How to make a homemade strength training machine. Do-it-yourself exercise machines in the country

Sport is a useful activity (an obvious statement that no one will argue with). But on the path of a person who is overcome by an irresistible thirst to improve his physical health, many problems often arise. And laziness is not first in line. Most often, either there is no money to pay for a gym membership, or the gym is located very far from home. Many people solve everything by simply purchasing special equipment in a sports store, but not everyone can afford this. Even the simplest dumbbells are unreasonably expensive. In this case, there is only one way out - to do everything yourself.

We assemble exercise equipment for home with our own hands for strength training

Assembling strength training equipment for your home with your own hands is the most difficult thing. Their structures are bulky, some parts must be movable, and the body must be very strong. It’s impossible to make something useful from easy-to-process materials; in this case, it’s practically impossible to do without a welding machine.

You can make such sports equipment with your own hands, with the help of which you can perform several different exercises. For example, a setup on which the press is pumped and which plays the role of a horizontal bar and parallel bars. It is its design that we will consider in more detail.

To work, you will need to purchase several round and square metal pipes, a sheet of chipboard, foam rubber and covering material (armrests and back support). Square pipes are cut into sections with the following lengths:

1. 2 pieces of 40 cm;

2. 3 pieces of 55 cm;

3. 2 pieces of 65 cm;

4. 1 piece 75 cm.

Round pipes are cut into the following sections:

1. 1 piece 75 cm;

2. 2 pieces of 20 cm;

3. 6 pieces 15 cm each.

We weld the parts together into a single structure. We cut out rectangles from a sheet of chipboard of the required sizes (for the back and armrests). We glue foam rubber to them and cover them with the chosen material. We attach them in the places intended for them.

Do-it-yourself abdominal trainer, horizontal bar, diagram of the horizontal bar, stages of creating a horizontal bar

We make sports equipment with our own hands for fitness classes

In this case, we do not need to first make a drawing of the simulator with our own hands. All of these devices are quite simple, and you don’t need any special skills to assemble them.

In order to assemble sports equipment with your own hands for fitness, you need very little. The step platform is made from a sheet of chipboard, which is cut into three parts:

1. Upper platform: 50x100 cm;

2. Support posts: 50x30 cm.

Using self-tapping screws, we attach the support posts to the upper platform. For covering, you can take a regular rubber bathroom mat, which is sold in rolls. Using glue, we attach it to the surface and get a non-slip and stable surface on the platform.

The wheel for swinging the press is also very popular. Making it couldn’t be easier, all you need is a wheel from an old stroller or a children’s tricycle, a round metal profile (with threads on the ends), two, a piece of rubber hose or electrical tape. We cut the profile into two halves, insert the ends into the hole of the wheel, and secure the handles tightly with nuts. We stretch the rubber hose over the ends of the profile or wrap them with electrical tape.

We look at the drawings of simulators with our own hands and evaluate their complexity

Before assembling exercise equipment for the home with our own hands, we must first think through the progress of the work, calculate the costs of purchasing materials and production costs, estimate how long the work may take and objectively assess our strength (whether we can cope with the task or not).

So, looking at the drawings of a do-it-yourself running simulator, you can immediately say that few people can do this. The treadmill will end up being very bulky, quite expensive (specific materials are required) and either inconvenient to use (due to the lack of an electric drive) or dangerous (since the electric drive is not installed properly). The conclusion is obvious - it’s simpler, easier and cheaper to purchase a finished product in a store.

Try not to shoulder tasks that are beyond your capacity. Otherwise, instead of the desired savings, you can end up with a complete headache and terrible frustration due to the fact that nothing worked out. It is much easier to assemble simpler devices, and to slowly save money from savings for more complex ones. Also read our high pressure for home use.

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most natural physical activities; on the other hand, it throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, absolutely everyone needs to keep themselves in good, at least physical shape. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and wrist expanders are not enough; you need to work more with weights on apparatus and machines, so at least a bench is required.

Not just spirit

A healthy body is also necessary for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 was spinning the sun on a horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in school textbooks, was a famous football player who played for the Danish national team. Things got funny with him: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, of course, the Copenhagen Tagebladette published a note saying, it’s good, our forward was given a Nobel Prize for football. And a “nerd” in “physics” often turns out to be one in areas of activity that require mental effort.

The abdominal muscles are known to be more difficult to pump than others, because... their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, doing abdominal pumping without special equipment, it won’t take long before you get a hernia. Therefore, you need a bench for the press. Structurally, both apparatuses are most often combined into one, with the possibility of conversion for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in RuNet, but more in the spirit of: choose the drawings, and then - this is how you have to saw, pound like this, screw like this. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to operate a tool. But how to choose a prototype so that your training benefits? How to modify it to suit your biomechanics and biometrics? Which sample is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make a bench for exercises in the preferred direction of physical development with your own hands, using a reasonably chosen model, and then, based on it, a home exercise machine. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by working out in it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for beginner athletes and simply for people who understand: you can and should use the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn you into a twitchy “teapot” or a swollen kettle is wrong.

Note: The problem of home sports activities has recently become more and more acute in rural areas - “physics” is decreasing there, stress is increasing, and a well-equipped gym is sometimes far away.

What to choose from

A home bench press bench is most often included in a compact exercise machine or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. Regular exercisers will probably end up with a simulator, so when choosing a prototype bench, you need to keep in mind what it will acquire later. The most common designs of sports simulators are 4-, 3-, and 2-support. “Support” in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (usually there are at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical force connections in the structure; it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

4-support projectiles, pos. 1 in Fig., are intended for developed athletes who operate with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying down, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell collapsing with the bar on the chest is very serious. 4-support exercise machines are heavy, cumbersome, and you can’t exercise with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instantaneous load of 5-8 of their weights, and the load-bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg/sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support exercise machines are intended, simple and with additional levers for weights, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. To ensure that the bar of the barbell in a 3-support machine also falls at shoulder level, their benches are made to “break”: it is dangerous to pick up the barbell with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally no smaller than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the barbell is taken from the approach, see below. The permissible working weight in 3-support equipment is usually 100-120 kg, including the trainee’s body weight.

A 2-support exercise machine is actually a bench for the press. For different groups of exercises, horizontal and inclined benches are needed, pos. 4 and 5: on a horizontal bench the abs swing, and on an inclined bench the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6, serves in both capacities.

Note: You can also do initial sets of hyperextensive exercises on an incline bench, see below.

The most advanced type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breakable board, the inclination of the parts of which is individually adjustable, pos. 7. The transforming bench can be supplemented with a stand for a block with a load, a desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do one for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support exercise machine, only with less weight, pos. 9.

Note: A common mistake when making transformable sports benches yourself is to make them according to a power circuit, as in Fig. on right. When performing exercises, significant forces arise, tending to “spread the bench of the legs,” and the welds turn out to be unreliable. In order for a projectile of this type to become durable, its supporting beams must be connected with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

Special benches

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve leanness and flexibility without gaining excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are available for men and women, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextension exercises on a men’s bench, but ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, have a slender posture and a flat stomach only need a women’s bench for hyperextension, on the left side of the trail. rice. To start getting yourself in order without risking your reproductive health, it’s still better to sit on an inclined bench with a curved board in the center, and for “advanced” beauties to do the press with a load, also sitting on a special bench, on the right.

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with height adjustment are given in Fig. Materials – profile pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; desk made of plywood 12-14 mm. For desk lining, see below.

About sizes

Here in Fig. The dimensions of 3-support exercise machines for people of average height are given. On the left is a fully functional one with a removable desk, hand and foot levers. The main materials are corrugated pipe 60x40x2 and round pipe 30x2; stop for lifting the board – pipe 20x2. The board is 16 mm plywood with sheathing, as described below.

On the right is a simple compact one. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, measuring from the heel firmly planted on the floor to the inner bend of the knee joint. Basic materials as in the previous case; The adjustable rear leg allows you to transform the apparatus for seated exercises. But remember: the barbell from this simulator should only be lifted from the approach!

Various benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench, the “Hippolytovka”, can be made according to the drawing in Fig. flooring – durable board from 40 mm. Those who took the young fighter course in the army are well acquainted with it; at least in past times. The “spirits” of the townspeople soon began to look at the Ippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many different exercises, it turns out, can be done on it! And it fits perfectly into the 4-support simulator.

On the trail. rice. – inclined bench for the press. Due to its compactness and usefulness, it won’t hurt to have a separate one if there is enough space in your home. Due to the absence of right angles, the material is weaker - 40x40 corrugated pipe. Footrests - 10 mm rod with threads at the ends, rubberized to the desired size. The rubber couplings are removable: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one can be removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Next in Fig. – compact power bench with racks for barbells. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump up your abs by deeply arching your back. In this case, the foot rests will be the transverse beam A, and then it needs to be covered with something soft or put on a rubber coupling. The materials are 40x40 corrugated pipe, and the rod holders are made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

The next example is an athletic bench for strong guys who can confidently handle a barbell of weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. The materials, respectively, are corrugated pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. The neck holders are made of the same strip as in the previous one. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Several simulators

How to tightly connect a hippolyte bench with a barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support exercise machine, is shown on the left in Fig. There on the right are the dimensions and design of the transforming bench for the same frame. The main material here and there is 40x60 corrugated pipe. Let's talk about the rack clamps with rod holders below.

On the trail. rice. – drawings with a bill of material for a simple 3-support stationary non-adjustable exercise machine with a horizontal bench. It is more suitable for private households with a sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam with a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to make a projectile on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 corrugated pipe.

Finally, further in Fig. – drawings and specifications of elements for a full-functional home exercise machine with a transforming bench for bench press and abs. Notice the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix barbell racks for use at home. The locking pins (with a diameter of 12 mm or more) will, of course, wear out little by little, but they will never jam or bite.

More about the barbell

As already mentioned, a barbell that is not supported by weight can cause severe injuries, even death. And in such cases it is unrealistic to direct its neck into the holders. But it’s realistic to provide 2 pieces of chain, securely fastened to the rod racks. At the other ends of the chains there are carbines, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the chain safety links is taken such that, holding the barbell with fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released bar does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the bar, it is enough to tape them with tape. Suddenly the barbell collapses, the tape, of course, won’t hold up, both carabiners will move to one end of the bar, but the result will be fear and, possibly, a broken floor.

About wooden athletic benches

You cannot train with barbells on wooden sports equipment; their design will not hold up. But in situations that arise as a result of the awkwardness of the trainee, wood “radiates” through the body much less sensitively than metal. Therefore, it is preferable for beginners and minors to use wooden benches for bench press and abs. In addition, wooden sports benches and exercise equipment can be built at the dacha or in a country house from leftover building materials.

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specifications for it are shown in Fig., and on the next. rice. – drawings of a wooden exercise machine with an inclined bench and a lever for leg exercises with a load. In order for the tree to support operational loads, a block system for hanging loads is used: they hang on the descending branches of cable A. Cross beams B are rubber-coated steel.

About covering boards and seats

The boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic for a similar purpose on an elastic lining. Such covering is durable, but does not prevent the reabsorption of sweat, which is in no way beneficial; This is why modern sports uniforms are made in 2 layers, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of cladding does not have a noticeable effect, because... the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At the very least, it must be equipped in accordance with sanitary standards. It is not always possible to exercise at a comfortable temperature at home, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange PVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is advisable to cover homemade athletic benches in the form of such a “pie”, following from the base outwards:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with density 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm;
  • Sintepon with a thickness of 7 mm;
  • Denim or material like the old-style flannelette soldier's blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with Moment glue or hot glue from a glue gun. The remaining layers of sheathing are folded to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such cladding is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not harden, perhaps within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile lining should be reduced to a year.

Horizontal bar

Let's start with perhaps the simplest thing - this is a horizontal bar. You don’t need much to create it; each apartment has a special place where the horizontal bar will fit perfectly. To do this, you need one crossbar and a couple of hooks, but it is better to weld a metal frame and attach it well. You can also attach a rope to the horizontal bar, which will greatly expand your capabilities.

Punching bag

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of a punching bag, so let’s get straight to the point.

If we consider a completely budget option, then you can take 4-5 plastic (woven) bags, put them together (one on top) and fill them with sand, then carefully wrap the whole thing with wide tape or simple electrical tape.

You can go the other way and do one to one. We will need a blanket or tarpaulin; if the fabric is thin, then we fold it in several layers until you feel that it can withstand the load. We sew a pear for ourselves, for the room, but it’s better not to make it small, since we need to fill it and give it the necessary weight, the approximate length is 1.3 m, you choose the thickness yourself.

It is worth noting about the weight, if you have prepared a strong bracket and are absolutely sure that it will hold the load, then the best weight for the pear will be 50-80 kg. And don’t forget to sew the fasteners onto the pear itself.

Modern man lives at a frantic pace. Constant haste, the desire to prove one’s worth, a fierce struggle for a place in the sun. Sooner or later, this crazy race leads to emotional burnout. You can effectively cope with stress and emotional overload through physical activity. Due to my busy schedule, there is almost no time left for training. But no one is stopping you from taking care of your health yourself and making a couple of exercise machines for your home gym with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of making sports equipment yourself are obvious. It is possible to adjust the projectile to the dimensions of a specific room. Weights, barbells, dumbbells and benches can be made from scrap materials lying around the country house. If desired, more complex equipment can be manufactured. Even if the family spends the summer in the city, there are probably friends who have a dime a dozen of unnecessary shops and metal structures.

There is no need to spend cosmic sums on the purchase of equipment, and the cost of fastening materials or weights for the barbell will cost adequate money. Many amateur athletes claim that making exercise equipment at home is quite possible.

Beginning athletes see the downside of this idea in the time investment.

After all, you will have to tinker with it yourself. There are fears that while you are doing the exercise machine, all desire to exercise will disappear. You can compensate for this shortcoming by turning to friends or acquaintances for help.

A more serious disadvantage of this idea is the need to purchase electric welding equipment (if you plan to install a power frame). However, such devices are sold not only in expensive specialized stores, but also through bulletin boards. Nobody bothers you to go to Yula or Avito, contact the seller and purchase the necessary tools for real money.

When all the pros and cons have been thought through, you can begin the preparatory work.

Preparatory stage

Before you set up your own sports corner for your home, you should determine what exactly is supposed to be put there.

Standard equipment includes a barbell, dumbbells and a pull-up bar. A wall bars are hung on the wall, and a punching bag is attached to the ceiling.

T This equipment is conveniently placed in one corner of the room and does not take up much space. Yes, and you can set up such a gym in a few days.

If space allows, the “standard set” can be supplemented with various benches - for various bench presses, back and abs, power racks and roller trainers. Here you already need a diagram of the location of the exercise equipment in the room: sports equipment must be located so that those exercising on one apparatus do not touch others.


After a schematic representation of sports equipment, a drawing of future structures is drawn up. As a basis, you can take the dimensions of store-bought exercise equipment, adjusted for the dimensions of your home. Thus, it is possible to design a three-legged exercise machine consisting of a barbell rack and a bench. The stand has holders for sports equipment. In addition, safety chains or cables should be provided that will keep the projectile from falling and protect against absurd accidents.

A three-legged simulator is designed in a similar way. Standard projects include a transformable bench that can be used for both bench press and abs. However, it is not easy to make such a design, and there may only be enough space for a compact version of an inclined bench. Everyone determines its height independently.

To find out this indicator, just measure the length of your leg from the heel to the inner bend of the knee.

One of the most difficult options is designing a roller simulator. After all, the drawing should include the height of the simulator, the length of the tensioner, and the length and width of the bench. In the diagram, you should note the location of 2 rollers on the top of the U-shaped profile.

To an inexperienced sports fan, designing exercise equipment may seem incredibly difficult.

Therefore, it is worth starting with simple designs like an incline bench for the press.

As a rule, the drawing specifies the basic parameters of the future projectile and provides 2 footrests. Moreover, the lower stop must be made adjustable, and the upper one must be removable. When the athlete decides on the equipment of his home gym, he must make markings on the floor in accordance with the selected dimensions of the exercise equipment. This will allow him to make sure that the sports equipment will not interfere with other family members.

What can be built without calculations?

If you don’t have time to make drawings, you should pay attention to “fast” sports equipment. For example, to create a step platform you will need one sheet of chipboard. It is cut into 3 parts, which will then turn into the upper platform and support posts. The dimensions of the first are 50x100 cm, the dimensions of the second are 50x30 cm. All parts of the step platform are firmly fastened with self-tapping screws.

Without any tricks, an ordinary flat bench or a so-called two-support exercise machine is constructed: two metal profiles and an upper plane made of wood or plywood.

Another problem-free exercise machine is considered to be a wheel for pumping up the abs. It is made from a baby stroller wheel and a metal profile with threads at the ends. The profile is cut in half, the ends are inserted into the holes of the wheel. The resulting handles are firmly secured with nuts, a rubber hose is pulled from both ends, and electrical tape is wound over it.

How to make exercise machines for pumping muscles with your own hands?

The project has been selected, drawings have been drawn up. All that remains is to select the necessary materials and get to work. For the manufacture of barbell racks and bench supports, a metal profile is required. The neck of the bar is made of a metal pipe, the separators are made of two strong bolts or metal plates. The neck locks are ready-made spring locks, but you can make them yourself from 2 pieces of pipe. A hole must be drilled in each and secured with a bolt.

Pancakes are made from concrete, which is first poured into a mold made of boards and metal. After this, the structure is reinforced with wire. When the concrete has hardened, it should be coated with enamel. The structure will become stronger and will look aesthetically pleasing. To create collapsible dumbbells you will need 2 pieces of pipe of the same length, locks and pancake molds. Ideal for bodybuilders or arm wrestling fans.

If you plan to create a simulator, you should take a closer look at designs that can load different muscle groups or perform several exercises at once.

One of these simulators is considered to be a unit on which you can pump up your abs, do pull-ups and do push-ups. The latter is ideal not only for strengthening the biceps and triceps, but also for improving muscle tone in general.

To make such a design, you will need to complete the following steps.

  1. Buy several metal pipes with a round and square cross-section, a sheet of chipboard, foam rubber and cladding material (for armrests and back support).
  2. First you should prepare pipes with a square cross-section. To work, you will need two segments of 40, three of 55, two of 65 and one of 75 cm.
  3. Then pipes with a round cross-section are cut. The length of one piece is 75 cm, the next two are 20. And then another 6 pieces are cut, 15 cm long.
  4. All parts must be welded into a single structure.
  5. Rectangles are cut out of chipboard - future armrests and back support. Foam rubber is immediately glued to them and covered with the selected fabric, and then the parts are attached in the right places.

The wooden surface of the benches should be sheathed according to the “pie” principle. First, microporous rubber is laid (thickness - 12 mm and above). A layer of furniture foam rubber with a density of 45 and a thickness of at least 8 mm is laid on it. Then comes the turn of 7 mm padding polyester. The upper part is decorated with jeans or any other dense material. The first layer is glued to the board using superglue or a glue gun. The remaining layers should be carefully tucked in and pinned with a furniture stapler. Cheap and cheerful.

It should be remembered that in accordance with sanitary standards, such lining should be changed once a year.

Only micro rubber remains unchanged. The simulator is ready, you can practice.

A more complex option is to create a roller simulator. However, if you wish, you can make it:

  • Assembly of the simulator begins with a pallet;
  • Vertical racks with rollers are attached to the installed pallet;
  • attach a block for the cable;
  • assemble a basket for the load (even battery sections are suitable as a working weight);
  • they make a power frame - first it should be assembled with bolts, and when the smooth movement of the load is set, the rear rack must be welded;
  • the upper part of the frame is mounted from a U-profile, on which it is very convenient to attach blocks;
  • 4 blocks should be installed on the profile, 2 of which should be placed directly above the cargo basket.

Then proceed to assembling the upper part of the simulator:

  • they make a frame with racks for the barbell, which can be adjusted in height;
  • the base of the lounger is welded to the frame;
  • at the other end, a U-profile is installed as a vertical stand, on which a moving part of the simulator is assembled, intended for working out the legs and back;
  • The 2 parts should be connected at the bottom;
  • To prevent the machine from collapsing under load, you need to add a stop.

The operating principle is as follows: the cable is passed through the basket block. One end of it goes to a block with a pressure roller (a regular ball bearing) and is attached to the pipe, which makes it possible to pull the upper block, loading the arms and trapezius. The other end goes down, passes through the lower block under the bench and connects to a device that allows you to train your legs and back.

The bench is made of boards, the width is chosen arbitrarily.

The board consists of 2 parts, which are connected using a door hinge. One of the parts is adjustable in height, the second is attached to the frame. The surface of the bench should be covered with leatherette or foam rubber.

Creation of models for the prevention of back diseases

Health exercise equipment for the back is characterized by its simple design. For example, Evminov’s simulator is a pine board equipped with fastenings and locking handles. The device should be secured so that you can change the angle of inclination - this will allow you to stretch your back muscles with any intensity.

The Sobolev multifunctional exercise machine allows you to stretch your chest, back and oblique abdominal muscles. It is a metal frame with soft bolsters that are attached to the leg clamps and support for the back (abdomen). It’s not difficult to make, but to assemble the frame of the simulator, you need to use electric welding equipment.

If you have to work at a computer for a long time, it is worth designing a Tolstunov seat. The simulator consists of a wooden seat, one support point and a base that holds the entire structure. The exercise machine does not need to be fixed on a regular chair, and sitting on it improves blood circulation and trains the short muscles of the spine.

Razumovsky's simulator is more difficult to construct. It is also made of wood, but turning the rollers requires skill with a lathe.

However The Akhmetov simulator is considered the most difficult to design and install. This biokinetic device consists of a durable frame to which movable hand and foot supports are attached, and the movement itself on the simulator resembles the running of a wild cat.

Before making this design yourself, you should learn more about the principle of its operation from sports medicine doctors.

Hello everyone, my name is Maxim Kachalkin, I am a participant in the do-it-yourself competition on the web welding website. I thought for a long time about what to do, there were many versions, but I settled on a multifunctional exercise machine, since in Russia sports are very expensive and it is cheaper to drink alcoholic beverages than to play sports. Many people would like to play sports, but financially they cannot afford a gym membership, and people from the outback have nowhere to go, since they don’t even have the simplest rocking chair.

Before starting to make the simulator, I decided to make it in a 3D modeling program in order to make sure whether it would work or not. I spent a long time selecting the optimal size and appearance. While working on the 3D model, I periodically changed something and tried in every way to simplify it and make it smaller.

And now I will begin the process of making the simulator itself. At the end of the description there will be a link to a video that will contain all the dimensions and drawings.

In order to make a simulator we need the following material:

  • Professional pipe 40x40x2
  • Professional pipe 30x30x2 or 40x40x2
  • Pipe for 15
  • Pipe for 20
  • Pipe for 25
  • Pipe for 32
  • Sheet metal from 2 to 4 mm
  • Bearings internal diameter 10, external diameter from 26 to 30 (as convenient for you)
  • Pulleys-Dimensions will be indicated at the end of the video.
  • Bolts 10
  • Nuts for 10
  • Clamps (clamps)
  • Carbines
Let's start making the simulator))

After I have filed all the metal, I start drilling the holes. I first drilled with a drill with a diameter of 5, then with a drill with a diameter of 10.

Once I've drilled all the holes, I start welding.

When the top and bottom are ready, I proceed to the racks.

After I grabbed the entire main body, I began assembling the mechanism (butterfly).

Next, I start making a box for pancakes. In order for the box to move through the pipes smoothly and without noise, I thought of something like seals (I don’t know what to call them correctly) made of plastic pipes. Drawings are available at the end of the video.

After I have prepared everything I need, I start assembling.

Next, I start making a horizontal bar for traction of the lower block, its dimensions: length before bending 800 mm, each handle 120 mm long from pipe 20.

Then I start making removable bars. Their size: box - 500 mm by 480 mm, pipe length 500 mm, pipe diameter 25, grip width 480. The scarves are made of professional pipe 30x30x2.

After I boiled everything, cleaned it up, I started priming and then painting. Ready option.

I checked everything works. Watch the video, where I partially show how it works. Unfortunately, the paint was not dry at that time, but I had to shoot this video because I was leaving for a part-time job.

I tried very hard, I hope you appreciate it. I would like to say thank you to Websvarka for holding such competitions, and not for the first time. Thanks to all the sponsors of this competition and, of course, thanks to all the participants in this competition, as it was very interesting for me to compete with you. And it’s very difficult, since I’m only 19 years old and I’m not yet an expert in this matter, like you, I have something to strive for. I liked all the works, I don’t mind giving my vote for many of the works, I hope you will reciprocate. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will definitely answer them all.

Competition work No. 17, Technical nomination