Capsule: Yellow capsicum. Description of the plant, types, properties, cultivation

In summer, exquisite flowers appear on the surface of many reservoirs. These are the white water lily, sometimes called the water lily, and the more common yellow water lily. Both of them belong to the family with the poetic name “nymphaeaceae”.

In the legends of European peoples, the water lily and egg capsule are associated with water nymphs and mermaids. These deadly beauties dragged to the bottom anyone who dared to encroach on the beautiful lake flowers. The ripening fruits of nymphaeaceae resemble a jug or egg-little (lid), for which they received their popular, and later scientific name.


The yellow capsule, like other nymphaeaceae, is one of the most ancient flowering plants on our planet. Botanists classify them as so-called basal dicotyledons. They retained many primitive characteristics characteristic of the most ancient angiosperms. For example, the number of petals, stamens and pistils in their flower can be almost any, while in most other families it is strictly defined. Moreover, water lilies and egg capsules do not have a clear boundary between petals and stamens. If you “take apart” such a flower into parts and arrange them in order from the periphery to the center, you can see the gradual transition of one organ to another.


The yellow capsule lives in three environments at once: soil, water and air. Its long and thick (3-7 cm) rhizomes, like anchors, firmly anchor the plant in muddy soil at the bottom of reservoirs. They are quite sensitive to temperature and cannot tolerate freezing. To protect itself from the cold, the egg capsule tends to grow at the greatest possible depth. The peduncle and triangular leaf petioles are in the water. The deeper the reservoir, the longer the peduncle and petioles, because they must reach the surface. Large, 20-25 cm in diameter, leathery rounded leaves float on the surface. Most terrestrial flowering plants have stomata (cells that regulate water evaporation and gas exchange with environment) are located on the lower surface of the leaf. In nymphaeans, this side is immersed in water, so the stomata are located at the top.

Sometimes the water level rises too high due to heavy rainfall, and plants cannot immediately bring leaves to the surface. In this case, nymphaeans have a special plan of action. Soft translucent underwater leaves grow on their rhizomes. In shape and structure they are very different from those that float on the surface. This phenomenon received the scientific name “heterophily”.

Large, 6 cm in diameter, bright yellow spherical flowers, egg capsules, are inhabitants of the air; they are always slightly raised above the water.


The egg capsule blooms at the end of May and blooms all summer, sometimes even until the end of September. The flower consists of 5-6 petals, a fairly large tall pistil and a thick ring of many hairy stamens. However, what we usually think of as egg capsule petals are actually sepals, successfully “disguised” as petals due to the yellow color of the inside. This sometimes occurs in the plant world. But the egg pod also has real petals. To see them, you need to look closely: they are so thin. They are a third shorter than the sepals, but there are more of them - 15-20, they surround the calyx of the flower and attract pollinators (flies and beetles) with their aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of alcohol. Honey pits, which are often found on the receptacle, are located on the egg capsule external sides petals. One flower secretes 3-5 mg of nectar per day and blooms for 6-7 days.


Juicy, berry-like green fruits ripen from July to September. The seeds are equipped with an air sac, on which they set sail with the hope of establishing a plantation far from their native thickets. In addition, the seeds are covered with sticky mucus and, imperceptibly sticking to the paws of birds, fly with them to other bodies of water. Waterfowl, eating the fruits of the egg capsule, are fed and contribute to the spread of the plant. The remaining rhizomes not only overwinter and sprout new shoots in the spring, but also branch out, covering ever larger areas.

The egg capsule suppresses the development of blue-green algae, and the water in its reservoirs does not bloom, which is very helpful water inhabitants. The network of rhizomes of the yellow egg capsule is an excellent place for spawning. The forest of petioles and flower stalks is a refuge and dining room for small fish: roach, tench, rudd. Perches and pikes swim to the thickets to hunt for them. Beavers, otters and water rats feed on the rhizomes and leaves of the egg capsule. Moose, having found such a reservoir, enter the water and feast on the succulent rhizomes for a long time.


IN folk medicine yellow capsule is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, fever, skin and cancer diseases, and also as a general tonic. Its leaves and rhizomes are used to prepare baths and poultices to relieve rheumatism and gout. Crushed fresh leaves of the egg capsule are applied to sore spots to reduce inflammation. However, doctors do not advise self-treatment with this plant, since the egg capsule is poisonous.

In official medicine, only rhizomes are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain valuable alkaloids, which are used to prepare the drug lutenurin. It is used in gynecological practice to combat certain diseases and as a contraceptive.

The rhizomes of the egg capsule are part of M. N. Zdrenko’s mixture, which is used to treat a number of gastrointestinal diseases.


The yellow capsule grows in lakes, oxbow lakes, river backwaters and other bodies of water with stagnant or slowly flowing water and forms entire thickets. She loves open sun and well-warmed water, but agrees to bloom in partial shade. If the summer turns out to be dry and the reservoir becomes shallow, then the egg capsule can grow on a marshy bank. It is distributed throughout the entire territory except the Far North.


Kingdom: plants.
Department: angiosperms.
Class: dicotyledonous.
Order: Pitcher-flowered.
Family: water lilies.
Genus: egg capsule.
Type: yellow capsule.
Latin name: Nuphar lutea.
Size: up to 2-3 m.
Life form: herbaceous perennial.
Life expectancy of an egg pod: more than 100 years.

Water lily is a medicinal plant that lives in water. In a non-aqueous environment, the yellow egg pod dies in a matter of minutes. Ponds covered with lilies with yellow flowers are extremely beautiful. The plant is unpretentious and grows well in polluted waters.


In Arabic water flower called naufar (brilliant, blue), in Latin - luteus (yellow). People call it the yellow bell, the water crown, and the yellow swimmer. The plant is also known as yellow water lily and water lily.

Distribution area

Ponds, creeks, lakes and rivers are overgrown with water lilies. It draws in reservoirs that are at least a meter deep. Sometimes the yellow egg capsule forms huge thickets in water areas where there is standing water or slow currents.

It is found in the northeast of Kazakhstan and in small reservoirs of Ukraine. In Russia, this water lily is widespread. She has become accustomed to slowly flowing rivers, lakes, creeks and ponds that are practically motionless. Only the natural and climatic conditions of the Far North are not suitable for its growth and development.

Guarding the egg pod

The water lily is not one of the plants protected by the Red Book. The yellow egg capsule is not on the verge of extinction. However, in some regions its range is quite limited. Therefore, the plant is listed in the regional Red Books.

Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and some regions of Russia considered it necessary to add the yellow egg-box to their Red Books. IN Russian Federation it is protected in Adygea and Kalmykia, Dagestan and Khakassia, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Omsk, Rostov, Samara, Sverdlovsk and Smolensk regions.

Description of water lily

The yellow capsule belongs to the category of perennial herbaceous plants. The description of its rhizomes is as follows: cylindrical, thick. The color of the fleshy rhizomes is greenish-yellow on the outside and whitish on the inside. Its outer surface is covered with scars left by dead foliage. The internal structure of the rhizome is porous and branched. It is attached to bottom sediments with the help of multiple cord-like horses.

Water lilies are equipped with two types of leaves: underwater and floating. Floating leaves sit on long petioles. They grow three meters in length. The leaves are ovate-oval in shape, leathery, and have deep heart-shaped bases. The diameter of the entire outermost leaf blades reaches 20-30 centimeters.

Leaves growing under water look different on yellow bells. They are characterized by slight folding, translucency and tenderness. They are equipped with short petioles. The edges of the leaf blades are wavy.

The yellow pod has yellow fragrant flowers raised above the water. The description of the flowers is as follows: single 4-5 cm inflorescences have an almost spherical shape. They are collected from five round, thick sepals.

The bases of the sepals are greenish and the tips are bright yellow. The flowers are collected from numerous intense yellow petals and stamens. Petals are shorter than sepals. The flowering period of the water lily is May-September.

Water lily propagation

The seeds ripen from July to the end of September. The fruits have multistar polyspermous capsules with an ovoid-oval shape. The smooth green fruits become slimy when ripe. The seeds are surrounded by an air sac, thanks to which they float on the water surface, spreading over vast distances.

Ripe seeds are covered with sticky mucus. They stick to the paws of birds, which, when flying, carry them far from the place of maturation. In addition to seeds, the yellow egg capsule reproduces by breaking off pieces of rhizomes.


Fish spawn in dense thickets formed by water lily rhizomes. Tench, rudd and roach find shelter and food in them. Perches and pike live among the intricately intertwined long rhizomes that the plant, the yellow capsule, blooms. These predators hunt by tracking down harmless fish.

Useful properties of yellow egg pod

Water lily flowers are rich in glycosides. Its fruits are enriched with starch and tannins. The roots contain starch and alkaloids. They are a storehouse of tannins, bitter and resinous substances, sugars and organic acids. In addition, the rhizomes are rich in tannins, phytosterols, sucrose, carotene and ascorbic acid.

The yellow capsule is used for the production of medicines. Medicines made from it have an astringent and bactericidal effect. They are endowed with analgesic, choleretic and diuretic properties. Medicines from water lilies have a mild hypnotic and calming effect. Thanks to alkaloids, they exhibit anti-trichomoniacal and spermicidal effects.

Uses of yellow water lily

Dressing with the root and drinking from it can help treat swelling of the spleen and wet dreams. Water lily infusions are an excellent antipyretic. The plant relieves migraines and relieves dizziness. Fresh leaves relieve headaches. After applying to the head, they dry out, bringing relief.

For erysipelas, water lily leaves are applied to the affected areas. Small doses of tincture obtained from the yellow diving beetle lead a person into an excited state; excessive doses, on the contrary, depress him nervous system. The essence from the roots helps to cope with impotence.

Inflammation in the digestive tract is suppressed by water lily. The yellow capsule helps cope with skin diseases and fever. It promotes increased hair growth. A decoction of roots and seeds with milk can stop uterine bleeding. The roots relieve pain.

The drug "Lutenurin" treats trichomonas diseases that occur with complications against the background of unfavorable bacterial and fungal flora. For procedures, take aqueous solutions or vaginal suppositories. Treatment sessions are performed by a doctor. Their frequency depends on the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the chosen medications. The effect of the capsule is enhanced by the white root. The greatest effect is obtained with the berries of the white root, and not with the seeds.

Harm of yellow water lily

The egg capsule belongs to the group poisonous plants. If used incorrectly, it is harmful to human health. Medicines containing it are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, without exceeding the recommended doses and without increasing the duration of treatment. Cases of water lily poisoning have been recorded. Signs of poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea and prolonged sleep.

Information about a plant such as yellow egg capsule, photos, descriptions medicines, manufactured on its basis, in Lately have become very popular among Russians. This is due to the fact that it is actively used in folk medicine, the fashion for which has steadily appeared in last years. At the same time, traditional medicine also uses the egg capsule along with classical medicines to treat certain diseases.

General description of the plant

The yellow egg capsule belongs to the species perennial plants The water lily family, which is why it is also called yellow water lily. It grows in our country throughout the European part, as well as in Siberia and the Caucasus. However, it can only be seen on the plains in slow rivers, their backwaters, along the banks of ponds and lakes. It grows at a depth of no higher than 1 m and is a kind of indicator of the purity of water, since it dies if it is polluted.

This plant is herbaceous, has a powerful fleshy rhizome that grows horizontally. It has a thickness of 3-10 cm and is covered with robotic-rounded scars that arose in place of fallen leaves. They are divided into ovoid-shaped floating ones, growing on long triangular petioles, and lower ones, located under water. These leaves have fibrous edges and a translucent color. The floating variety is approximately 15-20 cm wide and has about 25 veins.

The flowers of the egg pod are floating, yellow color, and single. Their size is approximately 6 cm, and they smell very unusual - alcohol. This smell attracts pollinating insects, although the plant can self-pollinate. Flowering usually occurs in September, resulting in ripening multilocular smooth fruits approximately 5 mm long. They are an ovoid-conical box filled with a large number of seeds. The development of such fruits occurs exclusively in water, and they ripen around August-September. At the same time, in addition to seed, it is also possible vegetative propagation this plant.

Attention! The yellow egg capsule is included in a document such as the Red Book, which must be remembered when collecting it for medicinal purposes.

The fact is that the reserves of this plant in nature are restored extremely slowly, so if they are used intensively, it can be destroyed over a fairly large area in a fairly short period.

The egg capsule is used mainly for medical purposes, although there are attempts to decorative use. It is worth remembering that the tubers of the plant are poisonous, so they must be protected from children. In addition to the yellow variety, there are also the following types egg pods:

  • small;
  • Japanese;
  • foreign;
  • multi-petalled;

There are also hybrids of this plant, bred mainly for decorative purposes. At the same time, the small egg capsule and its hybrids can partially be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the herbal capsule amulet is made from all types of egg pods.

Medicinal qualities of yellow capsule and contraindications

The healing properties of the yellow egg capsule are explained by the presence in its composition of chemical microelements and substances useful for the body. For example, it includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • luteolin;
  • sinapic acid;
  • various resins.

Total useful substances this plant may contain more than 50, so it is necessary to take drugs from it only as prescribed by a doctor, who can accurately calculate the dosage and therapeutic effect of a particular collection or infusion. Generally speaking, yellow capsule can be used as a bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic, astringent, hypnotic and sedative. At the same time, both leaves and flowers, rhizomes, and seeds can be used as medicinal raw materials.

For example, the very popular drug Lutenurin is made from the rhizome of the egg capsule. Therapeutic effect This drug is based on the presence of anti-Trichomonas spermatocide in its composition. As a result, it can be used to very successfully treat diseases of trichomonas nature. In addition, contraceptive drugs are made based on the yellow capsule.

Although yellow egg capsule has an extensive list of beneficial properties, there are also contraindications to its use.

Attention! It is worth remembering that this plant is initially poisonous, and if you do not follow the dosage or violate the technology for preparing a particular medicine, you can expect death.

So, the following signs may serve as symptoms of poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • restless sleep.

If you notice the described signs in yourself or your family, call urgently ambulance. In addition, preparations based on yellow capsule are strictly contraindicated for children and pregnant women. This is also worth remembering when planning to be treated with it.

Diseases that the yellow egg capsule treats

If we name the diseases that the egg capsule can cure, then these are:

  • gastritis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • CNS diseases.

In addition, medications made from it can be used to correct the functions of the reproductive system. A particularly positive effect is observed when drugs are used to eliminate painful nocturnal emissions, as well as when it is necessary to alleviate the course of impotence and restore lost sexual desire. This plant also helps women who want to get rid of this phenomenon in female body like frigidity.

It is worth noting that this plant is used in both folk and classical medicine, so if you see an image of a capsule or a photo of it on the packaging of a medicine, you can safely buy such a medicine, since it is officially approved. For example, as folk remedy such drugs can be used to treat stomach cramps, inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys, rheumatism, and tuberculosis. They also cope well with bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, and gout.

Use the capsule with caution to treat enuresis in children. It is also indicated as a mild sleeping pill and sedative. However, it is important to adhere to dosages, since if they are exceeded, depression of the central nervous system will occur.

Many recipes for natural medicines involve the use of yellow capsule extracts for pain in the joints or bruises, and also as a general tonic. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes to combat seborrhea and enhance hair growth. In any case, you need to get a doctor's permission, since the egg capsule has a very strong effect, which can in some cases cause harm to the body.

Collection of yellow egg pods

To make folk medicine from the yellow capsule, you can use two ways. The first is to purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy. The second involves independent procurement of medicinal raw materials.

The good thing about using ready-made collections is that you don’t have to look for this plant on the shores of reservoirs; this is quite difficult for an inexperienced person, given the existence of several types of egg capsule in nature. If you have experience in harvesting medicinal herbs and know that to identify a plant such as yellow capsule, you do not need a photo of it, then you can collect the raw materials yourself.


This happens in the summer or, at most, in early autumn. To do this, the plant is first pruned with a knife, and then a pitchfork, rake, or just hands are used to remove the necessary parts. Next, the rhizomes will need to be washed and cleaned of roots and leaves, and then cut into slices.

These plates are laid out in a 2 cm layer on paper or fabric, strung on threads and hung to dry. After the rhizomes have dried, they will need to be dried in ovens at a temperature of 50-60 °C. The same operation can be performed using attics with iron roofs, in well-ventilated rooms or on open verandas.

Rhizomes prepared for use should ultimately have a thickness of no more than 1 cm. Scars are allowed on them dark color in areas of cut or dead leaves. The rhizomes should have a slight odor, a bitter taste, and a brown-gray color. Average term The shelf life of such medicinal raw materials is 2 years.

As for flowers, they are stored for 1 year in a dried state. Drying is carried out in ovens, dryers, furnaces at a temperature of 60 °C. It is worth remembering that the yellow egg capsule is a plant listed in the Red Book, so when harvesting it, it is necessary to leave approximately 10-20% of the plants intact.

The following is prepared from harvested medicinal raw materials:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • essence.

For example, if you need to restore sleep, you will need to brew 20 g of flowers in 1 liter of boiling water of this plant. Next, the resulting solution should be left for 50 minutes and filtered. In order to achieve a positive effect, you will need to take this medicine 3 times a day 1 tbsp. l.

Yellow egg capsule - the most famous aquatic plant temperate climate Eurasia. It is difficult to find a person who has not seen these bright yellow jugs rising above the surface of the water. Their images can be found on the canvases of famous European painters, on frescoes and tapestries.
One of the popular names is yellow water lily- based only on people's imagination. The egg capsule has nothing to do with lilies; they even belong to different classes.
Yellow egg capsule - Nuphar luteum - a representative of the Nymphaeaceae family (Nymphaeaceaea), belongs to the class Dicotyledonous plants Department of Angiosperms. The name “pod” comes from the fruits of the plant, which resemble a vessel or jug.


Yellow capsule is a plant of stagnant reservoirs or reservoirs with low-flow water. It is found in river deltas, puds, lakes, and oxbow lakes, often forming continuous thickets of leaves floating on the water.
Life form – perennial aquatic herbaceous plant. Due to its growth in water, it has developed many morphological features, characteristic only of aquatic or semi-aquatic plants.
This is an amphibious plant with a stem modified in the form of a creeping rhizome, which is located at the bottom of the reservoir. Adventitious roots extend from the rhizome, root system fibrous. Aquatic plants are exceptions to the rule, since almost all representatives of the dicotyledonous class have a tap root system with a pronounced central root.
The leaves of the yellow egg capsule are of two types: underwater (tender) and floating on the surface. The superficial leaves are simple, entire, hard, leathery, on long (up to 2.5 m) petioles, attached to a horizontal rhizome. Interesting feature in the arrangement of stomata: unlike land plants, stomata are located on the upper part of the leaves. This allows the egg capsule to carry out gas exchange, because its leaves lie on the surface of the water.
In the course of evolution, the egg capsule, like its relatives, developed a special type of tissue - erynchyma (aerichyma). This porous tissue with spaces between the cells forms cavities filled with air and serves for gas exchange. The aerenchyma contains a supply of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which the egg capsule uses for respiration and photosynthesis.
The flowers of the plant are actinomorphic, regular, large, solitary with a double perianth, located on a peduncle raised above the water.
There are five sepals, they are yellow and large, and serve to attract pollinators. They are often mistaken for petals. The calyx consists of many small petals, which are located inside, covered with sepals. There are many stamens. One pistil with an upper ovary with a short style and a short stigma resembling a star. Pollinated by insects, mainly beetles, less often flies.
The fruit is a prefabricated nut covered with a juicy shell shaped like a jug. Seeds with an air chamber, for aquatic propagation. Sometimes incompetent sources contain data that the egg capsule has a capsule fruit. This is mistake. The fruit capsule is formed from a coenocarpous gynoecium, while in all plants of the Nymphaeaceae family the gynoecium is apocarpous.

Signs of archaism of the yellow egg pod

The yellow egg capsule is a primitive species from an evolutionary point of view. This is one of the first flowers to appear on Earth (about 30 million years ago) and has a number of archaic characteristics:
perennial life form;
single flowers;
parts of the flower are arranged spirally;
a large and indefinite number of flower parts (namely stamens);
actinomorphic flowers (with radial symmetry);
stamens are free (not fused);
double perianth;
superior ovary;
gynoecium apocarpous (the most primitive of all varieties);
parts of the perianth are free.

Related species

The genus Kubyshka includes 8 species and 3 hybrids. All of them have colors of a similar structure and shade, but according to molecular differences they are divided into European and American. Species diversity egg capsules and the number of their types are the subject of heated scientific debate. Some sources speak of 5 types of egg capsule, and some scientists believe that all species are just a subspecies of the yellow egg capsule. Some of them:

Nuphar sagittifolium - native to North and South Carolina and Virginia. Also used in aquariums and water gardens. Leaves are arrow-shaped, flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. (photo →)
Small egg capsule– Nuphar pumila – leaves do not exceed 20 cm, flowers are small, up to cm in diameter. Habitat: water bodies of Europe, Asia and North America;
Japanese egg capsule- Nuphar japoica – in addition to underwater leaves and those floating on the surface, it also has above-water leaves, rising 15-20 cm above the surface of the water. Range – Asia (Far East, part of Korea, Japanese Islands).
Small-leaved egg capsule, or Kalmian egg capsule, - Nuphar microphylla - has leaves, the size of which does not exceed 10 cm, the flowers of the capsule are relatively large, 2-3 cm (in diameter). The plant's homeland is the eastern regions of the United States.
Foreign egg capsule (alien)(Nuphar advena) - the flowers are yellow, greenish and brown on the outside, up to 8 cm in diameter and have red-red stamens.
Multipetalled egg capsule(Nuphar polysepala) - large 30-centimeter oval leaves, flowers up to 15 cm in diameter and have 9 sepals.

Composition and beneficial features

The capsule contains flavonoids, glycosides and alkaloids, so the plant is used as a medicinal plant. According to some properties, the egg capsule is equated to foxglove . In the time of Theophastus, the grated root was applied to stop bleeding. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used:
- flowers are infused and used for otitis, headaches and toothaches;
- seeds are brewed to enhance male potency, as an antipyretic and sedative;
- leaves and stems in the form of tincture are used for coughs, pyelonephritis, to treat wounds and skin;
- rhizome in the form of a decoction or powder - for fever, stomach, skin, venereal diseases, diseases of bones and joints.
Anti-Trichomonas and contraceptive medications have been created based on the yellow egg capsule.
The starch contained in the roots gives them a sweetish taste, which allows them to be used in cooking. Once upon a time, they were used to make porridge, crushed into powder and added, for example, to dough. To remove bitterness (harmful to the human body alkaloids), the roots were pre-soaked. To this day, in Japan, salads and a tea substitute are prepared from the capsule.
In addition, the plant helped get rid of cockroaches, and the tannins it contained made the capsule an excellent remedy for tanning leather.

Use in landscape design

All species of the genus Nuphar are used in landscape design to decorate man-made reservoirs of open and closed ground. One of the advantages of the water lily compared to its closest relative, the water lily, is its resistance to water pollution. In addition, it blocks the growth of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), thereby making the water clean and suitable for the growth of other plants and aquatic life. After all, cyanobacteria not only reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, but also release toxic substances into the reservoir.
In homestead and greenhouse ponds Central Russia more often used winter-hardy species and varieties:
– giant egg capsule, the most winter-hardy and stable, yellow fragrant flower diameter up to 8 cm, bottle-shaped pestle, immersion up to 2.5 m
Small egg capsule– underwater leaves are transparent, flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter, for medium-sized bodies of water, immersion up to 1.5 meters
Japanese egg capsule "Rubrotincta"- orange-red flowers, red-brown underwater leaves, immersion up to 80 cm, favorable water temperature +18-23°C.
Japanese egg capsule "Variegatus"- Very decorative variety With yellow spots on
small leaves raised above the water, immersion up to 20-60 cm, water temperature +18-23°C.
Foreign capsule and multipetalled– immersion up to one and a half meters.
Types of egg pods with small leaves(small and Kalmiana) are used in aquariums and aquaterrariums.
For decorating ponds located in winter gardens, both small-leaved species and species with larger leaves are suitable - it all depends on the size of the pool.

We recommend reading:
The best way to grow egg capsules is to plant them in a special basket (container). This will make caring for the plant easier. It is possible to plant directly into the soil (peat + humus + clay soil). Plants are planted superficially, not buried, but only secured on top of the soil with a stone. The depth of immersion depends on the type and variety, varies from 30 cm to 2 m.
For periodic feeding, fertilizers for pond plants are used. Old and excess leaves are removed. The area occupied by leaves should not exceed 25-30% total area pond.
For successful wintering in the fall, plants are moved below the expected ice level or kept in a non-freezing reservoir. A relative exception may be the yellow egg capsule. Plants in containers are moved to a cold aquarium or greenhouse pond for the winter.
The egg capsule is propagated vegetatively at the end of May or in the summer by dividing the rhizomes or with young rosettes. In the natural environment, propagation by seeds is possible.

Yellow egg capsule

Yellow capsule is a beautiful aquatic plant with healing properties. It is regularly used in folk medicine and for making pharmacological drugs. This unique plant listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.

The yellow water lily, or water lily, is a plant of amazing beauty. Yours Russian name it was obtained due to the similarity of the ripened fruit with an ancient vessel with a lid, which was used in Rus'. This perennial representative of aquatic flora is not just beautiful flower- it has a lot of useful properties.

Description of the plant

The yellow egg capsule is common in many regions of Russia, except for the regions Far East and the Far North. Its habitats are bays, lakes, ponds, and quiet river shallows.
The rhizome of the plant is very branched; dozens of roots spread from it along the bottom of the reservoir. The diameter depends on the age of the egg capsule - the root of an adult plant can reach 10 centimeters in thickness.
The stem of the yellow egg capsule is almost completely hidden under water; only a small part with a flower remains on the surface. It is elastic and long, sometimes reaching 2-3 meters.
Meaty large leaves lie on the water. They are bright green in color and shine in the sun.
Flower pods are yellow. Its "petals" are sepals. They surround the flower and protect it. IN bad weather and at night they are closed.
Most of the flower consists of stamens and anthers. In the center there is a multi-linked ovary, in which the fruit of the plant is formed. Flowering period is from May to August.
The fruit resembles a jug in which the seeds are hidden.

Beneficial features

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for making medicines from the root of the yellow capsule. It contains a lot of starch, tannins, alkaloids, sugar, and resin.
The healing properties of the plant include bactericidal, choleretic, analgesic, and sedative effects. Preparations based on it are successfully used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, including those caused by Trichomonas, in gynecology, for digestive problems and skin inflammatory processes.
It is better to avoid self-treatment, since the plant is poisonous, and improper use can cause severe poisoning.