How to unscrew a licked bolt. Bolts with torn edges are not a death sentence

This problem often arises when the hex bolt is torn off and it is not possible to unscrew it with a wrench. The causes of this problem may be the sticking effect, displacement of the parts being fastened, over-tightening when installing hex hardware, as well as the use of inappropriately sized keys.

Whatever the reasons for the situation when the bolt stops unscrewing, the following steps should be taken before plumbing:

  1. Before unscrewing the hexagon, to reduce the coefficient of friction, it is necessary to open the bolted fasteners with lubricant such as WD-40, kerosene or brake fluid. You can start unscrewing the bolt 30-60 minutes after application.
  2. A stuck bolt can be gently tapped with a hammer so as not to further disturb the thread.
  3. If the location of the fastener allows, you can heat it gas burner so that the metal becomes more pliable, and rust and dirt turn into ash.

How to unscrew a broken hex bolt

To unscrew a protruding hex or star bolt, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using a hacksaw or a grinder, make a neat and clearly vertical cut across the screw head. After these steps, you can unscrew it with a regular flat-head screwdriver.
  2. Using a Torx star: you need to drive it into the recess for the hex key in the hardware head. The size of the sprocket should be such that its splines do not fit into the hole. Then the hardware is unscrewed with a sharp jerk. It is not recommended to use a Torx with a hole in the center; the sprocket can break off.
  3. Before unscrewing the hexagon with torn edges, a drill with drills and extractors is used to drill a hole in its center. After this, the extractor is driven into it, then pulled out with pliers along with a hex screw.
  4. Using a drill with reverse rotation, a thin hole is drilled, then a hammer is inserted into it with left rotation and the fasteners are unscrewed. In this case, the rotation of the drill should be slow and the pressure should be strong.

How to unscrew an internal hexagon with torn edges

To unscrew a bolted connection from through hole, you can use a needle file. With its help, the hexagonal hardware is bored to the next size and unscrewed with a wrench.

The second way is to use Torx. They can punch out new splines and reuse the hex hardware, but subsequently it can only be unscrewed with a Torx sprocket.

Torx sprockets

In addition, before unscrewing the torn hexagon, you can saw through the internal axis of the hexagonal fastener for a screwdriver and unscrew it. With this method, it is not always convenient to get to the fastener; sometimes its location does not allow the use of a screwdriver.

How to unscrew a hex without a key

Other ways to unscrew a bolt without a hexagon are as follows:

  1. If the size of the bolt is not too small, you can use a chisel or an ordinary hammer: they strike at an angle in the direction of unscrewing the fastener.
  2. Method using a spanner or gas wrench.
  3. If you have a problem with how to unscrew a “licked” hexagon, you can use a wrench with an attachment. The bolted connection is unscrewed using impact mechanism.
  4. Method of using welding: a small amount of metal with a nut or any piece of reinforcement is welded to the fastener, with the help of which it is then unscrewed.
  5. The extreme measure for unscrewing hex hardware with an internal axis is to completely dismantle the fastener, when cuts are made with a hammer and the fastener is disassembled.

Equipment used every day has structures connected by fasteners. Repair or Maintenance requires dismantling of certain components and assemblies. Mounting bolts can become damaged or stripped over time. It can be difficult to unscrew a knot with torn edges due to its location and poor accessibility. Often problems are caused by slick edges and corrosion processes that occur during operation.

Methods for removing bolts with stripped threads

To remove a damaged bolt or nut, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory procedures. The created conditions will help during subsequent work and will keep the units intact.

  1. Apply a liquid to the adjacent surfaces that reduces friction on threaded connections. The assortment of hardware stores has a lot special means However, it is possible to use brake fluid or kerosene.
  2. Reducing the fastening resistance is achieved by several precise blows with a hammer. The force must be controlled, otherwise there is a risk of breaking the fastener, thereby slowing down the extraction process.

How to determine which tools may have broken edges. Before work, you need to choose the right tool and assess the condition of the broken fasteners. There are several main methods for extraction:

  • If there are no other elements around the action area, it is possible to use a gas wrench. The tool is used in accordance with the size of the part; with a key that is too large, it will not be possible to unscrew a small broken element.
  • Select a head with edges suitable for treatment; the size of the head must correspond to the design.

How to unscrew a broken bolt

If the grip area for a pipe wrench is insufficient, attempts to use the tool in this situation are practically useless. It is necessary to use a file to make edges on a torn product of a smaller diameter. After successful processing, a key or head of the required diameter is selected, and the torn element is smoothly unscrewed.

Using a hammer together with a chisel can make the work easier; you need to make a notch and use the tool to unscrew it with precise blows. This method is considered effective, since the impact force is applied in the right side. Once it can be visually determined that the process has moved, a suitable spanner or socket can be used.

If you have it on hand welding machine, you need to weld the nut onto the head, then with a sharp movement you can unscrew the torn part. In cases where it is not possible to weld the nut due to lack of space, a piece of metal is welded on for further processing of the edges.

They will tell you how to unscrew a connection element with torn edges experienced craftsmen, some simply start drilling without wasting time. An effective way is to remove the washer between the bolt and the clamping area. The hammer strikes the chisel mounted on the nut.

How to unscrew a hex or sprocket head bolt

In the automotive industry and other equipment, hex tool bolts are often used. How to turn out a torn cap that has broken edges:

  • Make a horizontal notch on the head with a grinder or file. In this case, a strong screwdriver is used to unscrew the broken screw.
  • Using a special TORX sprocket, which is driven into the head. The nozzle is selected in size, slightly larger than the torn cap, for strong connection between the walls.
  • A set of extractors that can be purchased at a hardware store. Before using the extractor, a hole is drilled with a drill in the base of the bolt, then the extractor is inserted, and the screw is removed with pliers or a special clamp.
  • Using a left-handed drill with a slightly smaller hole diameter. Work with the tool is carried out in reverse mode, with this method it is possible to damage the thread.

Broken nuts are more difficult to unscrew, since during work there is a possibility of damage to the threads. Most in a simple way is the use of chemicals, surface treatment is cleaned and treated with the product for 15 minutes. If the edges are torn off, it is impossible to use a wrench or socket. In such cases, a chisel is used to destroy the main part of the nut, then removed and replaced with a new nut.

How to remove a bolt if the head has broken off

A broken head of the structure can cause a lot of trouble during work. How to act in such a situation difficult situation without resorting to using a serious tool. At small sizes element, it is possible to make a notch with a grinder, the recess of which will allow the use of a screwdriver with sharp edges. To perform more complex work, you will need an extractor, drill and reamer. Base threaded connection It is drilled exactly in the middle, after making the hole, the tool is screwed in counterclockwise.

When performing sequential actions, unscrewing a damaged structural element will not be difficult even for those who are encountering this problem for the first time. It is necessary to correctly assess the situation and use the tool good quality for a productive result.

How to drill out a broken bolt

A drill made of high-quality material is used for the work. The size must be selected in accordance with the torn edges; the diameter of the drill should not be larger than the hole. A quality drill differs increased price, but its use eliminates rapid wear and the possibility of breakage during operation.

Each situation requires a separate approach; the type of damage to both the fastener and the threads should be assessed before performing the task. There are several basic ways to unscrew a stuck bolt.

Unscrew a rusty bolt or nut by tapping

One of effective ways– tapping with a hammer on the head of the torn structure.

A hammer is used in tandem with a spanner wrench, on which force is applied to unscrew it. The operation must be carried out with extreme caution, since it is possible to damage the edges of the cap, which will cause further damage. bigger problem. Usually, rusted bolts are replaced with new ones; if this is not possible, dirt and traces of corrosion should be removed and the threads should be lubricated with a special lubricant.

Using solvents

There are many different categories of solvents available for sale. A variety of uses for elements such as white spirit, combustible fuel and even Coca-Cola. The most effective chemical agent for unscrewing torn elements is WD-40 and varieties. The liquid is used to treat the structure area; if the hole is through, it is necessary to fill the back part.

To speed up the process, it is necessary to soak a rag in a chemical solution, treat the connection, and tap to remove the top layers of rust.

Thermal method

More severe corrosion deposits may not always be treatable chemically. Such compounds are heated with a gas burner to a red-hot state and cooled sharply with water. When exposed to heat, the metal expands, then sharply contracts, which allows deposits to escape through the threaded connection.

Using a burner is not always rational, as it can damage paintwork and nearby nodes. Care should be taken when working near fuel system, since gasoline vapors can ignite and lead to irreversible consequences.

How to unscrew a licked bolt

When working with connections, there are situations when the thread rotates in the mounting hole. In this case, a nail puller is used, it is inserted between the head and the body, then the tensioned bolt is unscrewed. When working with fasteners of small diameter, it is possible to use a screwdriver as a lever; the head is unscrewed with wire cutters or side cutters with little force.

After removing the damaged bolt, it is necessary to check the hole for thread integrity before installing a new connection. In case of poor thread condition, a tap is used. The tool is inserted into the hole until it stops, then a new thread is cut. If the condition of the hole is not suitable for a new connection, the diameter is increased by using a tap bigger size. After work, it is possible to select a fastener with a size similar to the hole made.

In situations with licked edges of the caps, the above methods will help. There are many types of connections and holes. To perform the work, you must have some skills and prepared tools. Each situation requires a separate approach and certain preparation; only in such conditions is it possible to achieve results.

Surprises are inevitable during renovations. Equipment may fail, a seemingly strong part may break in the most unnecessary place, and bolts and nuts may resist unscrewing. And then the repair drags on, taking extra time, nerves and money.

Nowadays you can find many videos on the Internet with guidance on how to carry out any repair work. They say that based on videos from the Internet, you can build a house from scratch and reassemble a car, piece by piece.

But with this a huge number advice and recommendations, it is difficult to choose the right course of action for you. In this article we will try to collect all available experience and systematize it for ease of use.

Bolt with torn edges

Now we'll figure it out how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges. As a rule, the reasons for this trouble lie in the following:

  • The parts held by the bolt were misaligned in an unnatural way. This leads to pinching and damage.
  • The bolt itself was very tight when tightening.
  • The tool used to tighten it was the wrong size and improvised means were used (screwdrivers or chisels are often placed in larger keys when there are no suitable small ones).

Before unscrewing a broken bolt or nut, you need to do some preparation. This will allow you to spend less time and effort, and sometimes save expensive equipment.


However, it often happens that it is the screw that jams that cannot be reached with a torch or tapping tool. In that difficult case should be a grinder or any available tool such as a chisel make a deep cut on the preserved cap. This will become the hook that will allow you to pull out the entire bolt.

Now you can, clinging to this protrusion, try to unscrew the stubborn screw. Press the screwdriver into the recess, and while lightly hitting the handle of the hammer in the direction of unscrewing (not clockwise), slowly turn the bolt.

Hex bolt

The edges of the axis are convenient for both tightening and unscrewing. Clear and even, they provide a reliable support for the key. If the bolt is suitable for your hand and of the appropriate size, at first you can comfortably twist it by hand, later tightening it with the help of a tool. However, there are often cases when, due to excessive use of the screw itself, or heavy loads on the connection, the edges are torn off and the fastener remains sticking out in the joint. It is uncomfortable to handle; it slips out of your hands and tools. Let's look at several options for solving this problem, with corresponding solutions.

A screw with a hexagon hole can be unscrewed in the following way:

  • You need to take a file and make it the size for a hex key. By making such a cut, you will save significantly, since you will be able to use this fastener more than once in the future.
  • Make a notch on the cap with a grinder or any other in a convenient way, for example, a hacksaw for metal. And use a flat-head screwdriver, resting on its handle as if it were a rotation arm.
  • You can also use one of the appropriately sized TORX sprockets to unscrew the screw.

For connecting rod bolts made of steel, there are only two methods:

Star bolt

You can unscrew such a bolt in the same way as unscrewing a nut with torn edges. We discussed the main methods of unscrewing stubborn bolts and nuts in great detail earlier, and now we can summarize all the methods that are suitable for such a screw. So, if the edges of your star bolt are torn off:

  • The easiest way is to use an extractor. This proven product will not let you down this time either. Make a hole in the fastener leg, fix a suitable extractor there and carefully unscrew the stuck bolt with careful movements. As we can see from this article, a set of extractors of various diameters is a really necessary thing on the farm if you regularly engage in such assemblies and disassemblies.
  • Use the gas wrench. This adjustable wrench will tighten the bolt tightly, and you can remove it with a few turns. This method is good because you don’t need to buy a separate tool. There is a similar wrench in almost every home.
  • Focus on the bolt head. If there is enough space around the bolt, make a notch on its head with a grinder or a hacksaw. You can rest a screwdriver or chisel against this notch and turn the bolt by hitting its free end with a hammer or other tool convenient for you.

We have looked at options for releasing bolts and nuts that are available for use by anyone home handyman. Of course, methods used in professional workshops or car repair shops were left out of the discussion. However, they constantly use equipment that you might only need once or twice at home. And it costs a lot of money. Professionals use to release bolts with torn edges:

  1. Impact wrench.
  2. Hairpin driver.
  3. Specialized extractors.

However, if such situations occur to you no more than once a year, then there is little point in purchasing special tools.


Attention, the article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. The site administration is not responsible for potential damage to your property. If you attempt to repeat what is described below, you will do so entirely at your own peril and risk!

So here's the problem. The sprocket screw in the laptop lid turned out to be of poor quality. Despite the fact that all the other screws in the lid came out without any problems. In general, it doesn’t matter what exactly led to such a not very pleasant result, the main thing is that it exists and something needs to be done about it.

So, for the operation to remove the unwanted broken screw from the device, we will need the following tools. Screwdriver, soldering iron, solder and flux.

In order for the solder to set, we lubricate the screw with flux.

We heat up the soldering iron, take a drop of solder on the tip and drip it onto the screw. Before the tin hardens, insert a screwdriver into it.

As a result, we have a new grip for the screwdriver, which will allow it to catch on the screw and unscrew it. This way you can release the lid or any other thing that was previously tightly screwed.

Perhaps for many this example was not a revelation. But I hope that it will be useful to someone. Often problems that at first seem quite serious and unpleasant are quite simple and available solutions, for which you only need what almost everyone has at home.

In any case, now if you encounter the problem of licked bolts, you know how to solve it using the means at hand.

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Almost all equipment is assembled using fastenings that use bolts or other products. But when it becomes necessary to unscrew them, they may turn out to be rusted and no longer suitable for use.

These elements often end up with broken edges, threads, or their heads break off. Buthow to unscrew a bolt with broken edgesso as not to spoil the entire structure?

In contact with

Why are fasteners needed?

Fastening elements are essential elements mechanical engineering, which are used almost everywhere. The most common fasteners that have threads are:

  • screws;
  • bolts;
  • nuts

A bolt, like a screw, is a rod with a head that has one threaded end. Screws are usually classified into two types:

  1. Installation ones that fix the parts mutually.
  2. Fasteners that are used for detachable connections.

Screw heads can be cross-slotted or single-slotted.

As a rule, this element is necessary if you need to fasten additional element. Often, a machine screw with a countersunk head is used instead of bolts, since the protruding head interferes with some mechanisms.

Most often, screws are used when there is a need to fix parts that have been mounted on shafts or axles.

As for bolts, they form a connection using a threaded hole and a nut.Hex bolthas a head on one side and a screw thread on the other. They are intended for fastening parts that have a small thickness, or if it is necessary to frequently separate elements. That's why it's so important to know how correct unscrew the stuck bolt.

The nuts are fastener with a threaded type structural hole designed to transmit torque. Nuts are produced various shapes, and this depends on the conditions of use.

Reasons for the failure of fasteners

Typically, the reasons why a bolt becomes unusable can be the following:

  • sticking;
  • displacement of parts that are held together by bolts;
  • excessive over-tightening during installation;
  • use of inappropriate keys;
  • Uneven efforts during unscrewing.

Preparatory work

Depending on the reason why the bolt does not come off, various preparatory measures may be required.

For example:

  1. Open the bolt joint using a penetrating fluid that is designed to reduce friction. For this purpose, you can use substances such as kerosene, brake fluid or WD-40. To do this, you will need to apply the substance to the connection and leave for about an hour. Only after this time has passed can you begin to unscrew.
  2. Some people use a hammer to tap the bolt, but only so that the existing threads are not damaged.
  3. You can try to slightly heat the element that has become stuck using a burner. This procedure causes the resulting dirt and rust to burn off, after which the metal of the bolt becomes more pliable.

Experts, answering the question,how to unscrew a screw with stripped edges, they say that this is done in absolutely the same way.

How to unscrew a bolt with broken edges

Once all preparation procedures are completed, you can begin extraction, buthow to unscrew a bolt with broken edges? First of all, for this you need to purchase everything necessary tools. In order to implement your plans, you can use the following methods:

  1. Take a gas wrench, but it is only good if the space allows it. It is possible to use a gas wrench not only on bolts that have a surface with edges, but also on cylindrical bolts when the threads are completely stripped.
  2. A damaged bolt can also be removed using spanners, which have different heads for torn edges. In this case, you will need to select the proper size of the head, otherwise it will not be possible to unscrew it.

Important! The longer the key, the easier it will be to unscrew the fastener.

If using the methods described above does not produce results, then you can resort to other methods.

Prices for gas keys

gas key

How to unscrew a screw with a screwdriver

Often the situation with bolts and screws confuses the owner, because not everyone knowshow to unscrew a bolt if it won't come out.

When there is practically no access, you can make a notch with a chisel or grinder. After this manipulation, unscrewing the bolt with a screwdriver will be quite simple.

Although in some cases this does not give the desired result, then you can take the same screwdriver, placing it at an angle, and lightly tap it. But this must be done so that the bolt begins to rotate.

To the question how to unscrew a hexagon with torn edges, experts say that this fastener can be removed using the following methods:

  1. Using a needle file, which will help you get the size for the hexagon.
  2. Using a TORX sprocket, but it is important that it is of the proper size.
  3. A screwdriver that can be used if you first make an even notch.
  4. Using an extractor that screws into the hex hole.

Internal sprocket or hex bolt

It can be unscrewed using the following methods:

  1. A flat-head screwdriver, but in this case you will need to make a notch with a grinder or a hacksaw. This must be done so that the cut has clear vertical walls, otherwise the screwdriver will jump off.
  2. A TORX sprocket, which should not fit into the hole with splines, but should not be larger than this size. She must cut through the cap and fit tightly into it. Next, you should unscrew the bolt jerkily, because otherwise the slot may break.
  3. Using a drill, drill and extractors. To carry out the unscrewing procedure, you will need to drill a hole in the center and drive the extractor there the right size. After this, use pliers to unscrew the element. The unscrewing procedure using an extractor is very simple, since it has a thread that is opposite to the thread.
  4. A drill with a left-hand rotation or reverse drill, the diameter of which is smaller than the deformed bolt. To carry out this procedure, you will need to drill a small hole with a thin drill and only then insert the left-hand drill. Naturally, now the drill will need to be set to intensive rotation mode.

Attention! You cannot use an asterisk that has a hole in the center, as they will break when driven in.

How to unscrew a hex bolt

This fastener can be easily unscrewed in the following ways:

  1. Using the above asterisk.
  2. Using a file that makes the proper size for a hexagon.
  3. A screwdriver, but before that, just like in the previous options, you will need to make an even notch.
  4. An extractor, the method of use of which has already been described.

How to unscrew an asterisk bolt with torn edges

To achieve your plans, you need to knowhow to unscrew the sprocket bolt. After all, unscrewing such a fastening element is possible in the same ways as indicated above:

  1. After making the cut, simply unscrew the bolt using a flat-head screwdriver.
  2. Using an adjustable wrench, which is used to crimp the part.
  3. Using an extractor.

How to unscrew a bolt with special equipment

The bolts can be unscrewed using a variety of tools, and this will allow drill out the bolt without damaging the thread, For example:

  • keys;
  • screwdriver;
  • pneumatic impact wrench;
  • ratchet.

But often it is not possible to solve the problem using the methods listed above, and then others will come to the rescuetools for unscrewing broken bolts:

  1. Thin open-end wrenches, but they are absolutely not suitable in case of rusty or stuck bolts, as this breaks off the edges.
  2. Impact wrench.
  3. Socket wrenches, which are more applicable, since they cover the head of the product more tightly.
  4. Welding equipment.
  5. Hexagonal socket wrench, which is less likely to cause edge breakage.
  6. Air impact wrench.
  7. A multiplier that allows you to apply more effort to the stuck bolt.
  8. Screwdriver with large handle.
  9. Clamping tool.
  10. Set of extractors.
  11. A hairpin driver that is perfect for products that have a high head.

Prices for impact wrenches

impact wrench

Working with a set of extractors

Initially, you will need to mark the center, which requires a center punch and a hammer. A pilot hole is then drilled to be used by the extractor.

Attention!In this case, it is important that the axis is not displaced, and the depth of this hole should be no more than three diameters of the drill used.

The extractor will need to be inserted into the hole and slightly tapped to make the fixation more reliable. Only then can you use a tap to screw in the extractor. Working with it is quite simple, since after the extractor enters the product all the way, the product will begin to turn out.

Working with welding equipment

Ifthe bolt broke, how to unscrew itwithout damaging the equipment itself? Most quick way- this is to use welding.

To do this, take a nut of a suitable size and weld it to the broken part, but only with inside. After this, the product can simply be unscrewed from the fastening element using a wrench.

Welding equipment makes it possible to unscrew a screw or bolt that has a broken head or torn edges.

In a situation where the head is torn off, it is necessary to fuse a small amount of metal onto the remaining part, then put a regular nut on it and weld it.

Unscrewing with a wrench

Unfortunately, this tool cannot be used if the head of the fastener has been torn off.How to unscrew a licked bolt, described in another paragraph. To unscrew it with a wrench, you need to put a suitable attachment on it. The unscrewing process itself occurs due to the impact mechanism of the wrench.

The impact wrench itself is a device that facilitates the process of assembling and disassembling bolt-nut connections. It is very convenient if wrench cannot be used.

Once the impact wrench is started, power is supplied to the motor, which transfers power to the gearbox, which causes the chuck to function. Almost all devices that are designed to unscrew nuts have a special spring that allows the chuck to rotate back. This fact allows the impact wrench to be used not only in mechanical engineering, but also in many other fields of activity.

The situation often arises thatThe bolt won't come off, what should I do?in that case, if there are no special skills? There are several simple tips, which make it easier to unscrew the fastener:

  1. In order to carry out this procedure faster, the element should be preheated.
  2. How to unscrew a bolt with stripped threads? In this case, you can use a hex wrench.
  3. While working, you can use acetone or oil for lubrication.
  4. Using a drill with a reverse thread can greatly facilitate the process.
  5. If no special tools If you don't have it at hand, you can use a core and a hammer. To do this, the first one should be positioned at an angle of forty-five degrees and hit with a hammer, but only counterclockwise.
  6. If you cannot unscrew the element, you will need to drill larger hole and cut the thread again.

How to unscrew a broken nut

In order to implement your plans, you need to knowhow to unscrew a nut with broken edges. Although it's not easy, you can use a few tips from the experts:

  1. Required metal brush, which is used to clean a jammed connection. You should drop a small amount of kerosene or diesel fuel into this place and wait twenty minutes. After this, using a spanner, unscrew the nut.
  2. You can tap the nut, but do not use too much force.
  3. Using a gas wrench, as it has a stronger clamp and can be used to unscrew even round objects.
  4. An angle grinder, which is used to cut new edges, will cope well with this problem.
  5. At home, they often use a chisel and a hammer, with which they cut the non-working nut and then unscrew it.

All the methods described above for removing a rusted, deformed or stuck bolt will be within the capabilities of any owner. And the listed tools and equipment can be purchased at any hardware store. It is important that you do not use too much effort during disassembly; it is better to understand the cause of the problem and eliminate it.