How to design a threshold for a balcony. Making a threshold for a balcony door: what material to choose

From the author: Why do you think a plastic threshold for a balcony door is needed? And is it needed at all? And does it have to be plastic? This is what we will talk about in our article. And in addition, you will learn how to repair and/or install a plastic threshold in front of the balcony door.

Essence of the question

Before we begin to directly discuss the topic, let's briefly highlight the essence of the issue regarding plastic (or any other). Why is it needed and is it possible to do without it?

If you decide to level and insulate the floor on the balcony by screeding or installing wooden logs, - then the floor on your balcony will naturally rise. The height that it “reaches” can be different (up to 20 cm). However, now this is not so important to us. The important thing is that it should not exceed the height of the floor in the adjacent room. Theoretically, this is, of course, possible, but there is no practical sense in it.

Some craftsmen mistakenly believe that a concrete (or whatever) threshold serves as a guide for raising the floor. But no, no, and again - no! It is not the threshold that serves as a guide, but the floor and only the floor in the adjacent room. And nothing else.

Theoretically, this threshold can be dismantled to create a feeling of a single space with the room. If you really want, you can even connect the balcony with the kitchen, living room, bedroom or other room. There is a separate article about this on our website. If dismantling the threshold does not cause freezing of the ceiling (this is bad, first of all, for your neighbors below), and in general, if this threshold does not play any role, then it can be dismantled without unnecessary regrets and fears. Unless, of course, you want to visually combine two spaces: a balcony and a room.

But we are talking about exactly the situation where a threshold is provided. We keep talking and talking about some kind of threshold, but what exactly we are discussing is not entirely clear. At least if I were a person reading this article who has never inserted plastic windows, and in general - I didn’t deal with repairs and construction - it would not be entirely clear to me what we were talking about. And the value of information lies not only in /what/ is said, but first of all in /how/ it is said/written. That is, the main thing is accuracy and clarity.

Let us now bring this necessary clarity. The fact is that often a plastic door to a balcony is, in fact, the same window, only larger. And it functions on the same principle as windows. Only, as a rule, the door does not have a “ventilation” function. Although, if desired, you can not add this function to the windows, and you can safely add it to the door. However, this is not particularly important for us now.

The important thing is that the very concept of “metal balcony” plastic door"- conditionally. Technically, this threshold is the lower part of the metal-plastic frame. There is nothing to say about this part of the door. At least in the context of our conversation.

And the article is about that concrete elevation that is located at the junction of the room and the balcony. At the final stage repair work we have to decide the question of how to install the balcony door threshold. Technically, making such a threshold is not as difficult as it seems. At least if you have already done most of the work, then you have passed the most difficult stage. Therefore, the threshold for you is a mere trifle.

Throughout the text we will look at four traditional way threshold construction, but, as we understand, improvisation in the repair and construction business can be very appropriate. It all depends on how expedient and functional it is, and, in fact, the threshold can be made even from the computer keyboard with which this text was typed. But will this happen? non-standard solution practical and durable - the big question.

Each of the four methods described in the review has proven its reliability and practicality, so we will not argue that some of them are better and some are worse. You just need to choose the option that best suits the design and style of the interior. After all, if the interior is designed, say, in the style of Hi-Tech or minimalism, a wooden threshold will look inharmonious and conspicuous, creating an unpleasant contrast. Again, you need to look at the situation and strive to create harmony in the interior. Let's get started.

Method 1. Brick threshold

This solution is popular these days. It is appropriate to use brick if:

  • The height between the base and the frame of the balcony door is too high. Often it is compensated by the laid bricks. In this case, these bricks must be laid securely and evenly. Then the rest of the space will be laid out quite easily;
  • the threshold is badly damaged and is literally crumbling. Naturally, the problem can be solved in another way, but bricks can also be used in this situation. Moreover, it is quite effective.

It is worth noting that the use of brick will be possible only if the height of the difference is greater than the height of the brick itself (that is, more than 6.5 cm) - at least by several sentiments. The main thing is that the threshold is not higher door frame- and you didn’t have to redo the work.

Take note: if you want the solution to harden as quickly as possible, you can add a little gypsum to its composition (up to 10%). But if you overdo it, it will start to harden too quickly. Perhaps it will harden even before the work is officially completed, and we don’t need this; besides, there is absolutely no need for unnecessary haste in this matter.

Here are the tools we will need to bring our idea to life:

  • drill mixer;
  • bucket. Metal is better, because plastic may not withstand the blows of the mixer and may break. This happened only once in my memory, so I will share my experience with you and emphasize that such an outcome is possible. But if you are confident in the strength of a plastic bucket, feel free to use it;
  • two spatulas: wide and narrow. Using the wide one, we will collect the solution from the bucket and then transfer it to the narrow one. We will apply the solution narrowly to the surface. In principle, a spatula can also replace a mason's trowel. The amount of work is relatively small, so you will be equally comfortable (or not comfortable) working with any tool;
  • bushhammer. It may not be needed, but most likely it will come in handy. It makes it easy to cut pieces the right size from solid bricks. The fact is that, perhaps, in some places it will be necessary to lay not a whole brick, but only a fragment of it. For a perfectly even cut, you can also use a grinder. But the trick is that we don’t need a perfectly even cut, and cutting with a grinder will create a lot of noise and dust;
  • building level;
  • construction float for grinding. But this is not necessary. Depends on which finishing method will be chosen subsequently.

WITH necessary materials and we figured out the tools. Now let's look at how you can implement your plan - and build a brick threshold:

  • Clean the surface from dust and small debris and, if possible, level it. If there are sagging foam protruding beyond the edges, it must be carefully, if possible, cut off with a sharp knife;

  • Apply a layer of penetrating primer and let it soak in. This will take no more than a couple of hours;
  • prepare a solution. This must be done exactly as indicated on the package. The main thing here is not to overdo it with water and plaster. The composition should not be too thick, but not very liquid either. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream;
  • Apply the mortar in the place where the brick will subsequently be laid; the end sides of the brick should also be applied with the mixture so that the mixture is also contained inside the seams. This is how you lay the bricks. Since brickwork is done in one layer, this process does not involve anything complicated;
  • if necessary, break off a piece of the required size from the brick and insert it into the right place according to the same principle by which the entire masonry was done.

The evenness of the threshold is an important indicator, so when laying, use a building level to check and adjust. After the masonry has been laid, the surface should be covered thin layer mortar, and mount the same corner, pre-cut to size, on the corner. In order for the surface to be perfectly flat (or close to it), after the solution has dried, it must be rubbed with a construction float. This tool looks like this:

We’ll talk about how and what to finish the threshold on the balcony later. There are also several options available that are in no way inferior to each other. Again, the choice depends on the style chosen for interior decoration.

Method 2. Filling the solution

This method is appropriate if the threshold just needs to be raised a little. To a height that is less than the height of the brick (6.5 cm). But in some cases it can be used regardless of how high the threshold is supposed to be mounted. This method is quite popular, and, according to many builders, it is more convenient and faster than the previous one.

From building materials we need:

  • cement-sand mixture M-150. It is perfect for these purposes; moreover, it is relatively inexpensive. At the current exchange rate - ≈100 ₽ – 1 bag (50 kg);
  • penetrating primer and brush for applying it;
  • board for constructing formwork. Its thickness should be ≈25 mm, its length should be ≈10 cm greater than the width of the doorway (10 cm on each side), and the height should be that which is necessary (depending on how high the finished threshold should be);

Here is a small list of tools that will be useful to us during our work:

  • a bucket (metal) in which the solution will be mixed (or other suitable container);
  • drill mixer;
  • putty knife;
  • construction float for grinding the surface.

The work of filling the threshold occurs according to the following scheme:

  • preparation of the base. It is necessary to remove all small (and large, respectively) debris, cut off the protruding polyurethane foam, apply a layer of penetrating primer to the surface;
  • installation of formwork. To do this, the board needs to be installed across the passage with its edge - and securely fixed. Any heavy object is suitable for fixing: bricks, a bag of mortar, and so on;
  • preparing the solution strictly according to the instructions;
  • filling. If the layer is thick enough - 10–15 cm - then you can place it in the thickness of the concrete construction garbage- fragments of bricks or ceramics, crushed stone can also be used. If it is possible to lay reinforcement, great! Nobody says to knit a full-fledged reinforcing belt. You don't have to connect anything at all. Moreover, it is not necessary to use exactly the same corrugated reinforcement that is usually used when pouring. As we have already mentioned, improvisation would be quite appropriate: any metal products will do - even pipe scraps and other old plumbing fittings, even metal grid, even fragments of old equipment. In general, any metal will do. This makes the structure more durable and reliable;

  • after the top layer has dried, grout with a construction float (as, indeed, in the first case).

ABOUT finishing let's talk later. In the meantime, we are waiting for a third option to resolve the issue.

Method 3. Installation of a threshold from a plastic window sill

This method is quite simple to implement and, just like the previous two, will not require large financial costs. But it is worth taking into account one important nuance: if the quality of the window sill from which we are going to make a threshold is low, then such a window sill threshold will crack very soon, so the work will have to be redone. And this is not the best outcome of events. Don't forget that you have to step on this window sill. As an option, you can fill the space between the stiffeners with a solution. Can. But it’s better, after all, to just buy a high-quality window sill.

So, for work we need:

  • actually, a plastic window sill of the required length and width;
  • a container of polyurethane foam and a “gun”;
  • silicone sealant;
  • saw for cutting plastic window sill;
  • window sill plugs. But they may not be needed if the width of the window sill does not extend beyond the border of the slope;
  • stops made of bars (again, if such a need arises).

Here's how to do the job:

  • cleaning the work surface from small debris;
  • measuring and trimming the window sill. Please note that you need to cut precisely. It is highly undesirable to make a mistake here;
  • try on the cut window sill and determine the height to which it needs to be raised. If the difference is insignificant - say, 1–1.5 cm, it can be immediately placed on foam. If the height is greater, you need to place bars;
  • applying polyurethane foam to the work surface. Just don't put it on too much. Please note that it tends to swell before it hardens. Therefore, if there is an excess of it, it can either lift the structure up (if the window sill is poorly pressed or not pressed at all), or due to swelling, the window sill will go in waves, and this looks extremely unaesthetic;
  • pressing the window sill with an evenly distributed load and leaving it for about a day so that the mounting foam can dry and fix our window sill (which has already safely become a threshold). For additional fixation, you can use self-tapping screws, but in this case there will be little point in them. Foam will perfectly fix almost any object;
  • sealing cracks along the edges using white silicone sealant. This product will protect the structure from moisture from outside;
  • installation of plugs, which can also be fixed with silicone.

The threshold-window sill must lie flat, so before distributing the load on it and leaving it for 24 hours, check its position using bubble level- and if necessary, adjust.

Method 4. Wooden threshold

Depending on the shade in which your flooring is designed, you can choose a type of wood that will blend harmoniously with overall design interior And if the interior contains elements from natural wood(let's say it's country style), this threshold is just what the doctor ordered. Or a designer.

Here are the materials we will need during the work process:

  • actually, a sanded board (or several boards) treated with an antiseptic;
  • several blocks to create a base.

The tools we will need are:

  • hammer drill;
  • fastenings (dowels/screws);
  • liquid Nails;
  • electric saw/electric jigsaw for cutting wood;
  • Possibly polyurethane foam.

Installation procedure wooden threshold may be the same as during installation plastic window sill. As we remember, almost anything can be placed on polyurethane foam. But you can do it differently. Here are the steps the alternative method will include:

  • preparation of the working surface: cleaning, primer treatment;
  • construction of a frame from bars of the required height. This mini-frame should be fixed with dowels and screws;
  • securing the board. As we remember, it can be fixed using polyurethane foam, but you can also resort to fixing it with self-tapping screws;
  • installation of wooden corners around the perimeter. It is convenient to use liquid nails to secure these corners.

In addition, depending on the situation, you can use a plastic floor plinth. For example, after renovating your room, you were left with pieces of this plinth of different lengths. Now you know where they can be used.

Instead of a whole board, you can use pieces wooden lining(for example, if they were left after covering the balcony). If you decide to use OSB, then this element must be coated with a special varnish; if it is wood, you can resort to using stain and, as in the case of OSB, a special paintwork. This is how we gradually approached the consideration of finishing options. Now we will talk about them.

Finish options

It goes without saying that a floor covering should be laid on a threshold made of concrete or brickwork. Although, perhaps, it should be placed on a wooden threshold. In any case, all options are good foundation for laying any finishing coating.

So, we will consider several options for the development of events.

Option 1. Tiling

The tile will fit perfectly on brickwork or at concrete base. Here's what you need to do to properly tile the threshold:

  • apply a primer to the surface to increase adhesion;
  • while it is absorbed - calculate the location of the tiles and perform necessary measurements. The tiles should lie evenly and symmetrically;
  • prepare the tiles for laying. To cut the tiles evenly, use a tile cutter or a regular grinder;

  • prepare tile adhesive according to the instructions on the package;
  • apply the prepared composition to back side tiles using a notched trowel;
  • To ensure that the grout joints run smoothly, use special plastic joint crosses. The width of the seam should be from two to four millimeters;
  • fill the grout joint with a fugue, which will protect the material from moisture and give the work a finished look.

Keep in mind that the presence of seams when laying tiles is mandatory (!) It’s not easy decorative element. These seams prevent cracking and peeling of the material from the working surface due to temperature changes. Essentially, this is the same delatation gap. Simply put, this is the play that allows the tiles to expand freely as the temperature rises.

If desired, you can also tile part of the wall under the threshold - depending on your design solution and the possibility of bringing it into reality. Read more about working with tiles in another article: “”. If you have a question: “What does the wall have to do with it?!”, I will answer: the principle of working with tiles is almost always the same, regardless of the plane in which the action takes place. Enough about the tiles. Now let's move on to the next option.

Option 2. Laying flooring

The second option can be summarized by calling it “flooring installation.” But floor coverings are different. First, let's look at the laminate trim on the threshold. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  • necessary measurements;
  • cutting the laminate according to measurements. As a rule, one board is quite sufficient. For cutting, you can use either a hacksaw or a jigsaw. The main thing is not to cut off extra centimeters, so as not to spoil the board;
  • fixing the laminated board to the surface using liquid nails;
  • fixing the corner. These are usually sold in construction stores in the department floor coverings.

In addition to laminate, you can attach other flooring to the threshold. For example, linoleum carpet or vinyl tiles(art vinyl™). This option is even simpler, since the materials mentioned are quite soft and can be cut using ordinary stationery knife. Plus, you won't need big piece, and in a hardware store you can choose a small fragment from the remnants (scraps) that come various sizes, and are usually sold at a discount. The smaller the fragment of flooring in area, the greater the discount on it. Some are sold for only 20% (or even less) of the cost for square meter roll coverings.

If you decide to use linoleum/carpet, simply take measurements and then trim the excess from a piece of flooring according to these measurements. Then simply glue it to the surface using linoleum and carpet adhesive. But if you have liquid nails or other glue at your disposal, use it. After all, buying a bucket of special glue (even a small one) just to glue such a small piece is impractical. When the covering is glued, fill the corner, which will protect the protrusion from damage during operation.


So we found out what to do if the threshold at the plastic door to the balcony or loggia suddenly breaks. In any case, you have an idea of ​​what and how it can be made. Thank you for reading the article. I hope you found it useful.

The site also contains other articles that relate to more global topics regarding repair and construction. For example, there is information on how to combine a kitchen with a balcony, how to decorate and insulate the ceiling, walls, floors on balconies and loggias, as well as others useful materials, thanks to which you will learn how to arrange a balcony space with your own hands with minimal financial costs. All the best, dear reader. See you again at Seberemont!

P.S. To visualize the process, check out the video below.

After installing the new one balcony door, there is a need to manufacture a threshold. At first you might think that there is nothing complicated about this, but when you start to figure it out, you will realize that there are a lot of nuances. Accordingly, today we will talk about how to make a threshold on the balcony with your own hands. It will be difficult for an inexperienced person at first. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow the advice of more experienced builders, and then everything will work out, the main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

DIY threshold to the balcony

The threshold to the balcony has two functions. The first is aesthetic, that is, a door with a beautiful threshold looks much better. The second function is insulating. Thanks to it, less cold penetrates into the house in winter.

The threshold to the balcony can be made from:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • bricks (it is better to use silicate);
  • properly cooked cement-sand mortar.


Working on the threshold

Removing a threshold is much easier than building a new one, but there are some nuances here too. Wooden crafts dismantling it is not at all difficult, but if it was made of brick, then everything is much more complicated. You need to do everything as carefully as possible, since you will have to use a hammer and chisel. If these tools don’t help, then it’s time to use the hammer drill.

IMPORTANT!!! In places near the wall, it is better to work with a grinder with an attachment for working with stone. If the disk is missing in some places, then we try to work with the previously mentioned hammer and chisel. The work is quite dusty, so we recommend purchasing a respirator and construction glasses.

Brick threshold

High threshold in doorway balcony block

Most often, a brick threshold on a balcony is used in cases where the level of the balcony block is much higher than the floor level. Thanks to the brick, namely its thickness, this difference can be easily and quickly eliminated, thereby saving money on sand-cement mortar. The cladding is made either of laminate or ceramic tiles. Make sure that the brick is not too high, otherwise the door will not open.

Related article: Japanese curtains to the kitchen: design features

To build a brick threshold we need:

  1. Putty knife
  2. Roulette
  3. Hammer
  4. Gypsum mixture
  5. Metal lighthouse
  6. Perforated corner
  7. Drill
  8. Drill attachment “mixer”
  9. Sand
  10. Cement
  11. Sand-lime brick

To begin with, it is advisable to tidy up, ideally wash the floor. After cleaning, we begin to prime everything. The primer helps improve adhesion. We advise you to choose a soil mixture that, after drying, leaves a slight roughness.

Do-it-yourself high threshold in the doorway

Next, mix sand and cement in the proportion of 1 part cement + 3 parts sand. To make the solution set faster, add isogypsum or satengypsum to the resulting mixture. The mixer attachment in tandem with the drill will thoroughly mix all the ingredients.

Take a spatula and evenly apply the mixture to the primed area and the edges of the bricks. This way the bricks will adhere not only to the floor, but also to each other.

A perforated corner is placed on the corner of the bricks, and a beacon is placed on the door. They are fixed with the same mortar as bricks; there should be no void anywhere.

Plastic threshold

Balcony door threshold

The plastic balcony threshold looks great, but has a relatively short service life. Installing a plastic threshold takes no more than one day. All the work consists of installing parts on the profile using self-tapping screws. We recommend using polyurethane foam for the layer.

The most the best material For the manufacture of plastic thresholds, PVC window sills are considered to be well-known and available in almost every hardware store. They are strong enough to support a person's weight. With a beautiful threshold, the door looks completely different.

Wooden threshold on the balcony

DIY threshold to the balcony

The biggest advantage of a wooden threshold is that it practically does not allow cold air to pass through. If it is additionally insulated with high-quality mineral wool, the effect will be even better.

To begin with, let's take wooden blocks and assemble the sheathing from them. It will have to be firmly screwed to the floor. For cladding, use a pressed board wood shavings. It can easily withstand heavy loads without deformation.

September 9, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The threshold to the balcony is the place where two different rooms, and in this area there are very often significant differences height. If you do not refine this part of the structure and make it more convenient for use, then you risk stumbling over a protruding door frame for years.

It is much easier, after installing the balcony block, to build a comfortable and safe platform or even steps (this also happens if the height difference is too large), this is what I will talk about in the review.

Work options

From the title it is clear that I will talk about four options for carrying out the work, each of them has proven its reliability, so you need to choose the one that best suits your design. And the surrounding interior should be taken into account, because if you have wood trim, then installing plastic is at least unwise.

Method 1 - building a brick threshold

This option was previously used everywhere, in Soviet time no one came up with it at all simple solutions: “Since everyone is laying brick, it means it’s right,” the developers reasoned and built a threshold for the balcony from this material.

But even today this solution is often used; it is most suitable in the following situations:

  • When the height difference between the balcony door frame and the opening is very large. Often installers lay down a brick when installing a balcony block, in this case ask them to position it so that it stands level, and you can then lay the rest of the space without problems;

  • If the opening is severely damaged and its strength is of concern, this happens in old houses. It’s easier to lay the threshold with a brick; it will definitely strengthen the plane, and it will not crack and crumble under loads.

This work option can only be used if the difference is at least a few centimeters greater than the height of the brick. You will need to level the surface and then finish it, and if the height is not enough, then your threshold may be higher than the door frame.

For work we will need the following materials:

Brick Most often you need several pieces, many advise using the silicate version, but, in my opinion, other types are no worse. The strength of any of the types is enough for the eyes; it will withstand much more than the weight of a person
Masonry mortar I could advise you to buy cement, dig up sand and mix the solution yourself, but it is much easier to buy a bag ready-made composition, which just needs to be diluted with water and used for its intended purpose. The price of a bag weighing 25 kg is approximately 250 rubles, and we don’t need more
Perforated corner We need a piece to level the corner, but the corner is sold only in pieces of 2.5-3 meters, we will have to buy a whole one. The cost of this product is cheap, so you will not incur large expenses
Primer It can be used to pre-treat the surface if it is too loose. Also, the primer is applied to the finished result after the solution has dried, this is necessary to strengthen the surface, sand stops coming from it, and absorbency decreases

In order for the solution to harden faster, you can add a little (10-15%) gypsum; no more is needed. If you overdo it, you will have to work hard with the solution, and most likely it will harden faster than you can use it.

We can’t do without a tool:

  • To prepare the solution you need a container and a drill with a mixer attachment. But, as a last resort, we can do without a power tool, then we will need a strong stick with which we will vigorously stir the mixture;
  • The mortar can be applied to the brick either with a mason's trowel or with a spatula; the amount of work is small, so use what you have. It is convenient to use a spatula to level the surface at the end of work; this is also important;
  • Most likely, in some places you will have to put pieces of brick; the easiest way is to beat it to the required size with a mason’s hammer; we don’t need perfect accuracy, but there won’t be a column of dust, as when cutting with a grinder;

Instructions on how to make a threshold on a balcony look like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the base of debris and dust; if there are sagging solutions, protruding areas and protrusions on it, then they need to be removed. Try to prepare the surface as best as possible - the smoother it is, the easier it will be for you to carry out the work. If there are sagging foam, then they must be carefully and evenly cut off with a sharp construction knife;

  • Then the masonry mortar is prepared, this is done as described in the instructions on the package, everything is very simple, and the main thing is to maintain the proportions of water and mixture. It is important to mix the mass well so that there are no lumps or unmixed areas left in it, it should be uniform;
  • The mortar is applied under the base of the brick. After which it needs to be spread on end side so that the seams are also filled with the mixture. The laying is carried out in one layer, so there is nothing complicated in the work - lay an even layer and carefully press the elements;

  • If necessary, the brick is beaten with a pick to the required size, here you need to look at the situation. The surface is covered with a layer of mortar, a corner is placed on the corner, level it with a spatula to achieve best result. When the surface dries, it can be slightly moistened and leveled with a foam float, so the plane will become almost perfect.

At this point the process is over, our threshold is ready, I will tell you below how it can be finished.

Method 2 – filling the threshold with solution

The device of this type of design differs from the one described above. It is suitable for cases where the level needs to be raised, but the height smaller size bricks Honestly, I use this option almost always when I need to raise the plane; I find it simpler and faster.

To work we need the following:

  • Cement-sand mixture brand M-150, it is very convenient for pouring screeds and it is inexpensive - about 100 rubles for a 50-kilogram bag;

  • To construct the formwork, we need a board of the required height, 25 mm thick, its length should be slightly larger than the width of the opening in which we will fill the threshold.

The tools you need are a container for stirring the solution, a spatula and a grater for final leveling.

The work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, you need to clean the base from dirt and cut off the mounting foam if it sticks out. There is no need to beat off protruding areas; if the surface is very crumbly, you can walk over it with a primer;

  • Then you need to install the formwork, the board is simply pressed tightly against the wall and fixed with any heavy object - a tile, a bag of mixture, etc.;
  • The solution is prepared as indicated on the package; its consistency, in fact, is not important, but you should not add a lot of water, as the mixture will turn out to be too liquid;
  • If the layer of mortar is thick, then stones are placed in the cavity, broken brick, crushed stone or concrete chips . The layer should not be higher than the level of the future threshold; if the thickness of the fill is small, then you can do without filler;
  • The solution is poured carefully so that it fills the entire volume and reaches the level we require. The surface is leveled with a spatula, and excess composition, if any, is also removed;

  • After the surface has dried (in an hour or two), you need to moisten it and rub it with a grater., so you get a flat surface, the side that is adjacent to the board, and so it will be smooth.

Again, I’ll tell you about the finishing below.

Method 3 – threshold from a plastic window sill

This option is good for its simplicity and low cost. But there is one important nuance: if the window sill is of poor quality, it will quickly break when people move around, and you will have to replace it. But if you buy a good option, there will be no problems.

To work we need the following:

  • Plastic window sill of the required length and width;
  • Polyurethane foam for gluing the element;
  • Sealant for filling joints;
  • End plates for side faces;
  • Blocks for stops (if necessary).

A plastic threshold from a window sill is made as follows:

  • The base is cleaned of dust and dirt, excess foam is cut off;
  • The opening is measured and the window sill is cut according to the profile we need.. Do not cut too much at once, it is better to fit the element as accurately as possible, it is undesirable to make mistakes;
  • The element is tried on, you need to determine to what height it needs to be raised; if the difference is small, then you can put the threshold on foam, but if the height is more than 1 cm, then it is better to place bars or plastic plates under the structure at the required level;

  • Then polyurethane foam is applied in an even layer; there is no need to put too much of it, as it expands during polymerization and can lift our structure. The threshold is carefully glued to the surface and pressed with a weight to hold it in the desired position;

  • After the foam has hardened, it is worth inspecting our structure; if there are cracks at the joints, then they need to be sealed with white silicone, it will protect the space under the threshold from moisture. The ends are closed with special plugs, and the work is completed.

On the Internet, I often saw advice to screw the threshold with self-tapping screws, in my opinion, this is at least frivolous: there is simply nowhere to screw in the hardware, concrete is not the best base for them. And I have no doubts about the strength of the fastening without self-tapping screws.

Method 4 - constructing a wooden threshold

This option is good in the appropriate setting, if you have wooden trim or the room is decorated in rustic style and other similar areas. To work we need the following:

  • Board or others wooden elements for the construction of a threshold;
  • A couple of bars to create a base for the threshold.

Let's figure out how to install such a structure:

  • First of all, as always, the base is cleaned and all unnecessary is removed;
  • Next, you need to build a frame, it is made from bars of a tedious height; if necessary, they can be trimmed or, conversely, slats can be placed under them to create a flat plane at the level we require;
  • Using a hammer drill, holes are drilled in the base and block, into which dowels are then inserted. quick installation the required length and screws are driven in to secure the structure. It should be smooth solid foundation under the future threshold;
  • Next, our board for the threshold is placed; it can be fixed around the perimeter with screws or nails. In the future, all joints will be closed wooden corner and no fasteners will be visible. The easiest way to glue corners is with liquid nails;

  • You can assemble a balcony threshold from clapboard; to do this, it is cut into pieces of the required length and attached to the groove. After installation is completed, the outer corner is glued or nailed with finishing nails;

  • Naturally, wood needs protection from moisture and abrasion. The surface must be treated with an antiseptic composition, after which either varnish is applied to it, it all depends on your wishes. The compositions must be wear-resistant; the threshold must be painted at least twice.

Threshold finishing options

Of the options we reviewed, two provide an excellent final result, and two act as a base on which to lay the coating. Let's figure out how to finish a threshold on a balcony using brick and mortar with your own hands. The first option is to use ceramic tiles, this material is different highest strength and wear resistance, which means it is perfect for our purposes.

The technology for carrying out the work is as follows:

  • Since our plane is prepared and primed, we can immediately begin measuring. You need to calculate how the tiles will be positioned. It should lie symmetrically, that is, it should not look like a whole piece is laid on one side and half on the other; arrange the elements evenly, it looks much better;

  • Ceramics are cut using a tile cutter or grinder with a concrete disc. It is important to take careful measurements so that the elements lie evenly;

  • The tiles are placed on a special adhesive, which is applied with a notched trowel. To ensure that the seams are the same size, you need to insert spacer crosses into them. Control the plane using a level; all elements must lie flat;
  • You can also tile the wall under the threshold, it all depends on your wishes, the work here is carried out in the same way. For strength, can be inserted into gusset a special element, but this is not necessary if you have a smooth joint;

For the threshold, choose tiles with structural surface, smooth ceramics are extremely undesirable, as you can very easily slip on them.

  • After hardening adhesive composition its excess is removed, and the seams are filled with fugue; it makes the appearance of the threshold neater and protects the base from water penetration.

The second finishing option is a laminate threshold; it is quite simple to implement and therefore popular these days. The technology of work is as follows:

  • Measurements are taken and the required piece of laminate is cut out; most often, one strip is enough, especially since they come in different widths and you can pick up optimal solution. You can cut the material with a fine-toothed wood hacksaw or a metal hacksaw, but if you have a jigsaw, the process will be even easier;

  • The finished piece is tried on, if everything is fine, then liquid nails are applied to its back side, after which the element is pressed tightly to the surface. Proper Use The instructions on the packaging will tell you the composition;
  • Lastly, the corner is attached to the step; they are sold in hardware stores, and you just need to cut a piece of the required width.

I’ll tell you about one more solution - finishing the threshold on the balcony with linoleum. This material is inexpensive, especially since you can buy a piece from waste. The work is done like this:

  • A piece of material is applied to the surface, after which the lines along which it will be cut are marked; try to cut the linoleum as carefully as possible so that the joints are without defects;

  • Then the base is lubricated with linoleum glue and the material is pressed into place, level it and press firmly for the best adhesion, Special attention pay attention to the joints;
  • Lastly, a metal corner is attached, which will strengthen the protrusion and prevent damage to the linoleum in this place.


The threshold to the balcony should not only be reliable and safe, but also attractive, so be sure to use one of the options described above. The video in this article will help you understand some important nuances even better, and if you suddenly don’t understand something, then don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments under this review.

After installing the frame and door with access to the balcony, it becomes necessary to make a threshold for the balcony door. At first glance, it seems that it is simple to do. Indeed, for those who know, this is not difficult. But for someone who is going to do it on their own and for the first time, it will not be easy. However, if you follow the advice of experienced builders on how to make a threshold for a balcony, you can easily cope with this task.

Advantages of balcony thresholds

Balcony thresholds have several advantages and useful functions.

Firstly, the aesthetic appearance of the balcony door becomes better. This way there is a smooth transition from the floor of the room to the lower lintel of the door to the balcony.

Secondly, in addition to the polyurethane foam on which the door is installed, the threshold performs additional protective function from exposure to cold through foam (and this happens). This is especially important when the balcony itself does not have an installed balcony frame and is not glazed. Protection from external factors Such balconies do not have any ingress of moisture or dampness. If after rain water ends up on the balcony, then, without a threshold, a large percentage of humidity will end up through micro-cracks in the room.

Thirdly, the heat of the room will not be lost through such cold bridges as foaming areas.

Fourthly, there is less chance of tripping over the high threshold for the balcony door.

What can a threshold be made from?

How to make a threshold on the balcony with your own hands? What materials are needed for this? The threshold can be made from:

  • sand-lime brick;
  • cement-sand mortar and tiles;
  • plastic;
  • tree.

In this article we will look at each option step by step.

Brick threshold

This threshold is usually made when the floor level is significantly lower than the frame door block to the balcony. The thickness of the brick will help eliminate this discrepancy and save on cement-sand mortar.

What will be needed for such work? For the work you will need the following materials:

  • bricks (preferably silicate);
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • drill;
  • mixer;
  • perforated corner;
  • metal beacon;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife.

Practical advice for carrying out work:

First you need to prepare the base, the place where the threshold will be mounted. To do this, you need to remove dirt and dust from the floor. You can clean the surface with an old spatula. Further, priming process. This is necessary for final dust removal of the surface and improvement of adhesion. It is better to do this with a primer that leaves a rough finish after drying. This enhances the adhesion of bricks to the floor surface and floor slab. Since there are many primer manufacturers, their names may vary. Therefore, in a hardware store you can ask the seller about the option that suits you.

Then you need to prepare a solution of cement and sand. Proportion: one to three. One measure of cement to three measures of sand. To make the solution set quickly, you need to add a little gypsum mixture(satengypsum or isohypsum). To mix, use a mixer mounted on a drill.

The mortar is laid evenly on the floor with a spatula, and bricks are placed on the mortar. Need to do not forget to apply the mortar to the sides of the bricks so that they are also fastened to each other, and not just to the floor. Due to the reversal of the door slopes, you may have to cut the outer bricks with a hammer to knock down the corner. Then they will be able to normally occupy the threshold area.

You should try to align the bricks so that they are about three centimeters below the level with external wall. If the threshold is planned to be tiled, and at the end too, then at least 4 cm.

You need to place a perforated corner at the corner of the bricks, and a beacon at the door. “Freeze” them with the same solution. After a few minutes, the solution will set and can be poured onto the brick, leveling it as you go. Use a spatula to level the surface, trying to make it as even as possible. A corner and a beacon should help with this. Do the same from the end. It is important to ensure that there are no voids left.

After leveling and drying, the threshold is ready for cladding. The material for this can be tiles, laminate or linoleum.

An option on how to decorate a threshold on a balcony with linoleum is shown in this video.

Threshold made of cement-sand mortar

If the balcony doors are not installed high enough to make the threshold out of bricks and then fill it with mortar, there is a way to make it only from cement mortar. To do this, you will need formwork made of a 2 cm thick board, pressed against the plane of the wall, in the line of which the threshold should extend.

For work you will need:

  • broken brick;
  • board 20 mm thick, length - from 120 cm to 150 cm (formwork);
  • gypsum mixture (satengypsum, isogypsum);
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • poluter.

Installing a threshold made of cement mortar using formwork follows the same sequence:

  1. preparation of the base, cleaning;
  2. padding;
  3. installation of formwork;
  4. mixing cement-sand mortar with the addition of gypsum mixture;
  5. broken brick is poured into the place where the mortar is poured, which, together with cement-sand mixture will be something like concrete;
  6. pouring the solution;
  7. leveling the mortar with a spatula and polisher.

Align cement mortar necessary because this is the finish line. After it dries, the surface will be ready for covering. As a result, you may end up with a threshold on the balcony made of tiles, laminate or covered with linoleum. Before laying the laminate, both in this case and in the case of a brick threshold, you must remember to lay the underlay. It will prevent the transfer of cold from the cement/brick floor to the laminate.

Threshold on the balcony photo

In this section you can look at a few more photos on the topic of our article about what and how you can make a threshold on the balcony with your own hands.

The new frame and door are installed on the balcony, which means it's time to take care of the threshold. For experienced builder This is a matter of minutes, but newcomers to this field often ask the question “how to make a threshold for a balcony.” Of course, such a task will require skill from you and it may seem that it is not easy. But if you study the theory and understand it, there shouldn’t be any difficulties. Let's figure out what it should be like balcony threshold and how it can be done.

The need for a balcony threshold

In addition to attractive appearance your threshold performs a number of useful functions:

  1. It creates a smooth transition from the floor of the room to the bottom of the balcony door. This is especially true for families with small children or elderly people.
  2. It complements the protection against cold, which is currently provided only by polyurethane foam. Often it can let in cold, which reduces the degree of comfort in the room, especially if the loggia or balcony does not have glazing and insulation.
  3. Moisture protection. If the balcony is not glazed, then precipitation can flow into the room through the cracks; the threshold will prevent this.
  4. Eliminate heat loss through so-called cold bridges.
  5. It will reduce the chance of tripping over an unfinished structure and make crossing it more comfortable.

Threshold manufacturing options

Most often, thresholds for balconies or loggias are made from the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • plastic;
  • cement screed and tiles;
  • wood

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Brick threshold to the balcony

Most often, this type of threshold is used when there is a large transition between the balcony frame and the floor of the room. It is the thickness of this material that will help to significantly reduce it.