How to plant a banana at home. Propagation of indoor banana by seeds


The banana has long ceased to be just a food plant: it is grown for decorative purposes in greenhouses, winter gardens, and in regions with warm climates - in gardens and parks. But you can also grow bananas at home. How? - you ask, - After all, the size of this plant is so impressive!

Banana selection is carried out not only in the direction of changes taste qualities or the appearance of the fruit, but also its size. Currently, dozens have been created dwarf varieties banana with variegated leaves for ornamental cultivation. One of the most beautiful among them is Bloody Banana (Musa Zebrina). Its bright green leaves are covered with red spots and are completely red underneath. But its fruits are inedible and bear little resemblance to bananas. But at Purple banana, also known as lavender or lilac banana (Musa ornata, or Musa violacea), real red bananas are formed, although completely tasteless.

Banana flowers are another area of ​​work for breeders. Banana Pink Velvet (Musa Velutina) at a height of 1.2-1.3 m, it blooms and bears fruit already a year after sowing; it can be grown at home on the windowsill and on the balcony. It has pink inflorescences and fruits, decorative and fragrant, but not edible - they consist mainly of seeds.

Another candidate for indoor growing - Banana Yellow (Musella Lasiocarpa). This slow growing plant, although not dwarf, is quite suitable for growing in a large apartment, has spectacular yellow flowers and is characterized by long flowering.

In a beautiful variety Scarlet Banana (Musa Coccinea) narrow green leaves and very showy scarlet flowers that open for two months.

Red-purple flowers Banana Manna (Musa Mannii), plant height does not exceed 1.2 meters.

Decorative banana Pygmy decorate large leaves and inflorescences with multiple fruits that cannot be eaten. Its height can reach two meters; it is best grown in winter gardens and greenhouses.

How can you not grow a banana at home, which not only has decorative leaves and flowers, but also edible fruits? For example, variety "Kyiv Dwarf"- the plant is quite cold-resistant, 1.5-1.7 m high, can bloom for up to a year, and forms sweet bananas. Its related variety is banana. Superdwarf, its height does not exceed a meter. Both varieties produce about 150 tasty hearths per year at home.

And this dwarf with edible fruits can be grown at home - Super Dwarf Cavendish Banana- plant 1.2 m high decorative leaves and flowers, it begins to bear fruit more slowly than the previous two varieties.

A large selection of dwarf bananas does not mean they are common, and here's why. A banana with a height of 2 meters can indeed be considered dwarf, because the usual height of a plant is about 10 meters. Create tropical conditions A 2-meter banana in an apartment is problematic. Therefore, when choosing a variety for indoor cultivation, you should pay attention to super-dwarfs, whose height does not exceed 1.2 m. In greenhouses and winter gardens, place bananas about 2 meters high. How to grow a banana at home, and what rules need to be followed?

Growing conditions

At home, for good growth and well-being, bananas need to create conditions close to natural ones.


As representatives of the tropics, bananas grow at high temperatures from +20 to +30°. Plants can withstand temperatures of +10-12° without suffering, but they stop growing. A banana does not freeze for a short time at temperatures down to 0 degrees. Even if the above-ground part freezes, you can cut it off and save the plant.


All species of the Banana genus, and there are over 60 of them, love good lighting with some direct sunlight. In the summer, the banana can be covered from the daytime sun, sometimes taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. And in autumn, spring and, especially, in winter time The plant needs as much light as possible.

If banana is grown in winter garden or a greenhouse (in a room with transparent walls and roof), it can do without lighting in autumn and winter season. When growing a banana in an apartment and even on a balcony, it will need additional lighting. This can be easily done using a phytolamp. It is not necessary to install a special lighting device; just screw the light bulb into a regular lamp or chandelier.

If you want to grow bananas in a conservatory, additional lighting will benefit all plants. After all, as a rule, representatives of tropical latitudes live there, accustomed to longer winter daylight hours.

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What to make the substrate from and how

You can grow a banana at home only in soil that is favorable for the plant. Banana requires a well-aerated, rich substrate with a slightly acidic pH (5.8-6.5). To prepare such a soil mixture, you need to add perlite or coarse soil to the universal soil. river sand(one part), as well as one part of crushed bark coniferous trees(pine, spruce, fir). Instead of bark, you can use pine needles or small twigs.

Humidity and watering

love bananas wet air and regular watering. The plant consumes a lot of water, and large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. How to grow a banana at home to provide it with the appropriate air and substrate humidity?

You need to water the plant abundantly, but make sure that the water does not stagnate in the lower part of the pot, this leads to rotting of the fleshy roots of the banana. To avoid this, expanded clay or broken shards are placed on the bottom. For irrigation use water with a temperature of +25°. Before watering, check the soil for dryness - the substrate should dry by 1-3 cm. In winter, watering is reduced, and if the plant is kept at a temperature of 10-15 °, then water once or twice a week.

If the plant is in the autumn winter period grown at home in a hot and dry place, then it needs to be watered as it dries, and air humidity must be ensured by spraying warm water or using a humidifier.

There is no need to place a banana near radiators or heating devices. Even with sufficient watering in such a situation, it is impossible to provide the necessary air humidity. It is noteworthy that when growing a banana in a group with other indoor plants, thanks to its large evaporation surface, it creates an aura of humidity, helping its neighbors.


For good growth, bananas need to be fed regularly. For this purpose, you can use root and leaf feeding. Each method has its own advantages. Fertilizers applied to the leaves are less concentrated, and therefore the banana will receive less of the mineral components necessary for growth.

Root feeding can cause a toxic burn to the plant, especially if the concentration is disturbed. This happens often, because novice gardeners think that increasing the amount of fertilizer will make it faster to grow a banana at home. Sometimes they remain concentrated, but use the dissolved fertilizer for daily watering as water. This harms the plant.

When growing bananas at home, it is more correct to fertilize the plant during the period of intensive growth in spring and summer no more than twice a week. It does not matter what type of liquid fertilizer. Mineral fertilizing need to alternate with organic. For example, leave humus in boiled water for 24 hours in a ratio of 1/5 or dilute 4 tablespoons of ash in 1 liter of water. In autumn, bananas are fertilized no more than 2 times a month, and in winter they provide the plant with a period of rest, even if it is kept at temperatures above 20 degrees and watered intensively.

Shallow loosening of the soil in the pot has a beneficial effect on bananas.

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Pests and diseases

In apartment conditions, bananas rarely suffer from diseases that can cause excessive waterlogging. If the roots rot, the banana leaves turn brown and dry out. This means that the banana requires an urgent transplant, during which the underground affected parts of the plant are removed and the cuts are sprinkled with ash.

How to grow a banana at home from seeds

Although it is easier to grow a banana at home from shoots, it is much more interesting to get a plant grown from seeds. Seeds are sold by specialty stores, plant collectors, online stores, and botanical gardens.

Before sowing, banana seeds are subjected to scarification , that is, they slightly damage the shell, after which they are kept for one or two days in warm water. Before sowing, the seeds are treated with phytosporin or pink potassium permanganate to prevent fungal infections. Sow in a moist, nutritious, well-aerated substrate with the addition of sand, perlite or coconut fiber. The container is placed in plastic bag and placed in a warm and bright place, for example near a heating radiator, but so that the seeds do not burn from high temperature. For this reason, crops should not be placed in open sun. The container is ventilated daily and the humidity of the substrate is controlled. If necessary, spray with a spray bottle. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of about +30°, after about a month and a half. After this, the film is removed.

Grown seedlings are planted in small pots. Caring for them consists of watering and fertilizing with a weak solution of a full range of fertilizers. The plant is gradually accustomed to direct sunlight: first through a tulle curtain, then left without it in the morning or evening for a short time. As the seedlings grow, they are replanted by transshipment, gradually increasing the capacity of the pot.

Opportunity to have in your home exotic plant always attracts fans. The article will discuss how to grow a banana at home (indoors) from the seeds of a purchased fruit. Videos and photos will help you understand everything better.

Banana plant. Varieties for growing indoors

General view and biological features plants:

  • The height of a banana tree in the tropics reaches 10-12 m. For growing at home, there are dwarf varieties that grow no more than 2 m.
  • Leaf length is 1.5-2 m, width 30-50 cm.
  • Their bases fit very tightly to each other, thus forming the trunk of the plant (pseudo-stem).
  • The stem itself (rhizome) is located underground. It has a spherical shape and simultaneously performs the functions of a rhizome.
  • The inflorescence emerges from the middle of the pseudostem, which dies after fruiting.

Attention! A banana tree is not a tree at all. This is a herbaceous perennial plant.

The lifespan of the rhizome of each banana tree is about 40 years. In places where pseudostems dry out, new ones grow. IN industrial scale Bananas are propagated by dividing the rhizome, that is, root shoots are planted. This way all varietal qualities are completely preserved. Plants grown from seeds are used for decorative purposes. Their fruits are most often unsuitable for human consumption.

banana tree

At home, hobbyists grow both banana varieties with very tasty fruits and trees that serve as interior decoration. The average height of such plants is 2-2.5 m, and some dwarf varieties are 1-1.5 m. The first include:

  • Pointed Banana;
  • dwarf Cavendish banana;
  • super dwarf Cavendish banana;
  • Kyiv dwarf;
  • Kyiv superdwarf.

Attention! You can get banana fruits indoors only with proper care.

Decorative varieties:

  • Velvety Banana;
  • Lavender Banana;
  • Chinese dwarf;
  • Bright red banana.

These varieties bloom very beautifully and can produce small, inedible fruits.

How to get seeds from a store-bought banana and germinate them

To independently obtain seeds from a purchased banana, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Banana with peel yellow color Place in a plastic bag until it darkens completely.
  • Peel the pulp and cut it lengthwise to the level of the core.
    Use a sharp object to remove the seeds from the pulp and place them one at a time on a paper napkin.

Attention! Only round-shaped seeds are suitable for planting. Flat specimens should be selected and discarded.

  • To separate from the pulp, the seeds are washed well.
  • The resulting material is poured with warm water and left for 2-3 days.
  • Wash well again and dry.

Take seeds from dark-skinned fruits

Next, the seeds are germinated, which requires an inert substrate. Sphagnum or coconut, which can be purchased in special stores, are suitable. The substrate must be sterilized with steam. After cooling, mix with perlite and pour over a solution of potassium permanganate.

If it is impossible to purchase the substrate from plant fibers you can use a mixture of coarse sand and peat (3:1). Banana seeds are germinated this way:

  • The bottom of the container is covered with drainage material. A layer of substrate 5-6 cm thick is placed on top.
  • The seeds are pressed into the substrate and watered well.

Attention! The shell of banana seeds is very dense, so its integrity should be broken before germination. This can be done by rubbing between sheets sandpaper, scratching the shell with a needle or shallow cuts with a manicure file. The main thing is not to overdo it and damage the core.

  • To preserve moisture, arrange a greenhouse made of polyethylene.
  • During the day the temperature is maintained within +27..+33°C, and at night +20..+25°C.

Seeds take a long time to germinate - from 2 to 3 months. To eliminate mold that may appear during this time, it is enough to treat the substrate with potassium permanganate.

Banana planting

How to plant a germinated plant and care for it

For growing banana plant take upper layer(5-7 cm) soils from under hazel, birch, linden and acacia. Sand, humus and ash are added to the soil collected in this way in a ratio of 10:2:1:0.5, respectively. The whole composition is mixed and calcined in the oven. The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage material. Moistened sand is poured on top of it, and then prepared soil.

Advice. To prevent the pot from being adjacent to the tray, you can place several small stones or a lattice between them. This technique will allow air to freely penetrate to the roots.

The sprouted seed is buried into the soil no more than 2 cm, sprinkled and watered well. After the banana grows and the roots “take over” the entire space of the pot, it is transferred to a larger container.

Caring for a banana in a room consists of performing the following work:

Water the banana as the soil dries out

  1. Regular loosening of the soil.
  2. Watering. It should be done infrequently, but abundantly. The indicator is the drying of the top (1-2 cm) layer of soil in the pot.
  3. Spraying. In winter this is done once a week, and in summer daily.
  4. Maintenance temperature regime. Acceptable temperature for banana is +25..+30°C. At +15°C, plant growth and development slow down greatly.
  5. Lighting. Only the southern and eastern sides of homes are suitable for bananas. In winter, additional lighting must be provided.
  6. Feeding. Fertilizer should be applied regularly. Vermicompost and herbal infusion are suitable.

Growing bananas from seeds is a troublesome task. But after all the efforts, you will be able to enjoy it yourself and surprise your friends with a beautiful exotic plant, which, perhaps, will become the main decoration of your home.

Perhaps more than one amateur gardener has had a tempting idea about how to grow a banana at home. After all, this perennial exotic plant not only bears fruit, but also has an attractive appearance, decorating the interior. In this article we will look at how to grow a banana at home from a purchased banana, and also look at the procedure for planting a banana.

In contact with

Unfortunately, it is impossible to grow this fruit in an apartment from the seeds of a purchased banana. Store-bought ones do not have seeds, so the only answer to the question of how to grow bananas from seeds is “no way.” Some amateur gardeners claim that there is a technology for how to properly plant a banana from a banana at home. By applying this technology, it is supposedly possible to grow a full-fledged plant that will bear fruit even in ordinary apartment. What is needed to grow bananas at home? Section 4 will discuss in detail the process of how to grow bananas from seeds of ornamental varieties.

Dwarf species for growing at home

If you want to know how to grow bananas from dwarf varieties, we recommend paying attention to new varieties that are adapted to Central European conditions environment. For example, the brainchild of the Ukrainian breeder A.V. Patia - “Kiev dwarf”, growing up to one and a half meters in height. An even shorter one is “Super Dwarf Kyiv” of the same variety; it can be grown up to one meter in height. At home, the dwarf banana is unpretentious to care for, but needs plenty of watering and an air temperature of 25-28 C.

This is what a Kiev Dwarf banana sprout looks like

For the Kiev Dwarf banana, care at home comes down to three things:

  • lighting;
  • maintaining temperature conditions;
  • watering.

It is capable of bearing fruit already at the age of three with flowering from 3 to 12 months. Despite its miniature size, the tree produces a full harvest of up to 150 sweet fruits of regular size. Another common variety of dwarf tree is “Cavendish”; the plant can grow up to 2.5 meters in height. The length of the leaves of dwarf varieties is 1.5-1.8 m, and they are usually 35-50 cm wide.

How does a banana plant reproduce?

There are 2 confirmed methods of propagation: using basal shoots and dividing the rhizome. Experts consider propagation by seeds to be an unlikely outcome, especially when obtained from purchased fruit.

The easiest way to plant a banana at home is to use part of the rhizome. This propagation method is used on an industrial scale in banana plantations.

The peculiarity of the plant is that its stem, called the “rhizome,” is located underground. It acts as a rhizome, and the plant grows with the help of a so-called pseudostem (twisted in a bunch of leaves), where an inflorescence is formed. The rhizome retains vital activity for up to 40 years. To understand how to plant a banana at home, you need to know these subtleties.

Where can I get seeds and how to plant them?

Growing bananas at home is more likely from dwarf seedlings. As for seeds from flower shops, they only grow into ornamental plants that do not bear fruit.

Tourists visiting Asian countries, for example, India and Thailand, may encounter mini bananas with large black seeds inside. It is probably possible to grow bananas from such seeds at home, but in domestic conditions this is unlikely.

Let's answer the fundamental question: what is the chance of growing a banana at home from a purchased fruit? It turns out that it is zero.

Fruits imported to Russia do not contain seeds or seeds. Those numerous recommendations and videos that can be found on the Internet that you can separate grains from purchased fruit and grow a plant from them are nothing more than a myth. All of these videos show in detail the extraction of dark grains, which experimenters call seeds, but do not show the process of germination of these pseudo-seeds, the appearance and development of the sprout.

Only ornamental plants can be grown from seeds. Only from this position will we answer in the affirmative the question of whether it is possible to grow a banana at home from seeds. An inert substrate is required, which can be purchased at any gardening store. To sterilize, the mixture is steamed, dried, and perlite is added. Then, for prevention, they are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Don’t be lazy to prepare the substrate for planting yourself:

  1. Prepare a mixture of peat and sand (1:3), mix.
  2. Drainage material is placed at the bottom of a pot approximately 10 cm in diameter.
  3. Then the substrate is placed (layer 5-6 cm).

To get a full-fledged decorative banana, growing at home begins with scarification of the seeds:

  1. Light cuts are made on the dense shell of the seed with a needle, nail file or other sharp object so that the sprout can break through the shell.
  2. The seed is pressed into the substrate, leaving access to light.
  3. Water generously.
  4. Then cover the pot with film to improve germination.

It is necessary to monitor the day and night temperatures, in the daytime 27-33 C, and at night 20-25 C. Every 3-4 days the film must be opened slightly to ventilate the soil. When dry, you can spray the top layer with a spray bottle. If signs of mold appear, immediately remove the area and spray the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. The technique can be applied to seeds ornamental plants purchased from a specialty store.

A banana, as a plant, takes a long time to sprout at home - up to three months. But after the green sprout has strengthened, after 6-8 days the plant can be transplanted into the ground or into a larger container.

How to grow from a leaf?

There is no confirmed information that an independent plant can be grown from a single leaf. Now let's look at caring for bananas at home.

Features of care

The plant is considered unpretentious, although it requires compliance with certain rules. For indoor bananas, home care consists of four activities:

  1. Glaze. It is necessary when the top layer dries 1-2 cm. The sprout loves rare but sufficient watering with heated water. In winter, watering can be reduced to prevent the roots from rotting.
  2. Temperature balance. For normal growth, t25-30 C is required. If the temperature drops below 15 C, the development of the sprout slows down.
  3. Illumination. The plant is placed only on the south or east side under natural light. In winter it needs additional lighting. At the same time, the sprout does not like direct rays of the sun, and its better in summer place in partial shade.
  4. Fertilizing with infusions of herbs (lupine, quinoa), vermicomposts is done in moist soil so as not to burn the rhizome. Experts recommend natural humus as vermicompost, but not chicken or pork.

Don’t forget to loosen the soil and wipe off dust from the surface of the leaves. Since caring for a plant at home guarantees safety from diseases, only in rare cases can it start spider mite(if the humidity is low). If the plant is planted in the ground on garden plot, it can be affected by fungi and some insects (black weevils).

Useful video

In the video there is an experiment: they plant seeds that are prepared independently from an overripe banana fruit. One part of the seeds was planted fresh, and the second part was kept in water for a day:


  1. There is a chance that you will be able to grow a banana at home if we are talking about a young seedling of a dwarf variety.
  2. Most The best way: dividing the rhizome or from a ready-made dwarf variety.
  3. Thinking about how to grow purchased fruit from seeds is the prerogative of dreamer gardeners. And here decorative varieties successfully grown from seeds, but do not bear fruit.
  4. A young plant needs watering, lighting, temperature balance, feeding, but in general it does not cause much trouble for the owners.
  5. With the help of dwarf varieties, you can grow fruits of normal size, and it is convenient to place such plants right in a city apartment.

Do you like bananas? Most people will answer yes. These fruits are highly nutritious and are often used as snacks. It's much healthier than eating a bun. Surely everyone, having heard about a banana tree, imagines paradise in the ocean, where clusters of ripe fruits hang from tall palm trees, and monkeys feast on them to their heart's content. Did you know that a tree can easily be grown at home? Interested? Then read on.

Short description

If you are looking for a plant that can decorate a room and enliven the interior, be interesting and unusual, then a banana tree is just what you need. A nice bonus is that the plant will also bloom and give you a whole bunch of magnificent fruits. Of course, this is not exactly the palm tree that we have seen so often in the movies. Dimensions indoor plant much more modest, so you can easily grow it at home if you study the basic requirements.

What is the correct name?

Indeed, the banana tree is, rather, its nickname, which it received for the external similarity of the fruits. In fact, the plant is called differently - pawpaw three-lobed. Despite its exotic nature, it is not tropical. It is a deciduous tree that reaches 4-5 meters in height if not pruned. At home, it usually does not exceed two meters. Belongs to the Anon family. The plant has very interesting leaves - they are very similar to those that grow on a real banana palm. Large, up to 30 cm in length, shiny and bright green, they will delight you with their appearance until autumn. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, so it is better to move the plant to a cooler place to rest.

Growing a plant

If you want to grow your own banana tree, first consider how many years you are willing to wait for it to mature. If you can’t wait to surprise your friends and family, then it’s better to buy ready-made shoots in the store. But even in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for home-grown fruits. It must be remembered that the seeds present in the fruits may not sprout, since the plant reproduces best by lateral shoots. First of all, the banana tree (we provide a photo in the article) decorates the room with its spectacular leaves, and therefore care must be taken to ensure that the crown is healthy and strong. To do this, it is important to maintain conditions suitable for a green pet. When purchasing a ready-made seedling, do not forget to ask whether you can expect fruit from this particular specimen: the fact is that not all plant varieties bear fruit; there are exclusively decorative species.

Soil preparation

Whatever propagation method you choose, you need to prepare the soil that is most suitable for your “guest”. True, in this regard the plant is not too whimsical. You can buy ready-made soil mixture or even prepare a regular one, garden soil. It is advisable to use the top layer of soil, as it is more nutritious. The soil should be additionally enriched with humus, sand or wood ash. This is another one important nuance, which must be taken into account, because this is the only way to grow a beautiful banana tree. Photos displayed on the pages of magazines and on portals of relevant topics will inspire anyone to take up garden tools and grow the same miracle for yourself.

The thoroughly mixed substrate must be steamed to protect the plant from pests. To do this, you can pour the soil onto an iron baking sheet and heat it in the oven, or pour boiling water over it (or a weak solution of potassium permanganate). It is very important to take a pot large enough for a large plant. Provide a high drainage layer so that the roots do not lack oxygen. It could be stones broken brick or expanded clay. You need to put a layer of sand on top, and only then fill it with soil.

Planting pawpaw

A homemade banana tree can also be grown from seeds; the most important thing is to buy high-quality seed material. The plant has fairly large seeds, they look like persimmon seeds. Before sowing, we should remember where this plant came from. The banana tree is a child of the subtropical zone, which means that the seeds must be stratified. To do this, it is best to place them in cups with soil and dig them in the garden. Sprouts should appear in April. If you live in an apartment, you can use a refrigerator instead of outside.

Seedling care

When the April sun begins to warm up well, it’s time to plant your plants or plant purchased ones. A banana tree grows very readily at home; the most important thing is to provide it with suitable conditions. This is light, fertile soil; wood humus is also perfect. Remember to choose a well-lit, sunny place. Azimina loves the sun very much and does not grow in the shade.

Growing and care

In the first year of life, the plant requires virtually no care. It only needs to be watered and periodically very carefully loosened. In October, pawpaw sheds its leaves and prepares for a period of dormancy. Now until spring you need to provide your pet with moderate watering; you can move the plant to a cooler place. In April, sap flow begins, which means it’s time to fertilize. The best option The fertilizer will be nitrodiammophos. Approximately 20 g should be diluted per bucket of water.

Watching a banana tree grow is very interesting, although the process is not fast. Every year the plant grows by about 20-30 cm. However, it should not be replanted unless absolutely necessary, since the roots are very fragile. When your handsome little one turns 2 years old, he will begin to develop lateral shoots. Now we must not forget to feed the plant to ensure its optimal growth and development. Nitrogen-phosphorus compounds are the most favorite fertilizers for this crop.

Flowering and fruiting

It will be six long years before your plant begins to form fruit buds. They are usually laid in the fall, and next year open up into very interesting flowers. They have six petals and a large number of stamens Pollination must be done using a thin brush.

After pollination, the fruits begin to grow quickly and after about a month and a half reach 5-6 cm. They ripen by September, at which time the peel turns yellow. Ripe fruits fall off and spoil very quickly. Therefore, check them every day - ripe fruits fall off easily. As we already said, growing this interesting plant is not complicated and is accessible even to beginners. If you do everything correctly, you will definitely enjoy delicious fruits.

Is herbaceous plant, which is characterized by demanding care. For of this plant It is necessary to provide tropical and humid air, as it is. If appropriate conditions are provided, every gardener will be able to grow a full-fledged plant at home.

. They can be purchased at any specialty store. The seeds of this plant are characterized by the presence of a fairly strong shell. In order for the seeds to germinate as quickly as possible, it is necessary to slightly damage the shell. A needle or nail file can be used for this purpose. Using these tools you need to make a few scratches.

Small diameter pots are used for planting seeds.

To plant one banana seed, a pot with a diameter of 10 millimeters will be sufficient. If you want to plant several seeds at the same time, then it is best to use long boxes. In this case, the distance between the seeds should be at least 15 centimeters.

To plant banana seeds, a special substrate is used, which includes:

  • river sand

Before planting this plant, you should not use any fertilizers. For the full growth and development of a banana, it will be enough to provide high-quality drainage. Initially, the substrate must be moistened. After this, the seeds are placed on its surface. The seeds must be lightly pressed into the substrate. There is no need to cover them with soil on top.

The pots must be covered with film or glass on top. Boxes and pots with seeds are placed in a warm, bright place, protected from drafts. At the same time, straight lines should not fall on them. Sun rays. The pots are ventilated every few days. If the substrate dries out, it must be sprayed with a spray bottle. At the same time, you should not over-moisten the soil, as this can lead to the death of the plant. If mold appears on the substrate, this area must be removed immediately. The substrate in the entire pot is treated with potassium permanganate.

Shoots of this plant will appear only after a few months.

After the first banana sprouts appear, the plant will begin to grow quite intensively. After a week, you can transplant the banana into the ground. If you want to have a banana harvest when growing it in home conditions, then it would be best to purchase it already in its grown form. If this plant is provided optimal conditions and appropriate care, then you can achieve not only flowering, but also fruiting.

To ensure the full growth and development of a banana, it is best to purchase a sprouted plant. After purchasing it, he needs to be provided with several days of rest. The banana must be placed immediately in the place where it will be located in the future. After a few days, the purchased plant must be replanted. To do this you need:

  • Choose the right pot, the volume of which is from 5 to 7 liters.
  • Initially, drainage is done. For this purpose, it is necessary to use expanded clay, which is covered with sand in a small amount.
  • To grow this plant, it is best to choose ordinary soil, which is taken from a deciduous forest.
  • Humus is added to the substrate in a ratio of 1:10. If you are unable to get deciduous ground, then you can purchase an ordinary flower mixture in a specialized store.

Watering and feeding indoor banana:

  • When growing a banana at home, it is necessary to spray its leaves as often as possible.
  • Bananas also need plenty of watering. At the same time, you should not over-moisten the soil, as this can lead to rotting of the substrate.
  • For this purpose, when transplanting a banana, do drainage holes through which excess water can freely flow out.
  • In order to accelerate the growth of banana and improve its flowering, it is used in the form organic fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied once every 7-10 days.

This plant needs to provide a temperature of 25-30 degrees. The lighting for the banana must be good. In this case, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight.

IN summer period This plant can be kept on the balcony, hiding it from direct sunlight.

This plant must be protected from the influence of drafts. When providing a banana comfortable conditions it will grow quite quickly. After 15-18 leaves are formed on the plant, its flowering and fruiting will begin.

Banana is characterized by the absence of pests. Despite this, it is necessary to inspect the leaves daily for their presence. In order to prevent the appearance of pests and diseases of bananas, the soil is loosened. You can also sprinkle the soil with tobacco dust. This procedure should be performed no more than once a month. In some cases, potassium permanganate can be used for prevention. This substance is used to water the soil.

For full growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount and frequency of its watering.

After the formation of 13 to 17 fully developed leaves on a given plant, it can be called full-fledged. At proper cultivation banana during this period, a large bud will appear on its top, which will have a red-violet color. The flowering of this plant lasts almost a year. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the growing temperature and watering of the banana.

When buying a banana, you need to find out what variety it is and under what conditions it needs to be grown.

This is explained by the fact that some varieties of bananas can reach a height of 12 meters. For such a plant room conditions won't fit. In order to provide the banana with the most comfortable growing conditions, it is necessary to produce it with water, the temperature of which is 25-30 degrees. Otherwise, the plant's roots may get severe stress, which will cause the banana to stop growing. Watering bananas is done only after the top layer of soil becomes dry to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Banana leaves must be dusted daily.

Banana is absolutely unpretentious plant. If you provide it with comfortable conditions, it will not only bloom, but also bear fruit.

More information can be found in the video.