How to remove dried foam from a metal door. How to remove polyurethane foam from various surfaces

Currently, polyurethane foam is one of the most popular building materials. And this is not surprising. After all, it is polyurethane foam that is used today as a sealant, as an adhesive, and as a sound or heat insulator.

Most of both external and internal construction work is directly related to its use. These are works related to the installation of doors or windows, insulating houses, covering them with siding, and work involving pipe routing.

But, as it turned out, such a multifunctional building material also has one small but very serious drawback: it adheres equally firmly to any material. Therefore, it is not at all easy to remove once it gets into unwanted places. Such a nuisance can happen even to a professional in his field. And what can we say about the one who did the renovation for the first time?

Ways to clean dried foam

In fairness, it should be noted that a small drop of polyurethane foam can cause a lot of unpleasant minutes for a professional. The same one who has never worked with it building material, you may not realize how difficult it will be to get rid of even a small speck of polyurethane foam, because this material adheres so tenaciously to any surface.

It cannot be washed off under running water; rather, it can be obtained reverse effect, because foam expands and hardens under the influence of water. There is little hope to be placed on some of the solvents or cleaners we are used to. For example, white spirit will not cope with polyurethane foam.

So is everything really so hopeless?

How to wash off foam from hands

How do you wash it off? polyurethane foam that got on the skin of your hands? Of course, it will be much easier to remove a fresh stain using a damp cloth or some kind of cloth.

Some people use some kind of skin-safe solvent. If the foam has frozen, then, first of all, you should know that this material does not contain any harmful substances, so there is no need to worry in this direction.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, then experienced builders Most often in this case, one proven folk method is used.

Before you begin to remove the foam that has gotten on your hands, you should hold your hands in the solution for some time, approximately 5 minutes. table salt. After this, you need to take a regular pumice stone and carefully scrape the problem area. So, desired effect achieved: hands are clean. Now you should lubricate them with moisturizing hand cream.

If you still haven’t managed to completely clean your hands, don’t worry. It won't be long before the foam stains disappear on their own.

How to clean plastic, linoleum and wood

It often happens that polyurethane foam accidentally gets not only on your hands, but also on nearby surfaces made of plastic, linoleum or wood. If the foam stain is still very fresh, then you can remove it from a plastic or glass surface using a scraper whose use would not damage the surface or leave scratches on it. After this, use a hard sponge or cloth to clean the surface again.

Some people prefer to use a cleaner instead of a cloth. However, it should first be checked on the most inconspicuous area of ​​the same surface. Most often, acetone or products such as solvent 646, Isofoam r621, Cosmofen, and Macroflex remover are used.

But the foam that was not noticed immediately, and it has already hardened, will be more problematic to clean. We'll have to be patient.

Some builders recommend first cutting off the frozen stain with a blade as close to the surface as possible, and then trying to soak it with a solvent and rubbing it with a fairly stiff sponge. It is best to use SOUDAL PU Remover solvent, which is specifically designed to remove foam that has already hardened.

To remove polyurethane foam from more delicate surfaces, such as plastic, wood, linoleum, you cannot use solvents that are considered aggressive. Some recommend using dimexide in this case. It's famous medicinal product, it is sold in any pharmacy. Moreover, it is quite inexpensive, almost pennies.

The existing stain is well moistened and left for several minutes, and then removed using a cloth, sponge or even a cotton swab.

If polyurethane foam gets on plastic windows, the easiest way to get rid of it is to remove it with an oil solution.

Ordinary sunflower oil is applied to the contaminated area for half an hour, and then cleaned with intense movements using an ordinary sponge intended for washing dishes.

Remove frozen foam from clothes

The issue is much more difficult to resolve if the polyurethane foam gets on fabric or clothing. Whether it can be washed or not will largely depend on the structure of the fabric itself.

It is almost impossible to clean knitted fabrics or knitted items. Foam stains can be removed from denim and leather items using white spirit.

How to remove from glass or metal door

In some cases, get rid of frozen foam This can only be done by simply mechanically rubbing the surface with a small piece of plastic. This is how it is recommended to clean a metal door or radiator painted with enamel from polyurethane foam.

Foam stains can be removed from a glass surface in several ways. Some builders scrape it off with a knife or blade, while others prefer to use a cleaner. Using a plastic scraper, carefully remove the stain from the foam that has got on the car.

As you can see, in order to remove stains from polyurethane foam from various surfaces you will have to put in a lot of effort, and sometimes additional material costs will be required. At the same time, there are also cases when it is not possible to achieve the expected effect. Therefore, it would be more correct to prevent the development of this situation and try to protect yourself as much as possible from the contact of polyurethane foam on surfaces for which it was absolutely not intended.

Video: how to remove polyurethane foam from a car

The video talks about one of the most the best means for removing dried foam from almost any surface. How to use, how long this procedure takes and what you should pay attention to is described in detail in a short but informative video with clear step-by-step instructions.

During renovation, polyurethane foam is often used when installing doors or windows. Even if the entire process of working with foam is carried out as carefully as possible, its particles will still end up on the surface of the door itself and not only. Of course, it is better to immediately get rid of the remaining foam.

Features of the material

In order to understand how to cope with a problem, you should learn about it in as much detail as possible. In our case, it is worth learning everything about the features and properties of such a material as polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is a strong sealant that has high hermetic properties and very good adhesion to any surface, which is why it is very popular among construction professionals. This super product contains polyurethane foam, which provides such a strong grip.

The popularity of this remedy is quite easy to explain. Firstly, it serves as a kind of insulation, preventing cold wind from penetrating through the cracks. This way you don't need to worry about additional insulation and protection. Secondly, metal doors, during the installation of which foam was used, are less susceptible to corrosion, which means they will last longer. Thirdly, this remedy helps prevent destruction wooden surface.

As a rule, this product begins to harden six to seven hours after pouring, and therefore fresh dirt is much easier to remove. Since foam particles fall precisely on doors that are made of various materials, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics.

For example, the method of removing sealant using a solvent may be suitable for a glass surface, but another material door leaf This technique can completely ruin it.

How to remove depending on the type of surface?

Since polyurethane foam provides effective and reliable adhesion, and also has good resistance to any negative impacts, try to begin the process of cleaning the contaminated surface immediately after installing the door itself. In this case, there will be a much greater chance of wiping off the remaining foam easily and without consequences.

As a cleaning agent, you can use acetone or a special solvent, which can be purchased at any hardware store, but you can also use others, traditional methods. Let's look at all the methods in order. Each type of door, depending on the material from which it is made, has its own the right remedy. Knowing all the secrets, cleaning stains from the door will not be difficult.

It is recommended to work with gloves, as many products have a detrimental effect on the skin of the hands. To avoid disastrous consequences, it is best to protect yourself with a mask, because the fumes of many solvents are harmful to humans.


Very often, polyurethane foam is used during the installation of the front door, which, as a rule, has a metal surface. Metal is a durable material; it will not deteriorate due to exposure to various types of solvents. Therefore, it is recommended to remove foam stains using special products.

Nowadays, construction stores offer a wide range of cleaning products, which are very necessary during construction work. Consult with the seller and be sure to read the instructions to make sure that this solvent will definitely help remove polyurethane foam that has already dried thoroughly.

The selected product must be carefully applied to the contaminated areas and left for ten to fifteen minutes - more precisely, it should be indicated in the instructions on the bottle with the product itself. After this time, stains can be easily removed using regular wipes. It is advisable to take a dry linen napkin.


If installed door It has wood covering, opened with varnish, it is not possible to immediately wash off the foam from such a surface. Or rather, it will work, but it won’t be done quickly and efficiently. In this case, you should wait a little until the product hardens a little and begins to resemble rubber.

After waiting the right time, it will be easy to remove the remaining foam: just pick up the edge of the stain and pull it. A frozen stain of foam will easily come off the surface without leaving any marks on it. If the product has already hardened on the varnished door, then it should be removed using a mild cleaner that will not damage the varnished surface.

Under no circumstances should dirt be removed from the MDF surface using abrasives or hard sponges. It is recommended to first test any cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the door. To do this, simply apply literally a drop of this product to small area doors and wait a bit. If no surface destruction, deformation, or peeling has occurred, then this cleaner can be safely used.

Next, you can begin the process of removing residual foam, which must be carried out with the utmost care. First you need to cut off the remaining frozen foam. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the surface of the door. You can cut it with a regular construction knife. After this, you should treat the surface of the stain with a sponge soaked in a special product - literally a minute or two, no more.

After two minutes, you will see that the sealant has softened and become more pliable. Now it is easy to clean it off the surface with a sponge, any cloth rag or a toothbrush.

If the dirt is not too large - just in the form of drops - it is recommended to apply the cleaner using a cotton swab so as not to touch the clean surface of the door.

Eco-veneer is multilayer material. Its surface is smooth and resembles natural wood, which is why such doors are very popular. Since doors of this kind are made of compressed wood fibers, it will be dangerous to use a cleaner, since there is a high probability that the surface will be irrevocably damaged.

The fact is that any liquid is very well absorbed into the structure of eco-veneer, and if it is a strong caustic agent, as cleaners usually are, then the material will begin to deteriorate from the inside.

There is a more gentle one and, most importantly, effective method How can you clean a door made of this capricious and delicate material? First you need to clean off the remaining foam with a knife. Construction knife It is quite possible to replace it with a convenient spatula, but it should not be too sharp.

After the remaining foam has been cut off, the surface of the dirt should be slightly moistened. This can be done using a regular sponge. Then baking soda is applied to the surface, and then you can safely clean the door with a regular sponge. A material such as eco-veneer is very scratch-resistant, so baking soda particles will not be able to damage the surface of the door, but it will be possible to clean it.

If you are still worried that small scratches may remain, you can do the following. Divorce baking soda a little water so that the mass looks like a thick paste. This way, the soda particles will dissolve a little and the paste can be safely applied to the surface of the door.


It is not always possible to wash off the remaining foam from a plastic surface with a regular solvent or cleaner. If everything is simple with an iron door, since it does not react to such means and its surface does not collapse, then with plastic everything is different. Under no circumstances should frozen foam be removed from a plastic door using acetone-based solvents. After treatment with this product, the plastic surface will acquire stains that will no longer be able to be removed.

It is recommended to arm yourself with a plastic scraper, which can be purchased at any hardware store. If you don’t have such a tool, a small, flat piece of wood will do. Surely, if there are ongoing construction works, such remains of wood will be found.

So, with the help of a tool or a handy product, you can quite easily clean the plastic surface. Typically, foam residues are removed in this way without extra effort, while no traces of stains remain on the surface.

If a small trace of the stain still remains, it is recommended to get rid of it using regular vegetable oil. Apply no a large number of vegetable oil on a cotton pad and treat the remaining dirt. Leave everything like this for twenty to thirty minutes, then remove the residue with a scraper and wash the door with a soft sponge.

There are a few more useful tips, which will definitely come in handy if work has recently been carried out using polyurethane foam. The recommendations and methods are proven, so you can safely use them.

Often in houses and apartments they install not simple interior doors, but with inserts made of some kind of glass. The insert can be solid or made of small fragments of glass, due to which regular door looks much more interesting in the interior. If polyurethane foam gets on the glass surface, such a gentle and effective way removal, like oil cleaning.

First you need to carefully cut top part hardened foam, then apply vegetable oil and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. After this, the surface can be treated with a regular sponge, which you use to wash dishes every day. The remaining foam will easily disappear right before your eyes.

Question: “How to wash polyurethane foam at home?”- the builders or their wives probably asked themselves at least once. But the fact is that construction foam has a very sticky consistency that eats into any material, which is why something damaged by construction foam can be thrown away. However, there are still ways in which you can wash polyurethane foam from your hands and clothes, as well as from doors, windows and floors at home. In our article we will look at these methods to help you wash polyurethane foam from any surface as effectively as possible.

From hand

Washing polyurethane foam from your hands at home is the hardest thing, since it is impossible to apply it to your hands. most means that could help in washing the polyurethane foam. Many chemicals can negatively affect the skin of your hands, so there are only two ways to wash polyurethane foam:

It is necessary to generously lubricate the area of ​​​​the hands that is contaminated with polyurethane foam with cream or oil, and only after twenty minutes can it be carefully removed from the skin. The area where the polyurethane foam was then will also need to be treated with a rich cream to soothe irritated skin.

Mechanically, you can only tear off the foam along with skin particles. This is a very painful and long process, but if cream or oil did not help you wash foam from your hands at home, then the mechanical method will definitely help.

From clothes

Washing foam from clothes at home without completely ruining it is also far from an easy task. Clothes tend to fade and lose color, so many products cannot be used in this case. Let's find out how you can wash polyurethane foam from clothes while preserving them appearance?

So, the following products will help to wash the mounting foam that has not yet dried:

  • refined gasoline
  • acetone
  • White Spirit.

Find any of these products in your home and before you start washing the polyurethane foam, try moistening any underside of the fabric with it. If the fabric has not lost its original properties, then you can safely use the chosen means for washing the polyurethane foam. And you can do this as follows:

  • First, remove most of the dirt from your clothing using a sharp knife or scissors. They should be used to carefully cut off the mounting foam, being careful not to touch the fabric itself.
  • After this, you need to find a clean rag, moisten it with the chosen product and use it to wash off the remaining foam from your clothes. To make this much easier, simply wet the cloth thoroughly with the product, and then apply it to the stain for a while.
  • When you manage to wash off traces of polyurethane foam, you should wash your clothes traditional way by adding a large amount of washing powder.

But what to do if the stain of polyurethane foam on clothing has already dried out or become old? Do not rush to despair and throw away contaminated clothes. Dimexide will help to wash old stains of polyurethane foam on clothes at home. You can find it in any pharmacy. To wash the mounting foam with its help, you must first remove a larger layer of dirt using a knife, and moisten the remaining stain generously with dimexide, leaving it in this position for at least half an hour. After this, the clothes should be washed thoroughly.

From the doors

Washing foam from doors is also quite difficult, especially if it is dried. Traces from polyurethane foam do not decorate the door at all, so let's find out how to clean them.

If a door that has been exposed to polyurethane foam wooden, then washing it at home will not be difficult. To do this, you simply need to cut off the mounting foam from the door with a sharp knife, after which you will need to wipe off the remaining foam with sandpaper. If the door begins to look different after this, then you will need to varnish the place where the polyurethane foam was. In the worst case, a slightly yellowish or pale spot will remain on the door, otherwise wash the foam with wooden door It's not difficult at all.

But if the polyurethane foam gets on metal door, then it will be a little more complicated here. To remove traces of polyurethane foam from metal door, first the foam must be cut off, as in the case of a wooden door. Then you should take a clean sponge and wet it sunflower oil and apply it liberally to the cut area so that the remaining foam softens a little. After this, use the same sponge to gently rub the mounting foam so as not to damage the metal door. When you manage to wash the mounting foam, treat the cleaned surface with warm soap solution, which will help remove the oil film on metal surface doors.

From plastic windows and panels

Many admit that cleaning foam from plastic windows and panels, for which it is very often used, is also quite difficult to install. But the fact is that the builders were not very careful. Now the polyurethane foam is spoiling the appearance of your room, but you don’t know how to clean it? Well, we are ready to help by providing you with several ways to study how you can wash polyurethane foam from plastic and any other windows, as well as from window sills and plastic panels.

First of all, as in the case of any other surfaces, most of the polyurethane foam must be cut off with a knife or blade, being careful not to damage the surface of the window or plastic panel. After this, you can choose any product from the list below to wash off the remaining foam.

If the polyurethane foam is fresh, the following remedies will help get rid of it:

  • acetone;
  • vinegar;
  • sunflower oil;
  • liquid for flushing the mounting gun.

If the polyurethane foam has already dried, then you need to use one of the following means:

  • means for removing polyurethane foam from hard surfaces;
  • dimexide.

Choose a foam cleaner that is suitable for your situation and treat the stain with it after cutting off most of the dirt. Leave the liquid on the stain for a few minutes, then take a stiff sponge and thoroughly rub the stain with it. When you manage to wash the mounting foam from a window or plastic panel, the area of ​​contamination should be wiped with a soapy sponge, then with a clean damp cloth, and then wiped dry.

From linoleum and laminate

Washing foam from various floor coverings such as linoleum and laminate at home is also quite difficult. For this purpose you you will need a special surface cleaner to remove polyurethane foam, which can be found at a hardware store. The principle of its operation is simple: cut off the polyurethane foam to the very “root”, then moisten a rag with a cleaner and leave it on the dirt for a while. After this, arm yourself with a hard sponge and wipe off the remaining foam from the linoleum or laminate.

By the way, you can easily wash the gun from polyurethane foam with the same product, since this cleaner is intended for such purposes.

When washing polyurethane foam from any surface, you should act carefully, especially when you cut it off. Test the effect of the selected products on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface so as not to spoil the item.

It is very easy to wash polyurethane foam from your hands, clothes, windows, doors or floors at home; the main thing is to know what products you need to use.

Polyurethane foam is often used for installation door designs. During processing, it may end up on the door leaf itself or on the jambs. If possible, contaminated areas should be wiped off as quickly as possible, before the foam has time to dry. It is not difficult to remove fresh foam from any surface. To do this, you just need to run a sharp spatula over the area of ​​contamination and remove the residue with acetone. Dried foam is much more difficult to remove.

Removing polyurethane foam from any surface at home should begin with mechanical cleaning. That is, first you need to remove the top layer of foam protruding above the surface. This should be done with a sharp knife or spatula.

Delete upper layer foam must be applied with great care so as not to damage the door leaf. Approximately 2 mm of foam should remain above the surface.

There is no need to try to wash the mounting foam with water. This will only make cleaning worse. Water makes the sealant harden faster.

To treat the door with sealant, you need to use a mounting gun. This will minimize the risk of surface contamination.

Wooden door

To wash polyurethane foam from doors made of MDF or wood, use Dimexide. This medicine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Dimexide breaks down the bonds in the sealant molecules and helps dissolve the remaining foam.

Dimexide is harmful to the skin of your hands, so you need to wear rubber gloves when working with it.

To clean wooden doors from sealant, it is not recommended to use hard sponges, brushes or other abrasive materials. They leave small scratches on the door leaf.

For door leaves made of wood coated with varnish, you can also use Dimexide. The process of working with it is as follows:

  1. Cut off the top layer of sealant as close to the surface as possible.
  2. Moisten a clean cloth with Dimexide and treat the stains for 2-3 minutes.
  3. After the foam has softened, remove the residue with a toothbrush or a hard cloth.

You can remove the remaining foam from a wooden door using fine sandpaper. But this method is only suitable for sanded door panels.


Modern doors are often made from eco-veneer - compressed wood fibers. Dimexide cannot be used on doors made of such material. It is absorbed into the material and destroys its structure.

Cleaning a door made of eco-veneer can be done as follows:

  1. Clean off the sealant with a sharp knife.
  2. Moisten contaminated areas with water.
  3. Treat stains with baking soda.
  4. Clean off any remaining foam with a soft sponge.

Alternatively, you can try cleaning the door with white spirit solvent. It must first be tested on an inconspicuous place on the door leaf. Apply the product to the door for no more than 30 seconds. Then the sealant is wiped off with a dry cloth.

Steel door

Before you start scrubbing the sealant off a metal door, you need to pay attention to its coating.

Types of metal door coverings:

  • varnish or paint;
  • acrylic;
  • spraying

A metal door may have no coating at all. If so, you don't have to worry about choosing funds. Even acetone will work for removing sealant. After covering the door with paint or spraying, no stains will be noticeable.

For other types of coating, you can use Dimexide, solvent or special means for removing polyurethane foam. They can be purchased at large hardware stores.

Steps to remove sealant for doors with decorative coating:

  1. Prepare a sharp knife, sponge and solvent in advance.
  2. Wear gloves and a medical mask.
  3. Cut off the top layer of foam, being careful not to touch the door leaf.
  4. Test the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the door leaf.
  5. Moisten a soft sponge in solvent and treat the dirt.
  6. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  7. Wipe off the sealant with the hard side of a sponge or a soft brush.
  8. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  9. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Doors covered powder paint, you can remove the sealant using vegetable oil. It must be heated and applied to contaminated areas. Leave until the sealant softens. Then clean off the residue with a hard sponge.

Plastic products

When installing plastic doors or windows, it often turns out that they are contaminated with polyurethane foam. Moreover, it is also smeared across smooth surface. In order to effectively clean sealant from a plastic surface, you should use the following methods:

  1. Sunflower oil. You need to warm it up thoroughly and generously lubricate all the foam stains. Leave for half an hour to soften. Then the remaining sealant is removed with a rubber scraper or a soft brush. After removing stains, the surface must be washed with dishwashing detergent to remove any remaining oil.
  2. Vinegar. Folk remedy will help deal with small stains from sealant. You need to take a 9% vinegar solution, moisten a clean cloth in it and wipe the dirty surface. Then rub the remaining sealant forcefully with a hard cloth or sponge.
  3. Solvent. To combat dried foam on plastic doors The same Dimexide and white spirit are suitable. The method of application is the same as for metal and wooden doors.
  4. Liquid for flushing the mounting gun. It is used in the same way as Dimexide, that is, moisten the cloth and wipe the contaminated area. The fabric should only be used white, otherwise colored spots and streaks may remain on the window.
  5. Homemade solution for removing foam. Experienced installers claim that this solution copes with sealant from any manufacturer. To prepare it you need to take: 50 ml of liquid for washing pistols, 20 ml of vinegar, 10 ml of acetone, 10 ml of solvent A-649. Mix all ingredients. Wipe traces of polyurethane foam with this composition. After some time, remove the remaining sealant with a sponge.

Even experienced installers sometimes have failures, and door frame It turns out to be stained with sealant. However, if you know the characteristics of the door and use the cleaning product correctly, the door will shine clean again.

When working with polyurethane foam to install doors, it is possible that the material gets on the surface of the door leaf. In this case, it is important to know what and how to properly wipe this material no damage to the door. Let's consider important nuances, taking into account the characteristics of pollution and different types surfaces.

Features of pollution

The basis of the polyurethane foam is polyurethane, which is supplied from the cylinder nozzle under the pressure of a mixture of expelling gases. Polyurethane can consist of one or two components: polyurethane and hardener. Good foam has high adhesion to almost any surface. Exceptions are polyethylene, Teflon, oil and silicone. Any foam contains surfactants that directly affect its ability to foam evenly. If the composition is incorrectly adjusted, large bubbles and voids will be noticeable in the hardened foam.

The professional foam used is usually characterized by a controlled output, a small change in volume, and a large volume of usable product.

When renovating premises, a one-component composition is mainly used. It can be pumped in liquid form into cylinders that differ in the method of foam supply: for domestic use and for professional work. Let's look at the features of each type.

  • Household spray cans equipped with a nozzle in the form of a plastic tube-nozzle. The supply of the composition from such devices is extremely uneven, and the pressure is not regulated. Therefore, foam often comes in jerks and is supplied in larger quantities than necessary.
  • Professional cylinders equipped with a nozzle device that supplies the composition through a mounting gun.

When using a high-quality gun, the consumption of foam is more controlled; it is possible to squeeze out exactly as much material as is needed for the operation being performed.

The likelihood of excess foam coming out after completion of the operation is high if the work is carried out using household cylinders. In household cylinders, uncontrolled consumption of the composition leads to the fact that it increases in volume up to 100%. In addition, the gas is supplied unevenly, and the cylinder begins to “spit.” As a result, the foam displaced from the seam it fills can more than half cover the surfaces on its two sides. Usually, on one side there is a wall, which is not so scary to get dirty, and on the other side there is an element of room decoration.

Since the foam composition has high adhesion to almost any surface, contact with finishing elements in the form of MDF doors, slopes, flooring and others are not recommended. It is extremely difficult to erase or wash off this building composition. When using a professional gun, the likelihood of staining finishing elements with foam is negligible, but it exists.

To prevent accidental contamination during the installation of structures, it is necessary to protect their decorative surface. For protection, PVC film or masking tape the required width.

Doors are usually protected with transport protective coatings, which are recommended to be removed no later than two weeks after installation. If the product does not have protective coating, the work becomes more difficult.

What can you use to wipe it off?

During operation, the mounting compound may come into contact with your hands or finishing elements, which can be damaged. Getting the composition on your hands is not as catastrophic as if it gets on the interior or front door. All doors have different coatings, so the algorithm of actions will depend on the material of the top layer.

There are different foam solvents that destroy it. These include acetone, solvents 646, 647, dimexide (sold in pharmacies), white spirit, ready-made cleaning products mounting guns, as well as cosmofen of varying activity.

Can be used various compositions For effective removal foam stains. TO professional means include Penosil Foam Cleaner, Waller, Ultima Professional, Oppa.

When choosing, you need to focus on the type of foam that was chosen for installation.

It is preferable to choose products from one manufacturer, since each of them has its own secret additives in the polyurethane foam.

  • Soudal Pu Remover. One of good drugs is the Soudal Pu Remover paste, intended for the mounting foam of the same name. To remove the composition that has got onto the decorative surfaces, apply the paste with a brush and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Residues are removed from the surface with a spatula (preferably not hard). After the procedure, wipe the surface dry.
  • Acetone. Like any solvent, it softens the stain material. Care is required when carrying out work. It is important to ensure that the composition does not destroy the surface being treated.
  • Cleaning products for mounting guns. Usually they are easy to clean off fresh foam that has not had time to completely polymerize (dry). For hardened foam, these compositions may be useless.
  • Preparations for dried foam. These formulations are quite good, but before using a particular drug, you need to check its effect in an inconspicuous place. If decorative surface does not collapse, does not become cloudy, the composition can be used on open area door leaf or frame.

  • Cosmofen. The most powerful of the preparations for removing polyurethane foam is considered to be composition number 5. Number 20 is the most gentle. Cosmofen is a popular product, while No. 20 can be used to clean polyurethane foam from clothing without damaging fabric fibers.
  • Cloth napkin. Removes adhering foam without polymerization. After mechanical removal of the defect, after 20-30 minutes you need to treat the stain with normal detergent, soda or solvent that does not spoil the surface to be cleaned.

How to clean: effective ways

It is not for nothing that foam removal products are presented in a wide range on the construction market. In each specific case, it is necessary to use a specific tool. Let's consider several options for removing foam from surfaces different materials, taking into account the different door coverings.

Metal with paint

A metal door that is powder coated or painted with baked hammer enamel has a particularly durable paint layer. Solvents will not damage it.

Just in case, you should first try the effect of the solvent in the lower corner of the box, which will later be covered with a floor plinth.

You should not try to remove the foam until it is in a polymerized state. This will leave a smudged area on the door. larger area. You need to wait until the entire surface of the lump is covered with a film and dries a little. Then you must carefully grasp the resulting ball and break it off.

If the foam did not get in as a droplet, but rather spread out like a fur coat, you can cut it off with a sharp painting knife. Defective area It is worth cleaning with a fine abrasive so as not to leave scratches. This will help clear out any remaining foam.

If a stain remains, it is better to treat it with a suitable solvent from the list. If it is possible to buy a foam remover from the same manufacturer whose product was used when installing the door, this will be the most the best way out. It is necessary to carefully read which surfaces cannot be treated with the proposed composition.


It is imperative to wait until the foam polymerizes into a thick dough or soft rubber. By lightly pulling the top of the lump, you should separate the foam from the stained surface. Typically, such manipulation does not leave any traces on the surface of the door. Small splashes can be easily removed with a dry microfiber cloth. If there are traces of foam left, you can soak them with dimexide (it softens the foam in 2-3 minutes) and remove the remains with a napkin. If the varnish becomes cloudy, it can be polished using regular furniture polish.

Veneered and eco-veneer

These materials have relief surface. If you try to use dimexide to remove polyurethane foam, it can destroy the pattern that imitates wood fibers. Therefore, you should first try mechanical cleaning of the surface. To do this, you can use a knife or a plastic spatula. You can try to lightly clean the surface using a fine-grain abrasive.

After mechanical cleaning, the surface must be washed with a damp sponge, using the hard side, and then wiped dry with a clean cloth. To consolidate the result, the surface is treated with a soda solution.

Glass base

Decorative displays enhance the appearance of any design element. But when sprayed with foam gets on them, they lose their decorative appeal and seem sloppy. To clean glass from polyurethane foam, first use a mechanical method of cutting off the defect with a sharp paint knife.

If a foam stain remains on the surface of the glass, apply a few drops of vegetable oil to it. This will soften the foam. The stain is wiped with the hard side of a household sponge, then the surface is wiped dry with a cloth napkin.

By using vegetable oils fresh foam can be removed. If the stain is on the surface long time, this method will not give the desired results.

iron door

This surface is the most unassuming. Foam from it is usually considered mechanically. Do not touch the contaminated area until the installation compound has completely dried. After this, remove particles of dried foam with your hands. If stains remain, the foam in the contact areas is removed by sanding with a fine abrasive or a solvent that does not affect the metal coating.

Wooden surface

Recommendations for cleaning a wooden surface are the same as for cleaning a varnished surface. The task is simplified by the fact that the surface of the wood is usually matte. If after cleaning there is a small stain left that differs in color from the rest of the surface, you can use furniture wax chalk suitable color. Such crayons are sold in any specialized store. furniture fittings. A simple application of chalk gives a matte finish.