Capsule: Yellow capsicum. Description of the plant, types, properties, cultivation

Syn.: yellow water lily, water lily, river watch, water poppies, chicken pestilence, yellow water poppy, yellow water lily.

A perennial aquatic rhizomatous plant with deeply heart-shaped floating leathery leaves and yellow flowers on long stalks. It has medicinal value, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other medicinal qualities. A wonderful ornamental plant.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

The formula of the yellow egg capsule flower is: CH5L∞T∞P(∞).

In medicine

Currently, official medicine mainly uses the spermatic and anti-Trichomonas properties of the yellow egg pod. The drug “Lutenurin” is isolated from the rhizomes of the egg capsule, which has a detrimental effect on Trichomonas, Giardia, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, and has a bacteriostatic effect on various microorganisms. "Lutenurin" is also successfully used as a contraceptive, since it has a strong spermicidal effect (causes the death of sperm). In addition, "Lutenurin" is used topically to treat diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by gram-positive microorganisms and pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida. The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug based on the rhizomes of the egg capsule has also been noted for otitis of various etiologies, for acute and chronic trichomonas urogenital diseases, as well as in the treatment of trichomoniasis complicated by bacterial and fungal flora.

In homeopathy, yellow capsule is used as a means to increase sexual activity. It is included in the composition indicated in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its beneficial qualities, yellow capsule is a poisonous plant. Therefore, before ingesting capsule-based drugs, you should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to take capsule preparations for children, women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance. An overdose of drugs can cause severe poisoning, up to general intoxication of the body (diarrhea, vomiting, prolonged sleep) and even death. You should not use capsule preparations before using any medicines or folk remedies.

In cosmetology

Yellow capsule is highly valued in modern cosmetology. The antiseptic properties of the egg capsule are actively used in cosmetics, used in the fight against skin inflammation of various etiologies. For example, medicinal baths with infusion of flowers, capsules are recommended for skin rashes and injuries.

In other areas

Thanks to the rich chemical composition, a number of medicines are prepared from the yellow capsule, both in traditional and folk medicine. For example, the rhizomes of the egg capsule are the raw material for the production of liniment "Lutenurin", used for trichomonas colpitis, and nuflein - component contraceptive drugs; Capsule flowers are used to prepare sedatives and drugs for insomnia; The pain-relieving properties of the capsule are often used to prepare ointments for neuralgia and rheumatism.

In addition to receiving medicines, the egg pod is yellow, although it is considered poisonous plant, after some processing it is used as food (especially rhizomes and seeds). To do this, the rhizomes are peeled and soaked in water to extract bitterness (alkaloids and tannins), then fried or baked. The starchy rhizomes of the yellow egg capsule have long been eaten in salted and boiled form. From the rhizomes of the egg capsule, flour is made, which, mixed with rye (in equal proportions), is used for baking bread, buns, cookies and cakes. Roasted capsule seeds are used as a coffee substitute.

The yellow capsule plays an important role in the nutrition of valuable game animals (muskrat, nutria, muskrat, beaver, etc.), its seeds are in the nutrition of waterfowl.


Yellow egg capsule (lat. Nuphar lutea) is the type species of the genus Nuphar (lat. Nuphar) of the subfamily Nupharoideae of the Nymphaeaceae family (lat. Nymphaeaceae). Genus - according to various sources, includes from 10 to 25 species of aquatic grasses, widespread in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

Botanical description

The yellow egg capsule is a hydrophyte and leads an aquatic lifestyle. Perennial grass, with rhizomes up to 2-3 meters long, thick, flattened from top to bottom, greenish on top and whitish below, located at the bottom of the reservoir. At the same time, they are covered with numerous scars from fallen leaves, petioles and pedicels. The leaves are leathery, entire-edged, heart-shaped-elliptical with a deep notch at the base, floating above the surface of the water. The leaf blades are green on top, quite large, more than 15 cm long. Petioles of floating leaves are about 50-350 cm long. The surface of the leaves is not wetted due to a powerful waxy coating. Young leaves are covered with mucilage, which is secreted by specialized glandular trichomes. The physiological significance of mucus is still unknown. In this case, it is not the outer parts that are covered with mucus, but the diaphragms passing through the air-bearing cavities that do not come into contact with water, but rather with the internal atmosphere of the leaf petioles. The leaves, like the rhizomes, have a powerful, well-developed network of air cavities, which not only provides gas exchange, but also helps the leaves stay on the surface of the water.

The flowers are actinomorphic (regular), bisexual, large, about 4 cm in diameter, solitary on rather long pedicels (up to 5 m in length). Double perianth. The calyx is bright yellow, functionally replacing the highly reduced, small, scale-like petals. Stamens are numerous. The gynoecium is apocarpous, consists of many carpels (from 5 to 35), growing to the goblet axis (false coenocarp), resulting in the formation of a common stigma surface. The stigma is greenish, concave or convex. Ovary superior. The formula of the yellow egg capsule flower is CH5L∞T∞P(∞).

The fruit is a synocarpous berry-shaped multi-leaflet, no more than 10 cm in diameter, similar in shape to a pitcher. The seeds are small, with a small embryo immersed at one end in a poorly developed endosperm, under which there is a powerful starchy perisperm. It blooms in June – August, in the southern regions mass flowering is observed in May. Like other species, flowering lasts several hours. The egg capsule has protogyny, which ensures pollination of flowers. In addition to the bright color of the sepals and the aroma to attract pollinating insects, there are nectaries that form on the abaxial side of the rudimentary petals.


A Eurasian species with a fairly wide growing range. In Russia it is found almost everywhere, except in mountainous areas. Prefers stagnant and slowly flowing waters (lakes, oxbow lakes, ponds, river banks, creeks). In some places it forms thickets over a large area.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

IN medicinal purposes Different parts of the egg capsule are used - rhizomes and roots, flowers, leaves, seeds. To a greater extent, rhizomes and roots (lat. Rhizoma Nupharis luteae), which are harvested in the summer during flowering and fruiting of the plant or in the fall, are used as medicinal raw materials. They collect rhizomes in shallow reservoirs, cutting the roots with a sharp knife from below; in deep ones they pull out the whole plant to remove the rhizomes. The collected rhizomes are cleaned from the petioles of leaves and roots, washed well, cut into pieces (1-1.5 cm) and, after preliminary wilting, dried in places with good ventilation, either in the attic or under a canopy, placing them very thin layer. Can be dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60°C. Dried rhizomes have a slight odor and bitter taste; they are stored on special racks in a well-ventilated area. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the yellow egg pod has not been studied enough. Sulfur-containing alkaloids were found in the rhizome - nufaridines, the main ones being nuflein, tiobinufaridin, deoxynufaridin, allothiobinufaridin, as well as tannids, sucrose 5-6%, metarabic acid, starch 20%, tannins 2.3%, bitterness, resinous substances, sitosterol, stigmasterol, phenolcarboxylic acids, vitamin C and carotene. The flowers contain alkaloids and glycosides; seeds contain 44-45% starch, 6.7% tannins, sitosterol and nymphalin; in the leaves - ellagitannin, luteolin, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic and p-coumaric acids.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacological properties egg capsules are determined by its chemical composition. At the same time, the specific pharmacological activity of yellow capsule depends mainly on the content of alkaloids in it, the isolated amount of which - lutenurine - has been well studied experimentally.

Lutenurin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug that inhibits the growth of gram-positive bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as well as spore-forming and acid-fast bacteria and pathogenic fungi, including fungi of the genus Candida, and also has anti-Trichomonas activity. In this case, the bacteriostatic effect of lutenurin is most pronounced when the medium is slightly alkaline. In addition, lutenurin has strong spermicidal properties. Along with these specific properties, the yellow egg capsule has many others. medicinal properties, in particular, good anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, fungicidal, hypnotic, antitumor, etc. However, it should be noted that the unique alkaloid nymphalin contained in all parts of the plant, which has many beneficial properties, can have a psychoactive effect on humans.

Use in folk medicine

As a valuable medicinal plant, yellow capsule has been used in folk medicine for a long time and a list of it healing properties, as noted above, is quite large (anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, antifever, antitumor, hypotensive, hemostatic, sedative, etc.)

It's important to know that indoor application yellow egg pods as a poisonous plant requires caution; it is advisable to consume it in small doses In folk medicine, a decoction of the rhizomes and roots of yellow capsule is used to treat inflammatory kidney diseases (pyelonephritis), Bladder and urinary tract (cystitis), for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, as well as to increase potency in men and frigidity in women. Tincture from the rhizomes of the egg capsule is recommended to be taken for stomach cramps, gastritis, bleeding, gout, prolonged cough, and also as a means of lowering blood pressure. The yellow capsule is a godsend for people who have problems with the immune system, who have undergone major operations and after a course of chemotherapy. Water infusion Fresh flowers of the yellow capsule are used as a sleeping pill and as a sedative for increased sexual activity and painful nocturnal emissions. The fruits of the egg capsule have a hypnotic and sedative effect; they are also used to increase sexual activity. In European folk medicine, all parts of the egg capsule are used in the form of aqueous extracts for the treatment of malignant tumors. It is also used as a contraceptive drug. Preparations with yellow capsule are useful for diseases such as: uterine bleeding, uterine prolapse, depression nervous system(in a moderate dose), fever, ARVI, bronchitis, nocturnal enuresis (especially if urinary incontinence worries children), if a person has troubled sleep, insomnia, etc.

Yellow capsule is widely used in home cosmetology and dermatology, for example, a decoction of rhizomes and roots is used to enhance hair growth, for seborrhea (with the addition of brewer's yeast or beer), for inflammation and various skin diseases. Fresh crushed leaves and flowers are applied to inflamed areas of the body to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. An infusion of capsule flowers is used for baths and washes for inflammatory skin processes, and also as an external analgesic for rheumatic, gouty pain and joint pain caused by bruises or arthritis.

Historical reference

In general, egg capsules, in particular the most famous yellow egg capsule, belong to ancient plants of our planet, since they appeared about 30 million years ago.

Due to the valuable medicinal qualities and rather labor-intensive methods of procuring medicinal raw materials, the number of yellow egg pods is becoming less and less from year to year. That's why this type(Nuphar lutea) in Russia is listed in many regional Red Books (Republic of Adygea, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Khakassia, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Novgorod, Omsk, Rostov, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Smolensk regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories).


1. Biological encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd ed., corrected. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia. 1989.

2. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 570. Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith - Yellow egg capsule // Illustrated plant guide Central Russia. In 3 volumes - M.: Scientific T. ed. KMK, Institute of Technology. issl., 2003. T. 2. Angiosperms (dicots: separate-petalled). P. 185.

3. Grinkevich N.I. and others. Medicinal plants: A reference guide. / Ed. N.I. Grinkevich - M.: graduate School, 1991. - 398 p.

4. Plant life (edited by A.L. Takhtadzhyan). M. Education, 1981. T.5 (2). 508 pp.

5. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or terrestrial plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

The yellow egg capsule is a beautiful inhabitant of our reservoirs. This aquatic plant used in folk medicine. The yellow egg capsule quickly dies without water.

The yellow capsule or yellow lily is a bright decoration of our reservoirs. This plant is also called yellow water lily, yellow bell and water lily. This plant, like common reed, can grow in contaminated water.

Even an experienced person finds it difficult to distinguish between yellow lily and white water lily by leaves. At first glance, their leaves are exactly the same. If you carefully examine the leaves of these plants, you will see that the leaves of the water lily are more rounded.

Only flowers cannot be confused with each other: the water lily White flower lies on the water surface, and yellow flower water lily rises above the water.

Yellow egg capsule - description.

This herbaceous plant has cylindrical rhizomes that grow horizontally. Rhizomes grow up to two meters. Many white roots emerge from the rhizomes, growing in length to almost 50 centimeters.

Leaves grow in bunches from rhizomes. The leaves are located on very long stems, reaching four meters. The leaves of the plant are either submerged or floating. Floating leaves have cavities filled with air. To allow air access, special microscopic holes are located on the upper side of the floating sheet.

Dark yellow flowers grow on long stalks. Beautiful flowers emit a pleasant subtle aroma. As soon as such beauty is taken out of the water, the plant dies.

Where does the yellow egg capsule grow?

The yellow lily lives in ponds, creeks, lakes and oxbow lakes. Prefers weak currents or standing water. It lives at a depth of one to four meters. Sometimes the plant forms real thickets.

How does the yellow egg pod reproduce?

Flowers appear in May, and flowering continues until the month of August. The seeds are in green boxes. When ripe, the seeds become covered with sticky mucus. In this way they stick to the birds' feet and are transported over long distances. In addition, propagation can occur using broken pieces of rhizomes.

What beneficial properties does the yellow egg capsule have?

  • Traditional healers use the flowers and rhizomes of the plant to treat fever and skin diseases.
  • The plant has a bactericidal, sedative and hypnotic effect.
  • It is believed that if a fresh leaf is applied to the head, then headache will subside.

Scientists warn that this aquatic plant is poisonous. Therefore, treatment with this plant should be treated with caution. For example, small doses of yellow lily tincture lead to excitement, and large doses cause depression of the nervous system.

In past centuries, people tanned and dyed leather using rhizomes and were very successful in breeding cockroaches.

Yellow egg capsule and fish.

Dense thickets of rhizomes are an excellent place for fish spawning. Later, these thickets serve as a dining room and refuge for tench, rudd and roach. Quite naturally, perch and pike very often stand next to the plant.

Information about a plant such as yellow egg capsule, photos, descriptions medicines, manufactured on its basis, in Lately have become very popular among Russians. This is due to the fact that it is actively used in folk medicine, the fashion for which has steadily appeared in last years. At the same time, traditional medicine also uses the egg capsule along with classical medicines to treat certain diseases.

General description of the plant

The yellow egg capsule belongs to the species perennial plants The water lily family, which is why it is also called yellow water lily.

It grows in our country throughout the European part, as well as in Siberia and the Caucasus. However, it can only be seen on the plains in slow rivers, their backwaters, along the banks of ponds and lakes. It grows at a depth of no higher than 1 m and is a kind of indicator of the purity of water, since it dies if it is polluted.

The flowers of the egg capsule are floating, yellow, and solitary. Their size is approximately 6 cm, and they smell very unusual - alcohol. This smell attracts pollinating insects, although the plant can self-pollinate. Flowering usually occurs in September, resulting in ripening multilocular smooth fruits approximately 5 mm long. They are an ovoid-conical box filled with a large number of seeds. The development of such fruits occurs exclusively in water, and they ripen around August-September. At the same time, in addition to seed, it is also possible vegetative propagation this plant.

Attention! The yellow egg capsule is included in a document such as the Red Book, which must be remembered when collecting it for medicinal purposes.

The fact is that the reserves of this plant in nature are restored extremely slowly, so if they are used intensively, it can be destroyed over a fairly large area in a fairly short period.

The egg capsule is used mainly for medical purposes, although there are attempts to decorative use. It is worth remembering that the tubers of the plant are poisonous, so they must be protected from children. In addition to the yellow variety, there are also the following types egg pods:

  • small;
  • Japanese;
  • foreign;
  • multi-petalled;

There are also hybrids of this plant, bred mainly for decorative purposes. At the same time, the small egg capsule and its hybrids can partially be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the herbal capsule amulet is made from all types of egg pods.

Medicinal qualities of yellow capsule and contraindications

The healing properties of the yellow egg capsule are explained by the presence in its composition of chemical microelements and substances useful for the body. For example, it includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • luteolin;
  • sinapic acid;
  • various resins.

Total useful substances this plant may contain more than 50, so it is necessary to take drugs from it only as prescribed by a doctor, who can accurately calculate the dosage and therapeutic effect of a particular collection or infusion. Generally speaking, yellow capsule can be used as a bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic, astringent, hypnotic and sedative. At the same time, both leaves and flowers, rhizomes, and seeds can be used as medicinal raw materials.

For example, the very popular drug Lutenurin is made from the rhizome of the egg capsule. Therapeutic effect This drug is based on the presence of anti-Trichomonas spermatocide in its composition. As a result, it can be used to very successfully treat diseases of trichomonas nature. In addition, contraceptive drugs are made based on the yellow capsule.

Despite the fact that the yellow capsule has an extensive list of beneficial properties, there are also contraindications to its use.

Attention! It is worth remembering that this plant is initially poisonous, and if you do not follow the dosage or violate the technology for preparing a particular medicine, you can expect death.

So, the following signs may serve as symptoms of poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • restless sleep.

If you notice the described signs in yourself or your family, call urgently ambulance. In addition, preparations based on yellow capsule are strictly contraindicated for children and pregnant women. This is also worth remembering when planning to be treated with it.

Diseases that the yellow egg capsule treats

If we name the diseases that the egg capsule can cure, then these are:

  • gastritis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • CNS diseases.

In addition, medications made from it can be used to correct the functions of the reproductive system. A particularly positive effect is observed when drugs are used to eliminate painful nocturnal emissions, as well as when it is necessary to alleviate the course of impotence and restore lost sexual desire. This plant also helps women who want to get rid of this phenomenon in female body like frigidity.

It is worth noting that this plant is used in both folk and classical medicine, so if you see an image of a capsule or a photo of it on the packaging of a medicine, you can safely buy such a medicine, since it is officially approved. For example, as a folk remedy, such drugs can be used to treat stomach cramps, inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys, rheumatism, and tuberculosis. They also cope well with bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, and gout.

Use the capsule with caution to treat enuresis in children. It is also indicated as a mild sleeping pill and sedative. However, it is important to adhere to dosages, since if they are exceeded, depression of the central nervous system will occur.

Many recipes for natural medicines involve the use of yellow capsule extracts for pain in the joints or bruises, and also as a general tonic. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes to combat seborrhea and enhance hair growth. In any case, you need to get a doctor's permission, since the egg capsule has a very strong effect, which can in some cases cause harm to the body.

Collection of yellow egg pods

To make folk medicine from the yellow capsule, you can use two ways. The first is to purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy. The second involves independent procurement of medicinal raw materials.

The good thing about using ready-made collections is that you don’t have to look for this plant on the shores of reservoirs; this is quite difficult for an inexperienced person, given the existence of several types of egg capsule in nature. If you have experience in harvesting medicinal herbs and know that to identify a plant such as yellow capsule, you do not need a photo of it, then you can collect the raw materials yourself.


This happens in the summer or, at most, in early autumn. To do this, the plant is first pruned with a knife, and then a pitchfork, rake, or just hands are used to remove the necessary parts. Next, the rhizomes will need to be washed and cleaned of roots and leaves, and then cut into slices.

These plates are laid out in a 2 cm layer on paper or fabric, strung on threads and hung to dry. After the rhizomes have dried, they will need to be dried in ovens at a temperature of 50-60 °C. The same operation can be performed using attics with iron roofs in well-ventilated rooms or on open verandas.

Rhizomes prepared for use should ultimately have a thickness of no more than 1 cm. Scars are allowed on them dark color in areas of cut or dead leaves. The rhizomes should have a slight odor, a bitter taste, and a brown-gray color. Average term The shelf life of such medicinal raw materials is 2 years.

As for flowers, they are stored for 1 year in a dried state. Drying is carried out in ovens, dryers, furnaces at a temperature of 60 °C. It is worth remembering that the yellow egg capsule is a plant listed in the Red Book, so when harvesting it, it is necessary to leave approximately 10-20% of the plants intact.

The following is prepared from harvested medicinal raw materials:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • essence.

For example, if you need to restore sleep, you will need to brew 20 g of flowers in 1 liter of boiling water of this plant. Next, the resulting solution should be left for 50 minutes and filtered. In order to achieve a positive effect, you will need to take this medicine 3 times a day 1 tbsp. l.

Yellow egg capsule - Nuphar luteum (L.) Sibth. et Smith. Synonyms: water lily, water lily.

In summer, on the surface of lakes, ponds, and slowly flowing rivers, single, spherical large yellow flowers, surrounded by large flat leaves. This is a yellow capsule, an aquatic floating plant with underwater stems up to 2-3 m long. It is widespread in the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Perennial aquatic plant of the water lily family. Lower leaves translucent, on short petioles, upper floating, long petiolate, oval, with a heart-shaped base, leathery. The rhizome is 3-10 cm thick, fleshy, up to 1-2 m long, horizontal, yellowish-green, white at the break, covered with scars from annually dying leaves, attached to the bottom by numerous thin roots that go deep into the ground.
The leaves are large, up to 20-25 cm in diameter, heart-shaped at the base. They stay on the water with long (up to 3 m) petioles.

Blooms all summer, from May to September. The flowers are solitary, with many petals and stamens, large, up to 4-6 cm in diameter, yellow, with a peculiar pleasant smell.
The fruits are berry-shaped green capsules surrounded by unfallen sepals. The seeds are elliptical, green, located on an air sac, with the help of which they spread over a long distance.

Collecting. For medicinal purposes, the roots of the yellow egg capsule are harvested in the summer and early autumn. They are cut with a knife, then pulled out with hands, pitchforks, and hooks. The rhizomes are washed from silt, the leaves and roots are cut off, and washed thoroughly cold water, cut into plates, folded in a 1-2 cm layer on paper, fabric or strung on threads and hung. Wither a little, then dry in ovens, dryers at a temperature of 50-60 "C or in attics with iron roof, open verandas, in well-ventilated areas. The dried rhizomes are wavy, up to 1 cm thick, with dark scars in the places of dead and cut leaves. The inside is grayish-yellowish in color, the outside is brownish-gray, bitterish taste, faint odor. The shelf life has not been established.
Flowers are dried in air, in dryers, ovens, ovens at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. Shelf life 1 year.

In folk medicine, the rhizome and flowers of the yellow capsule are used for inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, and fever. They have an astringent, bactericidal, analgesic, choleretic, diuretic, mild hypnotic, sedative effect, and enhance hair growth.
Yellow water lily leaves fresh applied for headaches. If they dry at the same time, it means they are beneficial.
Infusion of egg capsule flowers: brew 1 liter of boiling water and 20 g of yellow egg capsule flowers, leave for 50 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day as a sedative and hypnotic.
Decoction of capsule flowers: brew 1 liter of boiling water and 40 g of capsule flowers, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Use for baths, washing, washing hair.
A decoction of egg capsule rhizomes: pour 0.5 liters of beer into 20 g of rhizomes, boil them for 10 minutes, strain. Wash your hair 1-2 times a week for 1-2 months.
A decoction of egg capsule rhizomes: brew 200 ml of boiling water and 10 g of rhizomes, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, and pulmonary tuberculosis.
A decoction of the root of the yellow water lily and its seeds with milk stops chronic uterine bleeding.
Infusion and decoction of water lily acts as an antipyretic. Collected in June and July, it cures migraines and dizziness.
Drinking or medicinal dressing from the root helps with spleen tumors and wet dreams. The root cures pain.
Wrap the yellow capsule flowers, weighing 40-50 g, in gauze and place in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Apply to painful places for bruises, rheumatism, gout.
Apply washed leaves of the egg capsule to the skin for erysipelas.
Tincture of yellow capsule in small doses causes excitement, and in large doses it causes depression of the central nervous system.
The essence from the rhizomes of the yellow capsule is used in folk medicine for impotence.
The effect of the water lily is enhanced when mixed with the white root, and the seeds are stronger than the berries.
It should be remembered that the yellow capsule is a poisonous plant. It should be taken for treatment only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the indicated doses and duration of treatment. There are known cases of children being poisoned by the rhizomes of the yellow egg capsule. Poisoning is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea and prolonged sleep.

It is very popular not only in witchcraft practice, but also in homeopathy: the essence from fresh rhizomes is used for sexual impotence and prolapse of the uterus. In folk medicine, the capsule is prescribed for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, gastritis, rheumatism, excessive menstruation, skin diseases, and trichomonas diseases.
BLADDER CANCER. I occasionally used the roots of the yellow capsule for advanced bladder cancer. I brewed 1 teaspoon of dry roots in a glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. He gave me 1/4 glass to drink 3-4 times a day in between meals. The infusion stopped bleeding, relieved pain and improved urination. Perhaps this was facilitated by the entire prescribed complex with other herbs.
IMPOTENCE AND FRIGIDNESS. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed roots into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take only 1 tablespoon 3 times a day between meals. The dose cannot be increased - vomiting, diarrhea, and drowsiness will appear. A large overdose, if you drink the entire glass at once, can cause paralysis of the nervous system and death.

* * *

The plant is poisonous. Tincture of yellow capsule in small doses causes excitement, and in large doses it causes depression of the central nervous system. Egg capsule preparations are well tolerated when handled wisely. During treatment of trichomonas colpitis and thrush, hyperemia and swelling of the external genitalia may occur. Sometimes individual intolerance is observed.

Instructions for use:

The water lily, also called the yellow water lily, is a perennial herbaceous plant water lily family. The plant has a horizontal rhizome and numerous cord-like roots. The egg capsule is found in lakes, ponds, bays and river channels, in shallow water, in places with slow water flow. The underwater stem of the yellow capsule reaches a length of 2 - 3 meters, and the leathery round leaves of the yellow capsule lie on the surface of the water. The flowers of the yellow capsule are located on thick, long stalks next to the leaves. Flowers have pleasant aroma and bright dark yellow color.

Composition and beneficial properties of yellow egg lily

Numerous beneficial features yellow capsules are due to its rich chemical composition. Thus, the rhizome of the egg capsule contains the following substances:

  • Resins;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Sahara;
  • Starch;
  • Bitterness;
  • Tannins;
  • Sitosterol;
  • Stigmasterin.

The list of alkaloids in the roots of this plant is quite wide:

  • Thiobinufaridine;
  • Nufaridin;
  • Nufloin;
  • Deoxynufaridine.

The composition of egg capsule leaves is also represented by a rich list of useful elements:

  • Ellagotannins;
  • Luteolin;
  • Caffeic acid;
  • Ferulic acid;
  • Sinapic acid;
  • P-coumaric acid.

The seeds and flowers of the yellow egg capsule contain nymphalin. In addition, the seeds contain tannins containing gallic acid and ellagic acid.

The medicinal properties, thanks to this composition, are actively used in folk and traditional medicine. Thus, preparations based on the ingredients of yellow capsule have the following effects:

  • Painkiller;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Astringent;
  • Choleretic;
  • Mild sleeping pills;
  • Diuretic;
  • Calming (sedative).

Application of the egg pod

The flowers, leaves, rhizomes and seeds of the plant have medicinal properties. It takes a lot of effort to procure raw materials. In addition to the fact that it is difficult to extract rhizomes firmly rooted into the soil of a reservoir in water, after drying the peeled rhizomes, only 1 kg of dry product is obtained from 10 kg of fresh plants.

The rhizomes of the yellow capsule contain alkaloids that have spermatocidal and antitrichomoniacal effects. The pharmaceutical drug “Lutenurin” is made from the alkaloids of the yellow capsule, which is used for acute and chronic trichomonas diseases. Additionally, using chemical composition yellow egg pods, used to make contraceptives.

Preparations from yellow capsule extracts, when applied topically, are used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes and skin caused by gram-positive microorganisms and pathogenic fungi. Yellow capsule is also used in herbal teas used in the treatment of certain malignant tumors.

The rhizomes of the yellow capsule contain alkaloids of the nufarin group, which destroy strains of Trichomonas, Candida and other harmful agents. This allows this plant to be used by people suffering from immunodeficiency, who have undergone organ transplantation and after chemotherapy.

Preparations based on yellow capsule are also used for the following serious diseases:

  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Uterine prolapse;
  • Gastritis;
  • Depression of the nervous system.

The rhizomes and flowers of the egg capsule are used as a corrective for sexual activity. The egg capsule has a particularly effective effect on men's health when painful nocturnal emissions, impotence or weakened libido are observed. A decoction prepared from the rhizome of the egg capsule is recommended for use for impotence in the stronger sex and frigidity in women.

In folk medicine, flowers, rhizomes with roots and leaves are used. How folk remedy, flowers and rhizomes of yellow capsule are used for fever, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, and skin diseases. A decoction of the roots of the egg capsule in small doses is also used for the following inflammatory diseases:

  • Inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Tuberculosis.

This remedy helps very well in the fight against cough due to ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia. The egg capsule is indicated for gout. In addition, drugs based on this medicinal plant help get rid of nocturnal enuresis (urinary incontinence) in children.

This plant has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. An aqueous infusion of fresh flowers of the yellow capsule renders sedative effect, and therefore this remedy is taken for disturbing shallow sleep. It should be remembered that in large doses this drug can cause depression of the central nervous system.

A tincture of egg capsule flowers is used for urolithiasis. A decoction of flowers is used as a painkiller for joint pain and bruises, and fresh leaves of the egg capsule are applied to inflamed areas. An infusion from the rhizome of the yellow capsule is recommended as a general tonic.

Also, a decoction of the rhizome of the yellow capsule, prepared with beer or brewer's yeast, can treat seborrhea and enhance hair growth.

Contraindications and harm from using yellow capsule

The yellow egg capsule, despite the rich list of its medicinal properties, is still a poisonous plant. Therefore, it must be used for treatment strictly as prescribed by the doctor, and the prescribed doses and treatment periods must be observed.

If the technology for preparing the medicine and the timing of its administration are violated, the following symptoms may be observed, indicating poisoning:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Prolonged sleep (inability to wake up).

Do not exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor, as the wrong approach to dosage can cause severe poisoning and possibly death. In addition, preparations based on yellow capsule are strictly prohibited for pregnant women and children.