A set of effective exercises for beginners. What you need to know to avoid harming your health

In order for the body to work at its maximum, and the owner of this body does not experience any warning or painful sensations, harmony of mind and body should be organized. This article will discuss in detail the process of working on the body using stretching. Obviously, to develop a full-fledged muscle corset, you should use integrated approaches, which are not limited to just physical activity. It is very important to carry out high-quality warm-ups and stretches, which will further strengthen the muscles, correct the figure and prevent a whole range of disorders in the body.

What is stretching in fitness?

Stretching is a subtype of fitness, which is a set of exercises that help stretch the muscles and ligaments of the body. The name “stretching” itself is derived from English word stretch, meaning to pull, stretch. It should be noted that such aerobics is effective tool to stretch muscles, normalize biological processes and stimulate the body as a whole.

In order for fitness to bear the necessary “fruits,” you need to alternate stretching classes with physical activity. This gymnastics is very popular all over the world because it can be done without any preparation or base of sports skills.

Depending on the purpose, the described type of fitness can be used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases, restoration and correction of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Stretching exercises allow you to prepare as efficiently as possible for physical activity and subsequent sporting events. Leading experts in the field of fitness claim that stretching is an integral part of gymnastics classes, regardless of the experience and age of the person attending training.

The benefits and harms of stretching

It can be unequivocally noted that stretching cannot cause any harm to the body if the training is carried out correctly. On the contrary, this is a purely positive event, which has a number of positive aspects. It is for this reason that stretching is included in the daily training program of professional athletes, helping to avoid traumatic incidents, tone muscles and maintain shape.

If we talk about the benefits of stretching, then everything is quite open here, for example, stretching allows you to disperse blood and lymph throughout the body, thanks to which internal organs are saturated with oxygen, and phenomena such as swelling and inflammation of tissues practically do not occur. Thus, it is necessary to pay tribute to using stretching to stimulate metabolic processes and body functions.

It is worth noting that it is stretching of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental activity. During classes of this type Mood improves, sleep becomes stronger, mental stress and irritation disappear. It should also be noted that people who resort to daily stretching live, on average, 10 years longer than people who avoid this activity altogether.

Is it possible to lose weight by stretching?

Stretching, like all fitness disciplines, is aimed primarily at normalizing the functioning of the body, as well as body correction and rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries. Stretching is known to improve performance circulatory system, dispersing liquid tissue throughout the body. At the same time, hemoglobin carries oxygen, saturating every cell of the body with it. Exactly this process.

Burnt fat cells turn into muscle mass. Thus, using stretching as a body shaping tool, you can not only reduce your waist size, but also strengthen your muscle corset and give your shape more definition and strength. In this regard, we can answer quite clearly: stretching is great way lose weight without consequences for the body.

Rules for practicing stretching at home

In order for the training not to have side effects, you need to adhere to a number of rules. This will reduce injuries and also increase the productivity of gymnastics. Thus, we can select a list following rules, which will be relevant when practicing stretching:

  1. all movements should be filled with smoothness. It is necessary to completely avoid jerking or sudden movements;
  2. each of the stretching elements does not need to be carried out for more than 30 seconds;
  3. the less experience a person has in this type of activity, the slower the training pace should be;
  4. before starting classes, you need to warm up with stretching movements, which should last no more than 3 seconds;
  5. if pain or discomfort occurs during stretching, you should immediately stop training and resume only after the discomfort or pain completely disappears;
  6. An important element of stretching is breathing, which should be even, calm and measured, setting the pace of the lesson.

A set of effective exercises for beginners

It should be noted that there are many approaches to stretching, the choice of which determines the further training strategy. It all depends on the individual preparation, age and health status of each individual participant in the fitness training. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of the most effective exercises, which will allow you to conduct classes at home without the help of a trainer:

  • standing with a straight back, you need to lower one hand down, and put the other behind your head as much as possible so that a wide angle is formed in the shoulder. The arm should remain straight during the exercise;
  • It is necessary to move your head forward as much as possible, and then from the resulting position, tilt your head alternately in both directions. If you wish, you can help yourself with your hand, supporting your chin with your brush for a more pulling effect;
  • You should stand with your back to the wall, turning your shoulders and pressing your raised arms to a vertical surface. From this position you need to do squats;
  • from a standing position on all fours it is necessary to lift right hand and the left leg, while you need to pull your arm forward and your leg back, respectively.

Video lesson on stretching for the spine and back

The video offered for viewing is a demonstration material containing a set of exercises for stretching the spine. With the help of this gymnastics, you can independently, using the recommendations from the video, qualitatively work not only the spine, but also the back muscles, preventing the development of various diseases and injuries.

Video training on stretching for weight loss

This material is perfect for beginners and will allow you to prepare your body for physical activity in order to lose weight as safely and effectively as possible. After reading the video, you can get all the necessary information regarding stretching all major muscle groups and ligaments.

Video: split stretching with Ekaterina Firsova

This video is step by step instructions by stretching. The set of exercises in question has been prepared for those who want to do the splits. For this reason, each stage of training is aimed at developing the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which in the future will allow you to do the splits without the risk of injury or experiencing pain.

Contraindications to stretching training

As described above, stretching is safe look sports activities that do not have negative impact on the body, however, there are a number of conditions that do not allow you to resort to stretching. Thus, you will have to give up stretching in the following situations:

  • cancer;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • injuries and diseases of bone tissue and ligaments;
  • impaired joint mobility;
  • previous fractures;
  • osteochondrosis and a number of diseases associated with dysfunction of the spine.

Flexibility is a word that gets thrown around regularly in the health and fitness industry, but what does it really mean, why is it important and how can you develop it? In this article we will look at what exactly stretching exercises provide, what types there are and what are the benefits of them.

Factors that influence flexibility:

  • Muscle elasticity: Damaged, weak, undeveloped muscles are less flexible. For people with weak muscles, stretching gives a particularly noticeable effect on flexibility.
  • Elasticity of tendons.
  • Weak ligaments: After an injury, ligaments can become weak, leading to excessive joint movement. Some people are born with weak ligaments that need to be trained. This is the benefit of stretching - the exercises are aimed specifically at training muscles.
  • Ability of muscles to relax: Some muscles cannot relax completely due to increased tone.
  • Temperature of the joint and associated tissues: Joints and muscles provide better flexibility at a body temperature that is 1-2 degrees higher than normal.
  • Bone structures that restrict movement: Some people develop bone spurs known as spurs, which can restrict movement of the body and limbs.
  • Temperature environment: warm air promotes flexibility.
  • Time of day: In the morning, flexibility is reduced.
  • Age: Flexibility tends to decrease with age.
  • Gender: Women are on average more flexible than men.

Why is stretching needed for weight loss, how many calories are burned?

Having considered the concept of flexibility, we can answer the question of what stretching gives. Flexibility helps reduce the risk of injury by keeping the body in a state of balance.. During stretching, our muscles work in pairs to produce movement. One muscle contracts to move the joint, the other relaxes to stretch and perform the movement. If one of these muscles is tight, balance will be affected because the muscle that is contracting cannot do so fully and therefore becomes weaker.

Muscle imbalances lead to changes in posture. For athletes, flexibility is vital because... it significantly reduces the risk of injury. The benefits of stretching for the figure are no less important: Calories are burned during exercise which inevitably lead to getting beautiful shapes and losing weight.

To lose weight, you need to exercise regularly for 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. 1 hour is not too much intense workout it burns (assuming your weight is 60 kg) about 100 calories.

Benefits of stretching

Stretching has many benefits. The most obvious: training muscle flexibility. Flexibility helps prevent injuries such as hamstring strains and plantar fasciitis. Stretching has been used as a warm-up for many years.

In many cases of poor posture that develops over time, muscle imbalances are to blame. A good example is the contraction of the chest muscles in people who for a long time hunched over the computer. After a few workouts, athletes may be able to answer the question of what stretching is and why it can help improve posture.

Muscle tension is often associated with stress - we tend to strain them during negative emotions. This includes the muscles of the neck. Stretching relaxes these muscles and you at the same time!

What does stretching give after regular exercise:

  • Increased flexibility and range of motion.
  • Preventing injuries.
  • Preventing muscle pain.
  • Improved posture.
  • Improving athletic performance.
  • Stress relief.

How can you improve your flexibility?

The most commonly used method for increasing flexibility is flexibility exercises known as stretching. There are many different ways sprains, the most common ones are listed below:

Static stretching

The muscles are stretched to their maximum and held for 10 to 60 seconds. If the pressure eases a little, the body moves even further until you again feel that it has begun to receive stress from physical exercise. You should feel a gentle stretch, but not pain. These exercises can be performed with a partner.

Dynamic or active stretching

Movements or rotations of body parts with a gradual increase in speed. It can be swings, rolls, splits.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular stretch(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).If we talk about the description of stitching, then it is impossible not to mention this type of stretching. The "contraction and relaxation" method, as a result of which the opposite the muscle contracts first to stimulate complete relaxation and further stretching.

Lack of free time to visit gyms does not become an obstacle to a beautiful, toned body these days. Exists and continues to develop great amount sports techniques and programs for improving the muscles of the human body. Today we propose to consider a convenient and accessible view stretching exercises - stretching. Stretching at home is suitable for beginners.

It is characterized as a type of fitness aimed at stretching flexor muscles, ligaments, increasing flexibility, and improving joint mobility. Exercising at home stabilizes your emotional state, improving your mood and improving your sleep. This system training is ideal for those who want to purposefully model their figure step by step, filling the body with health and flexibility.

  • Solving problems associated with pain syndromes of the spine and muscles.
  • Improving the functioning of the body's circulatory system.
  • Normalization of hormonal surges in the female body.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Correction of the figure, getting rid of the orange peel effect of problem areas.

Stretching for beginners requires prior consultation with a physiotherapist to rule out any existing contraindications. No restrictions guaranteed healing effect training. An important component in achieving results is the beginner’s clothing.


The clothing must have the ability to stretch and high strength. Materials based on elastane, nylon, polyester, created in accordance with modern technologies. We choose leggings, breeches, moderately loose trousers, T-shirts, and T-shirts. The fabric should retain heat, but not “float”, absorb sweat and allow air to pass through. We choose shoes in the sports department “sneakers for fitness” and pay attention to the structure of the sole. It should bend well and not interfere with the necessary stretching exercises. It is preferable to choose shoes that are light and made from natural fabric. The best option– sneakers. Some classes, such as stretching yoga, are performed barefoot.

Basic knowledge

Homework involves learning lesson lessons in a sequential order. There are a variety of video lessons that help you quickly master a set of exercises.

The initial level of classes outlines the basic rules:

  • Maintaining static in stretching poses.
  • Avoiding sensations of sharp, tearing pain.
  • Mastering a set of exercises using the inductive method.
  • Systematic classes.

The beginning of any workout is. The essence of warm-up exercises lies in following the warm-up sequence, along the path of blood circulation in the vessels from the limbs to the torso. You can finish the warm-up by doing side bends for the oblique abdominal muscles. After kneading your body parts, master the main stage of the lesson. It is important to maintain smooth execution of all groups of exercises. There is no need to use force or strain unnecessary organs.


  • Static stretching is the first part of a stretching session. Stretching for beginners at home is contrasted with the exercises of professional athletes. This important condition observed in the selection of physical activity for classes. Of fundamental importance in stretching is the static nature of the exercises. You need to fix the body in a specific position for a while. The recommended dosage for beginners is 10 to 30 seconds. The effect of statics is gradual stretching. The load increases gradually, contributing to the development of muscle flexibility over a certain period of time. At the same time, do not forget about the evenness of breathing.
  • The second part of the workout involves passive stretching. It is done in pairs. Your friend gradually influences from the side, facilitating the execution of movements.
  • The third part of the exercises is characterized by a dynamic nature. Gradually increase the pace of movements, performing swings, fixing a break for 20 seconds of rest, practice holding certain positions without outside help, with just the tension of your own muscles. This active stretching maximizes muscle strength.
  • The fourth part is called “split”. It will not be possible to perform the exercise quickly, because the muscles gradually get used to the load. It is recommended to start with gentle bends towards the limbs.
    The end of each workout is stretching.

Detailed ones for beginners can be seen in the video lesson, where an experienced trainer also explains the rules for their use.

What do you need to know to avoid harming your health?

Often, training can be harmful to health in one way or another. Such unpleasant situations occur if certain nuances are not observed.

  • Static stretching is performed all the time while in a motionless state. This way only a certain muscle group is loaded. Dynamic stretching is characterized by sudden movements to increase the level of muscle extensibility. Many experts exclude dynamic manipulations for beginners in order to avoid ruptures of ligaments and tendons, this is especially important if stretching for beginners is performed at home, i.e. without an instructor.
  • Quick results. Exercise improves blood flow in the body, and a beginner may experience improved well-being and muscle flexibility. The impression is a little misleading to rush. Training with this type of stretching eliminates haste. If you follow the technique and practice regularly, you will be able to fully perform the splits after a few months.
  • Stretching requires preliminary warming up of the muscles. Some people neglect this rule, violating their integrity.
  • Typically, stretching workouts at home are performed at the appropriate time. free time. Of course, you can stretch at any time of the day. But opinions qualified specialists contradict our habits and indicate that the greatest effect of exercise on flexibility is in the evening. This pattern is due to the physiological peculiarity of the body’s natural readiness to sleep in the evening. And stretching will enhance this effect, providing good rest body during sleep.
  • An important skill for a beginner in stretching is recognizing the type of pain. Pain with a feeling of muscle tension will be considered correct. In other words, the pain should increase gradually, just like the exercises of this technique. If sharp or acute pain occurs, you should stop doing the exercise. You need to learn to combine physical exercise with mental activity, because each exercise requires the contraction of a specific muscle group. And if we feel tension in other muscles, then we must understand that we are doing something wrong. It is necessary to comprehend your actions and perform them again in the right sequence.

Impact and effects of stretching

Observations have shown the positive impact of stretching on a person. The physiological side of exercise has a beneficial effect on muscles and tendons. A photo of a person taken before training and several months later shows that the figure is corrected, extra centimeters are removed from all parts of the body, the skin is transformed, i.e. getting younger. A small series of completed exercises already stabilizes blood circulation. The body consumes the necessary substances, strengthening the immune system. Representatives of the fair sex find in stretching a decisive and effective method maintaining a slim body. The forums of popular review sites are filled with many comments from women who have received good results classes. Many people describe the newfound flexibility and plasticity that traditional diets did not guarantee. The effect will interest every girl, woman who dreams of thin waist. This is one of safe ways removing excess fat from the body.

You should not count on instant results. The essence of stretching is its gentle and healthy effect on the body without stressful interventions. Usually the techniques sudden weight loss caused by volume loads, which is fraught with human health. Constantly improve your body, maintain its tone. Don't skip workouts if you notice weight loss. The life goal of “always be in shape” directs you to perform complex training regularly. And stretching is gaining popularity at a tremendous pace. He is famous all over the world among people different professions. It is practiced by women, ranging from housewives to... Hollywood stars. People train depending on their capabilities, both in fitness rooms and at home. But they are united by a common desire to achieve harmony of soul and body, as well as longevity and endurance.

Origin of the term " stretching"has English roots. We are talking about a special type of aerobics exercise, where all attention is focused on elasticity and flexibility of the body, muscle stretching. This type of exercise is suitable for people of any age and does not depend on the degree preliminary preparation person. Classes can be completely independent, or they can be an additional load to the main system of aerobics or fitness exercises.

Regardless of age or body flexibility, these exercises are suitable for everyone. Optimal results are achieved only if you perform them daily.

First of all, you need to understand what you want to get from these classes:

  • Stimulate blood circulation, lymph circulation;
  • relieve pain caused by tension nervous system and stress;
  • slow down the aging of the body;
  • maintain the elasticity of the body's muscle mass;
  • reduce mental stress.

It's worth understanding what it is this type aerobics, what are its benefits, why do they do stretching, what results can a person expect if they do the exercises regularly.

From everything written above, it becomes clear that stretching is a complex for stretching and flexibility of the body. Training can be spontaneous, as a separate full-fledged complex, and additional, as an addition to developed exercises. Relatively speaking, each of us who has tried to do the splits at least once has done stretching. Important element This type of exercise is stretching the leg muscles.

In addition to the fact that this type of aerobics helps to train the muscles of the back, arms, neck, and overall upper body. Regular stretching helps the joints and muscles of the body not lose mobility, and, importantly, slows down their aging processes.

Stretching classes are included in the training complex for professional athletes and are used as independent species therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics. This type of discipline makes it possible to alternately relax and tense muscle tissue, and this helps the rapid processes of relieving tension in the body and restores lost strength, helps to relax and tone the body.

Another important fact is that this type of aerobics provides all women with the opportunity to be slim and beautiful. With regular exercise in gym, at some point, you will notice that all the excess body fat is almost gone and the size of your muscle mass has increased. The prominence of the muscles creates the visual impression that the body has become larger. An additional benefit of stretching is that the muscles do not grow in width, despite their regular stretching. The result of constant exercise is a magnificent figure - a beautiful body, charming curves, an ideal waist.

Benefits of exercise

A set of flexibility and stretching training will give a person:

  • improvement of self-esteem, great mood, a feeling of comfort and inner satisfaction;
  • will help eliminate pain and tension at different points by eliminating muscle and nerve blocks;
  • activates the cardiovascular system. The work of peripheral veins and arteries is important, since this is what helps eliminate long-standing ailments and prevent problems such as thrombosis, atherosclerosis, etc.;
  • will restore natural flexibility to the body and help rejuvenate the body;
  • slimness will always be majestic and straight;
  • classes help to work out all muscle groups, including those that are not used during visits to the gym.

Stretching classes will be appropriate at any time of the day, including between strength training. After just one month, a person notices the manifestation of the hidden capabilities of his own body. For example, you can easily and simply sit in the lotus position, or put your head on your lap. There are no limits to improving your capabilities, so with the passage of time and regular exercise, the amazing secrets of yoga can become available to you.

Nuances and specifics

There are several types of stretching, so it’s easy to choose the one that’s right for you, depending on your preferences and complexity.

Strength gymnastics– exercises for stretching and muscle strength. Such classes are perfect for those who have dealt with systematic stretching.

Aerostretching– stretching and elasticity exercises based on canvases in the air. The exercises are not suitable for beginners as there is a high risk of damage and injury. This type of stretching is suitable for those who already have basic training after exercise. classic look aerobics

Beginners should be careful and work gradually. It is unacceptable to demand maximum results from the body in a short period of time, since heavy loads can greatly harm the muscles of the body. Beginners, as a rule, begin their work with simple exercises, holding each of them for no more than 15-20 seconds.

Basic rules for beginners:

  • Proper breathing. You cannot hold or speed up your inhalations or exhalations. Throughout the entire complex you need to breathe rhythmically and measuredly. You can breathe deeply during the break between stands;
  • stretching workouts are practiced after aerobics, gymnastics, physical activity. This is what ensures the required blood flow to muscle mass and increases their elasticity;
  • after exercise you need to relax your muscles, do not touch hard work, exclude strength exercises, since you can overstrain the body;
  • Stretching of the body occurs to a certain point - pain impulses are an indicator of a sufficient degree of load. The appearance of pain indicates that a person has reached his maximum limit of muscle stretching.

Minor pain should not be scary. There is a concept of “pleasant” pain impulses in the muscles, and “dangerous” symptoms that indicate the risk of injury or its presence. A person quickly learns to distinguish one from another after he begins training.

Set of exercises

Training sessions are carried out in several stages:

  1. A mandatory phase is strength manipulation or warm-up: in this way, a person warms up his muscles to avoid damage.
  2. A system of exercises for body flexibility - bending, etc.
  3. A set of stretching exercises that are best done with a partner.
  4. Exercises to relax muscles.

The effectiveness of the exercises becomes obvious after several workouts. Each time the body acquires a greater degree of plasticity. Over time, the complex can be expanded, ballet stretching exercises can be introduced - this will make it possible to achieve more significant progress. Classes can be conducted with music. Musical accompaniment is an individual choice of a person. Anything goes: light pop, relaxing ambient, jazz, etc. Now there are a number of web sites where all kinds of tunes for fitness, gymnastics, and aerobics are posted.

Simple exercises for flexibility and stretching of the body:

The main thing is to alternately relax and statically tense the stretched muscles of the body. At the very beginning of the course, it is preferable to work with an experienced trainer in the field of stretching aerobics.


It is not recommended to engage in training for people who have injuries, pathological problems with the spine or joints, especially during periods of exacerbation. Also, those who have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis, hernias, arthritis, osteoporosis should not do the exercises. You cannot train with a fever, flu, symptoms of any inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.

The right start to any workout is stretching. The effectiveness of the lesson will depend on how high-quality the “warming up” of the muscles is, and will also reduce the risk of injury during classes. IN Lately For the sake of a good workout of muscles and ligaments, many people practice stretching with Ekaterina Firsova. For those who don’t know, it’s a separate fitness area that provides full stretching and can be used as an independent workout or preparation for more serious exercises. This direction has become increasingly popular lately, so today we will talk about it. And in this article you will find not only answers to all your questions, but also video lessons (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for beginners and those who purposefully want to do the splits.

Today, a workout called stretching (from the English “stretch” - stretch, pull) is very popular because it is great for beginners and is an effective stimulator for the development of the body’s physical capabilities. A set of exercises from Ekaterina Firsova is specially designed for those who want to painlessly stretch their muscles, as well as do the splits after just a few classes and gain incredible flexibility.

Ekaterina Firsova, who conducts video lessons with the basics of a stretching course, is a professional trainer. For many years she has been successfully developing in this area of ​​fitness and teaching lessons to people of different age groups and with varying levels of physical fitness.

Lessons with Firsova are in particular demand because all of her classes are exciting and intense workouts that demonstrate excellent results and help without pain or risk of injury. To date, there are already more than 30 video lessons in which Ekaterina Firsova offers a whole range of stretching exercises to strengthen and improve the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

However, this is not the only benefit of gymnastics with Firsova. Considering the basic idea of ​​the direction, we can highlight several main advantages that helped it become so popular. This:

  • Deep muscle training and stretching.
  • Lack of necessary sports skills.
  • Favorable effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body.
  • Approved for use during recovery from injuries.
  • Helps you lose weight and regain your original shape.
  • Develops flexibility, agility, plasticity, grace and endurance.
  • Allows you to do the splits after just a few months of regular training (provided correct execution exercises).
  • Ideal for relaxation and rest after a busy day of work.
  • Suitable for use at home.

As you can see, stretching with Firsova is a comprehensive workout, useful for several reasons. The entire course of classes is a step-by-step improvement of the physical abilities of the body, which will help not only become more familiar with fitness, but also achieve the results that every woman dreams of in a short period of time. In just 20-40 minutes a day, provided you exercise regularly, you will be able to notice the first changes in your body, namely, grace and incredible plasticity.

Step-by-step introduction to gymnastics

As previously mentioned, the course of classes with Firsova consists of more than 30 video lessons. The first lessons are preparation for beginners.

1 lesson

Lesson 1 is an introduction to the course, allowing you to prepare your body for subsequent workouts. Stretching for splits (or for beginners) is ideal for people without specific sports skills, as well as for those who have previously practiced stretching (or another type of sport). It is advisable to practice following the suggested video of the first lesson with Ekaterina Firsova until you feel sufficient muscle stretching. Once you get used to the load, you can start practicing lesson 2.

Lesson 2

The second lesson is an hour-long stretching workout. During lesson 2, professional instructor Ekaterina Firsova explains in detail and shows how you can develop plasticity and flexibility of the body. Special attention When performing exercises, lesson 2 from Firsova’s course is devoted to thoroughly working out all muscles. Therefore, during training, you should listen to your body and stop if painful sensations arise.

In the absence of contraindications, the lesson presented in video 2 can be practiced as an exercise therapy complex for patients during the recovery period after injuries. In addition, exercises from this complex are suitable for those who want to lose weight and those who want to relax after work.

Lesson 3

Lesson 3 with a motivating title “With Firsova you will do the splits!” and almost an hour long demonstrates a set of stretching exercises specifically for the splits. As you can see in the video, the trainer describes each exercise in detail and corrects the actions of his students, which will be very helpful for those practicing stretching at home. useful recommendation. The fifth lesson with Ekaterina Firsova will introduce a set of exercises for beginners who want to do the splits, the video of which is given below.

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 is stretching. This lesson, like the previous 3 and the next 5, is aimed at stretching the muscles and ligaments to prepare them for the splits. However, during lesson 4, attention is focused on the development of the muscle atlas of the back, as well as the back of the thighs. This comprehensive workout also lasts about 1 hour, after which you will be able to painlessly perform a fold on the longitudinal twine, as well as stretch - in.

Lesson 4 of stretching with Firsova is not particularly difficult to perform the exercises, however, if physical form does not allow the athlete to thoroughly work out the complex, it will be possible to use additional equipment (belt, “brick”, mats). As in previous cases, Ekaterina teaches lesson 4 with her students, using their example to show how to correctly reproduce the exercises.

Lesson 5

Lesson 5 – will help beginners do the splits. Lesson 5 of stretching from Ekaterina Firsova is the same stretching exercises that provide intense warming up of muscles and ligaments.

However, this training differs from lesson 4 in the comprehensive study of the entire muscle atlas of the body. By warming up well during lesson 5, you can take one more step closer to your cherished dream.

As you can see, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of stretching, because it is the key to the effectiveness of training. Professional warming up of muscles and ligaments ensures that there are no future “surprises” during sports in the form of injuries or sprains.