How is parquet made? Parquet production technology, report from the factory. Photo! Own business: parquet production

Types of processing:


Artificial aging is a set of wood processing methods that gives the parquet an antique effect.


Patination - highlighting the texture of parquet using special compounds.


Wormholes are a type artificial aging, holes made by insects.


Brushing - highlighting texture and relief by removing soft fibers from the top layer of wood.


Tes is a method of giving a surface a deep relief.


Toning - giving the surface desired color and shade.

Oil coating

Oil is an environmentally friendly, living coating that requires regular care.

Varnish coating

Varnish is a coating that guarantees better protection surfaces.

For connoisseurs of truly luxurious interiors, we offer the production of artistic parquet. This type of flooring is always manufactured in accordance with the individual wishes of the customer. That is why it is always unique - due to the individuality of the design, the shade of the dies, and the craftsman’s work technique.

Our own production facilities and modern technological capabilities allow us to produce artistic parquet of any shape, size, composition (with inlay). And so, if your goal is an elite, unique interior, feel free to choose artistic parquet as its basis - and you will right choice!

Product types:

Production of solid oak and ash boards

Tree: oak and ash of the Caucasus region.

Selection: select, natural and rustic.

Technological line: WEINIG GRUP (Germany).

Possible sizes:

  • Length - from 400 to 2000 mm (in increments of 100 mm).
  • Width - 90/100/130/150/170/190 mm.
  • Thickness 20 mm.

Design features:
The floor boards have a groove/tongue and a chamfer on 4 sides. Chamfer 1.5 mm x 45 gr. Board humidity 9+/-3%.
Amount in a package: 5-6 boards in shrink film.
Package length: up to 2000 mm.
Packaging contents- the top and bottom boards are integral along the length of the package, the rest are composite.

Manufacturing of 2-layer engineered boards

2 layers: useful upper layer made of solid wood + plywood.

Wood species (useful layer:) oak, ash, American walnut, European walnut.

Possible sizes:

  • Thickness - 16 mm.
  • Width - 140/160/180/200/220/240 mm.
  • Length - from 600 mm to 2400 mm.
  • Thickness - 21 mm.
  • Width - /180/200/220/240/280/300 mm.
  • Length - from 600 mm to 2400 mm.

Selection: select, natural, rustic.

Production of 3-layer engineering boards

Produced from solid Oak from the Caucasus region using technology and on the WEINIG GRUP line (Germany).

3 layers: All layers are made of solid wood - oak+oak+oak.

Possible sizes:

  • Thickness - 16 mm.
  • The thickness of the useful layer is 4 mm.
  • Width - 145/165/185/195 mm
  • Length - from 400 mm to 1700 mm.
  • Thickness - 20mm.
  • The thickness of the useful layer is 6 mm.
  • Width - 145/165/185/195 mm.
  • Length - from 400 mm to 1700 mm.

Selection: select, natural, rustic. Humidity - 8-10%

Humidity: 8-10%

French Christmas tree made of engineered wood

The floor board is made from solid oak using technology and on the WEINIG GRUP line (Germany).

Design: 3-layer (oak + oak + oak).

Possible sizes

  • Thickness - 16mm.
  • The thickness of the useful layer is 4mm.
  • Width - 145/165.
  • Length - 600/700/900.

Selection: select, natural, rustic.
Humidity - 8-10%

French Christmas tree made of solid wood

The floor board is made from solid oak, ash from the Caucasus region, American walnut, European walnut, using technology and on the WEINIG GRUP line (Germany).

Design: 1-layer (solid wood).

Possible sizes

  • Thickness: 20 mm.
  • Width -90/110/130/150.
  • Length - 600/700/900.

The floor boards have a groove/tongue and a chamfer on 4 sides.

Selection: select, natural, rustic.
Humidity: - 8-10%

Manufacturing of engineered modular parquet

Mazarri engineered modular parquet is a two-layer engineered board made in the modular parquet format.

Possible sizes:

  • Thickness - 15 or 17 (mm).
  • Width/length - 450/450 or 470/470 (mm)

Type of valuable layer:

  • american walnut

Base: moisture resistant plywood
Selection: select, natural, rustic.

Production of parquet boards with locking joints

We offer production of single-strip oak parquet board of the highest quality.

Dimensions of parquet boards:

  • Length 2200 mm
  • Width 190 mm
  • Thickness 14 (mm)

Selection: select, natural, rustic.

Production of artistic parquet to order

Artistic parquet is a structure assembled from solid wood of various species; it is possible to include elements made of stone, metal or special glass. Artistic parquet includes rosettes, borders, and individual decors that harmoniously fit into the overall pattern of the parquet floor.

Artistic parquet is usually manufactured and assembled in production; during installation, it is only necessary to maintain the marked order of laying the parts.

We offer the production of artistic parquet to order according to your drawings or samples. The timing and cost of producing artistic parquet are determined individually, depending on the complexity and volume of the project.

If you do not have an exact understanding of what kind of pattern will look interesting in your room, you can contact our experienced designers- they will help you develop concepts and drawings for your custom flooring.

Parquet enjoys well-deserved popularity for several main reasons:

  • This is a traditional floor covering. Thanks to it, the room takes on a respectable and solid appearance;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Durability;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Noise and heat insulating properties.

When producing parquet, the wood is additionally treated with a layer of oil or varnish. This increases the wear resistance of the surface and the service life of the parquet, and also eliminates the need to apply the coating yourself.

Parquet production in Moscow

Our company produces parquet and parquet boards from domestic and exotic wood species. Compliance with technology at each stage of production allows us to make flooring, characterized by increased strength. Availability of necessary certificates guarantees high quality parquet and its compliance with GOST and fire safety standards.

Parquet production wholesale

Wholesale production of parquet allows us to cooperate with large hardware stores and repair organizations. Why is it profitable to cooperate with us:

  • Favorable price and ease of payment. We offer optimal prices for the wholesale market, flexible payment system, cash and non-cash payments;
  • A large assortment. You can purchase parquet of any series in any quantity you need at any time;
  • Documentation. When purchasing parquet, we provide you with all the necessary documentation;
  • Flexible prices when placing a wholesale order. You can also save on logistics and delivery of goods to your warehouse or retail outlet;
  • Loyalty programs for regular customers, discounts and promotions.

By purchasing parquet from us, you receive high-quality products, friendly service, favorable promotions and discounts, and an individual approach to each client.

Clearly aware that natural parquet- these are continuous advantages; not everyone knows what stages the material goes through until it is ready. What is parquet production, what equipment is used for this, and how does the production of parquet boards differ from the technology for producing piece material? More on this below.

Both parquet and parquet boards are produced in several stages. The first is manufacturing, the second is quality control. During the control process it is carried out visual inspection material, additionally use special devices.

Both parquet production and more budget option- parquet boards imply the use of natural wood species. Traditionally it is:

  • oak - from light brown to dark color;
  • walnut - has a characteristic reddish tint;
  • ash - with a subtle textured pattern;
  • beech - with a light texture, golden color.

The most commonly used exotic breeds are:

  • olive;
  • merbau;
  • chocolate tree.

The peculiarity of exotic wood species is their improved operational characteristics. Many breeds cope better with temperature changes and are more resistant to moisture.

Mosaic parquet takes the lead with piece parquet, followed by panel and parquet boards. Traditional dimensions of the material: thickness - from 1.5 to 2.2 cm, length - from 9.5 to 50 cm, width - from 3 to 15 cm.

Production of piece parquet: what stages does it consist of?

The process of manufacturing material for finishing the floor begins with drying and sorting the components. Raw materials are supplied to production in the form of blanks packed on pallets. At this stage, a thorough inspection of the material is carried out for the presence of visual defects. If any, the material is not used.

High-quality raw materials are selected and dried. For this they use drying chambers, where the workpieces are exposed high temperature leave for several months. At the same stage, thermal treatment of the material is carried out - heating it without air access, followed by natural cooling. The result of all the manipulations performed is the production of dense and reliable wood that is not prone to deformation.

The next stage is cutting the prepared wood into boards with certain parameters and removing defective areas. Using milling machines, the resulting parts are processed from all sides in order to obtain parts of the correct geometric shape and a prepared front surface. The same machines are suitable for cutting tongue and groove on elements of future parquet. Finished boards are packaged for further sale.

It can be noted that the manufacturing technology piece parquet not the most complicated, especially when compared with the technology for producing parquet boards. Complex design multilayer elements from different breeds wood leaves a certain imprint on the production process, obliging manufacturers to adhere to the established algorithm.

How to get a parquet board: production stages

For the manufacture of modern parquet boards, both expensive natural wood species are used, as well as less valuable ones for the construction of the substrate. It will depend on the specifics of the production process, the choice of wood for the material, its condition, and the type of glue. appearance, operational properties and the service life of the future coating.

So, the production of parquet boards consists of the following stages:

  1. Creating the front layer.
  2. Substrate device.
  3. Connecting all layers.

On initial stage, using a sawing machine, boards of valuable wood are cut into lamellas of the required parameters. They are then processed using milling machine, ensuring that the products are received correctly geometric shapes. The slats are lubricated adhesives, obtaining the front layer, after which, depending on the desired result, heat treatment, bleaching or planing is carried out.

To create a background edged board Inexpensive types of wood, often coniferous, are sawn. The third layer is veneer sheet coniferous trees designed to stabilize the structure. The finished boards are processed using a milling machine, resulting in products with the correct geometric proportions and a clean surface.

The final stage is fixing the layers of the board, when front part sticks together with the other two. The second layer is equipped lock connection tenon groove or turn-angle type lock. The second and third parts of the board are glued together in such a way that the fibers form mutually perpendicular planes. This connection method increases the strength characteristics of the product, including under conditions of sudden temperature changes and changes in humidity levels.

Equipment for parquet production - which one is used?

To establish the process, you will need socialized equipment for the production of parquet or parquet boards. The most important machines:

  • sawmill with mechanized feed of raw materials;
  • sharpening and adjusting equipment for saws;
  • dryer (with several drying modes);
  • moisture meters;
  • parquet line - the basis of production (includes a tenon cutter and a 4-sided planer);
  • carpentry preparatory section.

In addition to the equipment for parquet production, you need to think about the location and arrangement of the room where the work will take place. To begin with, a room of 200 square meters will be enough.

If it is not possible to place all the equipment indoors, some of it is located outside it; for example, a sawmill can be placed outside the boundaries of the workshop by providing a canopy. And for a round timber warehouse you don’t even need a canopy.

The cost per square meter of piece parquet consists of 60% raw materials and 15% energy costs. The rest is the cost of paying employees. In general, the profitability of a parquet production business is at least 15%.

To avoid difficulties with arranging a room for working with natural wood, it makes sense to start production in a special workshop equipped for processing wood, taking into account fire safety standards.

And lastly, purchasing raw materials for making parquet from natural wood(usually made of oak and ash), it is worth remembering the documents confirming its quality. The workpieces must be supplied with radiation safety certificates and a hygienic certificate from the Ministry of Health. Only certified raw materials make it possible to obtain certified parquet as a result.

In conclusion, we note that the production technology of parquet boards and piece parquet is identical for almost every manufacturer. There are differences, but only in the sequence of steps and processing methods. The attitude of manufacturers towards the process of producing material with control or lack thereof at each stage also differs.

Ivan Kovalenko visited a parquet production plant and this is what he found out.

Parquet production plant - expectations

The Parketoff company invited us to visit its new plant in the Moscow region. On the one hand, they promised to show the most modern production parquet in Russia – and it sounded promising. But on the other hand: what pictures do you draw for yourself when you are invited to visit a Russian production workshop?

I’m like this: darkness, dirt, migrants, a mouse is scurrying in the corner, there’s a rumble everywhere – it’s the hum of machines. And it doesn’t matter what exactly the plant produces - canned food, sausage, SUVs or parquet - it will look like this:

We drove to the plant along Russian roads near Moscow: potholes, bumps, whether there was asphalt or not, it’s not clear. While we are driving, I remember what they promised to show us - what a miracle in the midst of Russian reality?

Parketoff plant in the Moscow region. What did they promise us?

I’ll just quote the text from the official presentation that was sent to me by mail:

“We produce our parquet using the most modern equipment. Our finishing line is one of the best in Europe.”

I couldn’t find any information about the plant on the Internet, much less photographs. Therefore, it was literally a trip into the unknown :)

This plant produces, for example, parquet. This is a pair of Goodwin engineered board decors.

Engineered board is a type of parquet when valuable breed wood - only the top layer, and under it - high-quality birch plywood. It looks very expensive, feels and is completely natural, and is cheaper in price.

Parquet production plant: what we actually saw

“We do not throw dust in the eyes of our guests - this is not in our interests,” warned the head of the Parketoff company, Roman Smirnov. It is in our interests to create a working business model that will allow us to make good products and make money from them.”

We are launched into a large hangar - this is one of the buildings of the plant. Huge stacks of boards. A small loader is driving.

I look for dirt with my eyes, but I don’t find it.

“Where is the dirt?” - I ask a plant employee who was nearby

“We make sure it doesn’t happen,” he replies.

And it’s true – everywhere is clean. I was assured that this was not hospitality, but everyday life.

In the primary processing workshop (I’ll tell you about all the stages later) there is greenish lighting. They say - just like that.

One of the workers. Here he “poses” a little, of course :)

How to make parquet

Generally speaking, any manufacturer strictly guards its manufacturing secrets. On the one hand, the scheme for making parquet is the same everywhere, and on the other, each factory has its own nuances of production and (most importantly) equipment: machines, equipment - everything that automates production and makes it of the highest quality.

Machine tools and equipment are generally the “holy of holies” for any plant, and they are treasured like Coca-Cola’s recipe for its drink. For example, no one gave me a single name for the machine.

But we managed to secretly film something. This is the same finishing line that the factory is so proud of. Here the boards receive their final color and are varnished. The room is green and dark, so this is the photo quality:

Another perspective. Holy of holies!

Parquet production technology

I’ll briefly tell you what stages a solid board goes through – from “scratch” to complete readiness. Solid board is the most prestigious type of parquet, when the entire board is an array of valuable wood (parquet and engineered boards are multi-layer structures - they have their own “advantages”, but this is no longer such an “authentic” parquet as a solid board, but laminate is generally just an imitation of a wooden board).

So, production technology solid board looks like that:

1. First of all, initial wooden blanks(that is, what is left of the tree trunk) are sawn into smaller pieces that approximately correspond to the final dimensions of the board. They are stacked.

2. After this it becomes very important stage drying. The humidity of the board should drop to 9%.

3. After drying, which can last up to a month or more, the workpiece is milled on all sides to obtain the desired shape and create base surfaces. The evenness of the surfaces can no longer be compared with what was before.

5. Then the resulting boards are sent to the workshop, where they are puttied (if necessary) and undergo the processing planned by the design: brushed or processed by hand, when it is necessary for the board to acquire a slightly wavy/aged profile.

6. Then the board is sanded.

7. And after that, it goes through the line of “application” of the final coating - there it is painted and varnished (or impregnated with oil).

8. The board is ready, you can pack it!

Of course, at any stage there are nuances, but this is the general picture. In general, everything, if you don’t take into account drying, takes less than one day.

“And we can produce more than 1000 square meters per day!” says the production director proudly. And he told a few funny nuances:

This is what they told me

    Producers avoid trees that were cut down, for example, in the Bryansk region. There were active battles during the Great Patriotic War and bullets and shell fragments remained in the trees.

    However, some factories have special equipment that can “scan” wood for the same bullets. These same scanners can tell you how best to cut the workpiece.

    Parquet manufacturers prefer wood from trees cut down in winter. Then it is less wet - it dries faster. From those trunks that are cut down in the spring, moisture literally “flows”

    The Parketoff company is perhaps the only one in Russia that has launched the production of solid and engineered boards in Russia, and also has a full-fledged line for applying the finishing coating. They say that only Karelia has something similar.

What's the result?

It was not possible to find out all the numbers and secrets - they didn’t tell me, and if I had found them out myself, they wouldn’t have let me out :)))))

The production of parquet (seemingly simple boards - what could be tricky here) is a whole skill.

Each plant produces several types of boards, each of which meets its own goals and situations for the buyer. Some are more durable, some are easier to install, some are stronger and more practical. You can learn more about this.

Roman Smirnov, the head of the company, promised to give an interview. During it we will try to learn everything about production and the parquet business that we were not able to see during the excursion.

For example, I still don’t understand – despite everything I’ve seen – why pieces of wood, even painted and decorated, are so expensive in stores. Although a marketer from Parketoff once tried to explain this :)

Today there is reason to assert that parquet production is one of those types of business that develops more successfully not in the center, but in the regions of Russia.

Russian parquet market

Evidence of this are two Russian leaders in parquet production - the Obninsky plant and the Zarya factory, located in Kaluga region. The existence of numerous Russian brands parquet reflects the trend of growing commercial attractiveness of this business, we present an incomplete list of them: Alloro, Junglewood, “Adygea-Parquet”, “Artparket “Amber Strand””, “Bond”, “Maikop Parquet”, “Romanovsky Parquet”, “ Old Master", "Traditions of Russian parquet".

The main consumer of parquet is the construction industry. Cooperation with hardware stores, and especially supermarkets, is also important. A survey conducted by the magazine “Home and Life” showed that 75% of Russian construction companies feel a shortage of supplies of high-quality parquet. Parquet production technology is progressing, which is precisely what the bouquet of various brands presented above demonstrates.

Where and how to open a business?

An entrepreneur, before entering the parquet production business, must simultaneously take into account and coordinate several important factors.

“Technical” issues are extremely important. Logging enterprises or sawmills should operate nearby and, naturally, wood used for parquet production should grow in industrial quantities.

Uninterrupted transmission of electricity must be provided (ideally from two alternative power lines). Preliminary agreements on product purchases with developers (SMU, etc.) are important.

To minimize possible risks during production optimal step It looks like renting a small woodworking factory on the outskirts of the city. There, in a specially equipped production premises, equipment for the production of parquet boards is installed. (At the same time, initially the business project itself provides for organizational and technical requirements regulatory authorities.)

Production area planning

The location of production must be subject to the order in which the production process is carried out. A convenient access road to the sawmill is important. An area of ​​50-100 m2 is allocated for the sawmill area, and a canopy is installed over it. Draft board- sawmill products are stored close to the preparatory area, for which a production area of ​​about 90 m2 is allocated in the premises. For the final stage - “finishing”, carried out using a parquet line - 60 m 2 will be required. Thus, the total estimated area for parquet production is about 200 m2.

What kind of parquet would you like?

According to statistics, parquet production is “on the rise.” A peculiar psychological incentive for further development, as experts note, is the predominance of goods on the Russian market (as well as other CIS countries) low level quality. Entrepreneurs, when opening a parquet business, strive to demonstrate the higher quality of their products. Therefore, even a small production that has established the production of a product in demand can have the prospect of commercial success.

What kind of parquet production would be advisable to develop? We will follow from the one most in demand, then first the piece will be positioned, followed by the mosaic, then the parquet board (multilayer) and, finally, the panel board. Multilayer parquet requires additional investment in adhesive production. Of course, it is preferable to use for these purposes imported machines for the production of parquet.

And yet, the majority of Russian entrepreneurs produce piece parquet. It is a standard technologically advanced textured plank, usually manufactured in the range of thickness 1.5-2.2 cm, width 3-15 cm, length 9.5-50 cm. How is it classified? Everyone knows the classic, familiar “Soviet” format - 15 x 45 x 250 mm, the rest is considered Europarquet. Parquet flooring is rigidly attached to each other by connecting two side tongues with two grooves.

Different wood - different parquet

Each entrepreneur who produces parquet focuses on a specific market and, accordingly, selects production raw materials to suit its needs. It is well known that the texture of any parquet flooring and its pattern depend on the type of wood. Creative approach The production of artistic parquet requires the selection of wood varieties.

Let us give an example of some types of parquet (depending on the raw materials used). Oak parquet, probably most popular in Europe, perhaps due to historical tradition. Since ancient times, oak has been considered the embodiment of strength and strength, which is perhaps why products made from it are traditionally in special demand. Among temperate wood products, it is one of the most durable. The color can vary: from light brown to dark noble shades of bog oak (the most expensive).

Beech parquet is slightly textured, but has a gentle warm light pattern: from whitish with a yellowish tint to rich golden brown. Nevertheless, its wood is valued along with oak by real parquet connoisseurs - the British.

It is noteworthy that with additional steam treatment, this wood acquires a reddish color. (Parquet production sometimes uses this method as well.) Ash parquet is also produced wonderfully. In addition to being no less durable than oak, it has a subtle textured pattern. Variegated, with a reddish tint, walnut wood, when turned into parquet, can create truly fantastic panels on the floor, thanks to its bright pattern. Light birch parquet is also popular.

Full cycle of parquet production

Parquet production full cycle includes several stages.

First, there is primary processing of the forest using a sawmill (the cost of a Russian one is $50 thousand) and a dryer (respectively, $15–20 thousand).

Then comes the preparatory stage. Within its framework, the thickness of the products is set using a multi-saw machine ($5-15 thousand). The main processing is carried out on a four-sided planer($12-15 thousand) and a cross-cutting machine ($2-4 thousand), cutting profiled boards into standard “pieces”.

And finally, the parquet line itself, equipped with a four-sided planing machine combined with a tenon cutter ($60 thousand (from Russian manufacturer), up to 220 thousand $ – imported).

If an entrepreneur seeks to organize the production of parquet that is competitive in foreign market, then it should be guided by ISO9001 and DIN standards. At least at the final stage of the production process, imported equipment will be needed. At the same time, investments in production will amount to $500 thousand. Is it worth mentioning that improving product quality should stimulate wages for workers?

Full-cycle production, serviced by Russian-made machines, will cost less - $250 thousand. It will comply with Russian GOST standards and is aimed at the Russian market.

Artistic parquet

The production of artistic parquet in Russia began in the 18th century, when the St. Petersburg palaces were being built. Craftsmen of that time used more than 50 types of wood. Modern industrial production based on gluing colored strips onto a base (the so-called marquetry technique).

When making such parquet, the layers of wood lie on the base perpendicular to each other. In this combination, the texture of their fibers looks most advantageous. Facial layer made from high-grade wood 5-6 mm thick. Such a product is thoroughly varnished, usually in 5 layers.

Economy option for parquet production

An entrepreneur, “trying on” any business, proceeds from the required amount of investment in it. The cost of producing piece parquet when purchasing prepared raw materials can amount to $50 thousand.

At the same time, the entrepreneur selectively buys parquet machines: a parquet line Russian production worth $20 thousand, and also equips preparatory area, which at a minimum will also cost $20 thousand. The purchase, installation, launch of equipment, as well as the cost of purchasing raw materials will amount to the above-mentioned $50 thousand.

However, the manufacturing entrepreneur does not stop at such an acquisition. Having paid for this economical option for “launching” a business, he continues to invest in production, trying to organize its full cycle.

Parquet business and human factor

We should not forget the old truth - “personnel decide everything.” Initially, you should hire reliable assistants: a competent accountant-economist, technologist and marketing specialist-driver.

You also cannot do without a production accountant. After all, in addition to production issues, you will need to prepare a lot of documents: employment contracts, work schedule, staffing table, personal cards, accounting work records, registration of orders.

A “strong” technologist is also the key to business success. After all, production must be organized in accordance with DSTU 3819-98 and GOST 862.1-85 and DSTU 3819-98, which regulate production tolerances, curvature and cleanliness of processing, and the permitted level of defects.

The scope of activity of a marketing driver is market research, concluding agreements with suppliers, delivering raw materials and shipping finished products, implementation of its sales.

The priorities in selecting workers are their ability to operate the equipment, and if necessary, they must be able to repair and set up a machine for making parquet. The general level of health of workers is also important, because, in addition to their main work, they will have to load, unload, and store.

Profitability of the parquet business

In percentage terms, the costs of parquet production are as follows: 60% - the cost of raw materials, 15% - payment for electricity and other energy resources, 20% - wage to the staff. Important rhythmic work production, its full capacity, lack of downtime and overstocking. Equipment for the production of parquet must operate without downtime. If these conditions are met, the profitability of the parquet production business is 15%.

However, entrepreneurs do not stop there, further increasing profitability by implementing the full production cycle: from timber harvesting to parquet laying. After all, the sale of parquet combined with its installation increases its retail price by 2.2 times. Correct laying of parquet requires qualifications. Those who developed this direction manufacturing enterprises They also include a team of builders who lay parquet.


Parquet production is a living, creative process.

It involves many factors. Manufacturing process and accounting, rhythmic work with suppliers and buyers of products, labor productivity, product quality.

The achieved level of production is directly proportional to the profitability of the business. So, square meter high-quality imported parquet costs $100, and “Hermitage class”, which demonstrates the production of artistic parquet, costs $300.

And, of course, the perfect way For manufacturing entrepreneurs, optimizing demand is cooperation with network hardware stores.