How to properly fill a snow slide. Winter fun: how to make a snow slide

The main thing when building a slide is the presence of snow in sufficient quantities.

From speeches at the XXII Congress of Snow Builders of the USSR.

Spring is coming. So it’s time to write a post about building an ice slide.

Required tool:

  • Large snow shovel, flat.
  • Small shovel or scoop.
  • 2 buckets.
  • Rectangular bowl or ladle.
  • Broom.

Shaping the body of the slide

We choose a place to install the slide. Let's examine it. We outline the direction of the slope. There should be no objects in the direction of the ramp that could interfere with movement. Such as trees, stumps, benches, fences, walls of buildings, car parks, opening hatches. A ramp crossing a footpath is not a good idea, although pedestrians who slip or get hit by sliding children look quite funny. Sloping towards the roadway is also a bad idea.

Using uniform movements, we throw snow onto the selected place:

The speed of construction of snow structures is directly proportional to the number of builders armed with shovels and inversely proportional to the number of children present at the construction site.

Shovel S.P., Vodicka P.N. Snowmaker's Handbook. 1975 Ed. 3rd, reworked and additional Page 156.

We form a hump-shaped hill with an intermediate compaction using the method of stamping with feet and patting with a shovel:

It usually takes several days to form a slide, and if there is little snow, even weeks. Accordingly, the evenness of the contours of the building is not yet necessary, because during the period between construction it will be seriously damaged by idle children. The main thing at this stage is the amount of snow and its compaction:

A little trick. A slide built on a hill saves snow and energy.

Magazine "Ice and Water". No. 8. August 1905

For the final formation of the slide body, it is important to choose the right weather. The best time for this is a thaw followed by freezing. Accordingly, we begin to monitor the Hydrometeorological Center, Gismeteo, Yandex.Weather, etc. in advance. If the temperature during the day is +5°C, and frosts are expected at night, then this is the time!

The plasticity of thaw snow allows the formation of almost vertical sides of the slide body, and subsequent subzero temperatures provide sufficient strength:

The shape of the slide may be different. Low and flat - for small children, high and steep - for schoolchildren. The upper platform should be of sufficient size so that you can stand with your feet there, put an ice cube (sled, plywood, briefcase, nothing) and perch on it. The depth of the steps should be slightly longer the shoe of an adult, because who else will support, correct, substitute, push. The side walls should be as vertical as possible, again so that an adult can come as close as possible and hold, correct, substitute, push. The slope and upper platform can be fenced with sides, which is good for young users, but bad for others, because it deprives the fun of sliding down the sides of the structure.

A typical standard slide looks like this:

Back view:

Wide steps allow you to spend less time on their inevitable repairs during operation, because partial collapse of wide steps does not immediately affect their holding capacity.


Proper watering- a guarantee of the reliability of snow structures!

Pakhomych. Foreman of ice and snow brigade No. 5.

It is necessary to water the hill late in the evening, in frosty weather. The desired temperature is -8°C or lower. For example, here the most favorable days for watering are nights: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday:

Late in the evening because at this time there is less chance of the butt of a child idly wandering past sticking to the freshly watered mound. True, tipsy adults remain, but there are much fewer of them. Additionally, temperatures tend to be cooler around midnight.

The first watering is the most important and most labor-intensive. It is advisable to perform it immediately after the stage of final formation of the slide. Those. It is necessary to choose a day when the temperature remains positive in the afternoon and drops below zero by night. Well, or the evening of the next day. In the screenshot above, a good day for the first watering is Friday. Severe frost is not necessary for the first watering; just a negative temperature is enough.

So, let's take 2 buckets. Pour cold water into them:

For watering we use a rectangular bowl. The flat side of the container allows you to pour water in a wide strip.

Pour the slide from all sides evenly over the entire surface and thin layer. We only fill the slide itself. We do not touch the horizontal ground section of the ramp. We'll deal with it later.

For the first watering it is consumed maximum amount water. This slide took twenty 7-liter buckets of water, i.e. 10 sets of 2 buckets:

The next few nights, if the temperature is suitable, we continue watering. Water the sides of the slide and steps. We pay special attention to top corners. They break first and need to be provided with sufficient strength. We water the slope last.

Subsequent watering will require less water, because it will no longer be absorbed into the snow. By pouring ten 7-liter buckets of water a day, we bring the surface to a shiny state:

We don't pay attention to the bumps. They will be smoothed out with ice and subsequent watering:

But deep holes need to be sealed (see section):

After achieving sufficient strength, we stop watering the steps. Snow stuck to the steps will prevent your feet from slipping when climbing. Only the slope and the upper platform should be smooth and slippery. Before watering, be sure to remove accumulated snow from them. You can use a shovel, but it’s better to use a broom or brush.

Ideal result:

During the day, children also roll the horizontal part of the ramp:

You can start filling it. Fill a piece of slope in front of the slide with a thin layer. The children roll the next part of the ramp. Let's fill it up. And so on:

At the end of the horizontal part of the slope, you can organize a low ice roller, like a springboard. On it, children will squeal and bounce funny.

You can freeze various decorations, such as photographs of fish, into the surface of the slide. It's funny.


If the slide is built correctly, then children will definitely get on it:

A DIY snow slide is an ideal activity for adults and children. After all, you only have to spend a few hours building the structure.

But your kids will have a wonderful ice attraction for the whole winter.

Let's start together

How to fill a snow slide? For this you need very little - snow, desire and enthusiasm. Well, also a few working hands. It’s good to involve the kids in this matter. After all, a snow slide made with your own hands will be especially loved if a piece of your labor is invested in it. Younger children can be assigned the simplest and most basic work, for example, bringing snow in children's buckets or rolling snowballs. Older children can be challenged by building steps. Well, you can even trust more experienced people to fill the descent with water. Believe me, the kids will remember the process of building a slide from ice and snow for the rest of their lives. It's so exciting!

Necessary equipment

Before building a snow slide, let's prepare the tools and equipment that will be needed for the job. There must be a lot of snow so that it can be used to build a frame and steps, and also add slides during operation. You also need to prepare:

It is advisable to equip the kids well who will help you during construction. After all, the main thing in this matter is not to get sick, and not just to solve the question: “How to fill a slide with snow?” Therefore, it is better for children to wear waterproof overalls and also stock up on several pairs of mittens. Make sure that the little ones don’t sweat or loosen their clothes, otherwise it’s very easy to catch a cold.


Any construction project must have its own parameters. They depend on the age of those who will ride on the homemade slide. If these are teenagers and adults, you can safely build a slide one and a half to two meters high. If kids will ride on this snow attraction, then the height of the slide should be no more than one meter.

The length of the descent, to make it easy and safe to ride, should be about 5 meters. It is very important to calculate the angle of descent. The slide should not be made too steep; the slope should be about 40 degrees. If you make it bigger, then the pleasure from

there will be less descent, and at the end of the descent on a steep hill the child may receive a noticeable blow. But a slide that is too flat will be uninteresting, because then the speed of the slider will significantly decrease.

The width of the slide should be sufficient to allow you to slide down it on a sled. This is about half a meter, no more. Having thought about how to fill a snow slide, do not forget about the sides on the descent to ensure safety. Otherwise, kids risk falling before reaching the end.

Don't forget about reliable steps - they will make it easy to climb the hill, and if you sprinkle them with sand, they will no longer be slippery.

Benefits of a snow slide

If you make a slide at the beginning of winter, then throughout the snowy season it can be improved and modernized by adding arches, turns, making branches, adding snow sculptures and decorating it. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • construction can be carried out with children of all ages;
  • no special costs on expensive materials or no specific tools are required;
  • You can experiment and apply your own design.

Before you fill the snow slide, you need to choose a convenient place. It is very important to place it away from the roadway and away from paths. See how well it will be lit in the evening, because it gets dark early in winter. Choose its location so that there are no bushes or trees nearby, no fences, hatches, poles, or anything that could pose a danger to those riding.

Shovels in hand - and forward

It’s better, of course, to guess when a relatively warm day will arrive. Then the snow will be sticky and the construction process will be much easier. How to make a snow slide? First, let's roll up a few snow globes different sizes. We place the largest one at the base, then we install a smaller ball and so on until the descent. We fill the empty space between them with snow and compact it tightly.

Then we form the steps. They should be wide enough and not too high. It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood on the descent line - then the surface will be even and smooth. The plywood should be covered with snow and the surface should be compacted tightly to a thickness of approximately 10-15 centimeters. Then, after filling with water, the slope will not sag and no holes or bumps will appear on it.

Fill several times

When the frame of the slide is ready, all that remains is to fill the slide with water. It is best to repeat this several times over several days so that the ice layer is strong.

Otherwise, the sled will quickly break the ice. Do not pour water in a strong stream so as not to wash away the snow; do it carefully and slowly.

If it’s already frosty outside and it’s impossible to choose a warm day to build a slide due to meteorological conditions, then you can install formwork using plywood and wooden panels and pour snow into it.

It will also be convenient to cut snow bricks from snowdrifts that have been well compacted. They are placed, for example, at the base of steps.

Initially, the steps should also be filled with water - then they will gain strength and will not crumble underfoot. As soon as they are well frozen, they must be sprinkled with sand so that the children can climb them without fear.

Think about the top platform too snow slide. It should be level, safe and relatively large so that the child does not fall off it. You can also lay boards or plywood on top of it. But be sure to ensure that the platform is not slippery.

You can make two descents from one site: one steeper, the other gentler. Don't forget to decorate your slide with an arch or a funny snowman - your attraction should be not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive.

Surely, many parents want to please their child. IN winter time This year, a great solution would be to make a snow slide in your yard with your own hands. Riding on it, your child will have a lot of fun during the winter holidays. You can even involve your baby in helping and make a slide with him - it's very fun and interesting. But to create such a design, you need to adhere to some rules.

What is needed to build a slide?

  • Pre-prepared area.
  • A pile of snow.
  • Shovels.
  • Water.

And, of course, the most important thing is desire.

How to make a snow slide: choosing a location

You should start this business by choosing a place for the slide. It is advisable that it be away from roads. For example, in the yard or in some public garden. This is primarily necessary for the safety of children. This area must be cleared of debris. Optimal size for a slide - from 5 to 7 meters. A slide that is too high and steep can be dangerous for children. But if it’s too small, it’s inconvenient to ride, and it’s of no use.

After the place has been chosen and prepared, you should throw the snow in the shape of a slide and slowly begin to compact it. The slope angle of the slide should not exceed 50 degrees. It can be adjusted by adding snow. How to make a snow slide so that it is comfortable for children to climb? It is necessary to build steps. To prevent anyone from slipping, they should be laid out with planks. For the safety of children, it is imperative to make sides along the entire length of the slope of the slide.

How to make a snow slide correctly: workflow

After all of the above work has been completed, you need to fill the slide with water. You should start pouring carefully from the steps. When the water freezes, you need to add more snow. If cracks appear on the slide during the filling process, you should seal them with snow and water again. Such manipulations must be done until the surface becomes smooth. The slide should then be left alone overnight and allowed to harden. The next day, children can safely start riding it.

You can make a snow slide during the thaw. At this time the snow is heavier and stickier. Then it fits more tightly. But in any case, the slide must be filled in frosty weather. Do-it-yourself winter slides bring joy to children, as does the process of work itself. Throughout the winter, you can improve and repair the ice track. However, the slides have one significant drawback- this is seasonality. They will be able to please children only in the winter season. During the warming period, the hill will melt very quickly, and nothing will remain of it.

Cool jumps

How to make a snow slide that will delight not only children, but also adults? You need to approach this matter creatively. Firstly, for the fastest construction you need to turn on your imagination. To give the slide the desired shape, you can do wooden frame. For this you will need various boards, which will then be covered with snow. If there are a lot of boards, you can make a high slide so that not only children, but also their parents can enjoy riding. It’s even better to make two descents: one for very young children, and the second for older children and adults.

Secondly, if there is little snow at the site of the future slide, the base can be made, for example, from car tires. They are piled up, covered with snow and filled with water. To make the descent, you can use wooden panels, cardboard or plywood. Instead of tires, you can take any other Construction Materials. The safest slide is a wooden structure filled with snow.

Thirdly, you need to fill the slide with water carefully. If you simply water it from a bucket, you can seriously damage the entire structure or at least leave holes and other irregularities on it.

How to make an ice slide out of snow with a perfectly flat surface? Using a rag, through which the water will be evenly distributed over the snow. Everything ingenious is simple! Very a good option- water the hill from a garden watering can. You can fill it using a plywood sheet, from which water will drain and form a descent. How to make a snow slide with your own hands if you don’t have either? The most reasonable option would be to mix water and snow in a bucket until it becomes a paste. After this, you need to apply this mixture in a thin layer to the surface of the slide and level it with shovels. The descent surface will need to be monitored and maintained in order.

Decorations for the mood

How to make a beautiful snow slide? To create the mood, it is decorated accordingly. The way it is decorated, or in what form it is made, affects the mood of the children. If you have the desire and time, you can build a slide with arches in the shape of a hut or some kind of castle. Kids will enjoy this design.

The question of how to make a snow slide with your own hands should be approached in advance. Usually, winter slides are made in December, and are ridden mainly during New Year's holidays. Children will be very happy if the slide is painted with appropriate pictures. By showing your imagination, you can figure out how to make a snow slide for children and adults to awaken the New Year's mood. For example, it wouldn’t hurt to draw snowflakes or a Christmas tree with a star on the top on the hill. Better yet, make some kind of snow sculpture or snowman next to the slide. It's so great when children are happy!

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

What's winter without snow slides? ice sculptures and snowdrifts! On a frosty winter day you just want to grab an ice cube and run for a ride. fresh air, but often there may not be an ice slide nearby at all. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to do it yourself without outside help build a snow slide. This is a real joy not only for children of any age, but also for adults. Let's look at several ways to properly build and fill a snow slide with water so that it freezes.

Choosing a place in the yard

Let's first figure out what kind of slides even exist, and what type of snow structure you can build in your yard.

Types of slides:

The ideal place is game Zone, where the kids are used to spending time. Here are some tips on where a children's slide should be located:

  • In a safe area away from the roadway and also from pedestrian paths;
  • On open area to make riding free and easy;
  • Far from various buildings, structures, pillars, trees and other plantings. The sliding should occur smoothly until it comes to a complete stop;
  • The slope should be gentle and not too steep ( optimal angle high part - 40-50 degrees);
  • The rollout must be directed onto a flat area, without obstacles or protrusions, so that children do not get injured;
  • The place should be well lit in the evening, since riding with flashlights is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe.

Photo example of a fun New Year's slide

Selecting the size and preparing inventory

It is important to remember that the higher you plan to build a snow slide, the more free area there should be for a smooth descent. Let's consider the basic requirements for their production:

  1. The top of the slide must be fenced with sides at least 40 centimeters high. This is done to protect against accidental falls and stability if the sole slips;
  2. The stairs to the top must be non-slip and non-steep (the dimensions of the steps in depth and height are 20*20 cm). It will be useful to sprinkle the steps with sand, but not too much, as it will fall on the slope and slow down the movement;
  3. The ratio of the height of the slide to the length of the entire descent should be in proportions 1:6;
  4. The width of the slide depends on the intended purpose: for small children, for tubing, for skating alone or together in a crowd, etc.

The most best time for the construction of the structure - a clear sunny day, since during the day there is a slight thaw, and at night the frost gets stronger. It is easier to work with slightly damp and pliable snow, and at night the result will consolidate itself.

What tools are needed:

  • Warm mittens and gloves to protect your hands (it is advisable to wear rubber gloves on top);
  • Large metal shovels;
  • Broom;
  • Metal buckets, ladles and watering cans;
  • Sprayers, atomizers or rubber hoses;
  • Unnecessary rags and mops;
  • Flat hard devices (table tops, long plywood, boards, etc.) for leveling snow on the slope;
  • Wide spatula or construction scraper;
  • Quick access to water.

Remember: only clean snow should be used to form the structure! It should also not contain foreign objects: stones, sticks, branches, leaves, etc.

The video below shows how you can build a snow slide with your own hands in kindergarten or the yard of your home.

We begin to sculpt a snow slide

Once you have decided on the location and dimensions of the structure, prepared all the equipment and called in assistants, you can safely get to work:

If desired, you can use a ready-made frame, for example, wooden stairs, railings, shields, boards, tabletops and even car tires which are subsequently covered with snow.

Let's start filling

Filling is the most important stage; here it is important not to spoil all the work done. The main thing is to never use slides for flooding. warm water– it will only leave holes in the snow and melt it. The water should be ice cold - mixed with snow in a metal bucket.

Filling options:

  1. Spraying from a garden watering can or hose;
  2. Pouring water onto a wide shovel and then onto the mountain slope itself;
  3. Place a wet cloth on the surface of the slope;
  4. Pouring ice water from a bucket of snow onto the hill, compacting it and sanding it with spatulas.

All hills, irregularities and defects are knocked down and leveled until the structure takes the required shape. The shape should “set” overnight, and the very next day you can try out the slide and ride it with your friends!

Sledding down a hill, skiing and skating, building snow castles - these are not all the entertainments that winter gives a child. If parents want to give their child real pleasure, then they definitely need to learn how to make a snow slide in their yard.

Snow slide: making a winter attraction

To build a snow slide you just need a little ingenuity, a free flight of imagination and a couple of available tools that are sure to be found in every home.


  • metal or plastic shovel;
  • scraper, construction spatula;
  • spray;
  • buckets and watering cans.

Usually, to build a full-fledged snow slide, a small shovel is enough, which will help form the basis of the future structure, as well as several spatulas for leveling the surfaces. A metal or plastic bucket and a pair of warm mittens will come in handy. However, depending on the complexity of the work, conditions and circumstances, you can use any other convenient one at your own discretion.

Engineering and Safety

Figuring out how to make a snow slide is not at all difficult. However, before you begin, you need to pay attention to some “secrets of engineering” that will help make the structure stronger, safer and more durable.

  1. First, you should choose the optimal location to place your homemade attraction. Naturally, the longer the slope, the more fun the ride will be.
  2. In order to avoid problems with filling and freezing of water, it is better to make the slope of the slide more gentle.
  3. To protect children from injury, it is necessary to arrange a rollout onto a flat area, the plane of which will ensure uniform sliding until it comes to a complete stop.

How to make a snow slide: construction technology

Before you begin specific actions, you need to protect yourself from frostbite by protecting your hands tightly and, if necessary, wearing warm mittens on top.

Optimal conditions for building a snow slide come with the arrival of a thaw. As soon as the temperature gets as close as possible to zero, and the snow becomes more tenacious, it is necessary to roll large balls, laying out the base of the future structure, according to the planned parameters and dimensions.

How to build a snow slide that will be comfortable and safe for a child? To do this, you need to take care of preparing a ladder that will help you climb to higher ground without any problems. You can make an impromptu ladder from the same snowballs laid in the form of steps. A smooth surface of the steps can be formed without any problems using a spatula or scraper.

It is better to fill the snow slide with the arrival of severe frosts. Moreover, this must be done by evenly watering the surface of the slide warm water from a watering can. In this case, small depressions may appear that will have to be lightly patched with snow and smoothed with a spatula.

Parents who know how to make a children's ice slide correctly never build it without curbs. This allows you to increase the safety of the structure and leave the kids alone to have fun without fear for their health.

Secrets of creating a route

Having familiarized yourself with the basic recommendations on how to make a snow slide, you can move on to studying the technology for creating an ice path. First, you need to carefully compact the snowballs, forming a smooth, dense surface for the future descent. You can compact the surface with your feet, a shovel, a small log, or any other available means.

The angle of descent should be done based on the age of the children. For children under 3 years of age, the angle of the inclined path should be no more than 30 degrees. Parents who want to learn how to make a snow slide for older children should be advised to make the descent steeper, otherwise the children may quickly get bored with the fun.

Preparing the Base Ice Layer

The first layer of ice is the most important start when building a snow slide. Its correct formation becomes the key to creating ergonomically thought-out descents, precise slopes and turns.

It is convenient to create a base layer of ice using a regular home sprayer for spraying plants. The water in the spray bottle should be warm. Otherwise, the slope will freeze too quickly, resulting in uneven areas. The first layer of ice crust should freeze for at least an hour.

How to make a snow slide with your own hands? Filling with water

It is convenient to fill the main layer of water to form a full-fledged ice slope using a small bucket, or better yet ordinary water the container should, again, be warm, this will make the surface of the descent smoother. However, you need to try not to overdo it, because when filling the slide, you can frankly throw all your efforts down the drain.

In order for the surface of the descent to be completely seized by a strong ice crust, children should not be allowed to descend until the next morning. To finally secure the surface, it is necessary to splash several buckets of water onto the slope of the structure early in the morning.


How to make a snow slide for a child? When performing such a task, the main thing is to have a reserve of strength and time sufficient to form a full-fledged snow mountain.

In order not to fly off the slide, it is better to make the descent in the form of a groove with strong, high curbs. Similar to the descent, the surface of the curbs must be evenly doused with water from a watering can, bucket or hose.

Once you find out how to build a snow slide, you will probably want to make such a structure in your yard. If you also involve others in this process - parents and children, then you can turn the construction of a slide into quite an exciting event. As soon as the slide is completed, you can safely convene neighborhood kids from all over the area, who will happily test the structure for strength.

Usually filling a small snow slide on our own, even without outside help, is not difficult. Depending on the number of participants at the event, the work may take from several hours to several days. However, the work expended will not go unnoticed. Until spring, children will be able to have fun and spend time in the company of their peers without leaving their own yard.