How to make antique doors with your own hands. An antique door, as an element of room decoration Do-it-yourself antique wooden doors

Antique items invariably evoke admiration for their beauty and the skill of their creators. Rare items that have retained their attractiveness become an unattainable dream due to their high cost. Fans of antiquity have found affordable way Decorate your home and make an antique door with your own hands. There are several methods to decorate your interior in retro style or change your front door beyond recognition. All work is done independently; you don’t need to be an artist or cabinetmaker to do this.

Aging techniques

The front door influences the first impression of the house, therefore, in addition to the reliability and strength of the locks, the owners are concerned with its appearance. Solid wood canvas, even after many years, retains its excellent qualities and natural living beauty. Scuffs and scratches, constant companions of time, make the door less presentable, but there are ways to correct the situation and give a quality item a second life. There are five main techniques by which the door travels into the past:

  • applying stain;
  • brushing wire brush;
  • use of paint and paraffin;
  • patination;
  • craquelure varnish.

When choosing a way to make a door look like an antique, focus on external features canvases, and in the case of interior doors, for room decor.

Imitation of antiquity is appropriate for swing doors, sliding or folding structures with such an effect look unnatural. Metal overlays attached to the corners and lock, as well as an unusual forged handle in the shape of a ring or an animal’s head will be an excellent addition to the decor. The style will be supported by massive canopies secured with nails with large brass heads.

Preparing the door leaf

Before starting any artistic work, the door must be prepared. To do this, it is removed from its hinges and laid horizontally on two stools. The canvas is freed from loops, handles and locks. Glass inserts removed from the canvas along with the glazing beads. The next step is removal old paint. To do this, use a hair dryer, it heats up the coating, the paint swells and comes off. Finally, it is cleaned off with a spatula. Small particles of paint are removed by sanding.

If there are chips on the surface, they are rubbed down with putty to match the canvas. The door must be cleaned of dirt and grease.

Having prepared the wooden doors, we begin artificial aging of the canvas. Not all tree species are subjected to brushing; it is not used for beech, maple, cherry and exotic trees. Among those that are transformed after processing are pine, larch, walnut and oak. Before starting the process, the surface is cleaned of dirt and grease. This method involves using a wire brush to remove the soft layers of wood. To avoid damaging the natural pattern, brush along the fibers. It is moved with the same speed and pressure so that the processing is uniform.

The finished surface acquires reliefs similar to natural changes in wood. After removing the fibers and sanding, the door is varnished. To enhance the effect, you can apply stain. This method allows you to create the most believable imitation of a rare item.


Patination will help create the effect of multiple painting on a pine door. This method requires care and creative approach. The first coat of paint is applied using a spray bottle. It is necessary that the coating is smooth and without streaks. This quality is difficult to achieve using a brush, but you can try. For the main tone, dark paint is used. After it dries, a thin layer of white paint is applied to the door. After letting it dry slightly, wipe down individual areas with a dry rag. Processing is completed sandpaper, it helps to draw structural dark stripes. The more wear on the canvas, the older it appears. The work is secured with a layer of varnish.

Interior doors with patina are popular, but due to the use manual processes decorations are expensive. A little time and imagination will allow you to make such a door yourself with minimal financial costs. In addition to light paint, gold, silver or black are used, depending on which they are created. various effects patinas.

Applying stain

For creating original color and emphasized wood pattern use stain on water based. This composition penetrates the pores of the wood and reacts with tannins. Penetrating deep into the canvas, the stain lifts the wood fibers and makes its structure more prominent. The colors of the stain allow it to be applied to various types of wood, it will highlight light shade, reddish and black. Apply the composition with a foam sponge or brush. The work is carried out in several stages, the first layer being the most abundant. After it dries, you can sand the surface and paint it again. Finished door rubbed with wax.

The technique of aging a surface by creating a pattern in the form of cracks is called craquelure. This type of work requires a special varnish. The effect of an antique surface is created on a light background or using contrasting paint. For aging, craquelure varnish is applied to the grease-free door leaf, and the top is coated with a bitumen-based composition. This enhances the relief of the cracks. On dark base Acrylic paint is applied over the varnish. If the general style of the interior allows, cracks in the door leaf are painted over with gold paint. To make the process easier, buy the composition in cans; it applies easily and neatly to the surface. The choice of colors for the base coat and finishing craquelure is very wide.

Creating abrasion

Will give a noble look and spirit of antiquity door leaf abrasions. The process of applying them involves several stages. Initially the door is painted dark brown. After drying, individual areas are rubbed with paraffin or wax. There is no specific pattern here, you create it yourself. The next layer of paint is applied several shades lighter. The paraffin is carefully cleaned off with a spatula; the parts treated with it are not painted and look darker than the rest of the surface. The dried door is carefully sanded. The original effect is secured with stain, which will protect the wood and emphasize its structure.

other methods

Solid wood of beech, oak, ash and poplar is aged by chemical treatment. The door is thoroughly cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper and applied to the entire surface. ammonia. It reacts with tannins, causing darkening and brightening of the wood structure. For coniferous species This method is unacceptable, since such wood does not contain tannins.

You can achieve a dark color and a relief structure of the fibers by singeing the door - the canvas is burned with an open fire of a blowtorch. After heat treatment, the surface is polished. Finishing touch– coating with varnish or stain. Creating a rare door is an interesting and creative process; it gives you a chance to show your artistic taste and individuality. All methods of influencing wood are available at home and do not require expensive compounds and tools.


In one video you will see how to age wood using firing, brushing and oiling:

What types of hinges are there and how to install them correctly. One of essential elements door design are loops. This mechanism is completely simple and compact.

Let's determine the differences and features of each type of door hinges

Depending on what types of hinges are used, you should choose a certain method of their installation. The insertion process is not very labor-intensive, however incorrect choice products and further installation can lead to unpleasant consequences, in particular, to misalignment of the sashes.

Experts have developed several classifications that differentiate door hinges, for example:

  • By location;
  • According to the material used;
  • By design.
  • In addition, hinges for interior doors can be of two types - detachable and universal. The first type is different in that it allows you to remove the door from the frame if necessary. The loops remain in place. Products of the second type must be unscrewed from the frame to remove the canvas.
    In terms of material, hinges can be made from steel, brass and various alloys. A special type is overhead hinges with inset. They consist of two fragments. One part is attached to the end side of the leaf, and the second to the door frame. During installation it may be necessary professional help, since the process is quite labor-intensive. Properly installed universal hinges on home doors can last for many years, since they are practically not subject to abrasion during use.
    The universal door hinge without mortise also consists of two parts. Installation is carried out in a similar way as described above, but without processes requiring special training. The work is quite simple and can be done without complex equipment. The main advantages of this type are:

  • Low cost;
  • Possibility of long-term operation;
  • Availability.
  • Unlike previous types of products, the design of screw-in hinges includes pins equipped with threads. They are typically used on overlapping doors. Models with two pins or three can be used. In rare cases, four-pin products are installed if the doors are too heavy. They are adjustable in different planes - horizontally, vertically and clamping. To reduce the noise level during operation, it is recommended to choose hinges for interior doors equipped with a plastic insert, as shown in the photo.

    Types of products by mounting method

    Door hinges, according to their method of fastening, are divided into three types, and also have corresponding letter designations:

  • Overhead (H);
  • Mortise (B);
  • Screw-in (Vv).
  • When using overhead hinges, their parts are attached to the box and canvas using screws. This method of fastening, as can be seen in the photo, is the most popular. Regardless of the total weight of the door structure, they are used on various types doors, such as room doors, bar doors and many others.

    When using hinges marked B, their wings cut into the box itself and the canvas. This procedure is carried out after preparing a certain seat using a chisel. Usually such loops are attached to entrance doors, as they provide particular strength and reliability.
    The last type, screw-in, has the form of a pin with a special thread. This pin must be completely screwed into the canvas and the box. It is advisable that the work be carried out by a professional, since the installation process requires maximum precision. In addition, you need to ensure that the frame of the canvas or box does not split when screwed. In some cases, damage such as in the photo may occur. In addition, such hinges are designed for interior doors that weigh no more than 25 kg.
    Depending on the height of the hinges, you should take into account certain sizes of fasteners, as well as their number. The table below shows the main parameters. The first column indicates the size of the screws, the second column indicates the number of fasteners (all dimensions are given in millimeters).

    Other types of structures

    In addition to the above types, door hinges can be hidden or bar. Some of them also require insertion. Unlike many other models, bar hinges are quite rare. The design features are that it allows the doors to be opened in any direction. It is recommended to choose them when there is a need to open doors in both directions, as shown in the photo.
    Hidden hinges, like many other types of products, consist of two main parts, which are attached using the tapping method. They are often used for Finnish doors. The main advantage is that they remain completely invisible when the doors are closed. Such hinges for Finnish door leaves fold during the closing process.
    Like most mechanisms, both of the above types of structures - both bar and hidden - are equally reliable, and after proper installation they can be used long time. However, their cost is not very high, and appearance(except for hidden ones) makes the entire door structure stand out. Although you can do the installation yourself, it is recommended that you contact a professional to carry out the installation to the highest possible standards. In some cases, the doors are already equipped with such parts, in particular, this applies to Finnish products - this can significantly facilitate the work.

    Brush door seals

    The process of inserting door hinges, installing door hinges

    Hinges on bar doors are usually not attached using the mortise method. This method is used during the installation of interior doors. First of all, a universal door hinge must be selected that will fit correctly into the slot cut out for it.
    For additional convenience You should place the canvas as shown in the photo - on a long edge. In this case, the keyhole should be at the bottom. To correctly mark the contour of the hinge location, it is necessary to attach it to the door leaf, and then trace it with a pencil. It is recommended to temporarily fasten the part using self-tapping screws so that it does not slip.
    The universal door hinge can be cut using a special construction tools– milling cutter. If you don’t have such a device, you can use a regular sharpened chisel and hammer. The loop is traced along the contour with a knife. The depth of the cut should be 2-3 mm. If forged hinges for home doors are installed, and the contour has slightly rounded sections, this task can become significantly more complicated. As the radius decreases, the level of difficulty in performing the work increases.
    Rectangular hinges are best installed using a chisel, while rounded items should be installed with a router. Having placed the loop on the chosen place, it is necessary to fix it so that it sits very tightly in this recess. There should be no gaps. While holding the part, use a drill to drill several holes into which the screws will be screwed. In this case, cracking of the canvas should not occur.
    Then, using self-tapping screws, each universal door hinge is fixed. The fastener caps should be deeply recessed into the wood and not protrude above the part. In the case of using detachable hinges, which are shown in the photo, both halves are folded together and then applied to the box stand. Otherwise, the insertion process is identical to that described above.

    Types of butterfly door hinges

    Recently, a special type of loop – “butterfly” – has become popular. It is not necessary to use the cut-in method during the installation process. As a result, the installation process is much simpler than in other cases. This is the name this model received due to its appearance - if the part is unfolded, then the open parts will resemble the wings of a butterfly. If you put them together, then one part will be nested within the other.
    Exist different kinds door hinges, which are shaped like a butterfly. They are intended for regular doors and structures with additional bending. Installation is quite simple, but difficulties can arise even with minor errors. For example, due to defects in the design of the loop or fabric, deviations from the plane occur. As a result, the installed universal door hinge does not allow the door to close well.
    Sometimes the hinges on Finnish interior doors prevent the hinge parts from completely aligning with each other after closing. Mistakes also lead to the fact that after installation, when closing the door, you can pull out the screws. The entire structure will begin to spring strongly. Regular hinges at home or office door with a defect may lead to the need to further deepen seat for a given part at a certain point. However, if damaged butterfly loops are used, more serious problems. In order not to violate the integrity of the canvas, it is recommended to use plastic or cardboard linings. Hinges on interior home doors will be raised and folded without difficulty.
    If you use such pads, the installation process will be a little more complicated, and this will become a significant problem; you should choose other hinges in which both parts are slightly apart at a slight angle. This will eliminate the use of linings. It should be taken into account that after completion of installation work, a door installed using butterfly hinges is very difficult to remove. To do this, the parts will have to be completely unscrewed.

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    Manufacturers now offer a wide selection of different entrance and interior doors, which differ not only in their functionality, but also in design. To create original and exclusive interior many take a very long time to select matching doors. The buyer always wants them to be of high quality and sophisticated. That is why antique models are very popular. This design can make them the highlight of any interior.


    Antique doors are very popular nowadays. Their main feature is exclusivity and luxurious appearance. They can make any room more luxurious and the interior more elegant. They look very expensive and allow you to emphasize refined taste and high social status owner of the house. These designs can be compared to antiques.

    Not every store now has antique doors. That is why many try to make them with their own hands. This way you can interestingly change the design of the doors and personalize them.

    Vintage models They differ in that each of them is not like the others. All of them have a unique pattern, made by nature itself or artificially created by man, but still unique.

    It is very difficult to select completely identical models; this is the highlight of such a product. By making scuffs on doors with your own hands, you can completely transform their design. You can provide a gradient and abrasions in certain places. Many simple wooden doors are transformed with antique decor. This way you can make a very simple and unsightly design more expensive and exclusive.

    By aging the doors yourself, you can show your imagination and creativity. This way you can place accents in the room in a very interesting way. The peculiarity of real antique doors is that they carry long history. Every abrasion, chip and crack is an event that affected the life of such wooden structure. These doors can bring back memories and immerse you in a completely different atmosphere.


    All doors are divided into 2 large groups:

    • Interior. This option is installed indoors, and these models are used both in apartments and in private houses or country houses. This door can be placed in special room or decorate the entrance to all rooms in the house with them. Typically, aged doors are installed in halls and living rooms. Interior designs are not very bulky, but their size depends on the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the room, as well as on the width doorway. These can be large double doors or regular compact double doors.

    • Input. Such structures are usually installed at the entrance to the house. They are very rarely used in apartments, because staircase they look a little strange. Most often, such structures are installed in country houses or cottages. They look very beautiful in an ensemble with a large and spacious porch. This luxurious combination looks very status and unusual.


    Wood is most often used to create such doors. But some manufacturers offer plastic models with artificial aging effect. They look less attractive than their wooden counterparts. This is due to the fact that plastic itself has smooth surface and quite dense texture. Therefore, designs affected by time will be very difficult to create. Such designs do not look very natural.

    Also aged plastic doors They don’t look as presentable as wooden ones. Over time, pores appear in plastic, into which dirt gets clogged. This product does not at all look like a luxurious interior element.

    There are also antique metal door models, usually these are entrance structures. Most often these are massive products with a large number of protruding elements. Forged entrance doors are very popular. It is very difficult to make abrasions on metal with your own hands. That's why if you want to buy metal door semi-antique, it is necessary to give preference to ready-made factory models or products that have actually reflected the effects of time.

    Most often, antique doors are made of wood.

    The wood itself is slightly porous and has an unusual cross-sectional pattern. All doors will be different from each other and will have interesting design. IN solid wood There is a large number of interesting combinations. They are also used for artificial aging.

    But naturally aged models look no less presentable. Models made from solid pine look very luxurious. Such wooden doors can be aged with your own hands using tinting, brushing, patination and other methods. Also, aged doors are made from MDF. Such designs can be bought ready-made, or you can artificially age them with your own hands.

    The only drawback of MDF doors is that they are quite dense and uniform in structure, which makes them difficult to age. Therefore, veneer veneer is used for artificial aging. In some cases, it is even necessary to paint such doors in several layers and rub them to give them an unusual antique relief.

    Antique doors are also made from chipboard. This material is artificially aged, like MDF. But vintage entrance structures made of pine, oak or ash look most realistic and elegant. Some of these products are made from boards.

    How to choose?

    When choosing an antique door, you first need to pay attention to where you plan to place it. If you buy interior door, you need to take into account the size of the doorway, as well as the humidity in the room and temperature. This is very important for antique doors, since these factors can negatively affect such structures. If such a door leads to the kitchen, then it is better to purchase the product that is most resistant to moisture and temperature.

    Also, when choosing, do not forget that these can be not only classic swing structures. If you have a wide passage that leads into the hall, then you can install double doors. They will look very luxurious. For narrow aisles, it is better to purchase single-leaf swing models. These could be doors leading to the bedroom, kitchen, guest room or to another room.

    You can also install them at the entrance. Most often, such products are made to order, since it is difficult to find a beautiful antique door with beautiful design and at the same time predict its size. That is why it is better to order such products to order.

    For more expensive interior design, only natural luxurious products from solid wood. For an inexpensive room, it is better to choose models made from chipboard and MDF.

    This design should fit correctly into the interior of the room. An antique door is perfect for decorating the entrance to a room decorated in modern style. Therefore, the interior of the room is also important to consider. Even though these are antique doors, even if truly vintage, they should serve their role well. Check the quality door frame and the canvas itself. Also check the quality and good functioning of the door hardware.

    When choosing such doors, it is important to consider that Models with locks look the most elegant. This detail can make the design more luxurious and interesting, especially if the castle is unusual. Customer reviews show that antique carved doors look very beautiful in the interior. Buyers write that such designs are very interesting and unique. They have very unusual ornaments that attract attention and make the design more luxurious.

    Various styles

    Most often, vintage doors are installed in rooms that are more classical in style or in rooms decorated in a retro theme. Usually this is an interesting design of wooden products, made in dark colors, such as brown or even black. But these doors can also be installed in a room decorated in a loft style. This style in itself is quite brutal. Moreover, most often rooms decorated in this style are distinguished by unusual things.

    So, you can install antique doors on a large wardrobe. This vintage design will be not just a wardrobe, but a central element of the interior of any room. For children, such a wardrobe can become a place for their games, for example, to enter Narnia. Such an antique cabinet will not go unnoticed and will attract the attention of all guests.

    Such designs fit perfectly into rooms made in Mediterranean style. In such rooms you can install models with beautiful ornaments and complement them with carved shutters. You can complete the ensemble with large massive tables made of similar material. All these antique items look very harmonious and elegant. Doors made from untreated boards with massive fittings are perfect for this.

    This design can also be installed in a room decorated in a minimalist style. This accent detail can enliven such a rustic, at first glance, interior. Forged doors with bars or wooden models threaded. Artificially aged models are more suitable for such an interior.

    Very often, vintage doors are purchased for apartments and houses decorated in the spirit of shabby. Such models usually have cracks and even shabby surfaces. Typically these doors are made of light wood. Moreover, this style can be complemented with a similar design cabinet or screen.

    How to paint?

    Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a real antique door in a store, so many people make artificially aged doors with their own hands. To do this, use a method called patination. It is characterized by applying several layers of paint and creating artificial abrasions. To paint a door this way, you need to apply the first coat of paint in the color of your choice. Moreover, it is better if the base coat is as smooth as possible. There should be no gaps or, on the contrary, clots.

    The next layer must be applied only with a soft brush. Moreover, it is better if you apply lighter paint a second time. After this, you should not wait until the second coat of paint is completely dry. You need to take any rag or thick paper and wipe the door in some places, usually this is done along the edges. After this, you need to let the door dry.

    When the paint dries, you need to coat it with varnish. Then you need to sand the surface with sandpaper in some places. This way you can create a whole vintage masterpiece.

    Many people know how to restore old, time-worn doors. But sometimes the interior style requires that it be decorated and complemented by antique doors. But where can I get them? And how much can they cost?

    You shouldn’t even try to answer these questions; it’s better to read how you can artificially age existing or just purchased canvases. Of course, we are talking mainly about wooden products. Although some methods of such finishing are suitable for other materials.

    To make the work go faster and more fun, and the quality not to suffer, before starting work, the doors must be removed from their hinges, all fittings removed from them and laid horizontally on a flat, solid base.

    Then the old coating is removed from them. To do this, you can use a hair dryer and a spatula. The paint softens under the influence of hot air, begins to bubble and lags behind the base. It can be easily scraped off with a spatula (see).

    We proceed further depending on the final appearance the product should receive. You can repair all existing defects with putty to match the wood: chips, dents, cracks. Or you can do the opposite and create with your own hands those very defects that supposedly appeared over many years.

    How to do it:

    • Chips are made with an ax or a heavy knife, after which their edges are sanded with sandpaper;
    • Using a thin drill or awl, the chaotic passages left by bark beetles in the wood are imitated;
    • A similar effect can be achieved if you scatter old bent nails without heads and pieces of wire over the door leaf and hammer them into the wood with a hammer, and then remove them;
    • Using a thick drill, you can drill through holes and fill them with dark putty, depicting knots that have darkened over time;
    • To get dents, it is enough to put heavy pieces of iron - bolts or nuts - in a thick linen bag and forcefully beat them on the surface.

    In a word, breaking is not building. Surely you will have other ideas on how to disfigure the surface.


    It is important! If you skip this step, paint and varnish compositions will lie down and be absorbed into the wood unevenly, and the surface will be rough and rough. To achieve perfect smoothness, after the first sanding, the door should be slightly moistened to lift the fluff, and then remove it with fine sandpaper.

    Now you can move on to the main stage of aging. Choose.


    Let's start with the simplest method. This is an antique door finish using a special staining technique. It should be of two types: water-based and solvent-based.

    The work consists of the following stages:

    • First coloring. It uses a water-based stain.

    • Wash. Immediately after painting, without waiting for the layer to dry, take a wet rag or sponge and wash off the stain. But not entirely. Typically, corners, panels, depressions and cracks, as well as the edges of the boards if the door is plank, are left untouched. But from their middle the tint is washed off.

    • Processing of individual areas. To give the product relief and expressiveness, you can shade chips, depressions and edges more dark color using a thin brush.

    Advice. If you don’t want to buy a product for a small amount of work desired color, it can be replaced with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, coffee, tea leaves.

    • Second coloring. Apply the second continuous layer of stain based on white spirit or another solvent after the door has completely dried.

    • Consolidate the result. To preserve the resulting effect, the product must be coated with clear varnish or antique wax.

    In this way, you can finish both old-style wood and furniture facades. It is also suitable for veneered products. They will look faded, but retain the old coating in the recesses and individual places.

    Drawing "traces of time"

    What happens if you use a wooden door for a long time, but do not renew the coating? That's right - the paint on the protruding parts will rub off. And if you don’t use it, a kind of coating or patina can form on the surface. These changes can be simulated.


    It would seem that what would be simpler: paint the canvas and even rip off the paint in places with sandpaper? You can do it this way, but desired effect you won't achieve it.

    It's better to do it differently:

    • Prepare the door as described above and prime it;
    • After the primer has dried, paint the canvas. Not entirely, but only those areas where abrasions are expected;
    • When the paint has dried, rub individual areas with paraffin, then cover the entire canvas with paint of the main color - darker or lighter than the previous one;

    • Wait for the paint to dry again and use a spatula to remove it from the areas that were smeared with paraffin.

    This method is often used to decorate furniture in the Provence style, which is characterized by light natural shades, so pastel colors are chosen for paint.

    But there can be no strict rules here, so you are free to use any colors and in any order.


    Creating a “patina of antiquity” is done by different technological methods. If everything is done correctly, then you need to use a special composition - patina. But she's expensive. At home you can use the most in a simple way, brief instructions which is shown in the table.

    Taken as an example door casing. By the way, when aging, you should not forget about it, and about the extensions and other door frames, otherwise the canvas in it will look ridiculous.

    We paint the part in the main color with any chosen composition. This can be paint on any basis, or stain. The main thing is to apply it evenly, without streaks, drips or streaks.

    Let the coating dry thoroughly.

    Apply to a dry surface with a brush. thin layer patina or liquid paint a different shade. It is necessary that it penetrates into all structural and decorative cavities of the product.

    As soon as the paint begins to dry, wipe it off the surface. It will be partially removed only from the smooth convex parts, but will remain in the recesses.

    Advice. Very convenient to remove upper layer with a special metallized sponge – Scotch-Brite. It can be easily replaced with the hard back side of a regular dish sponge.

    Creating cracks

    When the doors are old and have been painted many times, the coating on them often cracks, creating an artistic web. But you don’t have to wait for such cracks to appear; you can do them yourself in just a couple of hours.

    The technology for creating cracks is called crackle, and the compounds that promote their appearance are called craquelure. As a rule, these are varnishes with special properties. The ingredients they contain break paintwork, applied on top or as a bottom layer.

    Different varnishes act differently, they can be one- or two-step, so before use you need to study the instructions:

    • The easiest way using a one-component composition consists in the fact that craquelure is applied to a dried paint coating in a thin layer, and it cracks under the influence of active components.
    • Another method involves applying craquelure between two layers of paints of different colors.. In this case, the top layer is damaged, and the bottom layer is visible through the cracks.

    The crackle method can be used to decorate not only wood, but also iron doors antique And also combine it with other methods of aging. Look at the examples:

    If you wish, you can do without special compounds and get a similar result using other means, most of which can be found in any home:

    • PVA glue. The glue is applied to the canvas in a thick layer and, without allowing it to dry, they paint it acrylic paint. After which the painted product is dried with a hair dryer. Hot air will cause the paint on the adhesive to crack.

    • Vinegar. Regular table vinegar 9%, if poured onto a freshly painted coating, will also cause it to crack.

    • Gelatin, egg white. When covering a door leaf with raw protein or brewed gelatin, it will not be the paint that will crack, but the coating itself. Therefore, the effect will be there, but not as pronounced.

    • Aluminum powder. It is also called silverfish. The door is varnished and after 20-30 minutes they begin to dry it with a hairdryer. Drying too quickly will cause the composition to lose its integrity and the varnish to crack. You need to carefully rub the powder into them and sweep away the excess.

    Whatever method you use, the result needs to be consolidated. Therefore, after final drying, the canvas is opened with colorless varnish.


    Brushing is the structuring of wood, removing softer fibers from its upper layer, resulting in the surface becoming embossed. Doors and other products finished in this way look amazing and look almost indistinguishable from truly antique ones.

    But it is not suitable for all types of wood. Oak, pine, larch, spruce, walnut, and ash are considered suitable. But maple, beech, alder, juniper, pear or cherry are not brushed.

    There are three brushing methods: mechanical, chemical and thermal.

    Mechanical brushing

    For it you will need a hard metal brush or a drill with the same attachment, a hard brush, a chisel and sandpaper.

    • The wooden part is placed on a flat, stable surface and secured. Then it is cleaned with force with a metal brush until the depth of the relief seems sufficient to you. Processing is carried out strictly along the fibers, otherwise transverse scratches will ruin all the beauty.

    • Using a chisel, you can select deeper grooves in places and make chips along the edges, but this is not necessary.

    • After brushing is completed, the wood dust is carefully swept away using a regular hard brush. And then the product is covered with a dark stain.

    • We sand the dried surface using sandpaper No. 60 (for pine) or No. 80 (for oak). The purpose of this treatment is to partially discolor the base, leaving all grooves and recesses darkened.

    • We remove dust and lightly wet the surface so that the remaining small fibers rise. And we sand again, but this time with a zero polish to make it smooth.

    • Applying the finishing decorative coating– oil, varnish or wax to fix the result and increase the practicality of the door.

    In general, after mechanical processing, you can use any of the methods listed above. Patination and staining will look especially impressive.

    Chemical brushing

    To perform mechanical brushing, you need to be a physically strong and resilient person, as this is a very labor-intensive operation. But the work can be made easier if, before brushing, you treat the wood with chemicals that soften the soft fibers.

    These are special preparations based on caustic alkali or acid, but some have a similar effect. household products. For example, liquids and gels for cleaning plumbing fixtures. They are applied to the surface sparingly and left until the wood changes color.

    Advice. Chemical brushing must be done on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, using individual funds protection of skin and respiratory organs. The price of the issue is your health.

    Then the chemicals are washed off with water, and the wood is treated with a vinegar solution to neutralize any remaining alkali. Then everything is as described above: cleaning with a stiff brush and decorative finishing. But the work will be much easier.

    The only drawback of the method is the graying of the wood. Therefore, it is used only in cases where the door is supposed to be painted with opaque covering paints.

    Thermal brushing

    Loose layers of wood burn faster than dense layers when exposed to open fire. This also works to our advantage, and besides, you can save on stain, since charred wood takes on a darker shade.

    But let’s not waste extra words, but simply show how thermal brushing is performed using the example of a small board.

    • Burn the surface blowtorch, trying to do it evenly, without burning the array too deeply. The degree of firing can be any, you choose it yourself.

    • Now we take the brush again and clean out the burnt out soft layers. We act until the wood structure, not affected by the fire, appears.

    • We sand the surface, sweep away dust from the grooves and evaluate the result.

    • If you don’t like the result, turn the part over and continue working with the brush in the other direction. But always only along the fibers. Then we repeat the steps from the previous paragraph.

    If you wish, you can repeat everything from the very beginning - from firing, until you achieve the desired effect.

    Advice. It is advisable to treat burnt wood with a fire retardant.

    Finally, as usual, we open the door with varnish or apply another protective covering. And to give your door a finished look, it is advisable to select the appropriate fittings for it: overhead forged hinges, bronze handles, etc.


    We told you about those methods of aging wooden doors that are available to any home craftsman. You can complement them with painting, carving, forging, if these types of applied art are within your control.

    If you want to learn more about this topic or visualize how the transformation occurs new door in the old days, watch the video in this article.

    Our antique doors simultaneously unite the space and connect the entire house into a single, unified composition. The exclusive property that antique solid wood doors have is the individuality of each product.

    If you have your own vision of how your doors should look, then we will help you with your choice, making any doors according to your photos, drawings or sketches.

    Doors made of natural wood

    Antique design is characterized by a special atmosphere, in which the smell of wax candles reigns, the smell natural wood in combination with metal. In order to preserve the aura of long-forgotten times, you need to try to ensure that every small detail fits into the interior and carries with it the era of that time.

    One of important conditions- the naturalness of the attributes, which, in turn, will help in keeping the interior looking antique. So that all furniture, frames and doors match general style, everything must be done from natural wood, unpretentious to care for. Guests first of all pay attention to the doors. From them, first, come all the impressions received in the living room, and the evening will end with them. In addition, the customer himself will happily admire the delightful pine doors in an antique style.

    How to choose the right antique door?

    When ordering antique solid wood doors from us, take a close look at them: wood material processed by a method called “brushing”. We use pine, ash and oak species to make doors.

    Designers prefer this method because the treated wood leaves its natural pattern on the doors. “brushing” is easily used when working with decorative partitions and various elements.

    A method such as “patination”, then coating with stain and varnish will add sophistication to the doors.

    If you have any difficulties with a certain choice, dial the contact numbers of managers who will always help and give clarification and advice on any issue.

    The price of “aged” doors these days is quite high. Antique attributes of furniture have not lost their value at all times, becoming higher and higher in value. If you want to decorate your home in this style, while looking for a suitable purchase amount for yourself, you can absolutely encounter incredibly inflated prices for some interior attributes.

    We make the task easier: our company Starinoff Furniture is ready to produce antique gates, gates and doors based on the classics at a low cost. Let this please you, because our work will be worthy of the admiration of those around us and true connoisseurs of antiquity.

    Only true connoisseurs and admirers of high-quality, exquisite antique furniture visit our company’s website. Antique doors are not only an interior decoration, but a certain attribute imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages. Do not doubt the services we offer, because they are only beneficial for our clients. “Starinoff Furniture” works conscientiously and thinks through every detail from start to finish, at the same time offering unique design.

    Wooden doors antique solid wood products are durable, all the more so our approach will contribute to this. Many customers thank us for the conscientious, high-quality work and reasonable prices.