Competitions and games for a child’s birthday. Children's game Bread

Exciting, fun, funny competitions and games are a must at a modern celebration for children. The guys should have fun, take part in various active competitions, for which they will receive memorable prizes and gifts. Many parents invite his comrades and classmates to the birthday boy and want the celebration to be bright and colorful, joyful and exciting. To help moms and dads, we offer various competitions and games for kids different ages, as well as recommendations on how to prepare birthday contests for children different interests and temperaments.

The content of the article:

How to prepare competitions for children's name days?

It is imperative to take care of decorations for a festive event. The room can be decorated:

  • multi-colored balloons;
  • paper garlands;
  • flags;
  • posters;
  • photographs of the child;
  • pictures.

The panoramic wall can be decorated with a congratulatory poster, to which is attached, indicating how old the child is. It can be done with my own hands made of thick paper, painted with paints, decorated with rain, garlands, pompoms, sparkles.

Be sure to prepare pieces of paper on which the names of all those invited will be written. For awards, be sure to stock up on prizes, souvenirs, sweets and fruits. It can also be keychains and badges, felt-tip pens, pens, calendars, school supplies, lollipops, sketchbooks, notepads.

The festive event should begin with simple, uncomplicated warm-up games. Before the holiday, you can write a rough plan for the birthday party.

All competitions for a child's birthday should be different so that no one gets bored. Games can be active and musical, for intelligence, ingenuity, in the form of quizzes and puzzles, competitions. It is important that none of those invited to the celebration feel out of place.

Friends are invited to play the role of presenter. It can also be performed by parents, older brothers or sisters, and friends. All competitions should be exciting so that guests do not get bored. Be sure to prepare funny stories, charades, anecdotes, jokes and poems that can be used to entertain guests during breaks between competitions.

Birthday contests for preschool children

We offer games designed for children from 3 to 6 years old. They are not only funny and exciting, but also entertaining, educational, and intricate.

Children are waiting for the holiday, for them it is a real miracle and magic, where, after blowing out the candles, they can make a cherished wish. Competitions will help to interest the children, for which they will receive sweets and gifts.

Find the treasure

Guests who came to the celebration should be divided into several teams. Tasks are laid out in advance. The kids must complete them in order to get to the treasures. Each note should indicate where to look for the next task.


Incredible funny competition. The main goal of the relay race is to reach the finish line slowest. On command, all children walk very slowly to the indicated place. The loser is the one who gets there the fastest. Whoever stops no longer takes part in the game. The winner receives a prize, and all participants receive souvenirs and sweets.

Blind rain of candy

Several children are invited to play and they are blindfolded. You need to scatter sweets on the floor. The child who collects the most candies is considered the winner. Make sure that children do not cheat or peek.


You can come up with several funny competitions with this props:

  • Participants must be divided into 3 groups. Each player presses between his legs inflated balloon, with it he must reach the finish line, passing the ball to the next participant. The team that can complete the task first will win. Incentive prizes are welcome.
  • Competition for the drawing depicted on the ball. Children are given markers and inflatable balloons. On it, the child draws a friend’s face or another image. You can play alone or in a team.
  • Guests must inflate balloons at speed: whoever inflates it the fastest is the winner.

The most accurate

Everyone lines up in a row, opposite each child is an adult holding a bucket in his hands. Each child is given a ball. Participants have 3 attempts to throw. Whoever has the most accurate hits will receive a prize.

Candy soup

Observant parrot

Children taking part in the competition must repeat all the words after the leader. The exception is the word “parrot”. Music is playing and they are called different words, including regularly pronouncing "parrot". The one who repeats the word is eliminated. The presenter must be cunning and speak faster after each dropout, confusing the children. The winner is the last remaining participant.


According to the terms of the competition, the presenter must pronounce the color and play any melody for 10 seconds. During this time, children must find some object of this shade in the room and touch it with their hand. The participant who could not find suitable color, is eliminated from the game. Then another color is pronounced and so on until only one participant remains - the winner.

Name day entertainment for children from 6 to 10 years old

Who eats faster

For entertainment you need 2 plates. In each you need to put:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • peeled nuts;
  • sweets without wrapper;
  • marmalade;
  • fruits.

2 people take part. The host gives the command, the players must eat everything on the plate. Important condition– do not use your hands. Whoever eats everything the fastest will be the winner. The game provides an opportunity to develop reaction and speed.

Let's wind it up faster

2 children take part in the competition. The players must stand opposite each other. The presenter prepares a long thread in advance; you can also use a cord. Its length should be 5-6 meters. We tie a knot in the center of the thread. Each participant is given the end of a thread, which he will wind on a reel. The one who can reach the middle faster than the opponent will win. The loser is also given a souvenir.


The host can be chosen from among the guests. All participants turn away for 30-40 seconds. The presenter must attach clothespins everywhere: he can attach them to toys, clothes, curtains, blankets, bedspreads. On command, the guys must turn around and collect clothespins. The one with the most clothespins wins. The winner can become the new presenter.

Fighting in the air

For the game you need to prepare inflated balloons. Players must be divided into 2 teams, standing opposite each other. The guys' task is to throw their balls to the side of the other competing team while the melody is playing. Players must fight off the attack. The music ends, the kids freeze. The group of children with the fewest balloons on their side wins.

Chain of words

The leader, having gathered the children around him, must say any word, for example, chair. Children, divided into teams, take a piece of paper. The first participant needs to write a word on a piece of paper, and the other players will form a word chain. The paper must be passed one by one. Next word will begin with the last letter of the previous word. Let's say a chair - a gourmet - an orange - a mood - a raccoon - a plate - an alligator - a curtsey - a baby elephant. The team that can come up with as many words as possible will win.

Passing the orange

Children need to split into 2 teams that stand in a line. All players must pass an apple or an orange to each other. The essence of the game is that they do it not with their hands, but with the help of their chin. If the orange is dropped, the relay race must start from the very beginning. The winner is the team that managed to pass the fruit from the first to the last player.

The cat who hid in a bag

You need to put various items, toys, and sweets in the bag. The guys must choose a leader who will hold the bag. Players must recognize the object by touch and then pull it out. The winner is the one who can guess as many items as possible.


Objects are laid out in front of the children. These can include clothes, toys, various dishes, as well as fruits and vegetables. Participants in the competition must be able to pick up as many things as possible and try to hold them without dropping them. The prize is awarded to the participant who completed the task best.

Collecting the scarecrow

Children should split into two teams. Different clothes are laid out in front of each of them. These can be hats and scarves, sweaters, trousers, shirts, dresses, shorts. The team's task is to dress up the funniest and funniest scarecrow. The team with the most original scarecrow will win.


The competition is held for the most fashionable girls. You need to prepare for it in advance. Hats, scarves, scarves, skirts, glasses, and jewelry are laid out in front of the girls. Every girl should decorate herself. And the boys who will sit on the jury must choose the most attractive fashionista and give her a prize.

Funny competitions

Everyone who wants to take part in the competition has a ball tied to their leg. Participants must burst their friend's balloon while dancing to the music, and the opponent must try to prevent the competitor from doing this. The one who managed to keep his ball intact is the winner. He will receive a valuable prize.

Taste qualities

The presenter places pieces of various vegetables and fruits on the dish. The blindfolded participant must try the pieces and guess what he ate.

Dance with an apple

The presenter selects two contestants. Children must squeeze an apple between their bodies. Anyone can try dancing with an apple. The competition lifts the spirits and amuses the guests.

funny orange

In the room, you need to place 2 plates in one corner with 10 fruits, and empty plates are placed on the opposite side. Participants in the race must transfer fruit from one plate to another, not with their hands, but with their chins. The team that completes the task faster will receive a reward.


This is a fun competition that all kids will enjoy. To play a game for 2-4 people you will need equipment. The situation is described to the children, and they must show it without words. The rest of the guests must guess what the child is showing.

Children's birthday contests for teenagers

It’s not easy for teenagers to find entertainment that will keep them interested and captivated. Fun should be funny, cheerful, entertaining - so that the children do not try to quickly leave the holiday, which has become boring, or do not bury themselves in their smartphones.

Birds at the market

This is an Italian competition. The game can involve from 6 to 8 participants.

One participant plays the role of the seller, the other must cope with the role of the buyer. The rest of the children squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. They will play chickens.

A buyer comes to the market and asks: “Do you sell chickens?” The seller replies: “I’m selling.” Buyer: “Can I look at them?” Seller: “I allow it.”

The buyer begins to walk behind the chickens, talking dissatisfiedly: “This one is thin, and this one is plump, this one is not young, but this one is dry, this one is too wiry and frail.” Then he grumbles dissatisfiedly and chooses chicken. The seller and the buyer lift the purchase, swing it and say: “You are beautiful, don’t unclasp your hands and don’t smile.” If a participant starts laughing or smiling, he is eliminated.

Putting shots

This is an exciting competition for teenage children. Place balloons on the edge of the table. The person driving must be blindfolded and placed with his back to balloons which lie on the table. The player must take five steps forward, and then turn around 3 times in one place. Then he turns around and tries to deflate the balloon. Quite often, guys lose the right direction and try to blow away the balloons from where they weren’t even there. It's funny and funny.

Goose made of gold

The presenter can remind the children old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and a magical golden goose led the procession. All players must stand in a circle, each can name one of the body parts. On the count of three, you need to stick to your neighbor with exactly the part that was named by the player. It is important to walk confidently and not fall. In this unusual form, children must loudly shout “Congratulations!” three times.

Dancing with obstacles

The competition consists of several stages:

  1. You will need to stock up on ropes. One must be pulled at a height of 1 meter, the second 50 centimeters from the floor. If there is nowhere to tie the ropes, the guys can hold it. The music turns on, we step over the bottom rope, and climb under the top rope.
  2. The two participants taking part in the game are blindfolded. They must overcome obstacles to Latin melodies. The ropes are carefully removed, and the guys watch how the dancers try to carefully squat and step over.

Still artist

The presenter invites 2 people who can boast of artistic talent to participate in the game. Guests are given a felt-tip pen. The presenter says that there will be no need to draw today, because he has a magical gift and will bewitch the participants. Children should imagine an invisible easel in front of them and stand in front of it with a felt-tip pen.

Two more children are invited to take part in the game. They are given a sheet from the album, which is recommended to be attached to a solid base. The point of the competition is that the artists do not move, and the players with paper move the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to depict a drawing. The one whose drawing is more original wins.

Mimicry or pantomime

To conduct the competition you will need to prepare cards. You need to write a word on them. This is an object that participants in the game will have to portray using pantomime. Those invited will have to guess what is being shown to them. If no one could guess within 2-3 minutes, the participant loses and completes a penalty task. He can crow, meow, grunt, and giggle.

It is important that the entertainment that will be on children's day births were not boring, ordinary or commonplace. In many ways, the holiday will depend on the host, his talent and ability to attract attention, interest and organize guests. Games should not be the same type. The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun. Don't forget that competitions must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

By preparing in advance, you can be sure that your child’s birthday will be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere with exciting competitions and prizes.

The older the child gets, the more parents rack their brains about what to give their child for his birthday, how to celebrate this holiday, what program and where to hold it.

Every adult wants to please children, do something unusual, surprise them with something. Turning seven years old... What demands do modern children make to their parents at this age? What does a real holiday mean to them?

If you are soon going to celebrate a birthday at home with a lot of guests, our tips and ideas are for you.


Before you start selecting games and competitions for 7-year-old children for their birthday at home, decide what the repertoire will be: aimed in one key (only competitions, only experiments, etc.), or containing a variety of items (competitions interspersed with games, experiments, practical jokes, etc.).

We offer you some numbers that your seven-year-olds will surely enjoy.

Experiments for children's birthdays

For older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren will please you and will be remembered for a long time interesting experiments. Here are some of them.

Letter for the birthday boy

Prepare your letter in advance as follows. Dip a cotton swab in milk and write a message for the hero of the occasion on a white sheet of paper. Dry the letter. Show the children White list and tell him that the birthday boy needs to read this. Let the guys themselves come up with ideas on how to develop the text. Then take a burning candle and move the flame across the paper in sliding movements in the place where the message is written. The letters will gradually appear and children will be able to read the text.

Inflatable bottle

Place in a half liter plastic bottle 2 tablespoons baking soda. Take a balloon and vinegar. Pour 50-100 ml of vinegar into the bottle and quickly place a ball on the neck. Hold the balloon at the base and shake the bottle - the interaction of soda and vinegar will gradually inflate it.


Make a hollow “volcano” from plasticine. Place inside a narrow-necked bottle with soda and a piece of orange paint (gouache, food grade, etc.). Press the hole on top of the “volcano” to the opening of the container so that the emerging “lava” flows out. Pour vinegar into the top hole (in the bottle) and wait for the “eruption” to begin.

Birthday pranks for children

The point of pranks is to amuse the audience. Children love to laugh! For pranks, choose non-offensive children who understand humor.


A volunteer is called and given the task of throwing off, with the help of facial expressions, without moving his head or using his hands, two matches stuck on his forehead. In fact, one match is attached, and the second is quietly removed, about which the audience should be warned in advance. The first match falls, the player is asked to more actively use facial expressions in order to throw off the second one, supposedly hanging on his forehead. At this time, the audience plays along: they suggest which face is best to make so that the match falls away. Then the player is offered a mirror to make it easier to remove the match. He looks at himself and realizes that he has been played.


The raffle requires two volunteers. Children sit opposite each other at the table. A ball is placed in the middle and the task is explained: players must, blindfolded, blow the ball to the opponent’s side. The children are blindfolded and the ball is silently removed, and a plate of flour is placed in its place. At “one, two, three” the players begin to blow with all their might. Spectators cheer on their friends and root for the players. When their eyes are untied to show who won, they see that everything around them is white! (Confetti can be substituted for flour.)

Birthday tricks for children

You can show magic tricks to children and teach them how to do the same at the same time. This will be a fun time for a noisy group.

Orange or apple?

Carefully remove the peel from the orange so that it can be placed on the table and looks like a whole orange. Then take a smaller apple and hide it in the peel. Show the children a supposedly whole orange, cover it with a “magic” scarf, then remove the scarf, discreetly removing the peel of the orange, and show the surprised spectators that your orange has turned into an apple.

Empty vase

The magician must have long sleeves; hide a rubber bulb with water in one of the sleeves. Show the children an empty vase and let them see that there is no water in it. Then the magician puts his hand into the vase, pressing the pear with water against the wall, and to the surprise of everyone, splashes out the water.

Games for children for their 7th birthday

Games for seven-year-old children can be organized as active or logical. You can print out various puzzles, crosswords, scanwords and distribute them to the children. So, examples of games for 7-year-old children for their birthday at home.


Parents should prepare cards in advance with animals, birds, etc. written on them that need to be depicted. During the game, one person comes out, draws a card, reads it (possibly with the help of an adult), and imitates the word written on it. The audience must guess what was written on the card. The one who guesses the word changes with the leader.


All children sit with their palms folded. The presenter with a ring in his folded hands approaches everyone, as if placing a ring in each person’s closed palms. In fact, he quietly puts a ring on someone and says: “Ring, ring, come out onto the porch!” Those sitting nearby (to the left and right of this player) must orient themselves in time and detain him. If the child managed to jump up, he becomes the leader.

Who is he?

Among the players, they think of one person and tell the presenter about him. Then the presenter comes out and is blindfolded. When he comes in, all the players have already mixed up. The presenter must guess the hidden person by hand or head.

Holding children's birthday competitions for 7 years at home is the simplest and most interesting thing for children, because not only the birthday boy, but also the guests receive gifts.

It is better to choose prizes a few weeks before your birthday. For example, when you go to supermarkets, shopping centers, on sales. So that you don’t have to rush to buy “what was in the store” just before your birthday and spend a lot of money. So, what competitions for a 7-year-old child’s birthday can you organize at home on your own?


Find several pictures, for example, of famous cartoon characters, animals or other objects. It would be good if all the drawings were from the “same opera” to make it easier for children to guess. Cover the picture with a thick sheet of cardboard or a book and slowly begin to open it in small parts. Whoever guesses first what is shown in the picture wins a prize.


Tie two threads of the same length, one side to two toy cars, the other to pencils. On the count of “one, two, three,” players must wind the thread around the pencil as quickly as possible. The winner gets a prize.


Make a selection of children's riddles. Mark the names of those who guessed correctly on the list. The one who guessed the most riddles receives a prize.


Take a few packs paper clips, place them in a pile in front of the children. At the leader’s command, everyone begins to build a chain. After a few minutes, the presenter shouts: “Stop” and the winner is determined - the one whose chain is the longest.

"Magic Words"

You must be prepared for the fact that among your birthday boy’s friends there will be children with different characters. Someone may try to disrupt your program, someone will make noise and play around, and someone will be offended for no reason. During the holiday there is no time to teach and instruct children. Therefore, you need to stock up on some " magic words”, so as not to waste a lot of time on bullies.

When you feel that the situation is getting out of control, interrupt the program and encourage everyone to listen carefully to you. When the children are silent, explain your rules to them in a convincing tone. It will all depend on what is going on, what the problem is and which child is causing it.

Strictly say that it starts to take effect at the holiday new law: “Whoever behaves in such and such manner receives a penalty point. For three penalty points, a person leaves the game (goes to play in another room, etc.), and if illegal actions continue, the leader calls the parents, and the offender is taken home.”

At the age of seven, children already perfectly understand cause-and-effect relationships, so your stern tone and the bleak prospect of being left without a holiday will certainly “bring them to their senses.”

Important little things

When preparing a celebration for a child, pay attention to some nuances that play an important role in the child’s perception of the holiday.

  • Take care not only of decorating the room for the holiday, but also of the original table setting. For seven-year-old children, the taste of the dishes on the table is not as important as their appearance.
  • A lot of little things are now on sale for setting the table and decorating the room in a festive style, and this will make your birthday bright and unusual.
  • Find a disc or Internet radio with children's songs that will be played both during the feast and at competitions.
  • Have someone take pictures and video of the entire event to capture the fun.

And if you are still not ready to take on the entertainment for the guests, then professional hosts for the holiday will come to your aid. But keep in mind that with some companies that provide staff for children's birthday parties, you need to make arrangements several weeks in advance.

Birthday contests for children

A child's birthday should be fun and positive, for this you need to prepare for it; contests and competitions will be excellent entertainment at the holiday.

Competitions for children's parties

Birthdays happen only once a year and this holiday should definitely be remembered by the birthday person. Festive decoration hall, invited guests, refreshments have great importance, but the whole atmosphere of the event depends on the chosen competitive program. Prepare interesting and fun competitions for children should be done in advance so that the celebration takes place at the highest level.


  1. The conditions for entertainment should be simple and understandable to the birthday boy and his guests.
  2. If the birthday is held in the style of a pirate party, then competitions are about Winnie the Pooh will be inappropriate - choose fun that matches the theme of the holiday.
  3. Competitions should be varied and replace each other as soon as at least one participant gets bored.
    The main requirement for holiday fun is that there should be enough attention for absolutely everyone!

The older a child gets, the more difficult it is to surprise him with something. This also applies holiday program for a birthday. A nine-year-old child will not be happy with activities for children; entertainment must be carefully thought out and appropriate for the age category.

Criteria for selecting competitions

For children's audiences, it doesn't matter how much time it took preliminary preparation. The main thing is that the game should not be boring. Competition program should be compiled taking into account several factors:

  • temperament of children's company;
  • age of invited guests;
  • room area;
  • complexity of the props;
  • safety for children's health.

The age of the children invited to the holiday depends on how physically and mentally developed they are. This criterion determines which competitions will be appropriate at the holiday. There are games that will be incomprehensible to very young children or uninteresting to older children.
Birthday in ordinary apartment slightly limits the possibilities due to the small area of ​​the room. If possible, allocate the most spacious room for games for one evening, remove chairs, armchairs, and small interior details to another room.
For competitions, you should not choose too complex decorations and props. For a friendly group, you can pick up holiday accessories in any store or make them yourself from improvised materials. You don't have to buy something expensive the main objective props - to complement the festive atmosphere, and not to become the “star” of the evening.
All entertainment should be as safe as possible and not harm the health of the birthday boy and his guests. It is worth refusing to use low-quality pyrotechnics and dangerous chemicals if you do not have the ability to handle them.

Types of competitions

An entertainment program cannot take place on the same emotional level, therefore, in order for the holiday to be a success, competitions should be divided into conditional categories.

  1. Active competitions.
    These include relay races, catch-up races, speed and agility competitions. This category of entertainment is offered to guests at the very beginning of the holiday, when everyone wants to have fun and move. In a large room there will be no problems with the choice of outdoor activities, but in conditions small room you'll have to think about your options. A game of children's bowling or ring throwing would be appropriate here.
    Team games must make up at least 50% of the entire holiday so that all children can take part in the fun. This great opportunity to unite the children's team and immerse them in gaming reality.
  2. Musical and dance.
    A competition for the best karaoke song or a dance competition will entertain the birthday boy and guests. Children will be pleased to feel like a pop or dance floor star. The participation of adults is required, who will suggest the words to funny songs.
  3. Joke and association competitions.
    Question and answer games, riddles, interactive games - quiet entertainment will bring no less pleasure than active ones. The guys will be able to show off their knowledge and win in team competitions, thanks to ingenuity and ingenuity.
  4. Creative competitions.
    You will rarely meet a child who does not like to draw or make crafts from plasticine. Not a single child invited to the holiday will refuse to participate in the competition for the best drawing or origami.

Prizes for competitions

Prizes for competitions require special attention. On children's party no one should be left without a gift, even a symbolic one. Candies, small figurines of cartoon characters, medals and certificates - for a child it does not matter what exactly his small victory will be marked with. Encouragement makes participating in competitions even more fun. In children, immediate excitement awakens, they want to show themselves with the best side and take part in all games.
The main thing is that there are enough incentive prizes for everyone, then great mood will remain until the end of the holiday event.

Especially in childhood A birthday is perceived as the most significant and magical day of the year, when all the attention and gifts go to the child. Perhaps, immediately after the end of one birthday, the child begins to dream about what gifts they will give him on his birthday. next year and what will please his loved ones - in anticipation of this have a wonderful day the child lives day by day. Therefore, it is advisable that parents pay attention in advance to organizing their child’s birthday. Of course, on the eve of the holiday, you have to solve a lot of issues: make a list of guests, choose a place for the holiday and, of course, draw up a program for the event. Any birthday cannot be imagined without a festive table and a beautiful cake, and it is also difficult to call a festive program fun if it does not include exciting competitions and games.

To make it easier for parents to arrange a fabulous day for their treasure, we offer the most interesting ones. And perhaps you will take note of some of the ones listed for organizing a holiday for adults.

Exciting competitions for a child's birthday.

In the birthday program, it is better to plan more diverse competitions and hold one or another game during the event. There is no need to involve all the children present in each competition; it will be much more interesting if the participants change, and the other part of the children are fans. By the way, if you plan to award small prizes to the winners of competitions, then be sure to prepare small gifts for competitions for a child's birthday and for the losing participants, because there should be no offended guests at the holiday.

It is better to arrange plates and cards with the names of the guests for both the winner and the loser, place small sweets on a plate, as a result, by the end of the competition, everyone will have several treats on their plate and you can safely move on to the sweet table. So, here's what competitions for children's birthdays can be done:

Competition for a child's birthday: a mysterious package.

In general, this game should start competitions for children's birthdays, since during this game all guests can get to know each other and learn a lot of interesting things about everyone. First, without saying anything about the terms of the competition, a roll of color is passed around toilet paper and everyone’s task is to tear off more pieces from this roll. When the circular procession of the roll is completed (by this time the participants should have a stack of scraps of paper), the conditions of the competition are announced - each guest tells Interesting Facts about himself, while the number of facts corresponds to the number of pieces of paper this participant has. You can start with the name, age, favorite activities, and even with a story about funny life events that happened to the participant.

Competition for a child's birthday: discoverers of planets.

At the beginning of this competition, tell the children briefly about our universe, in which there are many planets and only on earth there is life and people live, then invite the children to populate other planets with inhabitants. To do this, distribute a balloon to each participant ( large sizes, with a total circumference of 50 cm) and felt-tip pens. The goal is to quickly inflate balloon and using a felt-tip pen, paint the surface of the ball with little people, populating a new planet. Whoever completes the task the fastest and who has the most inhabitants on the “new planet” is the winner.

Competition for a child's birthday: an apple in the air.

All guests, children and adults, can participate in this competition. Several apples are hung on a strong thread, tied by the handle, and participants with clasped hands behind their backs try to bite off a piece of the apple. After 3 minutes, the competition is stopped and the one with the most apples eaten wins. It should be noted that such competitions for children's birthdays cause a lot of laughter from both participants and observers.

Competition for a child's birthday: winders.

Two or three pairs of participants are called and given a long rope with pencils tied at the edges and a bright winding in the center. Two opponents stand opposite each other, stretch the rope to the limit and, at a signal, begin to wind the rope around a pencil from their edge. Whoever winds his part of the rope to the center faster is the winner.

Competition for a child's birthday: harvesting.

Two teams of several participants are selected and a chair with oranges is placed in front of each group. The players’ task is to take turns, without using their hands, to transfer the oranges to a bowl of their color standing at the other end of the room. The team with the most oranges in its bowl wins.

Contest for a child's birthday: guess who?

Three groups of participants are selected, several people in each, the first group is given a sheet of blank paper, on which they draw the head of a living creature, bird, animal or human and bend the sheet so that only the lower part of the neck remains visible. In this form, the sheet is transferred to the second team, which must complete the drawing top part torso. At the same time, the participants of the second team did not see what the first participants drew and, accordingly, the participants of the third team did not see what the second team completed. Having once again folded the sheet from top to bottom with a drawing of the body, the participants of the third team are asked to complete the drawing lower limbs. After which the drawing unfolds and the resulting “masterpiece” looks like. The result is very mysterious creatures.

Competition for a child's birthday: dirty.

Participants in this competition should tie napkins or aprons in advance, since it is very difficult not to get dirty in this competition. Prepare two to four plates of a delicate dish in advance - it can be thick semolina porridge, but jelly is better. Participants must eat their dish quickly, using matches or toothpicks. This process looks like a lot of fun.

Competition for a child's birthday: a playful warm-up.

All guests can participate in this competition; they stand in a circle and everyone puts their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors on both sides. The presenter, in turn, says the word “goose” or “duck” in everyone’s ear (it is important that “goose” is said to a smaller number of players). Then the rules of the competition are explained: “When I say “Goose,” the players under this word must tuck one leg. And when I say “Duck,” then all the participants to whom I said this word must tuck both legs, remaining hanging on the shoulders of their neighbors. A lot of laughter and a lot of fun are guaranteed.

Competition for a child's birthday: two mystery boxes.

Each team is given its own box or chest, which contains a set of various things. On command, blindfolded players must put on the items from the box by touch. The main task is to put on all things as quickly as possible. After untying your eyes, it turns out to be a very funny sight.

Contest for a child's birthday: catch the color!

This is very funny game. The participants stand in a circle and the presenter, alternately changing the name of the color, announces the following: “One, two, three - find the red one!” And the players must grab something red in a few seconds (an object in the room, a piece of clothing, a button on a neighbor, etc.). Whoever finds nothing red sits down and the circle narrows. The presenter gives the next announcement only with a different color (yellow, blue, etc.). The last few participants are declared winners.

Competition for a child's birthday: a trip on dumbbells.

Guests are divided into two or three teams of 3 people. Each team is given a dumbbell, on which one participant (supported by two other team members by hand) must ride to the finish line, pushing off with one leg (and standing on the dumbbell with the other). Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins for that team.

Competition for a child's birthday: how does a thing appear?

When the guests have had enough of running around, you can conduct intellectual competitions for a child's birthday. To do this, it is worth preparing in advance several postcards or photographs with drawings of individual processes in the preparation of an item or product. For example, a cow, a milk tanker and a milk processing plant. Or a flax bush - spinning wheel + spindle - ball - fabric - shirt. All cards of one cycle are placed in a separate envelope, and each team is given an envelope. Participants must quickly place the cards in the correct sequence from the initial product (a flax bush or a cow) to the final product.

Competition for a child's birthday: literary critics.

As a continuation of the intellectual competitions, you can play the “guess the fairy tale” game. Quotes from a fairy tale or story are read to everyone present; you can even tell an episode or a separate expression from a cartoon or movie. Participants must guess what book or movie they are talking about. Quotes are selected depending on the age of the children. For kids, excerpts from the fairy tales “Kolobok” or “Turnip” are suitable; a replica will be enough here. And for older children, you can take a quote from poems or stories according to the school curriculum.

Competition for a child's birthday: thoroughbreds.

Little talents are given cards with the names of famous cartoon characters (Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh, Old Woman Shapoklyak, Pinocchio) and the text of their lines. Older children can be given cards with the names of political celebrities (Lenin, Stalin, Putin) or show business stars (D. Bilan, A. Grossu, A. Pugachev, S. Rotaru, etc.). The goal of the participants is to parody their character as close to the original as possible. Songs and scenes from the cartoon should be familiar to the participants.

Choose interesting ones competitions for a child's birthday and let your baby remember this day for a long time!


Happy child 03.06.2017

Dear readers, now more than ever we support the traditions of celebrating children's holidays, especially birthdays. However, when we undertake to organize such an event, many questions often arise. There is already an article on the blog dedicated to how, but today we will talk about what games and competitions you can prepare for children’s birthdays. And the teacher, head of the SOVA family center, Irina Kuzenkova, will help us with this. I give the floor to Irina.

In order for the holiday to be fun and interesting, and for the children not to get bored or overtired, it is worth paying attention to the most important factor in preparing the festive program - the age of the birthday boy and other children.

Of course, it’s great when all the children present are about the same age. But most often, especially for preschoolers, invited guests are not only peers, but also brothers and sisters, other relatives, children of family friends, etc., and all of them are of different ages. This is not surprising, because the child himself still has very few friends, and relatives and friends of the parents know the baby, as they say, from the cradle and will certainly come to congratulate him on such an important event.

Don’t be upset if a group of different ages gathers at a child’s party. Organizing such a birthday party may require a little more effort from parents, but in the end the children will definitely find ways to interact effectively with each other and also have a wonderful experience together.

Birthday games and competitions for children from 1 to 2 years old

Your baby is still too young for active holiday events, he will be happy with the familiar surroundings and short-term fun. Invite 2-3 children and arrange a cozy, good holiday for them. At the very beginning, be sure to give the children free time, let them get acquainted with the environment, toys and other participants in the event.

Short, activity-based games for children for birthdays at home are just what the little birthday boy or girl needs. And let this celebration not last longer than a couple of hours, otherwise the guests will have to leave amid the friendly cries of tired children.

"Treasure Hunters"

For this game you will need several nice little things (small toys or children's goodies) and a lot of different packaging: multi-colored rustling paper, foil, boxes, jars, etc. It will be great if all the packaging materials are bright, colorful, of different textures and densities.

Then we simply hide our little “treasures” in a wide variety of packaging and invite the children to find them. The process of unfolding and opening will certainly captivate your little guests, and what they find inside can become a real treasure for a child!

In fact, any children’s birthday games at this age are suitable, because such activities aimed at exploring the world and oneself bring the child a lot of joy.

"Sports track"

To relieve tension and release emotions, kids will definitely need active activities. Offer them sports track. Try to make it interesting, place various obstacles and sensory elements around the circle - these could be massage mats, “tickle” brushes, soft fluffy materials, wooden stumps, small pillows, a bowl of nuts where you can stomp around, children’s tunnels, small homemade bridges , in a word, everything you can think of and get.

It is very good if children walk along the path barefoot - this will allow them to fully experience all the delights of such an activity. In addition, you can turn on fun children's music. And, of course, here you will need the help of parents to guide the baby through all the obstacles.

Note! Do not force your child to do something that he does not want or is afraid of (for example, climbing into a tunnel) - this can provoke fear in the future. Perhaps, after watching how others do it, the child will also decide to do it.

"Mushroom Pickers"

For this game, prepare in advance several sets (according to the number of children) of objects different in color, shape or other characteristics. Scatter them all randomly on the floor. Each child must collect in his basket only those items that correspond to his task.

For example, you can scatter multi-colored balls, and each child must collect balls only of their own color. Or you can collect different toy vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, then someone collects mushrooms, someone collects carrots, someone collects berries, etc.

It is very good if on each basket there is a picture drawn or pasted of what needs to be collected in it. Can be repeated several times.

"Fun Fishing"

Children love water! Prepare a container of water (a regular basin, large cup or plastic container will do), pour warm water, throw in any small wooden or plastic toys and provide each “fisherman” with a strainer or spoon, as well as a container for storing his “catch.”

Keep in mind that even the neatest kids will spill a little water, so think in advance about where and what they will play on. You can play the game when the kids are already tired of other activities or have started to be capricious. Water will help them calm down and relax.


It’s all very simple – awaken the child in you and, together with your children, portray and voice various animals. Show how a bear walks, how a cow moos, jump like a bunny and crawl like a turtle. Here you will get exercise, training, and most importantly - fun for both children and adults is guaranteed!

If you are preparing games for the birthday of children aged 1-2 years, do not forget to alternate active activities with calm ones, make sure that the children do not get overtired or overexcited. Do not force children to finish a task or be diligent - at this age they are not yet able to concentrate their attention on one activity for a long time.

Fun birthday games for kids aged 3 to 6 years old

At this age, the opportunities for interesting and fun pastime are much wider. The child already controls his body quite well, is aware of himself and the world around him, has a certain outlook and skills, and will be happy to get involved in a wide variety of activities.

Again, do not forget that the child’s psyche is still very quickly overloaded, and after a couple of hours of festive fun, someone may begin to be capricious, and someone else will go wild. Try to create a program in such a way that children have periods of activity and rest, and do not drag out the holiday for too long.

Mind games

Intellectual games and birthday competitions are the salvation of parents from the countless destruction and chaos that preschoolers are capable of creating. And although you won’t be able to keep your children occupied for too long, you can still find some time, and at the same time you will learn something new about your child.

  • Riddles - they can be selected for any age;
  • “Guess what I see” - you describe an object, and the children must guess and find it in the room;
  • children's "Crocodile" - one person (child or adult) depicts someone or something, and the rest guess;
  • "What's missing?" - you lay out several different objects on a chair (sofa, floor), give the children time to remember what they see, then the children turn away, and you remove several objects. The challenge is to guess what has disappeared;
  • fairytale quiz - select questions based on fairy tales, poems and cartoons known to children, and reward for correct answers with a homemade medal, toy or something tasty.

Board games

Well, what would it be like without the good old ones? board games, for which the whole family used to gather. And although today they have been replaced by cartoons and tablets, we will find a place for them at a children's party.

  • “Walkers” are the ones with chips where you have to roll the dice and move to the finish line. They can be played by the whole group at once, children of different ages love them, and modern manufacturers complement them interesting tasks And unusual looking chips;
  • cards - today there are many colorful and exciting board games for children of all ages. Try playing “Dobble”, “Shuffle”, various “Memories” or “Dubbles” with your children, as well as many other games that you can find information about on the Internet;
  • children's lotto and dominoes - can also be selected with a wide variety of pictures and themes to please your child and his guests;
  • "Guess What You're Eating" is a wonderful and tasty game for any age. Children are invited to close their eyes and try pieces of something edible prepared in advance. It is clear that here you need to guess what you are eating, but it is surprising how difficult it can be to do this without the help of visual perception.

Outdoor games

  • “Cold-hot” is a variation of the familiar and beloved hide-and-seek game. Only toys will hide here, and children will try to find them using the clues “hot” - “cold”;
  • “Magic tunnel” - for this game you will need a children's tunnel, however, it can be replaced, for example, with a chair or table that you can crawl under. The task is to climb into the tunnel by yourself, and come out as someone else, while pretending to be him. It could be an animal, a person’s profession, a fairy-tale character, etc. Other participants must guess who crawled out of the tunnel. The guesser climbs into the tunnel next;
  • ball games. Don't forget the good old fun - they combined moving elements, tasks for intelligence and erudition, and humor. For example, the well-known game “edible-inedible”, when all the children sit in a row, and the leader takes turns saying different words and throwing a ball to each child. You only need to catch the ball if the presenter names something edible, otherwise you need to push it back. Or you can stand in a circle and simply throw the ball to any of the participants, naming, for example, flowers or fruits and vegetables, or colors, etc. In this case, the child needs to complete two diverse tasks: catch the ball and name the desired object;
  • Role-playing games are perhaps the most favorite at this age. Do you want your children's group to have a lot of fun? Then invite them to temporarily turn into Indians, boldly overcoming obstacles, dancing funny dances and waging war against invaders. Or beautiful princesses, brave knights and fire-breathing dragons. Or into the characters of their favorite cartoons and fairy tales - in general, whatever your heart desires. Yes, you will have to work hard here - turn on your imagination, prepare attributes and costumes in advance, and most importantly - release your inner child and have a lot of fun with the children!

Theater performance

Little spectators will be very grateful to you if you try and prepare a small theatrical performance for them. This could be a theater of hand-held puppets, or ordinary children's toys, or maybe you can even make your own shadow theater? Fortunately, you can now find many instructions and stencils for this on the Internet. There is no doubt that children will not remain indifferent to this magic and, moreover, will be able to calm down after active games.

To help you, we suggest using others that we have already written about on the blog pages.

Birthday games for children over 7 years old

Also suitable for children aged 9, 10, 12, and even 20 years old.

Board games

At this age, you can already offer quite a lot of different games at the birthday table. These are “Activity”, “Alias”, “Munchkin”, “Uno”, “Jenga” and many others. By the way, the game itself can be an excellent birthday gift and will captivate not only children, but also adults.

Thematically the quest

If you want to get active and are guaranteed to captivate the children interesting game, then you should definitely organize an exciting quest for children, full of puzzles and surprises. No child will refuse this, especially if you think through the thematic surroundings and unexpected plot twists.

You can choose the scenario and various tasks for the quest yourself on the Internet, or you can invite organizers who already have considerable experience in such activities and will definitely not let the participants get bored. Children will be happy to test their abilities and strengths in solving logic puzzles, solving puzzles, dexterity, speed and intelligence. After all, the quest combines both the activity of the mind and physical activity, and overcoming difficulties.


Next on the list, but not least, is everyone’s favorite “Crocodile”. It is good because it does not require any preparation, time or money. The rules are extremely simple: one shows - the other guesses, while using sounds or objects is prohibited. The one who guessed takes the place of the one showing.


This is a game of attentiveness, but at the same time active and fun. All children are divided into two equal teams and one leader. The first team sits on chairs arranged in a row, opposite the leader, who also has a chair in front of him. The second team stands behind each player of the first team. The presenter looks at all the players of the first team and blinks at one of them. At this moment, the player who was blinked must quickly run to the leader’s chair. The task of the player standing behind him is to grab him at this moment. The one who was able to move to the leader's chair becomes the leader himself.

“I-I, point at me!”

This is a kind of hide and seek, only more interesting and therefore very popular with children. A driver is selected, who stands with his back to everyone else. One of the players touches the driver’s back, when he turns around, all the children shout: “I-I, point at me!” The driver chooses one who, in his opinion, touched him. Then everyone asks: “Where can he run?” The driver indicates the place. If he guessed who touched, then that person runs to the indicated place, and everyone else hides during this time. If you don’t guess correctly, the driver himself runs. Then the familiar hide and seek begins.

These are the birthday games for children we have selected for you today. We wish you good mood and happy holiday!

Irina Kuzenkova,
teacher, head of the family center "Sova"

We will be glad if you choose others for yourself interesting ideas in our section “Happy Child”. You can go to the category by clicking on the button below.

I thank Irina for her such detailed and fascinating story about children's games that can keep children busy at a birthday party. Agree, with such an arsenal of games, all children's holidays will become more fun, and both children and adults will get great pleasure from them. So, take note of these wonderful ideas, and let the children remember their happy birthdays forever.

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