Clinker tiles for interior wall and interior decoration. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: important characteristics Clinker tiles in the interior of a house

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We often think about how to update the interior with minimal costs. A very interesting direction can be given to the room with the help of clinker. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration can perfectly change the style decision. Emphasizing a vertical surface, framing corners in the form of uneven cuts, or replacing a wall panel finish can be done on your own even without experience in 1 evening, and the result will remain for many years. And in terms of price, clinker is available to most buyers. We will tell you about the advantages, options for laying out clinker tiles, we will help you complete the finishing step by step and show you design techniques in finishing various rooms using examples.

A simple solution - a new direction

Finishing element - clinker tiles: what is it and how can you change the interior

The word clinker came to us from Holland. If the material is tapped, a typical “click” sound is produced. That's where the name came from. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Dutch developed a technology for making high-strength stone. Then a clinker road surface was created for the first time, connecting Amsterdam with Harlem. There were practically no similar materials in Holland, so the high-strength material quickly found wide application. Then manufacturing technologies came to Western countries and to America.

Russia in pre-revolutionary times also began to practice the manufacture of clinker products, even separate production manufactories were built. However, after the revolution, priority was given to cheap materials. Therefore, the production of clinker products was suspended for a long time.

Clinker tile is a high-strength stone, which is born by firing special compositions of plastic clay and water. The clay mixture is poured into molds, which are then sent to the kiln.

Due to the physical properties of clay, tiles are strong and durable. Clay is the main, but not the only component of clinker products. To increase strength, reduce fat content and adjust other parameters, depending on further use, calcium, magnesium, iron oxide, quartz sand, fireclay, ash, chalk, perlite, glass are added to the composition. Compositions are calculated experimentally. In addition, various dyes may be present as additives, which give the finished product a decorative elegance.

Many use clinker to style the interior. That such a solution may actually seem inexpensive and at the same time easily and quickly implemented is a discovery for an inexperienced master.

The main dimensions of the clinker tiles used for interior cladding

The range of clinker is so large that sometimes it makes the choice quite difficult. You can choose a glossy surface or aged samples. You can beat the interior with the help of clinker of different sizes and colors.

The table shows the main dimensions of the tiles.

ModelLength, mmWidth, mmEuropean International FormatClinker tile thickness, mm
210 50 .wf format5 to 15
215 65 WDF format
240 52 DF format
65 RF format
71 NF format
113 2DF format
295 71 NF format (LNF)

What qualities distinguish clinker tiles for interior decoration from similar products?

The excellent qualities of clinker for interior decoration allow it to be used not only for facing wall panels. Decorative elements, multicolor, different structure of the outer surface fit perfectly into the interior of the premises. A few decades ago, only the fireplace area was ennobled with tiles. Currently, designers boldly fit it into any interior space.

Positive qualities of clinker tiles for interior work:

  • has an increased level of fire hazard;
  • has antistatic properties, in simple terms - does not conduct electric current;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • does not require special care;
  • the use of natural materials in the production indicates a positive environmental background;
  • increased strength;
  • does not accumulate dust, waterproof;
  • not exposed to the sun;
  • resistant to chemical attack.

Excellent qualities make tiles an ideal finishing material. The disadvantages characteristic of other types of finishes were not found in the clinker. This is the perfect solution for any hostess. The time she spends cleaning can be better spent with family or friends.

The use of the product can be found in design ideas for, floors or background inclusions. With it, you can complete any assignment.

Despite all the advantages of clinker tiles, for use in sanitary facilities, it is necessary to choose tiles designed specifically for such operating conditions.

In all other rooms, any products can be used. The main point is the design approach.For interior decoration, tiles are used mainly with a thickness of about 8 millimeters. It does not carry any additional functions, except for finishing. Its strength, resistance to bending are also not important. On the contrary, the thinner the walls of the tile, the more elegant it will look in the final version.

Scope of clinker tiles

Clinker tiles can be divided according to the area of ​​​​use and external design:

  • technical- natural color, dyes are not used in the production of samples. Technical models are used to decorate industrial premises and laboratories. For such a tile, increased strength and resistance to chemical attack are important, so the tile is made with an increased wall thickness.
  • tiles for interior decoration- a common product that can fit into any interior without additional requirements. The model range is diverse in structure and color performance;
  • waterproof tiles. It implies the use in sanitary facilities, finishing pools and saunas at high humidity and large temperature differences;
  • tiles with thermal insulation properties. In manufacturing, in order to achieve an increased density, the samples are dried after molding and only then they are fired. Such products are used for interior linings, if necessary, additional;
  • special or custom made. Tiles are used for unique solutions. The main emphasis is on the decor of the front side and the shades of the samples.

How to beat clinker tiles in the interior using design techniques

The front side of the elements can be made in various ways:

  • smooth- samples are widely used for cladding. It is easier to look after such clinker. At the same time, the similarity with brickwork remains;

  • rough- the scope is wide except for the kitchen. A rough surface after cooking is more difficult to care for;

  • glazed surfaces- glossy sides look very unusual in the interior. When finishing, the similarity with brickwork disappears, only seam markings remain. But this does not prevent its widespread use in bold design fantasies.

For example, the pleso collection - tiles in the bathroom interior with clear strokes in the main samples and decors in the form of Japanese stone and ornate ribbon will emphasize the owners' love for Japanese culture;

  • rustic texture like a rough stone. Can be made with the effect of aging. Clinker is used in the interior for loft design, industrial style.

White surfaces – wide range of applications

White clinker tiles emphasize the chosen interior design. It creates a romantic mood, with its help the interior acquires home comfort. Even in the most modern design, it brings a traditional direction.

Most often, white is used for, which is characterized by light cold shades of the interior. In addition, an interesting dilution of country style, minimalism or industrial style with white. You can complement the finish with vintage items or modern elements.

Options for using clinker brick tiles for interior decoration

Clinker with the likeness of a brick will significantly reduce the cost of acquiring real material. In addition, it gives the room an individual style, does not overload the interior either in terms of weight on the walls or in terms of perception. Tiles for interior decoration are made quite thin, so their use does not hide the area.

The natural way to design in the form of brickwork

This option can be used when the walls are completely cleaned to the ground from all types of finishes to brick. To perform such a technique, it is necessary to wash the surface as much as possible, dry it and treat it with a special protective compound. This applies in the case of the initial construction of brick partitions.

Decorative design option

However, if other building materials were used to build the walls, decorative finishing comes to the rescue, using a clinker sample. Brick tiles will facilitate interior decoration. In addition, it is easy to care for her. The imitation looks very natural.

Surface cladding samples

There are not many sample layout methods. The size of brick clinker tiles allows you to imitate masonry, so the cladding methods are similar. You can play with colors or perform a chaotic layout.

Here are some cladding techniques:

  • spoon- made with uneven edges to give a decorative effect. Clinker cladding is done randomly. This option is used most often for interior decoration. Clinker rows can be made along horizontal and vertical lines. Vertical ones are performed less often due to large tile waste, but they look much more interesting;

  • chain– the clinker is laid in pairs in the form of blocks, which can then be installed horizontally or vertically. This non-standard solution succinctly completes the finishing work;

  • in the shape of a fish bone- each subsequent clinker is glued perpendicular to the previous one. The edges are uneven, which gives the surface a special originality;

  • weaving clinker- it is not often used in household decoration, since it is necessary to select tiles of different sizes. With perpendicular laying, a gap is formed between the elements, in which it is necessary to lay small samples. These spaces can be filled with fine gravel. As an option, do not fill the voids with any samples, but leave hollow inclusions. The interlacing method is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Clinker bricks for interior decoration in various styles

Clinker has been very popular lately. Its unique properties allow it to fit into any stylistic direction of the interior, while creating interesting architectural solutions. A diverse range of models, a wide range of colors, various surfaces make it possible to implement unique projects.

  • style "minimalism"- will emphasize a laconic, restrained room with a touch of extravagance. For this direction, red, dark brown and brown shades of clinker bricks in the interior are best suited;

  • - imitation of former industrial premises, old factories. In this direction, a priori, brickwork in the form of untreated surfaces is implied. It will be interesting to look at the execution of one surface using clinker tiles with the addition of steel pipes, designer switches;

  • high-tech style. The modern interior with the latest technology and furniture is accentuated by clinker models. Finishing with clinker bricks for interior wall decoration can be done with design techniques made of glass or chrome elements. The style decision will harmoniously beat the decoration of the kitchen premises;

  • country style implies the arrangement of a fireplace space with a clinker frame. Elements can be arranged from patterns in the form of panels on opposite surfaces. The style is applied in most cases in the interiors of cottages or city apartments;

  • Gothic- This is a medieval decoration of the room. In those days, clinker and brick were not used for decoration, so stone decor is the main design accent. In this style, the main emphasis is on the contrast of style decisions.

With the help of tiles, you can highlight the corner zones, columns, giving them a touch of antiquity.

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Our review presents interesting design solutions. You will find out for which interiors brickwork can be used, and in which rooms it will look perfect.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration - step by step installation instructions

Cladding with clinker tiles can be done on any surface. When using small-sized clinker with increased density, it is possible to perform work on the surface from, for example, when finishing the fireplace area.

The main requirement for the surface is an absolutely even base. The elements are not mobile; when laying on a rough surface, the sample will not fully adhere to an uneven wall. The design may soon be broken. A deviation error of not more than 2 millimeters per square meter is allowed.

Necessary materials for laying clinker tiles with your own hands:

Note! Adhesives have a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to buy in advance because of the storage features that cannot always be done at home.
  • spatula with a smooth and serrated surface, a hammer with a rubber tip;
  • glass and tile cutter for fitting tiles to size;
  • grinder with nozzles to give a certain shape to the clinker. The tile has sufficient strength, so the nozzles must be diamond;
  • crosses of the required size to comply with the geometry of the seam;
  • level.

Interior decoration of any dwelling is, first of all, an attempt to give it an attractive and neat appearance, which is designed in a certain style. If possible, some kind of “zest” is also introduced, which, nevertheless, is in harmony with the general design style. And one of these "highlights" may well be clinker tiles for interior wall decoration, which will be discussed in today's article.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration

Let's start with the fact that for many, the "brick" look of the tile seems not entirely appropriate. Yes, people have different tastes, but interior styles are also different, and if you don’t overdo it (that is, don’t completely cover all the walls with material), you can end up with a rather unique room. In a word, the material described in the article still enjoys a certain popularity, and therefore definitely deserves your attention.

Key features

Do not think that clinker is something modern, high-tech and new. In fact, in the ever-increasing demand for clinker tiles, the return of past traditions, the developments of masters of past centuries, is more likely to be traced.

So, in the 19th century, the whole of Europe was engulfed in a construction boom, which forced people to look for new production technologies - traditional hewn blocks at that time were simply in short supply. Specialists from Holland and Germany have mastered the unique high-temperature firing of clay products made from carefully selected varieties. As a result, bricks were obtained, which are characterized by increased strength, water resistance and durability. Of these, they began to build not only walls and plinths, but also roads. A striking proof of the quality of the clinker are houses that have stood for one and a half hundred years and have not lost their attractiveness.

In fact, the clinker manufacturing technology of those times is used today almost unchanged. But the equipment used is more modern. Clay is still carefully sorted and cleaned, then special mineral components are added to it, the material is molded, and then fired at a temperature of over 1200 degrees. As a result, an almost vitreous substance is formed, which, in fact, explains the unique advantages of the material.

On a note! The structure of high quality clinker is dense and uniform. If you tap it with a hammer, the sound will be clear.

At first, the material was produced in blocks and bricks, but later cladding panels “under natural masonry” appeared. They are quite expensive, and therefore are not used to decorate the house too often.

It should also be noted that in addition to the varieties listed above, there are others - various profile components for facing stairs, windows, doors, window sills, fences, plinths and so on. The material is also used in interior design, because none of its “competitors” can boast of such a reliable imitation of masonry. And all thanks to simply universal benefits.

Material Advantages

There are many of them, and therefore we will only get acquainted with the main advantages of clinker tiles.

  1. First of all, these are excellent strength characteristics and wear resistance of the material. Even with a strong desire, you can hardly damage it, while durability is generally not limited by any time frame.
  2. If you properly care for such a tile, then its decorative properties will be preserved throughout the entire operational period, and even under the most unfavorable conditions.
  3. From an environmental point of view, this is a completely clean material. It is made from non-toxic chemicals. compounds, and therefore simply unable to harm health, and regardless of operating conditions.
  4. But the main advantage is still low moisture absorption, which also distinguishes clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (on average, this figure reaches only 3 percent). Therefore, the material can be safely used for finishing rooms with a high level of humidity. In fairness, we note that such tiles are also produced with a higher moisture absorption rate, but this is not important for a private house / apartment.
  5. Due to the previous advantage, the material is also characterized by increased resistance to temperature extremes. So, the tile is able to withstand over 150 freeze / thaw cycles, therefore, it is ideal for unheated rooms.
  6. The next advantage is fire safety. The material is completely non-combustible, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful or hazardous substances.
  7. Finally, they try not to use most of the finishing materials on walls where direct sunlight enters, since the coating fades very quickly due to UV radiation. However, clinker tiles do not react to this in any way - it retains its original appearance until the very end of operation.

A few words about the decorative qualities of clinker tiles

Among many, there is an opinion that the appearance of brickwork is “cold” and unattractive. This is fundamentally not true, and such people, apparently, have never seen clinker tile catalogs. The range of this material is really huge, which is why it is not easy to choose the right option (since everyone is good).

Modern variety will satisfy the taste of any consumer. Here and strict geometrically correct masonry, and "aged" tiles, and material, the surface of which imitates uneven firing. The tile, into which third-party inclusions were deliberately introduced, is also very popular.

Note! Often, designers use not only the "classic" type of brick, but also other colors - from white to almost black.

It is also worth noting that most of the clinker tiles are not afraid of abrasive exposure - on the contrary, chips and scuffs follow it even more attractive. Even to obtain one or another shade, artificial dyes are not used - there is only a change in the initial mineral mass used to form products.

For those rooms that require frequent wet cleaning (this is the kitchen, bathroom, and so on), tiles that are covered with a protective layer of glaze are more suitable (the latter can be both colored and transparent). The color variety in this case is also quite large.

Almost all clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are made to fit standard brick sizes. And in view of the fact that these products are mostly foreign-made, the maintained standards are European. For a more detailed acquaintance with the possible formats, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

Table number 1. Clinker tile standards (Europe).

Name, photo Dimensions (WxH)

29.5x7.1 centimeters

21.5x6.5 centimeters

21x5 centimeters

24x1.3 centimeters

24x5.2 centimeters

24x6.5 centimeters

24x7.1 centimeters

Important information! RF is the usual tile format for us.

Table number 2. Clinker tile standards (USA).

Name, photo Dimensions (WxH)

29.5x9.2 centimeters

29.5x7.1 centimeters

29.5x5.7 centimeters

19.3x9.2 centimeters

19.3x5.7 centimeters

As for the thickness of the products, it can vary between 0.7-1.8 centimeters, but in the case of interior design, it is better to give preference to the thinnest option - it will not create additional loads.

Note! In addition to the tile itself, there are often corner elements with which you can beautifully and neatly arrange the corners (if there is such a need).

Tips for using clinker tiles in the interior

As noted earlier, the material in most cases is applied fragmentarily. There are even certain design tricks that you can check out below.

  1. Focus on one wall. A kind of classic - for example, only the wall located at the head of the bed is tiled. It can be suitable not only for the bedroom, but also for other rooms.
  2. Even with the help of this material, kitchen “aprons” are quite often trimmed (in such cases, low hygroscopicity and increased strength indicators are very welcome).
  3. Another clinker tile (especially if several different options are used at once) is a good way to zone a room.
  4. And if there is a fireplace (not even a real one, but an imitation), it can also be finished with the tiles described in the article.
  5. In rooms such as a hallway, the lower part of the walls can be lined with material in order to protect it from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.
  6. Finally, using clinker tiles, you can finish the perimeters of window / door openings, various interior details.

The material is ideal for most modern styles. Of course, it is difficult to advise anything specific in such situations, and therefore we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the interesting video below, which clearly shows popular solutions using such a tile.

Video - Interior decoration options with clinker tiles

Which brands should be preferred?

Due to the increasing popularity of clinker tiles for interior wall decoration, many companies are trying to carve out a niche in this area. But in order to obtain a truly high-quality material, the entire production chain must be observed, and there can be no talk of any “handicraft” production or the use of equipment not intended for these purposes.

Note! On the market you can find many samples that are sold as clinker, but in reality they are not. We are talking about a fairly good ceramic tile that imitates brickwork, but it loses in all its parameters to true clinker.

Table number 3. Popular manufacturers of clinker tiles.

Title, photo Short description

"Feldhaus Clinker"
This German manufacturer is rightfully considered one of the best, especially since it has been operating for over 150 years. The range of products here is simply huge - about five hundred items. Although they are not cheap, but the price is quite justified.

Another major manufacturer from Germany, offering 14 collections of clinker tiles with different colors and textures. As a rule, the dimensions of the products are 24x7.1 centimeters.

Another worthy German manufacturer of finishing materials. The tile is distinguished by the fact that it has a glossy finish, stylized antique, besides, it is quite easy to care for it. There is a non-standard long tile "Glyantsstuke" with dimensions of 44x5.2 centimeters, with which you can get a beautiful and interesting finish. The products are also expensive.

ABC Klinkergroup
Produces consistently popular tiles. Representatives of the Austria collection, stylized as masonry from the Middle Ages, are always the most popular. The main advantage of the product is its relative cheapness when compared with other German-made products.

A Spanish manufacturer offering a wide range of high quality clinker tiles for interior wall decoration. The company is distinguished by the fact that it has its own testing laboratories, so that the finished products meet all the requirements and quality standards.

Note also that this is not a complete list of worthy representatives. But if you liked the tile of a particular brand, we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with reviews on the Internet, samples and presentation materials. Those products that are “overgrown” with only negative reviews or information about which is not available are definitely better not to buy.

How to tile the walls yourself?

Let's make a reservation right away that there is nothing particularly complicated in this case, and clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are laid in almost the same way as ordinary ceramic tiles. But first you need to prepare everything you need.

So, for work you will need:

  • mixer and a clean container for preparing the solution;
  • spatulas (including notched);
  • rubber mallet;
  • brush, roller;
  • stitching;
  • a special syringe for filling the seams with a solution;
  • the required amount of the tile itself;
  • ladder (if necessary);
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • good adhesive for tiles;
  • calibration crosses of the required sizes (required so that the thickness of the seams is the same everywhere);
  • primer for interior work;
  • grout.

Preparing the walls

First you need to close up all the cracks and crevices. All stains are removed, the surface is carefully leveled. After that, the walls are primed (the proportions and number of applications should be sought in the instructions of the manufacturer of the primer mixture). When the primer dries, you can proceed to further steps.

Now the walls need to be marked. The markings start from the starting bottom row; for convenience, you can also fix a metal profile or a wooden block there.

Laying tiles

First, an adhesive solution is prepared, it is necessary to act, again, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The consistency of the finished composition should be like that of thick sour cream. It is also important that one portion of the finished glue is enough for a maximum of half an hour of work.

Next, the laying begins directly. If there is a corner on the wall to be trimmed, it is preferable to start with it. The rows are stacked alternately from the bottom up, while the horizontalness of the resulting lines must be checked periodically. First, the adhesive is applied with a trowel, then distributed with a notched trowel. It is advisable to cover areas for five or six tiles in one go. Each tile must be installed in place, then firmly pressed and tapped with a rubber mallet. Excess glue must be removed.

Before laying the second and all subsequent tiles, the crosses already mentioned above are installed so that the thickness of the seams is the same everywhere.

Note! If the material has to be cut, then for this it is better to use a grinder and a stone disc for it, it is advisable to close your eyes when working, since the tile gives sharp small fragments.

The adhesive mixture can not be applied to the tile itself. If the adhesive gets on the surface of the finishing material, it must be removed immediately before it hardens.

And what about the design of the seams?

Upon completion of the laying of the tiles, you can proceed to the design of the seams. As noted earlier, it is convenient to do this with a special gun (syringe), although often the seams are filled with a solution by hand, introducing it into the gaps. Ready-made seams need to be embroidered, for which jointing is used - a special tool in the form of a narrow concave blade. As a result, the seams should be more accurate.

And, finally, the final stage is the cleaning of the surface from various stains of grout and adhesive composition. If the tile is embossed, then it is better to clean it with a metal brush, and if it is glazed, then simply wash it with water. That's all, almost real brickwork on your wall is already ready, and if you did everything right, then it will serve you faithfully for at least several decades. Good luck with your work!

Video - The process of finishing the wall with clinker tiles

Video - Clinker tiles

You can buy the best German clinker tiles for the facade, plinth, interior wall decoration on our website and stores in Moscow, Mytishchi with delivery in the Moscow region. We offer a wide range of products from leading companies: Feldhaus Klinker, Roben, STROHER, Westerwalder, ADW. Facing is produced by collections of various sizes, colors, configurations.

What is a clinker? This is a durable environmentally friendly product obtained by sintering shale refractory clays with additives at a temperature of 1250 C and above. It has excellent decorative external data. For these qualities, designers prefer coating during finishing work.

Material Advantages

  • does not emit harmful substances
  • low level of water absorption - no more than 3%
  • frost resistance - withstands 250 freeze/thaw cycles
  • wear resistance, strength
  • does not conduct electricity
  • not afraid of rain, snow, chemicals
  • does not fade in the sun, does not burn
  • service life more than 50 years

The cladding is easy to install and easy to care for.

6 reasons to buy from us

  • we are a dealer of 5 manufacturing plants
  • price without markups, monthly promotions, discounts
  • choose the right color, texture
  • always in stock products in stock and assortment
  • 2 stores in Moscow and Mytishchi, we deliver goods in the Moscow region
  • product warranty

Finishing saves

  • money - the price of 1 m2 is much lower than the cost of facing bricks
  • time - the laying process is fast, technically uncomplicated
  • overhead costs - does not require maintenance during operation

Buy clinker tiles

For facade, plinth

Products for the facade and plinth - high-strength ceramics. It is used as a finish for walls made of concrete, foam concrete, wood. The load on the foundation is negligible due to the low weight. Therefore, it is possible to clad not only newly erected buildings of any number of storeys, but also to restore dilapidated housing.

Facade masonry under a brick - a bright finish of various designs. Products differ in overall dimensions, thickness (9 ÷ 25 mm), range of shades, texture. The surface can be selected shiny, matte, rough, embossed, with different additives or the effect of aging.

An ideal material for giving the building a unique decor. Many are stopped only by the cost per m2. But it's worth the cost. Finishing will last at least 50 years. You will save money on restoration, which will have to be done in a few years if you make the finish with a different coating.

For interior wall decoration

They are used not only for exterior, but also for interior wall decoration: rooms, bedrooms, corridors, kitchens, fireplaces, arches, doorways, window openings. You can decorate all the walls, one or in fragments, focusing on a specific area.

Brick is combined with any finishing coatings, so designers often resort to combined design.

More often use products with a smooth surface - they are easy to wash. If you want to make the decor more original, pay attention to samples with a rough embossed texture, or to “aged” samples.

The collections are presented in a wide range of colors - from white to jet black. You can choose the cladding according to overall dimensions, configuration, surface texture. Comes with corner pieces.

What design styles use brick tiles

  1. Minimalism. Emphasize restraint with a touch of extravagance. The best thing in such an interior is the masonry of brown, dark brown or red with different colors.
  2. High tech. Decorating the walls of kitchens, rooms with modern furniture, appliances. Stone sets off glass or chrome surfaces, which emphasizes the modern style of the interior.
  3. Country. The interior of apartments, country houses, where a fireplace is supposed to be installed, in the dining area.
  4. Loft. Imitations of the walls of industrial premises of old factories.
  5. Gothic. This is a decoration of housing in a medieval style, when natural stones and bricks were the only materials for decoration. The emphasis is on the contrast of style decisions.

Clinker tiles are a popular finishing material today. It is universal, but not everyone knows how to properly use it for decoration. In addition, it has a number of advantages and some disadvantages that are important to study before choosing.

What it is?

Some people think that clinker is a new finishing material that has unusual characteristics and innovative production technology. But this is not true. Clinker tiles are a popular finishing material that has been popular for many years. Just not everyone knows its correct name. It allows you to return to old traditions and resembles the work of old masters. Externally, this finishing material is similar to masonry made of brick or stone.

The history of clinker tiles is very long. When in the XIX century in European countries there was a sharp increase in demand for building materials due to an increase in urban construction, the craftsmen had to look for new types of finishing materials, since there was simply not enough stone and brick, the quarries were overloaded. Then masters from Germany came up with a technology for the production of a new material, which was clay fired at high temperatures. And for this, not ordinary clay was used, but a selected, high-quality type of material.

“Bricks” were produced from clay, which, in terms of their quality characteristics, were even better than the original counterpart. They were waterproof, durable and of high quality. In addition, they were used for the construction of roads, squares, plinths, walls of street buildings and much more. And such buildings were preserved for a very long time.

And now the same technology is used in the production of clinker tiles. Of course, it is produced in factories using new equipment, but in general the process remains the same: clay is selected and fired at a temperature of more than 1200 degrees. Sometimes minerals and some other additives are mixed into it, which improve its quality characteristics.

Modern clinker tiles are dense, and their texture is uniform. If you hit such material with a hammer, a lingering clear sound will be heard. This is where the name of this material comes from. "Klink" is Dutch for sound or ringing. From here the material got its name. From German, the word "clinker" is translated as a brick, so some believe that this word is of German origin, like the material itself.

At first, clinker tiles were brick blocks, now they are produced in the form of tiles. It is used for cladding buildings. It is able to imitate natural brickwork. The facade, finished with clinker, will not outwardly differ from brickwork. Now manufacturers present a wide selection of clinker tiles. Moreover, the models have a specific purpose and are necessary for different types of construction and decoration. This is because the material is versatile and therefore suitable for many finishing works.

What is it for?

Clinker tiles are often used for facing houses and industrial buildings. It is able to give any facade an aesthetic appearance, as well as protect it from negative factors. Clinker is used to finish an already prepared and leveled surface to make it look like brickwork. Also, clinker can be the primary material for creating solid panels that are used to decorate facades. It is used in various forms for decoration.

In addition, clinker is used even for wall insulation. In private houses, they are often trimmed with external pipes of the house, as well as other ventilation systems. They decorate houses and other buildings made of concrete, stone, wood and other materials.

With its help, they make beautiful ladders and other elements of landscape design in summer cottages, lay out garden paths, as well as floors in the gazebo or on the terrace. Another purpose is the lining of fences of artificial water sources, such as a fountain, a pond, a stream in a summer cottage. With its help, they also trim the pool.

Clinker is most often lined with fireplaces in the house or stoves in the bath. This is due to the strength and reliability of this material. She finishes the walls inside the industrial, as well as residential premises. In addition, in garages, auto repair shops and other industrial premises, where a large load falls on the floor, they even make floors with its help. Thus, the range of application of this finishing material is very wide.


Clinker tiles have a number of advantages that attract buyers and determine its popularity. It is very durable and wear resistant. Such material is almost impossible to damage, it is resistant to external influences of a technical type and many natural factors.

A big plus is the durability of this material. But this applies only to those cases when its installation was carried out correctly and efficiently. The service life is not limited in time, since such a tile practically does not wear out.

Over the years, outwardly, the material practically does not change, especially if you provide it with proper care. Moreover, these advantages apply to those cases when the tile is in adverse conditions.

Once finished, the facade element will not lose its decorative qualities. The material is completely eco-friendly and natural. In the process of its production, manufacturers do not use toxic substances harmful to human health. Moreover, the tile does not emit harmful substances even when exposed to elevated temperatures., as is the case with many other materials.

Clinker tiles have a low level of water absorption. This figure does not exceed 3%. Thus, this tile can be used in almost all rooms, including those where the humidity is too high. Therefore, with its help, baths and pools are trimmed.

The advantage is the ability to choose one or another type of product, depending on the purpose of the room where this tile will be used. You can save money and purchase a model for finishing residential premises, which, for example, will have a lower level of water absorption.

Clinker tiles are fire resistant. She is also not afraid of temperature changes. From this, it does not deteriorate and does not change its external characteristics. It is considered a frost-resistant material and is able to withstand more than 150 cycles of complete freezing and defrosting. Thus, it can be used outdoors in all weather conditions, as well as for finishing walls or floors in unheated rooms. The tile does not burn at all, which once again confirms the safety of this material. Clinker is not afraid of direct ultraviolet rays.

The big advantage is the ability to choose different textures or colors of this material. You can even select models of different sizes in the form of small products or large solid panels. You can choose a model for every taste for both external and internal decoration.

The material is chemically inert. It does not give any reaction to the effects of chemical irritants, even very aggressive ones. During the exterior decoration of the premises, even in conditions of smog or other harmful effects, the tiles do not collapse.

Clinker is easy to care for. It does not collect dust on itself. In addition, this factor slows down the spread of mosses. Therefore, the facades of buildings will always be clean and tidy.

But this material still has several drawbacks, although they are all fairly obvious. First of all, It should be noted the high cost of this material. It will not be affordable for everyone. On average, 1 sq. m of clinker tiles costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, but hand-molded models are much more expensive. Thus, finishing the house with this material will cost a round sum. Of course, there are cheaper models, but they usually have the same quality. All high quality products are expensive.

It should also be noted the relatively low choice of design options for these products. All types of tiles will look like brick or stone.

Among the shortcomings, many buyers note the fragility of this coating. This is due to the fact that the technical characteristics of clinker are very similar to glass. This material must be transported very carefully and soft elements should be laid between the tiles or the stacks should be firmly tied to the tiles. Even with a small impact, such a tile can easily break even before installation. In addition, the material can easily crack.

A big disadvantage is also the complexity of its processing during the installation process: in some cases, it is necessary to cut the clinker tiles for joining, and this is quite difficult to do. Cracks or chips may appear at the cut site. It is almost impossible to do this with your own hands without damaging the cut of the material.


Since the clinker completely imitates brickwork, its dimensions generally correspond to this material. The main difference is the thickness of this finishing material.

Types of clinker tiles may differ in their thickness. It depends on the purpose of this material, as well as on where it will be used: inside or outside the building. Manufacturers present clinker with a thickness of 5, 7, 12, 17 mm. But the most popular are models with a thickness of 7 mm.

For interior decoration, the thinnest products are selected, since they look more aesthetically pleasing and do not overload the room. But for exterior decoration, they try to acquire the most durable thick models.

In addition, the thickness of the tile should depend on climatic conditions. The lower the temperature in the region drops, the thicker the clinker tiles should be. As a rule, according to GOST, the standard size of a clinker tile is 11.5 cm by 24 cm. But you can also find other format options for this product. And they differ depending on the manufacturer. Domestic manufacturers present models according to the following size range:

  • L-NF -29.5 × 7.1 × 1.5 cm - these are long models;
  • WF -21.5 × 6.5 × 1.5 cm - medium-sized models;
  • WDF -2.1 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm - small size models.

Tiles produced in Europe have different parameters. As a rule, its length also remains 240 mm, but the thickness starts from 9 mm. Clinker of the European type differs in width. Manufacturers present models with a width of:

  • DF - 5.2 cm;
  • 2DF -11.3 cm;
  • NF -7.1 cm;
  • RF -6.5 cm.

You can also find American-made clinker. Its thickness is standard - 1.5 cm. The length ranges from 19 to 30 cm. But they may differ in width. There are models with a width of 5.7, 7 and 9 cm. Thus, when purchasing different tiles from different brands, it is necessary to calculate the cost of materials per square meter. This indicator varies from 34 to 73 elements per square.


Clinker tiles are also distinguished by such characteristics as its texture. So, manufacturers present several different options:

  • Smooth clinker. Most often it is used for interior decoration, but sometimes for cladding the facades of residential buildings. Such a tile is the most unpretentious: it is easiest to care for it, dirt and dust do not clog into it. In addition, it is the thinnest. In general, such a coating looks monolithic and therefore harmonious.

    Raised. This type of clinker resembles a brick not only in appearance, but also in its texture. It is non-uniform and has some bulges. In addition, embossed clinker can be similar in texture to stone or other interesting natural finishing materials. But such tiles must be regularly looked after, since dirt accumulates in the elements of the relief, over time the product can get very dirty, which will significantly reduce its presentability.

  • antique. This is the most embossed type of tile, which has artificially created chips, cracks and other visible defects that make the texture look older. Such tiles are used for finishing the facades of buildings or some elements of the antique room, as well as for the restoration of famous architectural buildings.

There are also different types of clinker, depending on the exterior finish and texture:

  • glazed tiles. It is a smooth tile with a slight glossy sheen. Most often used for decorative finishes.
  • With roughness. Such clinker is used for exterior or interior decoration. It has a rough texture and looks more natural, which allows it to completely repeat the brickwork.
  • Completely unfinished models. Such clinker is suitable for finishing paths, industrial premises. Also, some use it for antique decoration. It looks as natural and simple as possible.

Clinker can be presented not only in piece format, but also in the form of panels.

Clinker thermal panels

Separately, it should be noted tiles in the form of facade thermal panels. This material is already mounted tile elements. Thus, it is possible at times to simplify its installation. During production, the clinker is installed on ready-made facade thermal panels so that it can be mounted in this form on the frame of the house. Such a skin will take a little time, but it will also look presentable. The tile is pre-mounted in a thermal panel - a polystyrene foam plate with ceramic lining. You just have to prepare the frame and all surfaces, fix the panels on them and grout.

The heat panel allows you to "kill two birds with one stone": it will insulate the house and make its lining beautiful and decorative. In addition, the cost of such panels is quite low and starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter. m.

Thermal panels are a two-layer material that includes a warm insulator and clinker. As a rule, the role of a thermal insulator is performed by polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. On average, the thickness of the insulation layer is from 3 to 10 cm. Polyurethane foam models have high thermal conductivity and good density. In addition, such panels do not rot at all.

The panels are mounted tongue and groove, so the coating becomes hard and stable. It is not blown by the wind and frost does not penetrate. Thanks to such thermal panels with clinker tiles, it is possible to reduce the cost of heating a house by up to 50%.

Since such panels are quite large, the number of seams on the facade of the building becomes minimal. In this way, the number of cold bridges can be reduced. The manufacturer claims that The service life of such panels is at least one hundred years. But thermal panels are solid, so they do not bend. That is why it is necessary for them to prepare the base well.

Thermal panels have different quality characteristics and depending on where they are installed. So, the plinth panels are not so large, but their thickness is quite large. Facade thermal panels, on the contrary, are large, but not so thick.

Depending on what such a construction consists of, insulated clinker panels are divided into:

  • two-layer - they include only insulation and clinker;
  • three-layer - in them, manufacturers include a substrate of moisture-resistant OSB boards, which make them more rigid and durable;
  • four-layer - the fourth is added to the previous three layers - a refractory substrate between the layers of insulation and OSB.

Clinker can be glued with a special composition on such panels. Glue is used only if the clinker is attached to polystyrene foam. Thus, the panel initially already has a recess where the tile elements will be fixed with glue. They are fixed under great pressure so that the panel is completely seized.

More reliable are pressed type models. The clinker is first laid on a mold, it is covered with a foamed polymer, and then left under high pressure so that the insulation completely hardens.

Clinker non-insulated panels

They are presented in the form of a sheet material that is durable and resistant to bending, on which clinker elements are fixed in the form of brickwork. The clinker is attached to the glue and holds quite firmly. The front part of the facade is presented in the form of a constructor, in which neighboring elements continue the previous ones. Between the rows there are also brackets that allow you to mount such panels to the wall.

The role of the substrate for such clinker tiles is performed by fiber cement, chipboard or glass magnesite boards. All these types of substrates have a uniform structure and are quite durable and moisture resistant. In addition, they provide good sound and heat insulation. At the same time, the design does not become heavier, since all these types of panels weigh quite a bit.

Typically, tiles on such panels are applied using polyurethane adhesive. It provides good adhesion and secure fixing of tiles to the surface. Such clinker panels cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles per square meter. m.

Thus, the cost is approximately the same as the cost of individual standard clinker tile elements, but the installation of such a coating is greatly simplified.

For interior decoration, glass-magnesite slabs with clinker are used. They have a very small thickness - no more than 8 mm. At the same time, they are resistant to temperature, chemicals, and UV rays. Also this material will provide good sound insulation, which is why they often make walls in rooms.

It also retains heat well. This version of the plates is universal, because it is very flexible. That is why it can be used to finish coatings that have some defects. The cost of these panels is approximately 3000 rubles per sq. m.

Manufacturers even provide the opportunity to make an individual order of such panels, in which you can reflect any tile laying option. So, you can choose the type of layout, texture, as well as the color of the clinker.

You can even make models with mosaic styling. But such differences greatly increase the cost of finishing materials.


Many people think that the design of decorative clinker tiles is uninteresting and boring. But it's not. For example, artificial gypsum tiles can look very interesting and even more original than their natural counterpart. In addition, manufacturers present a wide selection of models with different textures, as well as interesting color schemes. Thanks to this, brick laying does not look so cold and not at all monotonous.

Models with antique design are simply mesmerizing. They look stylish and natural. Separately, it should be noted models, the design of which has a specially emphasized uneven firing of bricks. It alternates between light and dark areas. This design looks stylish and interesting. Such a finish will resemble noble antiquity. In many interiors, it looks more sophisticated than simple, sleek modern models.

Models that have additional elements in the structure of the material that imitate pieces of coal, fragments of stones and minerals are very popular. Usually this type of material has a more interesting variety of texture.

Manufacturers present not only the traditional brick color of the clinker, but also more interesting options. So, red and white clinker tiles look bright. Such solutions attract attention and fascinate. Moreover, white clinker tiles can be perfectly white, or they can have a yellowish tint.

The ivory color clinker looks quite elegant. This is especially true for interior design in the Provence style.

Yellow clinker tiles will help make the house more comfortable. She will fill it with warmth and make being in it more comfortable.

Black clinker tiles look very restrained and stylish. This is an excellent solution for interior decoration in a modern style, such as hi-tech, loft, minimalism. At the same time, the grout for such models is chosen the same black.

The design of the entire coating as a whole is influenced by the color of the grout. It can be similar, or it can be a couple of shades lighter or be contrasting. Red clinker with white grout looks the most striking.

Some models of clinker tiles are colored in bulk. Such coatings are painted not only on the outside, but throughout the texture. If suddenly the tile is damaged, its color will not change. The coating will look even more vintage and unusual. Decorative coatings with coloring in the mass do not deteriorate from scuffs and scratches. Just in the production process, such clay is painted in different shades.

Very interesting is the design of decorative clinker tiles for the bath. It perfectly replaces ceramics and looks very stylish. Glazed tiles are more often used to decorate this room. Moreover, for the coating, you can choose both transparent and colored glaze. Such products look more bright and modern.

The design of the tile may vary depending on the size of the bricks. The most standard is the size of an ordinary brick, but there are also larger or smaller models.

Fine narrow clinker is used to decorate modern interiors, and standard models or products with a wider width are used for more traditional styles.

When choosing a clinker tile, first calculate the required amount of material. To do this, you can use a special program or calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site that is planned to be made with this material. Keep in mind that the planned thickness of the tile joints will affect the consumption of materials. This rule especially applies to cases where a large surface area is finished with clinker tiles.

Try to buy tiles with a margin. This is necessary in order to be able to cut it off at the joints of adjacent walls or replace elements in cases of damage. Thus, about 10% more clinker for finishing should be purchased.

When buying, try to check if there are any broken elements in the package with tiles. This is very important, because this material is fragile, but at the same time it is expensive. Subsequently, it will be quite difficult to change it.

When you buy clinker for facades, it is important to pay attention to its characteristics. Models for the facade cost from 4000 rubles per sq. m, so you should calculate the cost of such coverage. When buying, try to choose between popular foreign brands that represent already proven high-quality models. Many of them give a long warranty period. Although domestic clinker tiles are cheaper, their quality is generally lower.

When choosing clinker tiles, keep in mind that interesting models with a relief texture are much more expensive, but are not so practical. In addition, the maintenance of such clinker will require additional costs for its processing by the master. Although outwardly such a coating looks presentable, it must be maintained in good condition.

When choosing clinker, pay attention to its color. It must be in harmony with all elements of the building, when it comes to exterior decoration. And this applies not only to the design and color scheme of the building, but also to its architectural features. That is why, when choosing, it is better to ask the advice of a designer or architect.

Try to choose the clinker in such a way that it matches the design of the roof and does not look too bright. Contrasting options look tasteless.

When purchasing clinker, you also need to buy an adhesive mixture for attaching these elements and a grout with which you will process the seams. As for the glue, in this case a durable frost-resistant coating is more suitable, designed specifically for this finishing material. It is better to select clinker adhesives that can withstand more than 50 freeze and thaw cycles. Thus, you will ensure a more reliable fastening of finishing materials to the facade of the building.

Grout is also an important element, so you need to pay attention to its quality and color. It must be able to compensate for the thermal expansion of the tile. As for its color, it should be in harmony with the tile.

But in some cases, contrasting grout options are acceptable. It is important that it favorably emphasizes the beauty of the clinker.

If you are planning to clad the building with clinker on your own, then it is better to take a closer look at the facade panels with clinker tiles. In this case, thermal panels will be the most practical, as they provide an additional layer of thermal insulation. In addition, laying them yourself is much easier than piece clinker.

Manufacturers and reviews

Now one of the most popular manufacturers is the brand Stroeher from Germany. It presents models with the highest level of quality. Many collections are stylized antique, but at the same time have a slight glossy sheen. Such a coating looks luxurious, and caring for it is simplified at times. Due to the features of the coating, dust does not linger and is easily washed off with water. The manufacturer also presents non-standard models 44 by 5 cm long. With their help, you can make an original and unusual styling. But the cost of this product is quite high.

Tiles from the brand are popular among buyers houson, which is made in China. Although usually Chinese tiles are considered quite inexpensive and of poor quality, but in this case the brand proves otherwise. Clinker from this company has many positive reviews. This product is in great demand in Russia.

In terms of quality characteristics, it is no worse than German clinker, but the cost is several times lower. The fact is that the manufacturer does not make extra charges for transport services, as is usually the case with models from Europe. It presents a wide variety of designs and colors of such products. In addition, brick tiles are slightly different in format from domestic and European indicators. Models are presented in sizes 20 x 6 cm and 24 x 6 cm.

The Polish brand is considered quite popular Cerrad. It presents tile models that are made using dry molding technology. The material in its quality and external characteristics is similar to porcelain stoneware. It is most resistant to mechanical stress and external damage. Moreover, the cost of these models does not exceed 1000 rubles per square meter. m. That is why such models are in great demand. Buyers indicate that such clinker tiles are very durable and of high quality.

Brand Opoczno is another Polish manufacturer that produces clinker-type tiles intended for facades and cladding around buildings. With its help, buyers often finish steps, paths, as well as floors of verandas. This tile is also made using dry pressing technology and has a high-quality and environmentally friendly composition.

Clinker tiles Gerrard enjoys great popularity among buyers. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer presents not only standard brick-like clinker models, but also wood-like products, as well as concrete-like products. With its help, you can finish the floors and facades of buildings, steps and paths. The manufacturer also separately presents models for interior and exterior decoration. Buyers write that with its help they even trim window sills and the space around windows. Also, this manufacturer presents a separate line of clinker tiles for the pool. That is why such models are in great demand.

In Spain, a good tile is represented by a brand Exagres. Moreover, you can choose both large-sized color models for decorative finishing, and standard samples.

Popular hand-molded facade tiles from the brand Vandersanden. These inexpensive brick samples are very popular due to their good price-quality ratio.

Made in Italy brand KlinkerSire manufactures extruded-type models, which have a low price and light weight. Of the minuses, buyers call only the fragility of these coatings.

Beautiful examples

Clinker tiles are now commonly used for finishing various interior elements. As a rule, this is a fragmentary finish: with its help, one of the walls or only part of it is decorated. In order to make a beautiful finish with clinker indoors, you need to follow a few tips. In the interior, you need to choose one accent wall and decorate it with clinker.

This is a great solution for a country style bedroom. For example, you can finish the wall surface near the head of the bed in this way. Moreover, the clinker can be both dark and light.

With this decoration of one room, you can follow the approach of uniformly decorating all other rooms by making a clinker accent wall in each room.

As for the kitchen, clinker is also often used here. But in this room, with its help, a kitchen apron is often trimmed. This is an excellent solution for this area, since the clinker makes the kitchen more stylish and modern, while it tolerates all the effects of temperature and humidity that are characteristic of the backsplash zone.

In the interior, clinker tiles are also used for zoning. So, with its help, you can divide the room into different areas, for example, the kitchen into a dining and working area. Moreover, in the kitchen area, you can lay out an apron with light clinker, and make the dining area more comfortable by decorating it with classic clinker brick.

In the interior of a classic living room, a fireplace trimmed with clinker will look great. Thus, it is possible to arrange not only a real source of heat, but also a decorative, artificial one. This traditional design looks very stylish.

Clinker tiles are often used in the hallway or in the corridor. The corner model is suitable for decorating the lower part of the walls at the entrance, since it is there that the surface is most often exposed to splashes and dirt from shoes. It will be easier to clean up in the hallway, while such a design move looks advantageous.

In the corridor, you can make an imitation of brickwork near the doorway. You can complement this design with clinker trim for windows, columns or accent corners. Clinker tiles allow you to create a fashionable and trendy interior in a loft style. With its help, you can finish all the walls and even the floors. Clinker is a characteristic feature of the loft style.

Clinker is also used in high-tech and even gothic interiors. Light clinker fits perfectly into the Provence or country style interior, as it looks natural and natural.

And what about the interior design? Today we will tell you more about how to glue, mount (lay) clinker tiles on the wall, about the cost of work and materials.

The operating conditions inside the house are certainly much more gentle than in the "fresh" city air or in the garden. However, there are some peculiarities here as well.

  • In the bathroom, increased resistance to dampness is required.
  • For the kitchen, a combination of resistance to temperature extremes and ease of cleaning is important.
  • Any solution can be allowed in the living room, since the main factor is the decorative finish.

Wall tiles for interior work are characterized by a minimum thickness of 8 mm. Here, its wear resistance and bending strength are not too important, since the walls are not subjected to such a load. On the contrary, the lighter the finishing material, the less problems arise with the cladding.

This video will tell about the use of clinker in the interior for wall decoration:

Purpose and colors

There are several types of products:

  • technical tile- refers to an unpainted material suitable for cladding industrial and laboratory premises. The thickness in this case is usually higher, since resistance to chemically aggressive substances and mechanical strength are important on such objects;
  • ordinary finishing- an ordinary product, equally suitable for decorating a living room or kitchen. It is distinguished by a higher porosity and a variety of textures;
  • waterproof- tiles with minimal water absorption. It is intended not even so much for baths, but for more “heavy” objects - saunas, pools, where humidity is higher and temperature changes are much stronger;
  • heat-insulating– not in the usual way. To achieve maximum density and strength, the product is additionally dried before firing. If this is not done, the tile turns out to be more porous, which means that it has higher thermal insulation qualities. This option is suitable for those cases when external thermal insulation of the building is impossible or insufficient;
  • special- products are produced for facing complex architectural forms. Typically, such a need arises in the decoration of public spaces.

When choosing, the main attention is paid to the appearance of the product. The decorative possibilities of clinker, of course, are limited compared to tiles: the material imitates, so the tiles do not vary much in shape and size.

But the range of colors is much richer compared to the natural color of clay bricks. The addition of mineral pigments allows you to get any, even exotic shades. At the same time, the color does not change with time, since the coloring component is mixed with the original raw material.

White clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (photo)


The material may have a different texture:

  • smooth surface- the most common option. Smooth clinker is much easier to clean, while retaining its resemblance to ceramic bricks. The slipperiness of such material does not matter when finishing the wall;
  • rough- an option for living rooms, bedrooms, halls and so on. Rough tiles can be used in the bathroom: clinker absorbs moisture very little, but it is not suitable for the kitchen: such a surface easily collects dirt, and it is much more difficult to remove it;
  • glazed– with a shiny smooth surface. Very decorative and unusual clinker. Here, from the similarity with, only styling remains - apart, but this option is readily used in the interior;
  • rustic- reproduces the texture of a roughly processed or aged. "Brutal" material is indispensable for decoration in the style of loft, industry, rustic and so on.

Clinker is not suitable for any interior. Special masonry, rough surface, bright expressive color make this material very individual. Even when the tile is used in a single color and only as a background, and then it acts as a kind of accent, it indicates the chosen style.

Design tricks

Clinker does not create a pronounced vertical or horizontal. But the brickwork and strict geometric shapes of the elements to some extent structure the wall, make it more expressive and visually bring it closer. This feature must be taken into account in the interior.

  • Quite large rooms are completely trimmed with clinker - the lining will visually reduce a small room. The size of the tile affects the effect: clinker, which does not exceed in size, can be used in small bathrooms, but large tiles are best used for large spaces.

Clinker finishes both kitchens and living rooms in English or rustic styles. Moreover, both natural colors - in red-ochre colors, and unusual ones are actively used. White brick, for example, looks great in minimalist living rooms.

  • One wall or partition is finished with clinker much more often. Such a surface ceases to be a background, but serves to highlight the zone - working, dining, living room, etc. A combination of a "brick" wall and is considered almost mandatory. For masonry, both a single-color version and a “natural” gamut are used with equal success, where the shades of each “brick” differ and are very noticeable.
  • No less popular is the fragmented use of clinker - finishing corners, parts of the wall in the form of panels or symmetrical elements, unevenly spaced brickwork tiles, and so on. Thus, you can highlight some architectural feature of the room or create it. Approximately vertical and horizontal fragments play the role of structural elements, visually raising the ceiling or expanding the room.

We will talk about the options for laying clinker tiles on the wall in different interiors below.

Pro laying clinker tiles "under the brick" on the wall will tell this video:

Interior styles

Clinker tiles have a very expressive texture, while being very far from the concept of luxury, brilliance or elegance. So the material is not suitable for all interiors.

  • Loft- this, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a brick wall. Loft is a very specific style, preferring authentic and rough surfaces, brickwork is one of the best design options for it. Clinker perfectly replaces heavy brick. In the loft, it is allowed to tile the entire room, or rather, the studio. The style involves very large rooms, connected rooms and so on, where the masonry seems organic and not intrusive. In its commercial version - industry, some walls or fragments are trimmed with clinker to structure the space and highlight zones.
  • Country style- Provence, country, English, Dutch. Clinker is used everywhere as wall decoration, corner decoration and, of course, if it is available. Masonry should accurately imitate brick, but the colors can be very peculiar. So, the natural color is welcomed in the English style, in the country, white and even glossy white are preferable, Provence is also white plastered or delicate pastel shades, especially lavender. An indispensable feature of the Dutch or German style is bright red brick.
  • rustic- and here it is best to use large tiles and as roughly processed as possible, aged clinker is quite suitable. Finishing will be more effective if the colors of the tiles vary slightly. Rustic involves facing all the walls, so it is better to implement the idea in large rooms. In this case, the dimming effect will be present, which must be taken into account.
  • Gothic- dark large and small brickwork will bring the required share of gloom to the interior. The difference between the style and the rustic style is that here rough, frankly heavy and dark walls are combined with luxurious pieces of furniture and crystal chandeliers.
  • Minimalism- uses both a casually processed stone surface and glossy brick. Here, the clinker highlights the zones and focuses on the planes.
  • The tile plays the same task in the style techno, however, here the “brick” is selected smooth, with the most accurate geometric contours and in one color, the natural gamut is not welcome.
  • V high tech tile is used less often as the style prefers smooth, even surfaces, but can also be used as an accent. The fragment should have a pronounced verticality and horizontality. Finishing corners and niches is not allowed. The color is white or contrasting bright - black, red.

Read about the technology of laying clinker tiles on the wall below.


Suitable as a base for cladding, a metal structure is also suitable. Drywall is a more dubious option. However, with sufficient density and small size - a decorative fireplace, for example, such a solution is also allowed.

The main requirement for the base is a flat surface: it is simply impossible to lay a solid solid tile on an uneven wall. Permissible unevenness - no more than 2 mm per square meter. m.

What you need

No special tools are needed for laying clinker. The following is required.

  • Clinker of the appropriate size and color - it is advisable to purchase 10-15% more, because some of the tiles will have to be cut, and some may be damaged during transportation.
  • Special glue for ceramic tiles - even in the house is not desirable, although it is allowed. If the bathroom is tiled, the glue must also be waterproof.
  • The main tools are a notched and smooth spatula, a rubber mallet.
  • For cutting tiles, a glass cutter, tile cutter, grinder with a diamond blade is used. To make a hole - for an outlet, for example, you need to drill a tile with diamond crowns.
  • To maintain the uniformity of the seams, mounting crosses of the appropriate size are used.

Technologies and options

The main difficulty when laying a wall is that it is impossible to perform dry laying here, as, for example, or stairs. So you have to rely on your experience or make markup. The latter solution is also better in the case when it is necessary to choose the material so that the center of the wall or fragment is occupied by whole tiles, and the cut ones are along the perimeter of the panel or closer to the corners.

  1. The base is prepared for work: leveled, puttied, if necessary, and treated with a primer of the appropriate type. Clinker adhesion is quite high, but still, it is better to play it safe.
  2. Glue is prepared in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to mix the composition in small portions, designed for laying somewhere around 1 sq. m. The composition retains adhesive properties for 20–30 minutes, and then becomes unusable.
  3. Tiles from different packages are taken out and mixed before laying in order to reduce the difference in shade to a minimum.
  4. Start laying from the bottom, as a rule, from the left corner. If part of the wall is lined, then start from the window.
  5. Glue is applied to an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 1 sq. m. notched trowel. To avoid moisture absorption, a layer of glue is also applied to the tile, but immediately removed with a smooth spatula. Water, contrary to popular belief, cannot be used to lubricate the tiles, as this disrupts the polymerization process of the adhesive. When laying on the clinker, it is moistened.
  6. You need to lay the tiles in the direction of the lines on the wrong side. The clinker is pressed to the surface and tapped with a mallet to achieve a snug fit. Mounting crosses are installed between the tiles so that the seam is the same.
  7. Every second row of tiles is checked by the building level. Within 10-15 minutes after laying, the position of the tile can be changed, but after setting it will not be possible.
  8. After 2 days, proceed to. Indoors, it is better to use an epoxy mixture for this. The grout is applied with a rubber spatula and leveled with a damp sponge. At the same time, traces of grout or glue on the tiles themselves are removed. After 2-3 hours, wet cleaning is recommended to be repeated.

Mounting methods

Clinker tiles imitate brick, so their laying methods are the same as those possible with bricks. In fact, there are not so many of them.

  • Spoon dressing is the simplest and most affordable option for laying apart. The edge at the same time turns out to be uneven, if required, the tile is cut. Sometimes this feature is used as a decorative effect.
  • Spoon dressing can be used when laying in horizontal rows or diagonally. The latter method is more difficult, you will get a lot of trimmings, but the wall looks very impressive.
  • Chain dressing two tiles form a kind of block. And the blocks are stacked alternately in a vertical and horizontal position - very simple and interesting.
  • "Fish bone" - the tiles are laid perpendicular to each other, forming, as it were, an angle. The masonry is simple, the edge is very uneven, but the original look of the wall is provided.
  • Intertwined masonry - on walls it is used much less frequently, as it requires the selection of clinker of two different sizes. Larger tiles in the form of bricks are laid alternately vertically and horizontally so that the poke of the horizontal "brick" rests on the side of the vertical one.

With this masonry, large gaps appear between the elements. They are filled with small tiles. Also, for filling can be used, or another small stone. In a living room - not a bathroom and a kitchen, you can leave such an interlacing without a filler, since here excessive moisture does not threaten the masonry.

About the price for work on facing and interior wall decoration with clinker tiles, for example, “brick-like”, we will tell below.

The cost of work and materials

  • The price of clinker wall tiles is quite democratic: its thickness is small, and such high requirements are not imposed on density and mechanical strength. The cost varies from 556 p. until 1348 p. per sq. m.
  • The work itself, depending on the masonry method, is estimated at 1300–1400 rubles. per sq. m. Grout, as a rule, is not included in this work and costs another 300–400 r. per sq. m.

Clinker tiles are an interesting design solution for many modern and rustic styles. It's amazing how cozy a brick wall creates in the kitchen and how spectacular the clinker finish of the corners and arches is.

The specialist in this video will tell about the role of clinker in the interior design of a home: