How to clean a wooden surface from adhesive tape. Removing sticky tape marks

mechanical method:

  • if the trace of the adhesive tape is not sticky (dried), it can be erased with a finger or an eraser. Rub the contaminated surface, rolling the glue into spools. With the same success, you can use plastic bank card or a scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic plates.
  • fresh glue can be heated and removed with a steam generator - it is now becoming fashionable to have such a practical device at home.

You can also use, for example, a kettle. Contamination must be heated for 1 minute, and then removed with a plastic card or a scraper. The cooled adhesive residues are easily removed with a finger.

  • sometimes old adhesive residue can be removed... with masking tape. Press the paint brush against the surface and pull it towards you. The procedure can be repeated several times. When dirty, the tape is replaced with a new one.

Chemical method:

  • from a glass, metal or ceramic surface, traces of adhesive tape are easily removed with essential oils. Oils may leave stains on other surfaces.
  • use vegetable oil (it is better to use olive or rapeseed). To do this, moisten a cloth with oil and apply it to the contaminated place for several minutes, then wipe off the remaining glue with your finger, rubber band or plastic card. Before use, you need to check if the oil leaves stains on the surface.

Most essential oils can also deal with adhesive residue on glass, metal, ceramics, and tiles.

  • you can dissolve the glue from the adhesive tape with vinegar. Apply it with a brush and let it work for a few minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.
  • you can wipe off traces of adhesive tape with pure kerosene. Dampen a soft cloth with it and rub the sticky mark - the glue will dissolve.
  • Adhesives can be removed from glass, ceramic or metal with lighter fluid. You need to work in disposable gloves.
  • You can wipe off the glue residue with wet hand cleaning wipes. The contaminated place should be rubbed with a napkin until the surface is clean (not sticky).

You can list different liquids and aerosols for a long time, but the most effective means (from own experience) is a wash for coatings B-52.

You need to work with it in a ventilated area (it has a very sharp bad smell) and be sure to wear protective rubber gloves, as the liquid corrodes the skin.

Using chemical method, remember: the more ingredients in the product, the more dangerous it is for some types of plastic and for absorbent surfaces (fabric, leather, wood ...) - it is more likely that oil stains will remain instead of tape marks.

Depending on the basis of the adhesive tape, the ease of its removal from the glass base is determined, therefore, further we will consider how to wash the glass, depending on the type of adhesive tape. It is equally important to successfully deal with traces of adhesive tape, because if they are not removed, dust and dirt will subsequently accumulate on them, black spots will form.

How to remove tape from glass?

Exist different ways rubbing adhesive tape from a glass surface, the choice of which is determined based on its type.

masking tape

The easiest way to remove masking tape from glass is because it is made of paper and absorbs moisture and oil well. Before removing the masking tape, which has already been glued for a long time, it must be moistened hot water and wait until it is absorbed, after a few minutes the water will reach the glue. After the tape gets wet, it can be easily removed from the glass.

If simplest way did not help, then you can resort to other cleaning methods:

  • Use refined gasoline and ethyl acetate. Mix them in equal proportions and wipe the problem area.
  • Apply vegetable oil. Scotch tape must be lubricated with oil and wait until it is absorbed, then try to remove it with a rag dipped in oil or drying oil.
  • Apply essential oil. When working with essential oil, you must wear rubber gloves, and then proceed as with vegetable oil.

Mounting, stationery tape

Stationery and mounting types of adhesive tapes have a basis in the form aluminum foil. This film is impermeable to liquids and oils, so the previously described methods will not give the expected results. So, in order to remove mounting or stationery tape, you can use the following methods:
  • Pry off the corner of the tape with a sharp object and pull.
  • In the event that it breaks into small pieces, you need to try another method. A new one is glued onto the old adhesive tape. It is recommended to fasten them well together, as if pressing them against each other with your palms. Peel off the adhesive tape just pasted, at the same time removing the one that was glued to the glass surface.
  • An alternative method is to heat the tape with a hair dryer and then easily remove it using a safety scraper.

How to remove traces?

What traces remain from the adhesive tape? These are traces of glue, the type of which depends on the type of adhesive tape:
  • Packing and stationery tape is smeared with acrylic glue. They also cover Double-sided tape, as well as assembly, that is, construction.
  • Masking tape smeared with rubber glue.
Next, let's look at how to remove both types of tape marks:

rubber glue

The most easily removed rubber adhesive. So, if immediately after removing the mounting tape, wipe the glass with a cloth, all traces of adhesive tape will be removed. If the traces are old, you will need to use the following methods:
  • Rub the contaminated areas with a stationery eraser.
  • Treat the traces with a cloth soaked in a mixture of turpentine and R-5 solvent.
  • If to delete masking tape vegetable oil or drying oil was used, in order to wash the traces, you will need to wipe the glass with a soft cloth dipped in a degreaser. It can be the usual dishwashing detergent.

acrylic adhesive

After successfully removing the adhesive tape, you can remove the remaining adhesive using the following means:
  • Composition used in everyday life: White spirit, solvent, kerosene, gasoline.

    It must be remembered that all these liquids have odors, it is necessary to ventilate the room when using them.

  • organic compounds: vodka, ethyl alcohol, lotion, cologne, toilet water. To treat the glass surface with alcohol-containing liquids, it is necessary to attach a napkin soaked in the product to the adhesive tape for 15 minutes. Then everything must be wiped off with a dry cloth or a dry waffle towel.
  • Alkaline solutions. Can be used laundry soap. It will be necessary to prepare a soap solution in which to moisten soft tissue and apply to the glue, hold a little and try to wipe it off. These steps can be repeated several times until the traces of glue disappear completely. This method is good for those who do not tolerate strong odors.
  • caustic soda. When applied, it chemical reaction, after it the glue takes on a jelly-like consistency and is easy to remove with a dry cloth. After this procedure, no traces remain on the surface.
  • ammonia. It also removes adhesive from adhesive tape - just wipe the place with a cloth dipped in alcohol.
  • Vinegar. Any one you have on hand will do. It can be table, wine or apple cider vinegar.
  • essential oil. Tea tree oil or orange oil will help remove traces of scotch tape. The advantage is that they will not only remove glue and traces of it with ease, but the room will also smell good.
  • cleaning products. You can use products designed for washing dishes or cleaning plumbing, but better in the form of gels. Cleaning products in the apartment are also suitable: Mr. Muscle, Myth, Drop, Pemolux.
You can learn how to deal with traces of adhesive tape in the following video:

Industrial adhesive removers

The industry produces special tools for removing glue from adhesive tape from any surface:
  • The most famous - sticker remover. It removes adhesive from any surface. Issued in various types: as stick, spray and liquid. This product can be applied to different types glue.
  • The most difficult stains can be removed with Kiehl Tablefit. This tool is available in the form of a liquid, applied to a napkin with a spray bottle.
  • In just half a minute, you can remove dirt from the glue with the help of a stain remover Taygeta S-405. It is applied with a sprayer to the surface of the glass, wait a little while the glue reacts with the product and wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Traces of masking tape are removed with a tool Formula X-5. It comes in the form of a liquid.
  • Means Super CMF-240 is considered a dirt separator, but does not remove adhesive quickly enough. However, this tool is considered hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone.
  • Merida Impet- An alkaline cleaner that removes stubborn stains can be used to remove traces of glue from adhesive tape. It is applied to the contaminated surface and wait about 2-3 minutes.
  • Universal remedy Profoam 2000 can perfectly cope with the surface contaminated with glue.

What means are not desirable to use?

Glass is considered resistant material. It is not exposed to the outside, unless it is heated to a high temperature and not scratched. Therefore, in order to erase the glue, you can not use:
  • dry soda;
  • sponges with an abrasive surface;
  • scrapers and metal brushes.

All these products will scratch the surface of the glass.

Acetone and thinner are best avoided as they will dissolve the adhesive and smear it across the glass surface. Then it will not be easy to clean the glass so that it becomes transparent.

So for choosing suitable remedy you need to know what glue was used in the production of adhesive tape. But even if it is not possible to determine this, thanks to a wide choice of means and methods, it is possible to remove any tape and glue from the surface of the glass. Additionally, how to care for windows and other glass products.

Scotch tape has been successfully used in everyday life for a wide variety of needs for a very long time. It perfectly fastens, helps to quickly pack a thing, and also insulates windows. In addition, adhesive tape can be single-sided and double-sided, which expands the scope of its application. But many housewives are constantly faced with the traces that remain after this effective fixing material. Often, instead of washing the surface, some just waste time and money. Or even spoil the things to which the adhesive tape was glued. And all because they do not know what exactly can remove stains without damaging the material.

Why do tape marks remain?

The only drawback of this fastening material is the traces that remain on the surface from its use. Why do they appear? The fact is that the basis of adhesive tape is glue, with the help of which, in fact, it is kept on the surface. The appearance of spots depends on two reasons:

  • from the material to which the adhesive tape is glued;
  • from time.

It is important to understand that the softer the surface, the more difficult it will be to get rid of traces later. Glue in such material is absorbed very quickly. If you stick adhesive tape to cardboard, for example, then after removing it, the marks on the surface will be very significant. And on plastic or wood, only a barely noticeable trace of glue will remain. A lot of glue remains if the tape is stuck for quite a long time.

How to remove tape marks from furniture

Often furniture is pasted over with adhesive tape during transportation. It is very convenient. But after the furniture is delivered, the owner faces the task of cleaning it from sticky marks. You can use several methods for this:

  1. For polished furniture, it is best to use essential oil, which is not suitable for unfinished wood. The trace from the adhesive tape should be moistened with any oil and left for a few minutes to get it wet. Then everything is cleaned with a paper towel.
  2. For ordinary furniture, White Spirit solvent is suitable, which is likely to leave stains on a polished surface;
  3. Unpolished furniture can be preheated with a hair dryer to make it easier to remove the tape marks later.
  4. If the traces of adhesive tape occupy a small area, you should use a regular eraser. This procedure is very simple - just rub the stain from the adhesive tape until it disappears. After that, it remains only to wipe the place with a damp cloth. The disadvantage of this method is only in duration. Therefore, the eraser will not be able to quickly erase the glue.

Often there is a problem with sticky traces of adhesive tape remaining on the upholstery of a sofa or chair. You can remove them in several ways. First of all, you should try to wipe it off with soap solution. If this does not help, then you should take alcohol. In order not to spoil the fabric, it is better to try this method on a small area of ​​the upholstery. Next, you can apply the most effective means- solvent or alcohol. But again, before using it, you need to test the fabric for strength.

How to remove tape marks from glass and plastic

In order to get rid of traces after using adhesive tape from glass, it is enough to wipe it with a regular window cleaner. This tool can be used not only for window panes, but also for mirrors on furniture. If there are too many stains, you can use acetone or alcohol. The only thing is that they cannot wash tinted car windows. And when using such liquids, it is better to wear gloves, otherwise you can seriously damage the skin of your hands.

Recent marks can also be easily wiped out with regular baking soda. To do this, pour a teaspoon of soda with hot water. The result should be gruel. It is applied to a sponge or piece of cloth and rubbed on the glass. In the case when the glue is very old, can be purchased at the stationery store special agent to remove adhesive from glass. If there is nothing but gasoline at hand, then the glue from the glass can also be wiped off with it. This is done as follows - moisten a piece of cotton plentifully in gasoline and gently wipe the surface with it.

Traces of adhesive tape can easily appear on a plastic surface. Items made from this material great amount. These are dishes, household items, toys, furniture, etc. Therefore, a glue stain on them is the most common occurrence. However, removing them is not at all difficult. There are several methods that you should use.

  1. Solvent or gasoline perfectly copes with the cleaning of plastic objects. But it is important to remember that applying these products to plastic in in large numbers Not recommended. It is best to first try applying the solvent to small plot and see the result. If no changes have occurred, soak a cotton pad in the cleaning liquid and wipe off the traces of adhesive tape.
  2. For brittle plastic, nail polish remover can be used as it is more gentle than building thinner;
  3. Sticky stains can be easily removed from plastic with ordinary vegetable oil. And then to get rid of greasy stains on the surface, it is enough to wipe it with soapy water.
  4. Some housewives use mayonnaise instead of vegetable oil. It also softens glue stains very well;
  5. For small areas of dirt on plastic, it is worth trying a stationery eraser.
  6. In some cases, another tape helps to remove traces of adhesive tape. To do this, a new adhesive tape is glued onto the old track and it is well fixed. Then it must be very quickly and sharply peeled off the surface. If stains still remain, the procedure can be repeated several times. True, this method can only work with fresh pollution.

If traces of adhesive tape are found on the surface of the car, then you should not immediately grab the solvent and wash the glue. You should figure out what the material is made of, from which sticky stains will be removed. If it is glass, then you can try to wash it with detergents. From plastic, such traces are well removed with alcohol or with an eraser.

It is better not to put the painted surface of the car at risk using various solvents or alcohol. Otherwise, you can dissolve the varnish and paint. If the traces of adhesive tape are “fresh”, then they can be easily wiped off with vegetable oil. Sometimes it is more convenient to erase everything with gasoline or kerosene. And for older stains, motorists often use a tool such as Profam 1000. In extreme cases, such a problem can be easily dealt with at the “wash”.

How to remove duct tape from clothes

On clothes, traces of adhesive tape are less common, but if such a problem appears, then it must be addressed. Most The best way to remove sticky stains from the fabric - this is washing. But the water must be very hot, so you should pay attention to whether the fabric can withstand it. First you need to wet the stain and gently lather with soap, preferably household soap. Next, you need to leave the clothes to get wet for about an hour, and then wash. The stain should come off.

Another way is chemical solvents. But the fabric should not suffer from this remedy, so it is better to test the reaction on a small piece. There are also special liquids that are used to remove labels from clothes. They are carefully applied to the material and left for 15 minutes. Then it remains only to rinse it in warm water. This agent, like the solvent, can only be used on clothes that do not shed.

An excellent remedy that many people use when tape stains appear on clothes is baking soda. This product is in every kitchen. It is enough to dissolve a little soda in warm water and soak the fabric in it. For greater effect, it can be applied directly to the traces of adhesive tape and left for a while. Then the thing should just be washed. Often you have to wash the remnants of glue from leather clothes. There are several ways to quickly deal with this:

  • dirt on the skin should be wiped with table vinegar, and then washed off with ordinary soap;
  • soap solution;
  • remove traces of adhesive tape with a cotton swab dipped in solvent;
  • with the help of another adhesive tape - sticking it on the stain and abruptly tearing it off.

How to remove marks from double-sided tape

Double-sided tape is much stronger than stationery tape, so it is much harder to remove traces of it. And the material to which the tape is glued can be seriously damaged in the process. To avoid this, you should follow simple rules:

  1. If the surface to be cleaned is not damaged by high temperatures, hot air can be used. Pollution must be properly heated with a hairdryer so that the adhesive from the adhesive tape can be wiped off with a rag.
  2. In the case when the material should never be strongly heated, you can try to wipe the stains with vegetable oil. To do this, pour a little oil on a small piece of soft cloth and wipe the surface with it. Then everything is washed off with soapy water.
  3. Great for removing marks from double sided tape chemicals used by many in everyday life. You can choose washing liquids that are used in industry. They will cope with any stains, including glue.

Before you begin the procedure for removing stains from adhesive tape, you need to determine the surface material. Otherwise, you can seriously damage an expensive item due to a few barely noticeable traces of glue. If there is no certainty that the item will not suffer, it is better to start cleaning with harmless means, such as detergents or vegetable oil. Then you do not have to regret the damaged surface of the cabinet or refrigerator.

Video: how to remove traces of glue from stickers, advertising and adhesive tape

Due to its versatile qualities, plastic is the basis for the manufacture of a lot of things, including children's toys and furniture. Scotch tape is also made from it - a flexible tape on which adhesive layer. Sometimes they come into conflict. Something is glued to a plastic surface with adhesive tape or things are glued together. When the need for gluing is gone, unpleasant sticky residues remain on the surfaces. Every housewife should know how to remove traces of adhesive tape on plastic: the information will certainly come in handy.

Basic Rules

What not to do in the fight against adhesive traces:

  • use finely dispersed materials: they themselves will stick to the traces and will interfere with their removal;
  • use metal scrapers: the plastic will be scratched;
  • overdo it with solvents: the plastic will dissolve along with the glue.

Remember: the fresher the sticky residue, the easier it is to remove.

Important! Abrasive powders, hard brushes, corrosive chemicals are contraindicated for plastic.

How to wash glue from adhesive tape from plastic - improvised means

Before starting the cleaning procedure, they find out how durable the plastic is, what are its performance characteristics whether it will withstand aggressive means of influence.

In simple ways, fresh traces and old ones that have not been absorbed are removed without problems. The adhesive base penetrates the plastic and becomes part of it with regular heating, long exposure to the sun or near heating appliances. IN advanced cases you will have to think about how to wash the marks with aggressive compounds without damaging the plastic thing.


Fresh traces of adhesive tape can be removed with hot water and soap. The glue dissolves when high temperature and the soap helps keep it from sticking again. Hot soapy water and a sponge clean well even smooth surfaces. The soap then needs to be washed off with clean water.


The glue will instantly dissolve under the action of alcohol. Therefore, the adhesive tape is simply washed with a cotton swab dipped in it. The only "but" - alcohol dissolves plastic. Not all types of plastic will remain intact after treatment with alcohol, ammonia, liquids containing alcohol. Do not overdo it, otherwise unsightly white spots will appear on the surface of the material, and the gloss will disappear.

Vegetable oil

They use not only vegetable, but any other (except technical). The oil dissolves the adhesive well. Lubricate the glue with oil, wait 30-60 seconds, then wash everything with a cotton swab.


A simple rubber band works on the principle of a glue collector, simply pulling particles of the latter onto itself. Rubbing may take a long time. It is better to throw away the eraser afterwards.

Nail polish remover

And also gasoline, acetone, white spirit. All four products are aggressive solvents and are able to remove traces of adhesive tape along with top layer plastic. In addition, leave pieces of cotton wool or particles of a rag on the corroded surface. Therefore, they are used in extreme cases (when plastic is not a pity).

table vinegar

Vinegar 9%, not acetic acid, is applied to the mark and wiped off with a dry paper towel after 20-30 minutes. Then the place is washed with soap. Might not work with old footprints.


Soda is an abrasive powder, but it will effectively help wash off traces of adhesive tape. The main thing is not to rub too hard. Soda is diluted with a few drops of water to a gruel state, superimposed on stains. After 2-3 minutes, the slurry is washed off with a dry cloth along with contamination. Pemolux and other soda-containing powders should not be used this way.


Try to deal with the remaining glue with a small piece of tape itself. Just stick it on the dirt and tear off abruptly.

Dishwashing gel

You can remove the glue with hot water with a few drops of dishwashing gel and a sponge diluted in it. Then the plastic is washed with clean water.

hair dryer

How to remove tape marks or dried-on pieces of old duct tape? Hot jet hair dryer. It will not destroy the adhesive, but the structure of the adhesive tape will become more amenable to cleaning. The adhesive base is heated properly and unnecessary is removed with a dry cotton pad.

The proposed method is indispensable when it comes to double-sided tape. After all, it contains, in addition to acrylic, hard-to-clean rubber and foam materials.

shift temperature regime Not every plastic will survive without loss of aesthetic qualities - keep this in mind. Building hair dryer for household cleaning it is better not to use it, it is too hot, it will melt the plastic.

Important! For automotive plastics that are not resistant to solvents and alcohols, do not use household chemicals.

How to remove traces of adhesive tape from plastic - household chemicals

Chemical solvents will effectively help wipe off traces of adhesive tape. It is necessary to work with them in gloves, protect the eyes, respiratory organs, and ventilate the room well.

Window cleaners

Such chemistry will allow you to wash traces of adhesive tape only if there is alcohol or acetone in the composition. Products that, according to advertising, “take care of handles, but wash windows perfectly”, will not help here, since they are only intended to remove dirt and grease from glass, and the adhesive base adheres too tightly to plastic.

Means "anti-scotch"

Stationery stores sell a special tool that cleans marks from various plastic surfaces when office work. Why not use it at home and in the car.

In hardware stores, they purchase the composition in spray cans or bottles to remove stickers.


We are talking about antistatic agents for LCD matrices and computer equipment, but not for clothes. These are alcohol wipes or aerosols. The effect of each specific drug is first tested in an inconspicuous place. Still alcohol.

Sticker Remover

Available in the form of pencils, liquid, aerosol can. For adhesive tape, the second and third options are preferred. In the first, some of the glue may remain on the pencil or the hard particles will scratch the plastic.

Kiehl Tablefit

Expensive tool, but takes volume and low consumption. Effective against many stubborn stains. The adhesive trace is wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with liquid.

Taygeta S-405

Allows you to remove the remaining adhesive tape in a minute. The product is bottled with a sprayer. Spray on the traces, after 20-30 seconds, wash with a dry cloth.


Kosmofen 10 or Kosmofen 20 is a special non-dissolving plastic cleaner for hard PVC profiles. The number is the index of concentration. For domestic purposes, 10 is suitable. This is the "stink" that builders use when installing plastic windows. Perfectly cleans any traces from plastic, including adhesive tape. Sold in hardware stores and hardware stores. The only downside is the disgusting smell.

Important! Glossy plastic surfaces should not be treated with strong solvents, it is better to use oil.

  • When buying a new household appliances ask the seller to remove traces of adhesive tape. The store has special liquids and devices for stripping household goods from glue.
  • Before packing plastic parts it is better to wrap them with rags or paper with tape, so as not to wash the traces later.
  • If none of the above is at hand, use a drill with a rubber nozzle as an eraser.
  • Any agent with suspected aggression to plastic must first be tested in an inconspicuous place of the same thing.
  • Finding tape marks on plastic is best before they become saturated with dust and become unattractive black blobs.
  • Masking tape is best removed in the cold, and double-sided, on the contrary, requires heating.
  • Do not scrape the adhesive tape with your fingernails. It is not good for the hands and will not help the cause.

Knowing how to clean plastic from adhesive tape, mothers do not spend much time cleaning children's toys and tables, housewives are not afraid of repairs, nerves are in order, and life does not crush the burden of everyday problems.

Double-sided tape is a functional and useful item that has found wide application in the household. That's just with its removal from furniture, car, glass and other surfaces, some difficulties may arise. To make it easier for you, I will talk about popular and effective ways to remove adhesive and traces of it.

How to get rid of tape without a trace

Which double-sided tape is the strongest, we do not need to know. But how to remove it and wash off the remaining glue with various surfaces, I'll tell you now.

5 ways to remove tape

Delete double sided tape sometimes very problematic. But I offer you several proven ways to remove double-sided tape.

Illustration Instruction

Method 1. Stationery knife

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about how to remove double-sided tape is a knife. The blade can gently pry off the base of the adhesive tape and separate it from any surface.

Method 2. Drill / screwdriver

To remove the adhesive tape from the surface, buy a special rubber nozzle disc at the hardware store (the price for it is very affordable). Install it on a drill and at low speeds remove the adhesive tape.

Method 3. White spirit

This substance will help with the removal of both the tape itself and the sticky residue left after it.

Soak an old rag in the liquid and gently rub the sticky area, after which it will not be difficult to wipe it off.

White Spirit - great helper how to remove double sided tape from plastic But for delicate surfaces or painted products, it is not suitable.

Method 4. Dryer

You can also remove adhesive tape from furniture with a household or building hair dryer.

Warm the surface well, and then remove with a plastic spatula. For glasses, it is better not to use this method, otherwise you risk deforming the surface.

Method 5. Masking tape

Removing the tape with masking tape is easy. You need to act quickly but carefully.

Firmly press the tape against the product, without releasing its edge from your fingers. Slowly pull it towards you, it will come off along with the tape.

4 Methods for Removing Adhesive Residue

Figuring out how to remove duct tape from a car, furniture or other surfaces and doing it is only half the battle. Do not forget about the noticeable trace from acrylic adhesive, which is responsible for the stickiness of the product.

To deal with stickiness, you can resort to one of these methods:

Illustration Instructions for action

Option 1. Vegetable oil

Soak in vegetable oil clean rag and rub it well on the stained area. Wait a few hours (12 is best) and without special efforts wipe off the adhesive.

Option 2. Stationery eraser

A stationery eraser will help remove traces of glue. Rub the dirt well with it and remove the spools that appear.

This method is popular - it helps equally well to get rid of the adhesive trace on plastic, glass or lacquered furniture with your own hands.

Option 3. Glass cleaner

If a regular cleaner does not work, try using a more powerful tool sold in car dealerships (example in the photo).

Option 4: Acetone, alcohol or thinner

Adhesive tape, as well as the sticky trace from it, are not resistant to acidic substances. Soak a cotton swab or rag in the liquid and treat the contamination with it.

  • Choose an alternative. Instead of heating the surface with a hair dryer, you can leave it under direct sunbeams for a couple of hours.
  • Get ready for paint restoration. If you choose how to wipe double-sided tape from a car or other painted products, then be prepared for the fact that removing the tape can lead to a slight, but still noticeable color change.


Now you know simple but effective methods how to remove double-sided tape and its traces from various surfaces. Take action! You can find some more instructions in the video in this article. Share your experience or proven methods for removing adhesive tape in the comments.