How to make halay iron for flowers. What is iron chelate and what properties does it have?

Iron chelate is widely used to treat disorders of chlorophyll formation, as well as to stimulate photosynthetic processes in crops growing in depleted soils. This substance is not in short supply and is quite cheap, so it is most often purchased in finished form. However, you can make fertilizing yourself, adhering to the technology and observing the proportions of the main components.

Iron chelate is not scarce and is quite cheap

Chemical composition and features

Pure iron chelate is a dirty orange powder that is odorless and has no distinct taste. According to its chemical structure, it is an atom of divalent iron, enclosed in a shell of weak organic acid compounds. Covalent bond there is no between the mentioned elements, therefore the valence of the chelated ferum remains unchanged until the disintegration of the shell. The main purpose of the ligand is to protect the main substance from interaction with other active molecules capable of reducing iron to its ferric form.

For plants, iron chelate is extremely useful, since it not only participates in metabolic processes, but is also part of the enzymes that stabilize oxygen metabolism and normalize the formation of the characteristic green pigment of foliage.

Among positive properties The chelate form of the substance can be distinguished:

  • complete absence of toxicity;
  • compatible with mineral supplements and most pesticides;
  • good solubility in water;
  • high transport activity and easy digestibility;
  • versatility in use.

It is a very common belief that rusty water is also a source of iron. The element is indeed present there, however, in an insoluble form, which has a detrimental effect on root system plants.

Moreover, in some cases even the available form may be useless:

  1. If the soil contains an increased amount of chalk or dolomite. The mentioned components interfere with the normal absorption of iron - its deficiency will be felt even with regular supplementation.
  2. When an element actively interacts with oxygen. In this case, oxidation will not allow the crops to obtain required amount fertilizers

Instructions for use

Iron chelate is a universal preparation, which can be used both for root feeding and for spraying. The first method is used in cases of advanced chlorosis, and the second is more suitable for preventive treatments.

You can determine that plants suffer from iron deficiency by the following signs:

  • young leaves begin to turn yellow, characteristic yellowish veins appear on them;
  • there is a pronounced shredding of the leaves;
  • flowers, buds and foliage fall off for no apparent reason;
  • the growth of green mass stops;
  • ugly flowers of irregular shape appear on the plant;
  • the edges of the leaves curl into tubes.

Carrying out root feeding involves the preparation of a 0.8% working solution and its further use for watering plants. Average consumption fertilizer is 4-5 liters for every 100 m² of land. Two buckets of liquid are usually added under fruit trees.

Foliar feeding is carried out by spraying the foliage of plants with a ready-made solution from a fine spray bottle. First preventative treatment carried out immediately after bud break, subsequent ones - at intervals of 14 days. If the plant exhibits obvious signs iron deficiency, four sprayings are necessary, but two will be sufficient to prevent chlorosis. It is advisable to treat trees with a 0.8% solution, vegetables, berries and ornamental crops - 0.4%. Best time for spraying - early morning or evening hours.

Since ferum quickly precipitates in the finished solution, preparations based on it must be stored undiluted. It is strongly recommended to keep the substance away from direct sun rays. The maximum permissible storage period is one and a half years.

DIY fertilizer

It’s not difficult to make iron chelate at home - you don’t need any specialized knowledge or professional equipment. There are two ways self-cooking, and both involve the use of ferrous sulfate (in other words, iron sulfate), which must be purchased in advance at any agricultural store.

There are two ways to make fertilizer:

The properties of homemade iron chelate are almost as good as purchased ones, but its shelf life is much shorter.

Since the substance is prone to rapid oxidation and precipitation, unused liquid will become useless after 2 weeks.

Iron chelate is a very useful substance that can not only cure chlorosis, but also prevent its occurrence. The drug has a reasonable price and is sold in all agricultural stores, and if you particularly wish, you can prepare it yourself.

Plants require a variety of beneficial microelements for normal growth. TO the most important means for vegetation, iron chelate is used. Its use is largely to prevent chlorosis. Throughout the life of plants, the need for the substance does not go away, but may change somewhat; accordingly, the dosage should be regulated and selected individually.

Features and positive qualities of iron chelate

Before considering iron chelate, you should learn more about iron, what it is. Iron is an active component; it is necessary for vegetation to live, as it acts as a stimulator of metabolic processes. It is also important for plants because it actively participates in the release of chlorophyll, and, accordingly, respiration.

What is the chelated form? Chelated iron is a Fe++ ion, which is located inside a ligand shell consisting of a small amount of organic acid residues. Citric acid is often used to achieve chelation. Due to the presence of the shell, foreign ions and molecules that can change the shape of Fe++ do not penetrate into the substance.

Iron chelate for plants

This microfertilizer is iron in chelated form, that is, a complex compound of iron ions with amino acids. This form of the substance is especially useful for plants, as it can be fully absorbed. The presence of the component provides high-quality nutrition for the healthy development of the plant. Its amount is somewhat smaller than macroelements, but exceeds various microelements. Due to the need for a large amount of the substance, chelated iron becomes indispensable for the gardener.

A deficiency of iron chelate will lead to a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the plant; it may be susceptible to chlorosis. A pathological change in the metabolic function of a plant is associated with a violation of chlorophyll synthesis in the foliage. The most characteristic manifestation is excessive lightness of the leaves and noticeable green veins on them.

Plants need iron in a chelated form of fertilizer, otherwise an acute deficiency of the substance develops, which leads to chlorosis. The problem is solved by feeding with chelate complexes.

You can determine that plants require iron chelate by the following characteristic features:

  • young leaves begin to turn yellow and green streaks characteristic of diseases appear;
  • leaf sizes decrease;
  • flowers, ovaries or foliage fall off without noticeable external reasons;
  • flowers grow, but have an irregular shape;
  • the growth of the rhizome system stops, and as the disease develops, it dies;
  • the development of greenery and tops stops;
  • The edges of the foliage have a curled shape.

Plant fertilizer microelement Iron Chelate

If the listed symptoms are detected, perhaps not all at once, it is worth treating the disease with the help of chelated fertilizers.

Iron chelate has many advantages:

  • absolutely non-toxic;
  • can be combined with other mineral-type preparations;
  • easily dissolves in water and leaves no sediment;
  • easily assimilated by all cultures;
  • resistant to harmful and beneficial microorganisms;
  • has high transportation rates; when it penetrates the foliage, it is quickly distributed throughout the entire stem and rhizome;
  • can be used together with pesticides;
  • universal, as it can be used for foliar and root feeding.

It is important to remember that if there is an excessive amount of chalk or dolomite impurities in the soil, iron can become completely useless, since it will not be absorbed by plants. In this condition of the soil, it will be extremely difficult for plants to cover the deficiency in iron chelate.

Chelated fertilizers can become unusable through the oxidation process, which is activated by a reaction with oxygen. It will be impossible to restore the component's usability after this.

Iron chelate treats plant chlorosis

Effect of the drug on indoor plants

Iron chelate for indoor species Plant management is especially important, since a small amount of soil often results in a deficiency of useful microcomponents. Due to a lack of various substances, the flower gets sick and sometimes dies. Chelated fertilizers are especially important for the following plants:

  • citrus;
  • gardenias;
  • hydrangeas;
  • azaleas;
  • clerodendrums.

Chelate complexes are important for them, since a deficiency acutely affects the condition of plants. Most flower growers know this feature of the listed varieties, and even before the onset of disease symptoms, they carry out regular feeding.

The instructions for using the drug contain recommendations regarding preventive measures for feeding the plant with iron. At sufficient quantity microelements flowers and other plants are distinguished by their rapid development and high level natural immunity to stressful conditions and chlorosis. Even after the onset of the disease, the plant can be cured, but you cannot delay feeding, otherwise you may be late.

Iron chelate for indoor plants very important

Application on various types of soils

Instructions for use and reviews indicate that fertilizers perform well in various types soils and climatic zones. For soil with an excess amount of carbon, such an additive is the only effective microfertilizer.

Expert opinion on iron chelate:

Iron chelate is nothing more than a combination of an amino acid group with ferrum ions. Lack of iron provokes the development of chlorosis, metabolic disorders, and inhibits the development plant organisms. The chelated form is completely soluble in water and is characterized by a high absorption rate by the root system of plants. Compatible with insecticides, suitable for fertilizing by root watering, irrigation of vegetative parts.

Anatoly Baykov

When comparing the effectiveness of the influence on different types of soil, the product is significantly superior to other types of microelements. The gap in performance between the compared groups reaches 200–1000%.

Applications of Iron Chelate for Plants

The use of iron chelate varies greatly depending on the expected effect and the reason for use. Depending on whether the drug is used for plant prevention or restoration, the dosage, fertilizer application interval and application period may differ.

For retail buyers the store sells fertilizer in small packages or you can prepare the product yourself


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The drug should be diluted in a concentration of 5 g per bucket of water. After obtaining a homogeneous solution, spray the green part of the plant. It is recommended to carry out treatment at least 2 times. You can use the drug for the first time after throwing out the first leaf, and you should continue the procedure throughout the entire growing season. It is preferable to maintain an interval of 2 weeks between sprayings.

IN last time Treatment must be carried out even before the plant blooms. The consumption of the drug is 1 liter per 10 m2.

Microfertilizer Iron Chelate

To treat plant diseases, it is worth doubling the dosage to 5 g per 5 liters of water - the concentration is valid for all fruit trees. All other crops require the use of a solution of 5 g per 8 liters of water. After preparing the mixture, you should generously spray all the greenery of trees or plants.

Number of treatments 2 per month at regular intervals. To achieve a positive result, it is worth performing the procedure at least 4 times.

To enhance medicinal properties of the drug required for advanced forms of chlorosis, root feeding can be carried out. To top up, make a solution of 5 g per 5 liters of water and cover the ground with the substance; 2 liters of liquid are used per 1 m2.

The drug is relatively safe and practically incapable of causing harm to humans, but before use you should take care of the basic rules of personal safety:

  • use rubber gloves before processing;
  • after spraying or topping up, be sure to wear a change of clothes;
  • You should wear protective gear on your head; a scarf, cap, etc. will do;
  • be sure to protect your vision and respiratory organs by wearing a gauze bandage and safety glasses - this is important when spraying the substance;
  • After finishing the procedure, you need to wash your hands, face and open areas skin using soap solution under running water;
  • If the substance gets on the mucous membranes, wash it immediately plain water from the tap.

To save beneficial properties The substance must be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children. Recommended temperature – from 0 °C. The storage duration is not limited provided the above conditions are met.

Treatment of chlorosis with iron chelate

Making iron chelate at home

Making fertilizer is possible with your own hands; this does not require special qualifications or special tools. You can save money by cooking it yourself significant part cost compared to purchasing a finished drug.

There are 2 main methods for preparing the drug yourself, and both require . You will have to buy it, but the cost of the product is significantly lower than ready-made fertilizer.

First way

To prepare iron chelate, you will need to buy ascorbic acid, it is sold in all pharmacies and is inexpensive. It is important to clarify the absence of glucose in the composition; a product with glucose will not be suitable for the task.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Prepare a solution of iron sulfate according to the instructions. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. vitriol per 500 ml of liquid.
  • Add 10 g of ascorbic acid to the prepared composition.
  • Add 3 liters to the mixture boiled water. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, a ready-made solution is obtained.

The dosage of homemade iron chelate is approximately 0.5%. This concentration is optimal for spraying plants.

Making iron chelate at home

Second way

In this option, ascorbic acid will be replaced by a more accessible substance - citric acid, which is sold in most grocery stores. To prepare the working composition you should:

  • Prepare 3 liters of boiled water.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the jar. l. acids.
  • Then add 1 tsp. vitriol.
  • After thorough stirring, you should get a liquid with orange, it is already ready for use.

The properties of homemade chelated iron are practically not inferior to purchased options, but the storage of the substance is significantly reduced. Ferum is prone to oxidation and precipitation, rendering the liquid useless after a few days of waiting.

Methods of application

In the instructions for the substance there are 2 main ways to use the drug: foliar and root. Foliar spraying is predominantly used; this method is sufficient for most purposes. The use of root feeding is justified only in cases of advanced forms of chlorosis, when the concentration of the substance is insufficient.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Published 11/07/2018

There can be both a deficiency and an excess of iron in the soil. Ferric iron, which forms rust, is of little benefit to plants. To produce chlorophyll, a divalent component is required. Therefore it was created special remedy- iron chelate. This is a modern and effective microfertilizer containing only one important microelement - ferrous ions.

Iron chelate is excellent for replenishing iron deficiency in plants

In this article:

Main characteristics

For proper growth and formation, plants need special nutritional elements with which they need to be saturated throughout the entire growing season. Plants completely absorb iron, providing themselves with balanced nutrition, protection from disease and proper growth.

Description and release form

Iron deficiency can be easily determined by external signs: light foliage with green veins. Chelated iron is an ion coated with a shell of weak organic acid residues. Pear, apple, plum, cherry, lemon, as well as grapes grown on depleted soils suffer from a lack of the element. The trees bear little fruit, bloom slightly, and the color of the fruit becomes light or pale. The shortage also affects vegetable crops.

Iron deficiency in plants is easily determined by appearance

Certain types of indoor flowers are demanding of iron and other trace elements, as they must remain in a closed substance. Azaleas, lemongrass, hydrangeas, gardenias and others are susceptible to iron deficiency. When the first signs of chlorosis are detected, it is necessary to spray the leaves. This will ensure a healthy appearance and full development.

Objectives of iron chelate:

  • rapid treatment of infectious chlorosis (yellowing of foliage) even in an advanced stage;
  • prevention of chlorosis;
  • restoration of photosynthesis of plants in poor cultivation conditions (poor soil, deficiency or excess of light, cold or hot weather).

Iron chelate is available by different manufacturers and in different form factors

Compounds of microelements in chelated form are more stable than in the form inorganic salts. Polychelated concentrations of various metals are effective and available to plants: iron, copper, manganese and zinc. The product produces the greatest effect when combined with boron, improving land reclamation. For example, crops such as radishes and strawberries greatly deplete the soil. Joint processing with boric acid will increase productivity.

In powder or other solid forms, chelates when exposed to air and sunlight unstable.

Benefits of using iron chelate:

  • stable immunity to environmental conditions;
  • replenishment of micronutrient deficiencies;
  • improvement of cellular respiration, metabolism and photosynthesis;
  • good plant growth;
  • increase in the amount of iron.

In this video you will learn about the use of iron sulfate:

Sold in the form of tablets with stabilizers or in bottles with a concentrated stock solution. The latter type is a dark brown liquid. The finished working solution turns light brown or orange. The fertilizer is stored for one year in its pure form. After opening the package, if the substance was stored in closed form, the expiration date does not change. The mother solution in an unclosed container retains its properties for two weeks; the working solution is used immediately.

Positive effects of fertilizer:

Plants do not have an overdose of iron-containing components, since the roots, leaves and stems absorb only the required amount of trace elements.

Rules for dosing and use

Affordable price and ease of use will soon solve plant problems. Root feeding used in complex and advanced cases chlorosis, foliar - for the purpose of disease prevention.

Also, iron chelate can be used to prevent chlorosis

Foliar, external treatment involves spraying plants or trees with liquid from a spray bottle. The initial treatment is carried out after the foliage unfurls, the next one after two weeks. Fruit trees irrigate with 0.8% chelated iron, and vegetable, berry and ornamental crops with a solution of 0.4%.

When root watering, use 0.8% fertilizer. The product is poured under the root in the appropriate volume.

Proportions of the product for root watering:

  • 10−20 liters per tree;
  • 1−2 liters per bush;
  • 4−5 l per 100 sq. m of vegetables or berries.

The instructions for use may contain other dosage information. This is due to the presence of ballast components in different forms release. When recalculating active substance the concentration remains the same.

It is important to adhere to the rules and safety precautions for the use of iron chelate

Spraying, irrigation and watering are carried out in the evening; a warm, cloudy day is recommended. The spray bottle should not produce splashes, but rather a light drizzle. The irrigation procedure is completed when fine dew settles on the leaves. Drops should not roll down.

Before watering at the root, the soil should be well moistened. This is done in advance.

Do-it-yourself microfertilizer

The working solution is prepared from budget vitriol. The chelate is formed by an acidifier - citric or ascorbic acid. The effect of the substance is explained by the fact that when vitriol is dissolved in water, iron ions are formed, which are captured by the chelating agent.

In two liters warm water mix until completely dissolved divalent 8 g copper sulfate. In another container, maintaining a similar proportion, dissolve 5 g of citric acid. Add iron sulfate to the resulting acidic solution in a thin stream. Stirring constantly, pour in 1 liter of water. The result is a fertilizer volume of 5 liters. A solution with a concentration of the main substance of 0.5% is used immediately.

Iron chelate is ready at home. The suitability of the working composition is determined by the transparency and orange tint of the liquid. There should be no sediment or cloudy color. The finished solution cannot be diluted; if necessary, increase the amount of water and reagents to obtain a larger volume.

Another option is to add ascorbic acid. The tablets should not contain glucose. Ascorbic acid (10 g) is added to a solution of iron sulfate (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water). Dilute 3 liters of water, after combining, chelated iron is formed.

The main disadvantage of creating iron chelate at home is that it cannot be stored, since the drug oxidizes and precipitates. The disintegrated chelate complex does not leave behind compounds harmful to the plant. Its breakdown products are carbon dioxide and water, which are harmless to the plant.

Safety rules and analogues of the product

Treat plants in the garden or indoors with iron chelate with extreme caution. There are similar preparations that, in the absence of original fertilizer, are successfully used in gardening.

Precautionary measures

The product belongs to the substances of the third class of danger to humans, therefore the treatment of plants is carried out using products personal protection. When fertilizer gets on the skin, it often causes inflammation and redness.

When using the drug, you must follow general safety precautions:

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your face and hands with soap, wash your clothes and treat them with a soda solution.

Drug substitutes

The agronomic market is represented by a large number of fertilizers and feeding products garden crops. Due to its easy absorption, iron chelate for plants is quite common. This is a universal and environmentally friendly fertilizer that benefits the garden. Some analogues are identical to iron chelate, while others are inferior in quality.

It is not necessary to use iron chelate; any product containing iron ions will do.

Ferovit is a universal photosynthesis activator. The fertilizer contains chelated iron, urea and nitrogen. This product is used to treat all year round vegetable and fruit crops, as well as domestic and ornamental plants. Indoor flowers suffer from hard water, which makes the soil alkaline and makes it difficult for the free absorption of iron from the soil. Fertilizer saturates the soil with iron, promotes good absorption of ions by plants, and saturates seedlings.

Another analogue is Microvit K-1, containing iron, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. The product actively fights plant chlorosis and is used for external and root treatment during the growing season. Used as a chelating agent citric acid, protecting iron ions from oxidation.

Fertik's water-soluble granules and aqueous solution are well absorbed by the plant and soil. Granules require plenty of moisture.

Some time after feeding your plants with iron, you will notice improvements in their condition.

Instead of a chelate, ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) is used. This substrate is cheaper in cost, but is also inferior in usefulness. During the decay of ions, the main part of the beneficial substances evaporates. The use of ferrous sulfate causes excess sulfur and burns the plants. Sulfate does not help with depleted soil and poor climatic conditions. This fertilizer should not be used on small areas(up to 10 acres) and in greenhouses).

Microfertilizer Orton Micro-Fe contains iron, boron, cobalt, manganese, zinc and other elements. It is used as foliar feeding to activate photosynthesis, prevent chlorosis, and increase resistance to diseases.

The introduction of any microelements into the soil or the treatment of plants with them plays the role of a healer for fruit crops.

The use of Reakom fertilizing increases germination energy, germination, resistance to diseases and bad weather conditions. Foliar feeding provides even greater absorption of useful elements, accelerates flowering, pollination, and improves the quality of the crop.

It is important to understand that iron is extremely important element for plants, if the problem is not corrected in time, it is negative
will affect the result

Iron is an important element for plant growth. Its lack leads to a disruption in the production of chlorophyll in the leaves, and the process of photosynthesis gradually stops. Iron deficiency is felt in alkaline soils. If the content of the element is sufficient, for its absorption it is necessary to maintain the acidic reaction of the soil. The only form of metal available that is easily absorbed is chelated iron.

Iron is one of the most essential nutrients. It is not classified as either macro or microelements; it simply must be constantly present in plant nutrition. A lack of iron leads to a disruption in the production of chlorophyll in the leaves, i.e., the gradual cessation of a vital function - the process of photosynthesis.

The most surprising thing is that iron is the most common element, and it is found in sufficient quantities in the soil, but, unfortunately, in a form inaccessible to plants. The only available and easily absorbed form of the metal is iron chelate.

What is iron chelate

Chelates are highly effective microfertilizers that contain one or more microelements enclosed in a shell. As the shell disintegrates, beneficial elements are released and nourish the plants. One such fertilizer is iron chelate.

III-valent iron – Fe(III) – is found in free form in the soil. But its molecules are inactive and bring virtually no benefit to plants and are not absorbed. The divalent form of iron Fe(II) is mobile, easily and quickly absorbed, but the problem is that such iron very quickly oxidizes, turning into the trivalent form (rust).

To prevent this from happening, Fe(II) is placed in a “shell” - a chelate complex, which consists of weak organic acids (most often citric acid). Iron in the chelate shell can retain its II-valence structure long time until the chelate complex disintegrates. The advantages of using iron chelate are that:

  • the breakdown of chelates occurs at the same rate as the absorption of iron by plants, i.e. iron oversaturation cannot occur, plants take as much as they need;
  • the chelate shell breaks down into elements that do not pollute the soil and are harmless to environment– oxygen, hydrogen, carbon.

Chlorosis, its causes and treatment

Why do plants need iron chelate? Iron is responsible for the normal course of the most important process in plants - photosynthesis. A deficiency of the element leads to infection of plant organisms with chlorosis, i.e. the synthesis of chlorophyll in green leaves is disrupted.

Plants seem to be losing vitality, weaken and may even die. This manifests itself mainly on newly developing shoots as follows:

  • the plates of young leaves between the veins become yellow, but the veins themselves remain bright green;
  • leaves become small;
  • there is an unreasonable fall of leaves and unopened buds;
  • the shape of buds and flowers changes and bends;
  • the edges of the leaves curl;
  • apical shoots do not develop or dry out;
  • the development of the root system slows down or stops, in the worst case – death of the roots.

Even one of these symptoms indicates insufficient quantities iron in the soil. To help plants, it is necessary to make root or foliar feeding iron solution.

Which is better for plants - iron chelate or iron sulfate?

The most common fertilizers containing iron are chelates and sulfates. However, many gardeners are inclined to believe that iron chelate is much more effective and safer than sulfate:

  • during the decomposition of Fe2 (SO4)3 fertilizer, much less divalent iron is released than active SO4 ions;
  • the rate of Fe(II) release and its absorption by plants do not coincide, therefore most of useful element is lost;
  • to achieve the norm of iron consumption, you will have to oversaturate the plants with sulfur, which results in sulfur poisoning;
  • Ferrous sulfate is ineffective on depleted soils, in summer and in difficult climatic conditions.

Much more effective use iron chelate for plant nutrition.

How to use

Fruit trees - apple trees, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, lemons - suffer most from iron deficiency. In addition, microelement deficiency is noticeable in such fruit and vegetable crops as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, corn, and raspberries. The most effective are foliar treatments of plants by leaves, but root watering also gives good results.

To prevent chlorosis

For preventive purposes, spray the leaves every two weeks from the appearance of new leaves until the start of flowering (but at least 2 times). To do this, prepare a solution: 5 g of iron chelate is diluted in 10 liters of water, which is used to treat plants at the rate of 1 liter per 10 m2.

For the treatment of chlorosis

5 g of chelate is dissolved in 5 liters of water to fruit trees, in 8 liters of water for vegetable crops. Treatment must be carried out at least 4 times with a break of 2 weeks. If it is necessary to treat deep chlorosis, you can water the plants at the root - 2 liters per 1 sq.m.

For indoor plants

Some types of domestic flowers are especially demanding of iron and other trace elements, as they are forced to remain in a closed substance for a long time. Iron deficiency is experienced by:

  • citrus trees;
  • azaleas;
  • hydrangeas;
  • clerodendrum;
  • gardenias.

If symptoms of chlorosis are also observed in other plants, regularly spraying the leaves with an iron chelate solution will help maintain healthy appearance and normal development of pets.

Preparation of the drug at home

It is easy to make your own iron chelate at home. When ferrous sulfate is dissolved in water, Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions are formed. A chelating agent (citric acid) traps ferrous iron and supplies it to plants.

The drug is effective for preventive treatments, but contains a large number of ballast - Fe(III), therefore, when preparing, compliance with proportions is fundamental. The working solution must be used immediately while it retains its orange color and transparency.

Cooking method:

  • dissolve 5 g of citric acid in 2 liters of warm distilled or rain water (you can use pure, settled water);
  • dissolve 8 g of iron sulfate in the same amount of water;
  • then slowly pour the vitriol solution into the citric acid solution in a stream, stirring constantly with a wooden stick;
  • then pour in another 1 liter of water in the same way and immediately use the solution.

Proportions and sequence must be observed. Treatment must be carried out in the evening or early cloudy (!) morning.

Video instructions for preparing the drug

Iron is an element that almost all plants need, although in smaller quantities than other microelements.Normal development and growth of the plant is impossible without this component. That is why a universal fertilizer was developed - iron chelate.

Iron chelate is a microfertilizer that contains iron in chelated form in an amount of 25-30 g/l. The pH value is almost neutral 6-8. The drug is powdery, dirty orange in color, and does not have any smells or tastes. By chemical composition it is a divalent iron atom, which is, as it were, packed in a shell of a weak organic acidity ligand, most often citric acid is used for this.

Thanks to such a shell, iron is reliably preserved from reaction with other active molecules that can convert it into a trivalent formula.

Iron chelate has the following properties:

  • Non-toxic.
  • It can be combined with mineral fertilizers.
  • It dissolves well in water and is absorbed by plants.
  • Can be combined with pesticides.
  • Resistant to microorganisms.
  • Versatile.
  • Relieves plants from non-infectious diseases.

The drug can be used for both root and foliar feeding.

How to use the drug

The drug can be used as a fertilizer and as a cure for diseases. For the second case it is mainly used. The first option is more suitable for fertilizing plants.

Foliar feeding

As a preventive measure, two sprayings are carried out, but if the plants or trees are already sick, then four treatments will be needed. For prevention, the first treatment is carried out in the spring, when the leaves on trees, bushes and plants have already fully unfurled. The second - after 3 weeks. If the plants are sick, then four treatments should be carried out every two weeks.

Important! For trees, the solution concentration should be 8%, and for all other crops it should be half as much, that is, 4%.

Root feeding

For watering plants, an 8% solution is used for all crops. It is worth watering with the drug after the plants have been well watered with plain water. For different cultures required different quantities solution: wood - 15 l, bush - 1.5 l, for vegetables and berries - 4.5 l per 100 square meters.

If you are using a store-bought iron chelate, the package will show detailed instructions how to breed it. This drug can be made at home - it will cost much less than a ready-made mixture.

How to make your own iron chelate

Preparing fertilizers at home is simple; it does not require any skills, special preparations or a lot of time. There are two methods of preparation.

Method one

You will need three components:

  • 3.5 liters of water
  • 1 tsp iron sulfate
  • 10 g ascorbic acid

It is necessary to boil and cool the water. Then add iron sulfate to 0.5 water, mix well until completely dissolved. Next, add ascorbic acid and stir until completely dissolved.

Important! Ascorbic acid must be free of any impurities, including glucose.

It is better to buy it in tablets; in other forms it will not dissolve in water. Pour the well-mixed solution into the remaining 3 liters of water and mix well again. The resulting mixture can be used for all types of fertilizing, but it is worth considering that it must be used immediately, since a precipitate will gradually appear, however, the same as when preparing a solution with purchased iron chelate.

Method two

This method also involves three components:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of citric acid
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of iron sulfate

Pour citric acid into the water and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Then add the third ingredient and mix well too. After adding iron sulfate, the solution will begin to take on an orange tint. This indicates that the iron has reacted with other ingredients and the solution is ready for use. Whatever iron chelate you use - purchased or homemade, the main thing is not to neglect your own safety measures.

Storage conditions for iron chelate

The prepared solution should not be stored for more than 4 hours, because then the iron settles. Fertilizer in powder form must be stored in inaccessible place for children and animals. If the package with the drug is open, it must be carefully closed and stored in a dry place, protected from light.

The shelf life of the powder is 1.5 years; after this period, the drug should not be used, as it can cause irreparable harm to yourself and the plants.