How to properly sharpen a meat grinder knife with a whetstone. How to sharpen a meat grinder knife with your own hands

All housewives face the problem when, instead of high-quality minced meat, a “chewed” mess comes out of the meat grinder. You can, of course, go to a workshop and pay about 200 rubles to restore the working capacity of the cutting tool and get it completely suitable for work. But is it worth spending time and money if you can sharpen a meat grinder knife yourself at home? But “how and with what” is described in this article.

What you need to know about meat grinder knives

  • The sharpness of the cutting edge does not greatly affect the quality of cutting products. It depends on the ideal flatness of the working plane. This is exactly what needs to be achieved during the sharpening process.
  • Processing of the meat grinder knife is carried out only with abrasive with fine fractions. This will ensure that the working surface fits as tightly as possible over its entire area.
  • High-quality sharpening can only be achieved manually, without the use of electric machines (tools). One of the reasons is that if the metal is overheated, then the knife can be thrown away without regret. It will cut, but not the way the owner wants, and all subsequent editing of the edge is useless.
  • When processing the working surface, it should be facing the abrasive with the side that is adjacent to the disk after assembling the meat grinder.
  • In the process of processing products, two tools are involved - the knife itself (cross-shaped) and the disk (with multiple holes).
  • Both are subject to sharpening. The fact is that over time, some metal depletion forms in the disk, which is why the “cross” adheres to it loosely. And this affects the quality of processing.
  • The front should be washed and dried well.

What to sharpen (options)

  • Bar.
  • Abrasive wheel.
  • Sandpaper. In this case, it covers (wraps) any solid object with a perfectly smooth surface.

Sharpening technique

Sharpening is done in a circular motion, with some force to press the cutting tool against the abrasive. The specifics are the same as when straightening a razor - counterclockwise. That is, the knife must move in the direction away from its sharp edge.

After finishing work, the tool is washed under running water warm water and dried.

The quality of sharpening is checked. This is easy to do if you place the working plane on an absolutely flat surface (for example, glass) and try to move it by pressing a little. If this is difficult to do, then with a high degree of probability we can assume that the knife has been sharpened. The ideally smooth surface of the working part can also be judged by its shade.

With high-quality sharpening, the entire edge is light (since the oxide layer is removed, and only the metal itself is visible), and evenly over the entire area. Even microscopic more dark blotches– a sign that it is necessary to repeat the treatment of the working surface.

The final check of the readiness of the knives is done by placing them on top of each other, after which the “cross” is turned.

The fit should be as tight as possible, and at any angle. And only after this the accessories can be installed in the meat grinder.

Almost every home has an electric assistant that will quickly grind meat into minced meat of any consistency, help squeeze out juice, prepare original cookies or homemade noodles, pasta, and some craftsmen make meat delicacies. During operation, there comes a time when the question arises, how to properly sharpen a knife for a meat grinder? We will tell you what needs to be done for this in our article.

Today, buying new knives for manual or electric meat grinders is not a problem, but why spend money when they can be easily sharpened. As a rule, users are faced with the problem of a dull knife directly in the process of preparing minced meat: just now everything was fine, and suddenly the technique jams meat, the process is getting out of control.

If the knife becomes dull, don’t worry - everything can be fixed within half an hour. You just need to find a whetstone or emery cloth and start sharpening your knives yourself according to the recommendations that we will provide you with.

Remember! A well-sharpened cutting tool saves the time of using the device; if it is a manual type, then it saves your strength, and if it is an electric one, it saves energy consumption.

Before you start sharpening knives for a meat grinder, you need to figure out why they become dull, because manufacturers claim that when they rotate, they self-sharpen on the metal of the grate. Meat is a soft substance, but it often contains small cartilage and strong veins, which contribute to the gradual rounding of the cutting edge, and it becomes dull. The product begins to chew the product, and over time it completely stops processing it. Therefore, at the first sign of incorrect operation of the cutting tool, stop working and begin dismantling and then sharpening the knives.

Rotating parts different models differ in appearance, but they work exactly the same.

Rules for performing work

Before you sharpen meat grinder knives yourself at home, you need to study their operating principle, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a positive result. The cutting movable tool always works paired with a fixed grille, which has holes all over the plane, and they need to be sharpened together. This part rotates together with the auger and four blades begin to crush the product, which penetrates through the holes under pressure. In this way, a difference in grinding is achieved, since several grate options are used: with small or larger perforations.

When sharpening, you need to pay attention to each edge of the blades so that they have a sharp cutting edge.

First you need to prepare everything necessary materials in order to carry out the entire process efficiently and comply with the basic rules.

  1. Check the surface on which you will sharpen knives using thick metal ruler- attach it to the end and make sure there is no gap. Place the paper or circle on the table and secure it firmly. It is better to put a piece of plexiglass under the sandpaper for better horizontality.
  2. Before starting work, lubricate the blades and the polished surface of the grate. sunflower oil and leave for a few minutes. The surfaces on which sharpening will be carried out should also be lubricated. better contact and the formation of a kind of abrasive paste that protects knives from minor scratches. When sharpening on a special water grinding wheel, it should be moistened with water, not oil.
  3. To treat the entire surface evenly, use wooden clamp. You need to press in the center of the knife or grate, make circular movements evenly, pressing on the wood with little force.
  4. After sharpening a four-blade knife, you also need to sharpen the grate; the edges of its perforations also wear out during operation.

Sharpening methods

In this section we will tell you how to sharpen a meat grinder knife using simple tools with your own hands.

Abrasive stone

For correct sharpening It is better to purchase a corundum sharpening stone with a diameter of 180 mm and a grain size in the range of 40-60 microns. Then place it on a flat surface, pour water from the tap or wet it constantly, since the whole process must be carried out with its participation so that the metal is constantly cooled.

To prevent the stone from moving on the table, place it under dense matter. Take the knife and start making clockwise rotational movements. For better contact, use a clamp made from a piece of wood; pressure should be applied to the center of the knife, and you can fix the sharpening wheel with your free hand.

Important! The oxidation film should be removed evenly over the entire plane of the cutting tool, carefully ensure that there is no slightest distortion, the quality depends on this.

After the knife, do not forget to sharpen the grate, performing similar actions and checking the process visually. If the surface being sharpened is smooth and shiny, everything is done correctly. Then you need to check the fit of these parts, because they work in close contact, and there should be no gap between them.

Now you can assemble the meat grinder and test the operation of the sharpened parts in real everyday conditions.


This is the most convenient method for sharpening knives, but it is not suitable for everyone: if you do not have the skill to work with such a device, then only do manual sharpening. How to sharpen a meat grinder knife yourself on such a machine? We use the side smooth surface grinding wheel, onto which we first apply special paste with fine abrasive, after it dries, everything is ready to go. Press the Start button and carefully press the part to the side surface. During sharpening, it is necessary to visually check the quality, giving the metal time to cool, so as not to burn it to a tarnished color - the characteristic color of an overheated metal surface.

We perform the same actions with the grille, only in this case it is better to use wooden clamp so as not to injure your fingers. The technique is identical to sharpening a four-bladed knife.

U this option there are negative sides:

Electric or manual meat grinder is an indispensable and irreplaceable attribute household appliances, which every housewife must have. What other unit will allow you to grind meat to the desired consistency in order to prepare a juicy and aromatic filling for dumplings or pasties?

However, preparing minced meat may not always be an easy and simple task; over time, some elements of this technique may lose their sharpness, which is why problems arise. Timely sharpening of the meat grinder knife will allow you to grind meat quickly and easily, obtaining homogeneous minced meat.

Sharpening rules

Separately, the following rule should be noted: every owner must carefully monitor the need for sharpening of knives, preventing them from being damaged due to improper operation.

The following rules will help you sharpen meat grinder knives quickly and efficiently:

  • You can sharpen a meat grinder knife at home different ways However, the most effective is the use of sandpaper or a grindstone;
  • Almost all types of sharpening require preliminary lubrication of the surface vegetable oil, in contrast only to those cases if a whetstone is used, when the blades are sharpened, pre-moistened with ordinary water;
  • During the sharpening process, you should always focus on the center so that its surface is sharpened evenly.

It is imperative that the mesh through which the meat passes be sharpened; it also has the ability to wear out and lose its sharpness under the influence of the tendons passing through it, especially for electric meat grinders.

Sharpening stone for meat grinder knives

You can use a whetstone to sharpen meat grinder knives. You can purchase this device in almost every hardware store; as a rule, for home use, a diameter of no more than 20 centimeters with a grain size of 40 to 60 microns is sufficient. You need to use it as follows:

  • The knife should be sharpened under running water, perhaps in a sink or under a tap;
  • the stone is placed on a flat surface;
  • Now you should take the knife and, rotating it clockwise, press on the stone;
  • It is worth noting the importance of constant monitoring of sharpening uniformity;
  • now you can carry out the same manipulations with the grid;
  • you can understand that it is sufficiently sharpened if you examine its surface, the latter should become shiny and smooth;
  • In conclusion, you need to apply a knife to the mesh and check that they are evenly closed; you can even place them in a meat grinder so that the picture becomes extremely clear.


Very easy to use grinder. It consists of a disk with a surface covered with tiny abrasive particles. How to sharpen a meat grinder knife using it?


The most accessible method involves the use of sandpaper:

  • a sheet of emery should be placed on a flat surface;
  • the knife, and then the mesh, must be rubbed, moving it over the surface in a circular motion.

As you can see, sharpening a knife for a meat grinder at home is not so difficult, you just need to have the necessary tool on hand.

Where to sharpen meat grinder knives

When wondering how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder, do not forget that only specialists can provide qualified assistance in eliminating this problem. After all, if you have nothing at home but sandpaper, then sharpening such a blade can be a difficult task. And purchasing a grinding wheel just to sharpen the meat grinder knives every six months may seem like a thoughtless waste.

This is why most people prefer to use the services of professionals who make keys and sharpen all kinds of knives. Such specialists are usually located near home in every microdistrict. And the cost of this service is not so high.

Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to tips that can make the process of sharpening blades easier and will allow you to figure out how to sharpen a meat grinder knife and whether it is worth doing it at all:

Why do you need to sharpen meat grinder knives?

The blade, which is responsible for chopping meat fibers, can become dull from prolonged use. A common cause of this problem is the presence of small chips at the point of the meat grinder where the movable and immovable elements come into contact. In addition, knives may lose their sharpness due to the fact that they were originally made from low-quality raw materials.

It is worth noting that all knives used in a meat grinder require periodic sharpening.

  • The fact is that meat has different inclusions in its structure; these can be either fibers or small cartilage, which, when ground, can negatively affect the cutting mechanisms, making them dull and incapable of cutting. Timely sharpening of the knife will prevent the occurrence of such problems as chewing by mechanisms of meat when it comes out of the meat grinder not chopped, but intertwined. That is why it is important to sharpen the meat grinder knife in time in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.
  • Another reason for sharpening meat grinder knives as soon as possible is the oxidation of these elements and the appearance of traces of rust on them. If they change their usual appearance to a similar one, you should immediately sharpen the knives for the meat grinder to prevent the performance of this unit from deteriorating.

Buying new spare parts for a meat grinder does not present any problem. Unfortunately, this option is not widely available, because the blades can be quite expensive, and it may not be very easy to find elements that fit the size. And the need to use a meat grinder may arise here and now. In this case, an excellent solution would be to use home methods and products that will help you easily sharpen the dull elements of this unit.

Almost all knives used for modern models meat grinders have approximately the same size and shape. The only difference between them can be seen in how they are driven. Mechanical devices involve the use of manual force, and automated ones use electrical force. As you can see, there is no difference between the technology for sharpening certain knives, so using the described methods you can sharpen both blades for manual and electric meat grinders.

In any case, the question of whether to sharpen knives yourself or trust the masters is up to each person. Some people find it easier to turn to professionals, while others will be happy to solve this problem themselves quickly and easily.

During operation, the meat grinder is subject to increased wear, especially the knives. When grinding food, hard particles may come across, which cause dull cutting edges. Therefore, you need to know how to properly sharpen a meat grinder knife at home.

The meat grinder consists of the following units:

  • housings with a neck for loading and cylindrical part for auger location;
  • auger;
  • a knife attached to the auger;
  • a fixedly fixed grille, which is fixed with a nut to the body;
  • handles for rotating the auger.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. The diced meat is loaded into a special receiving hopper.
  2. When the handle connected to the auger rotates, the meat from the hopper flows to cutting tool, passes through it to the mesh holes, and then is fed out.

Meat grinder knives allow you to grind the original products and then use a mesh to give them the desired shape. Grids can be installed with different amounts and hole diameter.

When is sharpening needed?

It is necessary to sharpen the meat grinder if it stops cutting meat, the hopper near the mesh is constantly clogged. Often dull cutting edges are caused by:

  • the use of poor steel in the manufacture of a meat grinder;
  • grinding meat with bones or tendons;
  • storing equipment in a room with high humidity.

In some cases, the wear of the grate does not allow it to come into close contact with the blade, which also negatively affects the quality of meat chopping.

In such situations, the process of self-sharpening blades on a metal grid becomes ineffective. Even minor damage to the edges will reduce functionality. To verify their presence, just unscrew the side cover of the case and inspect the condition of the blades.

Sharpening rules

When sharpening meat grinder knives, you need to consider the following rules:

  • the abrasive tool must have a flat plane;
  • The blades should be lubricated before sharpening to prevent scratches from falling chips or splinters during processing;
  • to uniformly remove layers of metal, it is necessary to ensure uniform pressure over the entire area of ​​the blade being sharpened;
  • plane metal mesh requires alignment so that when assembling the meat grinder there are no gaps between the rubbing planes above the permissible level.


To sharpen knives for meat grinders you need to prepare:

  • sandpaper;
  • abrasive stone;
  • sharpening machine;
  • lubricant;
  • dry rag;
  • GOI paste.

Sharpening methods

You can sharpen a knife from a meat grinder:

  • whetstone;
  • on the machine;
  • sandpaper.

Abrasive stone

Sharpening stones are bars made of natural or artificial stone. Advantages:

  • low material cost;
  • Possibility of step-by-step quality control of sharpening.


  • low processing speed;
  • when using low-quality stones with non-uniform grains, damage to the sharpened surface is possible;
  • you need a set of stones with different roughness.

You can sharpen meat grinder knives with a sharpener as follows:

  1. A stone with a roughness of 40–60 microns is taken and placed motionless on the table.
  2. The stone is lubricated with oil.
  3. Take a knife and apply it to the stone with its entire working plane.
  4. Sharpening is carried out - the cutting edge moves in a rotational-circular motion along the abrasive stone.
  5. The machine is periodically washed to remove chips, then lubricated again and turning is carried out again.
  6. Similar operations are performed with metal mesh.


The sharpening machine allows you to fix the abrasive wheel and cutting blades at the desired angles, quickly and safely sharpen edges, perform large volume work with high productivity. To prevent overheating of the steel, the engine speed is adjusted.

When using machines, you need to take into account that they have a number of disadvantages:

  • difficulty in controlling the turning process;
  • high cost of equipment.

Electric sharpening of a knife from a meat grinder:

  1. A disk with a suitable roughness is fixed on the machine.
  2. GOI paste No. 4 is applied to the grinding wheel. Wait the time necessary for the paste to dry.
  3. The power to the machine is turned on. The speed is selected at which it is possible to perform safe turning without overheating the steel. The sharpening angle is set in the range of 70–80 degrees.
  4. The cutting edges move along the abrasive surface in a circular motion until the desired level of sharpening is achieved and a smooth, shiny edge is obtained.
  5. When turning for more than 5 minutes, you need to let the machine run for several minutes at idle speed so that the metal has time to cool.
  6. In the same way, clean the surface of the mesh until a flat plane is obtained.

Emery cloth

Disadvantages of sandpaper:

  • when turning, it is difficult to fix the blade and protect it from bends and waves;
  • work must be carried out on a flat, durable surface;
  • low processing speed.

Sharpening knives with sandpaper:

  1. Prepare a flat and durable table surface, clearing it of dirt and debris.
  2. Lay out and level the canvas on the table. It should be secured around the perimeter so that it cannot move or wrinkle during processing.
  3. Lubricate the surface of the cutting edge and sharpen it in a circular motion.

It is recommended to use fine-grain paper to avoid leaving marks on the metal. deep scratches, ensure uniform removal of the metal layer over the entire surface. This will increase the processing time, but the quality of sharpening will improve and the risk of errors will be minimal.

How to sharpen at home?

At home, you can only properly sharpen knives by hand, especially if you have no experience. Processing with sharpeners allows you to fully control the quality of the surface, eliminate defects in a timely manner, and monitor the angle of the blade edge.


  1. In the store you need to purchase a sharpening disc with a diameter of 180 mm and a grain size of up to 50 microns.
  2. Prepare a container into which you can completely immerse the disc. Water is poured into it.
  3. The disc is securely fixed inside the container.
  4. Take a knife, place the blade on the sharpening wheel, then make circular movements along its surface. The pressure should be even.
  5. Through small gaps time, the quality of turning is checked. When the entire surface is shiny, you can proceed to the next stage.
  6. Perform steps 4 and 5 for steel grating.
  7. Two sharpened parts are joined.

Masters advise sharpening knives for meat grinders in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • the abrasive surface must have a smooth, flat surface;
  • It is not recommended to use abrasive tools with large grains;
  • to grind the surface, it is necessary to apply GOI paste No. 4 to the surfaces to be sharpened;
  • sharpening must be carried out with step-by-step quality control of the edges;
  • when processing metal, it is more profitable to choose the minimum frequency of disk rotation on machines;
  • when sharpening an edge manually, you need to perform rotational 8-shaped movements on the abrasive wheel;
  • It is not allowed to use circles or bars whose surface has uneven wear;
  • rubbing parts should be sharpened on the same wheel so that the surfaces have the same roughness and get used faster during work.

The quality of sharpening can be determined as follows: place the thread between the cutting edges and the steel mesh, and then try to cut it. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you should repeat the sharpening procedure again.

Keeping household appliances in working order is the desire of every housewife. However, some elements are sometimes not so easy to maintain in the desired shape. For example, not everyone knows how to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home. And yet, without this small detail, the housewife will not be able to cook many meat dishes. Some worth considering practical advice, how to carry out such sharpening and what devices to use.

Types of knives

Before you start sharpening such a part, you need to determine what type it is. The fact is that the knives in different meat grinders may differ slightly, and, therefore, require different approach to sharpening. When choosing a method, it is advisable to refer to the manufacturer's instructions and take into account their recommendations.

It is necessary to understand the principle of operation of a meat grinder. Not everyone understands that the cutting part is not only the cross-shaped knife itself, but also the circle with holes. The main point when working with this device is how smooth both surfaces are and how close they are to each other.

When does the housewife begin to feel that the cutting parts in the meat grinder have become dull? Most often this happens when irregularities and depressions appear on the cross-shaped knife. It is this factor that is regarded by a person as a dull cutting part. So it's time to sharpen it.

Is it possible to do without the help of specialists when it comes to sharpening such tools? Fortunately, it is possible. To do this, it is necessary to consider the main devices with which this process can be carried out efficiently.

How to do it yourself

In fact, not only experienced craftsmen have everything necessary for sharpening. There are many items in our everyday life that can be successfully used for these purposes. What can you use to sharpen such a part?

It is worth considering in detail the use of such sharpening tools:

  • grindstone;
  • wooden block and emery;
  • special bars included in the kit;
  • Bulgarian;
  • grinding wheel

You should find out how to not an easy task A whetstone can help.

Using a whetstone

It is necessary to understand the basic rule: whatever you use for sharpening, it should be an object with a fine grain. If you use stone or emery with large fractions, the sharpening will be of poor quality. If the process is carried out incorrectly, the part can be damaged.

There are several ways to sharpen the parts of a meat grinder. For the process, you should prepare a stone whose area will exceed the area of ​​the knife itself. It is advisable to wash the cutting parts themselves before sharpening and wipe them dry.

  1. Place the whetstone on a flat surface.
  2. Place the knife directly on it with the side that, when assembled, is adjacent to the disk with the holes.
  3. Perform circular movements with the cutting element, gradually increasing the speed of movements.
  4. During the process, apply a little pressure on the part, thereby speeding up sharpening and improving its quality.

If you need to tidy up knives that are too dull, try next way. It is a little more complicated, however, with its help you can sharpen even the dullest blade.

  1. Protect your hands with gloves.
  2. Secure the knife from the meat grinder or just take it in your hand.
  3. With your other hand, begin to perform circular movements, pressing the stone against the knife surface.
  4. Repeat the action several times, giving short breaks after heating the knife.

Important! It is not recommended to use automatic machines to sharpen such parts. The fact is that when the metal overheats, the knife may lose its properties. If it gets slightly hot, do not cool it down. cold water. It should cool down gradually.

This is one of the most simple methods. Now we should discuss a little about the use of sandpaper.

The most popular method: a wooden block and sandpaper

This method is especially relevant in cases where the part is slightly dull. Sandpaper can be of different densities. To choose the appropriate grain level, you need to start from the thickness of the metal itself. The denser it is, the higher the sandpaper grit should be.
Even if you use paper with a large number of fractions when sharpening, for the final stage it is advisable to use fine grain, perhaps even zero. This will help polish the surface even better, and the sharpness of the part will last longer.

Cover the wooden block with sandpaper. Better yet, secure it to a block. Gently rub the knife over the surface of the sandpaper. Repeat the procedure until the part is sharpened.

Important! Sometimes both cutting parts require sharpening: the cross-shaped one and the disk with holes. If necessary, any procedure can be repeated with each element.

After the part is sharpened, it should be washed and wiped dry.

How to properly use the bars that come with the meat grinder

If the device comes with a sharpening stone, there is no need to look for alternatives. Such bars are best suited to the metal from which the cutting part is made. In addition, their form and method of application are very simple, and any housewife can use them. How to properly sharpen this type of sharpening?

The bars have a certain shape. To sharpen a knife using this device, simply put on this block instead of a disk with holes. After this, you need to repeat the steps as when grinding food. It is important to turn the handle at a uniform speed, gradually increasing it.

In order to sharpen the disk itself with holes, you need to use a second whetstone. It is worn instead of a cross-shaped knife. After you rotate the handle for a while, you will notice marks on the block. Most likely, your cutting parts are already sharpened.

How to use an angle grinder

If you want to sharpen a knife using any automatic technique, you must not forget about the rules of personal safety. Also, the knife itself can significantly lose quality after such sharpening. Most the best option- do everything manually. If you still want to use an angle grinder, pay attention to the following recommendations.

  • Protect the blade itself by pre-treating it with sunflower oil.
  • When working with an angle grinder, take frequent breaks to prevent the knife from overheating.
  • Secure the cutting part to the pin.
  • Turn on the grinder.
  • Sharpen strictly at right angles.

To sharpen with a grinder, you can use special attachments with Velcro. The degree of grit can also be adjusted by changing these attachments. If everything is done correctly, the quality of sharpening will be quite good.

Using a grinding wheel

Of course, if this device is not on the farm, then it is not recommended to specifically purchase it. Working with a grinding wheel requires skill and caution from the master.

  1. Remove the knife and treat it with oil.
  2. Turn on the grinding wheel at low speed.
  3. Protect your hands.
  4. Hold the knife with your hand and press it against the rotating circle.
  5. Interrupt work periodically to allow the metal to cool.

After the part is sharpened, it can be washed and dried. If you do everything correctly, the part will be long time stay sharp and grind food efficiently.

The video below will help you understand the material and show its practical application.