When the snapdragon emerges. Perennial snapdragon: planting and care, photo of snapdragon flowers, growing from seeds, description and types of flower, proper planting for beginners

Add variety to your landscaping summer cottage you can use cute flowers with the royal name snapdragon (antirrhinum). The plant received its unusual name due to the shape of its petals, which look like the open mouth of a lion. Many of these flowers are remembered by the name “dogs”.

The dwarf type of flowers reaches a height of only 20-25 cm, and the tall one reaches 1 m. Columns in the garden are beautifully decorated with hanging varieties; outwardly it looks like cascading waterfalls of flowers. The plant is often added to. Snapdragon unpretentious and bloom until frost. Grow from seeds, sowing seedlings in March-April, depending on the climatic conditions of the area.

The seedling containers must contain drainage holes, a layer is poured onto the bottom river sand, then the mixed fertile soil with sand is leveled and moistened with water from a spray bottle. Since snapdragon seeds are very small, for ease of planting they are mixed with sand and distributed over the surface of moist soil. Cover the top transparent film or glass and put it in a bright place where the temperature is 22-23°C. Every day the crops are opened for ventilation and condensation is removed from the shelter. After 2 weeks, sprouts appear, the plantings are immediately removed from bright light and after 3-4 days, when the seedlings begin to sprout en masse, the cover is removed.

The germination rate of snapdragon seeds is high, so if they do not germinate, it means that the storage process was disrupted or the expiration date has expired. Pay attention to the packaging before purchasing, its appearance To ensure there are no signs of damage, check the expiration date.

Seedling care

Water snapdragons moderately in the morning to avoid stagnation of water. Overwatering leads to root rotting disease.

In cloudy weather, seedlings are illuminated with additional lighting.

If the seedlings begin to fall, they are immediately removed with tweezers, and the soil is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or washed and calcined sand.

When 2 true leaves appear, place them in separate pots, one at a time or in small bunches. After which the planted plants are placed again in a bright place, but away from bright sun rays cover up. Before disembarking at open ground(May) begin hardening the seedlings by opening the window, increasing the opening time every day. Make sure there are no drafts.

Transplanting snapdragon seedlings into open ground

On warm days of established weather (in the middle zone this occurs at the end of May-June), the seedlings are transplanted into open ground. There is no need to be afraid of the night cold, since even seedlings that have not yet matured can survive a drop in temperature to -5°C.

Snapdragons are grown in a sunny, windless area with well-drained lungs. fertile soil. Soil prone to acidification is not suitable. In the shade, flowering is sparse and the color of the flowers is pale. The distance between tall snapdragon varieties is 40-50 cm, between medium-growing ones - 25-30 cm, low-growing varieties - 20 cm, and for dwarf varieties - 15 cm. The depth of the hole corresponds to the size of the root system.

Rooting in a new place is painless, and young seedlings quickly turn into a lush bush.

Caring for snapdragons in open ground

When the seedling already has 5 true leaves, the central shoot is pinched, then the plant looks well-groomed and more attractive. With intensive growth of side shoots, pinching is also carried out.

A week after transplanting into open ground, the seedlings are fed with fertilizer for annuals.

Otherwise, caring for snapdragons comes down to watering at the root (not on the leaves), removing weeds, and fertilizing. Water only in the morning when necessary. A day after moistening, the soil around the plant is loosened and cleared of weeds. Tall species are tied to a support.

Faded inflorescences are removed, and for more long flowering remove the flower shoot, preventing the plant from setting seeds. When flowering declines, the peduncles are cut off under the lower flower to stimulate a new wave of flowering.

Snapdragons can be affected by rust. When rusty spots appear, the plants are removed, and the rest are treated with Zircon solution (5 drops per 1 liter of water). For prevention, spray with a weaker solution of the drug (2 drops per 1 liter of water).

To grow snapdragon next year, unripe seeds are collected from the strongest and most beautiful bush and ripened in a well-ventilated room. Store in a cardboard box or paper bag at a temperature of 3-5°C in a dry place. Germination persists for 3 years.

In autumn, after flowering, snapdragon bushes are cut to a height of 5-8 cm and covered with mixed peat with sawdust or dry leaves and grass. In winter, if possible, shovel snow onto the bushes. In the spring, after wintering, many new shoots will grow from the roots.

- perennial herbaceous plant with large green stems of the Plantain family, we grow it as an annual. The plant produces many stems. The stems of snapdragon are straight, branched, of very different heights: yes low-growing varieties, only about 20 cm, but there are tall ones, up to one meter high, that form pyramidal bushes during the growing season. The leaves of snapdragon are elongated, lanceolate or slightly oval green in color, pubescent with thin hairs.

Snapdragon flowers large, irregular shape, two-lipped, resembling a gaping lion's mouth, pubescent on the outside. There are varieties with simple and double flowers. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Coloring of snapdragon flowers will please you with a wide range of colors: they come in white, pink, yellow and two-tone. IN wildlife There are species of snapdragons with yellow, blue, and purple flowers.

The plant's birthplace is considered North America. In Russia, snapdragon has long been popular and is a very common garden plant that decorates flower beds and flower beds. Snapdragon is a wonderful sunny annual that will fill your garden with a pleasant fragrant aroma and attract not only bees, but also butterflies.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

Sowing snapdragon seeds for seedlings can be done from the end of February, in March, to the beginning of April. Snapdragon Seeds When sowing, lightly sprinkle with soil. The first shoots begin to appear after ten days, but germination of snapdragon seeds can take a whole month. For better germination, cover the container with snapdragon seeds with glass or a plastic bag. As soon as the shoots begin to appear, the film or glass must be removed. For better germination, keep the container with snapdragon seeds at an air temperature not lower than +18 o C. Snapdragon seeds can be sown directly in open ground in May, covering the bed with film or agrospan.

During the first time after snapdragon germination, monitor the soil moisture: overdrying, as well as severe waterlogging of the soil, can lead to the death of seedlings. Transplanting snapdragon seedlings do not delay for too long: it must be carried out at the stage of the first two or three true leaves. When snapdragon seedlings grow to 4-6 pairs of true leaves, the tops of the plants need to be pinched to form additional stems.

Caring for snapdragons in open ground

In open ground snapdragon seedlings planted already partially blooming in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed, leaving 30 cm between plants. Snapdragon grows best in open sunny places. If you have absolutely no open sunny places left, snapdragons can be planted in partial shade. Only the flowering will be delayed a little, it will not be too abundant, the color of the flowers will be more delicate, and not as bright as in the open sun.

Soil for snapdragons should be well fertilized. If on your site clay soil, add more organic matter, peat, peat, sand to it in order to make the soil looser and eliminate stagnation of excess moisture. If your site has sandy loam soil, add black soil, rotted organic matter, leaf soil, try to improve the structure of the soil so that it can retain water and remain moist longer.

Don't forget to water the snapdragons. Do not water the next time until it dries out. upper layer soil. To preserve precious moisture, mulch the snapdragon plantings with a layer of freshly cut grass, humus, and rotted sawdust. With severe waterlogging, snapdragons are susceptible to various rots, including root rots.

First feeding snapdragons after transplanting into open ground - no earlier than two to three weeks, so as not to burn the roots of the plant damaged by transplantation. This is when the plant fully adapts to open air, new leaves will begin to grow, then you can carry out the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is desirable that fertilizers have a full NPK formula; additional microelements are welcome. The plant especially needs feeding during the flowering period. And a strong, healthy plant can resist diseases and pest attacks.

When grown from seedlings, snapdragons bloom as early as June and continue to bloom until frost. Try to remove faded inflorescences in a timely manner. This procedure greatly extends the flowering period of all plants.

Healing properties of snapdragon

In addition to the fact that snapdragon is very decorative, its flowers can be used in folk medicine. An infusion of snapdragon flowers is drunk for intestinal bloating; it can be used as additional remedy for some liver diseases. A mixture of snapdragon flowers, immortelle and corn silk is especially good during the recovery period after hepatitis. Infusions and decoctions of snapdragon flowers are used for severe headaches, dropsy and shortness of breath. When used externally, infusions and decoctions of snapdragons help with hemorrhoids, open ulcers on the skin, and boils.

Snapdragon will not only decorate your flower beds and flower beds. It can be used for growing on balconies, terraces, and decorating windows from the outside. Snapdragon flowers make excellent cut flowers.

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The word Antirrhínum consists of two parts: “anti” + “rhinos”, the literal translation is “nose-like”. This Greek origin The name appears to be due to the nose's resemblance to the plant's flower. Antirrinum is known to the Russian-speaking public as “Snapdragon”. And here English translation means “biting dragon.” A French bouquet may consist of flowers called “Cleft Mouth”. Ukrainians gave the plant a romantic name - “sponges”. This variety of names is associated with the prevalence of growth. The plant is found in almost all regions of the world. There are many wild species in the Mediterranean, Asia, and North America.


Antirrhinum (in lat. Antirrhínum) is a genus of herbaceous or semi-shrub plants from the noricaceae family. It is a perennial, but in ornamental gardening it is cultivated as an annual. Already in the first year, straight, branched stems from 16 to 130 cm high grow from the seeds, creating pyramidal bushes, and flowers that produce mature seeds.

The shape of the flower is asymmetrical and consists of two double or simple lips located in a racemose inflorescence. The lower lip is three-lobed, the upper is two-lobed. The color is white, yellow, red, hot pink or consists of several shades. The flowering period of snapdragons is from June until the onset of frost. The leaves on top of the stem are in an alternate order, and on the bottom - opposite. The seeds are placed in a two-nest, multi-seeded box. One gram of them contains 5600-7900 seeds, which produce multiple self-seeding.

Amazing combination of Snapdragon flowers

It produces round, green shoots with a purple bloom, smooth below, strewn with glandular hairs above. If you press the corolla of a flower from the sides, the “mouth” opens, revealing the rich interior of the corolla. Pollinated by bumblebees. Almost all varieties of antirrinum have a persistent, strong, sugary-sweet aroma.


The genus Snapdragon includes approximately fifty species, but only one is cultivated: Antirrhinum majus (large). Thanks to the efforts of breeders, more than 500 varieties of this species have been bred. Such a huge variety brings pleasure to gardening enthusiasts.

Plant varieties are divided into universal, cutting, and casing varieties.

  • Cut flowers are tall and gigantic specimens with powerful elongated peduncles and enlarged inflorescences and flowers.
  • Planted varieties of varieties are distinguished by a compact and elegant configuration, prolific, simultaneous and long flowering. These include tall and dwarf plants.
  • Universal varieties successfully combine compact sizes with enlarged inflorescences located on stable peduncles. Which are characterized by multiple and long flowering. This applies to medium-sized antirrhinums.

Antirrhinum - bright colors

The most popular varieties are: Black Prince, Alaska, Schneeflocke, Schwarzer Prince, Altgold, Pumilum, Butterblum Di Rose, Pixie, Rosa Morgenlicht, Corsair, Miniature White, Defiance, Sulfurum, Charlahrize, Pumilum Scarlet.

Photo gallery of species


The flower has been known in culture since 1568. Two to three months pass between sowing in open ground and flowering. But the snapdragon is blooming for a long time, until stable frosts, from in small intervals.

The light-loving plant is able to develop correctly and bloom en masse exclusively in a sunny place and in fertile, fluffy, well-drained soil. Antirrhinum is able to tolerate slight shading, but lack of light affects its appearance.

Snapdragon prefers nutritious, but not heavy soil. The best option- a mixture of proportional parts of compost, peat and sand. The ideal pH is between 7 and 8.

Excellent specimens to decorate any balcony

Seed selection

Gardeners divide antirrinums into three groups:

  • Low-growing - 14 - 26 cm, flowering begins in July.
  • Medium - 35 - 70 cm, bloom from mid-summer.
  • Tall - 80 - 110 cm, flowers bloom towards the end of July.

It is better to harvest antirrinum seeds yourself, but can be purchased at flower shops where they have a large assortment varieties with different colors and the shape of the flowers. The terry Twinnie hybrid is popular. Seeds should be purchased from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market.

Remember! If seeds lie on display for too long, they lose their viability. Before purchasing, carefully read what is written on the bag and make sure that the expiration date has not yet expired.

Growing antirrinum from seeds


Snapdragon propagation occurs by seeds or cuttings. The second method is rarely used for the selection of some terry forms. Growing antirrinum from seeds is the most popular, simple and affordable way.


Some residents of warm regions prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground. Shoots appear later, but develop better, get sick less, and tolerate minor temperature fluctuations and frosts. In areas where heat spreads slowly, or if you want to get early flowering, we recommend using seedling growing methods. Seeds of tall and medium-sized varieties are sown in February, and of low-growing varieties in early March.

This is what antirrinum seedlings may look like

To grow snapdragon seedlings, we adhere to the following procedure:

  • Prepare small boxes, 10-15 cm deep. Place coarse sand on the bottom, and a mixture of compost soil and sand on top. Level and moisten the soil.
  • Mix the seeds with a small amount of coarse sand. This will help distribute the seeds evenly over the surface.
  • After pouring out the seeds, spray them with a fine spray bottle, cover them with glass or place them under transparent polyethylene.
  • We moisten the soil regularly, but try not to overdo it. The soil should be moist but not wet.
  • Maintaining the temperature at 22 - 26 °C produces seedlings in a couple of 11 - 15 days.
  • After germination, place the boxes in a lighted place. After 4 - 5 days, we begin to accustom the seedlings to be without shelter, removing the glass for several hours a day, then removing it completely.

You need to ventilate the seeds under glass every day and remove condensation.

Master class on growing snapdragons from seeds

Video of the stages of planting snapdragons:

Seedling care

At first, the seedlings develop inactively and do not tolerate excess moisture well. Therefore, following the rules of care is the path to success.

  • Water the seedlings in the morning, being careful not to over-moisten the soil so that rot does not form.
  • In case of blackleg disease, remove the affected plant with tweezers, and sprinkle the area with coal powder or calcined sand.
  • In the phase when the plant, in addition to the cotyledons, has two true leaves, the sprouted antirrhinum is picked at a distance of 2x2 cm (tall species are picked again after a month).
  • Next, they are taken out to a greenhouse or placed in a bright, ventilated place.
  • When 4 or 5 leaves appear, pinch out the central shoot. This will provoke branching.
  • Plants are fed: in a bucket of water - nitrogen fertilizers 30-40 g, potassium phosphorus 16-20 g. At the end of May, young “lion cubs” are planted in open ground.

Excellent composition of antirium lowgrowing

Caring for plants in open ground

Snapdragon requires:

  • loosening the soil to a depth of 4-6 cm (after rain or watering);
  • timely weeding,
  • regular watering (at a rate of 16-18 l/mkv)
  • protection from diseases and pests.

To increase the period of maximum decorativeness of the antirrinum, during care, the inflorescences of cut varieties are constantly cut off, and those of casing varieties are removed. This trick increases flowering and branching.

Beautiful medium-sized specimens in warm tones


Snapdragon is theoretically a perennial, but is grown as an annual plant because... cannot overwinter in some regions. Specimens that have survived the cold (usually in the southern regions) begin to bloom earlier than those grown from seeds. If you want to preserve antirrinum, then you should dig it up in the fall, plant it in a pot, place it in a cool, bright place or greenhouse, and next year plant it in a flowerbed.

Use in landscape design

Antirrinum has been identified with strength since ancient times. Therefore, florists use it in bouquets to demonstrate human strength. A flower is rarely the leading violin of a bouquet. Rather, it is additional element, creating a complete composition. Once cut, it stands in water for 8-15 days, gradually all the buds bloom.

The plant is recommended for flower beds, rockeries, ridges, rock gardens, group plantings, for landscaping balconies, and mixborders. What colors does snapdragon go with? The most acceptable partners: cosmos, sage, marine lobularia.

Video gallery: photo of antirrinum

Snapdragon (antirrhinum) - often found on garden plots ornamental plant. They often decorate flower beds in city parks and boulevards. These flowers are popularly known as “dogs”. The popularity of the plant among summer residents is also explained by the fact that caring for it is not particularly difficult.

Antirrhinum is a herbaceous plant whose straight stems grow up to 1 m in height. Elongated leaves can be either light or dark in color. Flowers have pleasant aroma, in shape they resemble an open lion's mouth. This is the secret of such an unusual name. Smooth or double flowers growing at the top of the stem are collected in an inflorescence in the form of a spike.

On a note! The flower is grown on balconies and loggias. On the street it is planted both in flower beds and in hanging structures.

There are white, pink, red and yellow flowers. Flowering continues throughout the summer and ends in the fall with the onset of frost. The plant is perennial, but is usually replanted every year. Snapdragon blooms in the year of planting. At the same time, the seed pod ripens.

Antirrinum varieties

These plants, depending on the variety, can be either very small or very tall. According to this principle, snapdragons are divided into the following groups.

  1. Dwarf, maximum 20 cm in length. They decorate borders and flower beds. These antirrinums are grown in pots as houseplants. Among them there are such varieties as “Sakura Color” and “Candy Showers F1”.

  2. short, growing from 25 to 40 cm. They can also be found in borders and flower beds. These include the varieties “Tip-top”, “Lampion”, “Hobbit”.

  3. Average, extending up to 40–60 cm. Used for landscape design or creating bouquets. The most common are pink “Ruby”, yellow “Golden Monarch” and pale pink “Lipstick Silver”.

  4. High, up to 60–90 cm long. They make wonderful fragrant bouquets or original flower beds. A cut flower can stand in water for more than a week. The best ones: terry varieties“Madame Butterfly F1”, yellow “Canary”, pink “Anna Herman”.

  5. Giants, reaching 1.3 m. These are varieties such as cherry “Arthur F1” and others.

Breeding methods

Antirrinum is usually propagated using seedlings. Tall varieties will bloom later than their low-growing counterparts. This must be taken into account when sowing.

On a note! Plant seeds can also be sown directly into open ground. This applies only to low varieties of snapdragon. The right time for sowing is the first ten days of May. Flowering should be expected later than for plants planted seedling method.

If you do not destroy faded antirrinums, then it is likely that, having survived the winter, their seeds will germinate in thawed soil. Such plants produce strong, lushly flowering bushes.

When to plant seeds for seedlings

The time for sowing seeds depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the plant variety. Tall antirrinums are sown in the third ten days of February. Low- and medium-growing - during March. Sowing dwarf varieties allowed to be produced until April 15.

IN northern regions Snapdragons can only be grown by seedlings. The plant is planted in open ground later due to the fact that cold weather is likely to return throughout almost the entire spring. This must also be taken into account when planting seeds for seedlings. How to grow antirrhinum perennial It won't work in cold climates.

On a note! Sufficiently developed plants are transplanted into flower beds only in late spring or early summer. During this period, the flowers will not suffer from lower temperatures at night.

Sowing seeds for seedlings step by step

Table. Instructions for growing snapdragons in seedlings.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

For antirrinum seedlings, a universal soil mixture is suitable, which can be purchased at a specialized store. So that the small seeds of the plant can hatch, the soil is sifted and washed sand is mixed into it. The mixture can also be prepared from soil, peat and sand, mixing them in a ratio of 1: 2: 0.5. To protect seedlings from diseases and weeds, it is recommended to steam the soil mixture using a steamer. Steaming for 1 hour will protect the plant from blackleg. In order to make the soil slightly alkaline, after steaming it is necessary to add half a tablespoon of dolomite flour or 1 tablespoon of ash per 0.5 kg of soil. The soil mixture needs to be slightly moistened.

Fill the container with the soil mixture, level the surface and tamp it down quite a bit. Place the seeds on the fold of a piece of paper and carefully spread over the entire surface. Sprinkle soil on top with a layer of no more than 1 cm.

Use a spray bottle to spray the top layer of soil with water. In this case, some seeds may float to the surface. This is not a problem, since they need more light to germinate.

Cover the container with a transparent lid or plastic bag. Then install it in a lighted place. For seedlings to emerge, it is necessary to maintain a room temperature of +21-24°C. The soil must be periodically irrigated with water, otherwise the seeds will dry out and not germinate.

In about a week, the shoots will begin to hatch. After emergence, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of +16+29°C. At first, the seedlings grow at a slow pace. At this time, it is especially important not to allow excess water. Watering should be done so that moisture does not fall on the leaves. Frequent ventilation is required. The container lid must be removed after 7 days. Immediately after this, the plants must be protected from direct sunlight.

If the seedlings are too dense, thin them out using tweezers.

Picking is done after the first two true leaves grow. Snapdragon is not afraid of this procedure. In the new place he will feel good almost immediately. The same soil mixture is suitable, but without preliminary sifting and steam treatment. Fill cups or pots with soil and lightly compact the soil. Then you need to make holes so that there is enough space for the roots. Deepen the sprout by 3 mm and sprinkle with soil. Lightly compact the soil, otherwise the sprout may tilt when wet.

After picking, the seedlings must be carefully watered. In this case, it is advisable to hold the sprouts until the moisture is completely absorbed.

It is recommended to apply liquid fertilizer to the soil once every 14 days. Grown seedlings can be pinched between the fourth and fifth pairs of leaves to improve growth and further lush flowering.

In the second decade of May, you can plan to transfer the seedlings to open ground. Snapdragons require a well-lit place. In shady areas, antirrinum will not bloom so profusely. If the seedlings have been hardened, then they are not afraid of even slight frosts. Land for good growth plants should be loose. Fertile, slightly alkaline soil is suitable (otherwise the roots will not be developed enough). Heavy soil must be diluted with sand, dolomite flour or ash. Before planting seedlings, you should add mineral fertilizing, including phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Holes for planting must be dug at a distance of up to 45 cm from each other, depending on the height of the future plant. The specified distance between plants must be maintained if a tall variety is planted. For medium-sized antirrinums, this interval is 30 cm. And plants of small varieties of snapdragons will get along well at a distance of 20 cm between them.

Planting must be completed with generous watering, after which it is necessary to cover the soil with a layer of peat.

Video - How best to sow snapdragons

Plant care

No further care of the plant is required great effort. It needs to be weeded periodically, and the antirrinum also needs frequent loosening of the soil. During the period of active growth, the crop should be fed with a complex mineral fertilizers. It is undesirable to allow both waterlogging of the soil and lack of moisture. Watering should be done moderately. Wilted inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner.

Snapdragon - cultivation and care

Diseases of the snapdragon

If root system seedlings were exposed to excess moisture, the antirrinum may develop root rot. This can completely ruin the seedlings. You can cope with the problem with the help of a drug called “Hom”. A teaspoon of the product is diluted with 1 liter of water and the seedlings are treated. Repeated treatment is carried out after transferring the plants to open ground. To do this, take 1 liter of solution per 10 m2 of flower beds. The procedure must be done before flowering.

Cool, damp summers provide suitable conditions for rust development. Red spots quickly spread on the foliage, leading to the death of the flower. It is recommended to combat this disease with the help of special fungicides (Cumulus, Strobi, Abiga-Pik, Polyram) and one percent Bordeaux mixture. Products containing sulfur are effective. Plants affected by the disease must be burned.

On a note! Gray spots with yellow edging on snapdragon leaves indicate infection with septoria. This usually happens in hot but rainy summers. To eliminate the infection, such products as “Skor”, “Previkur”, “Fundazol”, “Acrobat MC”, “Ordan”, “Profit Gold” are used.

The following pests pose a danger to snapdragons:

  • scoop;
  • slugs;
  • avocado scale insect;
  • root-knot nematode.

To destroy them, the plants and the land on which they are planted should be treated with insecticides. Infected bushes must be removed from the flowerbed and burned.

Until late autumn, snapdragon is able to surprise with its lush color, as it is not afraid of light frosts. Subject to simple rules, these colorful flowers can be planted and successfully grown on your own plot by every amateur gardener.