Shrubs in southern conditions in the sun. Perennials for sunny areas

Then I realized how strong flowers are

They are like tenderness, like love, like children -

Stronger than evil, stronger than anything in the world,

Stronger than death and stronger than war.

Kirimize Jane

Flowers are a decoration for the yard, but they require the gardener to take a thoughtful approach to both the arrangement of flower beds and garden beds, as well as the combination of plants. In many cases, due to weather conditions, there is no sufficient quantity moisture, and we, always busy and in a hurry, do not have the opportunity to water the flower beds enough times. Not every plant is able to fully survive in such extreme conditions. But there is a way out, and this way out is drought-resistant plants.

Drought-resistant flowers, herbs and ornamental shrubs thrive even on soils with minimal moisture content and are not at all happy with soil saturated with moisture. If there is too much moisture, drought-resistant plants can become sick or even die.

Of course, site drainage can come to the rescue here. This is a troublesome and costly matter, but without it there is no way. The topic of drainage is the topic of a separate article.


The ease of caring for annuals, their ability to add new colors to the flower garden every year, the most amazing forms and their inexhaustible variety have and will continue to attract flower growers.

Among the flowering annuals, we can recommend the following plants for a drought-resistant garden:

    • Zinnia– an annual flowering plant with a height of 30 to 90 cm. The leaves are located opposite each other, the stem and leaves are rigidly pubescent. It blooms in temperate latitudes from June to frost, the inflorescence is a basket, there are a wide variety of shades, the seeds have time to ripen and do not lose their germination for 2-4 years. Based on two types of zinnias - graceful and narrow-leaved, many varieties have now been bred for growing in flower beds.
    • Rudbeckia- annual or perennial flowering plant. The leaves are oval below, lanceolate above. The flower is a basket with tubular and reed flowers. The tubular flowers form a brown tubercle, characteristic of this species. The flowers are daisy-like and usually yellow or orange. The seeds are tetrahedral, small.
    • Cosmos- a tall flowering plant brought from South America. The leaves are twice pinnately dissected, giving the plant an openwork appearance. The flowers are large, on long bare stems, the color ranges from white or pale pink to purple. The seeds ripen very well and reproduce by self-sowing.
    • Decorative types sunflower (Helianthus annuus) – annual tall plant, up to 2.5 m. The leaves are heart-shaped, arranged alternately. The stem and leaves are rigidly pubescent, the flower is a basket with dark tubular flowers and yellow petal flowers. The seeds are wedge-shaped, smooth, slightly pubescent.
    • Decorative poppy (Papaver rhoeas) – an annual plant that has many varieties with varied colors. This light-loving plant is planted in separate group plantings on a lawn or flower bed, as well as in a group of different varieties.

Decorative poppy

Ground cover plants

These drought-tolerant perennials are low-growing, up to a maximum of 35 cm, and very attractive. Forming dense, growing clumps, they are perfect for alpine hills and rocky gardens. They tolerate bright sun very well. Light, low-moisture soils suit them best. The list of sun-loving perennials can be long:

      • Juvenile (Sempervivum): cobwebby, hybrid, roofing, offspring - they all form dense rosettes of purple or green color. In summer, large flowers of pinkish, yellowish, red colors look impressive against this background.
      • Sedums (Sedum)- amazing variety of shapes and colors. The leaves are yellowish, green, purple. The flowers are crimson, orange, yellow, pink. They bloom from June to August and form extensive thickets.
      • Carnation (Dianthus), well, what would we do without her? Dianthus grass and glaucous, with simple flowers or with terry ones of stunningly beautiful colors - from white-pink to raspberry-red.
      • Arabis- a low creeping plant with rooting stems. Can be annual or perennial. The leaves are pubescent, the flowers are white, yellow or pink, double or not, in inflorescences on a stalk. The fruit is a pod.


    • Rock alyssum (Alyssum saxatile)- a plant of the steppe hills and mountains of Siberia. A small herbaceous shrub with woody shoots. The leaves are ovoid, heavily pubescent, with a gray tint. The flowers are yellow and form a raceme. It requires calcium-rich soil.
    • Saxifraga (Saxifraga)perennial with a well-developed root system. The flowers look like a star and form inflorescences. The leaves are thick, with a glossy, leathery sheen, and exude lime along the leaf margins. Thickets of saxifrage form turf covers.
    • Phlox subulata- a plant with recumbent shoots and prickly sharp leaves, forming evergreen turf coverings. It blooms very profusely, flowers of various shades. Grows well on rocky soils, hills and mountainous surfaces.
    • Tomentosum (Cerastium tomentosum)herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall, with white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences. The leaves are silver-green and have a pubescent edge. Lives in mountainous and hilly areas.
    • Mesembryanthemum- an annual or biennial creeping or creeping succulent up to 15 cm high. The flowers resemble daisies and open at noon. Vitrified cells in the form of dew drops are visible on the top of the stems.

Felt cleaver


The list of drought-resistant perennials can be continued. Unpretentious and hardy, they feel great in the sun and grow well between the stones of alpine hills and rockeries:

    • Wormwood (Artemisia)- a perennial herbaceous semi-shrub plant with a tart, bitter aroma of shoots. The leaves are green to silver-gray, dissected. Flowers are in racemose or paniculate inflorescences, the fruit is an achene.
    • Euphorbia (Euphorbia)- a perennial herbaceous or shrubby plant. In addition to seeds, it reproduces by root shoots. All representatives have a milky juice on the cut, which is very poisonous. The flowers are single or collected in rosettes, the inflorescence is surrounded by some kind of glass.
    • Yarrow (Achillea) –perennial plant with baskets with many flowers, it would be more correct to say “milliflora”. Widely used in folk medicine, Stems up to 50 cm high. Yarrow extracts sulfur from the soil and distributes it throughout the area.
    • Lavender– has a wonderful aroma; its purple thickets can beautifully decorate garden paths.
    • Daylily (Hemerocallis)- a plant with tall arrows, at the ends of which there are flowers - has great diversity and is completely unpretentious.


Drought-tolerant grasses

Designing a flower garden without herbs and grains cannot be considered complete. From decorative drought-resistant grasses you can plant:

    • Byzantine Chistina (Stachys byzantina)- a bluish-green plant with fluffy leaves.
    • Elimus– another name is grate. An unpretentious herbaceous plant, usually propagated by shoots from the rhizome. The inflorescence forms a panicle, reminiscent of an ear of rye or wheat, and is stored dried on the stem for a long time.
    • Gray fescue (Festuca glauca)- a perennial plant up to half a meter tall. The rhizomes are creeping, the inflorescences form panicles with spikelets, the fruit is a caryopsis. The leaves are lanceolate and can range from green to silver in color.
    • Phalaroides- a perennial grass up to 120 cm high with striped linear leaves. It blooms with spikelets collected in panicles. The leaves do not droop even from severe frosts. Usually, with the help of vegetative shoots from the rhizome, it grows very strongly and can become a difficult weed.

Byzantine chistets

These herbs will add charm to your flower garden, giving it sophistication and attractiveness.

tall plants

First of all, among tall drought-resistant plants I would like to note decorative bow, mallow. Each of these plants is beautiful in its own way. Double hollyhock flowers captivate your heart with their richness of shades - from burgundy to snow-white. Mallow blooms all summer - from June until almost frost. And these plants grow up to two meters in height.

The decorative onion Allium is not far behind them. Its spherical inflorescences of pink and white shades rise up to one hundred and seventy centimeters.

Yellow is the color of the sun, and for good reason yellow flowers are a symbol of joy and happiness. They bring warmth to every corner of the garden...

Drought-resistant shrubs

It is often very difficult when building a landscape to do without ornamental shrubs. Shrubs are the note that makes the garden truly sound, giving completeness and visual completeness to the landscaping of the territory, on which you have put so much of your strength, your imagination, your desire for beauty.

Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina) out of competition. It does not require additional care and can withstand unfavorable conditions quite well. Attractive, evergreen, one can say about this shrub that if there are charismatic plants, then this is about it. Juniper with its presence brings special charm and beauty to the landscape.

Euonymus (Euonymus)- a beautiful, very bright, even somewhat picturesque shrub. It is difficult to take your eyes off the euonymus surrounded by properly selected low-growing plants. In the summer months, its openwork, dark green foliage attracts, but autumn comes, and the crown of the bush is engulfed in such a riot of colors that you can’t take your eyes off it. Many of its species are quite drought-resistant. This applies to, and others.

A good example unpretentiousness and drought resistance is barberry (Berberis). Yellow and bright red leaves adorn the long, thorny branches. Barberry loves the sun and feels great under its rays. Details of caring for this shrub can be found here Euonymus

  • Carefully consider which plants should grow nearby. Under no circumstances should a drought-resistant plant be planted next to a moisture-loving one. It will be very difficult to organize watering.
  • When planting plants, you should establish the correct distance between them. For plants that like to grow too much, root limiters should be used - plant them in containers without a bottom, buried in the ground; the horizontal spread of roots will not be further than expected.
  • Such flower beds should be watered rarely, but abundantly.

By choosing drought-resistant flowers for a flowerbed in a sunny area, residents of southern regions characterized by high summer temperatures and low rainfall can significantly reduce labor costs by reducing the number of waterings. Plants that easily tolerate drought are, as a rule, undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need fertilizing. Such qualities will greatly facilitate the care of the flower garden.

Drought resistance in a number of plants is genetically determined: nature contributed to an increase in survival, which affected not only the cellular level, but also the appearance:

  • the evaporating surface of the plant has decreased or the number of parts storing moisture has increased;
  • a powerful and well-branched root system, going deep into the soil.

Not all of the drought-resistant flowers are different lush flowering, but not all of them are similar to camel thorn either. Many plants that tolerate sun and infrequent watering are distinguished by their lushness and decorativeness despite the fact that they can survive drought. Their range is so wide that you can easily choose flowers for your flowerbed that satisfy the gardener in all respects.

Tall species

A flowerbed that combines different flowers, planted in tiers: tall ones are planted in the center of a round flower bed or in the background of a flower garden adjacent to the wall of a building. Of the tall plants in arid regions, the following are popular:

  1. 1 Karyopteris (nutwing) with early spring It pleases with bright foliage, and in August and September it blooms blue fragrant inflorescences, similar to panicles, because of which in English-speaking countries it is called bluebeard. Varieties with blue and white flowers have been bred. The bushes of the plant are compact, do not fall apart, the height of the shoots is 0.5-1.5 m. With the onset of autumn, the foliage of the plant becomes especially decorative, changing color from green to various shades of brown, green and yellow.
  2. 2 Crocosmia (Montbrecia) is a bulbous iris plant native to South Africa. The smell of dried flowers is reminiscent of saffron. The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is 0.6-1.5 m. Due to the abundance of varieties, it has an extended flowering period from June to the end of September; the flowers can be of various shades of yellow and red.
  3. 3 Mallow (mallow) is considered an annual weed, but is cultivated as decorative flower. This plant has 25 species, the same number of flower shapes, colors and sizes. In height (depending on the variety), mallow grows from 30 to 120 cm.

Medium height forms

This is the middle tier of the flowerbed, it is closer to the edge and therefore should be lower. There will be drought-resistant plants blooming against the backdrop of the “giants” of the previous tier:

  1. 1 Echinacea from the Asteraceae family pleases the eye with an abundance of colors - burgundy, yellow, pink and purple petals surround a convex center. Straight, rough stems reach a height of 1 m. This plant has a long (about 2 months) flowering period, starting in mid-summer.
  2. 2 Gaillardia (gaillardia) is an annual plant of the aster family, about half a meter high, with flowers ranging from yellow to red-brown in color, looks impressive against the background of the greenery of tall shrubs.
  3. 3 The bell (campanula) reaches half a meter in height. This herbaceous perennial plant blooms with purple, blue or white flowers.
  4. 4 Liatris is a corm plant that forms inflorescences with a total length of up to half a meter, blooming from top to bottom. Blooms from June to August.
  5. 5 Sandy immortelle (tsmin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, up to 60 cm high. The flowers do not fade and do not lose color even after cutting.

low growing flowers

The foreground of a flowerbed in a sunny area is made up of low representatives of drought-resistant flora:

  1. 1 Marigolds are often used in landscaping and offer a variety of varieties. The bushes are compact, the shortest ones are no higher than 20 cm. Not only are they decorative bright flowers with a strong odor, but also serrated leaves. They bloom from June until frost.
  2. 2 Phlox refers to perennials with erect or creeping stems. Although the flowers are not gigantic in size, the flowering is so abundant that the size of an individual flower does not matter. The color is varied - from pure white to dark purple. The appearance of the bushes is varied even within the species.
  3. 3 Calendula (marigold) is an ornamental herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family and is also medicinal. If you promptly remove bright yellow or orange fading flowers, new ones will appear and bloom until the end of the growing season.

What are ground covers?

Look good on an alpine slide located in the open sun:

  1. 1 Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) is an essential oil plant, a low-growing shrub with branches up to 35 cm long, woody stems, recumbent or ascending. Blooms from June to August.
  2. 2 Juvenile (stone rose) belongs to the Crassulaceae family. This is a perennial cover plant consisting of multi-leaved rosettes up to 15 cm in diameter. The fleshy leaves are not only decorative, but also serve as water reservoirs. They are grown not so much for their flowers, but for their decorative foliage.
  3. 3 Sedum (sedum) is another plant of the Crassulaceae family. Perennial, with fleshy leaves, star-shaped flowers bloom in summer or fall.
  4. 4 Saxifraga is able to grow even on rocks, this is an excellent indicator of its unpretentiousness. low growing plant blooms in spring or early summer. There are about 370 species in nature, and about 80 species are cultivated.

Only succulents can not be watered at all; all other flowers should still be given periodic watering days and loosening.

A little care - and a flower bed made up of drought-resistant flowers will delight you all season until late autumn abundant flowering.

Not every plant is able to fully develop and grow without sufficient moisture. They can react to its deficiency in different ways: some are stunted in growth, others lose leaf turgor, and others dry out completely. But what if in hot, dry weather it is not possible to water the flower garden often? In this case, an excellent solution to the problem would be to select drought-resistant plants for decorating a flower garden, which, even with insufficient moisture, do not lose their attractiveness, delighting others with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma.

When designing flowerbeds of drought-resistant plants, you can adhere to standard planting schemes, in which the foreground is filled with low-growing flowers, and tall, handsome flowers are planted as a background in the background.

Decorative flower beds can act as a spectacular decoration for a site and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for their owners

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for many years, it is necessary to take into account a number of points:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable in depleted soils. But they do not tolerate marshy soils where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On waterlogged soils they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage is a prerequisite when arranging flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the factor of illumination of the area is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Combination of plants. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may feel uncomfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the gardener may have difficulties with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. To ensure reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be added to the soil. It is advisable to water only in the morning, thereby reducing moisture loss during the day.

Plants must be planted at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for free growth of their above-ground parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants in nature grow on depleted soils and soils lacking vitamins, when preparing a flower garden it is better to limit the amount of organic fertilizers.

The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous compared to their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is wrong. Among the drought-resistant plant species you can find many bright and showy decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering, drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and can grow even on depleted soils.

Many gardeners love drought-resistant plants not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. Around the flower beds with these plants there is always pleasant aroma, attracting insects that pollinate flowers.

But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, there are clear favorites that, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Using tall and low-growing drought-resistant grasses when designing compositions, you can even create real masterpieces of landscape art

Unpretentious plants can feel comfortable in both sunny and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, milkweed, arabis, sedum and yarrow grow well between rocks. They are indispensable when decorating dry slopes, as well as for arranging and.

Among ground cover and low-growing drought-resistant flowers, the most decorative ones are: awl-shaped phlox, gaillardia, alyssum, saxifrage

Lilac lavender bushes, planted along garden paths and exuding a magical aroma in the area, can literally transform the territory of the site

Irises, beloved by many gardeners, are also not particularly demanding to care for. Most of them bloom for 3-5 weeks in the spring, but some varieties bloom again in autumn.

Irises – amazing plants, numbering in tens of thousands of varieties, amaze the imagination with their exquisite flower shape and variety of colors

Echinacea is also great for decorating dry areas. A native of warm countries is interesting bright inflorescences pink, yellow, burgundy and purple shades.

In addition to their decorative appeal, miniature “suns” can also have a healing effect: they help improve immunity, as well as cure colds and flu

Will help give the garden an original texture Byzantine chistets. The plant, popularly referred to as “lamb’s ears,” is interesting due to its silvery foliage with a velvety texture.

Byzantine chistets is a herbaceous perennial 30-40 cm high. As it grows, it creates elegant soft “pillows” with a silvery tint

Crocosmia – unusual beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, is of South African origin. The aroma of its flowers is somewhat reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking.

Crocosmia, decorated with spikelets with star-shaped funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from mid-summer to late autumn

This drought-resistant plant looks great in open flower beds.

Among the tall, drought-resistant beauties are mallow, miscanthus, and decorative onions. Reaching a height of two meters, they are able to create elegant screens that will act as a bright decoration of the site throughout the season until the first frost.

The graceful stems of hollyhock roses can be decorated with about a dozen semi-double or double flowers of various shades, from snow-white, rich yellow to dark purple and burgundy.

These showy plants are ideal for a low-maintenance garden. It is enough just to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other on fertile and well-drained soil - and within a year or two you will be able to enjoy the stunning flowering of mallow from June to late autumn.

Allium or decorative onion deserves special attention. Throwing out flower-bearing arrows 80-170 cm high in the spring (depending on the variety), it dresses up in spherical inflorescences of stunning beauty.

Large balls of allium inflorescences, smoothly swinging on thin arrows, are strewn with star-shaped flowers in white, pink and light purple shades

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, thanks to its specific “onion” smell, allium can protect against harmful insects not only yourself, but your neighbors in the flowerbed.

Drought-tolerant grasses

When designing a flower garden, a special place should be given to drought-resistant herbs. The most attractive among them are gray fescue, two-tasseled fescue and elimus.

Compact bushes of gray fescue, the height of which does not exceed 20-25 cm, look like sea ​​urchin with bluish needles

Such “bumps” look impressive against the backdrop of ponds and rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with fertile, well-drained substrate.

Two-source plant – rapidly growing ornamental grass, forming tall “pillows” collected from white-green variegated grass

The decorative grass elymus is also attractive with its pointed bluish-gray leaves.

Since elymus grows quickly and behaves somewhat aggressively towards neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in a flower garden, limiting the roots using a container without a bottom

Decorative trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought resistance. Its thorn-strewn stems, growing up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves.

Among the variety of barberry varieties, the most decorative ones are Golden Ring with red small leaves in a yellow border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with a fancy pattern of white strokes and droplets

Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight you with edible bright red fruits in the fall.

Euonymus - bright and unusual beautiful bush attractive with a beautiful openwork crown and small elegant foliage.

The plant, whose foliage is a rich dark green in the summer months, is engulfed in an “autumn fire” as September approaches, turning into shades of orange, purple and violet.

The pinkish fruits that cover the stems of the euonymus open as they ripen, revealing bright red-orange seeds. Amazing sight! But it is worth remembering that ripe fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver oleagin shrub is no less decorative. It feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen.

The branches of the shrub, decorated with silvery foliage, are strewn with miniature flowers during flowering, spreading a pleasant aroma, thanks to which they are widely used in the perfume industry

In place of the flowers, fruits are later set, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent, sweetish pulp.

The flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles, spreading a pleasant resinous aroma around them.

An amazingly beautiful forest dweller, withstanding unfavorable conditions, is capable of transforming any place on the site. It will be an effective addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, or a frame for a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants are ideal for garden and flower garden decoration. They take root well and serve as a worthy decoration for the site.

Long-term observations of agricultural technicians and gardeners allow us to choose the right flowers and plants for sunny places in the garden. Plants need light, air, water and nutrients, which they obtain from the soil. The disadvantage of these necessary conditions slows down growth and causes various diseases. An important stimulus that has a special effect on plant growth is sunlight. It provides radiant energy for photosynthesis, which affects the development process of the plant.

Long-term observations of agricultural technicians and gardeners allow us to choose the right flowers and plants for sunny places in the garden

If you experiment and grow a plant in the dark, it will be pale yellow and will not turn green because it will not accumulate chlorophyll, which absorbs red and blue light from the sun's rays and reflects green. If the plant is not exposed to light and does not begin photosynthesis, it will die. The main condition for successful germination of the seeds of some plants is sufficiently bright light (for example, in petunia). Majority garden plants prefer to be on open areas garden, others bloom regardless of sunny places, and there are those that love the shade.

A garden cannot be without everyone’s favorite roses and lilies. Sung by poets and composers, they are the main decoration of gardens. The lily is the only flower mentioned by Jesus Christ in the New Testament: “Look at the lilies, how they grow... and Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like any of these...”.

A garden cannot be without everyone's favorite roses.

It’s good to make your own collection of several interesting varieties of roses and lilies. You can place special pegs with tags next to the seedlings, attach information about the variety and planting date to the tags; It is advisable to start a garden journal so that you can write down all the necessary information about your favorite exhibits in your garden collection.

There are so many varieties of roses and lilies that they are classified into sections and groups according to certain garden characteristics. The classification of roses, approved by the World Federation of Rose Societies in 1976, divides these flowers into 3 groups: natural species (rose hips), old garden roses(Bourbon, Damask, Chinese, French, Scottish, tea, climbing) and modern garden (hybrids obtained by crossing roses various types, differ large sizes bushes, abundant flowering, better winter hardiness). Roses bloom continuously from early summer to mid-autumn, unlike lilies, whose flowering period rarely exceeds 3 weeks. For planting lilies, it is better to select varieties with different flowering periods.

Currently, thanks to the work of breeders, there are thousands of varieties of lilies. Third edition of the International Register famous varieties Lilies (published in England in 1982) contains more than 3,200 varieties. Garden lilies in this register are classified into 10 sections. The first section includes Asian hybrids. Tiger lily, drooping lily, pleasant lily - these are species representatives of this section that have popular, unpretentious, easily and quickly propagated garden varieties. Lilies in their diversity are also distinguished by the relationship of the flower to the stem: with flowers directed up, down or to the sides.

Gallery: plants for sunny places (25 photos)

Sun-loving hosts (video)

Light-loving peony

If the rose is the queen of all gardens, then the peony is called the king. Large flowers peony and the beauty of the plant's original leaves make it special. It is said to be a flower with the scent of a thousand roses. Peonies are bred in the form herbaceous perennials and tree shrubs. Tree peonies are becoming very popular among gardeners. The flowers of these plants have amazing stamens, and the tree peony lives for 100 years. Growing conditions differ: tree peonies should be planted in slightly shaded areas, unlike herbaceous peonies who definitely need places well lit by the sun.

If the rose is the queen of all gardens, then the peony is called the king

Unforgettable petunia

The beautiful petunia is what really brings joy to the soul lush flowering from April to November. And most importantly, it can withstand any scorching sun and is absolutely unpretentious. If the main flowers of the garden are planted in a certain central composition, then a simple multi-flowered petunia can be planted in the remaining places. It traditionally serves as an excellent garden decoration. It is worth planting petunia once, and then it will reproduce by self-seeding, and every spring it is enough to correct its numerous shoots. Petunia is traditionally planted in pots, in hanging baskets, and in all kinds of containers that can be moved around the garden.

Purslane and daisies

In order for the flowers in the garden to look harmonious, you should skillfully select a combination based on the height and shape of the plants. A beautiful composition can be created on a raised flowerbed of variegated purslane, framed by bushes of identical daisies. The name of these flowers comes from Latin word"portula", meaning "gate". Its seed pod opens up as if a small gate is opening to the coming new flowers embedded in tiny seeds. Purslane reproduces by self-sowing and in some European countries it grows unpretentiously as a field weed in damp sandy places, along river banks, in vegetable gardens and fields. A garden varieties Daisies can be grown in any good soil. To prevent them from degenerating, old specimens of daisies are dug up after flowering and divided into several parts for planting.

Chamomiles and chrysanthemums

As do daisies, daisies and chrysanthemums from the aster family. In the kingdom of flowers, these plants have the title of princesses. One of the wonderful varieties of chamomile is called “Silver Princess,” and one of the varieties of white chrysanthemum has the same name. Daisies, despite the simplicity of their flowers, symbolize a happy sunny day. It's nice to watch in the garden how daisies open their petals in the morning in the sun, and in the evening they collect them again into a bud. A bush of garden giant chamomile (scientific name - nevus) grows up to 1 m in height. A fully opened flower from a nevus bud can reach 10-15 cm in diameter. Chamomile pleases with long flowering from the beginning of June to the end of September. The plant loves sunlight and tolerates drought well.