How to calculate an execution plan based on two indicators. Practice _1

In order to quickly monitor the activities of the company, the manager from time to time is obliged to calculate what part of the work from the overall plan his organization has already completed. This allows you to promptly indicate to your subordinates the need to increase the pace of work or, conversely, to reward them in some way for their diligence.

Thus, by calculating the percentage of work completed to the remaining volume to be completed, the manager constantly quickly monitors the situation in his organization. To successfully control an organization you will need. In order to correctly calculate the degree of implementation of the plan, you need to have a good knowledge of all the activities of your organization.

If there are many divisions in it, then it is necessary to know what type of activity each of them performs, as well as what type of products they produce. If the products are heterogeneous, then for proper accounting it is necessary to reduce them to some common value, such as weight or monetary units measurements.

In order to know how to calculate the percentage of plan completion, it is necessary to understand that its measurement is carried out by the method of relating the results obtained as a result of the organization’s activities to the planned indicators at the end of a period of time. Knowing the amount required to be completed, and also having brought the output to a single value, it is very easy to calculate the remaining part of the work. The ratio of the plan and the achieved result is usually expressed as a percentage.

Avoid confusing accounting situations. For example, an item paid for last month and shipped only this month should be counted only once. Try to ensure that all operations end in the same accounting period, that is, goods paid for last month should also be shipped to the customer only last month. Probably, such situations can also arise in a situation where the goods have been shipped but have not yet reached the buyer.

By the same principle, production indicators completed after the fact should include work in progress. Knowing how to find the percentage of plan completion, you will always be able to assign tasks to your subordinates as clearly and clearly as possible. You will never again say: “maximize sales figures,” but will accurately and specifically name the amount of sales by the end of some time in specific units.

Such measures, when everyone clearly understands what is required of them, as a rule, significantly prevent a nervous situation in the team. By calculating percentages of the plan, you can, by comparing the implementation of the plan at different stages, find out important indicator, as the rhythm of production. This will help you avoid complacency at the beginning of the reporting period and emergency work at its end.

Conducting regular analysis By fulfilling the plan as a percentage, you will very quickly and easily be able to identify all the weak points in your production, which will allow you to strengthen them in a timely manner. All this will allow you to adjust your case in a timely manner and avoid force majeure circumstances.

The first thing a business owner should do is set goals for several months in advance and monitor their implementation daily. Calculating the percentage of their completion as of the current date allows you to understand what will happen at the end of the month if the manager continues to work in the same mode.

Formulas for calculation:

Percentage of plan completion for the current date = plan / number of working days * per number of days worked

Plan completion percentage = plan actually completed as of the current date / plan as of the current date

After counting, adjust the work of the department to increase applications. The more often you adjust, the better the result.

Take feedback: how many calls the employee made, how many of them were to new contractors, how many commercial proposals were sent (separately for new and current clients). If everything is in order with the employee’s work activity, then the problem is in the conversion rates of the funnel.

Set up a report on incoming contacts, deal duration, bandwidth each stage of the transaction and exit agreements, and work with problematic stages. First with quantitative indicators, then with qualitative ones.

We increase volumes by dividing labor

Volumes can be increased through proper distribution of responsibilities within the department. Divide your subordinates into those who attract new clients and those who work with current ones. Give one employee large companies, the other small and medium-sized businesses.

Separate your sales channels:

  • Network
  • Retail
  • Offline
  • Distributors
  • Retail Online
  • B2B end clients

At Henry Ford, this idea led to a 200-fold increase in volumes.

If one department has seven employees, then divide it into two departments. If the company has two managers, then hire a third. Creating competition within the company will lead to an increase in the volume of concluded transactions by 30%.

We generate volumes through the telemarketing department

This idea will be useful for those companies that use cold calling. The goal is to increase their number to 150-200 calls per day. What tools are used to increase the number of calls:

  1. Integration of IP telephony with the system (the task is to teach sellers how to print and make calls at the same time)
  2. Reverse dialing (the system itself will call the counterparty and connect him with the manager)
  3. Substitution of numbers (if the system cannot get through from one number, this does not mean that the employee needs to grab his personal mobile phone and call from it - the system will offer to call from another number)
  4. Uploading the database via CRM (it takes staff an average of three working days to find a client base - three days that prevent the results from being achieved)
  5. on calls (get the employee to call more to increase sales)
  6. Working day map (we exclude types of work that prevent an increase in revenue)

We motivate staff

In order for the manager who is involved in attracting traffic to work more efficiently and ensure an increase in the volume of concluded transactions, adjust it. Award bonuses equal to the percentage of fulfillment of the plan for applications and the plan for the cost of the application. If one plan is fulfilled but the other is not, cancel the bonus. Personal motivation is important for increasing the number of applications.

We increase profits by increasing volumes

To grow profits, a company needs to competently manage costs and increase the volume of transactions. You can start by designating a specific profit point that we want to earn based on the results of the month, quarter, or year.

After assigning a task to your subordinates, check its daily implementation according to the PDCA cycle -

  • plan (plan),
  • do (do),
  • check (check),
  • act (act).

The technology allows you to monitor the implementation of the plan, analyze and improve it to achieve ultimate goal.

We conduct a sales funnel conversion audit

What should you pay attention to to increase the number of closed deals? First of all, on satisfaction with the company’s work on the part of the target audience. If this is not the case, then check the following points:

Do employees call the right companies (if a company has a low sales funnel conversion rate, this does not mean that the sellers are bad, perhaps they are calling the wrong counterparties. The likelihood of a transaction increases if you conduct an ABCXYZ analysis of the target audience)

Pipeline is an array of all deals that one individual manager is working on at different stages. For sales growth, it is very important that the head of the department controls the progress of transactions along the pipeline.

For each transaction, you need to fill in the following data: deal name (short keyword), counterparty (contact person and decision maker), deal stage, product, probability of closure, deal amount.

The likelihood of closure depends on the stage at which the transaction is at and the contact person on the counterparty's side. For example: a commercial proposal is sent - 30% closing, an agreement is sent - 50%, an agreement is signed - 70-90%.

In the pipeline, it is important to control the dynamics of sales through the funnel and the dynamics of the emergence of new deals. In addition, it is important to track the average bill. This will help you adjust your communication strategy with the client in a timely manner.

Practice No. 1.

Average values.

Exercise 1.

Task 2. Indicators of financial performance and tax burden of commercial banks in the region for the reporting year.

Commercial Bank

Return on equity,%

It is required to determine the average values ​​of all characteristics presented in the table.

Task 3.

There is data on monthly wages at the enterprise:


Fund wages,



    the average salary and number of individual categories of workers are known (column 1 and group 2);

    the average salary is known individual categories workers and the share of workers of these categories in total number employees of the enterprise (group 1 and group 4);

    the average wage and wage fund for certain categories of workers are known (column 1 and column 3);

    the number and wage fund are known (column 2 and group 3).


Exercise 1. Data on the work of two organizations is presented:

In the example under consideration, the unit of the population is one enterprise, therefore, among the characteristics presented in the table, the primary ones are the planned and actual volume of output. Therefore, to calculate average size For each of these characteristics, a simple average form must be applied.

The amount of planned production by all

Average planned volume by enterprises

product release = ________________________________________ ;

Number of enterprises


The amount of actual production output by all

Average volume of actual enterprises

product release = ________________________________________;

Number of enterprises

The next sign in the table - the percentage of plan completion - represents relative size, calculated by the formula:

Percentage Actual output (F)

fulfillment of the plan (B) = _____________________________________________

Product release plan (P)

The average value of the percentage of plan completion can be represented as a ratio of generalized values ​​of the same characteristics, each of which will cover the entire set of units being studied.

Total actual volume

Average percentage of production of all enterprises

execution = _________________________

plan for the total volume of production of all

set of enterprises according to plan


Since, as already noted, the unit of population in our example is one enterprise, the output of one worker is a secondary attribute. Hence, to calculate the average output value, it is necessary to apply the weighted average formula. The starting points for this calculation are the following ratios.

Total actual volume

Actual production of the enterprise ( )

production of one = _________________________________.

worker ( ) Number of workers at the enterprise ( )

In accordance with the method discussed above for determining the average value of a secondary characteristic, we can write:

Actual production volume

Average actual output produced by two enterprises

one worker = ________________________________

Number of workers at two enterprises


To determine the average output of one worker, it is necessary to first calculate the number of workers employed at each enterprise. In accordance with the initial data, this is possible using the formula
. Having carried out the necessary substitution, we obtain the following expression for the desired average, which corresponds to the form of the harmonic weighted average.


Substituting numerical values ​​into the formula we get:

The basis for calculating the average values ​​of the secondary characteristic (relative values) is the initial ratio of the characteristics that determine the logical formula of the averaged relative indicator. For each indicator used in economic analysis, you can make only one initial ratio to calculate the average. If, for example, you need to calculate the average deposit in a bank, then the initial ratio will be as follows:

Amount of all deposits (thousand rubles)

ISS = __________________________. (2.20)

Number of deposits

If it is necessary to determine the average interest rate for loans issued for the same period, then the following initial ratio will be required:

Total amount of interest payments (per year, thousand rubles)

ISS = ______________________________________________________ . (2.21)

Total amount of loans provided (thousand rubles)

To calculate the average wages employees of the enterprise must divide the total wage fund by the number of employees.

In the case when one of the final indicators is unknown, the average is calculated based on the initial data on the value of the averaged secondary characteristic for each individual unit of the population and the associated characteristic - weight. Thus, the average of the secondary characteristic has the form of a weighted average. If the values ​​of the denominator of the original ratio are known, but the values ​​of the numerator are not known, then the average is calculated using the arithmetic mean formula. If the values ​​of the numerator of the original ratio are known, but the values ​​of the denominator are not known, then the average is calculated using the harmonic average formula.

For example, to compare the level of tax burden and the financial condition of credit institutions, the following data is used (Table 2.4)

Task 2. Indicators of financial performance and tax burden of commercial banks in the region for the reporting year.

Commercial Bank

Profit before tax, thousand rubles.

Own funds (capital, thousand rubles)

Return on equity,%

It is required to determine the average values ​​of all characteristics presented in the table.

In the example under consideration, the unit of the population is one bank, therefore, among the characteristics presented in the table, the primary ones are profit and equity of banks. Therefore, to calculate the average value of each of these characteristics, it is necessary to apply the simple average form.

Sum of profits received by all banks

Average size (P)

profit received by banks = _____________________________________________ ;

for the reporting period Number of banks (n)

=186910.25 thousand rubles.

Sum own funds all banks

Average volume of own

Bank funds (F)

for the reporting period = ________________________________________;

Number of banks (n)

=1346926.25 thousand rubles.

The next sign in the table - return on equity is a relative value calculated using the formula:

Profit received by the bank (P) Profitability

Capital (B) = ________________________________________

Cost of the bank's own funds (F)

The average value of the percentage of profitability can be represented as a ratio of generalized values ​​of the same characteristics, each of which will cover the entire set of units being studied.

Total profit

received by all banks

Average percentage

return on equity = _________________________

Amount of own funds

all banks


To calculate the average tax burden, you need to apply the weighted average formula. The starting points for this calculation are the following ratios:

Tax payments

on capital = _________________________________.

Cost of the bank's own funds (F)

Tax payments (N)

on assets = Bank asset value (A)

In accordance with the method discussed above for determining the average value of a secondary characteristic, it is possible write down:


To determine the average tax burden on capital, it is necessary to first calculate the amount of tax payments for each bank. In accordance with the initial data, this is possible using the formula:

Having carried out the necessary substitution, we obtain the following expression for the desired average, which corresponds to the form of the arithmetic weighted average.

*100=4,31 %;


To determine the average tax burden on assets, it is necessary to first calculate the amount of assets for each bank. In accordance with the initial data, this is possible using the formula:

Having carried out the necessary substitution, we obtain the following expression for the desired average, which corresponds to the form of the harmonic weighted average:


In some cases, weights can be presented as relative values ​​of the structure (in percentages or fractions of a unit). Then the formula for the arithmetic weighted average will look like:


- the share of each group in total number population units (frequency). If frequencies are expressed in fractions (coefficients), then
and the formula for the arithmetic mean is simplified:

Let's consider ways to calculate the average value.

1. Let's determine the average volume of production at the enterprise.

This is the primary sign, therefore, we will use a simple arithmetic average:

2. Let's determine the average labor productivity. In this case, the initial data for calculating PT may be different.

PT is a secondary symptom.

In order to correctly choose a formula for averaging a secondary characteristic, it is necessary to draw up initial ratio of average(ISS), which reflects the logical formula of the averaged indicator.

For our example, the ISS looks like this:

To find the average value of PT, it is necessary to find the quotient of dividing the final calculations for VP and CZ for two enterprises:

- this form of calculating the average is called aggregate or implicit average (since the individual values ​​of the characteristic being averaged are not present explicitly).

Let's consider 2) case.

Now the denominator is unknown in the ISS - ChZ, but for each enterprise it can be found by expressing from the ISS:

, i.e. f-lu avg. harm.vz., where in quality. the weight is VP

3) Now the numerator is unknown in the ISS - VP, then

Substituting this expression into the ISS to calculate the average PT we obtain:

this is f-la, where the weight of the yav. ChZ

Task 3.

There is data on monthly wages at the enterprise:

Data on wages for certain categories of enterprise employees


Average salary, thousand rubles.

Average headcount, people.

Payroll Fund,

Share in the total number of employees, %



In order to summarize data on wages of employees of certain categories, it is necessary to calculate the average wage level for the enterprise as a whole. The initial information for calculating the average salary may be different:

    the average salary and number of individual categories of workers are known (column 1 and group 2);

    the average wages of individual categories of workers and the share of workers of these categories in the total are known number of employees enterprises (group 1 and group 4);

    the average wage and wage fund for certain categories of workers are known (column 1 and column 3);

    (gr.2 and gr.3)

In order to choose the right formula for calculating the average salary, we will compile initial ratio of average(ISS), reflecting the essence of the averaged feature, its logical content. The initial relationship for finding the average salary will look like this:

It is obvious that, knowing two elements from the ASC, you can always find the value of the third.

To find the average wage level at an enterprise, it is necessary to find the quotient of dividing the final calculations by wage funds and the number of employees of the four identified categories:

Let's consider how this formula will be transformed depending on the nature of the initial information.

In the first case, when there is data on average wages and the number of workers of certain categories, the numerator is not known in the AIS, i.e. the amount of the wage fund. For each category of workers, the wage fund can be determined as

Substituting the expression for F into the formula for finding the average salary , we get the formula arithmetic average weighted. The role of the weight attribute is performed by the number of employees:

Let's calculate the average salary for our example:

The average salary at the enterprise is 17,845 thousand rubles.

Let's consider the second case, when not the absolute numbers of workers of certain categories are known, but their relative values ​​- specific gravity(shares) in the total number of employees of the enterprise ( d=H/∑H). In this case, the formula for the weighted arithmetic mean will take the form:

If d– specific gravities, expressed as fractions ( d= 1),

If d– specific gravity in percent ( d= 100%).

Let's use the second formula.

In the third case, the average wage at the enterprise must be determined based on data on average wages and wage funds for individual categories of workers. Now the denominator is not known in the ISS - the number of employees, but for certain categories it can be found using the formula:


Substituting this expression into the formula for calculating the average salary, we get the formula weighted harmonic mean:


where the weight is the wage fund.

The average salary for the enterprise, calculated using the harmonic average formula, will be:

In the fourth case, when data on the number and wage funds of certain categories of workers are known, i.e. Since both the numerator and denominator of the ISS are known, calculating the average salary for an enterprise comes down to substituting the data into the original formula:

This formula for calculating the average value is called aggregate average or implicit average, since the individual values ​​of the characteristic being averaged are not explicitly present in the calculation.

What formula is needed?

%plan = (actual / plan) * 100%.

These indicators can be expressed both in quantitative and cost units, and also consist of several components.

Now let's look at the principle calculating plan implementation in Excel.

For example, we have data on planned and actual product output for the 1st quarter.

To do this, just do the following:

1) In the cell with the result, write a formula of the form:

For example: in cell C7 - plan, in cell D7 - fact. The formula in cell E7 looks like this:

In the cell's context menu, select "Cell Format" and set the necessary parameters.

After this, the cell will contain information about the implementation of the plan as a percentage.

Another problem may arise - you need calculate the forecast percentage of plan completion.

For example, in 10 days of March, 400 units of product were produced. You need to find out what percentage of the plan will be at the end of the month if the production rate remains the same.

To do this we use the formula:

%plan_forecast = (actual / current day) (plan / number of days in the month) * 100%.

This is what this formula looks like in Excel:

If you need to take exactly the current day, then we write the following formula:

Yes, as simple as two fingers on the asphalt.

Take the value “Plan9” in one cell, and the value “Fact9” in the other.

In the third, write a formula like "=Fact/Plan*1009 and set the format for percentage display of the result in it. If you have the automatic recalculation mode turned off (and it is turned on by default), then press the F9 key. As a result, the percentage of completion will be shown in the third cell your plan. Something like this!

First, you need to find the cell in which the plan is written, for example A10, and then find the cells that reflect current indicators or simply the status of execution on a certain date, for example H100.

The formula for calculating the percentage of plan completion will be the quotient of division:

=H100/A10(if the cell format is percentage)

=H100/A10*100(if the cell format is numeric)

Econcoverage New economy

Let's calculate the percentage of plan completion using the following formula:

Plan completion = 100% (16)

I quarter Issue. = 100% = 110.2%

II quarter Issue. = 100% = 102.8%

III quarter Issue. = 100% = 95.9%

IV quarter Issue. = 100% = 144.9%

Let's calculate the plan deviation using the following formula:

Deviation from plan = Actual - Plan (17)

I quarter Issue. = 21000 - 19050 = 1950 thousand rubles.

II quarter Issue. = 21600 - 21000 = 600 thousand rubles.

III quarter Issue. = 20000 - 20850 = -850 thousand rubles.

IV quarter Issue. = 30,000 - 20,700 = 9,300 thousand rubles.

From the above graph we can conclude that in the first and fourth quarters at the Kolorit PC during 2010, the balance sheet profit was actually greater than planned.

Table 7 - Payments from profits during 2010

Payments: Income tax (20%) Fee for production assets Loan interest

18937,4 17250 4300

From it it was transferred to: - reserve fund, - accumulation fund, - consumption fund.

11200 13756 22181

Remains at the disposal of the enterprise

The current regional management system is not sufficiently effective and mature; it rejects old forms and methods in the absence or insufficient development of new structures and sufficiently effective mechanisms for the implementation of management functions. To manage the regional economy in development, it is necessary to carry out restructuring in the regional management system. .

Labor market: concept, features and shaping factors

Organization of business activities

The key figure in market relations is the entrepreneur.

Organization and improvement of production efficiency

The task is to analyze the duration of the production cycle when releasing specific type products.

Creating a sales plan is an important procedure for every company. The sales plan is the basis for the formation of the entire planning system at the enterprise, because Other planning components (purchase plan, production plan, expense plan, personnel plan, etc.) directly depend on the sales plan.

Chinese folk wisdom reads:

If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you've arrived?

Having determined the direction of movement, we understand how we can achieve it and what will be required on the road to our goals.

We would like to note right away that it is not possible to fully cover the topic of enterprise planning within the framework of this article, because This question is quite extensive in content. There is a lot of good literature devoted to this topic. We will touch only the most important aspects planning.

Let's figure out step by step how a sales plan is formed at any enterprise.

How to prepare for a sales plan?

Planning begins with input. If your company has been on the market for several years, then you have statistics for the previous period. If a company is just starting out, it can rely on statistics from existing companies whose activities are suitable for a particular market segment, of course, if such information is available.

Let's assume that we have the data. By analyzing the numbers linked to months, we can assume the presence or absence of seasonality in this type of activity.

Products 1 /month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
Sales in units 2013713 500 560 710 720 740 720 694 772 762 802 800 780 8560
Sales in rubles 20133589 2500 2800 3500 3750 3800 3500 3420 3910 3860 4010 4100 3920 43070
Coef. seasonality 20130,7 0,78 0,98 1,04 1,06 0,98 0,95 1,09 1,08 1,12 1,14 1,09
Sales in units 2014 787 360 380 410 736 810 870 920 986 932 964 1050 1020 9438
Sales in rubles 20143941 1800 1910 2100 3580 4100 4300 4750 4980 4710 4870 5200 4993 47293
Coef. seasonality 20140,46 0,48 0,53 0,91 1,04 1,09 1,21 1,26 1,2 1,24 1,32 1,27
Sales growth in % 9,8 -28 -32 -40 -5 8 23 39 27 22 21 27 27 9,8
Wed. coefficient seasonality 0,58 0,63 0,76 0,98 1,05 1,04 1,08 1,18 1,14 1,18 1,23 1,18

Let's consider how the cell values ​​are obtained. In line Sales 2013 graphs 1-12 contains information on product sales for each month of 2013 in rubles. In column Total contains total sales for the entire year.

Our calculation formulas:

Wed. sale = Total / 12 months

Coef. seasonality = Amount per month / Avg. sale

Sales growth in % = ((Cont. 2014 / Cont. 2013) – 1) * 100

Wed. coefficient seasonality = (seasonality coefficient 2013 + seasonality coefficient 2014) / 2

We can see with the naked eye that the first three months of the year in 2013 and 2014 are not the most successful for this type of product, because... values Coef. seasonality

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the number of units sold in 2014 increased by 10.3% compared to 2013, while the amount of revenue increased only by 9.8%. This fact tells us that the difference of 0.5% was compensated by the enterprise’s profit. It is necessary to carefully monitor this proportion in order to prevent a significant decrease in margins both for the product and for the company as a whole.

In our case, we use information for only two years. This is not enough for qualitative analysis, because within these time periods (2013, 2014), there could have been managerial and operational miscalculations that affected the final result. It is better to take statistics for more than 3 years. The more data for analysis, the smaller the final error in the calculations.

To fully calculate the sales plan, we need to obtain the following figures:

  • Market volume in the sector of your company’s work;
  • Market share of your company;
  • The volume of increasing the range and (or) quality of products;
  • Purchase price of products;
  • Average market price of products;
  • The percentage of sales growth of your company (coefficient);
  • Average company costs per month;
  • Inflation rate;
  • Percentage of national currency devaluation.

Market size It’s quite difficult to calculate, because Not all companies disclose their sales information. You can order an analytical note from Rosstat, but the quality of the information provided will be very difficult to verify and you will have to take your word for it. Let's take the value Market volume = 25,000 rubles.

Having received the approximate market volume, you determine by simple calculation Market share occupied by your company:

Market share in % = (Total sales in rubles for 2014 / Market volume) * 100 = (8560 / 25000) * 100 = 34.24%

Volume of assortment increase and (or) product quality we will consider as part of calculating the sales plan.

Let's take the value Average Purchase price for Product 1 = 1.5 rubles

Let us take the value of the Average market price for Product 1 = 6.2 rubles

Company growth percentage we will determine as part of calculating the sales plan.

For convenience of calculations, we will analyze one nomenclature item within the framework of this article. In the future, you will be able to combine information into product groups and then combine all the received data into a single sales plan. When making calculations, we accept the fact that all enterprise costs (variable and fixed) are distributed in proportion to the sales volume of the item.

Wed. costs per month per unit products = ((Units sales volume per year / Total sales volume per year) * Total costs per year) / 12

It is necessary to raise your company's data on average costs per month in order to determine the required margin per unit of production. We will assume that you have already found this number and take the value Avg. costs per month (variables + constants) = 550 rub.

Now let's talk about the work schedule.

After seven years of studying people, we have identified several main postulates:

  • During the working day, you can make productive calls for no more than 2 (very rarely 4) hours.
  • Based on human biorhythms, you can create days on which it is better for a manager to do paperwork rather than make calls, because... the damage from self-abuse will affect his long recovery.
  • It is imperative to hold planning meetings every morning, where the head of the department. Sales will encourage employees and inspire them to achieve accomplishments (without threatening or criticizing). As part of these planning meetings, positive and negative cases in the company are considered. Training calls are made to clients.
  • Every day you need to spend at least 1 hour studying according to a pre-created program.
  • Every day you need to devote at least 2 hours to business correspondence with clients.
  • At least once a week, the head of the sales department should spend time working on mistakes with each sales manager in his department (at least an hour).
  • According to a pre-developed individual program, face-to-face meetings with clients should be held (this depends on the specifics). It is important for people to have live communication, because... This is very helpful in developing sales skills and helping to expand personal contacts.
  • All planned activities and the information received should be entered into a system that will help centralize all data and allow you to quickly retrieve the necessary data. A CRM system is best suited for this purpose.

Using the Bitrix 24 CRM system as an example, we will look at how you can calculate a manager’s sales plan.

The functionality of Bitrix 24 is quite extensive and allows you to solve many questions that arise both for the head of the sales department and for an ordinary manager.

  • The CRM system contains a contact database, which is presented in the form of Companies and Contacts (individuals). This database is well protected from theft by unscrupulous employees. Your employees, changing the status of the Company, will systematically create an up-to-date picture of all your clients. This way you can quickly analyze all stages of customer relationships and filter out those who require special treatment right now.
  • This CRM system has built-in IP telephony and your employees can make calls to clients directly from the program. In this case, (if required) all call recordings will be saved and can be listened to directly from the history of communication with the client.
  • The system contains the entities Lead (contacting a company or going to the company’s website in order to clarify any questions) and Transaction. These entities allow you to systematize the entire flow of information for each request to the company or track all stages of a transaction with your clients.
  • The system has a Tasks functionality that will help transfer information from management to employees and between employees to perform any actions aimed at concluding a deal, conducting a deal, or others. This functionality also allows you to make time measurements of task execution. This is especially valuable in service-based companies where pricing is based on time spent.
  • The Bitrix 24 CRM system has a built-in email client and now all incoming and outgoing important emails will be in one place. You cannot ignore the most important functionality - automatic analysis of the content of the letter in order to determine who is responsible for its execution.

This is just a small list of the functionality of the Bitrix 24 CRM system, which allows you to calculate a manager’s sales plan within a working day.

More information about the functionality of modern CRM systems can be found in the website section “CRM Features” .

Monitoring the implementation of the sales plan

You have drawn up a sales plan. They distributed it among managers. Now it is necessary to monitor the implementation of all activities. A sales plan is not just numbers in a table. This is a whole list of activities and tasks that must be completed in order to receive the coveted numbers in the report at the end of the reporting period.

It’s good when all your employees are independent and work-conscious people. If you have not very experienced or careless employees, then constant monitoring is necessary. You can monitor all activities and the implementation of goals in different ways:

  • Convene standing meetings;
  • Force employees to prepare reports;
  • Call and clarify matters by phone;
  • Write letters or require employees to send them to you;
  • Constantly generate reports in accounting programs such as 1C;
  • Keep paper journals, etc.

Most of the methods I have listed are morally and professionally outdated. Carrying out such methods of monitoring the implementation of the sales plan takes great amount time, which means it is reduced work time employee to achieve the plan, i.e. Using such methods, you will inevitably not help, on the contrary, even hinder the achievement of your financial goals. I propose to consider in detail what tools currently exist to monitor the implementation of the sales plan.

Failure to fulfill the sales plan

Failure to meet sales targets is a serious nuisance for any company. It is better to predict such an event than to deal with its consequences. Let's take the example of the Bitrix 24 CRM system and look at how you can predict the failure to fulfill the sales plan in your company. Bitrix 24 has very good tool- “The pulse of the company.” Using it, you can monitor activity (creation of tasks, calls, chat messages, transactions, etc.) in the system over different periods of time.

The first and fairly approximate harbinger of this event is low user activity in the CRM system. If a little bit of everything is being done or simply nothing is being done, then you must figure out why this is happening.

The next Important report in the Bitrix 24 system is “Completed by managers”. This report shows the number of telephone calls made (subject to calls being made through the system or events of the “Call” type being created), emails created, and meetings scheduled. This information for a sales manager it is simply priceless.

Let's try to analyze this report. Let's imagine that Vasily Petrov, Petr Skvortsov, Sergey Voronov are new sales managers who are currently undergoing training at the company. Of course, for them, zero values ​​for calls made, emails sent, and tasks completed are normal. They have not yet been allowed to work full-time and there is no need to worry about their work.

Olga Belova is on sick leave and low activity is also quite natural for her. The leader in the number of actions performed in the system is Nikolay Drozd. At first glance, everything is fine with him, but you need to take a closer look. Why doesn't he have any incoming emails? Also, the head of the sales department should be wary of only one scheduled meeting during the reporting period, when, according to the plan, he should have 3 scheduled meetings.

In general, a lot of questions arise for Ivan Rudov. Here it is either a clear fact of non-use of the CRM system, or a blatant disregard for one’s job responsibilities.

As we can see, such a simple report provides serious food for thought for both the head of the sales department and the head of the company.

This is only a small part of all the reports that are available in the Bitrix 24 CRM system.

Let's talk about the reasons for not meeting the sales plan.

Having analyzed hundreds of employees for more than seven years, we have come to a clear conclusion - most people do not do what they really want to do in life at work. This is the real scourge of our modern society. Naturally, in this situation, you should not expect much productivity from such specialists. If every day a person forces himself to perform functionality that he does not like, then his results will not be very impressive. CRM systems will help expose most hidden facts and much will become clear to you as a manager even at the implementation stage, because Employees appear who furiously argue that such a system will greatly complicate work and will only get in the way. This is our experience. Not all of them are bad employees. It often happens that people do not fully understand the essence of the issue and simply make hasty conclusions.

The Bitrix 24 CRM system is an excellent tool for identifying signs of non-fulfillment of the sales plan even in the early stages, while you still have the opportunity to adjust the final results, but it does not solve all problems. Only A complex approach will allow you to take your company to a new level of quality.

Sales Increase Plan

Let's move on to the final part of our article. We told you how to prepare for a sales plan, how to calculate the sales plan for the year and break it down by month and manager. They showed tools that will help implement the plan and monitor its implementation. Now let's talk about the technology of increasing sales.

To increase sales you need to follow the following strategy:

  • Ensure that all sales staff are ethically and professional qualities sales manager positions. Ideally, they should simply love their job. Only with such an attitude towards work can you achieve outstanding results.
  • All employees must receive ongoing training in sales and communication skills. To achieve this, classes are held as part of daily morning planning meetings and third-party sales trainers are invited to the company. The learning process must be continuous, because in the modern world, methods become outdated very quickly due to rapid penetration into the masses. It is a good idea to involve psychologists in the company to help sales employees overcome internal barriers and complexes.
  • It is necessary to get rid of constant criticism of employees. If you are confident that you have professionals working for you, then you need to help them, and not constantly “kick” them. By escalating the situation, you only worsen the results and contribute to the development of a negative attitude in the team. If only “random” people work for you, who came through acquaintances or were simply passing by, then the person who hired them should be blamed, i.e. all questions to yourself. If you are unable to understand people, then we advise you to turn to professionals. By saving on personnel selection, you only lose money and time of employees who will be forced to train newcomers.
  • Don't skimp on motivating your sales staff. If a person works efficiently, then he should earn appropriately. There is an old saying: “Greed breeds poverty.” It is better to develop a motivation system together with employees. This way it will take root better and be more effective. Non-material motivation no less important than material. Praise, sometimes, is more necessary than a coin.
  • It is necessary to get rid of the postulate: “There are no irreplaceable people.” It is a very bad practice to fire a person at the first conflict. Enormous amounts of money are spent on attracting, training and growing an employee, which will only pay off if the employee works for at least two years. According to our calculations, in manufacturing enterprises and in companies in knowledge-intensive industries, the payback period generally reaches five years. Try to calculate how much a sales employee costs you.
  • Use CRM systems in your work, because... The level of customer service increases significantly, because employees will understand that they are controlled and will make fewer mistakes and negligence.
  • Let employees feel needed. Show concern for them. Collective events need to be held regularly, and it is advisable if some of them include informal ones.
  • Don't set excessively high sales goals. They greatly demotivate employees and contribute to their departure.

To increase sales you need to follow the following tactics:

  • A plan is being developed for the number of calls for the manager per day, week, month, etc.;
  • A plan is being developed for the number of meetings with clients;
  • A plan is being developed for the number of commercial proposals, letters, etc. sent;
  • A system of continuous employee training is being developed;
  • A plan is being developed to regularly call all clients;
  • Approximate scripts for communication between employees and potential clients are being developed;
  • The logic of phone calls is being developed (not to be confused with scripts). How many times to call, at what time, after how long to call back;
  • Implemented into the company and regularly uses the CRM system;
  • All tasks and assignments to employees are transferred to the CRM system;
  • Need to start writing telephone conversations employees to work on mistakes or resolve conflict situations;
  • It is necessary to hold planning meetings regularly (every day, once every two or three days), which should not be confused with the “morning of the Streltsy execution.” They should be as comfortable as possible and charge with positivity;