How to make a bath bomb at home. How to make aromatic effervescent bath balls

Almost every girl loves to take a bath with a certain comfort that is created by fragrant bath bombs. Many people note that they hiss very soothingly and pleasantly soften the water. This effect is achieved due to the soda content in the product. Also, many bombs contain special aroma oils that promote relaxation. They often also brightly color the water, creating interesting patterns.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy such bombs in a store, because they are quite expensive. And the impact is not the same as the manufacturer describes. Therefore, if you want to get a bomb that is ideal for you in all respects, it is better to make it yourself. Believe me, it is not as difficult as it seems!

What types of bombs can you make?

You can imagine several options for soothing and fragrant balls, which are selected according to personal preferences and skin type. All bath bombs are divided into dry and water. Each option contains certain ingredients that have a positive effect not only on relaxation, but also on improving the condition of your skin. If you are a real fan of baths with such balls, then you can make several of them at once for every day. It's up to you to decide whether to do it dry or watery, it all depends on what is more convenient for you.

What is used for cooking

If you are interested in a dry bath bomb, then you can familiarize yourself in detail with the option of making it. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • citric acid (2 tbsp);
  • soda (4 tbsp.);
  • table salt (8 tbsp);
  • cosmetic oil (any oil of your choice, you can buy it at the pharmacy);
  • essential oil(10-12 drops);
  • herbs, flowers (optional).

Remember to use gloves and a medical mask while making the ball so that you do not irritate the mucous membrane. Try to follow all safety precautions.

You need to put all the dry ingredients in a coffee grinder and grind to a powdery consistency. Then you should add the already mixed oils to the composition. You should use as little cosmetic oil as possible to keep the bomb dry. If desired, you can add herbs, flowers or food coloring to the aromatic ball; it is best to mix them with oils.

The bombs should be dry, but not disintegrating. If the whole composition disintegrates, you can add a little alcohol or water spray. You need to put the entire homogeneous mass into prepared molds and close them tightly. They should harden in a warm place where there are no drafts. It is best to leave them alone for a day.

If you prefer a water bath bomb, then you need the following ingredients to make it:

  • citric acid (1 tbsp);
  • table or sea salt (1 tbsp.);
  • baking soda (2 tbsp);
  • cosmetic oil (0.5 tbsp.);
  • essential oil (8-10 drops).

The preparation method is completely similar to the dry version. There is only one difference - after mixing all the components, you need to sprinkle them with small drops of water several times and mix as quickly as possible. Then you also compact the entire homogeneous mass into special molds, close them and leave them to harden.

Subtleties of cooking

While cooking, your bomb may begin to explode. In this case, you need to quickly wrap it in cling film and immediately put it in the freezer. And it is better to use such a ball immediately after it hardens. And so that even after freezing it does not continue to explode, it must be handled only with dry hands.

Often these bath bombs are made as gifts. If this is your case, then you should follow these steps. It is better to also wrap the fragrant ball with cling film and drop essential oil on it in some places. You can also use all your decorating talents and decorate the bomb with a ribbon or bow. The main thing is that your gift retains all the planned impact.

When making the actual aromatic mixture, consider your personal preferences. So your body may react differently to certain odors. Therefore, keep coffee beans on hand to eliminate the smell of oils, at least temporarily.

As you probably know, each oil has its own effects. Likewise, bombs can be invigorating or calming. It is better to make several options at once for individual situations. This way you can either take a soothing bath after a hard day at work, or invigorating in the morning day off.

Effervescent bath bombs (or geysers) are a real hit in cosmetics. They can turn an ordinary bath into a real spa procedure. They are pleasant, funny, and most importantly convenient to use. When they hit the water, they hiss and bubble, and it’s a pleasure to watch.

And what a wonderful aroma they give off! Remember that aromatherapy can work real miracles: it can relieve headache, improve your mood, invigorate or, conversely, calm and relax, remove toxins, set you in a positive mood. Don't neglect it accessible means getting rid of life's difficulties.

The fatty oils contained in the bombs care for the skin, promote its renewal and nutrition, fill it with youth and tone it.

Bath bombs are also a great gift that every woman would love to receive. So feel free to make them with your own hands, and more of them, to create a SPA salon in your home and give this wonderful care product to your mother, friend, colleagues, etc.

It is important that homemade bombs do not contain chemicals, but are made exclusively from natural ingredients. Of course, these can be found in stores, but given the low cost, they charge a lot for them. It’s better to do it yourself, especially since it’s very simple!

To make bath bombs with your own hands we will need:

  • 10 tablespoons of soda;
  • 5 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of filler: this can be colored salt for baths (with it the bombs will turn out beautiful and bright), sea salt, oatmeal, coffee, powdered milk and other useful components;
  • 1 teaspoon of fatty oil (olive, coconut, burdock, pumpkin, etc.);
  • essential oils (2-3 drops per bomb);
  • dry crushed herbs (if desired).

Advice: if you don’t want particles of anything (even useful ones) floating in the bath, choose components that dissolve in water (salts and milk powder are best); if you want to “scrub”, take insoluble components and enjoy the procedure with them

You can add food coloring in a small concentration to the bombs. Don't be afraid, it won't stain your skin or the walls of the bathtub, because it won't be strong enough to do that. But he will make our craft very elegant. So if you make geysers as a gift, feel free to use dye.

We will also need a spray bottle, disposable gloves and molds (you can use cookie cutters).

How to make a bath bomb?

Mix the first three components. If you used a large filler, grind it with a blender or coffee grinder. The output should be a homogeneous mass (like a powder).

Add oil and all other ingredients. Mix the mixture well with your hands. It should mold well. If not, add a little water from a spray bottle. Just don't overdo it! If hissing starts, add a little more acid and soda. From the resulting mixture we form future bath bombs.

Tip: If you don't have any molds, cut up an old tennis ball or use a Kinder Surprise egg.

Press the mixture well into the molds.

You can relax, unwind, put your body and spirit in order if you take a bath with fizz. Bath bombs have come into fashion relatively recently, but those who have already tried this miracle know its extraordinary effect on the body. Today we will try to make these sizzling bath bombs with our own hands. The recipes for making them are simple and safe enough, so you can make them with your children, and then try them out in a full bath!

Homemade bath bombs

To begin with, here is the simplest recipe for a base that can be used for children's games in the bathroom. Once you've learned how to make the bomb base, you can then experiment with flavorings. So, we will need:

  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • any vegetable oil.

Important clarification. There should always be 2 times more soda than citric acid, only in this case we will ensure the correct chemical reaction. Also don't forget to use gloves!

Thoroughly grind and mix citric acid, soda and salt in a cup for several minutes. Make sure there are no lumps! Now gradually add the oil, rubbing the mass with your hands. The mixture should be plastic, but at the same time dry. No need to achieve the consistency of plasticine! We compact the resulting mass tightly into a previously prepared container. The easiest thing to do at home is to take baking dishes or a container from Kinder Surprise. To make our workpiece fit more tightly, you can add a little alcohol to it. This way the mixture will be moistened and compacted better. Do not use water for this under any circumstances - it will start the reaction, and alcohol will have no effect. In addition, it will quickly evaporate. Now we leave our bath bombs to harden for several hours. After that, we easily remove them from the molds and they are ready for use! It’s enough to throw a bomb into the bathroom and it starts to hiss, releasing a lot of bubbles - it’s gone chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide.

Bath Bomb Recipes

Now that we've understood the point of making bath bombs (and learned how to make them), it's time to give some recipes for making them.

The general idea of ​​aromatizing bombs is this: there is a base (we made it with our own hands a little higher), to which aromatic components (for example, essential oils) and, possibly, some dyes are added.

You should not approach the choice of oil thoughtlessly, because they have different influence. For example, olive oil is good for dry skin, while coconut or almond oil is good for oily skin. Lavender soothes and relaxes, while citrus oils invigorate and tone.

Essential oils should be added literally drop by drop. When adding essential oils to the base, the bomb may begin to fizz. In this case, you need to quickly stir the mixture. If it doesn't help, add a little soda.

Below you will find several recipes for sizzling bath bombs.

Soothing Bath Bomb Recipe

This soothing bath bomb is made with lavender. Add a few drops of lavender oil and purple food coloring to the base. The complete recipe for a relaxing bath bomb is:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops,
  • purple food coloring - 5 drops.

Toning bath bomb

A bath bomb with the addition of orange and cinnamon oils is an excellent tonic and cleanser for the skin. The bomb recipe is also quite simple:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • sea ​​salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • orange essential oil - 10-15 drops,
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5-7 drops,
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.

I love taking baths and I love bubble baths. They are so pleasant, and the bubbles tickle your skin so gently, it’s like you’re in a mini-jacuzzi.

There is just one thing, they are very expensive in stores, and you don’t want to spend 200, and sometimes 600, rubles for one bath. I found a way out - I started making these bombs myself! Besides, I found my hobby in this, because there is such scope for creativity. And now there is always something to give to friends, relatives and acquaintances 😀

Making bombs is quite easy: you don’t need anything supernatural to create them, everything can be found at home or in nearby stores.

The recipes are quite different, but the main ingredients remain the same - citric acid and soda. It is thanks to their interaction that such a reaction is obtained. We also need a mold, but you can use a regular ping pong ball cut in half, molds for candy and ice, children's sand molds and the like.

Auxiliary components: how to add more volume, mass, usefulness and beauty to bombs

Also, for volume, weight and additional usefulness, you can add dry fillers such as sea salt, sugar, different color clay, milk powder, starch, oat and rice powder (you can make it yourself), ubtans, Ayurveda powders, ground teas, coffee, cocoa (I just love the latter, the whole bathroom is filled with an intoxicating aroma). In general, everything that is possible.

You can also add extracts for benefits. They can be dry, in the form of green tea, calendula, lotus, sage. There may be oil, propylene glycol and glycerin.

As I already said, bombs are a space for creativity, so I add everything that catches my eye: sparkles, glitters, bath pearls, rose petals. I also paint them in various colors using ordinary food dyes, soap dyes, mineral pigments. I usually buy all these bells and whistles at Leonardo, or at the nearest craft store.

The recipe for the simplest bomb

But don’t be alarmed, you don’t have to use all this, for a simple bomb you will only need citric acid + soda in a ratio of 2:1, add the rest of the ingredients as much as you want (except for oil, you need to be careful with it and add no more than a tablespoon per 5 tbsp .l soda and 2.5 tbsp citric acid). All! The rest is a flight of fancy.

P.S. Be sure to read the recipe below, where I describe the manufacturing process in great detail.

ATTENTION! Before mixing the ingredients, be sure to wear gloves and preferably a mask with goggles, since citric acid is very volatile and can irritate the mucous membranes.

Now I will share with you the recipe for my most favorite and basic bomb.

  • Soda (5 tablespoons)
  • Citric acid (2.5 tablespoons). Moreover, citric acid should be in powder form, and not in liquid form.
  • Sea salt (1 tablespoon)
  • Some base oil (1 tablespoon). I love using coconut because I love the smell. You can also use olive, peach, and cocoa butter.
  • Essential oil (10 drops). Again, any, to your taste. I usually use tangerine, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, and peppermint oils.

ATTENTION! All containers and utensils you use must be completely dry to avoid causing a premature reaction.

So let's get started. The first step need to mix citric acid along with soda. If you use regular citric acid, then you need to additionally grind it in a coffee grinder (the same can be done with soda, but not necessarily). There is also a special ready-made citric acid for creating bombs, it is much finer, but if you grind it too, the bomb will be sculpted better. After grinding and mixing the ingredients, you need to wait a while for the “dust” to settle.

The second step add sea salt to the mixture. It should be fine or ground. By the way, sea salt can be with the addition of herbs, colored or some kind of delicious smell. All this will be a plus for our bomb.

On third step First add the base oil and then drop in the essential oil. Mix everything well, the mixture should be easy to mold and look like wet sand.

Basically, that’s it, our mixture is ready. But I also like to add different dyes to give the bomb color. I usually divide the mixture in half, color one part and leave the other white. Also at this step you can add glitter, glitter, dry petals.

Last step– put the mixture into molds (or into ball halves). Try to add more mixture to one half so that your bomb does not collapse when separated. The two halves need to be tightly fastened together and left to dry and fasten for several hours or even a whole day. It is better to dry in a cool place, but not in a warm place (tested from personal experience).

These bombs should be stored in a dry place (never in the bathroom), the shelf life is several years.

Possible manufacturing errors

  1. The bomb breaks or is covered in cracks

All due to the fact that you did not fasten the mass well. Next time you need to add more oil, or grind the baking soda and citric acid thoroughly (if you haven’t done this before).

  1. The mixture falls out (leaks out) from the mold

You do it in a too humid room, or on wet dishes, or water got in by accident. The solution is to put it in the refrigerator or freezer.

  1. During drying, the bomb flattens or becomes deformed.

If you don’t succeed the first time, or if some difficulties arise, don’t worry, everything will come with experience. At the beginning, I encountered all the problems that I described, and subsequently I got better at it and now everything turns out perfect every time. And you will succeed. Good luck to you!

One of great ways relaxing means taking a warm bath. Taking it with fragrant effervescent bombs made with your own hands is doubly pleasant. As they say, everything ingenious is simple, you can easily handle the production, plus this is a great gift for a friend or work colleague. And what a holiday for children the process of “launching a bomb” is difficult to even describe.

We offer you a basic recipe, one of the simple ones. Use your imagination and experiment - change the color and aroma of the bomb, add healthy ingredients.

So, the bath bomb recipe:

  • 30 g citric acid;
  • 60 g soda;
  • 40 g milk powder or starch;
  • food coloring;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. oils (to your taste - peach, almond, olive, etc.);
  • essential oil (7 drops);
  • mold (also at your discretion).

How to quickly and easily make your own bath bombs:

  1. We put gloves on our hands.
  2. Let's start preparing the bomb - mix the dry ingredients, first grind the citric acid well in a coffee grinder. Mix oils and food coloring separately, a couple of drops is enough. Now combine the dry and wet ingredients, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and the components are evenly distributed. The consistency of the mixture resembles wet sand and sticks together well in your hands. If the mixture is too dry, carefully add water and stir quickly.
  3. Pack each layer fairly tightly into the bomb mold. You can first put dry herbs or flowers, berries, green tea, coffee beans, chocolate, whatever your heart desires, and then fill it. After a minute, remove the mold and let the bomb dry for several hours, but it is better to leave it to dry overnight.
  4. Voila, feel free to run a bath and lower the bomb. It will slowly dissolve with a quiet hiss and bubbles. But it will leave behind an incredible aroma in the air and a lot of useful substances in water. Moreover, the bombs make your skin soft and velvety, have a beneficial effect on hair growth, and are also excellent aromatherapy and relaxation at home.

Some tips:

  • Ready bombs should be stored in cling film.
  • If the bombs suddenly increase in size after being removed from the mold, do not be alarmed. You have added too much water or oil. Wrap the bomb tightly in a bag and place it in the freezer. Then feel free to use it.
  • Bath bombs can make great gifts if you make them beautiful packaging with your own hands.