash-dotted line; b) a solid thin line; c) solid main thick line?

Fonts (GOST 2304-81)

Notebook, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, graph paper.

Notebook, textbook §2.4 pp. 23-24, graph paper.

Drawing font, the title block of the drawing.

Use font in drawing design

Types of fonts:

Font sizes:

Practical tasks:

Drawing font parameter calculations


Dimensions in mm

uppercase letters

lowercase letters

Letter spacing

The minimum distance between the bases of the lines

Minimum spacing between words

Letter thickness

Test tasks

Option number 1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What value is taken as the font size:

a) the height of a lowercase letter; b) the height of the capital letter; c) the height of the spaces between the lines?

Option number 2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of the uppercase letter of rift # 5:

a) 10 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 5 mm; d) 3.5 mm?

Option number 3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of lowercase letters that have protruding elements c, d, b, p, f:

a) the height of the capital letter; b) the height of the lowercase letter; c) greater than the height of the uppercase letter?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

Do uppercase and lowercase letters differ in spelling? A, E, T, G, I:

a) differ; b) do not differ; c) differ in the spelling of individual elements?

Option number 5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What does the height of the numbers in the drawing font correspond to:

a) the height of the lowercase letter; b) the height of the capital letter; c) half the height of a capital letter?

Dimensioning. The scale

Notebook, textbook "Drawing", ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, accessories.

Notebook, textbook §2.5-2.6, fA4 (vertical)

Dimensioning rules


    Numbers in drawings

    R marks, diameter, square

Sizes are:

Signs that are used when applying dimensions:

Apply dimensions


Test tasks

Option number 1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What length of the object must be indicated on the drawing, if it is equal to 1250 mm, and the scale of the image is 1:10:

a) 125: b) 1250; c) 12.5?

2. What letter should be applied in front of the dimension number when specifying the thickness of the part:

a) R; b) L; c) S?

Option number 2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    The drawing is scaled to 2: 1. How will the linear dimensions of the image relate to the linear dimensions of the projected object:

    a) the image is larger than the actual size of the object; b) the image corresponds to the actual size of the object; c) is the image less than the actual size of the object?

Option number 3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What scale is preferable for making a drawing of a part:

a) increase; b) decrease; c) natural?

2. What does the R mark in front of the dimension number mean:

a) the circumference; b) the diameter of the circle; c) the radius of the circle?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    Which option corresponds to the scale of the reduction:

a) M 1: 2; b) M 1: 1; c) M 2: 1?

2. What is the minimum distance between the outline of the image and the dimension line:

a) 5 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 10 mm?

Exercise to consolidate the material

(work with colored pencil)

Graphic work number 2

"Drawing of a flat part"

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikova, accessories, ФА4 (vertical)

Notebook, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories (compasses)

Dimensioning rules, drawing design (fonts, lines).

Execute a drawing, apply the rules for applying dimensions, use drawing tools.

Cards - Quests

Option 1

2 option

3 option

4 option

Conjugation. Geometric constructions

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, accessories (compasses).

Notebook, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories (compasses), фА4, §15.2 -15.3 fig. 137

Rules for constructing parallel and perpendicular straight lines, conjugation of angles, two parallel straight lines, a straight line and a circle and dividing a circle into equal parts, constructing regular polygons.

Perform geometric constructions using drawing tools. Read the drawing.

Pairing -

Consolidation of the studied material:

Complete a drawing of a door key

Conjugation of obtuse, acute and right angles

Geometric constructions

Division of a circle into 5 and 10 parts

Division of a circle into 4 and 8 parts

Division of a circle into 3, 6 and 12 parts

Dividing a segment into 9 parts

Projection. Projection method. Projecting onto one projection plane

Accessories, 2 matchboxes, textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov p. 31-34 read.

Basics of projection. Concepts: center, perpendicular, parallel

Analyze the shape of an object, display on a plane.

Acquisition of images on 2 projection planes.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §4 pp. 37-38.

The rules for drawing a figure on a mutually perpendicular plane. Basics of the method of rectangular projection.

Be able to build projections on 2 projection planes.

The exercise:

Make models from matchboxes as shown in fig. 56 a. Compare your drawings of the models with their visuals. Make yourself one more - two models of two or three boxes and complete their drawings.

Practical task:

Using a visual representation, construct a horizontal projection. Apply dimensions.

Review task:

Acquisition of images on 3 projection planes

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §4-5 pp. 37-38 fig. 51.

The order of projection on 3 planes. The number of views used in technical drawings. Principles for choosing the main species.

Draw a simple shape. Choose the number of species. Read a drawing of a simple form.

Oral work:

Frontally on the chalkboard build the third view of the part

Securing the material

Practical work:

Build the third according to these types. Scale 1: 1

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 3

Option number 4

Location of views. Local species. Tasks for drawing up drawings from scattered images

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, accessories, notebook, tracing paper.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A.D.Botvinnikova §5 fig. 55-56, scissors, glue, wire, matchboxes, colored paper.

The order of projection on a plane. The number of views used in technical drawings. Principles for choosing the main species.

Make a drawing of a simple form, choosing the required number of types in accordance with GOSTs. Read a drawing of a simple form.


What is called a native species?

Securing the material

Write your answers in your workbook:

Option number 1

Option number 2

Practical work No. 3

"Modeling by drawing".

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, wire or cardboard, matchboxes, glue, etc.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova

Methods of modeling according to the drawing.

Directions for work

To make a cardboard model, first cut out its blank. Determine the dimensions of the workpiece from the image of the part (Fig. 58). Mark (outline) the cutouts. Cut them along the outlined outline. Remove the cut out parts and bend the model according to the drawing. To prevent the cardboard from straightening after bending, draw a line from the outside with some sharp object in the place of bending.

A soft wire of arbitrary length (10 - 20 mm) must be used for modeling.

The order of construction of images in drawings

tools, textbook, notebook, tracing paper

§13, size A4, colored pencils, accessories.

Build cuts and cuts, perform technical drawing of elements.

Securing the material

Option number 1 Option number 2

Securing the material

In the workbook, make a drawing of the part in 3 views. Apply dimensions.

Option number 3 Option number 4

Analysis of the geometric shape of objects. Rotation bodies. Group of geometric bodies

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, accessories, notebook.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §10, 11, 16, colored pencils.

    Rules for the execution of drawings of geometric bodies.

    The sequence of reading a group of geometric bodies.

Securing the material

Work on cards

Securing the material

Using colored pencils, complete the card assignment.

Geometric shape analysis

Drawing of a part for two given views


f A4, tools

Analyze drawings, give an accurate verbal description of the object depicted in the drawing.

Obtaining axonometric projections of plane figures


Repeat p. 7-7.2; complete the construction of table 1.

Equipment for students:

textbook "Drawing", ed. Botvinnikova A.D., workbook, drawing accessories.

Square in dimetric projection


Construct an isometric square

Triangle in dimetric Triangle in isometric

Hexagon in dimetric and isometric


Construct an isometric hexagon


Axonometric projections volumetric bodies

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, notebook, tools.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikov p. 49 table No. 2, §7-8.

Rules for constructing axonometric projections. Methods for constructing a volumetric part in isometric view.

Construct axonometric images starting with flat figures lying at the base of the part. Learn to analyze the resulting images.

Review task:

Construct a geometric figure on the horizontal projection plane.

Amount (build up)


Assignment task

Axonometric projection of a part with cylindrical elements

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikov, accessories, notebook.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A.D. Botvinnikov § 7-8.

Rules for constructing a part with a curved surface. The general concept is "axonometry of a detail".

Analyze the shape of the part, the resulting image.

Ellipse -

Oval -

Algorithm for constructing an oval

1. Let's construct an isometric projection of a square - a rhombus ABCD

2. Let's denote the points of intersection of a circle with a square 1 2 3 4

3. From the top of the rhombus ( D ) draw a straight line to the point 4 (3). We get the segment D 4, which will be equal to the radius of the arc R .

4. Draw an arc that connects the points 3 and 4 .

5. When crossing a segment IN 2 and AS get the point О1.

When crossing a segment D 4 and AS get the point O2.

6. From received centers О1 and О2 draw arcs R 1 that connect points 2 and 3, 4 and 1.

Securing new material

! work in a workbook

Perform isometric projections of the circle parallel to the frontal and profile projection planes.

Drawing and pictorial representation of the part

Ф A4, tools, textbook

§12, tracing paper

Analyze the shape of the part, build 3 types of the part and apply dimensions.

Technical drawing

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikova§9, accessories, notebook.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A. D. Botvinnikova § 9

Rules for performing a technical drawing and techniques for performing a part.

Perform axonometric projections depicting flat figures. Perform technical drawing.

Technical drawing

Shading methods:

Securing the material

Perform a technical drawing of the part, two types of which are given in Fig. 62

Projections of vertices, edges and faces of an object

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikov, accessories, notebook, colored pencils.

Accessories, textbook "Drawing", ed. A.D. Botvinnikova §12, фА4, colored pencils.

Methods for selecting a point on a plane. Principles of constructing edges and faces.

Construct point and face projections.

? Problem

What is a rib?

What is called the top of an object?

What is the facet of the subject?

Point projection

Practical work:

Arrange the letter designations of the projections

points in the drawing of the part, marked in the graphic image.

Graphic work No. 9

Detail sketch and technical drawing

Tools, graph paper, ФА4, § 18

What is a sketch. Sketching rules

Sketch in the required number of views. Execute the drawing according to the sketch.

    What is called sketch ?

Securing the material

Exercise tasks

Dimensioning based on the shape of the object

tools, textbook, notebook, tracing paper.

Rice. 113 (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9)

The general rule for dimensioning a drawing.

Repetition and consolidation of the passed material.

Oral exercise

Practical work:

Cuts and cuts on geometric bodies

Elements of parts

    SLOT - a groove in the form of a slot or groove on machine parts. For example, a slot in the head of a screw or screw where the end of a screwdriver is inserted when screwing it in.

    GROOVE - an elongated recess or hole on the surface of the part, bounded laterally by parallel planes.

    Lyska - a flat cut from one or both sides of the cylindrical, conical or spherical sections of the part. Flats are designed to be gripped with a wrench, etc.

    FLOWING - this is an annular groove on the rod, technologically necessary for the exit of the threaded tool in the manufacture of a part or for other purposes.

    KEY groove - a slot in the form of a groove, which serves to install a key, which transmits rotation from the shaft to the bushing and vice versa.

    CENTER HOLE - an element of a part that serves to reduce its mass, supply lubricant to rubbing surfaces, join parts, etc. Holes can be through and blind.

    CHAMFER - turning on the truncated cone of the cylindrical edge of the part.

Exercise: Instead of numbers, write the names of the elements of the part

Exercise: Make an axonometric projection of the part

Practical work No. 7

Reading Drawings

Textbook, notebook, sheet.

Graph paper, §17

To master the methods of constructing 3 types, analysis of the geometric shape of the object, to know the names of the elements of the part.

Analyze the drawing, determine the dimensions, give an accurate verbal description

Graphic dictation

"Drawing and technical drawing of the part according to the verbal description"

Format (notebook), tools

Tools, graph paper.

Sketching rules

Determine the required and sufficient number of views for a given part. Choose the main view. Dimension.

Option number 1

Frame is a combination of two parallelepipeds, of which the smaller one is set with a larger base in the center of the upper base of the other parallelepiped. Through the centers of the parallelepipeds, a through stepped hole runs vertically.

The total height of the part is 30 mm.

The height of the lower parallelepiped is 10 mm, the length is 70 mm, and the width is 50 mm.

The second parallelepiped is 50 mm long and 40 mm wide.

Bottom step hole diameter 35 mm, height 10 mm; the diameter of the second stage is 20 mm.


Option number 2

Support is a rectangular parallelepiped, to the left (smallest) face of which a half-cylinder is attached, which has a common lower base with the parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. At the base of the part there is a through hole of a prismatic shape. Its axis coincides in the top view with the axis of the groove.

The parallelepiped is 30 mm high, 65 mm long, 40 mm wide.

Half cylinder height 15 mm, base R 20 mm.

The groove width of the prismatic shape is 20 mm, the depth is 15 mm.

Hole width 10 mm, length 60 mm. The hole is located at a distance of 15 mm from the right edge of the support.


Option number 3

Frame is a combination of a square prism and a truncated cone, which stands with a large base in the center of the upper base of the prism. A through stepped hole passes along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 65 mm.

The height of the prism is 15 mm, the size of the sides of the base is 70x70 mm.

The height of the cone is 50 mm, the bottom base is Ǿ 50 mm, the top is Ǿ 30 mm.

Bottom hole diameter 25 mm, height 40 mm.

The diameter of the upper part of the hole is 15 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 4

Sleeve is a combination of two cylinders with a stepped through hole that runs along the axis of the part.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

Lower cylinder height 15 mm, base Ǿ 70 mm.

The base of the second cylinder Ǿ 45 mm.

Bottom hole Ǿ 50 mm, height 8 mm.

Top part of hole Ǿ 30 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 5

Base is a parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. There are two through cylindrical holes in the groove. The centers of the holes are spaced from the ends of the part at a distance of 25 mm.

The parallelepiped is 30 mm high, 100 mm long, 50 mm wide.

Groove depth 15 mm, width 30 mm.

Hole diameters 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 6

Frame is a cube, along the vertical axis of which there is a through hole: from above it is semi-conical, and then turning into a stepped cylindrical one.

The edge of the cube is 60 mm.

The depth of the semi-conical hole is 35 mm, the upper base is Ǿ 40 mm, the lower one is Ǿ 20 mm.

The height of the lower step of the hole is 20 mm, the base is Ǿ 50 mm. The diameter of the middle part of the hole is 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 7

Support is a combination of a parallelepiped and a truncated cone. The cone with its large base is placed in the center of the upper base of the parallelepiped. In the center of the smaller side faces of the parallelepiped, there are two prismatic cutouts. A cylindrical through hole Ǿ 15 mm was drilled along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The parallelepiped is 15 mm high, 90 mm long, 55 mm wide.

The diameters of the base of the cone are 40 mm (bottom) and 30 mm (top).

Prismatic cut-out length 20 mm, width 10 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 8

Frame is a hollow rectangular parallelepiped. In the center of the upper and lower base of the case, there are two conical lugs. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 10 mm passes through the centers of the tides.

The total height of the part is 59 mm.

The parallelepiped is 45 mm high, 90 mm long, 40 mm wide. The wall thickness of the parallelepiped is 10 mm.

The heights of the cones are 7 mm each, the bases Ǿ 30 mm and Ǿ 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 9

Support is a combination of two cylinders with one common axis. A through hole passes along the axis: from above it is a prismatic shape with a square base, and then a cylindrical shape.

The total height of the part is 50 mm.

Lower cylinder height 10 mm, base Ǿ 70 mm. The diameter of the base of the second cylinder is 30 mm.

The height of the cylindrical hole is 25 mm, the base is Ǿ 24 mm.

The side of the base of the prismatic hole is 10 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.


Graphic work No. 11

"Drawing and pictorial representation of the part"

A3 format, tools

D / Z:

Tools, notebook, textbook.


On an axonometric projection, build a drawing of the part in the required number of views at a scale of 1: 1. Apply dimensions.

Graphic work No. 10

Part Sketch with Construction Features

tools, textbook, graph paper

D / Z:

Tools, graph paper.


Sketching rules

Be able to:

Sketch, dimension correctly


Draw a drawing of the part, from which the parts have been removed according to the applied markings. The direction of projection for building the main view is indicated by an arrow.

Graphic work No. 8

Detail drawing c transformation of its form "

tools, FA4, textbook

D / Z:

Tools, graph paper.


Be able to:

Execute drawing

The general concept of transforming a form. Linking a drawing to markup

Textbook, notebook, graph paper, accessories

D / Z:

Tutorial fig. 151 (to get acquainted), fA4


Be able to:

Analyze the shape. Draw in orthogonal rectangular projection.

Graphic work

Execution of a drawing of an object in three forms with the transformation of its shape (by removing part of the object)


Complete the technical drawing of the part, making recesses of the same shape and size in the same place instead of the protrusions indicated by the arrows.

Logical thinking task

Theme "Drawing design"

Theme "Drawing tools and accessories"

Crossword "Projection"

1. The point from which the projection beams emanate in central projection.

2. What is obtained as a result of modeling.

3. The face of the cube.

4. The image obtained during projection.

5. In this axonometric projection, the axes are at an angle of 120 ° to each other.

6. In Greek, this word means "double dimension".

7. Side view of a person, object.

8. Curve, isometric projection of a circle.

9. The image on the profile plane of the projections is a view ...

Rebus on the topic "View"


Theme "Sweep of geometric bodies"

Crossword "Axonometry"


    Translated from French "front view".

    The concept in drawing on what the projection of a point or object is obtained.

    The boundary between the halves of a symmetrical part in the drawing.

    Geometric body.

    Drawing tool.

    Translated from the Latin language "throw, throw forward."

    Geometric body.

    The science of graphics.

    Unit of measurement.

    Translated from Greek "double dimension".

    Translated from French "side view".

    In the drawing, "she" can be thick, thin, wavy, etc.

Technical vocabulary of drafting



Analysis of the geometric shape of the object






Main view

Additional view

Local view



Overall dimensions



Geometric body




Division of a circle

Division of a segment



Drawing tools

Tracing paper


Drawing layout




Curve curves

Circular curves



Line - leader

Extension line

Transition line

Dimension line

Solid line

Dashed line

Dash-dotted line



Monge method




Main inscription


Drawing outline





Circle in axonometric projection


Axonometric axes

Axis of rotation

Projection axis

Axis of symmetry






Projection plane


Axonometric projections


Isometric rectangular projection

Frontal dimetric oblique projection




The size

Dimensions overall

Dimensions constructive

Coordinating dimensions

Part item dimensions

The gap

Drawing frame


Technical drawing








Mating point



Simplifications and conventions


Drawing formats


Projection center

Mating center




Working drawing


Dimensional number

Reading a drawing







Shading in perspective



Modern society in its development and economic activity actively uses the graphic language, which today has no alternative (holographic technologies are still at the development stage). The graphic language finds its technological application by drawing projections of three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional plane. This method has an interesting history, but it is not the subject of this article. Our goal is to provide the reader with an overview of drafting as an accurate and versatile tool for the engineer and architect, in terms of its overall regulatory framework.

A specialist who knows the rules for drawing up drawings should also be competently guided in his work by the relevant GOSTs, which determine the basic mandatory requirements for drawings. Also important is his qualifications, which allows even for complex-shaped parts to present geometric constructions in drawings with optimal clarity.

What you need to know and be able to do drawings

Firstly, it is assumed that the knowledge base of an architect or an engineer - the executor of drawings includes ESKD - the rules for drawing up drawings and practical skills of optimal geometric representations of the projections of a part for its display in drawings.

Currently, modern productive specialized programs - computer-aided design systems have replaced the traditional "manual" drawing. However, automation still presupposes a solid knowledge of the following GOSTs:

2.301-68 - establishing the formats of sheets of drawings in paper or electronic forms;

2.302-68 - determining the ratio of the size of the object shown in the drawing to its real size (scale);

2.303-68 - regulating the outline of lines on the drawings, recommended by the current industry standards;

2.304-81 - installs the current drawing fonts;

2.307-68 - determining the drawing on the drawing of both dimensions and maximum deviations.

Important qualification requirements for the executor of the drawings are:

Practical ability to use ESKD - rules for drawing up drawings in relation to applied problems;

Skills of geometric constructions for optimal execution of drawings, which are then convenient to use in markup in the manufacture of specific parts.

Drawing Basics

The development of a design which is regulated by ESKD - the rules for drawing up drawings) is a mandatory stage preceding the direct production of the part.

At the same time, the specifics are fundamentally important: what is made and why; what is the standard product name; its exact dimensions, shape, what materials it is made of. All this is important, since subsequently the design documentation will become the main guarantor of the identity of the manufacture of the part, as well as, if necessary, its interchangeability with an analogue released by other manufacturers. From the point of view of the use of a single toolkit (rules and regulations) by different manufacturers, the ESKD they adhered to are important - the rules for drawing up drawings.

GOSTs regulating drawing

We have already mentioned in this article the terms ESKD, GOSTs in the context of their normative role for an engineer. Let's define their ratio.

The role of the regulatory regulator in the design of various drawings and diagrams for design documents is played by uniform technological standards specially developed at the state level - GOSTs. These standards are organizationally united by a single system for design documentation, or ESKD.

The ESKD rules regulate the execution of drawings, which is relevant at the stages of creation, final design and organization of their proper workflow as a type of documentation within specialized enterprises and organizations, as well as in the institutions of the Ministry of Education. ESKD - the rules for drawing up drawings - are in line with the current international ISO standards (that is, approved by the International Standardization Organization), and also comply with the requirements of the permanent international standardization commission.

Note that compliance with state standards is mandatory in all areas of industry, as well as in scientific and design institutions. Accordingly, GOST - the rules for drawing up drawings - are also mandatory when studying engineering graphics in educational institutions.

Thus, despite the progress of automation in the creation of drawings, you should know the GOSTs. However, we foresee the main line of objections of our computer-literate opponents, which is that all the rules have already been followed in the drawings, which should simply be found on the Internet.

Is it possible, while drawing, not to know GOSTs? No!

However, we will work ahead of the curve, noting that yes, indeed, at the present time on the Internet, any PC user can choose from thousands and thousands of photo drawings of the desired one. And then, using a special recognition program, he receives the required drawing.

However, here our opponents are cunning. In fact, the drawing recognition programs are imperfect, therefore, the drawing obtained with their help obviously contains significant errors. They, of course, will have to be edited further, using the knowledge of GOSTs.

It is much more reasonable in such a situation to creatively use photo drawings as a sample, actually re-creating them using a specialized program - a computer-aided design system. The leading representative of CAD for several decades has been AutoCAD developed by the company with the world rating "Autodesk". This program is actively used today by leading design bureaus. Kulmans are history!

Formats. State standard 2.301-68

Drawings are made on a sheet of paper that has certain dimensions clearly established by the current GOST, and the frame for the drawing is measured (A4 has dimensions of 210 by 297 mm, see table 1).

Table 1. Formats.

A4 format

smaller side 210 mm

large side 297 mm

A3 format

smaller side 297 mm

large side 420 mm

A2 format

smaller side 420 mm

large side 594 mm

A1 format

smaller side 594 mm

large side 841 mm

Format A0

smaller side 841 mm

large side 1189 mm

Note that sometimes the frame for A4 drawing limits the deliberately excess space that exceeds the size of the image. In this case, the smaller format is appropriate - A5, the dimensions of the sides of which are 148 by 210 mm.

A visual display of the formats in demand, which determine the basic rules for drawing up drawings, is shown in Fig. 1:

Rice. 1. Format ratio

Main inscription

The title block is placed on all drawings, with the exception of A4, both along the long side and along the short side. For A4, it is drawn exclusively along the short side, since this format is vertical.

An additional column (also with the exception of A4) is placed on the long side

(The placement of the title block is shown by us in Figure 2.)

Fig. 2. Placement of the title block

The design of the drawing frame is regulated by its distance from the edge of the sheet: from all sides (except for the left) - 5 mm each. On the left, the distance from the frame to the edge of the sheet is 20 mm. In this case, the line that frames the drawing frame should not be narrower than 0.7 mm.

The main inscriptions are made in accordance with GOST No. 2.104-68, which determines the size, shape, and the order of filling. It is characteristic that it is an indispensable element of any kind of drawings and diagrams. As an example, we will give the title block recommended for use in educational drawings (see Fig. 3).

The numbers in the figure indicate the following columns of the title block:

1 - product name;

2 - how the document is designated;

3 - what material is chosen for the manufacture of the part;

4 - the requisite of the enterprise - the index.

Often the drawing is done on several sheets. In this case, on the second and all subsequent ones, the title block is made in a different form from the first. Its image is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig 4. Title block for the second and subsequent sheets of the drawing

Its columns (they are numbered in the figure) are filled in according to the above decoding of these numbers for the main inscription of the first sheet.

Symbols in drawings

By definition, a drawing is a scaled graphic representation of a product, where the dimensions and information that the drawing contains is sufficient for the manufacture of the product mentioned in the definition.

The rules for applying dimensional values ​​to drawings in industry are regulated by GOST No. 2.307-68. This is a rather subtle point in the design of drawings. After all, just one missing dimension turns a complex drawing into an unclaimed empty work.

The dimensions themselves in drawing are divided into several types. The first group is working sizes. This is the information that is used directly in the manufacture. The second one is for reference dimensions (they are marked with a symbol (*)). They are used in engineering drawing work.

Dimension the drawing using dimension lines. Designations are applied to the drawing in compliance with the accepted scale. Its meaning is in the title block - in a separate column. Let's define the concept of scale: it is identified with the ratio of the actual dimensions of the object to the dimensions of its image. Whenever possible, a one-to-one scale is preferred, however, as you can imagine, for different sizes of the part you have to either reduce or increase. Acceptable image scales are determined by GOST 2.302-68 cm (see table 2).

Table 2. Scales used in drawing

The criterion for choosing a scale is the further convenience of working with the drawing.


The drawings show various types of lines, each of which has a specific purpose. The use of lines in drawings is determined by GOST 2.303-68.

The solid thick main line is used to draw the visible outlines of the displayed object. The thickness for it is determined in the range of 0.5-1.4 mm and in the future the selected value is denoted by the letter S. Why is this value assigned to a conditional variable? The fact is that in the future, the thicknesses of all other lines will be commensurate with the thickness of the main one.

In Russian schools, drawing is introduced into the course of compulsory study from the 7th grade. In the first lessons, the guys study the basic rules, get acquainted with various graphic methods of transferring an object to the surface of a blank sheet and make simple drawings. This lesson characteristically influences the thinking of a teenager, broadens his horizons and attention. In the future, the basics of drawing will definitely come in handy if you want to become a professional engineer, architect, constructor, builder, designer, or any other technical profession.

Where does drawing begin?

Drawing for beginners is learned from simple materials, which are the basis and give rise to the skill of the ability to produce an accurate drawing, according to the specified parameters. At the first stage, you need to learn how to perform the most elementary tasks related to dividing straight lines into equal parts. Also, this science includes a detailed study of various-scale geometric shapes and patterns of a symmetrical type. To make a drawing perfectly, you need not only knowledge, but also accurate vision, as well as convenient special tools for drawing a drawing.

A more complex level of drafting begins in the second stage of the study of this subject. Its basis is the ability to accurately depict topographic and geographical maps, with the most accurate observance of scale, color conditions and special signs. Such complex drawing, as a rule, is studied in specialized educational institutions, with a chosen specialty that requires skills in this area.

In order to meet the modern requirements of the chosen specialty, which provides for the compulsory knowledge of this science, many young people are interested in the opportunity to study the subject on their own. As a rule, such a problem arises when you want to unlearn a technical profession, where the ability to correctly draw drawings, diagrams and sketches is a must!

The main goal of teaching drawing for beginners is to consolidate or gain knowledge in the field of this subject, which at one time was obtained on drawing.

Drafting skills can be obtained in several ways:

    Paid drawing courses;

    Individual lessons with a professional tutor on the subject;

    Independent study of drawing using computer programs. There are also special sites on the Internet for the initial study of the subject, so every interested user can, without involving a teacher, study drawing for beginners in a comfortable mode.

Drawing Basics

You already know that for the manufacture of any product you need to know its structure, the shape and dimensions of the parts, the material from which they are made, the methods of connecting the parts together. All this information you can find out from drawing, sketch or technical drawing.

- this is a conditional image of the product, made according to certain rules with the help of drawing tools.
The drawing shows several types of products. The views are performed based on how the product is observed: from the front, from above, or to the left (side).

The name of the product and parts, as well as information on the quantity and material of the parts, are entered into a special table - specification.
Often the product is depicted enlarged or reduced in comparison with the original. But despite this, the dimensions in the drawing are valid.
The number that shows how many times the actual dimensions are reduced or increased is called scale .
The scale cannot be arbitrary. For example, for increase scale 2:1 , 4:1 etc., for decreasing -1:2 , 1:4 etc.
For example, if the drawing says “ M 1: 2 ", It means that the image is half the size of the actual image, and if" M 4: 1 ", Then four times more.

In production, it is often used sketch - hand-drawn image of an object according to the same rules as the drawing, but without observing the exact scale. When drawing up a sketch, the relationship between the parts of the subject is preserved.

Technical drawing -a visual representation of an object, made by hand with the same lines as the drawing, indicating the dimensions and material from which the product is made... It is built approximately, by eye, maintaining the relationship between the individual parts of the object.

The number of views in the drawing (sketch) should be such as to give a complete picture of the shape of the object.

There are certain rules for sizing. For a rectangular part, dimensions are applied as shown in the figure above.
The size (in millimeters) put down above the dimension line from left to right and from bottom to top... The names of the units are not indicated.
Part thickness denote by a Latin letter S; the number to the right of this letter indicates the thickness of the part in millimeters.
The designation in the drawing also applies to certain rules. hole diameter - it is denoted by the symbol Ø .
Radii of circles denote by a Latin letter R; the number to the right of this letter indicates the radius of the circle in millimeters.
Part outline
on the drawing (sketch) it is necessary to show solid thick main lines(lines of the visible contour); dimension lines - solid thin; invisible contour lines - dashed; axial - dash-dotted etc. The table shows the different types of lines used in the drawings.

Name Image Appointment Dimensions (edit)
Solid thick main Visible contour lines Thickness - s = 0.5 ... 1.4 mm
Solid thin Dimension and extension lines Thickness - s / 2 ... s / 3
Dash-dotted thin Centerlines and Centerlines Thickness - s / 2 ... s / 3, stroke length - 5 ... 30 mm, distance between strokes 3 ... 5 mm
Dashed line Invisible contour lines Thickness - s / 2 ... s / 3, stroke length - 2 ... 8 mm, distance between strokes 1 ... 2 mm
Solid wavy Cliff lines Thickness - s / 2 ... s / 3
Dash-dotted line with two dots Bend lines on flat patterns Thickness - s / 2 ... s / 3, stroke length - 5 ... 30 mm, distance between strokes 4 ... 6 mm

Read drawing, sketch, technical drawing - means to determine the name of the product, the scale and images of the views, the dimensions of the product and individual parts, their names and quantity, shape, location, material, type of connection.

Technical documentation and means of harmonization

Technical documentation for the manufacture of a simple one-piece, multi-piece or complex product includes:
image finished product, specification and brief information about the function ( F), constructions ( TO), technologies ( T) and decoration (aesthetics) ( NS) of the given object of labor - the first sheet;
schemes possible options for changing the overall dimensions and configuration of the product or its parts. The proposed changes are based on various systems of correlation and division of forms - the second sheet;
detail drawings complex configurations, which are made according to templates - the third sheet (not for all products);
illustrative technological map , containing information about the sequence of manufacturing parts or the product itself in the form of operational drawings and about the tools and devices used in performing this operation - the following sheets. Their content can be partially changed. These changes mainly relate to the use of special technological devices that allow to speed up the performance of individual operations (marking, sawing, drilling, etc.) and to obtain better parts and products.
The development of the design of any product, for the appearance of which certain aesthetic requirements are imposed, is associated with the use of certain patterns, techniques and means of composition. Ignoring at least one of them leads to a significant violation of the shape, makes the product expressionless and ugly.
The most commonly used means of harmonization are proportioning(finding the harmonious relationship of the sides of the product), subordination and dismemberment of the form.

Proportionality- this is the proportionality of elements, the most rational ratio of parts to each other and the whole, giving the subject a harmonious integrity and artistic completeness. Proportions establish the harmonious measure of parts and the whole through mathematical relationships.
A system of rectangles with a proportional aspect ratio can be constructed using:
a) integer ratios from 1 to 6 (1: 2, 1: 3, 1: 4, 1: 5, 1: 6, 2: 3, 3: 4, 3: 5, 4: 5, 5: 6) (fig. 1) ;
b) the so-called, " golden ratio". It is determined by the formula a: b = b: (a + b). Any segment can be proportionally divided into two unequal parts in this respect (Fig. 2). Based on this relationship, you can build or explode the sides of the rectangle (Fig. 3);
v) proportional series composed of the roots of natural numbers: √2, √3, √4 "√5. It is possible to construct a system of rectangles of this row as follows: on the side of the square "1" and its diagonal "√2" - a rectangle with the aspect ratio of 1: √2; on the diagonal of the latter - a new rectangle with an aspect ratio of 1: √3; then a rectangle - 1: √4 (two squares) and 1: √5 (Fig. 4).
To find the harmonic aspect ratio, use the system subordination and dismemberment of the form:
a) subordination it is used when another one is attached to some element, commensurate with the main part (Fig. 5);
b) dismemberment is used when it is necessary to break the basic shape into smaller elements (Fig. 6).

Below are the options for changing the configuration of the shape of products and options for changing the overall dimensions, in which the above harmonization rules are used.

Marking rectangular parts

Purpose and role of markup. The process of applying the contour lines of the future workpiece to the wood is called marking. Markup- one of the most important and time-consuming operations, the performance of which largely depends not only on the quality of products, but also on the cost of material and working time. Marking before sawing is called preliminary or marking of rough blanks.
In production, preliminary marking is carried out taking into account the allowances for processing and shrinkage. In training workshops, dried materials are processed, therefore, allowances for shrinkage are not taken into account.
You should be aware that when processing dried workpieces, a surface with low roughness is obtained and high adhesion and finishing strength are achieved. Grinding allowances on one side, the details of the planed surfaces are 0.3 mm, and for parts with sawn surfaces, - no more than 0.8 mm. Planing allowances for fibreboard and plywood are not provided as they are not planed.
Markup perform pencil using marking tools (measuring ruler, carpenter's square, planer, bevel, tape measure, caliper, etc.) in accordance with the drawing, sketch, technical drawing. A general view of some of the layout tools is shown below.

Marking and measuring tools. As you already know, the marking of wood and wood materials is performed with various tools, most of which are also used for measurements in the process of manufacturing parts: roulette- for measuring and marking saw and timber; meter- for marking rough blanks; ruler- for measuring parts and workpieces; square- for measuring and drawing rectangular parts; nonsense- for drawing and checking the angles of 45 ° and 135 ° and when marking connections on the "mustache"; malka- for drawing and checking various angles (a given angle is set along the protractor); thickness gauge and staple- for drawing parallel lines when processing edges or seams of workpieces; compass- for drawing arcs, circles and laying off dimensions; calipers- to determine the diameter of round holes; bore gauge- to measure the diameter of the holes.

From the accuracy of the markup product quality depends. Therefore, be careful when working. Try to mark up in such a way that as many details as possible are obtained from one workpiece.
Don't forget about allowance. Allowance - a layer of wood that is removed when processing a workpiece(when sawing, they usually give an allowance of up to 10 mm, while planing - up to 5 mm).

When marking a rectangular plywood part (Fig. a ) do this:
1. Choose base edge workpiece (if there is no such edge, then it should be cut out along the previously applied ruler baseline).
2. Draw a line in a square at a right angle to the base edge (line) at a distance of about 10 mm from the end (Fig. b )
3. From the drawn line along the ruler, lay the length of the part (Fig. v ).
4. A line is drawn along the square, limiting the length of the part (Fig. G ).
5. Along the ruler, lay the width of the part on both lines that limit the length of the part (Fig. d ).
6. Connect both obtained points (Fig. e ).

If the part is made from a board or bar, then the markings are made from the smoothest and smoothest layers and edges (if they are not there, then the front face and edge are first straightened out). The front surfaces on the workpiece are marked with wavy lines.
The subsequent markup is performed as follows:
1. From the front edge lay the width of the part and draw a marking line with a pencil (Fig. A).
2. The strip of the planer is put forward so that the distance from the point of the pin to the block is equal to the thickness of the part (Fig. B).
3. The thickness of the part is marked with a thickness gauge (Fig. C).
4. Mark the length of the part with a ruler and square (fig. D).

The marking of a large number of identical parts or parts with a curved contour is carried out using special templates ... They are made in the form of plates having the same outlines as the contour of the product.
You need to mark out the details with a simple and sharply sharpened pencil.
When marking, the template must be firmly pressed against the workpiece.

Wood product manufacturing process

In training workshops, they learn how to make various products from lumber and plywood. Each of these products is made up of separate pieces that are joined together. Parts can be of various shapes. First, they try to make flat rectangular parts. To do this, you need to choose the right workpiece (bar, board, plywood sheet), learn how to markup, planing, sawing, stripping. After the manufacture of all parts, the product is assembled and finished. Each of these stages of work is called operation .

Each operation is performed with a specific tool, often using devices . The so-called devices that make work easier and make it better. Some devices help, for example, quickly and reliably fix a part or workpiece, tools, others accurately mark, perform this or that operation without errors. It is advisable to use adaptations also in the case when you need to make a large number of identical parts.... You are already familiar with one of the fixtures - the joinery workbench clamp.

In the training workshop, you will most often work on technological map , which indicates sequence of operations ... Below is a flow chart for making a kitchen board.

P / p No. Sequence of operations Graphic image Tools and fixtures
1. Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10 ... 12 mm and mark the contour of the product using a template. Template, pencil
2. Cut out the contour of the product Hacksaw, carpentry workbench
3. Pierce the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole. Awl, drill, drill
4. Clean the product, round off sharp edges and corners. Workbench, planer, file, sanding pad, vice

The technological maps used in production indicate all operations, their components, materials, equipment, tools, the time required to manufacture the product, and other necessary information. In school workshops, simplified technological maps are used. They often use various graphic images of products (technical drawings, sketches, drawings).

The finished product will be of high quality if it meets the dimensions and requirements indicated in the drawing.
To obtain a high-quality product, it is necessary to hold the tool correctly, observe the working posture, accurately perform all operations, and constantly monitor yourself.


Goals and objectives of the subject, familiarization with the sections of the subject program and methods of studying them. Brief historical information about the development of graphics and standardization, about the importance of design documentation in production.

Review of GOSTs, a unified system of constructive documentation. The role of standardization in enhancing scientific and technological progress.

Familiarization of students with the necessary teaching aids, materials, tools, devices and machines used in the work and equipment of modern design and engineering bureaus.


the main provisions of the standards for the design and development of drawings; - GOST 2.301-68 "Formats", GOST 2.302-68 "Scales", GOST 2.303-68 "Lines", GOST 2.304-68 "Drawing fonts", GOST 2.307-68 "Dimensioning and maximum deviations, rules and techniques of geometric constructions ".

be able to:

organize a workplace, use drawing tools correctly;

draw up drawings in accordance with the requirements of GOST; perform basic geometric constructions.

Questions for self-examination for section 1.

1. What formats are set for drawing.

2. What constitutes the designation of the additional format.

3. Where in the drawing the title block is located. What data is placed in the graphs.

4. Which line in the drawing is the main one. What determines its thickness.

5. What types of drawing lines are installed, depending on their purpose.

6. What determines the font size.

7. What sizes of the drawing font are established by GOST.

8. What is called the scale of the drawing. What are the standard scales?

9. What are the basic rules for dimensioning drawings.

10. How to divide a straight line segment into any number of equal parts.

11. What is called slope and taper.

12. What is called conjugation. What is the sequence of mates.

13. What curves are called curved.

Section 2. Basics of projection drawing.

Topic 2.1 Projection Methods. Orthogonal projections.

When studying the topic, it is necessary to master the terminology of the projection process, to understand the difference between central and parallel projection, orthogonal and oblique. Planes and projection axes, their designation. Projection of points, lines, plane figures. Projecting geometric bodies. Creation of a sweep of the surface of geometric bodies.

Exercise: Solving problems for constructing projections of a point, line, plane. Creation of sweeps of geometric bodies.

Topic 2.2. Axonometric projections.

General concepts, the principle of obtaining axonometric projections. Types of axonometric projections. Axonometric projections of polygons, circles, geometric bodies.

Exercise: Displaying planar figures and geometric bodies in different types of axonometric projections.

As a result of studying the section, the student must: have an idea:

about the methods of projection; - on the dependence of the visibility of the drawing on the choice of axonometric projection;


The method of projecting points, shapes, geometric bodies;

the sequence of execution of a complex drawing of a model using a slice;

be able to:

carry out complex drawings of points, shapes, geometric bodies; - to analyze the geometric shape of objects according to projections;

draw axonometric projections of flat figures and geometric bodies.

Questions for self-examination for section 2.

1. What is called a projection of points, a projection plane, a projection line.

2. What is the difference between parallel and central projection.

3. What is called a sweep of a geometric body.

4. What is called axonometry. What are the advantages of axonometry in comparison with orthogonal projections.

5. How to build a third projection from two data.

6. What methods can be used to determine the actual size of the cross-sectional figure.

7. In what order is the model drawing in perspective.

Section 3. Basics of technical drawing

Topic 3.1. Images. Types, sections, sections.

When studying the topic, it is necessary to consider such images of technical drawing as views, sections, sections. GOST 2.305-68.

Views - basic, additional, local, principle of receipt, location. Section. Rules for the execution of superimposed and extended sections. Section designation. Cuts - simple, complex, local. Cutting plane designation. Connecting a part of a view and a part of a section. The exercise:

according to the given models, build three types of models;

replace one of the views in the drawing with a complex stepped section;

* according to a given visual image and type, perform appropriate sections.

Topic 3.2. Detachable and non-detachable connections.

When studying the topic, it is necessary to understand the purpose of the connections, their types and the image in the drawing. Examine threaded connections, conventional image and thread designation in the drawing. Welded connections. The concept of the types of welds. The concept of an assembly drawing.

Topic 3.3. Technical ri bit.

When studying the topic, it is necessary to master the purpose of the technical drawing and its features. Pencil skills.

Drawing is a graphic alphabet that makes it easier to read diagrams, parts and assemblies with all technical parameters and an understanding of the type of material from which the latter are made. Drawing symbols are strictly regulated, which makes them understandable and easy to read in all countries of the world where these ESKD standards are applied.

Drawing stamp

A drawing stamp is also called a drawing frame. In accordance with ESKD, the drawing must be located on a sheet of a certain size, it also has a frame and a stamp. The left margin, taking into account the location of the technical drawing (horizontally or vertically), is intended for stitching and is always 20 millimeters, and the remaining margins are 5 millimeters each.

The first sheet of the drawing carries the maximum information and has a stamp height of 55 millimeters, with a specification - 40 (its presence is optional), and each subsequent sheet - 15. The stamp is always placed at the bottom right of the drawing frame.

Drawing alphabet

All designations applied to the drawing and to any other technical documents are carried out in Russian, Greek or Latin letters, and the numbers - in Arabic or Roman. They must be executed in a regulated drawing font, for the unification of which several technical characteristics are adopted.

First of all, the font size, which corresponds to the height of the uppercase (capital) letter, expressed in millimeters, which is measured strictly perpendicular to the base of the inscription. It should be noted that the letters can be either with an inclination of 15 degrees from the vertical, or without it.

The font options are currently recognized as follows:

  1. h - size (1.8; 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20);
  2. d is the thickness;
  3. c - the height of a lowercase (small) letter or number;
  4. a - the distance between letters (numbers);
  5. e is the minimum distance from the word;
  6. b - maximum line pitch.

You should pay attention to the following feature that when writing words from letters standing in series and not parallel to each other (for example, "A" and "B"), the distance between them must be halved. The inscriptions are made by hand without using a ruler. Letters and numbers must be legible.

When signing the technical specifications of the drawing itself, it is important not to place them inside the projection itself, with the exception of dimensional numbers. The latter should be located above the dimension line 1 millimeter from it.


Conjugation in drawing is the rounding of one straight line into another straight line, that is, a smooth transition using a compass or a piece. Conjugation is possible between any lines: two straight lines, a circle and a straight line, two arcs of circles, and can also be internal or external.

In order for the technical characteristics of the conjugation to be not violated, the radius of the latter must be connected under the perpendicular at the point of tangency of the straight line. If this rule is followed, a line of such a complex shape will look uniform. This is necessary in the case when the contours of a part, a node or letters (numbers) of a large font size have rounded shapes.


The main tool for transferring a drawing is, of course, a line. It can be of different style, thickness and has different purposes. There are the following types of lines: regular and strokes (basic elements and unimportant details).

The stroke line should only be black and is intended to outline the contours of something:

  • Solid (of various thicknesses) - the inner and outer contour of the object, the outline of its internal parts, and is also used to apply dimension lines and a drawing stamp.
  • Dashed line is the line of the invisible contour of an object or the intersection of surfaces.
  • Dash-and-dot - used to identify symmetry, centers, geometric axes, cutting plane.
  • A break or break line is applied at the point of interruption of the part, when its size is not comparable to the size of the sheet.

Graphic images in technology are obtained using many different methods, and some of them were invented quite recently, and others in ancient times. Not so many written evidence has survived to this day, the study of which would allow researchers to thoroughly study how graphic methods of displaying information evolved, but it is quite clear that their foundations were laid even in the early stages of human civilization.

Historians argue that the origins of the graphic language, which is now widely used in technology, should be sought back in the Stone Age. It is this era that the ancient pictograms and primitive rock paintings date back to. In all likelihood, it was then that the main methods of images were formed that are used in the graphic language.

Long before writing appeared, drawings were used as one of the means of communication. They served as the basis for the development of the so-called drawing writing.

With the help of drawings in ancient times, messages of a business, economic and military nature, a lot of other important information, including technical ones, were transmitted. With the help of simple drawings, it is almost impossible to obtain comprehensive information about various objects, however, it was they that were successfully used by ancient architects and builders in the design and construction of many grandiose objects.

Gradually, over time, this kind of drawings were transformed and turned into "specialized" technical.

Mechanization of the designer's workplace

For centuries, technical drawings have been made entirely by hand using tools such as rulers, squares and compasses, and the process was time-consuming.

To reduce them, they began to invent various devices that allowed designers to work faster and more efficiently. This is how various specialized drawing instruments and machines appeared and began to be actively exploited. Today they are complex computerized hardware and software systems that significantly speed up and simplify the development of various design documentation. Nevertheless, even using them, it is impossible to do without knowledge of the basics of the graphic language, which are studied by the subject " Drawing».

Computer-aided design systems

Designers widely use in their work various innovative computer-aided design systems that allow them to work with the greatest efficiency.

One of the most popular and widespread of them is the system AutoCAD, which was originally designed to create two-dimensional graphical constructions. Since this functionality quickly became insufficient for the designers, the developers of the American company Autudesk have developed and successfully integrated modules into the software package that allow you to create three-dimensional images.

Programs such as CATIA, SolidWorks, Pro / Engeneer and Autodesk Inventor originally created for 3D-modeling and having ample opportunities in terms of registration of design documentation in accordance with applicable standards.

Since technical literate people can read drawings that are created in different countries without problems, the graphic language can be safely called an international means of communication.




Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

as a teaching aid for students of institutions,

providing higher education in technical and technological specialties

UDC 744.4 (075.8) BBK 30.11y7

A. I. Vilkotsky, V. A. Bobrovich, S. E. Bobrovsky, V. S. Isachenkov


Department of Fire Prevention and Prevention of Emergencies of the State Educational Institution "Command and Engineering Institute" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences I. I. Polevoda); Head of the Department of Engineering Graphics of Machine-Building Profile of BNTU, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V. Zeleny

All rights to this publication are reserved. Play the entire book or

its part cannot be carried out without the permission of the educational institution "Belarusian State Technological University".

Fundamentals of mechanical engineering: textbook. manual for O-75 students of technological specialties / A. I. Vilkotsky [and others]. -

Minsk: BSTU, 2008 .-- 236 p. ISBN 978-985-434-793-6

The manual is intended to familiarize students with the basics of mechanical engineering. It provides data on the rules for the execution of working drawings, sketches, assembly drawings and specifications. The appendix contains a large number of drawings of typical parts used in chemical engineering.

UDC 744.4 (075.8) BBK 30.11ya 7


Any machine, device consists of parts connected to each other. Parts may differ from each other in shape, size and manufacturing process. Some parts are made of sheet material, others are made of section and shaped products, and still others are produced by casting, hot stamping, etc.

A variety of methods of joining parts are used: detachable - threaded connections (bolted, screw, stud, screwing), keyed and detachable - riveted connections, as well as those obtained by soldering, welding, pressing, crimping, gluing, stitching, etc.

When assembling or disassembling any machine, it is easy to notice that some parts can be simply unscrewed, others can be disconnected when removing fasteners, such as bolts or screws, and still others can be removed as a whole group of parts (connected by assembly operations), representing an assembly unit ... If the connection of the parts is detachable, then the assembly unit, in turn, can be disassembled into separate parts.

The manufacture of all parts, both simple and complex, as well as assembly units and products in general, is carried out according to technological and operational charts drawn up on the basis of drawings.

Modern production is impossible without blueprints. For the manufacture of even the simplest part, a detailed verbal description of its shape and size, surface roughness, etc. would be required. Such a description will be significantly reduced and become clearer if we add a visual representation of this part.

Reading a modern working drawing of a product (part, assembly) means getting a complete picture of the shape, dimensions and technical requirements for the finished product, as well as determining from the drawing all the data for its manufacture and control.

According to the drawing of the part, they find out the shape and dimensions of all its elements, the material assigned by the designer, the shape and location of the surfaces that bound the part, and other data.

When reading the assembly drawing of the product, they find out the relative position of the component parts, how to connect them and other data for performing assembly operations.


1.1. Unified system for design documentation

Modern production is impossible without carefully developed design documentation. It should, without allowing arbitrary interpretation, determine what needs to be made (name, size, shape, appearance, materials used, etc.). Such a great importance of design documentation required the creation of rules for its development, one of the types of which is the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) - a set of standards that establish rules for the development and execution of design documentation.

Drawings must be executed competently and with good design technique. Literacy should be understood as the expedient and correct application of the provisions of the standards for the transmission of constructive and

technological requirements that must be reflected in the drawings.

The design technique is understood as graphic accuracy, clarity and compliance with the standards of all lines, symbols and inscriptions of the drawing.

The uniformity of the graphic design of drawings is regulated by the standards:

1) lines - GOST 2.303–68;

2) formats - GOST 2.301–68;

3) drawing fonts - GOST 2.304–81;

4) main inscriptions - GOST 2.104–68;

5) scale - GOST 2.302–68.

1.2. Drawing lines

GOST 2.303–68 establishes the outline and the main purpose of the lines used in the execution of drawings (Table 1.1). The thickness of the solid main line is selected in the range of 0.5–1.5 mm, depending on the size and complexity of the image, as well as on the drawing format. Large images drawn on large formats are drawn with thicker lines and vice versa. The selected line thickness should be the same for all images drawn at the same scale in this drawing. In educational drawings, the thickness of the solid main line should be taken equal to

Table 1.1

Name, style and thickness of line types in relation to the thickness of the main line

s = 0.5-1.5 mm

transition, contour lines of cuts and

The end of the table. 1.1



Main purpose

line thickness

Solid thin

Dimension and extension lines, hatch lines,

contour lines of the superimposed section, shelves of lines -

Solid wavy

Break lines, lines of demarcation of a view and section

Dashed line

Invisible contour lines, invisible lines



Centerlines and Centerlines


Bend lines on flat patterns, lines for an image

parts of products in extreme or intermediate


Lines indicating surfaces to be


heat treatment or coating; lines for

images of elements located in front of

secant plane ("superimposed projection")


Lines of cuts and sections



Long cliff lines

The length of the strokes in dashed and dash-dotted lines should be selected depending on the size of the image. For most of the images performed in educational drawings, the length of the dashed lines is taken to be 4–6 mm, and the gap between them is 1–1.5

The length of the strokes in the dash-dotted line used as the axial or center line is taken equal to 12-20 mm, and the intervals between

them - 2-3 mm. The strokes in the line must be of the same length, and the spacing between them must also be equal. The dash-and-dot lines intersect and end with strokes, not dots (Figure 1.1).

The center of the circle is depicted by the intersection of the strokes, and not by a point. If the diameter of the circle or the dimensions of other geometric shapes in the image are less than 12 mm, solid thin lines are used as centers. The axial and center lines go beyond the image contour by 3-5 mm (Fig. 1.1).

1.3. Formats

The drawing format is the size of the design document. Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame, made with a solid thin line (Fig. 1.2).

The main format is taken with dimensions 1189 × 841, the area of ​​which is 1 m2, as well as smaller formats obtained by dividing each previous format into two equal parts by a line parallel to the smaller side. The designation and dimensions of the main formats are given in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2

Sizes of basic formats

Format designation

Dimensions of the sides of the format, mm

An example of splitting the A1 format is given in Fig. 1.3.

If necessary, it is allowed to use the A5 format with dimensions 148 × 210.

Inside the outer frame, an inner frame is drawn with a solid line equal in thickness to the main line adopted for the outline of the drawing. Above, to the right and below, the distance between the lines limiting the inner and outer frames is taken equal to 5 mm, to the left - 20 mm.

Additional formats are formed by increasing the sides of the main formats by an amount that is a multiple of their dimensions. The designation of the derived format is made up of the designation of the main format and its multiplicity, according to table. 1.3.

Table 1.3

Major and minor format designations


The execution of the drawing begins with the definition of the required format and its design. The format should be chosen so that the drawing is clear, crisp, images are large enough, inscriptions and symbols are legible.

The inscriptions and images should not be brought closer to the format frame closer than 5–10 mm.

The format should not be unnecessarily large. Significant voids are not allowed. Based on the general requirements for the design of drawings, we can recommend the following sequence for determining the optimal format for a drawing:

1. Select the scale of the image, determine the number of images (views, sections, sections) and their location, and also take into account the place for the title block, the arrangement of dimensions, the location of technical requirements and technical characteristics.

2. Determine the working area of ​​the drawing, that is, that part of the drawing format that is assigned directly to images. The calculation of the working area consists in determining the enveloping contour image. It is necessary that the working area is 70-80% of the area of ​​the entire drawing.

1.4. Fonts

All drawings and other technical documents use standard fonts of the Russian, Latin and Greek alphabets, Arabic and Roman numerals and special characters. The parameters of these fonts are determined by GOST 2.304–81. These fonts are crisp, easy to design and produce high quality copies. The outline of the letters should correspond to Fig. 1.4.







The font size is characterized by the height h of the uppercase letters in millimeters. Its dimensions are set as follows: 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; ten; fourteen; twenty; 28; 40.

In pencil drawings, the font size must be at least 3.5 mm. You can use either non-tilted or tilted fonts

about 75 ° to the base of the line. In the latter case, the font size is also measured along the perpendicular to the base of the line.

Before labeling, it is recommended to mark up the drawing in the form of a grid of thin parallel lines drawn at a distance h (font height) from each other, and several lines defining the slope of the font, that is, located at an angle of 75 ° to the first lines.

The space between words must be at least one letter wide in a font of a given size. The stroke weight for letters and numbers should be approximately s 2 (half the width of the baseline).

An example of the execution of inscriptions in a drawing font is given in Fig. 1.5.

The accepted dimensions of the inscriptions should be the same for the given drawing.

1.5. Drawing title block

The title block is placed in the lower right corner of the drawing. On A4 sizes, it can be located only along the short side of the sheet, on other sizes - both along the short and along the long side of the sheet.

GOST 2.104-68 establishes the forms of the main inscriptions on the drawings. In particular, for drawings and diagrams, Form 1 (Fig. 1.6) is used, and for text design documents of the first and title pages - Form 2 (Fig. 1.7). For subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams, form 2a is used (Fig. 1.8).

The title block (column numbers are given in brackets) indicates:

column 1 - product name (for example, Shaft);

column 2 - designation of a technical document (for example, BSTU 010203.

column 3 - designation of material, this column is filled only for drawings of parts (for example, Steel 20 GOST 1050-88);

column 4 - the letter assigned to this document in accordance with GOST 2.103-68 (the column is filled in sequentially, starting from the leftmost cell. For example, letter O means "prototype", "experimental batch", letter U - "training drawing"; at the same time, note that letter Y is not provided for by the standard, but widely used in technical educational institutions);

column 5 - product weight (for example, 0.7 kg);

column 6 - the scale of the image of the object in the drawing (for example, eleven); affixed in accordance with GOST 2.302–68;

column 7 - serial number of the sheet (for example, 1); if the drawing is made on one sheet, then the column is not filled;

column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (the column is filled out only on the first sheet);

column 9 - the name of the company that issued this drawing. An example of a title block is shown in Fig. 1.9.

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