How does weight loss happen or where to look for the main fat-burning enzyme. Proper Weight Loss – How to Speed ​​up the Fat Burning Process

From the article you will learn how weight loss occurs and how to start losing weight correctly. excess weight. Why does the body need fat and what to do so that the fat begins to go away.

Why do you need cardio and fresh air to lose weight?

To understand how weight loss occurs, you need to understand what fat is and why it is important for the body. After all, excess weight is a problem for many people.

Having tried many diets, after which the weight somehow comes back, the majority finally give up.

So, fat is a source of energy; the body stores it for a rainy day.

Rule No. 1. If you need to lose extra pounds, you need to get rid of fat in cells.

The amount of fat does not change throughout life, but fat cells have the ability to stretch greatly. Thus, the more fat, the greater their mass and volume.

The process of getting rid of excess fat consists of three stages.

Rapid weight loss due to water, glycogen (unused glucose), feces, muscle mass.

Slow weight loss as a result of burning fat (gain may occur as the body replaces water loss).

Consolidation and adjustment to normal metabolism.

Rule No. 2. To burn fat in muscles, you need oxygen, physical exercise and enzymes.

Cardio exercises for this purpose are suitable fresh air or in a well-ventilated room (pulling dumbbells in a stuffy room will not do any good).

The muscles will be pumped up, but will not be visible from under the fat layer under the skin. Fat will not be burned due to lack of oxygen, but will return back.

Alternate between cardio and strength training (this is how relief will begin to appear in the process of losing weight).

The main fat-burning enzyme is L-carnitine, found in dietary supplements for weight loss. But in fact, the body itself produces it in sufficient quantities.

It is also rich in protein foods, such as meat and dairy.

How to choose the safest dietary supplements for weight loss - read

How to start losing weight

Before you start losing weight, it’s worth understanding what caused the extra pounds. This is what will help start the process and build a weight loss program.

Rule No. 3. Visit a doctor, get tested and undergo an examination.

If extra pounds are the result of a disease, then special therapy will be prescribed.

If there are no diseases, then obesity is a consequence wrong image life (this includes nutrition, activity, stress, sleep and rest, diets).

Rule No. 4. To start losing weight, normalize your metabolism.

Often people who are overweight have a metabolic disorder. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy foods.

Rule No. 5. View the diet not as a temporary phenomenon, but as a permanent way of life.

Limit high-calorie and rich foods fast carbohydrates products.

Such foods quickly increase blood sugar levels, making a person feel full (but blood sugar levels also drop quickly and a feeling of hunger occurs).

Glucose does not have time to be completely “digested” and goes into “storage”. It turns out to be a vicious circle, and meanwhile, the stomach is also stretched.

Ensure that your daily menu includes fruits and vegetables and protein-rich foods.

The first ones will increase metabolism and improve digestion, the second ones will provide muscles building material and energy.

If it is difficult to give up your favorite sweets and baked goods, then eat them before lunch (this way the body will have time to burn calories).

Rule No. 6. Provide the body active physical activity with access to oxygen.

You don’t have to sign up for a fitness club and run miles on a machine. It is better to change types of activity so that the body does not have time to adapt.

Suitable: going up and down the stairs to the floor, walking to work in the parking lot, morning jogging, walking with a stroller, walking a couple of stops to work or home, dancing, aerobics, cycling, rollerblading.

The duration of classes is at least 30 minutes (during this time the body burns new energy - glycogen, and only when it runs out does it begin to store fat).

Rule No. 7. Calculate the difference in the number of calories coming in and calories expended.

The active phase of weight loss lasts about a week or a week and a half, and then the results slow down. Be psychologically prepared for this and don’t give up.

At the same time, you cannot do this.

Increase the load and reduce the amount of food (otherwise, in a state of stress, the body will begin to put aside reserves for future use).

If you increase your activity, then your portions should increase. You need to maintain a balance: spend 500 calories more than you eat.

It's important to eat in small portions and more often, so that the food has time to be completely digested.

Rule No. 8. When famine approaches, it is important find out if you really want to eat.

Often people eat out of idleness, boredom, “for company” with the TV or computer, because of stress, or a lost daily routine.

Therefore, in addition to a balanced menu and physical activity, it is important to adjust your lifestyle and daily routine.

Finding a new hobby, updating your social circle, active mental activity also contributes to weight loss.

Complications from obesity

Fatness is not a vice. But why put up with something that can be changed.

Moreover, excess weight (really obesity of varying degrees), and not a couple of kilograms “to the ideal”, leads to serious consequences.

So, have fat people the risks of development increase:

  • diabetes mellitus, which affects kidney function, affects blood vessels and leads to blindness;
  • gynecological diseases (infertility, dysfunctional bleeding);
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis, hernias;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of oncology;

And also to an increase in the level of male hormones, which leads to hirsutism.

How to get rid of excess hair at home - read.

Overweight is fertile ground for many diseases.

Scientists note that obese people age earlier and live an order of magnitude shorter than those with normal weight. The second degree of obesity shortens life by 5 years, and the third - by almost 15 years.

There is something to think about, isn’t it?

But I think many of you will say that you have already tried everything, but to no avail. Come what may.

But it is important to understand here that a slim body- this is not the result of a two-week diet, it is long and systematic work on oneself, daily efforts and struggle.

From the video you will learn the hidden reason for obesity, which is not paid attention to.

Today you learned about how weight loss occurs, how to start this process in the body correctly. What is fat and why is it needed and why oxygen and strength training are needed to lose weight.

I'd love to hear your feedback.

How many times have you tried to “diet”, and did it give real results? What kind of active loads do you like, and are there any worthy alternative fitness club.

In the following articles I will tell you what the dangers of diets are, and whether it makes sense to take drugs for weight loss.

By the way, it turned out that if you have a friend who is getting fat, then your own chances of getting fat increase by 57%. What do you think about this - share in the comments.

Best regards, Tina Tomchuk

1. Increased cortisol in the body

Depending on your health, losing weight may increase the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. Your hormones directly affect every function in your body, and your hormones also affect how you eat and how active you are. To reduce stress, engage in activities that are more calming, such as yoga, walking and Pilates, or even just hiking. These exercises help the body not produce a large number of cortisol, but calorie burning and weight loss still occur. Your diet should be dominated by the following foods: protein, greens, green vegetables and foods with a low glycemic index, healthy fats. Controlling blood sugar levels is the key to weight loss, properly combat excess cortisol production in the body and then you will not have problems with weight loss.

2. The first thing the body leaves is water

When you diet, at first you will be able to lose a lot of pounds, but then things start to slow down. The reason lies in the fact that first of all the body loses water, and then you will lose fat. Ridding your body of excess water is not bad, but now you know why the kilograms don’t go away so quickly in the second week and you won’t give up halfway.

3. The body stores fat

Yes, when starting any diet, the body sees that it receives fewer calories and will store fat very easily. If you reduce your calorie intake too much, your body will slow down its metabolism and conserve every calorie. The best way The way to combat this is to eat moderate amounts of calories, at least 1500 calories per day, and exercise. The main thing is that your body does not experience hunger during the day, eat healthy food and then you will not have problems with extra pounds.

4. Need more sleep

Losing weight really takes a toll on the body. You need more rest! Getting enough sleep will give you sufficient quantity energy and relieve stress. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, and allow yourself a short 20-minute rest during the day.

5. Feeling irritable

Losing weight can make you very irritable, especially if you previously consumed sugar, junk food and fast food all the time. The body is literally detoxifying, but don't worry, this will pass as soon as your body comes into balance. It has been proven that processed food products They are as addictive as drugs, especially sugar. Make sure you have enough protein, greens and healthy fats in your diet.

6. You may be horny.

Losing weight can change your daily routine, making you less likely to want to go to bed early in the evening, which is the perfect time to binge eat. If you don't get enough calories during the day, it will be very difficult to resist temptation in the evening. To combat this, it is recommended to eat a fairly hearty dinner or drink a glass of kefir before bed.

7. Muscle mass leaves first

When you diet, after drinking water, your muscle mass begins to disappear. To combat this problem, it is necessary to include in your weight loss plan power training. This will ensure that muscle mass is restored properly. Muscle mass has important for good metabolism, they also burn fat.

Not eating enough calories every day causes a slower metabolism and, of course, weight gain. If you eat too few calories, you will stop losing weight. A proper healthy diet will help you cope with all your problems, and good physical activity will relieve you of stress and give your body a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

There was a need to explain how the process occurs losing weight under the influence of two important factors– training and nutrition. Why was there a need to write this post? One of my clients, who has been practicing for a long time, for 2 years, said the other day: “I’m so tired of constantly exhausting myself with loads and fighting for every millimeter of fat”.

By the way, valuable and effective material about losing weight is in. Now, to the topic of the post. Based on what she talks about the everyday life of her life ( a coach is always like a psychotherapist), I know that she does not follow her diet. And this despite the fact that I constantly say:

When losing weight, the main thing is nutrition!

She agrees with my arguments, but at the same time says: “Why is it like this, we only live once and want something!”, “As training is not the main thing, why then do we race so hard in classes?” It was precisely from this message that I came to the conclusion that I needed to write an article in which I would say that a person loses weight, first of all, from a well-structured diet, and not at all from training.

Then, remembering my communication with people who are always adjusting their weight, I suddenly realized, but many don’t even understand that lose weight they don’t do it because they work out, but ONLY because they go on a diet. And there’s no other way. But they do this at the subconscious level, continuing to accumulate mileage in gyms. I decided to move away from the abstruse phrases and terms that fitness masters love to flaunt. At the same time, they don’t understand at all that when they themselves are stuck in this every day, simple people who have their own concerns, don’t even understand more than half of what the masters say. So, let's begin.

Fat is not lost during training!

First of all, you need to understand what exactly during, subcutaneous fat NOT CONSUMED! Neither after the 40th minute, nor after 1.5 hours of training torment. All these pulse zones for burning fat in aerobics are complete nonsense. Invented for the purpose of aerobic population. This doesn't happen. Glycogen is used first ( carbohydrates), which is pre-stored by the body in the muscles and liver. When glycogen reserves run out, fat is used, but ONLY THAT which is in the form of granules in the muscle tissue itself. And there isn't very much of it there. But what happens next is what we, as people watching our weight, need to know!

You go home and rest until your next workout. And at this time, fat from fat depots ( the one under the skin and between internal organs ), is sent into the blood, since the body requires recovery after exercise. From there it goes back into the muscle tissue for next use during physical activity.

This is how, and only this way, getting rid of fat reserves under the skin happens!

Therefore, weight correction due to fat minus occurs ONLY during rest! During training, you simply trigger all the processes that lead to the use of fats in the body!

What role does nutrition play in all this?

The most important one. Even more significant than training! When you started all the chemical processes in class, that is, destroyed muscle fibers, used glycogen, triggered the release of hormones into the blood under the influence of stress ( physical activity), which must engage in construction and restoration - the body, in order to restore, needs to use it NEW energy. Where does he get this from? From FOOD PRODUCTS during VACATION!


If, during your vacation, namely REST, you add new products “ empty“nutrition, such as: buns, sugar, candy, juices, lemonade, chocolate, fried, smoked, sausages, etc., etc., the body will launch exactly THIS for recovery, and what it doesn’t take will be put back into additional fat. Nutritional value such “empty” calories are terrible. This will immediately affect appearance and for health in general. Loose, acne-prone skin, hair loss, brittle nails, damaged blood vessels and much more bad things. But, nevertheless, the body will accept such calories to replenish lost energy. But he won’t even touch his own previously accumulated fat.

But what if!

By destroying structural proteins and starting metabolism ( chemical processes inside the body) during training, you will come home and eat ONLY ( create a calorie deficit) - THEN AND ONLY THEN, the body will not have enough energy and it will begin to do this IN A STATE OF REST, taking its own fats. Since fats are a plastic material for the construction of your body, it is they that your body will use from your accumulated fats to restore many resources!

This is how weight loss happens!

This is the only way you will start losing weight. And training has nothing to do with it, even without it, if you don’t give the body an excess of calories WITH THE HELP OF NUTRITION, it will waste its fats. We need training for muscle tone, and of course, to launch chemical processes in the body, which lead to losing weight.

But I definitely want to add. And without training, these processes will occur, but only very, very slowly! That's why, lose weight You can do it without training, just by following your diet!

Another thing is that physical activity makes our body more aesthetically pleasing, thanks to strong muscles. Physical activity delays biological aging because it triggers the processes of renewal of the body at the cellular level, thanks to the activation of anabolic ( building) hormones, namely testosterone, growth hormone. Without physical activity, the body gradually dies. This is what we see: when a person does not engage in physical education on a regular basis, at the age of 50 he is already a wreck. And vice versa, thanks to physical education, a person of 70 years old is active and healthy. And of course, the more oxygen you bring into the body, thanks to training, the more fatty acids will be oxidized in the body’s energy stations - in the mitochondria.

But this is not the topic of this article.

You can easily contact me via Viber – 89258591633 or Telegram – @samotoyloff. You can also find my coordinates in the lower right corner of the site ( clapping hands).

Don't waste time, join those already practicing. The process is no different from what is happening in the hall. I see you the same way, I control you the same way, I tell you what and how to do.

Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant consequences diets that eliminate all the aesthetic consequences of losing weight. Of course, we are not talking about losing two or even three kilograms - in this case, at most you will have stretch marks, the appearance of which today can be prevented with various oils and creams, and if they do appear, then a cosmetologist will help you get rid of stretch marks. When it comes to changing from size XXXL to the smallest size S, you should be very careful. With rapid weight loss, the skin will not have time to react to the new dimensions and shrink enough to not cause discomfort. Only possible way get rid of loose skin - a surgeon's scalpel. Smokers and older people will be especially susceptible to this problem.

Nutritionist's comment: The first rule that helps you maintain while losing weight good condition skin - this is a gradual “loss” of weight ─ in this case, it will be easier for the skin to adapt and contract. Optimal weight loss is 4 kg per month. In the case when it comes to large mass body, then in the first month you can lose weight by more kilograms - up to 6-7. However, during this period, mostly water will be lost, not fat tissue. In the future, you should adhere to a more gradual rate of weight loss.

In the process of losing weight, it is useful to do procedures that activate the contractility of the skin. They are selected individually, based on the age and condition of the skin. Most often, doctors recommend lifting (radio wave or infrared) and laser hardware procedures. All of the above is done in courses over 2-3 months. Effective for preventing sagging skin during weight loss and massage. It can be recommended in combination with hardware techniques - this approach gives very good result. Massage enhances drainage, accelerates the excretion of fatty acids, which are formed after the breakdown of more complex fats, and stimulates the flow of arterial blood to the subcutaneous fat, superficial muscles and, in fact, to the skin.

Another problem that you may encounter when losing weight is the formation of stretch marks on the skin. Whether you encounter this problem or not depends primarily on genetics, but the condition of your skin can also determine the appearance of stretch marks. Elastic, well-moisturized skin resists stretching more effectively, which means it is less susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks. To prevent stretch marks, all procedures that improve blood circulation in the skin are useful - peelings, massage with a hard washcloth, contrast shower.

To form new skin cells, the body needs structural elements─ first of all, proteins and Omega-3- fatty acid(their best sources are fish and/or lean poultry). Therefore, to maintain skin tone during a diet, you need to adhere to the basic rules of balanced nutrition!


The most common illness associated with dieting. Moreover, it’s not about the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which we believe are responsible for our mood, but ultimately. According to a study conducted by British scientists and published in the journal PLOS One, people who diet for four or more years are more susceptible to depression than those who lose weight in cycles. During this time, people begin to perceive the diet as an end in itself and, having achieved the final result, do not understand where to strive next.

Nutritionist's comment: It is important to take into account that the process of losing weight is associated not only with following a certain diet, i.e. dietary restrictions, but also with correction of eating behavior in general. If, for example, food for a long time was one of the few sources of pleasure for a person, then, of course, having lost it, he will be in a depressed mood for some time. In this case, psychotherapeutic methods of influence should be included in weight loss: auto-training, meditative and breathing techniques,visualization. It is also necessary to expand your circle of pleasures, which includes pleasures for the body (spa skin care, massage, saunas, pleasant tactile sensations, physical activity), soul (self-development, going to theaters and exhibitions, reading books, etc.) and hands. (any types of applied creativity).

The second aspect that is often associated with depression during weight loss is a lack of micro- and macronutrients. In particular, those responsible for the synthesis of hormones (serotonin and dopamine), as well as substances necessary for normal functioning nervous system(these include Omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins, for example, vitamin D and group B, as well as microelements - magnesium, selenium, chromium). That is why, when losing weight after an examination, complex medications are prescribed to prevent low mood and the development of depression.

Muscle loss

This is especially true for those who like to lose weight quickly, in a matter of days, by switching to strict restrictions. Remember, such weight loss usually does not lead to long-term results, and the lost kilograms are more than gained back in the very first days after returning to your usual diet. In addition, those who urgently “lose muscle weight” will experience loose skin, pronounced cellulite and a slow metabolism, which will hinder the achievement of results. Every kilogram of muscle lost slows down the metabolic process by 10%. This means that food will be worse absorbed in the body and accumulate in the form of fat.

So much has already been said about losing weight, created great amount methods, diets, projects, but despite this, every year there are more and more overweight people and the problem in many countries is taking on a national scale. So what's the deal? Are people really so weak-willed that they cannot deny themselves fatty foods and sugar, or are they so stupid that they do not understand the principles of proper weight loss?

The practice of communicating with patients of the world's leading nutritionists shows that people, as a rule, have enough willpower and knowledge to lose weight correctly and for a long time. The reasons for failure often lie in psychological pitfalls that are rarely discussed. If you read this article and find out the most important psychological moments losing weight, you can easily avoid dangerous moments.

Stages of weight loss

The entire process of losing weight using a low-calorie diet can be roughly divided into 3 stages:
  1. Quick loss
    During this period, a very rapid decrease in body weight occurs due to
    • catabolism (consumption) of glycogen,
    • protein catabolism (own muscles),
    • excretion (removal from the body) of fluid.
  2. Slow loss
    During this period, extremely slow burning of fat reserves occurs with a possible increase in total body weight due to the restoration of normal levels of water and glycogen in the body.
  3. Consolidation stage
    Transition from stressful situation consumption of reserves and savings to normal metabolism.
At each of the 3 stages, complex changes in metabolism and the functioning of basic systems occur in the body.

The grossest and most basic mistake of those who want to lose weight is a linear, equal attitude to all days in the process of losing weight and expecting a uniform reduction in body weight.

The result of this erroneous perception is psychological reactions that cause a person to deviate from the right path, without waiting quite a bit for the desired result.

As a rule, those who want to lose weight endure the first 7-10 days on a reduced-calorie diet with enthusiasm and ease. At this stage, each weigh-in gives joy and hope that after a very long time a short time You will achieve the desired shape.

This is why most diets are famous for short-term results and in fact, they are the main reason for the further gain of excess fat and the worsening of the situation.

Trying a low-calorie diet once is not so scary. Unfortunately, the majority strives to find non-existent easy ways and falls into the psychological trap of “effectiveness” of the first stage of weight loss.

In fact, the fat layer, untouched during the first 7-10 days of the diet, receives a strong impulse to increase and with each attempt to “diet” a person gains more and more kilograms of fat. You can break this circle only by understanding and accepting real facts about human physiology. Be patient and stop looking for miracle techniques.

Let us emphasize once again that after the first period of fairly rapid body weight loss, a transition to the second stage will follow. Only during this period will real fat burning begin.

In fact, you will see a slight return of total body weight or a stop in the decline. Rejoice! Now your body has started burning fat! Don't change anything about your diet. Wait. Don't panic, don't fall into the psychological trap.

After the second period it is even more difficult - fat burning will stop. The body gets used to its new self. Give it time, now is the most difficult time both for you (how hard it is to refuse temptations without seeing the result!) and for your body (the restructuring of key metabolic processes has begun).

Below is a body weight graph demonstrating physiologically correct weight loss from adipose tissue.

An example of changes in body weight in a girl

girl, 26 years old, height 165 cm.

Reason for contacting a nutritionist:
discontent excess fat in the waist area.

Initial data:
waist volume 62.5 cm - 71.5 cm - 78.5 cm (with the stomach maximally retracted - in the normal position - with the stomach maximally relaxed),
body weight in the morning 56.9 kg,
body weight in the evening 57.7 kg.

Start date for monitoring nutrition, weight and calorie consumption:
January 11, 2012

End date for monitoring nutrition, weight and calorie consumption:
April 25, 2012

waist volume 50.5 cm - 55.5 cm - 61 cm (with the stomach maximally retracted - in the normal position - with the stomach maximally relaxed),
body weight in the morning 53.25 kg,
evening body weight 54 kg.

The patient's body weight charts are shown below.

Remember, once you go on a diet and reduce your usual caloric intake, you begin to play with fire. Be careful not to fall into the traps of first reactions. If you once decided to become healthy and slim, then do not expect a miracle, but get ready for long and serious work.

We emphasize that by reducing your usual caloric intake, you began to play with fire. Up to this point, you could afford to eat quite a lot without any special consequences. But after the first stage of losing weight (up to 7-10 days on a low-calorie diet), you started a number of processes. Now your body is waiting the right moment to increase fat storage. Before the diet, there was no storage, there was a problem of excess, which could not be completely deposited in fat, or not at all, but was spent on additional heat production or excreted in the urine. By going on a strict diet, you have driven yourself into a dead end. Now there is no problem of disposing of excess, now the body will do everything to store as much as possible in as soon as possible. By resorting to diets from time to time, you are playing with fire and actually increasing your fat reserves!

If you are ready to accept the facts of human physiology, if you are ready to survive stops in losing weight, if you are ready for long and difficult work on yourself, then has everything you need and the first place to start, this will familiarize you with the material of the article