How to find out the approximate euro exchange rate for tomorrow. How to choose a good euro exchange rate forecast for the week? Causes of euro instability

The euro exchange rate today is directly dependent on how trading went on the Moscow Interbank Exchange. Based on these data, the Central Bank announces current values. This happens at approximately 11.30 Moscow time. Central banks of different countries use different techniques for generating official information.

The most recent data is considered to be the exchange rate at the moment. It is these indicators that banks often use to maintain current indicators, so they can be used as the main criterion when buying or selling currency in exchangers. If a significant correction occurs between 11.30 am and the close of trading, the difference between the official, commercial, and exchange rates will be significant.

How to find a favorable euro exchange rate?

We suggest finding out which banks have a favorable euro exchange rate. For convenience, the information is given:

  • in the table;
  • on the chart;
  • official websites of banks.

You can easily go to the desired page of the financial institution in one click. We also show official data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. You can use them to identify the best data and calculate using a calculator.

The site presents another popular service. With its help, you can find out how currency data has changed over the years and make your own personal forecast.

How to find out the commercial euro exchange rate?

It is through this that the purchase and sale of foreign money occurs. Everyone has seen that at the entrance to the bank there is a board on which current prices are displayed. A special feature of the commercial rate is that the difference between buying and selling is greater than in the interbank market.

The euro exchange rate in exchange offices today also depends on trust in this monetary unit. If citizens prefer the euro in order to protect their savings, this leads to increased demand and an increase in the exchange rate. Movements may also depend on other factors, from natural disasters to statements by significant individuals. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the course for tomorrow or in the long term. Because of this, many people buy euros at a favorable rate, taking into account current indicators.

You can find out all the latest information about changes in exchange rates on this resource. The page displays the euro exchange rate in Moscow banks. This information is periodically updated and changed in accordance with how the situation in the country's foreign exchange market changes.

In order to find out the latest exchange rate for the euro in Moscow, simply go to the corresponding page of the site and view information about the purchase or sale of such a currency as the euro. Thanks to this site, you can make a profitable exchange at the bank. The fact is that the best exchange rate for today, in particular, the euro exchange rate, will be immediately noticeable to the user. Thanks to this, he will be able to quickly decide which exchanger is best for him to contact today. In addition, a potential bank client, without leaving home, can use a specialized currency converter, which is also presented on the website. Thus, before visiting the exchanger, you can find out how much money will be needed to transfer to another currency.

Updated 06/01/2019 17:40

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow?

The Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow is 74.04 rub., the minimum rate is 73.00, and the maximum is 75.08 rubles. The current exchange rate is Euro 73.26. Today the rate is down by 0.1% compared to yesterday’s close of the day at 73.33.

Will the Euro rise or fall in a week?

Euro exchange rate forecast in a week 74.46 rub., minimum 73.42, maximum 75.50 rub. Thus, for a week the Euro exchange rate will increase on 1.2 rub. relative to the exchange rate now at 73.26 rubles. For more detailed forecast by day for the week, see the table below.

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for June?

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 72.18-76.02, at the end of June 73.70 rub. At the beginning of June, the Euro exchange rate was 73.33, i.e. the change over the month will be +0.5%.

What Euro rate is forecast for July?

Euro exchange rate forecast for July - 74.07 R. at the end of July, the minimum rate during the month is 72.53, the maximum is 75.59. Monthly change +0.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for each day in the table

date Day Min Well Max
03.06 Monday 73.00 74.04 75.08
04.06 Tuesday 73.36 74.40 75.44
05.06 Wednesday 73.45 74.49 75.53
06.06 Thursday 73.57 74.61 75.65
07.06 Friday 73.42 74.46 75.50
10.06 Monday 73.13 74.17 75.21
11.06 Tuesday 73.92 74.97 76.02
12.06 Wednesday 73.81 74.86 75.91
13.06 Thursday 73.61 74.66 75.71
14.06 Friday 73.34 74.38 75.42
17.06 Monday 73.37 74.41 75.45
18.06 Tuesday 73.14 74.18 75.22
19.06 Wednesday 72.88 73.91 74.94
20.06 Thursday 72.18 73.20 74.22
21.06 Friday 72.40 73.43 74.46
24.06 Monday 72.41 73.44 74.47
25.06 Tuesday 72.79 73.82 74.85
26.06 Wednesday 72.41 73.44 74.47
27.06 Thursday 72.49 73.52 74.55
28.06 Friday 72.67 73.70 74.73
01.07 Monday 72.53 73.56 74.59
02.07 Tuesday 73.13 74.17 75.21
03.07 Wednesday 73.15 74.19 75.23
04.07 Thursday 73.51 74.55 75.59

What is the Euro forecast for August?

Euro exchange rate forecast for August is in the range of 73.89-75.99, at the end of August 74.94 rub. Monthly change +1.2%.

What is the Euro exchange rate predicted for the rest of 2019?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2019 year: the rate will trade in the range of 70.53-75.99. Exchange rate forecast for the end of December 2019 71.53 rub.

What will the Euro exchange rate be in 2020?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020 year: rate at the end of December 2020 - 72.85 rub. And throughout the year the rate will fluctuate in the range of 68.24-74.79.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2019, 2020 and 2021

Month Start Min-Max End Total,%
Jun 73.33 72.18-76.02 73.70 +0.5%
Jul 73.70 72.53-75.59 74.07 +1.0%
Aug 74.07 73.89-75.99 74.94 +2.2%
Sep 74.94 72.68-74.94 73.71 +0.5%
Oct 73.71 71.46-73.71 72.47 -1.2%
But I 72.47 71.47-73.49 72.48 -1.2%
Dec 72.48 70.53-72.53 71.53 -2.5%
Jan 71.53 71.53-74.01 72.99 -0.5%
Feb 72.99 70.33-72.99 71.33 -2.7%
Mar 71.33 68.31-71.33 69.28 -5.5%
Apr 69.28 69.28-73.06 72.05 -1.7%
May 72.05 70.61-72.61 71.61 -2.3%
Jun 71.61 71.08-73.10 72.09 -1.7%
Jul 72.09 68.24-72.09 69.21 -5.6%
Aug 69.21 69.21-72.99 71.98 -1.8%
Sep 71.98 71.98-74.79 73.76 +0.6%
Oct 73.76 71.60-73.76 72.62 -1.0%
But I 72.62 72.23-74.29 73.26 -0.1%
Dec 73.26 71.83-73.87 72.85 -0.7%
Jan 72.85 72.85-75.68 74.64 +1.8%
Feb 74.64 73.58-75.66 74.62 +1.8%
Mar 74.62 72.32-74.62 73.35 0.0%
Apr 73.35 70.58-73.35 71.58 -2.4%
May 71.58 71.58-75.48 74.44 +1.5%
Jun 74.44 74.44-78.50 77.42 +5.6%

2015-2019 Currency Resource - Expert Center. Copying information and materials from the site is prohibited. The Expert Center posts information here for informational purposes and does not assume any responsibility for the use of this information by site visitors and the decisions made or not made by them.

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Depends on many factors. It is determined at MICEX trading. According to this information, the official rate set by the euro against the ruble for the next day becomes known approximately always at the same time. This data is used in:

  • accounting calculations,
  • taxation,
  • official calculations.

The decisions of the ECB have a decisive influence on the indicators. It uses the interest rate as the main mechanism for controlling inflation processes and the speed of economic development. In anticipation of its increase, the euro rises against the ruble.

Factors influencing the growth of the euro

The euro exchange rate for tomorrow may change by several points at once. This depends on the demand for the US national currency. Economic news is also important. When investors transfer funds from one currency unit to another, there is an increase or decrease in the price of the currency. It is noted that when demand for the dollar falls, demand for the euro increases. This increases its cost.

Among the factors influencing the exchange rate is the ECB's decision on problem states that are members of the Commonwealth and have large debts. Especially it concerns:

  • Portugal,
  • Greece,
  • Spain,
  • some other countries.

All of them rose to a higher level of development through loans.

GNP growth, industrial production and unemployment rate.

Statement by Financial Institution CEOs on the Business Expectations Index. For example, the receipt of information from the manager about the development of ways to stabilize the euro strengthens his position in the foreign exchange market.

Elections and political crises. These points often negatively affect the dynamics of the euro exchange rate due to their uncertainty. Geopolitical confrontations lead to a decrease in the speed of development, so the currencies of all parties to the conflict begin to “sag.”

Why know the euro exchange rate?

Many businessmen, heads of state and municipal entities closely monitor the ratio of the ruble to the euro. Based on this data, analysts make a forecast that allows them not only to make profitable transactions, but also to invest money. The graph shows how the current state of affairs is changing at the present time.

Our service offers to study the purchase or sale of euros at the best prices, as well as. The best offers from presenters are highlighted in yellow. The euro exchange rate online changes in the current time mode. But users can always:

  • explore the archive,
  • see what changes are happening on the stock exchange,
  • make your own forecast.

The observations of leading banks and investment funds are also of great importance. The market's reaction to them may be different, regardless of how reliable the forecasts are.

Knowing the euro to ruble exchange rate is important not only for those who are looking for the most profitable option for investing money or for deciding to take out a loan. This information is useful for political scientists, economists or financiers. At the macroeconomic level, this knowledge makes it possible to fight inflation and reduce interest rates. This promotes production growth and eliminates the consequences of unemployment.

We suggest finding out the euro exchange rate for today in Russia. The information is provided in a convenient table that allows for comparative analysis. All data is provided by banks and exchange offices. If you need to draw up a chart yourself, you can look into the archive yourself and see how the ruble-euro ratio has changed recently.