Moon square Uranus in the natal birth chart. The magic of numbers

Het Monster:
Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but unexpected, inexplicable actions, perverted emotions. They abandon one thing to do something else, even more adventurous. Often - unhappy life circumstances, generally a tendency to accidents. Violations in the family. Desire give up the past.

Catherine Aubier:
Square Moon - Uranus
Opposition, square: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological variability, and imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive; there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often without visible reasons. The most insignificant reason can spoil the mood and leads to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability.
These character traits often underlie instability in family life(however, the same is often observed during planetary conjunctions).
The connection can take on the meaning of harmonious and disharmonious aspects depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect.

A. Underwater:
Square Moon - Uranus
Square of the Moon: It is necessary to distinguish people whose souls are asleep from those whose souls have already flown away.
The square of the Moon gives great internal difficulties associated with the Planetary principle, especially when it is perceived. For example, the Moon - Mars square gives a feeling of rudeness and aggression of the outside world in situations where this is not even remotely similar, and vice versa, a person can be aggressive and cruel without noticing it. The square of the Moon makes the ego programs associated with the Planet convex and visible: a person really wants to egoistically consume its principle, but the circumstances of external and internal life are such that he cannot do this, resulting in severe frustration, resentment towards the world, and an underconsumption complex etc. This person has many sharp points in the spheres of the Planetary principle internal corners, he constantly trips over them, and the more he feels sorry for himself, the worse he becomes. The karmic meaning of this square, however, lies not in straightforward asceticism and rejection of the principle of the Planet (this can sometimes lead to illness), but in a detailed and thorough study of the subconscious programs corresponding to the Planet, highlighting the egocentric and evolutionary-constructive components in them and establishing an adequate diet : the problem of the square of the Moon lies, in particular, in the fact that the ego wants to eat, directing itself, the vibrations of the Planet entirely, but it succeeds poorly, or, if the Moon is significantly stronger than the Planet, a strong profanation of the latter occurs. For example, the Moon - Venus square can make a person a ruthless consumer of the opposite sex, who is subconsciously perceived (at least in love) as unconditionally primitive and rude, and develop respect (i.e., a skill that prevents conscious and subconscious profanity) for It can be very difficult for someone of the other gender. Elaboration gives a good understanding and subtlety in relation to the Planetary principle, as well as a vision of its action in someone else's subconscious, which gives good teaching abilities in relevant areas, for example, a worked out Sun - Moon square - the aspect of a class teacher or a primary school teacher.
Uranus Square: Talent mediocre longs for a moment of inspiration, and longs for a moment of respite from it.
The squares of the higher planets give the effect of fate, which is useless to fight, or, more precisely, harmful, since a person can very seriously ruin the life of himself (and those around him) by incorrect behavior in the spheres of the Planet standing in the square to the highest one. However, a person chooses a way of relating to what is happening and a way of seeing it, the so-called point of view: both the point where he looks and the point from where, i.e., being in what positions, he looks, and this choice mainly determines his elaboration squares of the higher planets and, therefore, fate within the framework of world karma.
For example, the square Venus - Uranus gives not only an irresistible tendency to be eccentric and uncontrollable social behavior in the most inappropriate conditions for this, but also the inability to love a partner for a long time, who does not change in any way over time - a person becomes inexpressibly bored. However, in this regard, you can change partners once a month, or you can change your point of view on a given instance every day, discovering something fundamentally new in it, although the second option is much more difficult.
In general, the square of Uranus gives the Planet genius on the verge of the norm (sometimes on the other side of it), but it can be very difficult to constructively implement Uranian ideas and revelations. A person needs to try to understand the meaning of his eccentricity, learn to read the Uranian signs in Planetary manifestations, and then he will begin to partially see the complex pattern of karma swirling around him, and, perhaps, will reveal to the world something hitherto unprecedented, incomprehensible and impossible, but no less, real. The manifestations of the square of Uranus cannot be understood - you can only get used to them and learn to use them somehow, but, with all the success and effectiveness of their applications, a person will have the impression that he is shooting sparrows from a cannon, and a target worthy of Uranus remains invisible. The square of Uranus provides wonderful opportunities to put a spoke in the wheels of others, and if a person sets himself the goal of hindering evil and involutionary programs, he can become very inventive in this. Unfortunately, more often this square is used, on the contrary, to disturb the evolutionary flow, creating turbulence in it, i.e. karmic knots, in which, of course, the creativity of the Absolute is manifested, but the person through whom this creativity is realized becomes a black teacher. However, for the fate of a particular person, it is not indifferent at what level and how this black teaching occurs, in the role of a critic, informer or executioner, therefore one should be attentive to the manifestations of the square of Uranus, since here minor accents (including the internal relation to what is happening) can have a far greater impact ongoing consequences.

Nervousness, the subconscious affects consciousness, thinking is captive of the past, which is why objectivity and sociability suffer. The mood takes such great place that there is no time left for spiritual pursuits. Tearful sentimentality interferes with clarity of thought. You talk about nonsense all the time, wasting your energy. Tormenting others with stories about your family affairs. You sympathize with friends, are loyal to family, but find it difficult to get along with the public. You may be misunderstood, slandered, and there is a possibility of betrayal.

It can manifest itself as a feeling of obstacles, strong tension that arises in expressing one’s opinion, in relationships with other people, and especially in relationships with co-workers, brothers, and neighbors. Possible violation nervous system, the digestive apparatus, body fluids and the nerves that control these functions. You are characterized by quick but inaccurate reactions, anxiety, excitement, and nervous worries.

Moon - Square - Venus

Lack of ability to express one's emotions creates a feeling of inferiority and disappointment in emotional relationships. Excessive gullibility, sentimentality and strong sensitivity lead to the fact that they begin to take advantage of you. The discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual in relationships can lead to the development of an inferiority complex. Instability of mood, feeling unhappy, emotional tension and the perception of love only from the tragic side can be associated with early childhood experiences.

Possible financial and social difficulties, disorder in business and home, laziness, capriciousness, and a tendency to waste. Sometimes you tend to make promises that you are unable to keep.

The profession may be related to design, avant-garde fashion, or gardening.

In the female horoscope it indicates sensuality, painful emotionality and the difficulty of being a mother and a beloved woman at the same time. Increases the likelihood of infertility.

Possible kidney problems endocrine system, especially under stress, a tendency to gain weight and cellulite.

Moon - Square - Mars

You have an analytical, scientific mind that developed in childhood. You are erudite, characterized by technical acumen and a critical attitude to business. You are too independent, you want to go your own way in life, and do not tolerate interference. But as you age, you may lose your high youthful ideals and aspirations. Family misunderstandings, difficulties at home, and disagreement with parents are possible. This has a bad effect on public opinion and professional standing.

Susceptibility to excessive emotions, excitability, inconstancy, irritability. Often you take everything personally, which leads to quarrels, emotional outbursts and bad mood.

The tendency to follow one’s desires leads to rash actions, aggressiveness, and mistreatment of women. Alcohol is dangerous for you, as you lose power over yourself. Often a sign of poor health, stomach ulcers. Whoever accumulates his adversity inside gets nervous diseases.

It is very likely that problems arise due to emotional instability, which, in turn, is associated with the expression of your attitude towards people and your own self-esteem. Try to follow safety precautions at work and be more careful when handling gas, water, and electricity.

Moon - Square - Jupiter

Speaks of popularity and good character, but possible internal conflicts based on ideology and religion. In these matters, you tend to adhere to extremes - either agnosticism or fanaticism. Do you have common sense financial matters, but wealth can lead to idleness, lack of sense of proportion, or contribute to delusions of grandeur.

There may be a tendency towards laziness, luxury, wastefulness and expensive habits, a tendency to indulge one’s weaknesses. You can be pityed by a fictitious sad story and it’s easy to get money out of you. So generosity should be prudent, for the benefit.

There is likely a tendency to wander, to hike without a specific goal, but remember that misfortunes await abroad.

There may be manifestations of disrespect on the part of the mother or wife. There may be problems associated with a reluctance to identify oneself with the outside world, as well as some asocial perception of oneself. Advancement up the social ladder occurs through conflict or career growth to the detriment of the family.

Overeating is harmful to the body; excessive consumption of sweets is especially dangerous for you. Possible accumulation of fluids in the body, digestive disorders.

Moon - Square - Saturn

Melancholy, lack vitality. Often a strong attachment to the mother or another complex associated with early experience, creating difficulties in communicating with women, especially in male horoscope. You lack faith in yourself, you may feel abandoned in this world and look for a way out of this situation.

With external coldness, self-control and detachment, you have a greater internal energy and the desire for success, you have a hidden temperament. This duality leads to emotional disappointment, misunderstanding of the environment, and soul-searching.

Your feelings are often directed to the past. Painfully painful memories do not allow you to feel happy in the present. Sometimes this aspect indicates conflict between your parents. If it really took place, but was not realized by you, then perhaps you will transfer it to your partner.

You should not consciously strive for loneliness, time will pass, and it will begin to suppress. In relationships with others, you strive for maximum specificity.

You must avoid negative emotions, otherwise you can act depressingly on others, make them bored, gloomy and in the end find yourself alone with your adversities. Disappointments make you sour, looking like martyrs. You need to force yourself to forget the past, meet each day with hope and trust, and only in this way will you acquire a positive image that inspires confidence in others.

Try to become more tolerant and generous. Remember that the energy of this aspect is given to the solution life problems, the study of the world and its laws.

Moon - Square - Uranus

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but strong emotional perversity, unexpected inexplicable moods. When one thing gets boring, a new one is invented, more exciting and adventurous. Socializing with friends creates emotional stimulation. Your behavior may be characterized by passion, impulsiveness and individualism.

Your emotions often take a new direction due to unexpected actions of people around you. You probably like pompous, narcissistic, self-absorbed people, who do much more harm than good. Possible betrayal and problems with the opposite sex; extraordinary approach to issues of family and marriage.

May indicate accidents natural disasters and social upheavals that cause poor health, or an unstable home situation, frequent changes of residence. You always look at the world with new eyes, with a strong desire to abandon the old and the past.

Try to be careful when handling electrical appliances.

Moon - Square - Neptune

You strive to take everything lightly; you always find people willing to help you in difficulties. The same aspect can form the desire to provide others with such maternal care, which you never had as a child yourself.

Your home life may be chaotic, disorderly and confusing, this aspect may indicate absent-mindedness leading to dirt and disorder in the house. Great wealth can have a destructive effect on you.

Increases the risk of disappointment. You must try not to lose ground, not succumb to delusions and not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by your imagination. The desire to indulge in feelings can lead to alcoholism and drug addiction. You should not engage in occultism, spiritualism and other similar things, as you may have problems recognizing true spirituality.

Taking tranquilizers and medications that destroy the gastric mucosa is dangerous for you. Use caution when handling hot or caustic liquids.

Moon - Square - Pluto

You strive to completely change your life, to find solutions to emotional difficulties, perhaps even neglecting material wealth, but all changes are made with difficulty, a lot of blood, and are associated with much destruction. You can be in slavery to your own emotions; cold, calculating egoism often forces you to achieve your goal at any cost, not paying attention to the fact that your actions cause pain and suffering to the people around you.

You are harsh with your family and parents and do not tolerate interference from them. The more people around you show kindness to you, the more distrustful you become. Little things cause irritation, because you want to deal only with the important and unique.

You have great emotionality and a strong mental field, which causes people, especially women, to feel insecure. It may mean a desire to forget the past, to break all ties that interfere. You respond to pressure from others with indignation and anger.

Moon - Square - Rahu

Indicates difficulties in implementing personal plans; it is not easy to arrange family life and care for own home. The very course of events strangely brings more and more difficulties. It is not easy for you to gain recognition and achieve your ambitious dreams.

In your last incarnation, your excessive emotionality, impressionability and desire for a quiet, calm, prosperous life became one of the obstacles on the path of spiritual evolution.
Therefore, now you must get rid of emotional instability and achieve mental liberation.

Moon - Square - Lilith

Excessively painful sensitivity can cause suspiciousness, fears, obsessive states and psychological instability. Strong spiritual experiences are possible.

Moon - Square - Chiron

In your childhood, your mother’s influence manifested itself in a non-standard way, either by the properties of her character or by the conditions of her upbringing (the mother could occupy a higher position in society, science or in a professional sense than the father). The main thing you must learn in this life is the art of adaptation and adaptation. If you stubbornly resist change, your own habits will consume you, robbing you of the ability to see that you are truly stuck in the past, slowly but surely becoming dogmatic. However, sooner or later, you will be presented with bills for which you need to pay dearly.

Another extreme is also possible - complete rejection and even aversion to strict guidelines, to any kind of routine in general and the formation of original habits and lifestyle that differs from the majority of the people around him.

You should not unconditionally trust your own perception, since, most likely, you are characterized by misunderstanding or rejection of a number of life phenomena. You need to learn to analyze what is happening, be more attentive to the surrounding reality and not bring the originality of your life attitudes to the point of absurdity.

Moon - Square - ASC

Emotional problems in expressing one's personality and, if necessary, acting actively. Difficulties in contacts, in marriage. Subconscious conflicts prevent you from acting decisively and straightforwardly, so many partners and loved ones may perceive you as a hindrance. We must overcome this aspect by monitoring our habits and behavior.
Your life is often full of disappointments and failures. You tend to perceive obstacles dramatically; every minor trouble may seem like a disaster to you. Your ability to communicate with people depends heavily on your ability to discipline your emotions and refine your experiences. In your youth you may have had a lively personality and a sharp tongue, but maturity should lead to replacing these qualities with understanding of others and compassion for people.

Your feelings always influence relationships, and therefore they are not so easy to establish, although you are often lucky in love. This unbridled experience and riot of feelings persists until the end of life. Due to excessive sensitivity, you need the support of others. You can strive to ensure that your loved ones and colleagues provide you with support similar in nature to your mother’s.

Moon - Square - MS

Difficulties with parents and family. Problems at home can harm your career and good name in society. There may be disappointments due to dissatisfaction with both home and work. Your behavior irritates your bosses, parents, and family. It is difficult for you to understand your subconscious impulses, so inevitably awakened by the behavior of those around you. You express your thoughts and feelings too openly, so those around you try to avoid you or are very wary. Despite your strong attachment to home and family, you may well turn away from them if it comes to your own professional success and the security of your social position. Popularity is not easy for you, sometimes you can become notorious in connection with some negative events or incidents.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and in action. The mood will probably change very quickly. Rich imagination, intuitive abilities, original fantasy, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected changes of mood. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Possible - a tendency to obstinacy, eccentricity, whims, irritability.
The child considers his mother to be one of a kind, different from other mothers. May perceive her mother as unreliable in providing protection and assistance. One day his mother may be available to him, and the next day she is inaccessible. A mother should strive for harmony with her child.

No Monster. Aspects

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but unexpected, inexplicable actions, perverted emotions. They abandon one thing to do something else, even more adventurous. Often - unhappy life circumstances, generally a tendency to accidents. Violations in the family. A strong desire to abandon the past.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, square: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological variability, and imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive; there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often for no apparent reason. The most insignificant reason can spoil the mood and leads to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability.
These character traits often underlie instability in family life (however, the same is often observed when planets are connected).
The connection can take on the meaning of harmonious and disharmonious aspects depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Square of the Moon: It is necessary to distinguish people whose souls are asleep from those whose souls have already flown away.
The square of the Moon gives great internal difficulties associated with the Planetary principle, especially when it is perceived. For example, the Moon - Mars square gives a feeling of rudeness and aggression of the outside world in situations where this is not even remotely similar, and vice versa, a person can be aggressive and cruel without noticing it. The square of the Moon makes the ego programs associated with the Planet convex and visible: a person really wants to egoistically consume its principle, but the circumstances of external and internal life are such that he cannot do this, resulting in severe frustration, resentment towards the world, and an underconsumption complex etc. This person has many sharp internal corners in the spheres of the Planetary principle, he constantly trips over them, and the more he feels sorry for himself, the worse he becomes. The karmic meaning of this square, however, lies not in straightforward asceticism and rejection of the principle of the Planet (this can sometimes lead to illness), but in a detailed and thorough study of the subconscious programs corresponding to the Planet, highlighting the egocentric and evolutionary-constructive components in them and establishing an adequate diet : the problem of the square of the Moon lies, in particular, in the fact that the ego wants to eat, directing itself, the vibrations of the Planet entirely, but it succeeds poorly, or, if the Moon is significantly stronger than the Planet, a strong profanation of the latter occurs. For example, the Moon - Venus square can make a person a ruthless consumer of the opposite sex, who is subconsciously perceived (at least in love) as unconditionally primitive and rude, and develop respect (i.e., a skill that prevents conscious and subconscious profanity) for It can be very difficult for someone of the other gender. Elaboration gives a good understanding and subtlety in relation to the Planetary principle, as well as a vision of its operation in the subconscious of others, which gives good teaching abilities in relevant areas; for example, a well-developed Sun-Moon square is an aspect of a class teacher or a primary school teacher.
Square of Uranus: Average talent craves a moment of inspiration, great talent craves a moment of respite from it.
The squares of the higher planets give the effect of fate, which is useless to fight, or, more precisely, harmful, since a person can very seriously ruin the life of himself (and those around him) by incorrect behavior in the spheres of the Planet standing in the square to the highest one. However, a person chooses a way of relating to what is happening and a way of seeing it, the so-called point of view: both the point where he looks and the point from where, i.e., being in what positions, he looks, and this choice mainly determines his elaboration squares of the higher planets and, therefore, fate within the framework of world karma.
For example, the Venus-Uranus square gives not only an irresistible tendency to eccentric and uncontrollable social behavior in the most inappropriate conditions for this, but also the inability to love a partner for a long time, who does not change in any way over time - the person becomes inexpressibly bored. However, in this regard, you can change partners once a month, or you can change your point of view on a given instance every day, discovering something fundamentally new in it, although the second option is much more difficult.
In general, the square of Uranus gives the Planet genius on the verge of the norm (sometimes on the other side of it), but it can be very difficult to constructively implement Uranian ideas and revelations. A person needs to try to understand the meaning of his eccentricity, learn to read the Uranian signs in Planetary manifestations, and then he will begin to partially see the complex pattern of karma swirling around him, and, perhaps, will reveal to the world something hitherto unprecedented, incomprehensible and impossible, but no less, real. The manifestations of the square of Uranus cannot be understood - you can only get used to them and learn to use them somehow, but, with all the success and effectiveness of their applications, a person will have the impression that he is shooting sparrows from a cannon, and a target worthy of Uranus remains invisible. The square of Uranus provides wonderful opportunities to put a spoke in the wheels of others, and if a person sets himself the goal of hindering evil and involutionary programs, he can become very inventive in this. Unfortunately, more often this square is used, on the contrary, to disturb the evolutionary flow, creating turbulence in it, i.e. karmic knots, in which, of course, the creativity of the Absolute is manifested, but the person through whom this creativity is realized becomes a black teacher. However, for the fate of a particular person, it is not indifferent at what level and how this black teaching occurs, in the role of a critic, informer or executioner, therefore one should be attentive to the manifestations of the square of Uranus, since here minor accents (including the internal relation to what is happening) can have a far greater impact ongoing consequences.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

Causes illness due to nervous strain and accidents. Nervous breakdowns. That is, she barked - Uranus worked. Vitality – zero, no pulse, no breathing and blood pressure 100/200. These Uranian things, they very, very weaken a person. It’s better to give a pumpkin to your counterpart and quietly get off at the nearest stop. Accidents are all recorded in Uranus.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but strong emotional perversity, unexpected, inexplicable moods. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Often unfortunate, higher circumstances - accidents associated with the unexpected poor health, public and natural disasters, or an unstable home situation, frequent changes of residence. Extremely harmful disturbances in the family. Often friends excite feelings or vice versa. They are looking for the unusual, the spiritually stimulating. They always look at the world with new eyes, a strong desire to abandon the old, the past, which creates excitement.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Impulsivity, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, excitability, imbalance, tendency to extremes in judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, desire to immediately satisfy one’s desires, lack of patience and endurance, tendency to break up, self-will, willfulness, tendency to suicide. In men - divorces, inconstancy in affection, in women - miscarriages.
Positive side– the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the fight against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit.

The square of the Moon and Uranus imparts a feeling of discomfort and instability to the native. It is not easy for such a person to relax and come into a state of balance, since , which is responsible for well-being and mood, is affected by the evil luminary - Uranus.

Meanwhile, this aspect enhances intuition and gives a person the gift of foresight. The intense interaction of planets indicates heightened sensitivity. The intuitive insights and signs that the owner of the horoscope receives from space give him the opportunity to prepare in advance for future events.

Aspect and its influence on a person’s character and behavior

A person with a square of the Moon and Uranus often seems restless, impulsive and too tense to others. He can get agitated over any little thing, and his irritability, fussiness and fickleness push people away from him.

The positive qualities of the owner of the horoscope are friendliness, high social activity, open life position and sincerity. Such people besides high level erudition and original thinking and may have unusual talents and ingenuity.

Another one distinguishing feature such a person is a love of freedom. He will not allow his rights to be limited in any way. Such people are ready to fight and defend both their interests and the rights of others.

Square Moon – Uranus in a man’s natal chart

If in a man’s birth chart there is a square between the marriage significator Moon and Uranus, then this indicates that in his personal life there is often a situation of instability. In youth, the native, as a rule, exhibits inconstancy of feelings and attachments. In relationships, he demonstrates independence, and a woman who tries to tie him to herself is deprived of her friend status.

Meanwhile, the owner of the aspect is distinguished by friendliness, originality and sociability, and therefore there are many like-minded women around him. Relationships with your chosen one will develop if she creates an atmosphere of creativity and freedom for a man, and also does not encroach on his personal space.

Square Moon – Uranus in a woman’s natal chart

If in a woman’s radix there is a tense aspect between the Moon and Uranus, then the owner of the horoscope will be distinguished by impatience, willfulness and obstinacy. She doesn't like it most when her desires and initiatives are suppressed. Often such women leave their parents' nest early in order to gain independence and live the way they want. They are greatly influenced by their friends and the team in which they are located.

There may be many unexpected events and unfavorable changes in the life of the owner of a horoscope. You should be attentive to your women's health. In particular, there may be problems with bearing a child.

Square Moon – Uranus in the children's horoscope

A child whose birth chart contains a square between the Moon and Uranus must be given complete freedom of action. He enjoys doing what interests him, and the imposition by adults of necessary but boring activities causes protest in such a child.

Let parents not be afraid of the child’s whims, nervousness and high sensitivity. Playful teaching methods, a friendly atmosphere and sincere support from adults - all this will help to establish contact with the child and establish a successful educational process.

Moon and Uranus in different zodiac signs

The square of the Moon and Uranus is a destabilizing aspect, but if the Moon is strong in quality, then the harmfulness of the aspect will be minimized. An interesting example a square formed by the Moon in Taurus and Uranus in Aquarius can serve as a guide. In this case, both luminaries are strong, and therefore the owner of the horoscope will be successful in several areas at the same time.

Firstly, despite frequent life changes, his greatest joy will be home, family and children. The strong will give the support of friends. Intelligent and social activity will bring success to the native.

Planets and important points of the horoscope

< >Aspects

You can find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of.

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but strong emotional perversity, unexpected, inexplicable moods. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Often unfortunate, higher circumstances - accidents associated with unexpected poor health, social and natural disasters, or an unstable home situation, frequent changes of residence. Extremely harmful disturbances in the family. Often friends excite feelings or vice versa. They are looking for the unusual, the spiritually stimulating. They always look at the world with new eyes, a strong desire to abandon the old, the past, which creates excitement.

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and in action. The mood will probably change very quickly. Rich imagination, intuitive abilities, original fantasy, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected changes of mood. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Possible - a tendency to obstinacy, eccentricity, whims, irritability.
The child considers his mother to be one of a kind, different from other mothers. May perceive her mother as unreliable in providing protection and assistance. One day his mother may be available to him, and the next day she is inaccessible. A mother should strive for harmony with her child.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of.

Impulsivity, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, excitability, imbalance, tendency to extremes in judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, desire to immediately satisfy one’s desires, lack of patience and endurance, tendency to break up, self-will, willfulness, tendency to suicide. In men - divorces, inconstancy in affections, in women - miscarriages.
The positive side is the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the fight against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Opposition, square: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological variability, and imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive; there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often for no apparent reason. The most insignificant reason can spoil the mood and leads to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability.
These character traits often underlie instability in family life (however, the same is often observed when planets are connected).
The connection can take on the meaning of harmonious and disharmonious aspects depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect.

No Monster. Aspects of.

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but unexpected, inexplicable actions, perverted emotions. They abandon one thing to do something else, even more adventurous. Often - unhappy life circumstances, generally a tendency to accidents. Violations in the family. A strong desire to abandon the past.

K.V. Villager. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

They indicate great intellectual abilities, combined with persistent stubbornness, fanaticism and high emotional tension. They are found in restless, easily vulnerable and impulsive people. They need to learn to reach compromises in relationships with others and control their unusual emotionality, if only in order to resolve a number of problems in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. Often such people often change their place of residence, their behavior is so changeable that others have difficulty understanding them.
Such a person is characterized by frequent deviations from norms in behavior, excessive romanticism, combined with a strange perversion of taste, nervousness and a combination of revolutionary spirit. In general, these aspects are unfavorable for home affairs and family life, as they indicate a combination of eccentricity and a tendency to disappointment, as well as the possibility of sudden falling in love and starting love affairs. The professional life of such a person is full of surprises, and family life constantly presents all kinds of surprises of a medical, sexual and financial nature. Such a person should behave very carefully on the water, beware of electric shocks and not succumb to attacks of jealousy. Mental well-being is the key to physical health for him.
Often such people are involved in accidents of various kinds. It’s just that they themselves are so restless and curious that they need constant eventual shocks and vivid emotional impressions. They are not inclined to adhere to certain principles; their ideological and behavioral attitudes are quite difficult to determine. Their moods are sometimes inexplicable; they tend to give up some things and move on to others, and at the most undesirable times.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects of.

Square of the Moon: It is necessary to distinguish people whose souls are asleep from those whose souls have already flown away.
The square of the Moon gives great internal difficulties associated with the Planetary principle, especially when it is perceived. For example, the Moon - Mars square gives a feeling of rudeness and aggression of the outside world in situations where this is not even remotely similar, and vice versa, a person can be aggressive and cruel without noticing it. The square of the Moon makes the ego programs associated with the Planet convex and visible: a person really wants to egoistically consume its principle, but the circumstances of external and internal life are such that he cannot do this, resulting in severe frustration, resentment towards the world, and an underconsumption complex etc. This person has many sharp internal corners in the spheres of the Planetary principle, he constantly trips over them, and the more he feels sorry for himself, the worse he becomes. The karmic meaning of this square, however, lies not in straightforward asceticism and rejection of the principle of the Planet (this can sometimes lead to illness), but in a detailed and thorough study of the subconscious programs corresponding to the Planet, highlighting the egocentric and evolutionary-constructive components in them and establishing an adequate diet : the problem of the square of the Moon lies, in particular, in the fact that the ego wants to eat, directing itself, the vibrations of the Planet entirely, but it succeeds poorly, or, if the Moon is significantly stronger than the Planet, a strong profanation of the latter occurs. For example, the Moon - Venus square can make a person a ruthless consumer of the opposite sex, who is subconsciously perceived (at least in love) as unconditionally primitive and rude, and develop respect (i.e., a skill that prevents conscious and subconscious profanity) for It can be very difficult for someone of the other gender. Elaboration gives a good understanding and subtlety in relation to the Planetary principle, as well as a vision of its operation in the subconscious of others, which gives good teaching abilities in relevant areas; for example, a well-developed Sun-Moon square is an aspect of a class teacher or a primary school teacher.
Square of Uranus: Average talent craves a moment of inspiration, great talent craves a moment of respite from it.
The squares of the higher planets give the effect of fate, which is useless to fight, or, more precisely, harmful, since a person can very seriously ruin the life of himself (and those around him) by incorrect behavior in the spheres of the Planet standing in the square to the highest one. However, a person chooses a way of relating to what is happening and a way of seeing it, the so-called point of view: both the point where he looks and the point from where, i.e., being in what positions, he looks, and this choice mainly determines his elaboration squares of the higher planets and, therefore, fate within the framework of world karma.
For example, the Venus-Uranus square gives not only an irresistible tendency to eccentric and uncontrollable social behavior in the most inappropriate conditions for this, but also the inability to love a partner for a long time, who does not change in any way over time - the person becomes inexpressibly bored. However, in this regard, you can change partners once a month, or you can change your point of view on a given instance every day, discovering something fundamentally new in it, although the second option is much more difficult.
In general, the square of Uranus gives the Planet genius on the verge of the norm (sometimes on the other side of it), but it can be very difficult to constructively implement Uranian ideas and revelations. A person needs to try to understand the meaning of his eccentricity, learn to read the Uranian signs in Planetary manifestations, and then he will begin to partially see the complex pattern of karma swirling around him, and, perhaps, will reveal to the world something hitherto unprecedented, incomprehensible and impossible, but no less, real. The manifestations of the square of Uranus cannot be understood - you can only get used to them and learn to use them somehow, but, with all the success and effectiveness of their applications, a person will have the impression that he is shooting sparrows from a cannon, and a target worthy of Uranus remains invisible. The square of Uranus provides wonderful opportunities to put a spoke in the wheels of others, and if a person sets himself the goal of hindering evil and involutionary programs, he can become very inventive in this. Unfortunately, more often this square is used, on the contrary, to disturb the evolutionary flow, creating turbulence in it, i.e. karmic knots, in which, of course, the creativity of the Absolute is manifested, but the person through whom this creativity is realized becomes a black teacher. However, for the fate of a particular person, it is not indifferent at what level and how this black teaching occurs, in the role of a critic, informer or executioner, therefore one should be attentive to the manifestations of the square of Uranus, since here minor accents (including the internal relation to what is happening) can have a far greater impact ongoing consequences.